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Suspicious Keyboard Layout Load (34aa0252-6039-40ff-951f-939fd6ce47d8)

Detects the keyboard preload installation with a suspicious keyboard layout, e.g. Chinese, Iranian or Vietnamese layout load in user session on systems maintained by US staff only

Cluster A Galaxy A Cluster B Galaxy B Level
Suspicious Keyboard Layout Load (34aa0252-6039-40ff-951f-939fd6ce47d8) Sigma-Rules Tool - T1588.002 (a2fdce72-04b2-409a-ac10-cc1695f4fce0) Attack Pattern 1
Obtain Capabilities - T1588 (ce0687a0-e692-4b77-964a-0784a8e54ff1) Attack Pattern Tool - T1588.002 (a2fdce72-04b2-409a-ac10-cc1695f4fce0) Attack Pattern 2