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SocGholish (ab84f259-9b9a-51d8-a68a-2bcd7512d760)

SocGholish is a JavaScript-based loader malware that has been used since at least 2017. It has been observed in use against multiple sectors globally for initial access, primarily through drive-by-downloads masquerading as software updates. SocGholish is operated by Mustard Tempest and its access has been sold to groups including Indrik Spider for downloading secondary RAT and ransomware payloads.[SentinelOne SocGholish Infrastructure November 2022][SocGholish-update][Red Canary SocGholish March 2024][Secureworks Gold Prelude Profile]

Cluster A Galaxy A Cluster B Galaxy B Level
Mustard Tempest (0898e7cb-118e-5eeb-b856-04e56ed18182) Tidal Groups SocGholish (ab84f259-9b9a-51d8-a68a-2bcd7512d760) Tidal Software 1