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GOLDDRAGON (170c57a6-326b-4d6a-9f3f-158a0e29abf2)

GOLDDRAGON is a downloader written in C that retrieves a payload from a remote server via HTTP. The downloaded payload is written to disk and executed. GOLDDRAGON also extracts a payload from a Hangul Word Processor document and writes it to a startup directory. As a result, the new file is executed when the current user logs in. Availability: Non-public

Cluster A Galaxy A Cluster B Galaxy B Level
GoldDragon (2297799c-f93c-4903-b9af-32b6b599912c) Malpedia GOLDDRAGON (170c57a6-326b-4d6a-9f3f-158a0e29abf2) Tool 1
APT43 (aac49b4e-74e9-49fa-84f9-e340cf8bafbc) Threat Actor GOLDDRAGON (170c57a6-326b-4d6a-9f3f-158a0e29abf2) Tool 1