Hide Navigation Hide TOC Start Windows Service Via Net.EXE (2a072a96-a086-49fa-bcb5-15cc5a619093) Detects the usage of the "net.exe" command to start a service using the "start" flag Cluster A Galaxy A Cluster B Galaxy B Level Service Execution - T1569.002 (f1951e8a-500e-4a26-8803-76d95c4554b4) Attack Pattern Start Windows Service Via Net.EXE (2a072a96-a086-49fa-bcb5-15cc5a619093) Sigma-Rules 1 System Services - T1569 (d157f9d2-d09a-4efa-bb2a-64963f94e253) Attack Pattern Service Execution - T1569.002 (f1951e8a-500e-4a26-8803-76d95c4554b4) Attack Pattern 2