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Findstr (a62634f8-8f42-4874-9669-bea2e053dfea)

This object contains information sourced from the Living Off The Land Binaries, Scripts and Libraries (LOLBAS) project, which is licensed under GNU General Public License v3.0.

Description: Write to ADS, discover, or download files with Findstr.exe

Author: Oddvar Moe

Paths: * C:\Windows\System32\findstr.exe * C:\Windows\SysWOW64\findstr.exe

Resources: * *

Detection: * Sigma: proc_creation_win_lolbin_findstr.yml[Findstr.exe - LOLBAS Project]

Cluster A Galaxy A Cluster B Galaxy B Level
Earth Lusca (646e35d2-75de-4c1d-8ad3-616d3e155c5e) Tidal Groups Findstr (a62634f8-8f42-4874-9669-bea2e053dfea) Tidal Software 1
Chimera (ca93af75-0ffa-4df4-b86a-92d4d50e496e) Tidal Groups Findstr (a62634f8-8f42-4874-9669-bea2e053dfea) Tidal Software 1