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AADInternals (3d33fbf5-c21e-4587-ba31-9aeec3cc10c0)

AADInternals is a PowerShell-based framework for administering, enumerating, and exploiting Azure Active Directory. The tool is publicly available on GitHub.[AADInternals Github][AADInternals Documentation]

Cluster A Galaxy A Cluster B Galaxy B Level
AADInternals (3d33fbf5-c21e-4587-ba31-9aeec3cc10c0) Tidal Software Storm-0501 (de72d564-6487-4cf3-be3e-0a961cf15d5d) Tidal Groups 1
AADInternals (3d33fbf5-c21e-4587-ba31-9aeec3cc10c0) Tidal Software APT29 (4c3e48b9-4426-4271-a7af-c3dfad79f447) Tidal Groups 1