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Disable Windows Event Logging Via Registry (2f78da12-f7c7-430b-8b19-a28f269b77a3)

Detects tampering with the "Enabled" registry key in order to disable Windows logging of a Windows event channel

Cluster A Galaxy A Cluster B Galaxy B Level
Disable Windows Event Logging Via Registry (2f78da12-f7c7-430b-8b19-a28f269b77a3) Sigma-Rules Disable Windows Event Logging - T1562.002 (4eb28bed-d11a-4641-9863-c2ac017d910a) Attack Pattern 1
Impair Defenses - T1562 (3d333250-30e4-4a82-9edc-756c68afc529) Attack Pattern Disable Windows Event Logging - T1562.002 (4eb28bed-d11a-4641-9863-c2ac017d910a) Attack Pattern 2