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Google Workspace Application Access Level Modified (22f2fb54-5312-435d-852f-7c74f81684ca)

Detects when an access level is changed for a Google workspace application. An access level is part of BeyondCorp Enterprise which is Google Workspace's way of enforcing Zero Trust model. An adversary would be able to remove access levels to gain easier access to Google workspace resources.

Cluster A Galaxy A Cluster B Galaxy B Level
Additional Cloud Roles - T1098.003 (2dbbdcd5-92cf-44c0-aea2-fe24783a6bc3) Attack Pattern Google Workspace Application Access Level Modified (22f2fb54-5312-435d-852f-7c74f81684ca) Sigma-Rules 1
Additional Cloud Roles - T1098.003 (2dbbdcd5-92cf-44c0-aea2-fe24783a6bc3) Attack Pattern Account Manipulation - T1098 (a10641f4-87b4-45a3-a906-92a149cb2c27) Attack Pattern 2