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EVTX Created In Uncommon Location (65236ec7-ace0-4f0c-82fd-737b04fd4dcb)

Detects the creation of new files with the ".evtx" extension in non-common or non-standard location. This could indicate tampering with default EVTX locations in order to evade security controls or simply exfiltration of event log to search for sensitive information within. Note that backup software and legitimate administrator might perform similar actions during troubleshooting.

Cluster A Galaxy A Cluster B Galaxy B Level
EVTX Created In Uncommon Location (65236ec7-ace0-4f0c-82fd-737b04fd4dcb) Sigma-Rules Disable Windows Event Logging - T1562.002 (4eb28bed-d11a-4641-9863-c2ac017d910a) Attack Pattern 1
Impair Defenses - T1562 (3d333250-30e4-4a82-9edc-756c68afc529) Attack Pattern Disable Windows Event Logging - T1562.002 (4eb28bed-d11a-4641-9863-c2ac017d910a) Attack Pattern 2