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Suspicious Program Location Whitelisted In Firewall Via Netsh.EXE (a35f5a72-f347-4e36-8895-9869b0d5fc6d)

Detects Netsh command execution that whitelists a program located in a suspicious location in the Windows Firewall

Cluster A Galaxy A Cluster B Galaxy B Level
Disable or Modify System Firewall - T1562.004 (5372c5fe-f424-4def-bcd5-d3a8e770f07b) Attack Pattern Suspicious Program Location Whitelisted In Firewall Via Netsh.EXE (a35f5a72-f347-4e36-8895-9869b0d5fc6d) Sigma-Rules 1
Disable or Modify System Firewall - T1562.004 (5372c5fe-f424-4def-bcd5-d3a8e770f07b) Attack Pattern Impair Defenses - T1562 (3d333250-30e4-4a82-9edc-756c68afc529) Attack Pattern 2