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Network Connection Initiated To Visual Studio Code Tunnels Domain (4b657234-038e-4ad5-997c-4be42340bce4)

Detects network connections to Visual Studio Code tunnel domains initiated by a process on a system. Attackers can abuse that feature to establish a reverse shell or persistence on a machine.

Cluster A Galaxy A Cluster B Galaxy B Level
Network Connection Initiated To Visual Studio Code Tunnels Domain (4b657234-038e-4ad5-997c-4be42340bce4) Sigma-Rules Exfiltration to Code Repository - T1567.001 (86a96bf6-cf8b-411c-aaeb-8959944d64f7) Attack Pattern 1
Exfiltration to Code Repository - T1567.001 (86a96bf6-cf8b-411c-aaeb-8959944d64f7) Attack Pattern Exfiltration Over Web Service - T1567 (40597f16-0963-4249-bf4c-ac93b7fb9807) Attack Pattern 2