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Creation Of An User Account (759d0d51-bc99-4b5e-9add-8f5b2c8e7512)

Detects the creation of a new user account. Such accounts may be used for persistence that do not require persistent remote access tools to be deployed on the system.

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TableFilter v0.7.2
©2015-2025 Max Guglielmi
Cluster A Galaxy A Cluster B Galaxy B Level
Local Account - T1136.001 (635cbe30-392d-4e27-978e-66774357c762) Attack Pattern Creation Of An User Account (759d0d51-bc99-4b5e-9add-8f5b2c8e7512) Sigma-Rules 1
Local Account - T1136.001 (635cbe30-392d-4e27-978e-66774357c762) Attack Pattern Create Account - T1136 (e01be9c5-e763-4caf-aeb7-000b416aef67) Attack Pattern 2