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Mailbox Export to Exchange Webserver (516376b4-05cd-4122-bae0-ad7641c38d48)

Detects a successful export of an Exchange mailbox to untypical directory or with aspx name suffix which can be used to place a webshell or the needed role assignment for it

Cluster A Galaxy A Cluster B Galaxy B Level
Web Shell - T1505.003 (5d0d3609-d06d-49e1-b9c9-b544e0c618cb) Attack Pattern Mailbox Export to Exchange Webserver (516376b4-05cd-4122-bae0-ad7641c38d48) Sigma-Rules 1
Server Software Component - T1505 (d456de47-a16f-4e46-8980-e67478a12dcb) Attack Pattern Web Shell - T1505.003 (5d0d3609-d06d-49e1-b9c9-b544e0c618cb) Attack Pattern 2