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Function: Ad hoc measures and containment (33646116-25db-59e4-b1a6-c40d96432797)

The immediate challenge in case of an information security incident is to stop it from spreading. While systems are compromised or malware is active on end user systems, further data losses and more compromises occur. It is usually the main objective of attacks to reach out to specific data and systems, including attacks (including but not limited to lateral movements) to other organizations both inside and outside the organization suffering from the information security incident. Stopping or at least limiting the extent of any malicious activities or further losses requires short-term actions such as blocking or filtering traffic and removing access to specific services or systems, and can also result in the disconnection of critical systems. Denying further access to potentially critical evidence data will allow a full analysis of such evidence. Denying further access to other systems and networks will also limit the exposure from liability as a result of damage done to other organizations. Stopping immediate damage and limiting the extent of malicious activity through short-term tactical actions (for example, blocking or filtering traffic) can also involve regaining control of systems. As long as attackers or active malware have ready access to more systems or networks, no return to normal operation will be possible.

Cluster A Galaxy A Cluster B Galaxy B Level
Function: Ad hoc measures and containment (33646116-25db-59e4-b1a6-c40d96432797) FIRST CSIRT Services Framework Service: Mitigation and recovery (d153b816-a767-5bc6-9d78-89f6f49dc11a) FIRST CSIRT Services Framework 1