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Forfiles (c6dc67a6-587d-4700-a7de-bee043a0031a)

Forfiles is a Windows utility commonly used in batch jobs to execute commands on one or more selected files or directories (ex: list all directories in a drive, read the first line of all files created yesterday, etc.). Forfiles can be executed from either the command line, Run window, or batch files/scripts. [Microsoft Forfiles Aug 2016]

Cluster A Galaxy A Cluster B Galaxy B Level
Forfiles (c6dc67a6-587d-4700-a7de-bee043a0031a) Tidal Software APT28 (5b1a5b9e-4722-41fc-a15d-196a549e3ac5) Tidal Groups 1
Forfiles (c6dc67a6-587d-4700-a7de-bee043a0031a) Tidal Software Lazarus Group (0bc66e95-de93-4de7-b415-4041b7191f08) Tidal Groups 1