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Carbon - S0335 (b7e9880a-7a7c-4162-bddb-e28e8ef2bf1f)

Carbon is a sophisticated, second-stage backdoor and framework that can be used to steal sensitive information from victims. Carbon has been selectively used by Turla to target government and foreign affairs-related organizations in Central Asia.(Citation: ESET Carbon Mar 2017)(Citation: Securelist Turla Oct 2018)

Cluster A Galaxy A Cluster B Galaxy B Level
Carbon - S0335 (b7e9880a-7a7c-4162-bddb-e28e8ef2bf1f) Malware System Network Connections Discovery - T1049 (7e150503-88e7-4861-866b-ff1ac82c4475) Attack Pattern 1
Carbon - S0335 (b7e9880a-7a7c-4162-bddb-e28e8ef2bf1f) Malware Process Discovery - T1057 (8f4a33ec-8b1f-4b80-a2f6-642b2e479580) Attack Pattern 1
Carbon - S0335 (b7e9880a-7a7c-4162-bddb-e28e8ef2bf1f) Malware Remote System Discovery - T1018 (e358d692-23c0-4a31-9eb6-ecc13a8d7735) Attack Pattern 1
Carbon - S0335 (b7e9880a-7a7c-4162-bddb-e28e8ef2bf1f) Malware Deobfuscate/Decode Files or Information - T1140 (3ccef7ae-cb5e-48f6-8302-897105fbf55c) Attack Pattern 1
Carbon - S0335 (b7e9880a-7a7c-4162-bddb-e28e8ef2bf1f) Malware Windows Service - T1543.003 (2959d63f-73fd-46a1-abd2-109d7dcede32) Attack Pattern 1
Carbon - S0335 (b7e9880a-7a7c-4162-bddb-e28e8ef2bf1f) Malware Web Protocols - T1071.001 (df8b2a25-8bdf-4856-953c-a04372b1c161) Attack Pattern 1
Local Data Staging - T1074.001 (1c34f7aa-9341-4a48-bfab-af22e51aca6c) Attack Pattern Carbon - S0335 (b7e9880a-7a7c-4162-bddb-e28e8ef2bf1f) Malware 1
Scheduled Task - T1053.005 (005a06c6-14bf-4118-afa0-ebcd8aebb0c9) Attack Pattern Carbon - S0335 (b7e9880a-7a7c-4162-bddb-e28e8ef2bf1f) Malware 1
Dynamic-link Library Injection - T1055.001 (f4599aa0-4f85-4a32-80ea-fc39dc965945) Attack Pattern Carbon - S0335 (b7e9880a-7a7c-4162-bddb-e28e8ef2bf1f) Malware 1
Carbon - S0335 (b7e9880a-7a7c-4162-bddb-e28e8ef2bf1f) Malware Exfiltration Over Unencrypted Non-C2 Protocol - T1048.003 (fb8d023d-45be-47e9-bc51-f56bcae6435b) Attack Pattern 1
Carbon - S0335 (b7e9880a-7a7c-4162-bddb-e28e8ef2bf1f) Malware System Time Discovery - T1124 (f3c544dc-673c-4ef3-accb-53229f1ae077) Attack Pattern 1
Non-Application Layer Protocol - T1095 (c21d5a77-d422-4a69-acd7-2c53c1faa34b) Attack Pattern Carbon - S0335 (b7e9880a-7a7c-4162-bddb-e28e8ef2bf1f) Malware 1
Carbon - S0335 (b7e9880a-7a7c-4162-bddb-e28e8ef2bf1f) Malware Permission Groups Discovery - T1069 (15dbf668-795c-41e6-8219-f0447c0e64ce) Attack Pattern 1
Carbon - S0335 (b7e9880a-7a7c-4162-bddb-e28e8ef2bf1f) Malware Obfuscated Files or Information - T1027 (b3d682b6-98f2-4fb0-aa3b-b4df007ca70a) Attack Pattern 1
Query Registry - T1012 (c32f7008-9fea-41f7-8366-5eb9b74bd896) Attack Pattern Carbon - S0335 (b7e9880a-7a7c-4162-bddb-e28e8ef2bf1f) Malware 1
Carbon - S0335 (b7e9880a-7a7c-4162-bddb-e28e8ef2bf1f) Malware Asymmetric Cryptography - T1573.002 (bf176076-b789-408e-8cba-7275e81c0ada) Attack Pattern 1
Carbon - S0335 (b7e9880a-7a7c-4162-bddb-e28e8ef2bf1f) Malware System Network Configuration Discovery - T1016 (707399d6-ab3e-4963-9315-d9d3818cd6a0) Attack Pattern 1
Carbon - S0335 (b7e9880a-7a7c-4162-bddb-e28e8ef2bf1f) Malware Web Service - T1102 (830c9528-df21-472c-8c14-a036bf17d665) Attack Pattern 1
Create or Modify System Process - T1543 (106c0cf6-bf73-4601-9aa8-0945c2715ec5) Attack Pattern Windows Service - T1543.003 (2959d63f-73fd-46a1-abd2-109d7dcede32) Attack Pattern 2
Application Layer Protocol - T1071 (355be19c-ffc9-46d5-8d50-d6a036c675b6) Attack Pattern Web Protocols - T1071.001 (df8b2a25-8bdf-4856-953c-a04372b1c161) Attack Pattern 2
Local Data Staging - T1074.001 (1c34f7aa-9341-4a48-bfab-af22e51aca6c) Attack Pattern Data Staged - T1074 (7dd95ff6-712e-4056-9626-312ea4ab4c5e) Attack Pattern 2
Scheduled Task - T1053.005 (005a06c6-14bf-4118-afa0-ebcd8aebb0c9) Attack Pattern Scheduled Task/Job - T1053 (35dd844a-b219-4e2b-a6bb-efa9a75995a9) Attack Pattern 2
Dynamic-link Library Injection - T1055.001 (f4599aa0-4f85-4a32-80ea-fc39dc965945) Attack Pattern Process Injection - T1055 (43e7dc91-05b2-474c-b9ac-2ed4fe101f4d) Attack Pattern 2
Exfiltration Over Unencrypted Non-C2 Protocol - T1048.003 (fb8d023d-45be-47e9-bc51-f56bcae6435b) Attack Pattern Exfiltration Over Alternative Protocol - T1048 (a19e86f8-1c0a-4fea-8407-23b73d615776) Attack Pattern 2
Asymmetric Cryptography - T1573.002 (bf176076-b789-408e-8cba-7275e81c0ada) Attack Pattern Encrypted Channel - T1573 (b8902400-e6c5-4ba2-95aa-2d35b442b118) Attack Pattern 2