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More_eggs (69f202e7-4bc9-4f4f-943f-330c053ae977)

More_eggs is a JScript backdoor used by Cobalt Group and FIN6. Its name was given based on the variable "More_eggs" being present in its code. There are at least two different versions of the backdoor being used, version 2.0 and version 4.4. [Talos Cobalt Group July 2018][Security Intelligence More Eggs Aug 2019]

Cluster A Galaxy A Cluster B Galaxy B Level
FIN6 (fcaadc12-7c17-4946-a9dc-976ed610854c) Tidal Groups More_eggs (69f202e7-4bc9-4f4f-943f-330c053ae977) Tidal Software 1
Cobalt Group (58db02e6-d908-47c2-bc82-ed58ada61331) Tidal Groups More_eggs (69f202e7-4bc9-4f4f-943f-330c053ae977) Tidal Software 1
More_eggs (69f202e7-4bc9-4f4f-943f-330c053ae977) Tidal Software Evilnum (4bdc62c9-af6a-4377-8431-58a6f39235dd) Tidal Groups 1