Hide Navigation Hide TOC Remote CHM File Download/Execution Via HH.EXE (f57c58b3-ee69-4ef5-9041-455bf39aaa89) Detects the usage of "hh.exe" to execute/download remotely hosted ".chm" files. Cluster A Galaxy A Cluster B Galaxy B Level Remote CHM File Download/Execution Via HH.EXE (f57c58b3-ee69-4ef5-9041-455bf39aaa89) Sigma-Rules Compiled HTML File - T1218.001 (a6937325-9321-4e2e-bb2b-3ed2d40b2a9d) Attack Pattern 1 System Binary Proxy Execution - T1218 (457c7820-d331-465a-915e-42f85500ccc4) Attack Pattern Compiled HTML File - T1218.001 (a6937325-9321-4e2e-bb2b-3ed2d40b2a9d) Attack Pattern 2