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COMpfun (b2c2d42b-a6a3-4ab0-a013-eb1c7461aca9)

The COMpfun malware was initially documented by G-DATA in 2014. Although G-DATA didn’t identify which actor was using this malware, Kaspersky tentatively linked it to the Turla APT, based on the victimology. Our telemetry indicates that the current campaign using Reductor started at the end of April 2019 and remained active at the time of writing (August 2019). We identified targets in Russia and Belarus.

Cluster A Galaxy A Cluster B Galaxy B Level
COMpfun (541d5642-0648-4b5a-97b9-81110f273771) Malpedia COMpfun (b2c2d42b-a6a3-4ab0-a013-eb1c7461aca9) Tool 1