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Latrodectus (413585a2-00d1-532d-953a-bc5c86f4767f)

Latrodectus is a Windows malware downloader that has been used since at least 2023 to download and execute additional payloads and modules. Latrodectus has most often been distributed through email campaigns, primarily by TA577 and TA578, and has infrastructure overlaps with historic IcedID operations.[Latrodectus APR 2024][Bleeping Computer Latrodectus April 2024][Bitsight Latrodectus June 2024]

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©2015-2025 Max Guglielmi
Cluster A Galaxy A Cluster B Galaxy B Level
Latrodectus (413585a2-00d1-532d-953a-bc5c86f4767f) Tidal Software TA578 (b47551ba-8036-5527-abba-fed787c854a5) Tidal Groups 1
Latrodectus (413585a2-00d1-532d-953a-bc5c86f4767f) Tidal Software TA577 (e1e72810-4661-54c7-b05e-859128fb327d) Tidal Groups 1