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Colibri Loader (63615901-dd49-4541-801f-327a6963c88b)

Colibri Loader is a piece of malware that first appeared on underground forums in August 2021 and was advertised to “people who have large volumes of traffic and lack of time to work out the material“. As it names suggests, it is meant to deliver and manage payloads onto infected computers.

Cluster A Galaxy A Cluster B Galaxy B Level
Colibri Loader (63615901-dd49-4541-801f-327a6963c88b) Tool Mars Stealer (64e51712-89d6-4c91-98ac-8907eafe98c6) Stealer 1
Oski Stealer (54b61c7e-8ced-4b90-a295-62102bfd4f32) Stealer Mars Stealer (64e51712-89d6-4c91-98ac-8907eafe98c6) Stealer 2