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WorldWind (d410b534-07a4-4190-b253-f6616934bea6)

Prynt Stealer variant that appear to be written by the same author. It is nearly identical to Prynt Stealer with a few minor differences. While Prynt Stealer is the most popular brand name for selling the malware, WorldWind payloads are the most commonly observed in-the-wild.

Cluster A Galaxy A Cluster B Galaxy B Level
Prynt Stealer (8f5a452a-4056-4004-bc9a-4c11cb8cf2b4) Stealer WorldWind (d410b534-07a4-4190-b253-f6616934bea6) Stealer 1
DarkEye (46bff4ad-09fe-4ac5-803e-daa3b73e3aaf) Stealer WorldWind (d410b534-07a4-4190-b253-f6616934bea6) Stealer 1
Prynt Stealer (8f5a452a-4056-4004-bc9a-4c11cb8cf2b4) Stealer DarkEye (46bff4ad-09fe-4ac5-803e-daa3b73e3aaf) Stealer 2