Hide Navigation Hide TOC NTLM Logon (98c3bcf1-56f2-49dc-9d8d-c66cf190238b) Detects logons using NTLM, which could be caused by a legacy source or attackers Cluster A Galaxy A Cluster B Galaxy B Level Pass the Hash - T1550.002 (e624264c-033a-424d-9fd7-fc9c3bbdb03e) Attack Pattern NTLM Logon (98c3bcf1-56f2-49dc-9d8d-c66cf190238b) Sigma-Rules 1 Pass the Hash - T1550.002 (e624264c-033a-424d-9fd7-fc9c3bbdb03e) Attack Pattern Use Alternate Authentication Material - T1550 (51a14c76-dd3b-440b-9c20-2bf91d25a814) Attack Pattern 2