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NetSupport (96ecdb59-b047-4557-b2a7-c9712e8c903b)

NetSupport is a legitimate utility that has been long-used for remote management and monitoring (RMM) purposes. In recent years, it has been heavily abused by threat actors for maintaining persistent remote access to victim systems.[The DFIR Report NetSupport October 30 2023]

Cluster A Galaxy A Cluster B Galaxy B Level
NetSupport (96ecdb59-b047-4557-b2a7-c9712e8c903b) Tidal Software Private Cluster (ee2da206-2532-44e3-a343-d66e9bfdbca0) Unknown 1
NetSupport (96ecdb59-b047-4557-b2a7-c9712e8c903b) Tidal Software Black Basta Affiliates (7f52cadb-7a12-4b9d-9290-1ef02123fbe4) Tidal Groups 1