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Potential Persistence Via Excel Add-in - Registry (961e33d1-4f86-4fcf-80ab-930a708b2f82)

Detect potential persistence via the creation of an excel add-in (XLL) file to make it run automatically when Excel is started.

Galaxy ColorsAttack Pat...Sigma-Rule...
Rows: 2
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TableFilter v0.7.2
©2015-2025 Max Guglielmi
Cluster A Galaxy A Cluster B Galaxy B Level
Add-ins - T1137.006 (34f1d81d-fe88-4f97-bd3b-a3164536255d) Attack Pattern Potential Persistence Via Excel Add-in - Registry (961e33d1-4f86-4fcf-80ab-930a708b2f82) Sigma-Rules 1
Add-ins - T1137.006 (34f1d81d-fe88-4f97-bd3b-a3164536255d) Attack Pattern Office Application Startup - T1137 (2c4d4e92-0ccf-4a97-b54c-86d662988a53) Attack Pattern 2