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Invoke-PSImage (2200a647-3312-44c0-9691-4a26153febbb)

Invoke-PSImage takes a PowerShell script and embeds the bytes of the script into the pixels of a PNG image. It generates a one liner for executing either from a file of from the web. Example of usage is embedding the PowerShell code from the Invoke-Mimikatz module and embed it into an image file. By calling the image file from a macro for example, the macro will download the picture and execute the PowerShell code, which in this case will dump the passwords. [GitHub Invoke-PSImage]

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Invoke-PSImage (2200a647-3312-44c0-9691-4a26153febbb) Tidal Software Sandworm Team (16a65ee9-cd60-4f04-ba34-f2f45fcfc666) Tidal Groups 1