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DangerAds (e7628f0e-e4ae-4dde-988b-07e93a4c20e3)

This is a loader Trojan used by AtlasCross in this activity. Its main function is to detect the host environment and execute a built-in shellcode in its own process, and then the shellcode loads and runs subsequent Trojan programs. DangerAds writes major malicious code to the .NET dll program’s HelpText method, so it starts when an external program invokes Help from that dll program. It should be noted that the user name and local domain name of the host will be collected before the main malicious functions of DangerAds are executed, and subsequent codes will be executed only when one of these two names contains the keyword “danger” or “ads-wcf”. Therefore, it can be judged that this attack is a targeted attack against the domain or user name containing “ads-wcf”. The main body of DangerAds malicious code will determine the number of program version bits and selectively decrypt and execute an x86 or x64 shellcode. DangerAds uses multi-byte XOR for decryption, while shellcode is loaded directly in the process. In the shellcode stage, DangerAds uses a set of open-source scheme sRDI ( to load and execute DLL programs. The shellcode finally loads the attached DLL program at its tail and calls the export function EnumWinEvent. The DLL program loaded by this shellcode is the AtlasAgent Trojan developed by AtlasCross.

Cluster A Galaxy A Cluster B Galaxy B Level
AtlasCross (32eebd31-5e0f-4fb9-b478-26ff4e48aaf4) Threat Actor DangerAds (e7628f0e-e4ae-4dde-988b-07e93a4c20e3) Tool 1
DangerAds (e7628f0e-e4ae-4dde-988b-07e93a4c20e3) Tool AtlasAgent (f162df7a-725b-40ef-add2-43ce74eb50a4) Tool 1
AtlasCross (32eebd31-5e0f-4fb9-b478-26ff4e48aaf4) Threat Actor AtlasAgent (f162df7a-725b-40ef-add2-43ce74eb50a4) Tool 2