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Threat Matrix for storage services

Microsoft Defender for Cloud threat matrix for storage services contains attack tactics, techniques and mitigations relevant storage services delivered by cloud providers.

Authors and/or Contributors
Evgeny Bogokovsky
Ram Pliskin

MS-T801 - Storage account discovery

Attackers may execute active reconnaissance scans to gather storage account names that becomes a potential target. Active scans are those where the adversary probes victim infrastructure via network traffic, as opposed to other forms of reconnaissance that do not involve direct interaction.

Internal MISP references

UUID 106eb589-71e3-58a1-a37e-916cdc902414 which can be used as unique global reference for MS-T801 - Storage account discovery in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy

External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key Value
external_id MS-T801
kill_chain ['TMSS-tactics:Reconnaissance']
Related clusters

To see the related clusters, click here.

MS-T804 - Search engines

Attackers may use search engines to collect information about victim storage accounts that can be used during targeting. Search engine services typical crawl online sites to index context and may provide users with specialized syntax to search for specific keywords such as storage accounts domain names (site:*

Internal MISP references

UUID 044be881-7476-5fbe-a760-bdf9cf949cab which can be used as unique global reference for MS-T804 - Search engines in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy

External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key Value
external_id MS-T804
kill_chain ['TMSS-tactics:Reconnaissance']

MS-T803 - Databases of publicly available storage accounts

Attackers may search public databases for publicly available storage accounts that can be used during targeting.

Internal MISP references

UUID ef3d435e-8ca6-5864-a882-e7b092870719 which can be used as unique global reference for MS-T803 - Databases of publicly available storage accounts in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy

External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key Value
external_id MS-T803
kill_chain ['TMSS-tactics:Reconnaissance']
Related clusters

To see the related clusters, click here.

MS-T826 - DNS/Passive DNS

Attackers may search for DNS data for valid storage account names that can become potential targets. Threat actors can query nameservers using brute-force technique to enumerate existing storage accounts in the wild, or search through centralized repositories of logged DNS query responses (known as passive DNS).

Internal MISP references

UUID e5b2e210-fedb-5651-bb82-484e9f0dfde8 which can be used as unique global reference for MS-T826 - DNS/Passive DNS in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy

External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key Value
external_id MS-T826
kill_chain ['TMSS-tactics:Reconnaissance']

MS-T805 - Victim-owned websites

Attackers may look for storage accounts of a victim enterprise by searching its websites. Victim-owned website pages may be stored on a storage account or contain links to retrieve data stored in a storage account. The links contain the URL of the storage and provide an entry point into the account.

Internal MISP references

UUID 53e65db3-5177-56fc-ae07-088c9919463e which can be used as unique global reference for MS-T805 - Victim-owned websites in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy

External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key Value
external_id MS-T805
kill_chain ['TMSS-tactics:Reconnaissance']
Related clusters

To see the related clusters, click here.

MS-T814 - Valid SAS token

A shared access signature (SAS) is a token, that is appended to the a uniform resource identifier (URI) for a storage resource, that grants restricted access rights over the associated resource in your storage account. Attackers may get a SAS token using one of the Credential Access techniques or during the reconnaissance process through social engineering.

Internal MISP references

UUID 1900b9ba-0b3c-5ad7-bdd0-ac8c40a8da0a which can be used as unique global reference for MS-T814 - Valid SAS token in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy

External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key Value
external_id MS-T814
kill_chain ['TMSS-tactics:Initial Access']

MS-T815 - Valid shared key

Attackers may get a shared key using one of Credential Access techniques or capture one earlier in their reconnaissance process through social engineering to gain initial access. Adversaries may leverage keys left in source code or configuration files. Sophisticated attackers may also obtain keys from hosts (virtual machines) that have mounted File Share on their system (SMB). Shared key provides unrestricted permissions over all data plane operations.

Internal MISP references

UUID 3348438e-9ed7-5aa3-b60b-8c97075c0550 which can be used as unique global reference for MS-T815 - Valid shared key in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy

External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key Value
external_id MS-T815
kill_chain ['TMSS-tactics:Initial Access']

MS-T816 - Authorized principal account

Attackers may steal account credentials using one of the credential access techniques or capture an account earlier in their reconnaissance process through social engineering to gain initial access. An authorized principal account can result in full control of storage account resources.

Internal MISP references

UUID ad800a27-4d29-58f4-962e-f3b01acea800 which can be used as unique global reference for MS-T816 - Authorized principal account in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy

External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key Value
external_id MS-T816
kill_chain ['TMSS-tactics:Initial Access']

MS-T817 - Anonymous public read access

Attackers may leverage publicly exposed storage accounts to list containers/blobs and their properties. Azure Storage supports optional anonymous public read access for containers and blobs. By default, anonymous access to your data is never permitted. Unless you explicitly enable anonymous access, all requests to a container and its blobs must be authorized. When you configure a container's public access level setting to permit anonymous access, clients can read data in that container without authorizing the request.

Internal MISP references

UUID 3e5fba42-41c6-54ff-8977-e9f861f9e039 which can be used as unique global reference for MS-T817 - Anonymous public read access in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy

External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key Value
external_id MS-T817
kill_chain ['TMSS-tactics:Initial Access']

MS-T825 - SFTP credentials

Attackers may obtain and abuse credentials of an SFTP account as a means of gaining initial access. SFTP is a prevalent file transfer protocol between a client and a remote service. Once the user connects to the cloud storage service, the user can upload and download blobs and perform other operations that are supported by the protocol. SFTP connection requires SFTP accounts which are managed locally in the storage service instance, including credentials in a form of passwords or key-pairs.

Internal MISP references

UUID abc4f207-7149-54cb-baa8-685506759e03 which can be used as unique global reference for MS-T825 - SFTP credentials in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy

External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key Value
external_id MS-T825
kill_chain ['TMSS-tactics:Initial Access']

MS-T827 - NFS access

Attackers may perform initial access to a storage account using NFS protocol where enabled. While access is restricted to a list of allowed virtual networks that are configured on the storage account firewall, connection via NFS protocol does not require authentication and can be performed by any source on the specified networks.

Internal MISP references

UUID 6b17039c-ec8b-54af-8363-232d5acef0e3 which can be used as unique global reference for MS-T827 - NFS access in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy

External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key Value
external_id MS-T827
kill_chain ['TMSS-tactics:Initial Access']

MS-T828 - SMB access

Attackers may perform initial access to a storage account file shares using Server Message Block (SMB) protocol.

Internal MISP references

UUID 2ede6cb7-2d42-577d-814d-a767b0dccf83 which can be used as unique global reference for MS-T828 - SMB access in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy

External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key Value
external_id MS-T828
kill_chain ['TMSS-tactics:Initial Access']

MS-T840 - Object replication

Attackers may set a replication policy between source and destination containers that asynchronously copies objects from source to destination. This feature can be maliciously misused in both directions. Outbound replication can serve as an exfiltration channel of customer data from the victim's container to an adversary's container. Inbound replication can be used to deliver malware from an adversary's container to a victim's container. After the policy is set, the attacker can operate on their container without accessing the victim container.

Internal MISP references

UUID 8fdc8739-5b51-51c8-b290-f94a3bd07271 which can be used as unique global reference for MS-T840 - Object replication in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy

External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key Value
external_id MS-T840
kill_chain ['TMSS-tactics:Initial Access', 'TMSS-tactics:Exfiltration']
Related clusters

To see the related clusters, click here.

MS-T813 - Firewall and virtual networks configuratioin changes

Attackers may disable firewall protection or set additional firewall rules to masquerade their access channel. Azure Storage offers a set of built-in network access features. Administrators can leverage these capabilities to restrict access to storage resources. Restriction rules can operate at the IP level or VNet IDs. When network rules are configured, only requests originated from authorized subnets will be served.

Internal MISP references

UUID a608566b-99bc-523c-9e7c-0e220fe2c972 which can be used as unique global reference for MS-T813 - Firewall and virtual networks configuratioin changes in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy

External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key Value
external_id MS-T813
kill_chain ['TMSS-tactics:Persistence', 'TMSS-tactics:Defense Evasion']

MS-T808 - Role-based access control permission

Storage services offer built-in RBAC roles that encompass sets of permissions used to access different data types. Definition of custom roles is also supported. Upon assignment of an RBAC role to an identity object (like Azure AD security principal) the storage provider grants access to that security principal. Attackers may leverage the RBAC mechanism to ensure persistent access to their owned identity objects.

Internal MISP references

UUID bf27614e-18ca-5ab0-add4-610777067754 which can be used as unique global reference for MS-T808 - Role-based access control permission in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy

External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key Value
external_id MS-T808
kill_chain ['TMSS-tactics:Persistence', 'TMSS-tactics:Defense Evasion']

MS-T806 - Create SAS token

Attackers may create a high-privileged SAS token with long expiry to preserve valid credentials for a long period. The tokens are not monitored by storage accounts thus they cannot be revoked (except Service SAS) and it's not easy to determine whether there are valid tokens in the wild until they are used.

Internal MISP references

UUID 5eefa8fc-0ae5-57f1-9a65-389186e25ca4 which can be used as unique global reference for MS-T806 - Create SAS token in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy

External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key Value
external_id MS-T806
kill_chain ['TMSS-tactics:Persistence']

MS-T807 - Container access level property

Attackers may adjust the container access level property at the granularity of a blob or container, to permit anonymous read access to data in the storage account. This configuration secures a channel to exfiltrate data even if the initial access technique is no longer valid.

Internal MISP references

UUID 17061b42-9706-5594-9ac2-2b9dd2150649 which can be used as unique global reference for MS-T807 - Container access level property in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy

External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key Value
external_id MS-T807
kill_chain ['TMSS-tactics:Persistence']

MS-T809 - SFTP account

Attackers may create an SFTP account to maintain access to a target storage account. The SFTP account is local on the storage instance and is not subject to Azure RBAC permissions. The account is also unaffected in case of storage account access keys rotation.

Internal MISP references

UUID a31f49b0-5c72-577a-9f73-198daa685f17 which can be used as unique global reference for MS-T809 - SFTP account in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy

External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key Value
external_id MS-T809
kill_chain ['TMSS-tactics:Persistence']

MS-T830 - Trusted Azure services

Attackers may configure the storage account firewall to allow access by trusted Azure services. Azure Storage provides a predefined list of trusted services. Any resource from that list that belongs to the same subscription as the storage account is allowed by the firewall even if there is no firewall rule that explicitly permits the source address of the resource.

Internal MISP references

UUID c78756dd-1bb7-5145-bb82-8268b55d1996 which can be used as unique global reference for MS-T830 - Trusted Azure services in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy

External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key Value
external_id MS-T830
kill_chain ['TMSS-tactics:Persistence']

MS-T829 - Trusted access based on a managed identity

Attackers may configure the storage account firewall to allow access by specific resource instances based on their system-assigned managed identity, regardless of their source address. The resource type can be chosen from a predefined list provided by Azure Storage, and the resource instance must be in the same tenant as the storage account. The RBAC permissions of the resource instance determine the types of operations that a resource instance can perform on storage account data.

Internal MISP references

UUID 0f60104b-65bd-5ca4-8286-d83c6310d5b0 which can be used as unique global reference for MS-T829 - Trusted access based on a managed identity in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy

External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key Value
external_id MS-T829
kill_chain ['TMSS-tactics:Persistence']

MS-T812 - Private endpoint

Attackers may set private endpoints for a storage account to establish a separate communication channel from a target virtual network. The new endpoint is assigned with a private IP address within the virtual network's address range. All the requests sent to the private endpoint bypass the storage account firewall by design.

Internal MISP references

UUID b57fb931-e898-59f2-b456-fefce5e19e99 which can be used as unique global reference for MS-T812 - Private endpoint in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy

External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key Value
external_id MS-T812
kill_chain ['TMSS-tactics:Persistence', 'TMSS-tactics:Defense Evasion']

MS-T841 - Storage data clone

Storage services offer different types of cloning or backup data stored on them. Attackers may abuse these built-in capabilities to steal sensitive documents, source code, credentials, and other business crucial information.

Internal MISP references

UUID 1581f347-b5bf-5237-b4cf-9005fbe0fcf6 which can be used as unique global reference for MS-T841 - Storage data clone in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy

External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key Value
external_id MS-T841
kill_chain ['TMSS-tactics:Defense Evasion']

MS-T831 - Data transfer size limits

Attackers may fragment stolen information and exfiltrate it on different size chunks to avoid being detected by triggering potentially predefined transfer threshold alerts.

Internal MISP references

UUID 30de37bf-a416-5f25-8396-a2af42ff437a which can be used as unique global reference for MS-T831 - Data transfer size limits in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy

External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key Value
external_id MS-T831
kill_chain ['TMSS-tactics:Defense Evasion', 'TMSS-tactics:Exfiltration']
Related clusters

To see the related clusters, click here.

MS-T832 - Automated exfiltration

Attackers may exploit legitimate automation processes, predefined by the compromised organization, with the goal of having their logging traces blend in normally within the company’s typical activities. Assimilating or disguising malicious intentions will keep adversary actions, such as data theft, stealthier.

Internal MISP references

UUID f4a35b50-b56b-5663-8a84-e2235cee712f which can be used as unique global reference for MS-T832 - Automated exfiltration in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy

External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key Value
external_id MS-T832
kill_chain ['TMSS-tactics:Defense Evasion', 'TMSS-tactics:Exfiltration']
Related clusters

To see the related clusters, click here.

MS-T810 - Disable audit logs

Attackers may disable storage account audit logs to prevent event tracking and avoid detection. Audit logs provide a detailed record of operations performed on a target storage account and may be used to detect malicious activities. Thus, disabling these logs can leave a resource vulnerable to attacks without being detected.

Internal MISP references

UUID ef893695-23f7-5f90-9135-9c50a259abe1 which can be used as unique global reference for MS-T810 - Disable audit logs in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy

External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key Value
external_id MS-T810
kill_chain ['TMSS-tactics:Defense Evasion']

MS-T811 - Disable cloud workload protection

Attackers may disable the cloud workload protection service which raises security alerts upon detection of malicious activities in cloud storage services.

Internal MISP references

UUID 14af4a95-e84c-52fb-80ac-0f3aeb13a643 which can be used as unique global reference for MS-T811 - Disable cloud workload protection in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy

External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key Value
external_id MS-T811
kill_chain ['TMSS-tactics:Defense Evasion']

MS-T833 - Operations across geo replicas

Attackers may split their requests across geo replicas to reduce the footprint in each region and avoid being detected by various rules and heuristics.

Internal MISP references

UUID 7853ec1a-6440-5119-a719-0cee735f3034 which can be used as unique global reference for MS-T833 - Operations across geo replicas in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy

External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key Value
external_id MS-T833
kill_chain ['TMSS-tactics:Defense Evasion']

MS-T818 - Access key query

Attackers may leverage subscription/account-level access to gather storage account keys and use these keys to authenticate at the resource level. This technique exhibits cloud resource pivoting in combination with control management and data planes. Adversaries can query management APIs to fetch primary and secondary storage account keys.

Internal MISP references

UUID 06735c35-4f9d-5ba4-9f05-7d087eac2e84 which can be used as unique global reference for MS-T818 - Access key query in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy

External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key Value
external_id MS-T818
kill_chain ['TMSS-tactics:Credential Access']
Related clusters

To see the related clusters, click here.

MS-T834 - Cloud shell profiles

Cloud Shell is an interactive, authenticated, browser-accessible shell for managing cloud resources. It provides the flexibility of shell experience, either Bash or PowerShell. To support the Cloud Shell promise of being accessible from everywhere, Cloud Shell profiles and session history are saved on storage account. Attackers may leverage the legitimate use of Cloud Shell to impersonate account owners and potentially obtain additional secrets logged as part of session history.

Internal MISP references

UUID cf858945-94ff-5d2d-ab02-bfe15626d8b3 which can be used as unique global reference for MS-T834 - Cloud shell profiles in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy

External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key Value
external_id MS-T834
kill_chain ['TMSS-tactics:Credential Access']

MS-T819 - Unsecured communication channel

Attackers may sniff network traffic and capture credentials sent over an insecure protocol. When Storage account is configured to support unencrypted protocol such as HTTP, credentials are passed over the wire unprotected and are susceptible to leakage. The attacker can use the compromised credentials to gain initial access to the storage account.

Internal MISP references

UUID 37baec71-2c4e-5904-94c4-5bf1c88623b6 which can be used as unique global reference for MS-T819 - Unsecured communication channel in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy

External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key Value
external_id MS-T819
kill_chain ['TMSS-tactics:Credential Access']
Related clusters

To see the related clusters, click here.

MS-T820 - Storage service discovery

Attackers may leverage access permission to explore the stored objects in the storage account. Tools witnessed, at the reconnaissance phase, are oftentimes used toward this post-compromise information-gathering objective, now with authorization to access storage APIs, such as the List Blobs call.

Internal MISP references

UUID 559ab713-b18f-5649-ab34-608a1f00a663 which can be used as unique global reference for MS-T820 - Storage service discovery in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy

External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key Value
external_id MS-T820
kill_chain ['TMSS-tactics:Discovery']

MS-T835 - Account configuration discovery

Attackers may leverage control plane access permission to retrieve the storage account configuration. The configuration contains various technical details that may assist the attacker in implementing a variety of tactics. For example, firewall configuration provides network access information. Other parameters may reveal whether access operations are logged. The configuation may also contain the backup policy that may assist the attacker in performing data destruction.

Internal MISP references

UUID a58c9198-8b41-5d88-b856-ee48801b3a79 which can be used as unique global reference for MS-T835 - Account configuration discovery in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy

External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key Value
external_id MS-T835
kill_chain ['TMSS-tactics:Discovery']

MS-T821 - Malicious content upload

Attackers may use storage services to store a malicious program or toolset that will be executed at later times during their operation. In addition, adversaries may exploit the trust between users and their organization’s Storage services by storing phishing content. Furthermore, storage services can be leveraged to park gathered intelligence that will be exfiltrated when terms suit the actor group.

Internal MISP references

UUID 23539a72-5e00-5775-8f7d-24f364dd5bb7 which can be used as unique global reference for MS-T821 - Malicious content upload in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy

External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key Value
external_id MS-T821
kill_chain ['TMSS-tactics:Lateral Movement']

MS-T822 - Malware distribution

Storage services offer different types of mechanisms to support auto-synchronization between various resources and the storage account. Attackers may leverage access to the storage account to upload malware and benefit from the auto-sync built-in capabilities to have their payload being populated and potentially weaponize multiple systems.

Internal MISP references

UUID a7100316-2a71-5b74-a2f2-a2529c08598c which can be used as unique global reference for MS-T822 - Malware distribution in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy

External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key Value
external_id MS-T822
kill_chain ['TMSS-tactics:Lateral Movement']

MS-T823 - Trigger cross-service interaction

Attackers may manipulate storage services to trigger a compute service, like Azure Functions, where an attacker already has a foothold on a storage container and can inject a blob that will initiate a chain of a compute process. This may allow an attacker to infiltrate another resource and cause harm.

Internal MISP references

UUID f9d6b919-6fe3-59ea-81a3-cbac0daacfa5 which can be used as unique global reference for MS-T823 - Trigger cross-service interaction in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy

External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key Value
external_id MS-T823
kill_chain ['TMSS-tactics:Lateral Movement']

MS-T824 - Code injection

Same is applicable for data blobs or files which may be eventually processed on a host by a legitimate application with software vulnerabilities. Attackers may tamper benign data with a payload that exploits a vulnerability on a user's end and execute a malicious code.

Internal MISP references

UUID ac060220-18b4-5757-9f5c-2fd43f2d2f61 which can be used as unique global reference for MS-T824 - Code injection in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy

External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key Value
external_id MS-T824
kill_chain ['TMSS-tactics:Lateral Movement']

MS-T836 - Static website

Attackers may use the "static website" feature to exfiltrate collected data outside of the storage account. Static website is a cloud storage provider hosting capability that enables serving static web content directly from the storage account. The website can be reached via an alternative web endpoint which might be overlooked when restricting access to the storage account.

Internal MISP references

UUID ae3a9c3e-3316-5165-bc98-a1df76acdee2 which can be used as unique global reference for MS-T836 - Static website in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy

External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key Value
external_id MS-T836
kill_chain ['TMSS-tactics:Exfiltration']

MS-T839 - Data corruption

Attackers may corrupt or delete data stored on storage services to disrupt the availability of systems or other lines of business.

Internal MISP references

UUID 561d0cdd-ded3-5f52-b542-afd43ca5ca09 which can be used as unique global reference for MS-T839 - Data corruption in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy

External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key Value
external_id MS-T839
kill_chain ['TMSS-tactics:Impact']

MS-T838 - Data encryption for impact (Ransomware)

Attackers may encrypt data stored on storage services to disrupt the availability of systems or other lines of business. Making resources inaccessible by encrypting files or blobs and withholding access to a decryption key. This may be done to extract monetary compensation from a victim in exchange for decryption or a decryption key (ransomware).

Internal MISP references

UUID 7e243d46-1e08-51ff-af85-cb80f02c7e41 which can be used as unique global reference for MS-T838 - Data encryption for impact (Ransomware) in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy

External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key Value
external_id MS-T838
kill_chain ['TMSS-tactics:Impact']

MS-T837 - Data manipulation

Attackers may insert or modify data in order to influence external outcomes, thus threatening the integrity of the data. By manipulating data, adversaries may attempt to affect a business process, organizational understanding, or decision making. The type of modification and the impact it will have depends on the target application and process as well as the goals and objectives of the adversary.

Internal MISP references

UUID f0556667-5e4e-51f9-a92c-9e92193d141a which can be used as unique global reference for MS-T837 - Data manipulation in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy

External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key Value
external_id MS-T837
kill_chain ['TMSS-tactics:Impact']