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Print History File Contents (d7821ff1-4527-4e33-9f84-d0d57fa2fb66)

Detects events in which someone prints the contents of history files to the commandline or redirects it to a file for reconnaissance

Cluster A Galaxy A Cluster B Galaxy B Level
Client Configurations - T1592.004 (774ad5bb-2366-4c13-a8a9-65e50b292e7c) Attack Pattern Print History File Contents (d7821ff1-4527-4e33-9f84-d0d57fa2fb66) Sigma-Rules 1
Gather Victim Host Information - T1592 (09312b1a-c3c6-4b45-9844-3ccc78e5d82f) Attack Pattern Client Configurations - T1592.004 (774ad5bb-2366-4c13-a8a9-65e50b292e7c) Attack Pattern 2