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sqlmap (96c224a6-6ca4-4ac1-9990-d863ec5a317a)

sqlmap is an open source penetration testing tool that can be used to automate the process of detecting and exploiting SQL injection flaws. [sqlmap Introduction]

Cluster A Galaxy A Cluster B Galaxy B Level
Ajax Security Team (e38bcb42-12c1-4202-a794-ec26cd830caa) Tidal Groups sqlmap (96c224a6-6ca4-4ac1-9990-d863ec5a317a) Tidal Software 1
sqlmap (96c224a6-6ca4-4ac1-9990-d863ec5a317a) Tidal Software APT41 (502223ee-8947-42f8-a532-a3b3da12b7d9) Tidal Groups 1