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WEBC2-UGX (d155c213-02bd-4992-a410-a541a1c1eb40)

A WEBC2 backdoor is designed to retrieve a Web page from a pre-determined C2 server. It expects the Web page to contain special HTML tags; the backdoor will attempt to interpret the data between the tags as commands. Members of this family of malware provide remote command shell and remote file download and execution capabilities. The malware downloads a web page containing a crafted HTML comment that subsequently contains an encoded command. The contents of this command tell the malware whether to download and execute a program, launch a reverse shell to a specific host and port number, or to sleep for a period of time.

Cluster A Galaxy A Cluster B Galaxy B Level
WebC2-UGX (b459033c-2d19-49aa-a21f-44a01d1a4156) Malpedia WEBC2-UGX (d155c213-02bd-4992-a410-a541a1c1eb40) Tool 1