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MISP Galaxy Statistics

Cluster statistics

Number of clusters

Here you can find the total number of clusters including public and private clusters.The number of public clusters has been calculated based on the number of unique Clusters in the MISP galaxy JSON files. The number of private clusters could only be approximated based on the number of relations to non-existing clusters. Therefore the number of private clusters is not accurate and only an approximation.

No. Type Count
1 Public clusters 36949
2 Private clusters 512

Galaxy statistics

Galaxies with the most clusters

No. Galaxy Count
1 UKHSA Culture Collections 6638
2 Firearms 5953
3 Tidal References 4261
4 Malpedia 3038
5 Sigma-Rules 2901
6 NAICS 2125
7 Ransomware 1784
8 Attack Pattern 1141
9 Tidal Software 1003
10 Malware 705
11 Threat Actor 701
12 Tool 603
13 Intelligence Agencies 436
14 Android 433
15 Ammunitions 409
16 Techniques 376
17 Course of Action 281
18 SoD Matrix 276
19 RAT 265
20 Country 252

Galaxies with the least clusters

No. Galaxy Count
1 online-service 1
2 Levels 3
3 Entity 4
4 Cryptominers 5
5 Cert EU GovSector 6
6 Assets 7
7 Tea Matrix 7
8 Tactics 9
9 Groups 10
10 TDS 11
11 Branded Vulnerability 14
12 Tidal Tactic 14
13 Stealer 16
14 Software 17
15 Dark Patterns 19
16 MITRE ATLAS Course of Action 20
17 Preventive Measure 20
18 FIRST DNS Abuse Techniques Matrix 21
19 Producer 22
20 Election guidelines 23

Relation statistics

Here you can find the total number of relations including public and private relations. The number includes relations between public clusters and relations between public and private clusters. Therefore relatons between private clusters are not included in the statistics.

Number of relations

No. Type Count
1 Public relations 372112
2 Private relations 95040

Average number of relations per cluster: 12

Cluster with the most relations

No. Cluster Count
1 Lazarus - APT-C-26 915
2 ScarCruft - APT-C-28 915
3 Diamond Sleet 915
4 Sapphire Sleet 915
5 Lazarus group 915
6 Lazarus Group - G0032 915
7 APT38 - G0082 915
8 APT37 - G0067 915
9 Lazarus Group 915
10 APT37 915
11 Operation Sharpshooter 915
12 UNC2452 - G0118 848
13 GoldFinder 848
14 Sibot 848
17 Midnight Blizzard 847
18 APT29 - G0016 847
19 Notion 847
20 APT29 847

Cluster with the least relations

No. Cluster Count
1 CIA - APT-C-39 0
2 黄金鼠 - APT-C-27 0
3 黄金雕 - APT-C-34 0
4 盲眼鹰 - APT-C-36 0
5 毒针 - APT-C-31 0
6 ArmaRat - APT-C-33 0
7 军刀狮 - APT-C-38 0
8 拍拍熊 - APT-C-37 0
9 人面狮 - APT-C-15 0
10 美人鱼 - APT-C-07 0
11 双尾蝎 - APT-C-23 0
12 蓝宝菇 - APT-C-12 0
13 毒云藤 - APT-C-01 0
14 肚脑虫 - APT-C-35 0
15 蔓灵花 - APT-C-08 0
16 潜行者 - APT-C-30 0
17 Turla - APT-C-29 0
18 飞鲨 - APT-C-17 0
19 方程式 - APT-C-40 0
20 腾云蛇 - APT-C-61 0

Synonym statistics

Cluster with the most synonyms

No. Cluster Count
1 Lazarus Group 39
2 APT28 26
3 Turla 25
4 APT29 17
6 APT29 - G0016 16
7 DarkHotel 16
8 APT32 16
9 APT41 16
10 JCrypt 15
11 APT15 15
12 APT37 15
13 APT19 14
14 APT27 14
15 Sandworm 14
16 APT40 14
17 APT10 13
18 OilRig 13
19 Gamaredon Group 13
20 APT28 - G0007 12