Hide Navigation Hide TOC HackTool Named File Stream Created (19b041f6-e583-40dc-b842-d6fa8011493f) Detects the creation of a named file stream with the imphash of a well-known hack tool Cluster A Galaxy A Cluster B Galaxy B Level NTFS File Attributes - T1564.004 (f2857333-11d4-45bf-b064-2c28d8525be5) Attack Pattern HackTool Named File Stream Created (19b041f6-e583-40dc-b842-d6fa8011493f) Sigma-Rules 1 NTFS File Attributes - T1564.004 (f2857333-11d4-45bf-b064-2c28d8525be5) Attack Pattern Hide Artifacts - T1564 (22905430-4901-4c2a-84f6-98243cb173f8) Attack Pattern 2