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Cobalt Strike Random C2 Profile Generator (cf47b3ce-1392-4904-a4e6-f65aebebddc6)

This is an open-source tool for creating Cobalt Strike Malleable C2 profiles with randomly generated variables.[GitHub random_c2_profile] According to a September 2023 CERT-FR advisory, during an intrusion in March 2023, actors attributed to FIN12 used the tool to generate a Cobalt Strike malleable C2 profile.[CERTFR-2023-CTI-007]

Cluster A Galaxy A Cluster B Galaxy B Level
Cobalt Strike Random C2 Profile Generator (cf47b3ce-1392-4904-a4e6-f65aebebddc6) Tidal Software FIN12 (6d6ed42c-760c-4964-a81e-1d4df06a8800) Tidal Groups 1