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Function: Vulnerability report receipt (951ffc54-483f-5484-8ce4-53dd30534e6a)

Effective intake of vulnerability reports requires mechanisms and processes to receive the reports from constituents, stakeholders, and third parties (finders, researchers, vendors, PSIRTs, other CSIRTs or vulnerability coordinators, etc.). Vulnerability information may include affected devices, conditions necessary to exploit the vulnerability, impact (e.g., privilege escalation, data access, etc.), as well as actions taken to resolve the vulnerability, remediation and/or mitigation steps, and resolution. Occasionally, vulnerability information may be received jointly as part of the input to other services, most notably the Information Security Incident Report Intake (e.g., if a vulnerability is reported to be exploited as part of an incident report).

Cluster A Galaxy A Cluster B Galaxy B Level
Service: Vulnerability report intake (e3226442-c563-51ef-9a89-76041f970fec) FIRST CSIRT Services Framework Function: Vulnerability report receipt (951ffc54-483f-5484-8ce4-53dd30534e6a) FIRST CSIRT Services Framework 1