Hide Navigation Hide TOC HackTool - Koh Default Named Pipe (0adc67e0-a68f-4ffd-9c43-28905aad5d6a) Detects creation of default named pipes used by the Koh tool Cluster A Galaxy A Cluster B Galaxy B Level Steal Application Access Token - T1528 (890c9858-598c-401d-a4d5-c67ebcdd703a) Attack Pattern HackTool - Koh Default Named Pipe (0adc67e0-a68f-4ffd-9c43-28905aad5d6a) Sigma-Rules 1 Token Impersonation/Theft - T1134.001 (86850eff-2729-40c3-b85e-c4af26da4a2d) Attack Pattern HackTool - Koh Default Named Pipe (0adc67e0-a68f-4ffd-9c43-28905aad5d6a) Sigma-Rules 1 Access Token Manipulation - T1134 (dcaa092b-7de9-4a21-977f-7fcb77e89c48) Attack Pattern Token Impersonation/Theft - T1134.001 (86850eff-2729-40c3-b85e-c4af26da4a2d) Attack Pattern 2