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STARSYPOUND (d0220108-48d7-4056-babc-189048f37a59)

STARSYPOUND provides an interactive remote shell over an obfuscated communications channel. When it is first run, it loads a string (from the executable PE resource section) containing the beacon IP address and port. The malware sends the beacon string "(SY)# " to the remote system, where is the hostname of the victim system. The remote host responds with a packet that also begins with the string "(SY)# cmd". This causes the malware to launch a new cmd.exe child process. Further communications are forwarded to the cmd.exe child process to execute. The commands sent to the shell and their responses are obfuscated when sent over the network.

Cluster A Galaxy A Cluster B Galaxy B Level
STARSYPOUND (d0220108-48d7-4056-babc-189048f37a59) Tool StarsyPound (6df9bbd4-ab32-4d09-afdb-97eed274520a) Malpedia 1