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BLACKCOFFEE (e85e2fca-9347-4448-bfc1-342f29d5d6a1)

BLACKCOFFEE is malware that has been used by several Chinese groups since at least 2013. [FireEye APT17] [FireEye Periscope March 2018]

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©2015-2025 Max Guglielmi
Cluster A Galaxy A Cluster B Galaxy B Level
APT17 (5f083251-f5dc-459a-abfc-47a1aa7f5094) Tidal Groups BLACKCOFFEE (e85e2fca-9347-4448-bfc1-342f29d5d6a1) Tidal Software 1
BLACKCOFFEE (e85e2fca-9347-4448-bfc1-342f29d5d6a1) Tidal Software APT41 (502223ee-8947-42f8-a532-a3b3da12b7d9) Tidal Groups 1
BLACKCOFFEE (e85e2fca-9347-4448-bfc1-342f29d5d6a1) Tidal Software Leviathan (eadd78e3-3b5d-430a-b994-4360b172c871) Tidal Groups 1