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PCHunter (591acc39-1218-4710-aadc-150ae6475ee3)

PCHunter is a tool used to enable advanced task management, including for system processes and kernels.[U.S. CISA Understanding LockBit June 2023]

Galaxy ColorsTidal Grou...Tidal Soft...
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©2015-2025 Max Guglielmi
Cluster A Galaxy A Cluster B Galaxy B Level
Akira Ransomware Actors (Deprecated) (0fcb2205-e75b-46c9-ac54-00f218d5e331) Tidal Groups PCHunter (591acc39-1218-4710-aadc-150ae6475ee3) Tidal Software 1
LockBit Ransomware Actors & Affiliates (d0f3353c-fbdd-4bd5-8793-a42e1f319b59) Tidal Groups PCHunter (591acc39-1218-4710-aadc-150ae6475ee3) Tidal Software 1
Akira (923f478c-7ad1-516f-986d-61f96b9c553e) Tidal Groups PCHunter (591acc39-1218-4710-aadc-150ae6475ee3) Tidal Software 1