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Tor (8c70d85b-b06d-423c-8bab-ecff18f332d6)

Tor is a software suite and network that provides increased anonymity on the Internet. It creates a multi-hop proxy network and utilizes multilayer encryption to protect both the message and routing information. Tor utilizes "Onion Routing," in which messages are encrypted with multiple layers of encryption; at each step in the proxy network, the topmost layer is decrypted and the contents forwarded on to the next node until it reaches its destination. [Dingledine Tor The Second-Generation Onion Router]

Cluster A Galaxy A Cluster B Galaxy B Level
Tor (8c70d85b-b06d-423c-8bab-ecff18f332d6) Tidal Software Leviathan (eadd78e3-3b5d-430a-b994-4360b172c871) Tidal Groups 1
Tor (8c70d85b-b06d-423c-8bab-ecff18f332d6) Tidal Software Bl00dy Ransomware Gang (393da13e-016c-41a3-9d89-b33173adecbf) Tidal Groups 1
Tor (8c70d85b-b06d-423c-8bab-ecff18f332d6) Tidal Software Cyber Toufan (42a7c134-c574-430b-8105-bf7a00e742ae) Tidal Groups 1
Tor (8c70d85b-b06d-423c-8bab-ecff18f332d6) Tidal Software BlackCat Ransomware Actors & Affiliates (33159d02-a1ce-49ec-a381-60b069db66f7) Tidal Groups 1
Tor (8c70d85b-b06d-423c-8bab-ecff18f332d6) Tidal Software APT28 (5b1a5b9e-4722-41fc-a15d-196a549e3ac5) Tidal Groups 1
Tor (8c70d85b-b06d-423c-8bab-ecff18f332d6) Tidal Software INC Ransom (8957f42d-a069-542b-bce6-3059a2fa0f2e) Tidal Groups 1
Tor (8c70d85b-b06d-423c-8bab-ecff18f332d6) Tidal Software Scattered Spider (3d77fb6c-cfb4-5563-b0be-7aa1ad535337) Tidal Groups 1
Tor (8c70d85b-b06d-423c-8bab-ecff18f332d6) Tidal Software APT29 (4c3e48b9-4426-4271-a7af-c3dfad79f447) Tidal Groups 1