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Ransomware galaxy based on different sources and maintained by the MISP Project.
Authors and/or Contributors |
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1TWS238xacAto-fLKh1n5uTsdijWdCEsGIM0Y0Hvmc5g/pubhtml |
http://pastebin.com/raw/GHgpWjar |
MISP Project |
https://id-ransomware.blogspot.com/2016/07/ransomware-list.html |
ransomlook.io |
Nhtnwcuf Ransomware (Fake)
This is most likely to affect English speaking users, since the note is written in English. English is understood worldwide, thus anyone can be harmed. The hacker spread the virus using email spam, fake updates, and harmful attachments. All your files are compromised including music, MS Office, Open Office, pictures, videos, shared online files etc..
Internal MISP references
UUID 81b4e3ac-aa83-4616-9899-8e19ee3bb78b
which can be used as unique global reference for Nhtnwcuf Ransomware (Fake)
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | March 2017 |
encryption | AES |
extensions | ['RANDOM 3 LETTERS ARE ADDED'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 1(300$) |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-OkiR6pVmYUw/WMFiLGPuJhI/AAAAAAAAEME/wccYzFDIzJYWKXVxaTQeB4vM-4X6h3atgCLcB/s1600/note-nhtnwcuf.gif'] |
CryptoJacky Ransomware
This is most likely to affect English speaking users, since the note is written in English. English is understood worldwide, thus anyone can be harmed. The hacker spread the virus using email spam, fake updates, and harmful attachments. All your files are compromised including music, MS Office, Open Office, pictures, videos, shared online files etc..
Internal MISP references
UUID a8187609-329a-4de0-bda7-7823314e7db9
which can be used as unique global reference for CryptoJacky Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | March 2017 |
encryption | AES |
extensions | ['RANDOM 3 LETTERS ARE ADDED'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 250 € |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-pSmSehFx0bI/WL8Rp7RoMHI/AAAAAAAAEKw/eyfsAjikl9sDHlcjdyQeRxZsLto4hxvGwCLcB/s1600/note-1-2.png'] |
Kaenlupuf Ransomware
About: This is most likely to affect English speaking users, since the note is written in English. English is understood worldwide, thus anyone can be harmed. The hacker spread the virus using email spam, fake updates, and harmful attachments. All your files are compromised including music, MS Office, Open Office, pictures, videos, shared online files etc..
Internal MISP references
UUID b97f07c4-136a-488a-9fa0-35ab45fbfe36
which can be used as unique global reference for Kaenlupuf Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | March 2017 |
encryption | AES-128 |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 1 |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-yTOgGw5v_vo/WMBUGHN7bnI/AAAAAAAAELY/8DDyxB4pSWgje_-iVbXgy2agNty1X6D6ACLcB/s1600/C6TUfkZWAAEewi_.jpg'] |
EnjeyCrypter Ransomware
This is most likely to affect English speaking users, since the note is written in English. English is understood worldwide, thus anyone can be harmed. The hacker spread the virus using email spam, fake updates, and harmful attachments. All your files are compromised including music, MS Office, Open Office, pictures, videos, shared online files etc..
Internal MISP references
UUID e98e6b50-00fd-484e-a5c1-4b2363579447
which can be used as unique global reference for EnjeyCrypter Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
- https://id-ransomware.blogspot.co.il/2017/03/enjey-crypter-ransomware.html - webarchive
- https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/the-week-in-ransomware-march-10th-2017-spora-cerber-and-technical-writeups/ - webarchive
- https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/embittered-enjey-ransomware-developer-launches-ddos-attack-on-id-ransomware/ - webarchive
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | March 2017 |
encryption | AES-256 |
extensions | ['example:.encrypted.contact_here_me@india.com.enjey'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-rkOR4L9jDZc/WMG1uI6vqQI/AAAAAAAAEMk/SAu_FleTLHcagf_maS31xt3D_qnwAx2RQCLcB/s1600/note-enjey_2.png'] |
Dangerous Ransomware
This is most likely to affect English speaking users, since the note is written in English. English is understood worldwide, thus anyone can be harmed. The hacker spread the virus using email spam, fake updates, and harmful attachments. All your files are compromised including music, MS Office, Open Office, pictures, videos, shared online files etc..
Internal MISP references
UUID 7dbdb949-a53b-4ebe-bc9a-7f49a7c5fd78
which can be used as unique global reference for Dangerous Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | March 2017 |
encryption | AES-128 |
ransomnotes | ['DANGEROUS_RANSOM\nHacked.\nPlease contact\nhakermail@someting.com'] |
Vortex Ransomware
This is most likely to affect English speaking users, since the note is written in English. English is understood worldwide, thus anyone can be harmed. The hacker spread the virus using email spam, fake updates, and harmful attachments. All your files are compromised including music, MS Office, Open Office, pictures, videos, shared online files etc..
"synonyms" in the meta part typically refer to alternate names or labels that are associated with a particular Vortex Ransomware.
Known Synonyms |
Ŧl๏tєгค гคภร๏๓ฬคгє |
Internal MISP references
UUID 04a5889d-b97d-4653-8a0f-d2df85f93430
which can be used as unique global reference for Vortex Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | March 2017 |
extensions | ['.aes'] |
payment-method | Dollars |
price | 199 |
ransomnotes | ['Vortex Ransomware\nCan not find the files on the hard drive? The contents of the files do not open?This is the result of the work of the program, which encrypts a lot of your data with the help of a strong algorithm AES-256, used by power structures to mask the data transferred in electronic form.The only way to recover your files is to buy a decryption program from us, using a one-time key created for you!When you decide to restore your data, please contact us by e-mail: rsapl@openmailbox.org or poiskiransom@airmail.cc2 files will be decrypted in vain to prove that we can do it, for the others, unfortunately, have to pay!\nPrice for the decryption of all files: $ 199\nAttention! Do not waste your time,time is money, after 4 days the price will increase by 100%!\nIP = ID ='] |
GC47 Ransomware
This is most likely to affect English speaking users, since the note is written in English. English is understood worldwide, thus anyone can be harmed. The hacker spread the virus using email spam, fake updates, and harmful attachments. All your files are compromised including music, MS Office, Open Office, pictures, videos, shared online files etc..
Internal MISP references
UUID 2069c483-4701-4a3b-bd51-3850c7aa59d2
which can be used as unique global reference for GC47 Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | March 2017 |
encryption | AES-128 |
extensions | ['.fuck_you'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 0,0361312 (50$) |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-i4i0joM4qRk/WMO7sKLu4dI/AAAAAAAAENU/vLR4B1Xg39wduycHe2f0vEYSv_dtJ-gxwCLcB/s1600/note.jpg'] |
RozaLocker Ransomware
This is most likely to affect English speaking users, since the note is written in English. English is understood worldwide, thus anyone can be harmed. The hacker spread the virus using email spam, fake updates, and harmful attachments. All your files are compromised including music, MS Office, Open Office, pictures, videos, shared online files etc..
"synonyms" in the meta part typically refer to alternate names or labels that are associated with a particular RozaLocker Ransomware.
Known Synonyms |
Roza |
Internal MISP references
UUID f158ea74-c8ba-4e5a-b07f-52bd8fe30888
which can be used as unique global reference for RozaLocker Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | March 2017 |
encryption | AES-128 |
extensions | ['.enc', '.ENC'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 10000 Rubles (135€) |
ransomnotes | ["OUR FILES are encrypted (EVEN NOT LOOKING THAT THEY ARE PARTIALLY OPEN). WE HAVE YOUR LOGIN AND PASSWORD FROM THE ENTERTAINMENT, ONE-CLASSICS, ONLINE BANKS AND OTHERS.\nYOU HAVE 6 HOURS TO PAY FOR A PURCHASE FOR THEM, OTHERWISE WE SHOULD PUT INTO OPEN ACCESS!\nINSTRUCTION:\n1) Find 10 000 (10 thousand) rubles, not less. Suitable for the following - (Qiwi, Sberbank, Yandex.Money, Tinkoff Bank, VTB, but better Qiwi (faster)\n2) In the browser, open the site https://x-pay.cc/ - through this site you will transfer money\n3) In the column I DELETE where you will translate (according to item 1) and above enter the amount - 10,000 rubles.\n4) In the RIGHT I select Bitcoin and on top the amount should automatically be transferred tobtc\n5) In the column DATA ENTRY, fill in your requisites from where you will pay and where to transfer (Bitcoin wallet)\nATTENTION-ATTENTION,CORRECTly copy this number to a purse (yes, it's so strange)3FjtFZWjyj46UcfDY4AiUrEv7wLtyzZv5o After inserting, carefully, again check whether it is copied correctly.\n6) Click on GO TO PAY and follow the instructions on the site.\nIn a couple of hours we'll write you on the desktop and return everything to you.\nIf there are difficulties, then write on the mailbox - aoneder@mail.ru"] |
CryptoMeister Ransomware
This is most likely to affect English speaking users, since the note is written in English. English is understood worldwide, thus anyone can be harmed. The hacker spread the virus using email spam, fake updates, and harmful attachments. All your files are compromised including music, MS Office, Open Office, pictures, videos, shared online files etc..
Internal MISP references
UUID 4c76c845-c5eb-472c-93a1-4178f86c319b
which can be used as unique global reference for CryptoMeister Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | March 2017 |
encryption | AES-128 |
extensions | ['.enc'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 0.1 |
ransomnotes | ['Blocked Your computer has been blocked All your files are encrypted. To access your PC, you need to send to Bitcoin at the address below loading Step 1: Go to xxxxs : //wvw.coinbase.com/ siqnup Step 2: Create an account and follow the instructions Step 3: Go to the "Buy Bitcoins" section and then buy Bitcoin Step 4: Go to the "Send" section, enter the address above and the amount (0.1 Bitcoin) Step 5: Click on the button below to verify the payment, your files will be decrypted and the virus will disappear \'Check\' If you try to bypass the lock, all files will be published on the Internet, as well as your login for all sites.'] |
GG Ransomware
This is most likely to affect English speaking users, since the note is written in English. English is understood worldwide, thus anyone can be harmed. The hacker spread the virus using email spam, fake updates, and harmful attachments. All your files are compromised including music, MS Office, Open Office, pictures, videos, shared online files etc.. Poses as Hewlett-Packard 2016
Internal MISP references
UUID f62eb881-c6b5-470c-907d-072485cd5860
which can be used as unique global reference for GG Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | March 2017 |
encryption | AES-128 |
extensions | ['.GG'] |
Project34 Ransomware
This is most likely to affect English speaking users, since the note is written in English. English is understood worldwide, thus anyone can be harmed. The hacker spread the virus using email spam, fake updates, and harmful attachments. All your files are compromised including music, MS Office, Open Office, pictures, videos, shared online files etc..
Internal MISP references
UUID 4af0d2bd-46da-44da-b17e-987f86957c1d
which can be used as unique global reference for Project34 Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | March 2017 |
encryption | AES-128 |
extensions | ['.Project34'] |
payment-method | MoneyPak |
price | 300$ |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['ПАРОЛЬ.txt'] |
PetrWrap Ransomware
This is most likely to affect English speaking users, since the note is written in English. English is understood worldwide, thus anyone can be harmed. The hacker spread the virus using email spam, fake updates, and harmful attachments. All your files are compromised including music, MS Office, Open Office, pictures, videos, shared online files etc..
Internal MISP references
UUID e11da570-e38d-4290-8a2c-8a31ae832ffb
which can be used as unique global reference for PetrWrap Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
- https://id-ransomware.blogspot.co.il/2017/03/petrwrap-ransomware.html - webarchive
- https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/petrwrap-ransomware-is-a-petya-offspring-used-in-targeted-attacks/ - webarchive
- https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/the-week-in-ransomware-march-17th-2017-revenge-petrwrap-and-captain-kirk/ - webarchive
- https://securelist.com/blog/research/77762/petrwrap-the-new-petya-based-ransomware-used-in-targeted-attacks/ - webarchive
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | March 2017 |
encryption | AES-128 |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 300$ |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-ZbWrN1LR-14/WMhPB7M8LBI/AAAAAAAAERQ/ZGG3RDHd8V0hwK_pf-vYChTn9VRpLBgNQCLcB/s1600/petya-based_ru_3.png'] |
Karmen Ransomware
This is most likely to affect English speaking users, since the note is written in English. English is understood worldwide, thus anyone can be harmed. The hacker spread the virus using email spam, fake updates, and harmful attachments. All your files are compromised including music, MS Office, Open Office, pictures, videos, shared online files etc.. RaaS, baed on HiddenTear
Internal MISP references
UUID da7de60e-0725-498d-9a35-303ddb5bf60a
which can be used as unique global reference for Karmen Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | March 2017 |
encryption | AES-128 |
extensions | ['.grt'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 1.2683 |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-OmuOKzLOHnw/WMl74fSSaJI/AAAAAAAAESg/4CsOYOSuUeEhsO4jSi6k10sbb_1NnfYxACLcB/s1600/lock-screen.jpg'] |
Revenge Ransomware
This is most likely to affect English speaking users, since the note is written in English. English is understood worldwide, thus anyone can be harmed. The hacker spread the virus using email spam, fake updates, and harmful attachments. All your files are compromised including music, MS Office, Open Office, pictures, videos, shared online files etc.. CryptoMix / CryptFile2 Variant
Internal MISP references
UUID 987d36d5-6ba8-484d-9e0b-7324cc886b0e
which can be used as unique global reference for Revenge Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | March 2017 |
encryption | AES-256 + RSA-1024 |
extensions | ['.REVENGE'] |
ransomnotes | ['===ENGLISH=== All of your files were encrypted using REVENGE Ransomware. The action required to restore the files. Your files are not lost, they can be returned to their normal state by decoding them. The only way to do this is to get the software and your personal decryption key. Using any other software that claims to be able to recover your files will result in corrupted or destroyed files. You can purchase the software and the decryption key by sending us an email with your ID. And we send instructions for payment. After payment, you receive the software to return all files. For proof, we can decrypt one file for free. Attach it to an e-mail.'] |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['# !!!HELP_FILE!!! #.txt'] |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-KkPVDxjy8tk/WM7LtYHmuAI/AAAAAAAAEUw/kDJghaq-j1AZuqjzqk2Fkxpp4yr9Yeb5wCLcB/s1600/revenge-note-2.jpg'] |
Turkish FileEncryptor Ransomware
his is most likely to affect English speaking users, since the note is written in English. English is understood worldwide, thus anyone can be harmed. The hacker spread the virus using email spam, fake updates, and harmful attachments. All your files are compromised including music, MS Office, Open Office, pictures, videos, shared online files etc..
"synonyms" in the meta part typically refer to alternate names or labels that are associated with a particular Turkish FileEncryptor Ransomware.
Known Synonyms |
Fake CTB-Locker |
Internal MISP references
UUID a291ac4c-7851-480f-b317-e977a616ac9d
which can be used as unique global reference for Turkish FileEncryptor Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | March 2017 |
encryption | AES |
extensions | ['.encrypted'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 150$ |
ransomnotes | ['FILES NUMBERED Your local drives, network folders, your external drives are encrypted using 256-bit encryption technology, this means your files are encrypted with a key. They cannot be opened without buying a decryption program and a private key, after the purchase, our program decrypts all your files and they will work like before. If you do not buy the program within 24 hours, then all your files will be permanently deleted. See the "My Documents" folder for more information in the file "Beni Oku.txt". Contact address: d3crypt0r@lelantos.org BTC address: 13hp68keuvogyjhvlf7xqmeox8dpr8odx5 You have to pay at BTC to the above address $ 150 Bitcoin You can do this by purchasing Bitcoinat www.localbitcoins.co Information: Using a computer recovery does not help. Antivirus scanning does not help to recover files, but can lead to loss.'] |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['Beni Oku.txt'] |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-ccU4txzjpWg/WMl33c7YD3I/AAAAAAAAESU/moLHgQnVMYstKuHKuNgWKz8VbNv5ECdzACLcB/s1600/lock-note.jpg'] |
Kirk Ransomware & Spock Decryptor
This is most likely to affect English speaking users, since the note is written in English. English is understood worldwide, thus anyone can be harmed. The hacker spread the virus using email spam, fake updates, and harmful attachments. All your files are compromised including music, MS Office, Open Office, pictures, videos, shared online files etc.. Payments in Monero
"synonyms" in the meta part typically refer to alternate names or labels that are associated with a particular Kirk Ransomware & Spock Decryptor.
Known Synonyms |
Kirk & Spock Decryptor |
Internal MISP references
UUID 6e442a2e-97db-4a7b-b4a1-9abb4a7472d8
which can be used as unique global reference for Kirk Ransomware & Spock Decryptor
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
- https://id-ransomware.blogspot.co.il/2017/03/kirkspock-ransomware.html - webarchive
- https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/the-week-in-ransomware-march-17th-2017-revenge-petrwrap-and-captain-kirk/ - webarchive
- https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/forums/t/642239/kirk-ransomware-help-support-topic-kirk-extension-ransom-notetxt/ - webarchive
- http://www.networkworld.com/article/3182415/security/star-trek-themed-kirk-ransomware-has-spock-decryptor-demands-ransom-be-paid-in-monero.html - webarchive
- http://www.securityweek.com/star-trek-themed-kirk-ransomware-emerges - webarchive
- https://www.grahamcluley.com/kirk-ransomware-sports-star-trek-themed-decryptor-little-known-crypto-currency/ - webarchive
- https://www.virustotal.com/en/file/39a2201a88f10d81b220c973737f0becedab2e73426ab9923880fb0fb990c5cc/analysis/ - webarchive
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | March 2017 |
encryption | AES+RSA |
extensions | ['.kirked', '.Kirked'] |
payment-method | Monero |
price | 1100 roupies (14€) |
ransomnotes | ['!IMPORTANT ! READ CAREFULLY: Your computer has fallen victim to the Kirk malware and important files have been encrypted - locked up so they don\'t work. This may have broken some software, including games, office suites etc. Here\'s a list of some the file extensions that were targetted : *** There are an additional 441 file extensions that are targetted\n. They are mostly to do with games. To get your files back, you need to pay. Now. Payments\nrecieved more than 48 hours after the time of infection will be charged double. Further time penalties are listed below. The time of infection has been logged. Any files with the extensions listed above will now have the extra extension \'.kirked\n\', these files are encrypted using military grade encryption.In the place you ran this program from, you should find a note (named RANSOM_NOTE.txt) similar to this one.\nYou will also find a file named \'pwd\' - this is your encrypted password file. Although it was generated by your computer, you have no way of ever decrypting it. This is due to the security of both the way it was generated and the way it was encrypted. Your files were encrypted using this password. SPOCK TO THE RESCUE!\n"Logic, motherfucker." ~ Spock.\nDecrypting your files is easy. Take a deep breath and follow the steps below.1) Make the proper payment. Payments are made in Monero. This is a crypto-currency, like bitcoin. You can buy Monero, and send it, from the same places you can any othercrypto-currency. If you\'re still unsure, google\' bitcoin exchange\'. Sign up at one of these exchange sites and send the payment to the address below. Make note of the payment / transaction ID, or make one up if you have the option. Payment Address (Monero Wallet): 3000375 -199390 0 0 4AqSwfTexbNaHcn8giSJw3KPiWYHGBaCF9bdgPxvHbd5A8Q3Fc7n6FQCReEns8uEg8jUo4BeB79rwf4XSfQPVL1SKdVp2jz Prices: Days :Monero: Offer Expires\n 0-2 : 50 : 03/18/17 15:32:14\n 3-7 : 100 : 03/23/17 15:32:14\n 8-14 : 200 : 03/30/17 15:32:14\n 15-30 : 500 : 04/15/17 15:32:14 Note: In 31 days your password decryption key gets permanently deleted. You then have no way to ever retrieve your files. So pay now \n2) Email us Send your pwd file as an email attachment to one of the email addresses below. Include the payment ID from step 1. Active email addresses: kirk.help@scryptmail.com kirk.payments@scryptmail.com \n3) Decrypt your files. You will recieve your decrypted password file and a program called \'Spock\'. Download these both to the same place and run Spock. Spock reads in your decrypted password file and uses it to decrypt all of the affected files on your computer. > IMPORTANT ! The password is unique to this infection. Using an old password or one from another machine will result in corrupted files. Corrupted files cannot be retrieved. Don\'t fuck around. \n4) Breathe. \nLIVE LONG AND PROSPER'] |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['RANSOM_NOTE.txt'] |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-USLFJX6OMD4/WMwmKIsJnEI/AAAAAAAAETQ/S8uzyHF5mWQZjra6EGBidZ6wqgzrNqIMgCLcB/s1600/full-ransom-note.png'] |
ZinoCrypt Ransomware
This is most likely to affect English speaking users, since the note is written in English. English is understood worldwide, thus anyone can be harmed. The hacker spread the virus using email spam, fake updates, and harmful attachments. All your files are compromised including music, MS Office, Open Office, pictures, videos, shared online files etc..
Internal MISP references
UUID 719c8ba7-598e-4511-a851-34e651e301fa
which can be used as unique global reference for ZinoCrypt Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | March 2017 |
encryption | AES |
extensions | ['.ZINO'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['ZINO_NOTE.TXT'] |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-t1Q-a7sJlag/WMw8MBNIrkI/AAAAAAAAET4/aycY-m5GXVYQjcbZJ8N0kIfUZ3onYt8AgCLcB/s1600/note.jpg'] |
Crptxxx Ransomware
This is most likely to affect English speaking users, since the note is written in English. English is understood worldwide, thus anyone can be harmed. The hacker spread the virus using email spam, fake updates, and harmful attachments. All your files are compromised including music, MS Office, Open Office, pictures, videos, shared online files etc.. Uses @enigma0x3's UAC bypass
Internal MISP references
UUID 786ca8b3-6915-4846-8f0f-9865fbc295f5
which can be used as unique global reference for Crptxxx Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
- https://id-ransomware.blogspot.co.il/2017/03/crptxxx-ransomware.html - webarchive
- https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/forums/t/609690/ultracrypter-cryptxxx-ultradecrypter-ransomware-help-topic-crypt-cryp1/page-84 - webarchive
- http://www.fixinfectedpc.com/uninstall-crptxxx-ransomware-from-pc - webarchive
- https://twitter.com/malwrhunterteam/status/839467168760725508 - webarchive
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | March 2017 |
encryption | AES |
extensions | ['.crptxxx'] |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['HOW_TO_FIX_!.txt'] |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-itq9nR2EedY/WM2OPtDKCgI/AAAAAAAAEUI/KcC8vtnmlHENz0CSOvxqoYeZL8qdx1IZgCLcB/s1600/note_2.png'] |
MOTD Ransomware
About: This is most likely to affect English speaking users, since the note is written in English. English is understood worldwide, thus anyone can be harmed. The hacker spread the virus using email spam, fake updates, and harmful attachments. All your files are compromised including music, MS Office, Open Office, pictures, videos, shared online files etc..
Internal MISP references
UUID 5d1a3631-165c-4091-ba55-ac8da62efadf
which can be used as unique global reference for MOTD Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | March 2017 |
extensions | ['.enc'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 2 |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['motd.txt'] |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-suCNGXgzWuM/WM7HPujx_qI/AAAAAAAAEUk/gIvzbsbB_BUrBmmBsgpb_8w7zjwudu_mACLcB/s1600/note_2.png'] |
CryptoDevil Ransomware
This is most likely to affect English speaking users, since the note is written in English. English is understood worldwide, thus anyone can be harmed. The hacker spread the virus using email spam, fake updates, and harmful attachments. All your files are compromised including music, MS Office, Open Office, pictures, videos, shared online files etc..
Internal MISP references
UUID f3ead274-6c98-4532-b922-03d5ce4e7cfc
which can be used as unique global reference for CryptoDevil Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | March 2017 |
encryption | AES |
extensions | ['.devil'] |
payment-method | Dollars |
price | 20 - 100 |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-i5iUwC8XWDo/WM7dSVNQ8UI/AAAAAAAAEVY/uXmUErkLgHcWbfpdw1zGTvwY9DimiAH8wCLcB/s1600/lock-panel.jpg', 'https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-9ovaMSUgtFQ/WM7dXo84tlI/AAAAAAAAEVc/_Zx9gZuvHA0tU9-jtzP492bXa5fQiL7kgCLcB/s1600/key-price.jpg'] |
FabSysCrypto Ransomware
This is most likely to affect English speaking users, since the note is written in English. English is understood worldwide, thus anyone can be harmed. The hacker spread the virus using email spam, fake updates, and harmful attachments. All your files are compromised including music, MS Office, Open Office, pictures, videos, shared online files etc.. Based on HiddenTear
Internal MISP references
UUID e4d36930-2e00-4583-b5f5-d8f83736d3ce
which can be used as unique global reference for FabSysCrypto Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | February 2017 |
encryption | AES-256+RSA |
extensions | ['.locked'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 0.5 |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-QuBYcLAKRPU/WLnE3Rn3MhI/AAAAAAAAEH4/WnC5Ke11j4MO7wmnfqBhtA-hpx6YN6TBgCLcB/s1600/note_2.png'] |
Lock2017 Ransomware
This is most likely to affect English speaking users, since the note is written in English. English is understood worldwide, thus anyone can be harmed. The hacker spread the virus using email spam, fake updates, and harmful attachments. All your files are compromised including music, MS Office, Open Office, pictures, videos, shared online files etc..
Internal MISP references
UUID cf47a853-bc1d-42ae-8542-8a7433f6c9c2
which can be used as unique global reference for Lock2017 Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | March 2017 |
encryption | AES+RSA |
extensions | ['[file_name.file_ext].id-[UserID]__contact_me_lock2017@protonmail.com_or_lock2017@unseen.is'] |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-FllHGqIx_JQ/WL1QF2uMCCI/AAAAAAAAEJQ/Fn-8j2t8dwgSo8YTHM1iOkL-3U_hbcaKwCLcB/s1600/Note_2.png'] |
RedAnts Ransomware
This is most likely to affect English speaking users, since the note is written in English. English is understood worldwide, thus anyone can be harmed. The hacker spread the virus using email spam, fake updates, and harmful attachments. All your files are compromised including music, MS Office, Open Office, pictures, videos, shared online files etc..
Internal MISP references
UUID dd3601f1-df0a-4e67-8a20-82e7ba0ed13c
which can be used as unique global reference for RedAnts Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | March 2017 |
encryption | AES |
extensions | ['.Horas-Bah'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 0.5 |
ConsoleApplication1 Ransomware
This is most likely to affect English speaking users, since the note is written in English. English is understood worldwide, thus anyone can be harmed. The hacker spread the virus using email spam, fake updates, and harmful attachments. All your files are compromised including music, MS Office, Open Office, pictures, videos, shared online files etc..
Internal MISP references
UUID 4c3788d6-30a9-4cad-af33-81f9ce3a0d4f
which can be used as unique global reference for ConsoleApplication1 Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | March 2017 |
encryption | AES |
extensions | ['.locked'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 0.5 |
KRider Ransomware
This is most likely to affect English speaking users, since the note is written in English. English is understood worldwide, thus anyone can be harmed. The hacker spread the virus using email spam, fake updates, and harmful attachments. All your files are compromised including music, MS Office, Open Office, pictures, videos, shared online files etc..
Internal MISP references
UUID f5ac03f1-4f6e-43aa-836a-cc7ece40aaa7
which can be used as unique global reference for KRider Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | March 2017 |
encryption | AES |
extensions | ['.kr3'] |
payment-method | no ransom |
CYR-Locker Ransomware (FAKE)
This is most likely to affect English speaking users, since the note is written in English. English is understood worldwide, thus anyone can be harmed. The hacker spread the virus using email spam, fake updates, and harmful attachments. All your files are compromised including music, MS Office, Open Office, pictures, videos, shared online files etc.. The following note is what you get if you put in the wrong key code: https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-qsS0x-tHx00/WLM3kkKWKAI/AAAAAAAAEDg/Zhy3eYf-ek8fY5uM0yHs7E0fEFg2AXG-gCLcB/s1600/failed-key.jpg
Internal MISP references
UUID 44f6d489-f376-4416-9ba4-e153472f75fc
which can be used as unique global reference for CYR-Locker Ransomware (FAKE)
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | February 2017 |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 0.5 (300$) |
This is most likely to affect English speaking users, since the note is written in English. English is understood worldwide, thus anyone can be harmed. The hacker spread the virus using email spam, fake updates, and harmful attachments. All your files are compromised including music, MS Office, Open Office, pictures, videos, shared online files etc..
Internal MISP references
UUID 0570e09d-10b9-448c-87fd-c1c4063e6592
which can be used as unique global reference for DotRansomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | February 2017 |
encryption | AES |
extensions | ['.locked'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 0.1 |
ransomnotes | ["DotRansomware Setup Guide \nAttention!!! \nWe recommend you to build your ransomware inside virtual machine! (But it is safe to use builder on your PC, just don't run builded exe file on your PC!) \nRecommendation: If you have got possibility to run ransomware on victim's computer with administrator privileges then do it. Because it will provide better conversion. Recommended decryption price: 0.1 Recommended special decryption prices: FR |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-BoKI2-Lhsp8/WLHq34zCtdI/AAAAAAAAECo/YkfIG29vRRsLvdn51ctrMEypptRzZS2IgCLcB/s1600/raas.png'] |
Unlock26 Ransomware
About: This is most likely to affect English speaking users, since the note is written in English. English is understood worldwide, thus anyone can be harmed. The hacker spread the virus using email spam, fake updates, and harmful attachments.All your files are compromised including music, MS Office, Open Office, pictures, videos, shared online files etc..
Internal MISP references
UUID 37b9a28d-8554-4233-b130-efad4be97bc0
which can be used as unique global reference for Unlock26 Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | February 2017 |
encryption | AES |
extensions | ['.locked-[3_random_chars]'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 0.01 - 0.06 |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['ReadMe-[3_random_chars].html'] |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-92aP_sumdLo/WLAy3D2kLvI/AAAAAAAAEAQ/FA1j--rOIygsNbDAWqrDqufT7zSwuEnvQCLcB/s1600/note-html_2.png', 'https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-E1vV0sqaw2o/WLB1OvOLCPI/AAAAAAAAEAg/D4OkAOBT_uM4DeVS1hAu6eBGcmga8CSYwCLcB/s1600/site1.png'] |
This is most likely to affect English speaking users, since the note is written in English. English is understood worldwide, thus anyone can be harmed. The hacker spread the virus using email spam, fake updates, and harmful attachments. All your files are compromised including music, MS Office, Open Office, pictures, videos, shared online files etc.. Python Ransomware
"synonyms" in the meta part typically refer to alternate names or labels that are associated with a particular PicklesRansomware.
Known Synonyms |
Pickles |
Internal MISP references
UUID 87171865-9fc9-42a9-9bd4-a453f556f20c
which can be used as unique global reference for PicklesRansomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | February 2017 |
encryption | AES |
extensions | ['.EnCrYpTeD'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 1 |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['READ_ME_TO_DECRYPT.txt'] |
Vanguard Ransomware
This is most likely to affect English speaking users, since the note is written in English. English is understood worldwide, thus anyone can be harmed. The hacker spread the virus using email spam, fake updates, and harmful attachments. All your files are compromised including music, MS Office, Open Office, pictures, videos, shared online files etc.. This ransomware poses at MSOffice to fool users into opening the infected file. GO Ransomware
Internal MISP references
UUID 6a6eed70-3f90-420b-9e4a-5cce9428dc06
which can be used as unique global reference for Vanguard Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | February 2017 |
encryption | ChaCha20 and Poly1305 |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 1 |
ransomnotes | ['NOT YOUR LANGUAGE? https://translate.google.com Your personal files and documents have been encrypted withAES-256 and RSA-2048! Decrypting your files is only possible with decrypt key stored on our server. Price for key is % bitcoin % BTC (Bitcoin).\n1. Send % bitcoin % BTC to % bitcoinaddress % http://www.coindesk.com/information/how-can-i-buy-bitcoins/ https://www.bitcoin.com/buy-bitcoin \n2. Wait some time for transaction to process \n3. PRIVATE KEY WILL BE DOWNLOADED AND SYSTEM WILL AUTOMATICALLY DECRYPT YOUR FILES! \nIf you do not pay within % hoursvalid % hours key will become DESTROYED and your files LOST forever! Removing this software will make recovering files IMPOSSIBLE! Disable your antivirus for safety.'] |
PyL33T Ransomware
This is most likely to affect English speaking users, since the note is written in English. English is understood worldwide, thus anyone can be harmed. The hacker spread the virus using email spam, fake updates, and harmful attachments. All your files are compromised including music, MS Office, Open Office, pictures, videos, shared online files etc..
Internal MISP references
UUID 305cb1fb-d43e-4477-8edc-90b34aaf227f
which can be used as unique global reference for PyL33T Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | February 2017 |
encryption | ChaCha20 and Poly1305 |
extensions | ['.d4nk'] |
ransomnotes | ['ATTENTION You Have Been Infected With Ransomware. Please Make Note of Your Unique Idenfier : *** '] |
TrumpLocker Ransomware
This is most likely to affect English speaking users, since the note is written in English. English is understood worldwide, thus anyone can be harmed. The hacker spread the virus using email spam, fake updates, and harmful attachments. All your files are compromised including music, MS Office, Open Office, pictures, videos, shared online files etc.. This is the old VenusLocker in disquise .To delete shadow files use the following commend: C:\Windows\system32\wbem\wmic.exe shadowcopy delete&exit https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-8qIiBHnE9yU/WK1mZn3LgwI/AAAAAAAAD-M/ZKl7_Iwr1agYtlVO3HXaUrwitcowp5_NQCLcB/s1600/lock.jpg
Internal MISP references
UUID 63bd845c-94f6-49dc-8f0c-22e6f67820f7
which can be used as unique global reference for TrumpLocker Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
- https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/new-trump-locker-ransomware-is-a-fraud-just-venuslocker-in-disguise/ - webarchive
- https://id-ransomware.blogspot.co.il/2017/02/trumplocker.html - webarchive
- https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/the-week-in-ransomware-february-24th-2017-trump-locker-macos-rw-and-cryptomix/ - webarchive
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | February 2017 |
encryption | AES-128 |
extensions | ['.trumplockerf', '.TheTrumpLockerf', '.TheTrumpLockerfp'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 1(50 - 165$) |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['What happen to my files.txt'] |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://www.bleepstatic.com/images/news/u/986406/Ransomware/TrumpLocker/TrumpLocker-wallpaper.jpg'] |
Damage Ransomware
This is most likely to affect English speaking users, since the note is written in English. English is understood worldwide, thus anyone can be harmed. The hacker spread the virus using email spam, fake updates, and harmful attachments. All your files are compromised including music, MS Office, Open Office, pictures, videos, shared online files etc.. Written in Delphi
Internal MISP references
UUID fbcb6a4f-1d31-4e31-bef5-e162e35649de
which can be used as unique global reference for Damage Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | February 2017 |
encryption | AES-128 OR Combination of SHA-1 and Blowfish |
extensions | ['.damage'] |
ransomnotes | ['TtWGgOd57SvPlkgZ***\n ==========\n end of secret_key \nTo restore your files - send e-mail to damage@india.com'] |
XYZWare Ransomware
This is most likely to affect English speaking users, since the note is written in English. English is understood worldwide, thus anyone can be harmed. The hacker spread the virus using email spam, fake updates, and harmful attachments. All your files are compromised including music, MS Office, Open Office, pictures, videos, shared online files etc.. Based on HiddenTear
Internal MISP references
UUID f0652feb-a104-44e8-91c7-b0435253352b
which can be used as unique global reference for XYZWare Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | February 2017 |
encryption | AES-128 |
extensions | ['your files get marked with: “youarefucked”'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 0.1 - 0.2 |
ransomnotes | ["All your files has been encrypted with RSA-2048 and AES-128. There is no way to decrypt without private key and decrypt program. You can buy the private key and the decrypt program just for 0.2 BTC (Bitcoin) You have 48 hours to buy it. After that, your private key will gone and we can't guarantee to decrypt.Email me for more information about how to buy it at cyberking@indonesianbacktrack.or.id"] |
YouAreFucked Ransomware
This is most likely to affect English speaking users, since the note is written in English. English is understood worldwide, thus anyone can be harmed. The hacker spread the virus using email spam, fake updates, and harmful attachments. All your files are compromised including music, MS Office, Open Office, pictures, videos, shared online files etc..
"synonyms" in the meta part typically refer to alternate names or labels that are associated with a particular YouAreFucked Ransomware.
Known Synonyms |
FortuneCrypt |
Internal MISP references
UUID 912af0ef-2d78-4a90-a884-41f3c37c723b
which can be used as unique global reference for YouAreFucked Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | February 2017 |
encryption | AES-128 |
extensions | ['your files get marked with: “youarefucked”'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 0.1 (250$) |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-S0-Bop8XUgk/WLD_RVgldgI/AAAAAAAAEBU/r2LmgjTHUbMTtIKGH2pHdKfFXcUEOQdMgCLcB/s1600/lock-act2.png'] |
CryptConsole 2.0 Ransomware
This is most likely to affect English speaking users, since the note is written in English. English is understood worldwide, thus anyone can be harmed. The hacker spread the virus using email spam, fake updates, and harmful attachments. All your files are compromised including music, MS Office, Open Office, pictures, videos, shared online files etc..
Internal MISP references
UUID 7343da8f-fe18-46c9-8cda-5b04fb48e97d
which can be used as unique global reference for CryptConsole 2.0 Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | February 2017 |
encryption | AES |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 0.5 - 0.7 |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['How decrypt files.hta'] |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-M2CMU8RPgqw/WLfqOCgNXrI/AAAAAAAAEGA/W-uAf30qQgoZxqRwblUcSKzYrM5QmcLfgCLcB/s1600/note-html_2.png'] |
BarRax Ransomware
This is most likely to affect English speaking users, since the note is written in English. English is understood worldwide, thus anyone can be harmed. The hacker spread the virus using email spam, fake updates, and harmful attachments. All your files are compromised including music, MS Office, Open Office, pictures, videos, shared online files etc.. Based on HiddenTear
"synonyms" in the meta part typically refer to alternate names or labels that are associated with a particular BarRax Ransomware.
Known Synonyms |
BarRaxCrypt Ransomware |
Internal MISP references
UUID c0ee166e-273f-4940-859c-ba6f8666247c
which can be used as unique global reference for BarRax Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | February 2017 |
encryption | AES |
extensions | ['.barRex', '.BarRax'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 0.5 |
CryptoLocker by NTK Ransomware
This is most likely to affect English speaking users, since the note is written in English. English is understood worldwide, thus anyone can be harmed. The hacker spread the virus using email spam, fake updates, and harmful attachments. All your files are compromised including music, MS Office, Open Office, pictures, videos, shared online files etc..
Internal MISP references
UUID 51bcbbc6-d8e0-4d2b-b5ce-79f26d669567
which can be used as unique global reference for CryptoLocker by NTK Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | February 2017 |
encryption | AES |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-hvTBarxSO8Y/WKs5kjdpgDI/AAAAAAAAD9Q/m3louiSE6xY0BcGjnWvg_NNDU6K1ok3ggCLcB/s1600/lock.jpg'] |
UserFilesLocker Ransomware
This is most likely to affect English speaking users, since the note is written in English. English is understood worldwide, thus anyone can be harmed. The hacker spread the virus using email spam, fake updates, and harmful attachments. All your files are compromised including music, MS Office, Open Office, pictures, videos, shared online files etc..
"synonyms" in the meta part typically refer to alternate names or labels that are associated with a particular UserFilesLocker Ransomware.
Known Synonyms |
CzechoSlovak Ransomware |
Internal MISP references
UUID c9e29151-7eda-4192-9c34-f9a81b2ef743
which can be used as unique global reference for UserFilesLocker Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | February 2017 |
encryption | AES-256+RSA |
extensions | ['.ENCR'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 0.8 - 2 |
ransomnotes | ['All of your personal information, unfortunately for you, were encrypted\nStep 1 - PAYMENT\nStep 2 - Tell us\nStep 3 - Data Recovery\nYour data and files were encrypted, unfortunately, you need our key. For the encryption each key is unique AES-256 is created on the computer. At the moment, all the files are already encrypted and the keys securely stored in an encrypted form with RSA-2048. \nOnly one way you can recover your files - make payment in Bitcoins and get our key for decryption. Do not believe in any fairy tales on the Internet, it can be circumvented if it was easy, a lot of things in the world stopped working. \nPay according to the instructions, click through the tabs, and wait for your keys. We value the market professional customer service and reputation, so will try to unlock your files as soon as possible.\nPayment Amount: 0,8 BTC\nPayment Amount: 2.1 BTC (another option)'] |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-0D8XdlTNIsA/WLXFiBWz5II/AAAAAAAAEFQ/Hojw0BHHysUieiCnidoVwTrqXVCckLkSQCLcB/s1600/lock-screen.jpg'] |
AvastVirusinfo Ransomware
This is most likely to affect English speaking users, since the note is written in English. English is understood worldwide, thus anyone can be harmed. The hacker spread the virus using email spam, fake updates, and harmful attachments. All your files are compromised including music, MS Office, Open Office, pictures, videos, shared online files etc.. PAYING RANSOM IS USELESS, YOUR FILES WILL NOT BE FIXED. THE DAMAGE IS PERMENENT!!!!
Internal MISP references
UUID 78649172-cf5b-4e8a-950b-a967ff700acf
which can be used as unique global reference for AvastVirusinfo Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | February 2017 |
encryption | AES-256+RSA |
extensions | ['.A9v9Ahu4-000'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 6 |
SuchSecurity Ransomware
This is most likely to affect English speaking users, since the note is written in English. English is understood worldwide, thus anyone can be harmed. The hacker spread the virus using email spam, fake updates, and harmful attachments. All your files are compromised including music, MS Office, Open Office, pictures, videos, shared online files etc..
"synonyms" in the meta part typically refer to alternate names or labels that are associated with a particular SuchSecurity Ransomware.
Known Synonyms |
Such Security |
Internal MISP references
UUID 22481dfd-8284-4071-a76f-c9a4a5f43f00
which can be used as unique global reference for SuchSecurity Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | February 2017 |
encryption | AES |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-OCBIabrrZNg/WLm1RGFVKEI/AAAAAAAAEHY/1MASb-0Y7jsBlE2TzyqgknrfDhuEsNx2gCLcB/s1600/Screenshot_1.png'] |
PleaseRead Ransomware
It’s directed to English speaking users, therefore is able to infect worldwide. It is spread using email spam, fake updates, attachments and so on. It encrypts all your files, including: music, MS Office, Open Office, pictures, videos, shared online files etc..
"synonyms" in the meta part typically refer to alternate names or labels that are associated with a particular PleaseRead Ransomware.
Known Synonyms |
VHDLocker Ransomware |
Internal MISP references
UUID 9de7a1f2-cc21-40cf-b44e-c67f0262fbce
which can be used as unique global reference for PleaseRead Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | February 2017 |
encryption | AES-256 |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 0.5 |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-viZiAZr3_ns/WKrIDWEEBXI/AAAAAAAAD8c/8n1RJ9m2Odoe3bvMMmIm421NdxS-OIRzQCLcB/s1600/note_2.png'] |
Kasiski Ransomware
It’s directed to English speaking users, therefore is able to infect worldwide. It is spread using email spam, fake updates, attachments and so on. It encrypts all your files, including: music, MS Office, Open Office, pictures, videos, shared online files etc..
Internal MISP references
UUID 59b537dc-3764-42fc-a416-92d2950aaff1
which can be used as unique global reference for Kasiski Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
- https://id-ransomware.blogspot.co.il/2017/02/kasiski-ransomware.html - webarchive
- https://twitter.com/MarceloRivero/status/832302976744173570 - webarchive
- https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/the-week-in-ransomware-february-17th-2017-live-hermes-reversing-and-scada-poc-ransomware/ - webarchive
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | February 2017 |
extensions | ['[KASISKI]'] |
payment-method | Dollars |
price | 500 |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['INSTRUCCIONES.txt'] |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-ehXlWPLxtR8/WKdHF_Y-MeI/AAAAAAAAD5A/KKXO-S9OtMQAcNM-IOV2ees8qKlAJ3pzACLcB/s1600/note.jpg'] |
Fake Locky Ransomware
It’s directed to English speaking users, therefore is able to infect worldwide. It is spread using email spam, fake updates, attachments and so on. It encrypts all your files, including: music, MS Office, Open Office, pictures, videos, shared online files etc..
"synonyms" in the meta part typically refer to alternate names or labels that are associated with a particular Fake Locky Ransomware.
Known Synonyms |
Locky Impersonator Ransomware |
Internal MISP references
UUID 26a34763-a70c-4877-b99f-ae39decd2107
which can be used as unique global reference for Fake Locky Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
- https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/the-locky-ransomware-encrypts-local-files-and-unmapped-network-shares/ - webarchive
- https://id-ransomware.blogspot.co.il/2017/02/locky-impersonator.html - webarchive
- https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/locky-ransomware-switches-to-thor-extension-after-being-a-bad-malware/ - webarchive
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | February 2017 |
encryption | AES |
extensions | ['.locked'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 1 |
ransomnotes | ['Files has been encrypted with Locky Ransomware, Do not alter your files or you will not be able to recover anything nobody will be able to recover your data since its set to AES-256 and requires our Key Send me 1.0 bitcoins Send payment to this Address: 13DYdAKb8nfo1AYeGpJXwKZYupyeqYu2QZ For Instructions on how to Purchase & send bitcoin refer to this link : *** for support Email: lockyransomware666@sigaint.net After 48 Hours your ransom doubles to 2.0 BTC After 72 Hours we will delete your recovery keys'] |
CryptoShield 1.0 Ransomware
It’s directed to English speaking users, therefore is able to infect worldwide. It is spread using email spam, fake updates, attachments and so on. It encrypts all your files, including: music, MS Office, Open Office, pictures, videos, shared online files etc.. CryptoShield 1.0 is a ransomware from the CryptoMix family.
Internal MISP references
UUID 1f915f16-2e2f-4681-a1e8-e146a0a4fcdf
which can be used as unique global reference for CryptoShield 1.0 Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | January 2017 |
encryption | AES(256)/ROT-13 |
extensions | ['.CRYPTOSHIELD (The name is first changed using ROT-13, and after a new extension is added.)'] |
payment-method | |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['# RESTORING FILES #.txt', '# RESTORING FILES #.html'] |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-A-N9zQgZrhE/WJHAHzuitvI/AAAAAAAADhI/AHkLaL9blZgqQWc-sTevVRTxVRttbugoQCLcB/s1600/note-2.png'] |
Hermes Ransomware
It’s directed to English speaking users, therefore is able to infect worldwide. It is spread using email spam, fake updates, attachments and so on. It encrypts all your files, including: music, MS Office, Open Office, pictures, videos, shared online files etc.. Filemarker: "HERMES"
Internal MISP references
UUID b7102922-8aad-4b29-8518-6d87c3ba45bb
which can be used as unique global reference for Hermes Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
- https://id-ransomware.blogspot.co.il/2017/02/hermes-ransomware.html - webarchive
- https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/the-week-in-ransomware-february-17th-2017-live-hermes-reversing-and-scada-poc-ransomware/ - webarchive
- https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/forums/t/642019/hermes-ransomware-help-support-decrypt-informationhtml/ - webarchive
- https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/hermes-ransomware-decrypted-in-live-video-by-emsisofts-fabian-wosar/ - webarchive
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | February 2017 |
encryption | AES |
extensions | ['.locked'] |
payment-method | Email - Bitcoin |
ransomnotes | ['UNIQUE_ID_DO_NOT_REMOVE'] |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['DECRYPT_INFORMATION.html'] |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-nzY6thZOXSk/WKbYmWxa0rI/AAAAAAAAD3s/t_3d90FGOe8je8rfeeYLF1jzJinG5JMVgCLcB/s1600/note_2_2.png', 'https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-Yisae5e5Pjs/WKbXmIXU8YI/AAAAAAAAD3g/WZs5XzL4l4snT2j4yfc3CAaF7KonH_DQACLcB/s1600/note_1.png'] |
Related clusters
To see the related clusters, click here.
LoveLock Ransomware or Love2Lock Ransomware
It’s directed to English speaking users, therefore is able to infect worldwide. It is spread using email spam, fake updates, attachments and so on. It encrypts all your files, including: music, MS Office, Open Office, pictures, videos, shared online files etc..
"synonyms" in the meta part typically refer to alternate names or labels that are associated with a particular LoveLock Ransomware or Love2Lock Ransomware.
Known Synonyms |
Love2Lock |
LoveLock |
Internal MISP references
UUID 0785bdda-7cd8-4529-b28e-787367c50298
which can be used as unique global reference for LoveLock Ransomware or Love2Lock Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | February 2017 |
encryption | AES |
extensions | ['.hasp'] |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-YdCKWLUFBOo/WKRCD2BLzTI/AAAAAAAAD14/BPtYMLvQpEMAbT-ZdiCVPi_LZCrXYJMhwCLcB/s1600/ReadME%2521.txt.jpg'] |
Wcry Ransomware
It’s directed to English speaking users, therefore is able to infect worldwide. It is spread using email spam, fake updates, attachments and so on. It encrypts all your files, including: music, MS Office, Open Office, pictures, videos, shared online files etc..
Internal MISP references
UUID 0983bdda-c637-4ad9-a56f-615b2b052740
which can be used as unique global reference for Wcry Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | February 2017 |
encryption | AES |
extensions | ['.wcry'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 0.1 |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-iUq492KUatk/WKH-GXnO4-I/AAAAAAAADzw/9uwo1LF5ciIvMJ6jAn3mskSqtdiTkxvlACLcB/s1600/lock-note.jpg'] |
DUMB Ransomware
It’s directed to English speaking users, therefore is able to infect worldwide. It is spread using email spam, fake updates, attachments and so on. It encrypts all your files, including: music, MS Office, Open Office, pictures, videos, shared online files etc..
Internal MISP references
UUID 27feba66-e9c7-4414-a560-1e5b7da74d08
which can be used as unique global reference for DUMB Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | February 2017 |
encryption | AES |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 0,3169 |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-_Udncaac_gM/WKROBN00ORI/AAAAAAAAD2U/HsHkEspG85YSfPg-8MbPYYTYmBU4PAJAgCLcB/s1600/note_2.png', 'https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-Vx9ZtCODajg/WKiMr2QX5cI/AAAAAAAAD64/QAh37o_CRIImaxUfIhoEh8qE4JLn5HaNwCLcB/s1600/dumb.jpg'] |
It’s directed to English speaking users, therefore is able to infect worldwide. It is spread using email spam, fake updates, attachments and so on. It encrypts all your files, including: music, MS Office, Open Office, pictures, videos, shared online files etc..
Internal MISP references
UUID c24f48ca-060b-4164-aafe-df7b3f43f40e
which can be used as unique global reference for X-Files
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | February 2017 |
encryption | AES |
extensions | ['.b0C', '.b0C.x'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 0,2 |
Polski Ransomware
It’s directed to English speaking users, therefore is able to infect worldwide. It is spread using email spam, fake updates, attachments and so on. It encrypts all your files, including: music, MS Office, Open Office, pictures, videos, shared online files etc.. The Ransom is 249$ and the hacker demands that the victim gets in contact through e-mail and a Polish messenger called Gadu-Gadu.
Internal MISP references
UUID b50265ac-ee45-4f5a-aca1-fabe3157fc14
which can be used as unique global reference for Polski Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | February 2017 |
encryption | AES-256 |
extensions | ['.aes'] |
payment-method | Dollars |
price | 249 |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-ahpZEI1FHQM/WJd7_dpYlyI/AAAAAAAADm8/4-nFXqc9bjEI93VDJRdsLSlBOwQiaM7swCLcB/s1600/note.jpg'] |
YourRansom Ransomware
It’s directed to English speaking users, therefore is able to infect worldwide. It is spread using email spam, fake updates, attachments and so on. It encrypts all your files, including: music, MS Office, Open Office, pictures, videos, shared online files etc.. This hacker demands that the victim contacts him through email and decrypts the files for FREE.(moreinfo in the link below)
Internal MISP references
UUID 908b914b-6744-4e16-b014-121cf2106b5f
which can be used as unique global reference for YourRansom Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | February 2016 |
encryption | AES-256 |
extensions | ['.yourransom'] |
payment-method | |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['README.txt'] |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-dFQlF_6uTkI/WJYigC5GwiI/AAAAAAAADlk/jm-ZwqJ2mVYd2gtAQgYW_lOd78u5N2x0ACLcB/s1600/note_2.png'] |
Ranion RaasRansomware
It’s directed to English speaking users, therefore is able to infect worldwide. It is spread using email spam, fake updates, attachments and so on. It encrypts all your files, including: music, MS Office, Open Office, pictures, videos, shared online files etc.. Ranion Raas gives the opportunity to regular people to buy and distribute ransomware for a very cheap price. (More info in the link below). RaaS service
Internal MISP references
UUID b4de724f-add4-4095-aa5a-e4d039322b59
which can be used as unique global reference for Ranion RaasRansomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | February 2016 |
encryption | AES-256 |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 0.6 - 0.95 |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-ORiqmM6oWXc/WJV7X4IvTWI/AAAAAAAADlE/wXvz5Hsv1gQ-UrLoA1plVjLTVD7iDDxwQCLcB/s1600/buy_2.png'] |
Potato Ransomware
Wants a ransom to get the victim’s files back . Originated in English. Spread worldwide.
Internal MISP references
UUID 378cb77c-bb89-4d32-bef9-1b132343f3fe
which can be used as unique global reference for Potato Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | January 2017 |
encryption | AES-256 |
extensions | ['.potato'] |
payment-method | |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['How to recover my files.txt', 'README.png', 'README.html'] |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-E9GDxEoz95k/WIop79nWZ2I/AAAAAAAADZU/CnsvOl96yesoH07BZ2Q05Fp40kLcTMmqQCLcB/s1600/note.jpg'] |
of Ransomware: OpenToYou (Formerly known as OpenToDecrypt)
This ransomware is originated in English, therefore could be used worldwide. Ransomware is spread with the help of email spam, fake ads, fake updates, infected install files.
Internal MISP references
UUID e290fa29-6fc1-4fb5-ac98-44350e508bc1
which can be used as unique global reference for of Ransomware: OpenToYou (Formerly known as OpenToDecrypt)
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | December 2016/January 2017 |
encryption | RC4 |
extensions | ['.-opentoyou@india.com'] |
payment-method | |
ransomnotes | ['Your files are encrypted! To decrypt write on email - opentoyou@india.comIdentification key - 5E1C0884'] |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['!!!.txt', '1.bmp', '1.jpg'] |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-RPeHrC9Trqk/WGk1kQlBQQI/AAAAAAAAC6o/FutnWrlUf44hq54_xI_6Uz2migCR0rwlwCLcB/s1600/Note-wallp.jpg'] |
Author of this ransomware is sergej. Ransom is 0.25 bitcoins for the return of files. Originated in English. Used worldwide. This ransomware is spread with the help of email spam, fake ads, fake updates, infected install files.
Internal MISP references
UUID c039a50b-f5f9-4ad0-8b66-e1d8cc86717b
which can be used as unique global reference for RansomPlus
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | January 2017 |
encryption | AES |
extensions | ['.encrypted'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 0.25 |
ransomnotes | ['YOUR FILES ARE ENCRYPTED!!! To restore (decrypt) them you must:\n1. Pay 0.25 bitcoin (btc) to address 36QLSB*** You can get BTC on this site http://localbitcoins.com \n2. After payment you must send Bitcoin Transacation ID to E-mail: andresaha82@gmail.com Then we will send you decryption tool.'] |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['YOUR FILES ARE ENCRYPTED!!!.txt'] |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-uIb_TdWTk3Q/WI2qRSlsXJI/AAAAAAAADcE/h92XEY6AraQMUwEIOBZ9moxN1J2So8xpwCLcB/s1600/note_2.png'] |
This ransomware does not actually encrypt your file, but only changes the names of your files, just like Globe Ransomware. This ransomware is spread with the help of email spam, fake ads, fake updates, infected install files
Internal MISP references
UUID 42508fd8-3c2d-44b2-9b74-33c5d82b297d
which can be used as unique global reference for CryptConsole
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
- https://id-ransomware.blogspot.co.il/2017/01/cryptconsole-ransomware.html - webarchive
- https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/forums/t/638344/cryptconsole-uncrypteoutlookcom-support-topic-how-decrypt-fileshta/ - webarchive
- https://twitter.com/PolarToffee/status/824705553201057794 - webarchive
- https://twitter.com/demonslay335/status/1004351990493741057 - webarchive
- https://twitter.com/demonslay335/status/1004803373747572736 - webarchive
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | January 2017 |
encryption | AES |
extensions | ['.unCrypte@outlook.com_<random_numbers_and_upper_alphabetic_characters> ', '.decipher_ne@outlook.com_<random_numbers_and_upper_alphabetic_characters'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 0.2 |
ransomnotes | ["Your files are encrypted! Your personal ID764F6A6664514B414373673170615339554A534A5832546A55487169644B4A35 Discovered a serious vulnerability in your network security. No data was stolen and no one will be able to do it while they are encrypted. For you we have automatic decryptor and instructions for remediation. How to get the automatic decryptor : \n1) Pay 0,25 BTC Buy BTC on one of these sites: https://localbitcoins.com https://www.coinbase.com https://xchange.cc bitcoin adress for pay: 1KG8rWYWRYHfvjVe8ddEyJNCg6HxVWYSQm Send 0,25 BTC \n2) Send screenshot of payment to unCrypte@outlook.com. In the letter include your personal ID (look at the beginning of this document). \n3) You will receive automatic decryptor and all files will be restored \n* To be sure in getting the decryption, you can send one file (less than 10MB) to unCrypte@outlook.com In the letter include your personal ID (look at the beginning of this document). But this action will increase the cost of the automatic decryptor on 0,25 btc... \nAttention! \n• No Payment = No decryption \n• You really get the decryptor after payment \n• Do not attempt to remove the program or run the anti-virus tools \n• Attempts to self-decrypting files will result in the loss of your data \n• Decoders other users are not compatible with your data, because each user's unique encryption key"] |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['How decrypt files.hta'] |
ZXZ Ramsomware
Originated in English, could affect users worldwide, however so far only reports from Saudi Arabia. The malware name founded by a windows server tools is called win32/wagcrypt.A
Internal MISP references
UUID e4932d1c-2f97-474d-957e-c7df87f9591e
which can be used as unique global reference for ZXZ Ramsomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | January 2017 |
extensions | ['.zxz'] |
payment-method |
VxLock Ransomware
Developed in Visual Studios in 2010. Original name is VxCrypt. This ransomware encrypts your files, including photos, music, MS office, Open Office, PDF… etc
Internal MISP references
UUID 14deb95c-7af3-4fb1-b2c1-71087e1bb156
which can be used as unique global reference for VxLock Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | January 2017 |
encryption | AES+RSA |
extensions | ['.vxlock'] |
FunFact Ransomware
Funfact uses an open code for GNU Privacy Guard (GnuPG), then asks to email them to find out the amout of bitcoin to send (to receive a decrypt code). Written in English, can attach all over the world. The ransom is 1.22038 BTC, which is 1100USD.
Internal MISP references
UUID 2bfac605-a2c5-4742-92a2-279a08a4c575
which can be used as unique global reference for FunFact Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | January 2017 |
encryption | AES+RSA |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 0,65806 |
ransomnotes | ['Important Information!!!! You had bad luck. All your files are encrypted with RSA and AES ciphers. to get your files back read carefully. if you do not understand, Read again. All your documents are recoverable only with our software and key file. To decrypt files you need to contact worldfunfact@sigaint.org or funfacts11@tutanota.com and set your ID as email title and send clsign.dll file from your computer. That is the key file and yes, it’s encrypted. Search your computer for filename “clsign.dll” attach it to email. if you wish we will decrypt one of your encrypted file for free! It’s your guarantee. After you made payment you will receive decryption software with key and necessary instructions. if you don’t contact us within 72 hours we will turn on sanctions. you’ll have to pay more. Recovery is only possible during 7 days. after that don’t contact us. Remember you are just single payment away from all your files If your files are urgent pay exactly requested amount to Bitcoin (BTC) address and send clsign.dll file to us. We will send your decryption software within 24 hours; remember if you contact us first maybe you’ll have to pay less\nUser ID: 658061\nBTC Address: 1AQrj\nAmount(BTC): 1.65806\n-----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----\nVersion:\nGnuPG\nv2\n*******\n-----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----'] |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['note.iti'] |
ZekwaCrypt Ransomware
First spotted in May 2016, however made a big comeback in January 2017. It’s directed to English speaking users, therefore is able to infect worldwide. Ransomware is spread with the help of email spam, fake ads, fake updates, infected install files.
Internal MISP references
UUID 89d5a541-ef9a-4b18-ac04-2e1384031a2d
which can be used as unique global reference for ZekwaCrypt Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | January 2017 |
encryption | AES+RSA |
extensions | ['.<7_random_letters>'] |
payment-method | |
ransomnotes | ['WARNING! Your personal files are encrypted! Your most important files on this computer have been encrypted: photos, documents, videos, music, etc. You can verify this by trying to open such files. Encryption was produced using an UNIQUE public RSA-4096 key, specially generated for this computer only, thus making it impossible to decrypt such files without knowing private key and comprehensive decipher software. We have left on our server a copy of the private key, along with all required software for the decryption. To make sure that software is working as intended you have a possibility to decrypt one file for free, see contacts below. The private key will be destroyed after 7 days, afterwards making it impossible to decrypt your files. Encryption date: *** Private key destruction date: *** For obtaining decryption software, please, contact: myserverdoctor@gmail.com or XMPP jabber: doctordisk@jabbim.com'] |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['encrypted_readme.txt', '_ |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-CLo4JTpveKY/WI4sVXEQSPI/AAAAAAAADcU/n8qrwehDEQMlG845cjNow_fC4PDqlvPIQCLcB/s1600/note_2.png'] |
Sage 2.0 Ransomware
It’s directed to English speaking users, therefore is able to infect worldwide. This ransomware attacks your MS Office by offering a Micro to help with your program, but instead incrypts all your files if the used id not protected. Predecessor CryLocker
Internal MISP references
UUID 9174eef3-65f7-4ab5-9b55-b323b36fb962
which can be used as unique global reference for Sage 2.0 Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
- https://id-ransomware.blogspot.co.il/2017/01/sage-2-ransomware.html - webarchive
- https://isc.sans.edu/forums/diary/Sage+20+Ransomware/21959/ - webarchive
- http://www.securityweek.com/sage-20-ransomware-demands-2000-ransom - webarchive
- https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/sage-2-0-ransomware-gearing-up-for-possible-greater-distribution/ - webarchive
- https://www.govcert.admin.ch/blog/27/sage-2.0-comes-with-ip-generation-algorithm-ipga - webarchive
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | January 2017 |
encryption | AES |
extensions | ['.sage'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 2,15555 (2000$) |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['!Recovery_[3_random_chars].html'] |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-6YhxRaqa_9Q/WISA9dW31bI/AAAAAAAADUE/78mNNKpPMyc2Gzi1N9CooyQp7RNT40NNgCLcB/s1600/note1_2.png', 'https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-_c5vGu4nCvE/WIT_pWP_FSI/AAAAAAAADUs/8hK8a4E48sY3U_aAHC2qNzYDBL0bQcNjgCLcB/s1600/note-wallp111.png'] |
CloudSword Ransomware
It’s directed to English speaking users, therefore is able to infect worldwide. Uses the name “Window Update” to confuse its victims. Then imitates the window update process , while turning off the Window Startup Repair and changes the BootStatusPolicy using these commands: bcdedit.exe /set {default} recoveryenabled No bcdedit.exe /set {default} bootstatuspolicy ignoreallfailures
Internal MISP references
UUID a89e0ae0-e0e2-40c5-83ff-5fd672aaa2a4
which can be used as unique global reference for CloudSword Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | January 2017 |
encryption | AES |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['Warning警告.html'] |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-OTxFEWf7LiY/WIO0rJmBgJI/AAAAAAAADTQ/U3BLcd2-CPQQ_73eIKIyg28cKFmw4nctgCLcB/s1600/note.jpg'] |
It’s directed to English speaking users, therefore is able to infect worldwide. Uses the name “Chrome Update” to confuse its victims. Then imitates the chrome update process ,while encrypting the files. DO NOT pay the ransom, since YOUR COMPUTER WILL NOT BE RESTORED FROM THIS MALWARE!!!!
"synonyms" in the meta part typically refer to alternate names or labels that are associated with a particular DN.
Known Synonyms |
Fake |
Internal MISP references
UUID 327eb8b4-5793-42f0-96c0-7f651a0debdc
which can be used as unique global reference for DN
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | January 2017 |
encryption | AES |
extensions | ['.killedXXX'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 0.5 |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-llR46G5zOBE/WIJuTTHImXI/AAAAAAAADS8/Ww_QU1Z7Q3geZgiSStJB3siO3oQJpIcowCLcB/s1600/note.jpg', 'https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-ilIaUD5qOuk/WIJuV1TuC1I/AAAAAAAADTA/SOj8St_qXMsgDexK1BGgZT0yFDkNDz_7QCLcB/s1600/lock.jpg'] |
GarryWeber Ransomware
It’s directed to English speaking users, therefore is able to infect worldwide. Its original name is FileSpy and FileSpy Application. It is spread using email spam, fake updates, infected attachments and so on. It encryps all your files, including: music, MS Office, etc..
Internal MISP references
UUID b6e6da33-bf23-4586-81cf-dcfe10e13a81
which can be used as unique global reference for GarryWeber Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | January 2017 |
encryption | AES |
extensions | ['.id- |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 1 |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['HOW_OPEN_FILES.html'] |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-w6lxK0qHj8A/WIO_iAngUzI/AAAAAAAADTk/dLGlrwwOh508AlG2ojLRszpUxL0tHrtSQCLcB/s1600/note-html.jpg'] |
Satan Ransomware
It’s directed to English speaking users, therefore is able to infect worldwide. Its original name is RAAS RANSOMWARE. It is spread using email spam, fake updates, infected attachments and so on. It encryps all your files, including: music, MS Office, Open Office, pictures etc.. This ransomware promotes other to download viruses and spread them as ransomware to infect other users and keep 70% of the ransom. (leaving the other 30% to Satan) https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-7fwX40eYL18/WH-tfpNjDgI/AAAAAAAADPk/KVP_ji8lR0gENCMYhb324mfzIFFpiaOwACLcB/s1600/site-raas.gif RaaS
Internal MISP references
UUID 61d8bba8-7b22-493f-b023-97ffe7f17caf
which can be used as unique global reference for Satan Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
- https://id-ransomware.blogspot.co.il/2017/01/satan-raas.html - webarchive
- https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/forums/t/637811/satan-ransomware-help-support-topic-stn-extension-help-decrypt-fileshtml/ - webarchive
- https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/the-week-in-ransomware-january-20th-2017-satan-raas-spora-locky-and-more/ - webarchive
- https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/new-satan-ransomware-available-through-a-ransomware-as-a-service-/ - webarchive
- https://twitter.com/Xylit0l/status/821757718885236740 - webarchive
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | January 2017 |
encryption | AES-256 + RSA-2048 |
extensions | ['.stn'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 0.1 - your choice |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['HELP_DECRYPT_FILES.html'] |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-5BgSHIym-8Y/WIH92q4ymHI/AAAAAAAADSk/MF2T-mmhuY4irQZFqmpGZjmUI2onlNCyACLcB/s1600/ransom-note.png'] |
Related clusters
To see the related clusters, click here.
It’s directed to English speaking users, therefore is able to infect worldwide. It is spread using email spam, fake updates, infected attachments and so on. It encrypts all your files, including: music, MS Office, Open Office, pictures , videos, shared online files etc..
"synonyms" in the meta part typically refer to alternate names or labels that are associated with a particular Havoc.
Known Synonyms |
HavocCrypt Ransomware |
Internal MISP references
UUID c6bef9c8-becb-4bee-bd97-c1c655133396
which can be used as unique global reference for Havoc
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | January 2017 |
encryption | AES |
extensions | ['.HavocCrypt'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 150 $ |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-Xs7yigomWw8/WH0mqn0QJLI/AAAAAAAADKA/0Fk5QroMsgQ3AsXbHsbVtopcJN4qzDgdACLcB/s1600/note.jpg'] |
Related clusters
To see the related clusters, click here.
CryptoSweetTooth Ransomware
It’s directed to English speaking users, therefore is able to infect worldwide. It is spread using email spam, fake updates, attachments and so on. It encrypts all your files, including: music, MS Office, Open Office, pictures, videos, shared online files etc.. Its fake name is Bitcoin and maker’s name is Santiago. Work of the encrypted requires the user to have .NET Framework 4.5.2. on his computer.
Internal MISP references
UUID ca831782-fcbf-4984-b04e-d79b14e48a71
which can be used as unique global reference for CryptoSweetTooth Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | January 2017 |
encryption | AES |
extensions | ['.locked'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 0.5 |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['IMPORTANTE_LEER.html', 'RECUPERAR_ARCHIVOS.html'] |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-KE6dziEK4To/WHnvPzKOs7I/AAAAAAAADHI/KPBjmO9iChgAa12-f1VOxF49Pv27-0XfQCLcB/s1600/note.jpg'] |
Kaandsona Ransomware
It’s directed to English speaking users, therefore is able to infect worldwide. It is spread using email spam, fake updates, attachments and so on. It encrypts all your files, including: music, MS Office, Open Office, pictures, videos, shared online files etc.. The word Kaandsona is Estonian, therefore the creator is probably from Estonia. Crashes before it encrypts
"synonyms" in the meta part typically refer to alternate names or labels that are associated with a particular Kaandsona Ransomware.
Known Synonyms |
Käändsõna Ransomware |
RansomTroll Ransomware |
Internal MISP references
UUID aed61a0a-dc48-43ac-9c33-27e5a286899e
which can be used as unique global reference for Kaandsona Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | January 2017 |
encryption | AES |
extensions | ['.kencf'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 1 |
ransomnotes | ["You have been struck by the holy Kaandsona ransomware Either you pay 1 BTC in 24 hours or you lose ALL FILES \nbutton 'Show all encrypted files' \nbutton 'PAY'"] |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-v3jncd77m3U/WHkjPoEusKI/AAAAAAAADGE/xJOIgzm-ST0L4kpNeThKTyfukq3e1Th-QCLcB/s1600/troll-22.png'] |
LambdaLocker Ransomware
It’s directed to English and Chinese speaking users, therefore is able to infect worldwide. It is spread using email spam, fake updates, attachments and so on. It encrypts all your files, including: music, MS Office, Open Office, pictures, videos, shared online files etc.. Python Ransomware
Internal MISP references
UUID 0d1b35e9-c87a-4972-8c27-a11c13e351d7
which can be used as unique global reference for LambdaLocker Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | January 2017 |
encryption | AES-256 |
extensions | ['.lambda_l0cked'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 0.5 - 1 |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['READ_IT.hTmL'] |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-B3o6bGziu_M/WHkyueI902I/AAAAAAAADGw/la7psCE9JEEe17GipFh69xVnIDYGFF38wCLcB/s1600/note-1-2.gif'] |
NMoreia 2.0 Ransomware
It’s directed to English speaking users, therefore is able to infect worldwide. It is spread using email spam, fake updates, attachments and so on. It encrypts all your files, including: music, MS Office, Open Office, pictures, videos, shared online files etc..
"synonyms" in the meta part typically refer to alternate names or labels that are associated with a particular NMoreia 2.0 Ransomware.
Known Synonyms |
HakunaMatataRansomware |
Internal MISP references
UUID 0645cae2-bda9-4d68-8bc3-c3c1eb9d1801
which can be used as unique global reference for NMoreia 2.0 Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | January 2017 |
encryption | AES |
extensions | ['.HakunaMatata'] |
payment-method | Website (onion) |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['Recovers files yako.html'] |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-DUXeyyzqwKs/WHkrGvLyFvI/AAAAAAAADGg/SPfrNMZYGs8edE7X5z-3MBroIqS5GQ8kACLcB/s1600/note_1-str_2.png'] |
Marlboro Ransomware
It’s directed to English speaking users, therefore is able to infect worldwide. It is spread using email spam, fake updates, attachments and so on. It encrypts all your files, including: music, MS Office, Open Office, pictures, videos, shared online files etc.. Ransom is .2 bitcoin, however there is no point of even trying to pay, since this damage is irreversible. Once the ransom is paid the hacker does not return decrypt the files. Another name is DeMarlboro and it is written in language C++. Pretend to encrypt using RSA-2048 and AES-128 (really it’s just XOR)
Internal MISP references
UUID 4ae98da3-c667-4c6e-b0fb-5b52c667637c
which can be used as unique global reference for Marlboro Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | January 2017 |
encryption | XOR |
extensions | ['.oops'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 0.2 |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['HELP_Recover_Files.html'] |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-7UmhPM2VSKY/WHe5tDsHfuI/AAAAAAAADFM/FRdUnAyxAggvF0hX0adtrpq48F7HXPbawCLcB/s1600/check-decrypt.png', 'https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-MWRTa6aXtdk/WHflJFyb-GI/AAAAAAAADFs/dc-l-RrWSCAPE8akw2SCb1uuj-a-2shiwCLcB/s1600/docm.png'] |
Spora Ransomware
It’s directed to English speaking users, therefore is able to infect worldwide. It is spread using email spam, fake updates, attachments and so on. It encrypts all your files, including: music, MS Office, Open Office, pictures, videos, shared online files etc.. Sample of a spam email with a viral attachment: https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-KkJXiHG80S0/WHX4TBpkamI/AAAAAAAADDg/F_bN796ndMYnzfUsgSWMXhRxFf3Ic-HtACLcB/s1600/spam-email.png
Internal MISP references
UUID 46601172-d938-47af-8cf5-c5a796ab68ab
which can be used as unique global reference for Spora Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | January 2017 |
encryption | AES+RSA |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 79$ |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['[Infection-ID].HTML'] |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-0COE3ADdaYk/WHpnHzuo7OI/AAAAAAAADHY/yfDF3XG720Yyn3xQHwFngt1T99cT-Xt3wCLcB/s1600/rus-note_2.png'] |
CryptoKill Ransomware
It’s directed to English speaking users, therefore is able to infect worldwide. It is spread using email spam, fake updates, attachments and so on. It encrypts all your files, including: music, MS Office, Open Office, pictures, videos, shared online files etc.. The files get encrypted, but the decrypt key is not available. NO POINT OF PAYING THE RANSOM, THE FILES WILL NOT BE RETURNED.
Internal MISP references
UUID 7ae2f594-8a72-4ba8-a37a-32457d1d3fe8
which can be used as unique global reference for CryptoKill Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | January 2017 |
encryption | AES+RSA |
extensions | ['.crypto'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
All_Your_Documents Ransomware
It’s directed to English speaking users, therefore is able to infect worldwide. It is spread using email spam, fake updates, attachments and so on. It encrypts all your files, including: music, MS Office, Open Office, pictures, videos, shared online files etc..
Internal MISP references
UUID 62120e20-21f6-474b-9dc1-fc871d25c798
which can be used as unique global reference for All_Your_Documents Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | January 2017 |
extensions | ['AES+RSA'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 0.35 |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-mwIvQNkFH4g/WKAydZnGn_I/AAAAAAAADxs/6xHgbD3OUFUbebeuNVkI6tp_cMRVUQHtQCLcB/s1600/note_2.png'] |
SerbRansom 2017 Ransomware
It’s directed to English speaking users, therefore is able to infect worldwide. It is spread using email spam, fake updates, attachments and so on. It encrypts all your files, including: music, MS Office, Open Office, pictures, videos, shared online files etc.. The ransom is 500$ in bitcoins. The name of the hacker is R4z0rx0r Serbian Hacker.
Internal MISP references
UUID fb1e99cb-73fa-4961-a052-c90b3f383542
which can be used as unique global reference for SerbRansom 2017 Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
- https://id-ransomware.blogspot.co.il/2017/02/serbransom-2017.html - webarchive
- https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/ultranationalist-developer-behind-serbransom-ransomware/ - webarchive
- https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/the-week-in-ransomware-february-10th-2017-serpent-spora-id-ransomware/ - webarchive
- https://twitter.com/malwrhunterteam/status/830116190873849856 - webarchive
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | January 2017 |
encryption | AES |
extensions | ['.velikasrbija'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 500$ |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-OY8jgTN5Y9Q/WKAI6a9xfMI/AAAAAAAADwc/ng36hAXsvfYQ5rdkSFeVgEvLY88pJmnWACLcB/s1600/note-html-wallp.jpg', 'https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-DQQ5tk0C9lY/WKALND0dYPI/AAAAAAAADwo/EuKiO_F0Mn0ImrGLVE-Sks-j93pHoTjKACLcB/s1600/konstr.jpg'] |
Fadesoft Ransomware
It’s directed to English speaking users, therefore is able to infect worldwide. It is spread using email spam, fake updates, attachments and so on. It encrypts all your files, including: music, MS Office, Open Office, pictures, videos, shared online files etc.. The ransom is 0.33 bitcoins.
Internal MISP references
UUID ccfe7f6a-9c9b-450a-a4c7-5bbaf4a82e37
which can be used as unique global reference for Fadesoft Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | January 2017 |
encryption | AES |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 0.33 |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-5t-5eBl4Tng/WKARmYV5GVI/AAAAAAAADxA/OuS7Eo__z1sh2tRbBpQIxJQ6IVbSiQakwCLcB/s1600/lock-note.jpg'] |
HugeMe Ransomware
It’s directed to English speaking users, therefore is able to infect worldwide. It is spread using email spam, fake updates, attachments and so on. It encrypts all your files, including: music, MS Office, Open Office, pictures, videos, shared online files etc..
Internal MISP references
UUID 681ad7cc-fda0-40dc-83b3-91fdfdec81e1
which can be used as unique global reference for HugeMe Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | January 2017 |
encryption | AES-256 + RSA-2048 |
extensions | ['.encypted'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 1 |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-kolk6sABFzQ/WJ95ddcAxNI/AAAAAAAADwI/oP8ZFD7KnqoQWgpfgEHId843x3l0xfhjACLcB/s1600/note_2.png'] |
DynA-Crypt Ransomware
It’s directed to English speaking users, therefore is able to infect worldwide. It is spread using email spam, fake updates, attachments and so on. It encrypts all your files, including: music, MS Office, Open Office, pictures, videos, shared online files etc..
"synonyms" in the meta part typically refer to alternate names or labels that are associated with a particular DynA-Crypt Ransomware.
Known Synonyms |
DynA CryptoLocker Ransomware |
Internal MISP references
UUID 9979ae53-98f7-49a2-aa1e-276973c2b44f
which can be used as unique global reference for DynA-Crypt Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | January 2017 |
encryption | AES-256 + RSA-2048 |
extensions | ['.crypt'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 50$ |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-Qx8RhielSbI/WJypR9Zw9nI/AAAAAAAADus/Opsfy8FxRIIBmouywdl7uT94ZpfwKr6JACLcB/s1600/note.jpg'] |
Serpent 2017 Ransomware
It’s directed to English speaking users, therefore is able to infect worldwide. It is spread using email spam, fake updates, attachments and so on. It encrypts all your files, including: music, MS Office, Open Office, pictures, videos, shared online files etc..
"synonyms" in the meta part typically refer to alternate names or labels that are associated with a particular Serpent 2017 Ransomware.
Known Synonyms |
Serpent Danish Ransomware |
Internal MISP references
UUID 3b472aac-085b-409e-89f1-e8c766f7c401
which can be used as unique global reference for Serpent 2017 Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | January 2017 |
encryption | AES-256 + RSA-2048 |
extensions | ['.crypt'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 0.75 (787.09$) - 2.25 (2366.55$ after 7 days) |
ransomnotes | ["==== NEED HELP WITH TRANSLATE? USE https://translate.google.com ====\n================ PLEASE READ THIS MESSAGE CAREFULLY ================\n Your documents, photos, videos, databases and other important files have been encrypted! The files have been encrypted using AES256 and RSA2048 encryption (unbreakable) To decrypt your files you need to buy the special software 'SerpentDecrypter'.You can buy this software on one of the websites below. xxxx://vdpbkmwbnp.pw/00000000-00000000-00000000-00000000 xxxx://hnxrvobhgm.pw/00000000-00000000-00000000-00000000 If the websites above do not work you can use a special website on the TOR network. Follow the steps below\n1. Download the TOR browser https://www.torproject.org/projects/torbrowser.html.en#downloads\n2. Inside the TOR browser brower navigate to : 3o4kqe6khkfgx25g.onion/00000000-00000000-00000000-00000000 \n3. Follow the instructions to buy 'Serpent Decrypter'\n================ PLEASE READ THIS MESSAGE CAREFULLY ================"] |
Erebus 2017 Ransomware
It’s directed to English speaking users, therefore is able to infect worldwide. It is spread using email spam, fake updates, attachments and so on. It encrypts all your files, including: music, MS Office, Open Office, pictures, videos, shared online files etc..
Internal MISP references
UUID c21e637c-6611-47e1-a191-571409b6669a
which can be used as unique global reference for Erebus 2017 Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | January 2017 |
encryption | ROT-23 |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 0.085 |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['README.HTML'] |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-tAp9wE6CJxM/WJrvOOyIfRI/AAAAAAAADts/iMfaiDRyRcQuPXgtQV--qt7q8ZI3ZV0tQCLcB/s1600/note1%252B.jpg'] |
Cyber Drill Exercise
It’s directed to English speaking users, therefore is able to infect worldwide. It is spread using email spam, fake updates, attachments and so on. It encrypts all your files, including: music, MS Office, Open Office, pictures, videos, shared online files etc..
"synonyms" in the meta part typically refer to alternate names or labels that are associated with a particular Cyber Drill Exercise .
Known Synonyms |
Ransomuhahawhere |
Internal MISP references
UUID dcb183d1-11b5-464c-893a-21e132cb7b51
which can be used as unique global reference for Cyber Drill Exercise
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | January 2017 |
extensions | ['.locked'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 0.085 |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-7KRVg6kt418/WJnwxDOV5NI/AAAAAAAADrk/or9DbPMl-7ksN7OwIAH6BMJwE5fGc_BfgCLcB/s1600/note_2.png'] |
Cancer Ransomware FAKE
It’s directed to English speaking users, therefore is able to infect worldwide. It is spread using email spam, fake updates, attachments and so on. This is a trollware that does not encrypt your files but makes your computer act crazy (like in the video in the link below). It is meant to be annoying and it is hard to erase from your PC, but possible.
Internal MISP references
UUID ef747d7f-894e-4c0c-ac0f-3fa1ef3ef17f
which can be used as unique global reference for Cancer Ransomware FAKE
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | February 2017 |
extensions | ['.cancer'] |
payment-method | no ransom |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-ozPs6mwKfEI/WJjTwbrOx9I/AAAAAAAADqE/4gewG-f_dLQQDevajtn8CnX69lvWgCZQACLcB/s1600/wallp.jpg'] |
UpdateHost Ransomware
It’s directed to English speaking users, therefore is able to infect worldwide. It is spread using email spam, fake updates, attachments and so on. It encrypts all your files, including: music, MS Office, Open Office, pictures, videos, shared online files etc.. Poses as Microsoft Copyright 2017 and requests ransom in bitcoins.
Internal MISP references
UUID ed5b30b0-2949-410a-bc4c-3d90de93d033
which can be used as unique global reference for UpdateHost Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | January 2017 |
encryption | AES |
extensions | ['.locked'] |
payment-method | Email - Bitcoin |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-BOmKmroIvEI/WJn-LAUmyyI/AAAAAAAADsI/W987TEaOnEAd45AOxO1cFyFvxEx_RfehgCLcB/s1600/note_2.png'] |
Nemesis Ransomware
It’s directed to English speaking users, therefore is able to infect worldwide. It is spread using email spam, fake updates, attachments and so on. It encrypts all your files, including: music, MS Office, Open Office, pictures, videos, shared online files etc.. Ransom is 10 bitcoins.
Internal MISP references
UUID b5942085-c9f2-4d1a-aadf-1061ad38fb1d
which can be used as unique global reference for Nemesis Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | January 2017 |
encryption | AES |
extensions | ['.v8dp'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 10 |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-dLSbqOiIbLU/WHPh-akYinI/AAAAAAAADC0/6nFQClDBJ5M7ZhrjkhnxfkdboOh7SlE-ACLcB/s1600/v5YZMxt.jpg'] |
Evil Ransomware
It’s directed to English speaking users, therefore is able to infect worldwide. It is spread using email spam, fake updates, attachments and so on. It encrypts all your files, including: music, MS Office, Open Office, pictures, videos, shared online files etc.. Domain KZ is used, therefore it is assumed that the decrypter is from Kazakhstan. Coded in Javascript
"synonyms" in the meta part typically refer to alternate names or labels that are associated with a particular Evil Ransomware.
Known Synonyms |
File0Locked KZ Ransomware |
Internal MISP references
UUID 57933295-4a0e-4f6a-b06b-36807ff150cd
which can be used as unique global reference for Evil Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
- https://id-ransomware.blogspot.co.il/2017/01/evil-ransomware.html - webarchive
- http://www.enigmasoftware.com/evilransomware-removal/ - webarchive
- http://usproins.com/evil-ransomware-is-lurking/ - webarchive
- https://twitter.com/jiriatvirlab/status/818443491713884161 - webarchive
- https://twitter.com/PolarToffee/status/826508611878793219 - webarchive
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | January 2017 |
encryption | AES |
extensions | ['.file0locked', '.evillock'] |
payment-method | |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-0NFy_yDghZ0/WHO_ClbPdMI/AAAAAAAADCQ/RX2cgYg3z381gro6UUQtAED7JgXHbvGLgCLcB/s1600/note-txt_2.png', 'https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-xxJ9xdRuWis/WHO_FL-hWcI/AAAAAAAADCU/VqI02AhzopQY1WKk-k6QYSdHFWFzg1NcACLcB/s1600/note_2.png'] |
Ocelot Ransomware (FAKE RANSOMWARE)
It’s directed to English speaking users, therefore is able to infect worldwide. This is a fake ransomware. Your files are not really encrypted, however the attacker does ask for a ransom of .03 bitcoins. It is still dangerous even though it is fake, he still go through to your computer.
"synonyms" in the meta part typically refer to alternate names or labels that are associated with a particular Ocelot Ransomware (FAKE RANSOMWARE).
Known Synonyms |
Ocelot Locker Ransomware |
Internal MISP references
UUID 054b9fbd-72fa-464f-a683-a69ab3936d69
which can be used as unique global reference for Ocelot Ransomware (FAKE RANSOMWARE)
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | January 2017 |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 0.03 |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-3iMAtqvAmts/WHEyA_dW5OI/AAAAAAAADAY/tE5FtaVMJcc3aQQvWI4XOdjtvbXufFgywCLcB/s1600/lock1.jpg', 'https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-DMxJm5GT0VY/WHEyEOi_vZI/AAAAAAAADAc/6Zi3IBuBz1I7jdQHcSrzhUGagGCUfs6iACLcB/s1600/lock2.jpg'] |
SkyName Ransomware
It’s directed to Czechoslovakianspeaking users. It is spread using email spam, fake updates, attachments and so on. It encrypts all your files, including: music, MS Office, Open Office, pictures, videos, shared online files etc.. Based on HiddenTear
"synonyms" in the meta part typically refer to alternate names or labels that are associated with a particular SkyName Ransomware.
Known Synonyms |
Blablabla Ransomware |
Internal MISP references
UUID 00b8ff33-1504-49a4-a025-b761738eed68
which can be used as unique global reference for SkyName Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | January 2017 |
encryption | AES |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 1000 CZK |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['INFOK1.txt'] |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-i4ksJq-UzX8/WHFFXQL5wAI/AAAAAAAADA8/awfsqj1lr7IMBAPtE0tB44PNf1N6zkGDwCLcB/s1600/note_2.png', 'https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-OlKgHvtAUHg/WHFDCx4thaI/AAAAAAAADAw/wzBXV17Xh-saaFGlrxw3CDNhGSTaVe2dQCLcB/s1600/lock1.jpg'] |
MafiaWare Ransomware
It’s directed to English speaking users, therefore is able to infect worldwide. It is spread using email spam, fake updates, attachments and so on. It encrypts all your files, including: music, MS Office, Open Office, pictures, videos, shared online files etc.. Ransom is 155$ inbitcoins. Creator of ransomware is called Mafia. Based on HiddenTear
"synonyms" in the meta part typically refer to alternate names or labels that are associated with a particular MafiaWare Ransomware.
Known Synonyms |
Depsex Ransomware |
Internal MISP references
UUID e5a60429-ae5d-46f4-a731-da9e2fcf8b92
which can be used as unique global reference for MafiaWare Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | January 2017 |
encryption | AES |
extensions | ['.locked-by-mafia'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 155$ |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['READ_ME.txt'] |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-BclLp7x1sUM/WG6acqtDBbI/AAAAAAAAC_I/ToVEXx-G2DcKD4d7TZ0RkVqA1wRicxnZQCLcB/s1600/note_2.png'] |
Globe3 Ransomware
It’s directed to English speaking users, therefore is able to infect worldwide. It is spread using email spam, fake updates, attachments and so on. It encrypts all your files, including: music, MS Office, Open Office, pictures, videos, shared online files etc.. Ransom is 3 bitcoins. Extesion depends on the config file. It seems Globe is a ransomware kit.
"synonyms" in the meta part typically refer to alternate names or labels that are associated with a particular Globe3 Ransomware.
Known Synonyms |
Purge Ransomware |
Internal MISP references
UUID fe16edbe-3050-4276-bac3-c7ff5fd4174a
which can be used as unique global reference for Globe3 Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
- https://id-ransomware.blogspot.co.il/2017/01/globe3-ransomware.html - webarchive
- https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/forums/t/624518/globe-ransomware-help-and-support-purge-extension-how-to-restore-fileshta/ - webarchive
- https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/the-globe-ransomware-wants-to-purge-your-files/ - webarchive
- https://decryptors.blogspot.co.il/2017/01/globe3-decrypter.html - webarchive
- https://decrypter.emsisoft.com/globe3 - webarchive
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | January 2017 |
encryption | AES-256+RSA or RC4 |
extensions | ['.badnews', '.globe', '.[random].bit', '.[random].encrypted', '.[random].raid10', '.[random].globe', '.[mia.kokers@aol.com]', '.unlockv@india.com', '.rescuers@india.com.3392cYAn548QZeUf.lock', '.locked', '.decrypt2017', '.hnumkhotep'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 3 |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['How To Recover Encrypted Files.hta'] |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-Wk1_IdcEHbk/WG6FVnoaKlI/AAAAAAAAC-4/WeHzJAUJ0goxxuAoGUUebSgzGHrnD6LQQCLcB/s1600/Globe-ransom-note_2.png.png', 'https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-lYkopoRH0wQ/WHOt1KhhzhI/AAAAAAAADCA/nPdhHK3wEucAK1GHodeh5w3HcpdugzSHwCLcB/s1600/globe3-9-1-17.png'] |
Related clusters
To see the related clusters, click here.
BleedGreen Ransomware
It’s directed to English speaking users, therefore is able to infect worldwide. It is spread using email spam, fake updates, attachments and so on. It encrypts all your files, including: music, MS Office, Open Office, pictures, videos, shared online files etc.. Ransom is 500$ in bitcoins. Requires .NET Framework 4.0. Gets into your startup system and sends you notes like the one below: https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-xrr6aoB_giw/WG1UrGpmZJI/AAAAAAAAC-Q/KtKdQP6iLY4LHaHgudF5dKs6i1JHQOBmgCLcB/s1600/green1.jpg
"synonyms" in the meta part typically refer to alternate names or labels that are associated with a particular BleedGreen Ransomware.
Known Synonyms |
FireCrypt Ransomware |
Internal MISP references
UUID fbb3fbf9-50d7-4fe1-955a-fd4defa0cb08
which can be used as unique global reference for BleedGreen Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | January 2017 |
encryption | AES-256 |
extensions | ['.firecrypt'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 500$ |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-np8abNpYeoU/WG1KX4_H0yI/AAAAAAAAC98/gxRJeDb01So5yTboXYP7sZWurJFBbWziACLcB/s1600/note-html.jpg'] |
BTCamant Ransomware
It’s directed to English speaking users, therefore is able to infect worldwide. It is spread using email spam, fake updates, attachments and so on. It encrypts all your files, including: music, MS Office, Open Office, pictures, videos, shared online files etc.. Original name is Mission 1996 or Mission: “Impossible” (1996) (like the movie)
Internal MISP references
UUID a5826bd3-b457-4aa9-a2e7-f0044ad9992f
which can be used as unique global reference for BTCamant Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | December 2016 |
encryption | AES |
extensions | ['.BTC'] |
payment-method | |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['BTC_DECRYPT_FILES.txt', 'BTC_DECRYPT_FILES.html'] |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-uiHluU553MU/WGzoFpEWkfI/AAAAAAAAC9o/M34ndwHUsoEfZiLJv9j4PCgBImS8oyYaACLcB/s1600/note_2.png'] |
X3M Ransomware
It’s directed to English speaking users, therefore is able to infect worldwide. It is spread using email spam, fake updates, attachments and so on. It encrypts all your files, including: music, MS Office, Open Office, pictures, videos, shared online files etc.. It is also possible to break in using RDP Windows with the help of Pass-the-Hash system, PuTTY, mRemoteNG, TightVNC, Chrome Remote Desktop, modified version of TeamViewer, AnyDesk, AmmyyAdmin, LiteManager, Radmin and others. Ransom is 700$ in Bitcoins.
Internal MISP references
UUID 192bc3e8-ace8-4229-aa88-37034a11ef5b
which can be used as unique global reference for X3M Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | January 2017 |
encryption | AES |
extensions | ['_x3m', '_r9oj', '_locked'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 700$ |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-hMAakgAORvg/WG_i-lk09II/AAAAAAAADAI/Uq2iCHC5ngYzeVcuxQF0mcbrLqyOGcA_wCLcB/s1600/note.png'] |
GOG Ransomware
It’s directed to English speaking users, therefore is able to infect worldwide. It is spread using email spam, fake updates, attachments and so on. It encrypts all your files, including: music, MS Office, Open Office, pictures, videos, shared online files etc..
Internal MISP references
UUID c3ef2acd-cc5d-4240-80e7-47e85b46db96
which can be used as unique global reference for GOG Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | December 2016 |
encryption | AES |
extensions | ['.LOCKED'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin - WebSite (onion) |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['DecryptFile.txt'] |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-cAnilnXjK7k/WG_OHhC_UdI/AAAAAAAAC_4/sdbzTx9hP4sryM7xE59ONdk7Zr8D_m6XwCLcB/s1600/note-txt_2.png', 'https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-TDK91s7FmNM/WGpcwq5HmwI/AAAAAAAAC8Q/i0Q66vE7m-0kmrKPXWdwnYQg6Eaw2KSDwCLcB/s1600/note-pay_2.png'] |
RegretLocker is a new ransomware that has been found in the wild in the last month that does not only encrypt normal files on disk like other ransomwares. When running, it will particularly search for VHD files, mount them using Windows Virtual Storage API, and then encrypt all the files it finds inside of those VHD files.
Internal MISP references
UUID 9479d372-605e-408e-a2a3-ea971ad4ad78
which can be used as unique global reference for RegretLocker
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | November 2020 |
encryption | AES |
extensions | ['.mouse'] |
It’s directed to English speaking users, therefore is able to infect worldwide. It is spread using email spam, fake updates, attachments and so on. It encrypts all your files, including: music, MS Office, Open Office, pictures, videos, shared online files etc.. Ransom is 0.1 Bitcoins. Original name is TrojanRansom.
Internal MISP references
UUID ecfa106d-0aff-4f7e-a259-f00eb14fc245
which can be used as unique global reference for EdgeLocker
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | December 2016 |
encryption | AES |
extensions | ['.edgel'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 0.1 |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-dNBgohC1UYg/WGnXhem546I/AAAAAAAAC7w/Wv0Jy4173xsBJDZPLMxe6lXBgI5BkY4BgCLcB/s1600/note-lock.jpg'] |
Red Alert
It’s directed to English speaking users, therefore is able to infect worldwide. It is spread using email spam, fake updates, attachments and so on. It encrypts all your files, including: music, MS Office, Open Office, pictures, videos, shared online files etc.. Fake name: Microsoft Corporation. Based on HiddenTear
Internal MISP references
UUID f762860a-5e7a-43bf-bef4-06bd27e0b023
which can be used as unique global reference for Red Alert
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | December 2016 |
encryption | AES |
extensions | ['.locked'] |
payment-method | Website |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['MESSAGE.txt'] |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-tDS74fDwB1Q/WGk2D5DcUYI/AAAAAAAAC6s/vahju5JD9B4chwnNDUvDPp4ejZOxnj_awCLcB/s1600/note-wallp.jpg'] |
Related clusters
To see the related clusters, click here.
It’s directed to English speaking users, therefore is able to infect worldwide. It is spread using email spam, fake updates, attachments and so on. It encrypts all your files, including: music, MS Office, Open Office, pictures, videos, shared online files etc..
Internal MISP references
UUID ed26fcf3-47fb-45cc-b5f9-de18f6491934
which can be used as unique global reference for First
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | December 2016 |
encryption | AES |
extensions | ['.locked'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 1.5 |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-T0PhVuoFSyA/WGk5mYkRFAI/AAAAAAAAC64/j14Pt84YUmQMNa_5LSEn6fZ5CoYqz60swCLcB/s1600/note-lock.jpg'] |
XCrypt Ransomware
It’s directed to English speaking users, therefore is able to infect worldwide. It is spread using email spam, fake updates, attachments and so on. It encrypts all your files, including: music, MS Office, Open Office, pictures, videos, shared online files etc.. Written on Delphi. The user requests the victim to get in touch with him through ICQ to get the ransom and return the files.
"synonyms" in the meta part typically refer to alternate names or labels that are associated with a particular XCrypt Ransomware.
Known Synonyms |
XCrypt |
Internal MISP references
UUID fd5bb71f-80dc-4a6d-ba8e-ed74999700d3
which can be used as unique global reference for XCrypt Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | January 2017 |
encryption | Twofish |
payment-method | |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['Xhelp.jpg'] |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-XZNMg5P75r4/WI985j-EKHI/AAAAAAAADcw/jGdtXoq2pnwjlAbFAJia4UsXuJrV5AU3gCLcB/s1600/note.jpg'] |
7Zipper Ransomware
It’s directed to English speaking users, therefore is able to infect worldwide. It is spread using email spam, fake updates, attachments and so on. It encrypts all your files, including: music, MS Office, Open Office, pictures, videos, shared online files etc..
Internal MISP references
UUID d8ec9e54-a4a4-451e-9f29-e7503174c16e
which can be used as unique global reference for 7Zipper Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | January 2017 |
encryption | Twofish |
extensions | ['.7zipper'] |
payment-method | |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-BR0DvtIft7g/WI95IF7IdUI/AAAAAAAADck/gzWAMbpFvaYicHFuMzvlM3YGJpgulMQBQCLcB/s1600/note_2.png'] |
Zyka Ransomware
It’s directed to English speaking users, therefore is able to infect worldwide. It is spread using email spam, fake updates, attachments and so on. It encrypts all your files, including: music, MS Office, Open Office, pictures, videos, shared online files etc.. Ransom is 170$ or EUR in Bitcoins.
Internal MISP references
UUID 7b7c8124-c679-4201-b5a5-5e66e6d52b70
which can be used as unique global reference for Zyka Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
- https://id-ransomware.blogspot.co.il/2017/01/zyka-ransomware.html - webarchive
- https://www.pcrisk.com/removal-guides/10899-zyka-ransomware - webarchive
- https://download.bleepingcomputer.com/demonslay335/StupidDecrypter.zip - webarchive
- https://twitter.com/GrujaRS/status/826153382557712385 - webarchive
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | January 2017 |
encryption | AES |
extensions | ['.lock', '.locked'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 170€/$ |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-SF4RsOANlI0/WJBQd4SJv6I/AAAAAAAADdY/hI-Ncw9FoFMi5jvljUftpzTgdykOfR3vgCLcB/s1600/lock-wallp_2.png.png'] |
SureRansom Ransomeware (Fake)
It’s directed to English speaking users, therefore is able to strike worldwide. This ransomware does not really encrypt your files. Ransom requested is £50 using credit card.
Internal MISP references
UUID a9365b55-acd8-4b70-adac-c86d121b80b3
which can be used as unique global reference for SureRansom Ransomeware (Fake)
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | January 2017 |
encryption | AES-256 (fake) |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 50£ |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-zShnOIf3R_E/WJBfhC4CdSI/AAAAAAAADdo/6l4hwSOmI0Evj4W0Esj1S_uNOy5Yq6X0QCLcB/s1600/note1-2-3.gif'] |
Netflix Ransomware
It’s directed to English speaking users, therefore is able to infect worldwide. It is spread using email spam, fake updates, attachments and so on. It encrypts all your files, including: music, MS Office, Open Office, pictures, videos, shared online files etc.. This ransomware uses the known online library as a decoy. It poses as Netflix Code generator for Netflix login, but instead encrypts your files. The ransom is 100$ in Bitcoins.
Internal MISP references
UUID 1317351f-ec8f-4c76-afab-334e1384d3d3
which can be used as unique global reference for Netflix Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
- https://id-ransomware.blogspot.co.il/2017/01/netflix-ransomware.html - webarchive
- http://blog.trendmicro.com/trendlabs-security-intelligence/netflix-scam-delivers-ransomware/ - webarchive
- https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/rogue-netflix-app-spreads-netix-ransomware-that-targets-windows-7-and-10-users/ - webarchive
- http://www.darkreading.com/attacks-breaches/netflix-scam-spreads-ransomware/d/d-id/1328012 - webarchive
- https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-bQQ4DTIClvA/WJCIh6Uq2nI/AAAAAAAADfY/hB5HcjuGgh8rRJKeLHo__IRz3Ezth22-wCEw/s1600/form1.jpg - webarchive
- https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-ZnWdPDprJOg/WJCPeCtP4HI/AAAAAAAADfw/kR0ifI1naSwTAwSuOPiw8ZCPr0tSIz1CgCLcB/s1600/netflix-akk.png - webarchive
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | January 2017 |
encryption | AES-256 |
extensions | ['.se'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 0.18 (100$) |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-vODt2aB9Hck/WJCFc3g5eCI/AAAAAAAADe8/OrEVkqUHMU4swRWedoZuBu50AWoKR1FGACLcB/s1600/netflix-note.jpg', 'https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-Cw4e1drBKl4/WJCHmgp1vtI/AAAAAAAADfI/QqFxUsuad'] |
Merry Christmas
It’s directed to English and Italian speaking users, therefore is able to infect worldwide. Most attacks are on organizations and servers. It is spread using email spam, fake updates, attachments and so on. It encrypts all your files, including: music, MS Office, Open Office, pictures, videos, shared online files etc.. They pose as a Consumer complaint notification that’s coming from Federal Trade Commission from USA, with an attached file called “complaint.pdf”. Written in Delphi by hacker MicrRP.
"synonyms" in the meta part typically refer to alternate names or labels that are associated with a particular Merry Christmas.
Known Synonyms |
Merry X-Mas |
Internal MISP references
UUID 72cbed4e-b26a-46a1-82be-3d0154fdd2e5
which can be used as unique global reference for Merry Christmas
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
- https://id-ransomware.blogspot.co.il/2016/12/mrcr1-ransomware.html - webarchive
- https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/-merry-christmas-ransomware-now-steals-user-private-data-via-diamondfox-malware/ - webarchive
- http://www.zdnet.com/article/not-such-a-merry-christmas-the-ransomware-that-also-steals-user-data/ - webarchive
- https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/merry-christmas-ransomware-and-its-dev-comodosecurity-not-bringing-holiday-cheer/ - webarchive
- https://decrypter.emsisoft.com/mrcr - webarchive
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | December 2016 |
encryption | AES-256 |
extensions | ['.MRCR1', '.PEGS1', '.RARE1', '.RMCM1', '.MERRY'] |
payment-method | |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['YOUR_FILES_ARE_DEAD.HTA', 'MERRY_I_LOVE_YOU_BRUCE.HTA'] |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-3F3QAZnDxsI/WGpvD4wZ2OI/AAAAAAAAC80/-2L6dIPqsgs8hZHOX0T6AFf5LwPwfZ-rwCLcB/s1600/note.png', 'https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-_w8peyLMcww/WHNJ1Gb0qeI/AAAAAAAADBw/EVbR-gKipYoNujo-YF6VavafsUfWDANEQCLcB/s1600/8-1-17.png'] |
Seoirse Ransomware
It’s directed to English speaking users, therefore is able to infect worldwide. It is spread using email spam, fake updates, attachments and so on. It encrypts all your files, including: music, MS Office, Open Office, pictures, videos, shared online files etc.. Seoirse is how in Ireland people say the name George. Ransom is 0.5 Bitcoins.
Internal MISP references
UUID bdf807c2-74ec-4802-9907-a89b1d910296
which can be used as unique global reference for Seoirse Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | December 2016 |
encryption | AES |
extensions | ['.seoire'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 0.5 |
KillDisk Ransomware
It’s directed to English speaking users, therefore is able to infect worldwide. It is spread using email spam, fake updates, attachments and so on. It encrypts all your files, including: music, MS Office, Open Office, pictures, videos, shared online files etc.. Every file is encrypted with a personal AES-key, and then AES-key encrypts with a RSA-1028 key. Hacking by TeleBots (Sandworm). Goes under a fake name: Update center or Microsoft Update center.
Internal MISP references
UUID 8e067af6-d1f7-478a-8a8e-5154d2685bd1
which can be used as unique global reference for KillDisk Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
- https://id-ransomware.blogspot.co.il/2016/12/killdisk-ransomware.html - webarchive
- https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/killdisk-ransomware-now-targets-linux-prevents-boot-up-has-faulty-encryption/ - webarchive
- https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/killdisk-disk-wiping-malware-adds-ransomware-component/ - webarchive
- http://www.zdnet.com/article/247000-killdisk-ransomware-demands-a-fortune-forgets-to-unlock-files/ - webarchive
- http://www.securityweek.com/destructive-killdisk-malware-turns-ransomware - webarchive
- http://www.welivesecurity.com/2017/01/05/killdisk-now-targeting-linux-demands-250k-ransom-cant-decrypt/ - webarchive
- https://cyberx-labs.com/en/blog/new-killdisk-malware-brings-ransomware-into-industrial-domain/ - webarchive
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | November/December 2016 |
encryption | AES-256+RSA |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 222 (200 000$) |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-8MqANWraAgE/WGT7mj-XirI/AAAAAAAAC3g/H_f1hTxa7Sc_DEtllBe-vYaAfY-YqMelgCLcB/s1600/wallp.png'] |
DeriaLock Ransomware
It’s directed to English speaking users, therefore is able to infect worldwide. It is spread using email spam, fake updates, attachments and so on. It encrypts all your files, including: music, MS Office, Open Office, pictures, videos, shared online files etc.. Maker is arizonacode and ransom amount is 20-30$. If the victim decides to pay the ransom, he will have to copy HWID and then speak to the hacker on Skype and forward him the payment.
Internal MISP references
UUID c0d7acd4-5d64-4571-9b07-bd4bd0d27ee3
which can be used as unique global reference for DeriaLock Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | December 2016 |
encryption | AES |
extensions | ['.deria'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 20 - 30$ |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['unlock-everybody.txt'] |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-9vg_tRPq8rQ/WGOjf4ULuGI/AAAAAAAACzw/d16uRmEOotsCbRM4hwvzQ6bB8xAVNJ7ogCLcB/s1600/DeriaLock.gif'] |
BadEncript Ransomware
It’s directed to English speaking users, therefore is able to infect worldwide. It is spread using email spam, fake updates, attachments and so on. It encrypts all your files, including: music, MS Office, Open Office, pictures, videos, shared online files etc..
Internal MISP references
UUID 43bfbb2a-9416-44da-81ef-03d6d3a3923f
which can be used as unique global reference for BadEncript Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | December 2016 |
encryption | AES |
extensions | ['.bript'] |
payment-method | Email - Bitcoin |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['More.html'] |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-hApL-ObdWsk/WGAYUyCzPcI/AAAAAAAACyg/NuL26zNgRGcLnnF2BwgOEn3AYMgVu3gQACLcB/s1600/More-note.png'] |
AdamLocker Ransomware
It’s directed to English speaking users, therefore is able to infect worldwide. It is spread using email spam, fake updates, attachments and so on. It encrypts all your files, including: music, MS Office, Open Office, pictures, videos, shared online files etc.. The name of the creator is puff69.
Internal MISP references
UUID 5e7d10b7-18ec-47f7-8f13-6fd03d10a8bc
which can be used as unique global reference for AdamLocker Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | December 2016 |
encryption | AES |
extensions | ['.adam'] |
payment-method | Website |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-9IgXt6L0hLY/WGARdzJgfvI/AAAAAAAACyQ/1bfnX_We65AirDcAFpiG49NPuBMfGH9wwCLcB/s1600/note-adam.jpg'] |
Alphabet Ransomware
It’s directed to English speaking users, therefore is able to infect worldwide. It is spread using email spam, fake updates, attachments and so on. It encrypts all your files, including: music, MS Office, Open Office, pictures, videos, shared online files etc.. This ransomware poses as Windows 10 Critical Update Service. Offers you to update your Windows 10, but instead encrypts your files. For successful attack, the victim must have .NET Framework 4.5.2 installed on him computer.
Internal MISP references
UUID dd356ed3-42b8-4587-ae53-95f933517612
which can be used as unique global reference for Alphabet Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | December 2016 |
encryption | AES |
extensions | ['.alphabet'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 1 |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-bFPI3O1BI3s/WGPpvnDvNNI/AAAAAAAAC10/mLUiFOCWnEkjbV91PmUGnc3qsFMv9um8QCLcB/s1600/wallp.jpg'] |
Related clusters
To see the related clusters, click here.
KoKoKrypt Ransomware
It’s directed to English speaking users, therefore is able to infect worldwide. It is spread by its creator in forums. It encrypts all your files, including: music, MS Office, Open Office, pictures, videos, shared online files and documents and more. The ransom is 0.1 bitcoins within 72 hours. Uses Windows Update as a decoy. Creator: Talnaci Alexandru
"synonyms" in the meta part typically refer to alternate names or labels that are associated with a particular KoKoKrypt Ransomware.
Known Synonyms |
KokoLocker Ransomware |
Internal MISP references
UUID d672fe4f-4561-488e-bca6-20385b53d77f
which can be used as unique global reference for KoKoKrypt Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | December 2016 |
encryption | AES |
extensions | ['.kokolocker'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 0.1 |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-NiQ6rSIprB8/WF-uxTMq6hI/AAAAAAAACyA/tA6qO3aJdGc0Dn_I-IOZOM3IwN5rgq9sACLcB/s1600/note-koko.jpg'] |
L33TAF Locker Ransomware
It’s directed to English speaking users, therefore is able to infect worldwide. It is spread using email spam, fake updates, attachments and so on. It encrypts all your files, including: music, MS Office, Open Office, pictures, videos, shared online files etc.. Ransom is 0.5 bitcoins. The name of the creator is staffttt, he also created Fake CryptoLocker
Internal MISP references
UUID 791a6720-d589-4cf7-b164-08b35b453ac7
which can be used as unique global reference for L33TAF Locker Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | December 2016 |
encryption | AES-256+RSA |
extensions | ['.l33tAF'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 0.5 |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['YOU_HAVE_BEEN_HACKED.txt'] |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-yncl7-Jy198/WGDjdgNKXjI/AAAAAAAACzA/bfkDgwWEGKggUG3E1tgPBAWDXwi-p-7AwCLcB/s1600/note_2.png'] |
PClock4 Ransomware
It’s directed to English speaking users, therefore is able to infect worldwide. It is spread using email spam (for example: “you have a criminal case against you”), fake updates, attachments and so on. It encrypts all your files, including: music, MS Office, Open Office, pictures, videos, shared online files etc..
"synonyms" in the meta part typically refer to alternate names or labels that are associated with a particular PClock4 Ransomware.
Known Synonyms |
PClock SysGop Ransomware |
Internal MISP references
UUID b78be3f4-e39b-41cc-adc0-5824f246959b
which can be used as unique global reference for PClock4 Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | December 2016 |
encryption | AES-256+RSA |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 0.6 - 1.6 |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-T9Mt0pE7kwY/WF7NKAPfv1I/AAAAAAAACxw/gOjxeSR0x7EurKQTI2p6Ym70ViYuYdsvQCLcB/s1600/note_2.png'] |
Guster Ransomware
It’s directed to English speaking users, therefore is able to infect worldwide. It is spread using email spam, fake updates, attachments and so on. It encrypts all your files, including: music, MS Office, Open Office, pictures, videos, shared online files etc.. This ransomware uses VBS-script to send a voice message as the first few lines of the note.
Internal MISP references
UUID ffa7ac2f-b216-4fac-80be-e859a0e0251f
which can be used as unique global reference for Guster Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | December 2016 |
encryption | AES-256+RSA |
extensions | ['.locked'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 0.4 |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-0-kDVCM-kuI/WGVH-d2trGI/AAAAAAAAC4A/4LlxFpwkhEk89QcJ5ZhO1i-T6dQ_RcVegCEw/s1600/guster-note-2.jpg'] |
It’s directed to English speaking users, therefore is able to infect worldwide. It is spread using email spam, fake updates, attachments and so on. It encrypts all your files, including: music, MS Office, Open Office, pictures, videos, shared online files etc.. The hacker requests the ransom in Play Store cards. https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-ClUef8T55f4/WGKb8U4GeaI/AAAAAAAACzg/UFD0X2sORHYTVRNBSoqd5q7TBrOblQHmgCLcB/s1600/site.png
Internal MISP references
UUID cd1eb48e-070b-418e-8d83-4644a388f8ae
which can be used as unique global reference for Roga
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | December 2016 |
encryption | AES |
extensions | ['.madebyadam'] |
payment-method | Website (gift card) |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-ZIWywQMf2mY/WGJD-rqLZYI/AAAAAAAACzQ/p5PWlpWyHjcVHKq74DOsE7yS-ornW48_QCLcB/s1600/note.jpg'] |
Related clusters
To see the related clusters, click here.
CryptoLocker3 Ransomware
It’s directed to English speaking users, therefore is able to infect worldwide. It is spread using email spam, fake updates, attachments and so on. It encrypts all your files, including: music, MS Office, Open Office, pictures, videos, shared online files etc.. Creator is staffttt and the ransom is 0.5 botcoins.
"synonyms" in the meta part typically refer to alternate names or labels that are associated with a particular CryptoLocker3 Ransomware.
Known Synonyms |
Fake CryptoLocker |
Internal MISP references
UUID 4094b021-6654-49d5-9b80-a3666a1c1e44
which can be used as unique global reference for CryptoLocker3 Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | December 2016 |
encryption | AES-128+RSA |
extensions | ['.cryptolocker'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 0.5 |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-LDSJ7rws1WI/WGDR-oDSshI/AAAAAAAACyw/_Kn0mnjpm2YN5tS9YldEnca-zOLJpXjcACLcB/s1600/crypto1-2.gif'] |
ProposalCrypt Ransomware
It’s directed to English speaking users, therefore is able to infect worldwide. It is spread using email spam, fake updates, attachments and so on. It encrypts all your files, including: music, MS Office, Open Office, pictures, videos, shared online files etc.. The ransom is 1.0 bitcoins.
Internal MISP references
UUID 4cf270e7-e4df-49d5-979b-c13d8ce117cc
which can be used as unique global reference for ProposalCrypt Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
- https://id-ransomware.blogspot.co.il/2016/12/proposalcrypt-ransomware.html - webarchive
- http://www.archersecuritygroup.com/what-is-ransomware/ - webarchive
- https://twitter.com/demonslay335/status/812002960083394560 - webarchive
- https://twitter.com/malwrhunterteam/status/811613888705859586 - webarchive
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | December 2016 |
encryption | AES |
extensions | ['.crypted'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 1 |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-TkMikT4PA3o/WFrb4it2u9I/AAAAAAAACww/_zZgu9EHBj8Ibar8i5ekwaowGBD8EoOygCLcB/s1600/note.jpg'] |
Manifestus Ransomware
It’s directed to English speaking users, therefore is able to infect worldwide. It is spread using email spam, fake updates, attachments and so on. It encrypts all your files, including: music, MS Office, Open Office, pictures, videos, shared online files etc.. The hacker demands 0.2 bitcoins. The ransomware poses as a Window update.
Internal MISP references
UUID e62ba8f5-e7ce-44ab-ac33-713ace192de3
which can be used as unique global reference for Manifestus Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | December 2016 |
encryption | AES |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 0.2 (160$) |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-85wiBKXIqro/WFrFOaNeSsI/AAAAAAAACwA/UyrPc2bKQCcznmtLTFkEfc6lEvhseyRYACLcB/s1600/lock1.jpg'] |
EnkripsiPC Ransomware
It’s directed to English speaking users, therefore is able to infect worldwide. It is spread using email spam, fake updates, attachments and so on. It encrypts all your files, including: music, MS Office, Open Office, pictures, videos, shared online files etc.. The name of the hacker is humanpuff69 and he requests 0.5 bitcoins. The encryption password is based on the computer name
"synonyms" in the meta part typically refer to alternate names or labels that are associated with a particular EnkripsiPC Ransomware.
Known Synonyms |
Manifestus |
Internal MISP references
UUID 52caade6-ba7b-474e-b173-63f4332aa808
which can be used as unique global reference for EnkripsiPC Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
- https://id-ransomware.blogspot.co.il/2016/12/enkripsipc-ransomware.html - webarchive
- https://twitter.com/demonslay335/status/811343914712100872 - webarchive
- https://twitter.com/BleepinComputer/status/811264254481494016 - webarchive
- https://twitter.com/struppigel/status/811587154983981056 - webarchive
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | December 2016 |
encryption | AES |
extensions | ['.fucked'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 0.5 |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-owEtII_eezA/WFmOp0ccjaI/AAAAAAAACvk/gjYcSeflS4AChm5cYO5c3EV4aSmzr14UwCLcB/s1600/enc100.gif'] |
Related clusters
To see the related clusters, click here.
BrainCrypt Ransomware
It’s directed to English speaking users, therefore is able to infect worldwide. It is spread using email spam, fake updates, attachments and so on. It encrypts all your files, including: music, MS Office, Open Office, pictures, videos, shared online files etc.. So far the victims are from Belarus and Germany.
Internal MISP references
UUID ade6ec5e-e082-43cb-9b82-ff8c0f4d7e56
which can be used as unique global reference for BrainCrypt Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | December 2016 |
encryption | AES |
extensions | ['.braincrypt'] |
payment-method | |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-KrKO1vYs-1w/WFlw6bOfI_I/AAAAAAAACug/42w1VSl2GIoxRuA2SPKJr6xYp3c4OBnJQCLcB/s1600/note_2.png', 'https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-8bxTSAADM7M/WFmBEu-eUXI/AAAAAAAACvU/xaQBufV5a-4GWEJhXj2VVLqXnTjQJYNrwCLcB/s1600/note-brain2.jpg'] |
MSN CryptoLocker Ransomware
It’s directed to English speaking users, therefore is able to infect worldwide. It is spread using email spam, fake updates, attachments and so on. It encrypts all your files, including: music, MS Office, Open Office, pictures, videos, shared online files etc.. Ransom is 0.2 bitcoins.
Internal MISP references
UUID 7de27419-9874-4c3f-b75f-429a507ed7c5
which can be used as unique global reference for MSN CryptoLocker Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | December 2016 |
encryption | AES |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 0.2 |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['RESTORE_YOUR_FILES.txt'] |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-R-lKbH_tLvs/WGPRa-hCtqI/AAAAAAAAC1Y/zgKYZmys_jciaYhtTUsVLen5IHX8_LyiACLcB/s1600/note_2.png'] |
CryptoBlock Ransomware
It’s directed to English speaking users, therefore is able to infect worldwide. It is spread using email spam, fake updates, attachments and so on. It encrypts all your files, including: music, MS Office, Open Office, pictures, videos, shared online files etc.. The ransom is in the amount is 0.3 bitcoins. The ransomware is disguises themselves as Adobe Systems, Incorporated. RaaS
Internal MISP references
UUID 7b0df78e-8f00-468f-a6ef-3e1bda2a344c
which can be used as unique global reference for CryptoBlock Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | December 2016 |
encryption | RSA-2048 |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 0.3 |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-4Y7GZEsWh7A/WFfnmQFF7nI/AAAAAAAACsQ/j3rXZmWrDxMM6xhV1s4YVl_WLDe28cpAwCLcB/s1600/001.jpg'] |
AES-NI Ransomware
It’s directed to English speaking users, therefore is able to infect worldwide. It is spread using email spam, fake updates, attachments and so on. It encrypts all your files, including: music, MS Office, Open Office, pictures, videos, shared online files etc..
Internal MISP references
UUID 69c9b45f-f226-485f-9033-fcb796c315cf
which can be used as unique global reference for AES-NI Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | December 2016 |
encryption | AES-256 (ECB) + RSA-2048 |
extensions | ['.aes256'] |
payment-method | |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['!!! READ THIS -IMPORTANT !!!.txt'] |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-GdF-kk1j9-8/WFl6NVm3PAI/AAAAAAAACvE/guFIi_FUpgIQNzX-usJ8CpofX45eXPvkQCLcB/s1600/note_2.png'] |
Koolova Ransomware
It’s directed to English speaking users, therefore is able to infect worldwide. It is spread using email spam, fake updates, attachments and so on. It encrypts all your files, including: music, MS Office, Open Office, pictures, videos, shared online files etc.. The hacker of this ransomware tends to make lots of spelling errors in his requests. With Italian text that only targets the Test folder on the user's desktop
Internal MISP references
UUID ff6b8fc4-cfe0-45c1-9814-3261e39b4c9a
which can be used as unique global reference for Koolova Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | December 2016 |
encryption | AES-256 |
extensions | ['.encrypted'] |
payment-method | Game |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-kz7PePfAiLI/WGTpY3us5LI/AAAAAAAAC3A/wu1rkx-BWlMzglJXXmCxeuYzbZKN5FP4gCLcB/s1600/koolova-v2.png'] |
Fake Globe Ransomware
It’s directed to English speaking users, therefore is able to infect worldwide. It is spread using email spam, fake updates, attachments and so on. It encrypts all your files, including: music, MS Office, Open Office, pictures, videos, shared online files etc… The ransom is 1bitcoin.
"synonyms" in the meta part typically refer to alternate names or labels that are associated with a particular Fake Globe Ransomware.
Known Synonyms |
Globe Imposter |
GlobeImposter |
Internal MISP references
UUID e03873ef-9e3d-4d07-85d8-e22a55f60c19
which can be used as unique global reference for Fake Globe Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
- https://id-ransomware.blogspot.co.il/2016/12/fake-globe-ransomware.html - webarchive
- https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/the-week-in-ransomware-december-30th-2016-infected-tvs-and-open-source-ransomware-sucks/ - webarchive
- https://twitter.com/fwosar/status/812421183245287424 - webarchive
- https://decrypter.emsisoft.com/globeimposter - webarchive
- https://twitter.com/malwrhunterteam/status/809795402421641216 - webarchive
- https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/the-week-in-ransomware-june-8th-2018-crybrazil-cryptconsole-and-magniber/ - webarchive
- https://twitter.com/GrujaRS/status/1004661259906768896 - webarchive
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | December 2016 |
encryption | AES |
extensions | ['.crypt', '.emilysupp'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 1 |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['HOW_OPEN_FILES.hta'] |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-F8oAU82KnQ4/WFWgxjZz2vI/AAAAAAAACrI/J76wm21b5K4F9sjLF1VcEGoif3cS-Y-bwCLcB/s1600/note.jpg'] |
Related clusters
To see the related clusters, click here.
V8Locker Ransomware
It’s directed to English speaking users, therefore is able to infect worldwide. It is spread using email spam, fake updates, attachments and so on. It encrypts all your files, including: music, MS Office, Open Office, pictures, videos, shared online files etc…
Internal MISP references
UUID 45862a62-4cb3-4101-84db-8e338d17e283
which can be used as unique global reference for V8Locker Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | December 2016 |
encryption | RSA |
extensions | ['.v8'] |
payment-method | |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-Acmbpw6fEaQ/WFUFKU9V9ZI/AAAAAAAACqc/47AceoWZzOwP9qO8uenjNVOVXeFJf7DywCLcB/s1600/note_2.png'] |
Cryptorium (Fake Ransomware)
It’s directed to English speaking users, therefore is able to infect worldwide. It is spread using email spam, fake updates, attachments and so on. It SUPPOSEDLY encrypts all your files, including: music, MS Office, Open Office, pictures, videos, shared online files etc., however your files are not really encrypted, only the names are changed.
Internal MISP references
UUID 96bd63e5-99bd-490c-a23a-e0092337f6e6
which can be used as unique global reference for Cryptorium (Fake Ransomware)
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | December 2016 |
encryption | RSA |
extensions | ['.ENC'] |
payment-method | Website |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-I0fsQu2YXMI/WFLb9LPdkFI/AAAAAAAACoY/xqRhgO1o98oruVDMC6rO4RxCk5MFDSTYgCLcB/s1600/lock.jpg'] |
Antihacker2017 Ransomware
It’s directed to Russian speaking users, there fore is able to infect mosty the old USSR countries. It is spread using email spam, fake updates, attachments and so on. It encrypts all your files, including: music, MS Office, Open Office, pictures, videos, shared online files etc … The hacker goes by the nickname Antihacker and requests the victim to send him an email for the decryption. He does not request any money only a warning about looking at porn (gay, incest and rape porn to be specific).
Internal MISP references
UUID efd64e86-611a-4e10-91c7-e741cf0c58d9
which can be used as unique global reference for Antihacker2017 Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | December 2016 |
encryption | XOR |
extensions | ['.antihacker2017'] |
payment-method | |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-k7iDPgj17Zo/WFKEfMvR4wI/AAAAAAAACn4/8irB4Tf1x_MjfTmWaAjuae6mFJbva6GcwCLcB/s1600/note.jpg'] |
CIA Special Agent 767 Ransomware (FAKE!!!)
It’s directed to English speaking users, therefore is able to infect users all over the world. It is spread using email spam, fake updates, attachments and so on. It SUPPOSEDLY encrypts all your files, including: music, MS Office, Open Office, pictures, videos, shared online files etc… Your files are not really encrypted and nothing actually happens, however the hacker does ask the victim to pay a sum of 100$, after 5 days the sum goes up to 250$ and thereafter to 500$. After the payment is received, the victim gets the following message informing him that he has been fooled and he simply needed to delete the note. https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-T8iSbbGOz84/WFGZEbuRfCI/AAAAAAAACm0/SO8Srwx2UIM3FPZcZl7W76oSDCsnq2vfgCPcB/s1600/code2.jpg
Internal MISP references
UUID e479e32e-c884-4ea0-97d3-3c3356135719
which can be used as unique global reference for CIA Special Agent 767 Ransomware (FAKE!!!)
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
- https://id-ransomware.blogspot.co.il/2016/12/cia-special-agent-767-ransomware.html - webarchive
- https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/virus-removal/remove-cia-special-agent-767-screen-locker - webarchive
- https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/the-week-in-ransomware-december-16th-2016-samas-no-more-ransom-screen-lockers-and-more/ - webarchive
- https://guides.yoosecurity.com/cia-special-agent-767-virus-locks-your-pc-screen-how-to-unlock/ - webarchive
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | December 2016 |
payment-method | Dollars |
price | 100 - 250 - 500 |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-6I7jtsp5Wi4/WFLqnfUvg5I/AAAAAAAACow/BCOv7etYxxwpIERR1Qs5fmJ2wKBx3sqmACLcB/s1600/screen-locker.png'] |
LoveServer Ransomware
It’s directed to English speaking users, therefore is able to infect worldwide. It is spread using email spam, fake updates, attachments and so on. It encrypts all your files, including: music, MS Office, Open Office, pictures, videos, shared online files etc… This hacker request your IP address in return for the decryption.
Internal MISP references
UUID d1698a73-8be8-4c10-8114-8cfa1c399eb1
which can be used as unique global reference for LoveServer Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | December 2016 |
payment-method | |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-LY1A0aeA_c0/WFEduvkiNQI/AAAAAAAACjk/B2-nFQoExscMVvZqvCaf9R4z_C6-rSdvACLcB/s1600/note2.png.png'] |
Kraken Ransomware
It’s directed to English speaking users, therefore is able to infect worldwide. It is spread using email spam, fake updates, attachments and so on. It encrypts all your files, including: music, MS Office, Open Office, pictures, videos, shared online files etc… The hacker requests 2 bitcoins in return for the files.
Internal MISP references
UUID 51737c36-11a0-4c25-bd87-a990bd479aaf
which can be used as unique global reference for Kraken Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | December 2016 |
encryption | AES |
extensions | ['.kraken', '[base64].kraken'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 2 |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['_HELP_YOUR_FILES.html'] |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-E4brsgJRDHA/WFBU7wPaYLI/AAAAAAAACjU/sLEkzMiWp5wuc8hpFbylC7lLVMhftCLGgCLcB/s1600/111m.png', 'https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-b5caw8XAvIQ/WFBUuOto40I/AAAAAAAACjQ/_yzwIU17BHw4Ke4E3wM_XBI1XfnAvGSZQCLcB/s1600/005.png'] |
Antix Ransomware
It’s directed to English speaking users, therefore is able to infect worldwide. It is spread using email spam, fake updates, attachments and so on. It encrypts all your files, including: music, MS Office, Open Office, pictures, videos, shared online files etc… The ransom is 0.25 bitcoins and the nickname of the hacker is FRC 2016.
Internal MISP references
UUID 8a7e0615-b9bd-41ab-89f1-62d041350e99
which can be used as unique global reference for Antix Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | December 2016 |
encryption | AES |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 0.25 |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-6iMtvGe3T58/WE8Ftx7zcUI/AAAAAAAACiE/2ISTxSYzgKEgnfQ7FSUWo3BiCeVLHH_uwCLcB/s1600/note.jpg'] |
PayDay Ransomware
It’s directed to English speaking users, therefore is able to infect worldwide. It is spread using email spam, fake updates, attachments and so on. It encrypts all your files, including: music, MS Office, Open Office, pictures, videos, shared online files etc… The ransom is R$950 which is due in 5 days. (R$ is a Brazilian currency) Based off of Hidden-Tear
Internal MISP references
UUID 70324b69-6076-4d00-884e-7f9d5537a65a
which can be used as unique global reference for PayDay Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | December 2016 |
encryption | AES-256 |
extensions | ['.sexy'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 950 bresilian real ($) |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['!!!!!ATENÇÃO!!!!!.html'] |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-MWEyG49z2Qk/WE78wLqCXPI/AAAAAAAAChw/SIlQSe_o_wMars2egfZ7VqKfWuan6ThwQCLcB/s1600/note1.jpg'] |
Slimhem Ransomware
It’s directed to English speaking users, therefore is able to infect worldwide. It is NOT spread using email spam, fake updates, attachments and so on. It simply places a decrypt file on your computer.
Internal MISP references
UUID 76b14980-e53c-4209-925e-3ab024210734
which can be used as unique global reference for Slimhem Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | December 2016 |
encryption | AES-256 |
extensions | ['.encrypted'] |
payment-method | no ransom |
M4N1F3STO Ransomware (FAKE!!!!!)
It’s directed to English speaking users, therefore is able to infect worldwide. It is spread using email spam, fake updates, attachments and so on. It encrypts all your files, including: music, MS Office, Open Office, pictures, videos, shared online files etc… FILES DON’T REALLY GET DELETED NOR DO THEY GET ENCRYPTED!!!!!!!
Internal MISP references
UUID 94a3be6b-3a83-40fb-85b2-555239260235
which can be used as unique global reference for M4N1F3STO Ransomware (FAKE!!!!!)
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | December 2016 |
encryption | AES-256 |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 0.3 |
ransomnotes | ["I want to play a game with you. Let me explain the rules. Your personal files are being deleted. Your photos, videos, documents, etc... But, don't worry! It will only happen if you don't comply. However I've already encrypted your personal files, so you cannot access therm. Every hour I select some of them to delete permanently, therefore I won't be able to access them, either. Are you familiar with the concept of exponential growth? Let me help you out. It starts out slowly then increases rapidly. During the first 24 hour you will only lose a few files, the second day a few hundred, the third day a few thousand, and so on. If you turn off your computer or try to close me, when i start the next time you will het 1000 files deleted as punishment. Yes you will want me to start next time, since I am the only one that is capable to decrypt your personal data for you. Now, let's start and enjoy our little game together! Send 0.3 bitcoins to this adress to unlock your Pc with your email adress Your can purchase bitcoins from localbitcoins"] |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-9MsC3A3tuUA/WFGZM45Pw5I/AAAAAAAACms/NbDFma30D9MpK2Zc0O6NvDizU8vqUWWlwCLcB/s1600/M4N1F3STO.jpg'] |
Dale Ransomware
It’s directed to English speaking users, therefore is able to infect worldwide. It is spread using email spam, fake updates, attachments and so on. It encrypts all your files, including: music, MS Office, Open Office, pictures, videos, shared online files etc… CHIP > DALE
"synonyms" in the meta part typically refer to alternate names or labels that are associated with a particular Dale Ransomware.
Known Synonyms |
DaleLocker Ransomware |
Internal MISP references
UUID abe6cbe4-9031-46da-9e1c-89d9babe6449
which can be used as unique global reference for Dale Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | December 2016 |
encryption | AES+RSA-512 |
extensions | ['.DALE'] |
payment-method |
UltraLocker Ransomware
It’s directed to English speaking users, therefore is able to infect worldwide. It is spread using email spam, fake updates, attachments and so on. It encrypts all your files, including: music, MS Office, Open Office, pictures, videos, shared online files etc… Based on the idiotic open-source ransomware called CryptoWire
Internal MISP references
UUID 3a66610b-5197-4af9-b662-d873afc81b2e
which can be used as unique global reference for UltraLocker Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | December 2016 |
encryption | AES-256 |
extensions | ['.locked (added before the ending, not to the ending, for example: file.locked.doc'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 1000 $ |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-DOjKnuzCMo8/WE1Xd8yksiI/AAAAAAAACfo/d93v2xn857gQDg4o5Rd4oZpP3q-Ipv9xgCLcB/s1600/UltraLocker.png'] |
It’s directed to English speaking users, therefore is able to infect worldwide. It is spread using email spam, fake updates, attachments and so on. It encrypts all your files, including: music, MS Office, Open Office, pictures, videos, shared online files etc…
Internal MISP references
UUID d755510f-d775-420c-83a0-b0fe9e483256
which can be used as unique global reference for AES_KEY_GEN_ASSIST Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | December 2016 |
encryption | AES-256 and RSA-2048 |
extensions | ['.pre_alpha'] |
payment-method | |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-6NIoKnSTwcs/WExcV900C_I/AAAAAAAACfI/_Hba3mOwk3UQ0T5rGercOglMsCTjVtCnQCLcB/s1600/note2.png'] |
Code Virus Ransomware
It’s directed to English speaking users, therefore is able to infect worldwide. It is spread using email spam, fake updates, attachments and so on. It encrypts all your files, including: music, MS Office, Open Office, pictures, videos, shared online files etc..
Internal MISP references
UUID a23d7c45-7200-4074-9acf-8789600fa145
which can be used as unique global reference for Code Virus Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | December 2016 |
encryption | AES-256 and RSA-2048 |
extensions | ['.locky'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 0.5 - 1 |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-Lyd1uRKG-94/WFJ3TbNqWfI/AAAAAAAACnc/4LoazYU0S1s1YRz3Xck3LN1vOm5RwIpugCLcB/s1600/note.jpg', 'https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-eBeh1lzEYsI/WFJ4l1oJ4fI/AAAAAAAACno/P5inceelNNk-zfkJGhE3XNamOGC8YmBwwCLcB/s1600/str123.gif'] |
FLKR Ransomware
It’s directed to English speaking users, therefore is able to infect worldwide. It is spread using email spam, fake updates, attachments and so on. It encrypts all your files, including: music, MS Office, Open Office, pictures, videos, shared online files etc..
Internal MISP references
UUID 1cdc34ce-43b7-4df1-ae8f-ae0acbe5e4ad
which can be used as unique global reference for FLKR Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | December 2016 |
encryption | Blowfish |
extensions | ['morf56@meta.ua'] |
payment-method | |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-Fh2I6542zi4/WEpmphY0i1I/AAAAAAAACe4/FBP3J6UraBMkSMTWx2tm-FRYnmlYLtFWgCLcB/s1600/note2.png.png'] |
PopCorn Time Ransomware
It’s directed to English speaking users, therefore is able to infect worldwide. It is spread using email spam, fake updates, attachments and so on. It encrypts all your files, including: music, MS Office, Open Office, pictures, videos, shared online files etc.. These hackers claim to be students from Syria. This ransomware poses as the popular torrent movie screener called PopCorn. These criminals give you the chance to retrieve your files “for free” by spreading this virus to others. Like shown in the note bellow: https://www.bleepstatic.com/images/news/ransomware/p/Popcorn-time/refer-a-friend.png
Internal MISP references
UUID c1b3477b-cd7f-4726-8744-a2c44275dffd
which can be used as unique global reference for PopCorn Time Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | December 2016 |
encryption | AES-256 |
extensions | ['.kok', '.filock'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 0.5 - 1 |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['restore_your_files.html', 'restore_your_files.txt'] |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-WxtRn5yVcNw/WEmgAPgO4AI/AAAAAAAACeo/M7iS6L8pSOEr8EUDkCK_g6h0aMKQQXfGwCLcB/s1600/note2.png', 'https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-sLwR-6y2M-I/WEmVIdJuPMI/AAAAAAAACeY/gpQDT-2-d7kkrfTHgiEZCfxViHu7dNE7ACLcB/s1600/med.jpg'] |
HackedLocker Ransomware
It’s directed to English speaking users, therefore is able to infect worldwide. It is spread using email spam, fake updates, attachments and so on. It encrypts all your files, including: music, MS Office, Open Office, pictures, videos, shared online files etc… NO POINT OF PAYING THE RANSOM—THE HACKER DOES NOT GIVE A DECRYPT AFTERWARDS.
Internal MISP references
UUID c2624d8e-da7b-4d94-b06f-363131ddb6ac
which can be used as unique global reference for HackedLocker Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | December 2016 |
encryption | AES-256 |
extensions | ['.hacked'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 0.33 - 0.5 |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-G-xrI4N08hs/WFJjQgB3ojI/AAAAAAAACnM/DEfy_skSg044UmbBfNodiQY4OaLkkQPOwCLcB/s1600/note-hacked.jpg'] |
GoldenEye Ransomware
It’s directed to English speaking users, therefore is able to infect worldwide. It is spread using email spam, fake updates, attachments and so on. It encrypts all your files, including: music, MS Office, Open Office, pictures, videos, shared online files etc…
Internal MISP references
UUID ac7affb8-971d-4c05-84f0-172b61d007d7
which can be used as unique global reference for GoldenEye Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
- https://id-ransomware.blogspot.co.il/2016/12/goldeneye-ransomware.html - webarchive
- https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/petya-ransomware-returns-with-goldeneye-version-continuing-james-bond-theme/ - webarchive
- https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/forums/t/634778/golden-eye-virus/ - webarchive
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | December 2016 |
encryption | AES(CBC) |
extensions | ['. |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 1.33 - 1.34 |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-qcJxWivTx1w/WEcEW14om5I/AAAAAAAACa4/xLAlsQGZjeg7Zlg3F2fQAcgQ_6b_cNQLACLcB/s1600/goldeneye-1.jpg', 'https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-avE8liOWdPY/WEcEbdTxx6I/AAAAAAAACa8/KOKgXzU1h2EJ0tTOKMdQzZ_JdWWNeFMdwCLcB/s1600/goldeneye-1-2.jpg'] |
Related clusters
To see the related clusters, click here.
Sage Ransomware
It’s directed to English speaking users, therefore is able to infect worldwide. It is spread using email spam, fake updates, attachments and so on. It encrypts all your files, including: music, MS Office, Open Office, pictures, videos, shared online files etc…
Internal MISP references
UUID 3e5a475f-7467-49ab-917a-4d1f590ad9b4
which can be used as unique global reference for Sage Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | December 2016 |
encryption | AES |
extensions | ['.sage'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 0.74 (545 $) |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-GasUzax8cco/WEar0U0tPqI/AAAAAAAACZw/6V_1JFxLMH0UnmLa3-WZa_ML9JbxF0JYACEw/s1600/note-txt2.png'] |
SQ_ Ransomware
It’s directed to English speaking users, therefore is able to infect worldwide. It is spread using email spam, fake updates, attachments and so on. It encrypts all your files, including: music, MS Office, Open Office, pictures, videos, shared online files etc… This hacker requests 4 bitcoins for ransom.
"synonyms" in the meta part typically refer to alternate names or labels that are associated with a particular SQ_ Ransomware.
Known Synonyms |
VO_ Ransomware |
Internal MISP references
UUID 5024f328-2595-4dbd-9007-218147e55d5f
which can be used as unique global reference for SQ_ Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | December 2016 |
encryption | AES and RSA-1024 |
extensions | ['.VO_'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 4(1040 $) |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-Lhq40sgYUpI/WEWpGkkWOKI/AAAAAAAACZQ/iOp9g9Ya0Fk9vZrNKwTEMVcEOzKFIwqgACLcB/s1600/english-2.png'] |
It’s directed to English speaking users, therefore is able to infect worldwide. It is spread using email spam, fake updates, attachments and so on. It encrypts all your files, including: music, MS Office, Open Office, pictures, videos, shared online files etc…
"synonyms" in the meta part typically refer to alternate names or labels that are associated with a particular Matrix.
Known Synonyms |
Malta Ransomware |
Matrix Ransomware |
Internal MISP references
UUID 42ee85b9-45f8-47a3-9bab-b695ac271544
which can be used as unique global reference for Matrix
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
- https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/the-week-in-ransomware-december-2nd-2016-screenlockers-kangaroo-the-sfmta-and-more/ - webarchive
- https://id-ransomware.blogspot.co.il/2016/12/matrix-ransomware.html - webarchive
- https://twitter.com/rommeljoven17/status/804251901529231360 - webarchive
- https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/new-matrix-ransomware-variants-installed-via-hacked-remote-desktop-services/ - webarchive
- https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/the-week-in-ransomware-august-31st-2018-devs-on-vacation/ - webarchive
- https://twitter.com/demonslay335/status/1034212374805278720 - webarchive
- https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/new-fox-ransomware-matrix-variant-tries-its-best-to-close-all-file-handles/ - webarchive
- https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/the-week-in-ransomware-october-12th-2018-notpetya-gandcrab-and-more/ - webarchive
- https://twitter.com/demonslay335/status/1049314118409306112 - webarchive
- https://twitter.com/demonslay335/status/1050118985210048512 - webarchive
- https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/the-week-in-ransomware-september-14th-2018-kraken-dharma-and-matrix/ - webarchive
- https://twitter.com/demonslay335/status/1039907030570598400 - webarchive
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | December 2016 |
encryption | AES and RSA |
extensions | ['.MATRIX', '.[Files4463@tuta.io]', '.[RestorFile@tutanota.com]', '[KOK8@protonmail.com]. |
payment-method | |
ransomnotes | ["WHAT HAPPENED WITH YOUR FILES?\nYour documents, databases, backups, network folders and other important files are encrypted with RSA-2048 and AES-128 ciphers.\nMore information about the RSA and AES can be found here:\nhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RSA_(cryptosystem)\nhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Advanced_Encryption_Standard\nIt mеаns thаt yоu will nоt bе аblе tо аccеss thеm аnуmоrе until thеу аrе dесrуptеd with yоur pеrsоnаl dесrуptiоn kеy! Withоut уоur pеrsоnаl kеy аnd sреciаl sоftwаrе dаtа rеcоvеrу is impоssiblе! If yоu will fоllоw оur instruсtiоns, wе guаrаntее thаt yоu cаn dесryрt аll yоur filеs quiсkly аnd sаfеly!\nIf yоu wаnt tо rеstоrе yоur filеs, plеаsе writе us tо thе е-mаils:\nFiles4463@tuta.io\nFiles4463@protonmail.ch\nFiles4463@gmail.com\nIn subjеct linе оf your mеssаgе writе yоur pеrsоnаl ID:\n4292D68970C047D9\nWе rесоmmеnd yоu tо sеnd yоur mеssаgе ОN ЕАСH оf ОUR 3 ЕМАILS, duе tо thе fасt thаt thе mеssаgе mау nоt rеаch thеir intеndеd rеcipiеnt fоr а vаriеtу оf rеаsоns!\nPlеаsе, writе us in Еnglish оr usе prоfеssiоnаl trаnslаtоr!\nIf yоu wаnt tо rеstоrе yоur filеs, yоu hаvе tо pаy fоr dесrуptiоn in Bitсоins. Thе pricе dереnds оn hоw fаst уоu writе tо us.\nYour message will be as confirmation you are ready to pay for decryption key. After the payment you will get the decryption tool with instructions that will decrypt all your files including network folders.\nTо cоnfirm thаt wе cаn dесryрt yоur filеs yоu cаn sеnd us up tо 3 filеs fоr frее dесrурtiоn. Plеаsе nоte thаt filеs fоr frее dесrурtiоn must NОT cоntаin аnу vаluаblе infоrmаtiоn аnd thеir tоtаl sizе must bе lеss thаn 5Mb.\nYоu hаvе tо rеspоnd аs sооn аs pоssiblе tо еnsurе thе rеstоrаtiоn оf yоur filеs, bеcаusе wе wоnt kееp yоur dеcrуptiоn kеys аt оur sеrvеr mоre thаn оne wееk in intеrеst оf оur sеcuritу.\nNоtе thаt аll thе аttеmpts оf dесryptiоn by yоursеlf оr using third pаrty tооls will rеsult оnly in irrеvосаble lоss оf yоur dаtа.\n\nIf yоu did nоt rеcеivе thе аnswеr frоm thе аfоrеcitеd еmаils fоr mоrе then 6 hours, рlеаsе сhеck SРАМ fоldеr!\nIf yоu did nоt rеcеivе thе аnswеr frоm thе аfоrеcitеd еmаils fоr mоrе then 12 hours, рlеаsе trу tо sеnd уоur mеssаgе with аnоthеr еmаil sеrviсе!\nIf yоu did nоt rеcеivе thе аnswеr frоm thе аfоrеcitеd еmаils fоr mоrе then 24 hours (еvеn if уоu hаvе prеviоuslу rесеivеd аnswеr frоm us), рlеаsе trу tо sеnd уоur mеssаgе with аnоthеr еmаil sеrviсе tо еасh оf оur 3 еmаils!\nАnd dоn't fоrgеt tо chеck SPАМ fоldеr!", "HOW TO RECOVER YOUR FILES INSTRUCTION\nATENTION!!!\nWe are realy sorry to inform you that ALL YOUR FILES WERE ENCRYPTED \nby our automatic software. It became possible because of bad server security.\nATENTION!!!\nPlease don't worry, we can help you to RESTORE your server to original\nstate and decrypt all your files quickly and safely!\n\nINFORMATION!!!\nFiles are not broken!!!\nFiles were encrypted with AES-128+RSA-2048 crypto algorithms.\nThere is no way to decrypt your files without unique decryption key and special software. Your unique decryption key is securely stored on our server. For our safety, all information about your server and your decryption key will be automaticaly DELETED AFTER 7 DAYS! You will irrevocably lose all your data!\n Please note that all the attempts to recover your files by yourself or using third party tools will result only in irrevocable loss of your data!\n Please note that you can recover files only with your unique decryption key, which stored on our side. If you will use the help of third parties, you will only add a middleman.\n\nHOW TO RECOVER FILES???\nPlease write us to the e-mail (write on English or use professional translator):\nPabFox@protonmail.com \nFoxHelp@cock.li\nFoxHelp@tutanota.com\nYou have to send your message on each of our 3 emails due to the fact that the message may not reach their intended recipient for a variety of reasons!\n\nIn subject line write your personal ID:\n[id]\nWe recommed you to attach 3 encrypted files to your message. We will demonstrate that we can recover your files. \n* Please note that files must not contain any valuable information and their total size must be less than 5Mb. \n\nOUR ADVICE!!!\nPlease be sure that we will find common languge. We will restore all the data and give you recommedations how to configure the protection of your server.\n\nWe will definitely reach an agreement ;) !!!"] |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['[5 numbers]-MATRIX-README.RTF', '!ReadMe_To_Decrypt_Files!.rtf', '#Decrypt_Files_ReadMe#.rtf', '#KOK8_README#.rtf', '#FOX_README#.rtf', '!README_GMAN!.rtf', '#README_EMAN50#.rtf', '#NOBAD_README#.rtf', '!ITLOCK_README!.rtf'] |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-RGHgroHt5cU/WEUWnFBn2hI/AAAAAAAACYA/zwSf7rmfWdo4ESQ8kjwj6mJrfzL2V22mgCLcB/s1600/note-eng.png', 'https://www.bleepstatic.com/images/news/ransomware/m/matrix/4-7-2018/1/ransom-note.jpg', 'https://www.bleepstatic.com/images/news/ransomware/m/matrix/4-7-2018/1/background.jpg', 'https://www.bleepstatic.com/images/news/ransomware/m/matrix/4-7-2018/2/wallpaper.jpg', 'https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DZ4VCRpWsAYtckw.jpg', 'https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DZ4V8uXWsAI0r1v.jpg', 'https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Do_pn7bX0AYh1F-.jpg'] |
Satan666 Ransomware
It’s directed to English speaking users, therefore is able to infect worldwide. It is spread using email spam, fake updates, attachments and so on. It encrypts all your files, including: music, MS Office, Open Office, pictures, videos, shared online files etc..
Internal MISP references
UUID 03d92e7b-95ae-4c5b-8b58-daa2fd98f7a1
which can be used as unique global reference for Satan666 Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | November 2016 |
encryption | AES |
extensions | ['.locked'] |
payment-method | |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-anaLWyg_iJI/WFaxDs8KI3I/AAAAAAAACro/yGXh3AV-ZpAKmD4fpQbBkAyYXXnkqgR3ACLcB/s1600/note666_2.png'] |
RIP (Phoenix) Ransomware
It’s directed to English speaking users, therefore is able to infect worldwide. It is spread using email spam, fake updates, attachments and so on. It encrypts all your files, including: music, MS Office, Open Office, pictures, videos, shared online files etc.. Based on HiddenTear
"synonyms" in the meta part typically refer to alternate names or labels that are associated with a particular RIP (Phoenix) Ransomware.
Known Synonyms |
Phoenix |
Internal MISP references
UUID 5705df4a-42b0-4579-ad9f-8bfa42bae471
which can be used as unique global reference for RIP (Phoenix) Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | November 2016 |
encryption | AES-256 |
extensions | ['.R.i.P'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 0.2 |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['Important!.txt'] |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-D-j_9_LZen0/WEPq4G5w5FI/AAAAAAAACXs/GTnckI3CGYQxuDMPXBzpGXDtarPK8yJ5wCLcB/s1600/note_2.PNG'] |
Locked-In Ransomware or NoValid Ransomware
It’s directed to English speaking users, therefore is able to infect worldwide. It is spread using email spam, fake updates, attachments and so on. It encrypts all your files, including: music, MS Office, Open Office, pictures, videos, shared online files etc.. Based on RemindMe
"synonyms" in the meta part typically refer to alternate names or labels that are associated with a particular Locked-In Ransomware or NoValid Ransomware.
Known Synonyms |
Locked-In Ransomware |
NoValid Ransomware |
Internal MISP references
UUID 777f0b78-e778-435f-b4d5-e40f0b7f54c3
which can be used as unique global reference for Locked-In Ransomware or NoValid Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | November 2016 |
encryption | AES-256 |
extensions | ['.novalid'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin - Link WebSite |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['RESTORE_CORUPTED_FILES.HTML'] |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-BK_31ORE0ZY/WD284cEVoLI/AAAAAAAACWA/bU0n3MBMD8Mbgzv9bD6VLJb51Q_kr5AJgCLcB/s1600/note.jpg'] |
Chartwig Ransomware
It’s directed to English speaking users, therefore is able to infect worldwide. It is spread using email spam, fake updates, attachments and so on. It encrypts all your files, including: music, MS Office, Open Office, pictures, videos, shared online files etc..
Internal MISP references
UUID 37fff5f8-8e66-43d3-a075-3619b6f2163d
which can be used as unique global reference for Chartwig Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | November 2016 |
encryption | AES |
RenLocker Ransomware (FAKE)
It is spread using email spam, fake updates, attachments and so on. It encrypts all your files, including: music, MS Office, Open Office, pictures, videos, shared online files etc.. The files don’t actually get encrypted, their names get changed using this formula: [www-hash-part-]+[number]+[.crypter]
Internal MISP references
UUID 957850f7-081a-4191-9e5e-cf9ff27584ac
which can be used as unique global reference for RenLocker Ransomware (FAKE)
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | November 2016 |
encryption | Rename > Ren + Locker |
extensions | ['.crypter'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 1 |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-281TI8xvMLo/WDw2Nl72OsI/AAAAAAAACTk/nT_rL0z-Exo93FzoOXnyaFgQ7wPe0r7IgCLcB/s1600/Crypter1.jpg'] |
Thanksgiving Ransomware
It’s directed to English speaking users, therefore is able to infect worldwide. It is spread using email spam, fake updates, attachments and so on. It encrypts all your files, including: music, MS Office, Open Office, pictures, videos, shared online files etc..
Internal MISP references
UUID 459ea908-e39e-4274-8866-362281e24911
which can be used as unique global reference for Thanksgiving Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | November 2016 |
encryption | AES |
payment-method | |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-2dC_gQTed4o/WDxRSh_R-MI/AAAAAAAACT4/yWxzCcMqN_8GLjd8dOPf6Mw16mkbfALawCLcB/s1600/lblMain.png'] |
CockBlocker Ransomware
It’s directed to English speaking users, therefore is able to infect worldwide. It is spread using email spam, fake updates, attachments and so on. It encrypts all your files, including: music, MS Office, Open Office, pictures, videos, shared online files etc..
Internal MISP references
UUID 3a40c5ae-b117-45cd-b674-a7750e3f3082
which can be used as unique global reference for CockBlocker Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | November 2016 |
encryption | RSA |
extensions | ['.hannah'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 1 |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://1.bp.blogspot.com/--45C2Cr8sXc/WDiWLTvW-ZI/AAAAAAAACSA/JnJNRr8Kti0YqSnfhPQBF2rsFf-au1g9ACLcB/s1600/Cockblocke.gif'] |
Lomix Ransomware
It’s directed to English speaking users, therefore is able to infect worldwide. It is spread using email spam, fake updates, attachments and so on. It encrypts all your files, including: music, MS Office, Open Office, pictures, videos, shared online files etc.. Based on the idiotic open-source ransomware called CryptoWire
Internal MISP references
UUID e721b7c5-df07-4e26-b375-fc09a4911451
which can be used as unique global reference for Lomix Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | November 2016 |
encryption | AES-256 |
extensions | ['.encrypted'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 0.68096697 (500$) |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-nXv88GxxOvQ/WE1gqeD3ViI/AAAAAAAACf4/wcVwQ9Pi_JEP2iWNHoBGmeXKJFsfwmwtwCLcB/s1600/Lomix.png'] |
OzozaLocker Ransomware
It’s directed to English speaking users, therefore is able to infect worldwide. It is spread using email spam, fake updates, attachments and so on. It encrypts all your files, including: music, MS Office, Open Office, pictures, videos, shared online files etc.. https://3.bp.blogspot.com/--jubfYRaRmw/WDaOyZXkAaI/AAAAAAAACQE/E63a4FnaOfACZ07s1xUiv_haxy8cp5YCACLcB/s1600/ozoza2.png
Internal MISP references
UUID d20b0d12-1a56-4339-b02b-eb3803dc3e6e
which can be used as unique global reference for OzozaLocker Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | November 2016 |
encryption | AES |
extensions | ['.locked', '.Locked'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 1 |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['HOW TO DECRYPT YOU FILES.txt'] |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-r-vBnl-wLwo/WDg7fHph9BI/AAAAAAAACRc/VuMxWa1nUPIGHCzhCf2AyL_uc7Z9iB6MACLcB/s1600/note_2.PNG'] |
Crypute Ransomware
It’s directed to English speaking users, therefore is able to infect worldwide. It is spread using email spam, fake updates, attachments and so on. It encrypts all your files, including: music, MS Office, Open Office, pictures, videos, shared online files etc..
"synonyms" in the meta part typically refer to alternate names or labels that are associated with a particular Crypute Ransomware.
Known Synonyms |
m0on Ransomware |
Internal MISP references
UUID 5539c8e7-2058-4757-b9e3-71ff7d41db31
which can be used as unique global reference for Crypute Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | November 2016 |
encryption | AES |
extensions | ['.mo0n'] |
payment-method | WebSite link |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-8-8X7Nd1MYs/WDSZN6NIT1I/AAAAAAAACNg/ltc7ppfZZL0vWn8BV3Mk9BVrdmJbcEnpgCLcB/s1600/222.jpg'] |
NMoreira Ransomware
It’s directed to English speaking users, therefore is able to infect worldwide. It is spread using email spam, fake updates, attachments and so on. It encrypts all your files, including: music, MS Office, Open Office, pictures, videos, shared online files etc..
"synonyms" in the meta part typically refer to alternate names or labels that are associated with a particular NMoreira Ransomware.
Known Synonyms |
Fake Maktub Ransomware |
Internal MISP references
UUID 9490641f-6a51-419c-b3dc-c6fa2bab4ab3
which can be used as unique global reference for NMoreira Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | November 2016 |
encryption | AES-256 + RSA |
extensions | ['.maktub'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 0,5 - 1,5 |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-_i9AjhlvjB8/WDVuLKBnmlI/AAAAAAAACOA/xISXMTBLMbEH4PBS35DQ416woPpkuiVvQCLcB/s1600/note-2.PNG', 'https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-4HNc9S8SY4I/WBMkpdKyDsI/AAAAAAAAB0I/udESgro7YB4pF98Dv2KrrecyymFGsvV2QCLcB/s1600/note.JPG'] |
VindowsLocker Ransomware
It’s directed to English speaking users, therefore is able to infect worldwide. It is spread using email spam, fake updates, attachments and so on. It encrypts all your files, including: music, MS Office, Open Office, pictures, videos, shared online files etc.. The ransom amount is 349.99$ and the hacker seems to be from India. He disguises himself as Microsoft Support.
Internal MISP references
UUID b58e1265-2855-4c8a-ac34-bb1504086084
which can be used as unique global reference for VindowsLocker Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
- https://id-ransomware.blogspot.co.il/2016/11/vindowslocker-ransomware.html - webarchive
- https://malwarebytes.app.box.com/s/gdu18hr17mwqszj3hjw5m3sw84k8hlph - webarchive
- https://rol.im/VindowsUnlocker.zip - webarchive
- https://twitter.com/JakubKroustek/status/800729944112427008 - webarchive
- https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/vindowslocker-ransomware-mimics-tech-support-scam-not-the-other-way-around/ - webarchive
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | November 2016 |
encryption | AES |
extensions | ['.vindows'] |
payment-method | Call Number |
price | 349.99$ |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-61DcGSFljUk/WDM2UpFZ02I/AAAAAAAACMw/smvauQCvG3IPHOtEjPP4ocGKmBhVRBv-wCLcB/s1600/lock-note.png'] |
Donald Trump 2 Ransomware
It’s directed to English speaking users, therefore is able to infect worldwide. It is spread using email spam, fake updates, attachments and so on. It encrypts all your files, including: music, MS Office, Open Office, pictures, videos, shared online files etc.. Here is the original ransomware under this name: http://id-ransomware.blogspot.co.il/2016/09/donald-trump-ransomware.html
Internal MISP references
UUID 96c10791-258f-4b2b-a2cc-b5abddbdb285
which can be used as unique global reference for Donald Trump 2 Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | November 2016 |
encryption | AES |
extensions | ['.ENCRYPTED'] |
payment-method | no ransom |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-RwJ6R-uvYg0/V-qfeRPz7GI/AAAAAAAABi8/7x4MxRP7Jp8edbTJqz4iuEye0q1u5k3pQCLcB/s1600/donald-trump-ransomware.jpg', 'https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/the-donald-trump-ransomware-tries-to-build-walls-around-your-files/'] |
Nagini Ransomware
It’s directed to English speaking users, therefore is able to infect worldwide. It is spread using email spam, fake updates, attachments and so on. It encrypts all your files, including: music, MS Office, Open Office, pictures, videos, shared online files etc.. Looks for C:\Temp\voldemort.horcrux
"synonyms" in the meta part typically refer to alternate names or labels that are associated with a particular Nagini Ransomware.
Known Synonyms |
Voldemort Ransomware |
Internal MISP references
UUID 46a35af7-9d05-4de4-a955-41ccf3d3b83b
which can be used as unique global reference for Nagini Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | November 2016 |
encryption | RSA |
payment-method | CreditCard |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-qJHhbtoL1Y4/V-lOClxieEI/AAAAAAAABis/IbnVAY8hnmEfU8_iU1CgQ3FWeX4YZOkBACLcB/s1600/Nagini.jpg'] |
ShellLocker Ransomware
It’s directed to English speaking users, therefore is able to infect worldwide. It is spread using email spam, fake updates, attachments and so on. It encrypts all your files, including: music, MS Office, Open Office, pictures, videos, shared online files etc..
Internal MISP references
UUID a8ea7a67-c019-4c6c-8061-8614c47f153e
which can be used as unique global reference for ShellLocker Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | November 2016 |
encryption | AES |
extensions | ['.l0cked', '.L0cker'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 100$ |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-0N1ZUh4WcxQ/WDCfENY1eyI/AAAAAAAACKE/_RVIxRCwedMrD0Tj9o6-ew8u3pL0Y5w8QCLcB/s1600/lock-note2.jpg'] |
Chip Ransomware
It’s directed to English speaking users, therefore is able to infect worldwide. It is spread using email spam, fake updates, attachments and so on. It encrypts all your files, including: music, MS Office, Open Office, pictures, videos, shared online files etc..
"synonyms" in the meta part typically refer to alternate names or labels that are associated with a particular Chip Ransomware.
Known Synonyms |
ChipLocker Ransomware |
Internal MISP references
UUID 7487fd37-d4ba-4c85-b6f8-8d4d7d5b74d7
which can be used as unique global reference for Chip Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | November 2016 |
encryption | AES + RSA-512 |
extensions | ['.CHIP', '.DALE'] |
payment-method | Tor WebSite |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['CHIP_FILES.txt'] |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-OvB9TMJoimE/WC9QXRPFNwI/AAAAAAAACJU/iYcCC9tKvGIu4jH2bd6xLvmO7KMVVCLdgCLcB/s1600/note_2.PNG'] |
Dharma Ransomware
It’s directed to English speaking users, therefore is able to infect worldwide. It is spread using email spam, fake updates, attachments and so on. It encrypts all your files, including: music, MS Office, Open Office, pictures, videos, shared online files etc.. CrySiS > Dharma Note: ATTENTION! At the moment, your system is not protected. We can fix it and restore files. To restore the system write to this address: bitcoin143@india.com. CrySiS variant
Internal MISP references
UUID 2b365b2c-4a9a-4b66-804d-3b2d2814fe7b
which can be used as unique global reference for Dharma Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
- https://id-ransomware.blogspot.co.il/2016/11/dharma-ransomware.html - webarchive
- https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/kaspersky-releases-decryptor-for-the-dharma-ransomware/ - webarchive
- https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/new-cmb-dharma-ransomware-variant-released/ - webarchive
- https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/new-bip-dharma-ransomware-variant-released/ - webarchive
- https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/the-week-in-ransomware-october-12th-2018-notpetya-gandcrab-and-more/ - webarchive
- https://twitter.com/demonslay335/status/1049313390097813504 - webarchive
- https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/the-week-in-ransomware-september-14th-2018-kraken-dharma-and-matrix/ - webarchive
- https://twitter.com/JakubKroustek/status/1038680437508501504 - webarchive
- https://twitter.com/demonslay335/status/1059521042383814657 - webarchive
- https://twitter.com/demonslay335/status/1059940414147489792 - webarchive
- https://twitter.com/JakubKroustek/status/1060825783197933568 - webarchive
- https://twitter.com/JakubKroustek/status/1064061275863425025 - webarchive
- https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/the-week-in-ransomware-november-23rd-2018-stop-dharma-and-more/ - webarchive
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qjoYtwLx2TI - webarchive
- https://twitter.com/GrujaRS/status/1072139616910757888 - webarchive
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | November 2016 |
encryption | AES + RSA-512 |
extensions | ['.dharma', '.wallet', '.zzzzz', '.cmb', '.id-BCBEF350.[paymentbtc@firemail.cc].cmb', '.bip', '.id-BCBEF350.[Beamsell@qq.com].bip', '.boost', '.[Darknes@420blaze.it].waifu', '.brrr', '.adobe', '.tron', '.AUDIT', '.cccmn', '.fire', '.myjob', '.[cyberwars@qq.com].war', '.risk', '.RISK', '.bkpx', '.[newsantaclaus@aol.com].santa'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin - Email |
ransomnotes | ['all your data has been locked us\nYou want to return?\nwrite email paymentbtc@firemail.cc', "All your files have been encrypted!\nAll your files have been encrypted due to a security problem with your PC. If you want to restore them, write us to the e-mail paymentbtc@firemail.cc\nWrite this ID in the title of your message ACBFF130\nIn case of no answer in 24 hours write us to theese e-mails:paymentbtc@firemail.cc\nYou have to pay for decryption in Bitcoins. The price depends on how fast you write to us. After payment we will send you the decryption tool that will decrypt all your files.\nFree decryption as guarantee\nBefore paying you can send us up to 1 file for free decryption. The total size of files must be less than 1Mb (non archived), and files should not contain valuable information. (databases,backups, large excel sheets, etc.)\nHow to obtain Bitcoins\nThe easiest way to buy bitcoins is LocalBitcoins site. You have to register, click 'Buy bitcoins', and select the seller by payment method and price.\nhttps://localbitcoins.com/buy_bitcoins\nAlso you can find other places to buy Bitcoins and beginners guide here:\nhttp://www.coindesk.com/information/how-can-i-buy-bitcoins/\nAttention!\nDo not rename encrypted files.\nDo not try to decrypt your data using third party software, it may cause permanent data loss.\nDecryption of your files with the help of third parties may cause increased price (they add their fee to our) or you can become a victim of a scam.", "All your files have been encrypted!\nAll your files have been encrypted due to a security problem with your PC. If you want to restore them, write us to the e-mail Beamsell@qq.com\nWrite this ID in the title of your message BCBEF350\nIn case of no answer in 24 hours write us to theese e-mails:Beamsell@qq.com\nYou have to pay for decryption in Bitcoins. The price depends on how fast you write to us. After payment we will send you the decryption tool that will decrypt all your files. \nFree decryption as guarantee\nBefore paying you can send us up to 1 file for free decryption. The total size of files must be less than 1Mb (non archived), and files should not contain valuable information. (databases,backups, large excel sheets, etc.) \nHow to obtain Bitcoins\nThe easiest way to buy bitcoins is LocalBitcoins site. You have to register, click 'Buy bitcoins', and select the seller by payment method and price. \nhttps://localbitcoins.com/buy_bitcoins \nAlso you can find other places to buy Bitcoins and beginners guide here: \nhttp://www.coindesk.com/information/how-can-i-buy-bitcoins/ \nAttention!\nDo not rename encrypted files. \nDo not try to decrypt your data using third party software, it may cause permanent data loss.\nDecryption of your files with the help of third parties may cause increased price (they add their fee to our) or you can become a victim of a scam.", 'all your data has been locked us\nYou want to return?\nwrite email Beamsell@qq.com'] |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['README.txt', 'README.jpg', 'Info.hta', 'FILES ENCRYPTED.txt', 'INFO.hta'] |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://www.bleepstatic.com/images/news/ransomware/d/dharma/cmb/hta-ransom-note.jpg', 'https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Dmof_FiXsAAAvTN.jpg', 'https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Dmof_FyXsAEJmgQ.jpg', 'https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DrWqLWzXgAc4SlG.jpg', 'https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DuEBIMBW0AANnGW.jpg'] |
Angela Merkel Ransomware
It’s directed to English speaking users, therefore is able to infect worldwide. It is spread using email spam, fake updates, attachments and so on. It encrypts all your files, including: music, MS Office, Open Office, pictures, videos, shared online files etc..
Internal MISP references
UUID a9bb4ae1-b4da-49bb-aeeb-3596cb883860
which can be used as unique global reference for Angela Merkel Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | November 2016 |
encryption | AES |
extensions | ['.angelamerkel'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 1200€ |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-QaJ-Z27tL7s/WDCvwYY2UVI/AAAAAAAACKg/swpf1eKf1Y8oYIK5U8gbfi1H9AQ3Q3r8QCLcB/s1600/angela-merkel.jpg'] |
CryptoLuck Ransomware
This is most likely to affect English speaking users, since the note is written in English. English is understood worldwide, thus anyone can be harmed. The hacker spread the virus using email spam, fake updates, and harmful attachments. All your files are compromised including music, MS Office, Open Office, pictures, videos, shared online files etc..
"synonyms" in the meta part typically refer to alternate names or labels that are associated with a particular CryptoLuck Ransomware.
Known Synonyms |
YafunnLocker |
Internal MISP references
UUID 615b682d-4746-464d-8091-8869d0e6ea2c
which can be used as unique global reference for CryptoLuck Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | November 2016 |
encryption | AES-256 + RSA-2048 |
extensions | ['. |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 0.7 - 2.1 |
ransomnotes | ['%AppData%\@WARNING_FILES_ARE_ENCRYPTED.[victim_id].txt.'] |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-skwh_-RY50s/WDK2XLhtt3I/AAAAAAAACL0/CaZ0A_fl2Zk-YZYU9g4QCQZkODpicbXpQCLcB/s1600/note_2.PNG', 'https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-tCYSY5fpE5Q/WDLLZssImkI/AAAAAAAACMg/7TmWPW3k4jQuGIYZN_dCxcSGcY_c4po9wCLcB/s1600/note3_2.PNG'] |
Crypton Ransomware
This is most likely to affect English speaking users, since the note is written in English. English is understood worldwide, thus anyone can be harmed. The hacker spread the virus using email spam, fake updates, and harmful attachments. All your files are compromised including music, MS Office, Open Office, pictures, videos, shared online files etc..
"synonyms" in the meta part typically refer to alternate names or labels that are associated with a particular Crypton Ransomware.
Known Synonyms |
Nemesis |
X3M |
Internal MISP references
UUID 117693d2-1551-486e-93e5-981945eecabd
which can be used as unique global reference for Crypton Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
- https://id-ransomware.blogspot.co.il/2016/11/crypton-ransomware.html - webarchive
- https://decrypter.emsisoft.com/crypton - webarchive
- https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/crypton-ransomware-is-here-and-its-not-so-bad-/ - webarchive
- https://twitter.com/JakubKroustek/status/829353444632825856 - webarchive
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | November 2016 |
encryption | AES-256 + RSA + SHA-256 |
extensions | ['crypt', '.id-_locked', '.id-_locked_by_krec', '.id-_locked_by_perfect', '.id-_x3m', '.id-_r9oj', '.id-_garryweber@protonmail.ch', '.id-_steaveiwalker@india.com', '.id-julia.crown@india.com', '.id-tom.cruz@india.com', '.id-CarlosBoltehero@india.com', '.id-maria.lopez1@india.com'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 0.2 - 2 |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-2fAMkigwn4E/WCs1vKiB9UI/AAAAAAAACIs/_kgk8U9wfisV0MTYInIbArwL8zgLyBDIgCLcB/s1600/note-eng.png'] |
Karma Ransomware
This is most likely to affect English speaking users, since the note is written in English. English is understood worldwide, thus anyone can be harmed. The hacker spread the virus using email spam, fake updates, and harmful attachments. All your files are compromised including music, MS Office, Open Office, pictures, videos, shared online files etc.. pretends to be a Windows optimization program called Windows-TuneUp
Internal MISP references
UUID 51596eaa-6df7-4aa3-8df4-cec3aeffb1b5
which can be used as unique global reference for Karma Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
- https://id-ransomware.blogspot.co.il/2016/11/karma-ransomware.html - webarchive
- https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/researcher-finds-the-karma-ransomware-being-distributed-via-pay-per-install-network/ - webarchive
- https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/the-week-in-ransomware-november-18th-2016-crysis-cryptoluck-chip-and-more/ - webarchive
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | November 2016 |
encryption | AES |
extensions | ['.karma'] |
links | ['http://3nvzqyo6l4wkrzumzu5aod7zbosq4ipgf7ifgj3hsvbcr5vcasordvqd.onion'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 0.5 |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['# DECRYPT MY FILES #.html', '# DECRYPT MY FILES #.txt'] |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://www.bleepstatic.com/images/news/ransomware/k/karma-ransomware/ransom-note.png'] |
WickedLocker HT Ransomware
This is most likely to affect English speaking users, since the note is written in English. English is understood worldwide, thus anyone can be harmed. The hacker spread the virus using email spam, fake updates, and harmful attachments. All your files are compromised including music, MS Office, Open Office, pictures, videos, shared online files etc..
Internal MISP references
UUID 878c06be-95d7-4a0d-9dba-178ffc1d3e5e
which can be used as unique global reference for WickedLocker HT Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | November 2016 |
encryption | AES |
extensions | ['.locked'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 0.5 |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-CTLT300bjNk/WCg9mrJArSI/AAAAAAAACGk/weWSqTMVS9AXdxJh_SA06SOH4kh2VGW1gCLcB/s1600/note_2.PNG.png'] |
PClock3 Ransomware
This is most likely to affect English speaking users, since the note is written in English. English is understood worldwide, thus anyone can be harmed. The hacker spread the virus using email spam, fake updates, and harmful attachments. All your files are compromised including music, MS Office, Open Office, pictures, videos, shared online files etc.. CryptoLocker Copycat
"synonyms" in the meta part typically refer to alternate names or labels that are associated with a particular PClock3 Ransomware.
Known Synonyms |
CryptoLocker clone |
PClock SuppTeam Ransomware |
WinPlock |
Internal MISP references
UUID 6c38f175-b32a-40ef-8cad-33c2c8840d51
which can be used as unique global reference for PClock3 Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
- https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/old-cryptolocker-copycat-named-pclock-resurfaces-with-new-attacks/ - webarchive
- https://id-ransomware.blogspot.co.il/2016/11/suppteam-ransomware-sysras.html - webarchive
- http://researchcenter.paloaltonetworks.com/2015/09/updated-pclock-ransomware-still-comes-up-short/ - webarchive
- https://decrypter.emsisoft.com/ - webarchive
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | November 2016 |
encryption | AES or XOR |
extensions | ['.locked'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 0.55 - 0.65 |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['Your files are locked !.txt', 'Your files are locked !!.txt', 'Your files are locked !!!.txt', 'Your files are locked !!!!.txt', '%AppData%\WinCL\winclwp.jpg'] |
Kolobo Ransomware
This is most likely to affect English speaking users, since the note is written in English. English is understood worldwide, thus anyone can be harmed. The hacker spread the virus using email spam, fake updates, and harmful attachments. All your files are compromised including music, MS Office, Open Office, pictures, videos, shared online files etc..
"synonyms" in the meta part typically refer to alternate names or labels that are associated with a particular Kolobo Ransomware.
Known Synonyms |
Kolobocheg Ransomware |
Internal MISP references
UUID f32f0bec-961b-4c01-9cc1-9cf409efd598
which can be used as unique global reference for Kolobo Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | November 2016 |
encryption | XOR and RSA |
extensions | ['.kolobocheg@aol.com_'] |
payment-method | |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://www.ransomware.wiki/tag/kolobo/'] |
PaySafeGen (German) Ransomware
This is most likely to affect German speaking users, since the note is written in German. Mostly affects users in German speaking countries. The hacker spread the virus using email spam, fake updates, and harmful attachments. All your files are compromised including music, MS Office, Open Office, pictures, videos, shared online files etc..
"synonyms" in the meta part typically refer to alternate names or labels that are associated with a particular PaySafeGen (German) Ransomware.
Known Synonyms |
PaySafeCard |
PaySafeGen |
Paysafecard Generator 2016 |
Internal MISP references
UUID 379d5258-6f11-4c41-a685-c2ff555c0cb9
which can be used as unique global reference for PaySafeGen (German) Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | November 2016 |
encryption | AES-256 |
extensions | ['.cry_'] |
payment-method | PaySafeCard |
price | 100€ |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-r2kaNLjBcEk/WCNCqrpHPZI/AAAAAAAACEE/eFSWuu4mUZoDV5AnduGR4KxHlFM--uIzACLcB/s1600/lock-screen.png'] |
Telecrypt Ransomware
This is most likely to affect Russian speaking users, since the note is written in Russian. Therefore, residents of Russian speaking country are affected. The hacker spread the virus using email spam, fake updates, and harmful attachments. All your files are compromised including music, MS Office, Open Office, pictures, videos, shared online files etc.. The ransomware’s authors would request around $75 from their victims to provide them with a decryptor (payments are accepted via Russian payment services Qiwi or Yandex.Money ). Right from the start, however, researchers suggested that TeleCrypt was written by cybercriminals without advanced skills. Telecrypt will generate a random string to encrypt with that is between 10-20 length and only contain the letters vo,pr,bm,xu,zt,dq.
Internal MISP references
UUID 2f362760-925b-4948-aae5-dd0d2fc21002
which can be used as unique global reference for Telecrypt Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
- https://id-ransomware.blogspot.co.il/2016/11/telecrypt-ransomware.html - webarchive
- http://www.securityweek.com/telecrypt-ransomwares-encryption-cracked - webarchive
- https://malwarebytes.app.box.com/s/kkxwgzbpwe7oh59xqfwcz97uk0q05kp3 - webarchive
- https://blog.malwarebytes.com/threat-analysis/2016/11/telecrypt-the-ransomware-abusing-telegram-api-defeated/ - webarchive
- https://securelist.com/blog/research/76558/the-first-cryptor-to-exploit-telegram/ - webarchive
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | November 2016 |
encryption | AES |
extensions | ['.Xcri'] |
payment-method | Qhvi-wallet / Yandex-wallet |
price | 5000 rubles |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-UFksnOoE4Ss/WCRUNbQuqyI/AAAAAAAACFI/Gs3Gkby335UmiddlYWJDkw8O-BBLt-BlQCLcB/s1600/telegram_rans.gif'] |
CerberTear Ransomware
This is most likely to affect English speaking users, since the note is written in English. English is understood worldwide, thus anyone can be harmed. The hacker spread the virus using email spam, fake updates, and harmful attachments. All your files are compromised including music, MS Office, Open Office, pictures, videos, shared online files etc..
Internal MISP references
UUID 28808e63-e71f-4aaa-b203-9310745f87b6
which can be used as unique global reference for CerberTear Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | November 2016 |
encryption | AES |
extensions | ['.cerber'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 0.4 |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-ftA6aPEXwPM/WCDY3IiSq6I/AAAAAAAACCU/lnH25navXDkNccw5eQL9fkztRAeIqDYdQCLcB/s1600/note111.png'] |
FuckSociety Ransomware
This is most likely to affect English speaking users, since the note is written in English. English is understood worldwide, thus anyone can be harmed. The hacker spread the virus using email spam, fake updates, and harmful attachments. All your files are compromised including music, MS Office, Open Office, pictures, videos, shared online files etc.. Hidden Tear >> APT Ransomware + HYPERLINK "https://id-ransomware.blogspot.ru/2016/05/remindme-ransomware-2.html" "_blank" RemindMe > FuckSociety
Internal MISP references
UUID 81c476c3-3190-440d-be4a-ea875e9415aa
which can be used as unique global reference for FuckSociety Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | November 2016 |
encryption | RSA-4096 |
extensions | ['.dll'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
PayDOS Ransomware
This is most likely to affect English speaking users, since the note is written in English. English is understood worldwide, thus anyone can be harmed. The hacker spread the virus using email spam, fake updates, and harmful attachments. All your files are compromised including music, MS Office, Open Office, pictures, videos, shared online files etc.. Batch file; Passcode: AES1014DW256 or RSA1014DJW2048
"synonyms" in the meta part typically refer to alternate names or labels that are associated with a particular PayDOS Ransomware.
Known Synonyms |
Serpent Ransomware |
Internal MISP references
UUID 4818a48a-dfc2-4f35-a76d-e4fb462d6c94
which can be used as unique global reference for PayDOS Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
- https://id-ransomware.blogspot.co.il/2016/11/paydos-ransomware-serpent.html - webarchive
- https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/ransomware-goes-retro-with-paydos-and-serpent-written-as-batch-files/ - webarchive
- https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/the-week-in-ransomware-november-4th-2016-cerber-paydos-alcatraz-locker-and-more/ - webarchive
- https://www.proofpoint.com/us/threat-insight/post/new-serpent-ransomware-targets-danish-speakers - webarchive
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | November 2016 |
encryption | AES-256 |
extensions | ['.dng', '.serpent'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 0.33 |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['HOW_TO_DECRYPT_YOUR_FILES_[random_3_chars].html', 'HOW_TO_DECRYPT_YOUR_FILES_[random_3_chars].txt'] |
zScreenLocker Ransomware
This is most likely to affect English speaking users, since the note is written in English. English is understood worldwide, thus anyone can be harmed. The hacker spread the virus using email spam, fake updates, and harmful attachments. All your files are compromised including music, MS Office, Open Office, pictures, videos, shared online files etc..
Internal MISP references
UUID 47834caa-2226-4a3a-a228-210a64c281b9
which can be used as unique global reference for zScreenLocker Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | November 2016 |
encryption | AES |
extensions | ['.dng'] |
Gremit Ransomware
This is most likely to affect English speaking users, since the note is written in English. English is understood worldwide, thus anyone can be harmed. The hacker spread the virus using email spam, fake updates, and harmful attachments. All your files are compromised including music, MS Office, Open Office, pictures, videos, shared online files etc..
Internal MISP references
UUID 47512afc-ecf2-4766-8487-8f3bc8dddbf3
which can be used as unique global reference for Gremit Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | November 2016 |
encryption | AES |
extensions | ['.rnsmwr'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 0.03 |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://www.bleepstatic.com/images/news/columns/week-in-ransomware/11-4-16/CwZubUHW8AAE4qi[1].jpg'] |
Hollycrypt Ransomware
This is most likely to affect English speaking users, since the note is written in English. English is understood worldwide, thus anyone can be harmed. The hacker spread the virus using email spam, fake updates, and harmful attachments. All your files are compromised including music, MS Office, Open Office, pictures, videos, shared online files etc..
Internal MISP references
UUID b77298c1-3f84-4ffb-a81b-36eab5c10881
which can be used as unique global reference for Hollycrypt Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | November 2016 |
encryption | AES |
extensions | ['.hollycrypt'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin Email |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-PdtXGwSTn24/WBxIoomzF4I/AAAAAAAAB-U/lxTwKWc7T9MJhUtcRMh1mn9m_Ftjox9XwCLcB/s1600/note_2.PNG'] |
BTCLocker Ransomware
This is most likely to affect English speaking users, since the note is written in English. English is understood worldwide, thus anyone can be harmed. The hacker spread the virus using email spam, fake updates, and harmful attachments. All your files are compromised including music, MS Office, Open Office, pictures, videos, shared online files etc..
"synonyms" in the meta part typically refer to alternate names or labels that are associated with a particular BTCLocker Ransomware.
Known Synonyms |
BTC Ransomware |
Internal MISP references
UUID 3f461284-85a1-441c-b07d-8b547be43ca2
which can be used as unique global reference for BTCLocker Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | November 2016 |
encryption | AES |
extensions | ['.BTC'] |
payment-method | |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://4.bp.blogspot.com/--7M0dtKhOio/WBxJx1PflYI/AAAAAAAAB-g/DSdMjLDLnVwwaMBW4H_98SzSJupLYm9WgCLcB/s1600/note_2.PNG'] |
Kangaroo Ransomware
This is most likely to affect English speaking users, since the note is written in English. English is understood worldwide, thus anyone can be harmed. The hacker spread the virus using email spam, fake updates, and harmful attachments. All your files are compromised including music, MS Office, Open Office, pictures, videos, shared online files etc.. From the developer behind the Apocalypse Ransomware, Fabiansomware, and Esmeralda
Internal MISP references
UUID 5ab1449f-7e7d-47e7-924a-8662bc2df805
which can be used as unique global reference for Kangaroo Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | November 2016 |
encryption | AES |
extensions | ['.crypted_file'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 2 |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['filename.Instructions_Data_Recovery.txt'] |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-1jyI1HoqJag/WBzj9SLvipI/AAAAAAAAB_U/_sp8TglWEPQphG8neqrztfUUIjcBbVhDwCLcB/s1600/kangaroo-lock_2.png'] |
DummyEncrypter Ransomware
This is most likely to affect English speaking users, since the note is written in English. English is understood worldwide, thus anyone can be harmed. The hacker spread the virus using email spam, fake updates, and harmful attachments. All your files are compromised including music, MS Office, Open Office, pictures, videos, shared online files etc..
Internal MISP references
UUID 6bf055c6-acb2-4459-92b0-70d61616ab62
which can be used as unique global reference for DummyEncrypter Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | November 2016 |
encryption | AES-256 |
extensions | ['.dCrypt'] |
payment-method | |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-2rS0Yq27wp0/WBtKfupZ2sI/AAAAAAAAB8I/0MR-9Xx0n-0zV_NBSScDCiYTp1KH-edtACLcB/s1600/Lockscreen_2.png'] |
Encryptss77 Ransomware
This is most likely to affect English speaking users, since the note is written in English. English is understood worldwide, thus anyone can be harmed. The hacker spread the virus using email spam, fake updates, and harmful attachments. All your files are compromised including music, MS Office, Open Office, pictures, videos, shared online files etc..
"synonyms" in the meta part typically refer to alternate names or labels that are associated with a particular Encryptss77 Ransomware.
Known Synonyms |
SFX Monster Ransomware |
Internal MISP references
UUID 317cab8a-31a1-4a82-876a-94edc7afffba
which can be used as unique global reference for Encryptss77 Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | November 2016 |
encryption | AES-256 |
extensions | ['.dCrypt'] |
payment-method | |
WinRarer Ransomware
This is most likely to affect English speaking users, since the note is written in English. English is understood worldwide, thus anyone can be harmed. The hacker spread the virus using email spam, fake updates, and harmful attachments. All your files are compromised including music, MS Office, Open Office, pictures, videos, shared online files etc..
Internal MISP references
UUID 7ee22340-ed89-4e22-b085-257bde4c0fc5
which can be used as unique global reference for WinRarer Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | November 2016 |
encryption | AES-256 |
extensions | ['.ace'] |
payment-method | Website (onion) |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-zb0TP0wza7I/WBpShN0tCMI/AAAAAAAAB64/oTkSFwKFVx8hY1rEs5FQU6F7oaBW-LqHwCLcB/s1600/note_2.png'] |
Russian Globe Ransomware
This is most likely to affect English speaking users, since the note is written in English. English is understood worldwide, thus anyone can be harmed. The hacker spread the virus using email spam, fake updates, and harmful attachments. All your files are compromised including music, MS Office, Open Office, pictures, videos, shared online files etc..
Internal MISP references
UUID 30771cde-2543-4c13-b722-ff940f235b0f
which can be used as unique global reference for Russian Globe Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | November 2016 |
encryption | AES-256 |
extensions | ['.blackblock'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 0.5 - 1 |
ransomnotes | ["YOUR FILES HAVE BEEN ENCRYPTED! Your personal ID * Your file have been encrypted with a powerful strain of a virus called ransomware. Your files are encrypted using the same methods banks and the military use. There is currently no possible way to decrypt files with the private key. Lucky for you, we can help. We are willing to sell you a decryptor UNIQUELY made for your computer (meaning someone else's decryptor will not work for you). Once you pay a small fee, we will instantly send you the software/info necessary to decrypt all your files, quickly and easily."] |
ZeroCrypt Ransomware
This is most likely to affect English speaking users, since the note is written in English. English is understood worldwide, thus anyone can be harmed. The hacker spread the virus using email spam, fake updates, and harmful attachments. All your files are compromised including music, MS Office, Open Office, pictures, videos, shared online files etc..
Internal MISP references
UUID e999ca18-61cb-4419-a2fa-ab8af6ebe8dc
which can be used as unique global reference for ZeroCrypt Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | November 2016 |
encryption | AES-256 |
extensions | ['.zn2016'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 10 (7300 $) |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-0AGEY4vAlA0/WBi_oChzFNI/AAAAAAAAB4w/8PrPRfFU30YFWCwHzqnsx4bYISVNFyesQCLcB/s1600/note.PNG'] |
RotorCrypt(RotoCrypt, Tar) Ransomware
This is most likely to affect English speaking users, since the note is written in English. English is understood worldwide, thus anyone can be harmed. The hacker spread the virus using email spam, fake updates, and harmful attachments. All your files are compromised including music, MS Office, Open Office, pictures, videos, shared online files etc..
"synonyms" in the meta part typically refer to alternate names or labels that are associated with a particular RotorCrypt(RotoCrypt, Tar) Ransomware.
Known Synonyms |
RotoCrypt |
RotorCrypt |
Tar Ransomware |
Internal MISP references
UUID 63991ed9-98dc-4f24-a0a6-ff58e489c263
which can be used as unique global reference for RotorCrypt(RotoCrypt, Tar) Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | October 2016 |
encryption | RSA |
extensions | ['.c400', '.c300', '!@!@!@contact mail___boroznsalyuda@gmail.com___!@!@.psd', '!@#$_____ISKANDER@TUTAMAIL.COM_____$#@!.RAR', '!@#$%^&-()+.1C'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 7 (2000 - 5000 $) |
ransomnotes | ['Good day Your files were encrypted/locked As evidence can decrypt file 1 to 3 1-30MB The price of the transcripts of all the files on the server: 7 Bitcoin Recommend to solve the problem quickly and not to delay Also give advice on how to protect Your server against threats from the network (Files sql mdf backup decryption strictly after payment)!', 'Для связи с нами используйте почту\ninkognitoman@tutamail.com\ninkognitoman@firemail.cc'] |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['INFO.txt'] |
Ishtar Ransomware
This is most likely to affect English speaking users, since the note is written in English. English is understood worldwide, thus anyone can be harmed. The hacker spread the virus using email spam, fake updates, and harmful attachments. All your files are compromised including music, MS Office, Open Office, pictures, videos, shared online files etc.
Internal MISP references
UUID 30cad868-b2f1-4551-8f76-d17695c67d52
which can be used as unique global reference for Ishtar Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | October 2016 |
encryption | AES-256 + RSA-2048 |
extensions | ['ISHTAR-. (prefix)'] |
payment-method | Email - rubles |
price | 15 000 |
ransomnotes | ['FOR FILE DISCRIPTION, PLEASE CONTACT YOU@edtonmail@protonmail.com Or BM-NBYR3ctSgr67iciT43rRNmHdHPAYBBK7 USING BITMESSAGE DESKTOP OR https://bitmsg.me/ BASIC TECHNICAL DETAILS: > Standard encryption order: AES 256 + RSA 2048. > A unique AES key is created for each file. > Decryption is impossible without the ISHTAR.DATA file (see% APPDATA% directory). ----- TO DECRYPT YOUR FILES PLEASE WRITE TO youneedmail@protonmail.com OR TO BM-NBYR3ctSgr67iciT43rRNmHdHPAYBBK7 USING BITMESSAGE DESKTOP OR https://bitmsg.me/ BASIC TECHNICAL DETAILS: > Standart encryption routine: AES 256 + RSA 2048. > Every AES key is unique per file. > Decryption is impossible without ISHTAR.DATA file (see% APPDATA% path).'] |
MasterBuster Ransomware
This is most likely to affect English speaking users, since the note is written in English. English is understood worldwide, thus anyone can be harmed. The hacker spread the virus using email spam, fake updates, and harmful attachments. All your files are compromised including music, MS Office, Open Office, pictures, videos, shared online files etc..
Internal MISP references
UUID 07f859cd-9c36-4dae-a6fc-fa4e4aa36176
which can be used as unique global reference for MasterBuster Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | October 2016 |
extensions | ['.hcked'] |
payment-method | rupies |
price | 3500 - 5000 - 10 000 |
ransomnotes | ['IMPORTANT!!!! All of your computer files have been encrypted. DO NOT CHANGE ANY FILES! We can restore all the files. How to restore files: - \n1) Follow this link: - http://goo.gl/forms/VftoBRppkJ \n2) Fill out the form above. \n3) For 24 hours on your email + mobile SMS will come instructions for solving the problem. Thank you! DarkWing020'] |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['CreatesReadThisFileImportant.txt'] |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-gqEyoqXbZnE/WBXoF5bPZZI/AAAAAAAAB2U/YGpgIdjXyQQeDnwc9PlJs37YWtWTnH_wgCLcB/s1600/note.jpg'] |
JackPot Ransomware
This is most likely to affect English speaking users, since the note is written in English. English is understood worldwide, thus anyone can be harmed. The hacker spread the virus using email spam, fake updates, and harmful attachments. All your files are compromised including music, MS Office, Open Office, pictures, videos, shared online files etc..
"synonyms" in the meta part typically refer to alternate names or labels that are associated with a particular JackPot Ransomware.
Known Synonyms |
Jack.Pot Ransomware |
Internal MISP references
UUID 04f1772a-053e-4f6e-a9af-3f83ab312633
which can be used as unique global reference for JackPot Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | October 2016 |
extensions | ['.coin'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 3 |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-oaElZvUqbfo/WBUOGdD8unI/AAAAAAAAB1w/Ya1_qq0gfa09AhRddUITQNRxKloXgD_BwCLcB/s1600/wallp.jpg'] |
ONYX Ransomeware
This is most likely to affect English speaking users, since the note is written in English. English is understood worldwide, thus anyone can be harmed. The hacker spread the virus using email spam, fake updates, and harmful attachments. All your files are compromised including music, MS Office, Open Office, pictures, videos, shared online files etc.. Georgian ransomware
Internal MISP references
UUID 927a4150-9380-4310-9f68-cb06d8debcf2
which can be used as unique global reference for ONYX Ransomeware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | October 2016 |
extensions | ['.Encryption:'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 100 $ |
ransomnotes | ['All your files are encrypted, but do not worry, they have not been removed. (for now) You have 24 hours to pay $100. Money move to the specified Bitcoin -account. Otherwise, all files will be destroyed. Do not turn off the computer and/or do not attempt to disable me. When disobedience will be deleted 100 files.'] |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-cukkC4KAhZE/WBY1jJbcQoI/AAAAAAAAB3I/p8p-iNQRnQwnP6c6H77h_SHMQNAlkJ1CgCLcB/s1600/onyx.jpg'] |
IFN643 Ransomware
This is most likely to affect English speaking users, since the note is written in English. English is understood worldwide, thus anyone can be harmed. The hacker spread the virus using email spam, fake updates, and harmful attachments. All your files are compromised including music, MS Office, Open Office, pictures, videos, shared online files etc..
Internal MISP references
UUID ddeab8b3-5df2-414e-9c6b-06b309e1fcf4
which can be used as unique global reference for IFN643 Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | October 2016 |
encryption | AES |
extensions | ['.inf643'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 1000 $ |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-JuBZKpEHV0Q/WBYNHFlW7pI/AAAAAAAAB20/z0DPYA_8l6U8tB6pbgo8ZwyIJRcrIVy2ACLcB/s1600/Note1.JPG'] |
Alcatraz Locker Ransomware
This is most likely to affect English speaking users, since the note is written in English. English is understood worldwide, thus anyone can be harmed. The hacker spread the virus using email spam, fake updates, and harmful attachments. All your files are compromised including music, MS Office, Open Office, pictures, videos, shared online files etc..
Internal MISP references
UUID 2ad63264-8f52-4ab4-ad26-ca8c3bcc066e
which can be used as unique global reference for Alcatraz Locker Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
- https://id-ransomware.blogspot.co.il/2016/10/alcatraz-locker-ransomware.html - webarchive
- https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/the-week-in-ransomware-november-4th-2016-cerber-paydos-alcatraz-locker-and-more/ - webarchive
- https://twitter.com/PolarToffee/status/792796055020642304 - webarchive
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | October 2016 |
encryption | AES |
extensions | ['.Alcatraz'] |
payment-method | |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['ransomed.hTmL'] |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-b0-Uvnz703Q/WBcMGkZqtwI/AAAAAAAAB3Y/a6clIjdp_tI2T-OE_ykyjvB2qNY3gqWdQCLcB/s1600/Screenshot_1.jpg', 'https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-y5a6QnjAiv0/WBcMKV0zDDI/AAAAAAAAB3c/ytOQHJgmy30H_jEWPcfht7RRsh4NhcrvACLcB/s1600/Screenshot_2.jpg'] |
Esmeralda Ransomware
This is most likely to affect English speaking users, since the note is written in English. English is understood worldwide, thus anyone can be harmed. The hacker spread the virus using email spam, fake updates, and harmful attachments. All your files are compromised including music, MS Office, Open Office, pictures, videos, shared online files etc..
Internal MISP references
UUID ff5a04bb-d412-4cb3-9780-8d3488b7c268
which can be used as unique global reference for Esmeralda Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | October 2016 |
encryption | AES |
extensions | ['.encrypted'] |
payment-method | |
ransomnotes | ['Windows has encountered a critical problem and needs your immediate action to recover your data. The system access is locked and all the data have been encrypted to avoid the information be published or misused. You will not be able to access to your files and ignoring this message may cause the total loss of the data. We are sorry for the inconvenience. You need to contact the email below to restore the data of your system. Email: esmeraldaencryption@mail.ru You will have to order the Unlock-Password and the Esmeralda Decryption Software. All the instructions will be sent to you by email.'] |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-vaWu8OjSiXE/WBzkLBdB8DI/AAAAAAAAB_Y/k8vvtYEIdTkFJhruRJ6qDNAujAn4Ph-xACLcB/s1600/esmeralda-lock_2.png'] |
EncrypTile Ransomware
This is most likely to affect English speaking users, since the note is written in English. English is understood worldwide, thus anyone can be harmed. The hacker spread the virus using email spam, fake updates, and harmful attachments. All your files are compromised including music, MS Office, Open Office, pictures, videos, shared online files etc..
Internal MISP references
UUID 56e49b84-a250-4aaf-9f65-412616709652
which can be used as unique global reference for EncrypTile Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | October 2016 |
encryption | AES |
extensions | ['.encrypted'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 0.053773 |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-_jxt6kCRnwM/WBNf7mi92nI/AAAAAAAAB0g/homx8Ly379oUKAOIhZU6MxCiWX1gA_TkACLcB/s1600/wallp.jpg'] |
Fileice Ransomware Survey Ransomware
This is most likely to affect English speaking users, since the note is written in English. English is understood worldwide, thus anyone can be harmed. The hacker spread the virus using email spam, fake updates, and harmful attachments. All your files are compromised including music, MS Office, Open Office, pictures, videos, shared online files etc.. Sample of how the hacker tricks the user using the survey method. https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-72ECd1vsUdE/WBMSzPQEgzI/AAAAAAAABzA/i8V-Kg8Gstcn_7-YZK__PDC2VgafWcfDgCLcB/s1600/survey-screen.png The hacker definatly has a sense of humor: https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-2AlvtcvdyUY/WBMVptG_V5I/AAAAAAAABzc/1KvAMeDmY2w9BN9vkqZO8LWkBu7T9mvDACLcB/s1600/ThxForYurTyme.JPG
Internal MISP references
UUID ca5d0e52-d0e4-4aa9-872a-0669433c0dcc
which can be used as unique global reference for Fileice Ransomware Survey Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | October 2016 |
encryption | AES |
extensions | ['.encrypted'] |
payment-method | Game |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-GAPCc3ITdQY/WBMTmJ4NaRI/AAAAAAAABzM/XPbPZvZ8vbUrOWxtwPmfHFJiNT_2gfaOgCLcB/s1600/fileice-source.png'] |
CryptoWire Ransomeware
This is most likely to affect English speaking users, since the note is written in English. English is understood worldwide, thus anyone can be harmed. The hacker spread the virus using email spam, fake updates, and harmful attachments. All your files are compromised including music, MS Office, Open Office, pictures, videos, shared online files etc..
Internal MISP references
UUID 4e6e45c2-8e13-49ad-8b27-e5aeb767294a
which can be used as unique global reference for CryptoWire Ransomeware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | October 2016 |
encryption | AES-256 |
extensions | ['.encrypted'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 0.29499335 |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-vIMgkn8WVJM/WBJAxkbya7I/AAAAAAAABys/tCpaTOxfGDw8A611gudDh46mhZT70dURwCLcB/s1600/lock-screen.jpg', 'https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-b0QiEQec0Pg/WBMf2HG6hjI/AAAAAAAABz8/BtN2-INZ2KQ4W2_iPqvDZTtlA0Aq_4gVACLcB/s1600/Screenshot_2.jpg'] |
Hucky Ransomware
This is most likely to affect English speaking users, since the note is written in English. English is understood worldwide, thus anyone can be harmed. The hacker spread the virus using email spam, fake updates, and harmful attachments. All your files are compromised including music, MS Office, Open Office, pictures, videos, shared online files etc.. Based on Locky
"synonyms" in the meta part typically refer to alternate names or labels that are associated with a particular Hucky Ransomware.
Known Synonyms |
Hungarian Locky Ransomware |
Internal MISP references
UUID 74f91a93-4f1e-4603-a6f5-aaa40d2dd311
which can be used as unique global reference for Hucky Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | October 2016 |
encryption | AES-128+RSA |
extensions | ['.locky', '[a-zA-Z0-9+_-]{1,}.[a-z0-9]{3,4}.locky'] |
payment-method | |
ransomnotes | ['!!! IMPORTANT INFORMATION !!!! All files are encrypted using RSA-3072 and AES128 encryption. You can learn more about RSA and AES ciphers here: Https://hu.wikipedia.org/wiki/RSA-eljárás Https://hu.wikipedia.org/wiki/Advanced_Encryption_Standard To return files, you need to get a secret key and decryption program. To get the key, please follow these steps: \n1. Send an identification code to the email address locky@mail2tor.com! If you want, send a 1 MB file for decryption. In order to prove that we can recover data. (Please, email must contain only the identification code, as well as the attachment) \n3. Please note, check the mail, we will send you an email within 24 hours! You will receive a decrypted file and decryption program in the attachment. Follow the instructions in the email.!!! Your identification code !!!'] |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['_Adatok_visszaallitasahoz_utasitasok.txt', '_locky_recover_instructions.txt'] |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-lLZZBScC27U/WBmkDQzl9FI/AAAAAAAAB5Y/gozOy17Yv0EWNCQVSOXn-PkTccYZuMmPQCLcB/s1600/note-bmp_2.png'] |
Winnix Cryptor Ransomware
This is most likely to affect English speaking users, since the note is written in English. English is understood worldwide, thus anyone can be harmed. The hacker spread the virus using email spam, fake updates, and harmful attachments. All your files are compromised including music, MS Office, Open Office, pictures, videos, shared online files etc..
Internal MISP references
UUID e30e663d-d8c8-44f2-8da7-03b1a9c52376
which can be used as unique global reference for Winnix Cryptor Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | October 2016 |
encryption | AES |
extensions | ['.wnx'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 2 - 4 |
ransomnotes | ["Your files are encrypted! Your files have been safely encrypted on this PC: photos, documents, databases, etc. Encryption was produced using a unique public key generated for this computer. To decrypt files you need to obtain the private key. The only way to get the private key is to pay 4 BTC. You saved it on qualified system administrator who could make your network safe and secure. In order to decrypt the files send your bitcoins to the following address: 13gYXFxpzm7hAd4esdnJGt9JvYqyD1Y6by After you complete your payment, send an email to 6214ssxpvo@sigaint.org with YOUR ID as subject (ID is in the end of the file) and you'll receive private key, needed software and step by step guide in 1 business day. Offer is valid for 5 business days (expiration date is in the end of the file). AFTER TIME IS UP, PRICE DOUBLES. No discounts, no other payment methods. How to buy bitcoins? \n1. Create a Bitcoin Wallet (we recommend Blockchain.info) \n2. Buy necessary amount of Bitcoins Do not forget about the transaction commission in the Bitcoin network (= 0.0005). Here are our recommendations: LocalBitcoins.com – the fastest and easiest way to buy and sell Bitcoins; CoinCafe.com – the simplest and fastest way to buy, sell and use Bitcoins; BTCDirect.eu – the best for Europe; CEX.IO – Visa / MasterCard; CoinMama.com – Visa / MasterCard; HowToBuyBitcoins.info – discover quickly how to buy and sell bitcoins in your local currency. More questions? Send an email to 6214ssxpvo@sigaint.org ID: *** EXP DATE: Sept. 12 2016 Winnix Cryptor Team"] |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['YOUR FILES ARE ENCRYPTED!.txt'] |
AngryDuck Ransomware
This is most likely to affect English speaking users, since the note is written in English. English is understood worldwide, thus anyone can be harmed. The hacker spread the virus using email spam, fake updates, and harmful attachments. All your files are compromised including music, MS Office, Open Office, pictures, videos, shared online files etc.. Demands 10 BTC
Internal MISP references
UUID 2813a5c7-530b-492f-8d77-fe7b1ed96a65
which can be used as unique global reference for AngryDuck Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | October 2016 |
encryption | AES-512 |
extensions | ['.adk'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 10 (7300 $) |
ransomnotes | ["ANGRY DUCK! All your important files have been encrypted using very string cryptography (AES-512 With RSA-64 FIPS grade encryption). To recover your files, send 10 BTC to my private wallet DON'T MESS WITH THE DUCKS!!!"] |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-k3s85Fx9N_E/WBIfuUNTMmI/AAAAAAAAByM/rQ10tKuXTlEJfLTOoBwJPo7rhhaiK2OoQCLcB/s1600/screen-lock.jpg'] |
Lock93 Ransomware
This is most likely to affect English speaking users, since the note is written in English. English is understood worldwide, thus anyone can be harmed. The hacker spread the virus using email spam, fake updates, and harmful attachments. All your files are compromised including music, MS Office, Open Office, pictures, videos, shared online files etc..
Internal MISP references
UUID 2912426d-2a26-4091-a87f-032a6d3d28c1
which can be used as unique global reference for Lock93 Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | October 2016 |
encryption | AES-512 |
extensions | ['.lock93'] |
payment-method | |
price | 1000 rubles |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-WuD2qaaNIb0/WA4_g_FnIfI/AAAAAAAABx4/pn6VNqMXMzI_ryvKUruY3ctYtzomT1I4gCLcB/s1600/note3.jpg', 'https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-S6M83oFxSdM/WA4_ak9WATI/AAAAAAAABx0/3FL3q21FdxMQvAgrr2FORQIaNtq2-P2jACLcB/s1600/note2.jpg'] |
ASN1 Encoder Ransomware
This is most likely to affect English speaking users, since the note is written in English. English is understood worldwide, thus anyone can be harmed. The hacker spread the virus using email spam, fake updates, and harmful attachments. All your files are compromised including music, MS Office, Open Office, pictures, videos, shared online files etc..
Internal MISP references
UUID dd99cc50-91f7-4375-906a-7d09c76ee9f7
which can be used as unique global reference for ASN1 Encoder Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | October 2016 |
encryption | AES-512 |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 0.25 - 0.5 |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['!!!!!readme!!!!!.htm'] |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-5gZpxeEWqZg/WBeNnEP9GzI/AAAAAAAAB4g/ELCCp88whLMI6CzpGTjlxbmXBMFIKhwtwCLcB/s1600/onion-site.JPG'] |
Click Me Ransomware
This is most likely to affect English speaking users, since the note is written in English. English is understood worldwide, thus anyone can be harmed. The hacker spread the virus using email spam, fake updates, and harmful attachments. All your files are compromised including music, MS Office, Open Office, pictures, videos, shared online files etc.. The hacker tries to get the user to play a game and when the user clicks the button, there is no game, just 20 pictures in a .gif below: https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-1zgO3-bBazs/WAkPYqXuayI/AAAAAAAABxI/DO3vycRW-TozneSfRTdeKyXGNEtJSMehgCLcB/s1600/all-images.gif
Internal MISP references
UUID 97bdadda-e874-46e6-8672-11dbfe3958c4
which can be used as unique global reference for Click Me Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | October 2016 |
encryption | AES |
extensions | ['.hacked'] |
payment-method | Email Bitcoin |
ransomnotes | ["All right my dear brother!!! Enough free playing. Your files have been encrypted. Pay so much this much money so I can send you the password for your files. I can be paid this much too cause I am very kind. So move on I didn't raise the price."] |
AiraCrop Ransomware
This is most likely to affect English speaking users, since the note is written in English. English is understood worldwide, thus anyone can be harmed. The hacker spread the virus using email spam, fake updates, and harmful attachments. All your files are compromised including music, MS Office, Open Office, pictures, videos, shared online files etc..
Internal MISP references
UUID e7a5c384-a93c-4ed4-8411-ca1e52396256
which can be used as unique global reference for AiraCrop Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | October 2016 |
encryption | AES-256 + RSA-2048 |
extensions | ['.hacked'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 0.5 |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-4HNc9S8SY4I/WBMkpdKyDsI/AAAAAAAAB0I/udESgro7YB4pF98Dv2KrrecyymFGsvV2QCLcB/s1600/note.JPG'] |
JapanLocker Ransomware
This is most likely to affect English speaking users, since the note is written in English. English is understood worldwide, thus anyone can be harmed. The hacker spread the virus using email spam, fake updates, and harmful attachments. All your files are compromised including music, MS Office, Open Office, pictures, videos, shared online files etc.. Base64 encoding, ROT13, and top-bottom swapping
"synonyms" in the meta part typically refer to alternate names or labels that are associated with a particular JapanLocker Ransomware.
Known Synonyms |
SHC Ransomware |
SHCLocker |
SyNcryption |
Internal MISP references
UUID d579e5b6-c6fd-43d9-9213-7591cd324f94
which can be used as unique global reference for JapanLocker Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
- https://id-ransomware.blogspot.co.il/2016/10/japanlocker-ransomware.html - webarchive
- https://www.cyber.nj.gov/threat-profiles/ransomware-variants/japanlocker - webarchive
- https://github.com/fortiguard-lion/schRansomwareDecryptor/blob/master/schRansomwarev1_decryptor.php - webarchive
- https://blog.fortinet.com/2016/10/19/japanlocker-an-excavation-to-its-indonesian-roots - webarchive
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | October 2016 |
encryption | AES-256 + RSA-2048 |
extensions | ['#LOCK#'] |
payment-method | |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-sdlDK4OIuPA/WAehWZYHaMI/AAAAAAAABvc/TcAcLG2lw10aOFY3FbP1A5EuLjL6LR62ACLcB/s1600/note.jpg'] |
Anubis Ransomware
This is most likely to affect English speaking users, since the note is written in English. English is understood worldwide, thus anyone can be harmed. The hacker spread the virus using email spam, fake updates, and harmful attachments. All your files are compromised including music, MS Office, Open Office, pictures, videos, shared online files etc.. EDA2
Internal MISP references
UUID a6215279-37d8-47f7-9b1b-efae4178c738
which can be used as unique global reference for Anubis Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | October 2016 |
encryption | AES(256) |
extensions | ['.coded'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 1 - 2.5 - 3 |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['Decryption Instructions.txt'] |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-0YMsPH5WuTk/WAepI4BnqZI/AAAAAAAABv0/yXt4tdrmmAIf-N9KUmehY6mK1kTV-eFFQCLcB/s1600/note-wal2.jpg'] |
XTPLocker 5.0 Ransomware
This is most likely to affect English speaking users, since the note is written in English. English is understood worldwide, thus anyone can be harmed. The hacker spread the virus using email spam, fake updates, and harmful attachments. All your files are compromised including music, MS Office, Open Office, pictures, videos, shared online files etc..
Internal MISP references
UUID eef4bf49-5b1d-463a-aef9-538c5dc2f71f
which can be used as unique global reference for XTPLocker 5.0 Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | October 2016 |
encryption | AES-256 |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 2 |
ransomnotes | ['Attention! ! ! All of your copies of your system have been permanently deleted and the data on all partitions and workstations have been encrypted! Stay calm. You can recover all your data by making a payment of 2 BTC (1200 USD) in Bitcoin currency to receive a decryption key. To purchase Bitcions you can use www.coinbase.com After buying BTC send the equivalent of 2 BTC (1200 USD) to our BTC adress : 16jX5RbF2pEcLYHPukazWhDCkxXTs7ZCxB After payment contact us to receive your decryption key. In mail title write your unique ID: {custom id visually resembling a MAC address} Our e-mail: crypt302@gmx.com'] |
Exotic Ransomware
This is most likely to affect English speaking users, since the note is written in English. English is understood worldwide, thus anyone can be harmed. The hacker spread the virus using email spam, fake updates, and harmful attachments. All your files are compromised including music, MS Office, Open Office, pictures, videos, shared online files etc.. Also encrypts executables
Internal MISP references
UUID eb22cb8d-763d-4cac-af35-46dc4f85317b
which can be used as unique global reference for Exotic Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
- https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/eviltwins-exotic-ransomware-targets-executable-files/ - webarchive
- https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/the-week-in-ransomware-october-14-2016-exotic-lockydump-comrade-and-more/ - webarchive
- https://www.cyber.nj.gov/threat-profiles/ransomware-variants/exotic-ransomware - webarchive
- https://id-ransomware.blogspot.co.il/2016/10/exotic-ransomware.html - webarchive
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | October 2016 |
encryption | AES-128 |
extensions | ['.exotic', 'random.exotic'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 50 $ |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-WJYR7LkWHWY/WAaCYScljOI/AAAAAAAABuo/j18AGhzv7WUPb2r4HWkYm4TPgYw9S5PUwCLcB/s1600/note1-1.jpg', 'https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-2QxJ3KCRimI/WAaCcWcE2uI/AAAAAAAABus/9SGRY5iQT-ITfG_JrY7mn6-PUpQrSKg7gCLcB/s1600/note1-2.jpg', 'https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-SMXOoWiGkxw/WAaGOMdecrI/AAAAAAAABu8/S-YjlWlPKbItSN_fe8030tMDHWzouHsIgCLcB/s1600/note2.jpg'] |
APT Ransomware v.2
This is most likely to affect English speaking users, since the note is written in English. English is understood worldwide, thus anyone can be harmed. The hacker spread the virus using email spam, fake updates, and harmful attachments. All your files are compromised including music, MS Office, Open Office, pictures, videos, shared online files etc.. NO POINT TO PAY THE RANSOM, THE FILES ARE COMPLETELY DESTROYED
Internal MISP references
UUID 6ec0f43c-6b73-4f5e-bee7-a231572eb994
which can be used as unique global reference for APT Ransomware v.2
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | October 2016 |
encryption | AES-128 |
extensions | ['.dll'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 1 |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-VTUhk_Py2FA/WAVCO1Yn69I/AAAAAAAABuI/N71wo2ViOE0UjrIdbeulBRTJukHtA2TdACLcB/s1600/ransom-note.jpg'] |
Windows_Security Ransonware
This is most likely to affect English speaking users, since the note is written in English. English is understood worldwide, thus anyone can be harmed. The hacker spread the virus using email spam, fake updates, and harmful attachments. All your files are compromised including music, MS Office, Open Office, pictures, videos, shared online files etc..
"synonyms" in the meta part typically refer to alternate names or labels that are associated with a particular Windows_Security Ransonware.
Known Synonyms |
Trojan.Encoder.6491 |
WS Go Ransonware |
Internal MISP references
UUID a57a8bc3-8c33-43e8-b237-25edcd5f532a
which can be used as unique global reference for Windows_Security Ransonware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | October 2016 |
encryption | AES-256 |
extensions | ['.enc'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 0.0523 |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-NfRePJbfjbY/WAe5LHFsWaI/AAAAAAAABwE/1Pk116TDqAYEDYvnu2vzim1l-H5seW9mQCLcB/s1600/note.png'] |
Related clusters
To see the related clusters, click here.
NCrypt Ransomware
This is most likely to affect English speaking users, since the note is written in English. English is understood worldwide, thus anyone can be harmed. The hacker spread the virus using email spam, fake updates, and harmful attachments. All your files are compromised including music, MS Office, Open Office, pictures, videos, shared online files etc..
Internal MISP references
UUID d590865e-f3ae-4381-9d82-3f540f9818cb
which can be used as unique global reference for NCrypt Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | October 2016 |
encryption | AES |
extensions | ['.NCRYPT', '.ncrypt'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 0.2 |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-k7T79DnBk8w/WBc67QXyjWI/AAAAAAAAB3w/QbA-E9lYdSMOg3PcG9Vz8fTc_OhmACObACLcB/s1600/note-html.jpg'] |
Venis Ransomware
This is most likely to affect English speaking users, since the note is written in English. English is understood worldwide, thus anyone can be harmed. The hacker spread the virus using email spam, fake updates, and harmful attachments. All your files are compromised including music, MS Office, Open Office, pictures, videos, shared online files etc.. In devVenisRansom@protonmail.com
Internal MISP references
UUID b9cfe6f3-5970-4283-baf4-252e0491b91c
which can be used as unique global reference for Venis Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | October 2016 |
encryption | AES-2048 |
extensions | ['.venis'] |
payment-method | |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-IFEOWjw-aaQ/WAXTu9oEN4I/AAAAAAAABuY/APqBiaHn3pAX8404Noyuj7tnFJDf2m_XACLcB/s1600/note1.jpg'] |
Enigma 2 Ransomware
This is most likely to affect English speaking users, since the note is written in English. English is understood worldwide, thus anyone can be harmed. The hacker spread the virus using email spam, fake updates, and harmful attachments. All your files are compromised including music, MS Office, Open Office, pictures, videos, shared online files etc..
Internal MISP references
UUID 507506a3-3745-47fd-8d31-ef122317c0c2
which can be used as unique global reference for Enigma 2 Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | October 2016 |
encryption | AES-128 |
extensions | ['.1txt'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 200 $ |
ransomnotes | ['We encrypt important files on your computer: documents, databases, photos, videos and keys. Files encryption algorithm AES 128 (https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Advanced_Encryption_Standard) with a private key that only we know. Encrypted files have .1txt extension. It decrypts files without the private key IMPOSSIBLE. \nIf you want to get the files back: \n1) Install the Tor Browser http://www.torproject.org/ \n2) Locate the desktop key to access E_N_I_G_M_A.RSA site (password is encrypted in the key of your files) \n3) Go to the website http://kf2uimw5omtgveu6.onion/ into a torus-browser and log in using E_N_I_G_M_A.RSA \n4) Follow the instructions on the website and download the decoder \nC:\Documents and Settings\Администратор\Рабочийстол\E_N_I_G_M_A.RSA - The path to the key file on the desktop C:\DOCUME~1\9335~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\E_N_I_G_M_A.RSA - The path to the key file in TMP directory'] |
Deadly Ransomware
This is most likely to affect English speaking users, since the note is written in English. English is understood worldwide, thus anyone can be harmed. The hacker spread the virus using email spam, fake updates, and harmful attachments. All your files are compromised including music, MS Office, Open Office, pictures, videos, shared online files etc.. sample is set to encrypt only in 2017...
"synonyms" in the meta part typically refer to alternate names or labels that are associated with a particular Deadly Ransomware.
Known Synonyms |
Deadly for a Good Purpose Ransomware |
Internal MISP references
UUID a25e39b0-b601-403c-bba8-2f595e221269
which can be used as unique global reference for Deadly Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | October 2016 |
encryption | AES-256 |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 500$ |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-XZiiaCYM9Bk/WAUsUkrCJEI/AAAAAAAABtk/z-sMHflz3Q8_aWc-K9PD0N5TGkSGwwQnACLcB/s1600/note-html.jpg'] |
Comrade Circle Ransomware
This is most likely to affect English speaking users, since the note is written in English. English is understood worldwide, thus anyone can be harmed. The hacker spread the virus using email spam, fake updates, and harmful attachments. All your files are compromised including music, MS Office, Open Office, pictures, videos, shared online files etc..
Internal MISP references
UUID db23145a-e15b-4cf7-9d2c-ffa9928750d5
which can be used as unique global reference for Comrade Circle Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | October 2016 |
encryption | AES-256 |
extensions | ['.comrade'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | ~2 |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-MmzOC__9qPA/V__t2kNX-SI/AAAAAAAABrc/t8ypPa1jCIUbPfvR7UGbdGzdvKrbAv_DgCLcB/s1600/wallpaper.jpg', 'https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-hRoC-UFr-7o/V__tAEFuZWI/AAAAAAAABrQ/xDawlulx8Bg4uEtX4bU2ezPMY-x6iFiuQCLcB/s1600/note-1ch.JPG', 'https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-PdYtm6sRHAI/WAEngHQBg_I/AAAAAAAABsA/nh8m7__b0wgviTEBahyNYK4HFhF1v7rOQCLcB/s1600/icon-stalin-2.jpg'] |
Globe2 Ransomware
This is most likely to affect English speaking users, since the note is written in English. English is understood worldwide, thus anyone can be harmed. The hacker spread the virus using email spam, fake updates, and harmful attachments. All your files are compromised including music, MS Office, Open Office, pictures, videos, shared online files etc..
"synonyms" in the meta part typically refer to alternate names or labels that are associated with a particular Globe2 Ransomware.
Known Synonyms |
Purge Ransomware |
Internal MISP references
UUID 5541471c-8d15-4aec-9996-e24b59c3e3d6
which can be used as unique global reference for Globe2 Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | October 2016 |
encryption | AES-256 or Blowfish |
extensions | ['.raid10', '.[random].raid10', '.blt', '.globe', '.[random].blt', '.encrypted', '.[random].globe', '.[random].encrypted', '.mia.kokers@aol.com', '.[mia.kokers@aol.com]', '.lovewindows', '.openforyou@india.com', '. |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 0.8 - 1 |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-MYI30xhrcZU/V_qcDyASJsI/AAAAAAAABpU/Pej5jDk_baYBByLx1cXwFL8LBiT8Vj3xgCLcB/s1600/note22.jpg'] |
Related clusters
To see the related clusters, click here.
Kostya Ransomware
This is most likely to affect English speaking users, since the note is written in English. English is understood worldwide, thus anyone can be harmed. The hacker spread the virus using email spam, fake updates, and harmful attachments. All your files are compromised including music, MS Office, Open Office, pictures, videos, shared online files etc..
Internal MISP references
UUID 7d6f02d2-a626-40f6-81c3-14e3a9a2aea5
which can be used as unique global reference for Kostya Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | October 2016 |
encryption | AES-256 |
extensions | ['.k0stya'] |
payment-method | PaySafe |
price | 300 CZK - 2000 CZK after 12 hours |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-E_MI2fT33J0/V_k_9Gjkj4I/AAAAAAAABpA/-30UT5HhPAAR9YtVkFwgrYqLIdWPprZ9gCLcB/s1600/lock-screen.jpg', 'https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-4YmIkWfYfRA/V_lAALhfSvI/AAAAAAAABpE/Dj35aroKXSwbLXrSPqGCzbvhsTNHdsbAgCLcB/s1600/kostya.jpg'] |
Fs0ciety Locker Ransomware
This is most likely to affect English speaking users, since the note is written in English. English is understood worldwide, thus anyone can be harmed. The hacker spread the virus using email spam, fake updates, and harmful attachments. All your files are compromised including music, MS Office, Open Office, pictures, videos, shared online files etc..
Internal MISP references
UUID ed3a4f8a-49de-40c3-9acb-da1b78f89c4f
which can be used as unique global reference for Fs0ciety Locker Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | October 2016 |
encryption | AES-256 CBC |
extensions | ['.comrade'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 1.5 |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-nskzYgbg7Ac/V_jpJ3GApqI/AAAAAAAABos/EbG_-BLDPqA9bRVOWdzHjPnDWFiHYlsJwCLcB/s1600/ransom-note.png'] |
Erebus Ransomware
It’s directed to English speaking users, therefore is able to infect worldwide. It is spread using email spam, fake updates, attachments and so on. It encrypts all your files, including: music, MS Office, Open Office, pictures, videos, shared online files etc.. After the files are decrypted, the shadow files are deleted using the following command: vssadmin.exe Delete Shadows /All /Quiet
Internal MISP references
UUID 6a77c96b-1814-427f-83ca-fe7e0e40b1c0
which can be used as unique global reference for Erebus Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | September 2016 |
encryption | AES |
extensions | ['.ecrypt'] |
payment-method | Tor WebSite |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-E9WbSxLgaYs/WGn8gC6EfvI/AAAAAAAAC8A/bzd7uP9fcxU6Fyq1n6-9ZbUUGWlls9lrwCLcB/s1600/note-txt_2.png'] |
According to numerous open-source reports, a widespread ransomware campaign is affecting various organizations with reports of tens of thousands of infections in as many as 74 countries, including the United States, United Kingdom, Spain, Russia, Taiwan, France, and Japan. The software can run in as many as 27 different languages. The latest version of this ransomware variant, known as WannaCry, WCry, or Wanna Decryptor, was discovered the morning of May 12, 2017, by an independent security researcher and has spread rapidly over several hours, with initial reports beginning around 4:00 AM EDT, May 12, 2017. Open-source reporting indicates a requested ransom of .1781 bitcoins, roughly $300 U.S.
"synonyms" in the meta part typically refer to alternate names or labels that are associated with a particular WannaCry.
Known Synonyms |
WCrypt |
WanaCrypt0r |
WannaCry |
WannaCrypt |
Internal MISP references
UUID d62ab8d5-4ba1-4c45-8a63-13fdb099b33c
which can be used as unique global reference for WannaCry
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | May 2017 |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 0.1781 (300$ - $600) |
Related clusters
To see the related clusters, click here.
Internal MISP references
UUID a0ce5d94-a22a-40db-a09f-a796d0bb4006
which can be used as unique global reference for .CryptoHasYou.
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
encryption | AES(256) |
extensions | ['.enc'] |
payment-method | |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['YOUR_FILES_ARE_LOCKED.txt'] |
"synonyms" in the meta part typically refer to alternate names or labels that are associated with a particular 777.
Known Synonyms |
Sevleg |
Internal MISP references
UUID cd9e9eaa-0895-4d55-964a-b53eacdfd36a
which can be used as unique global reference for 777
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
encryption | XOR |
extensions | ['.777', '.[timestamp]$[email]$.777', 'e.g. .14-05-2016-11-59-36$ninja.gaiver@aol.com$.777'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 0.1 (37$) |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['read_this_file.txt'] |
"synonyms" in the meta part typically refer to alternate names or labels that are associated with a particular 7ev3n.
Known Synonyms |
7ev3n-HONE$T |
Internal MISP references
UUID 664701d6-7948-4e80-a333-1d1938103ba1
which can be used as unique global reference for 7ev3n
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
extensions | ['.R4A', '.R5A'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 13 (4980$) |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['FILES_BACK.txt'] |
Related clusters
To see the related clusters, click here.
Ransomware Based on HiddenTear
Internal MISP references
UUID b70b6537-cf00-4bd1-a4e9-ae5ff2eb7504
which can be used as unique global reference for 8lock8
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
encryption | AES-256 |
extensions | ['.8lock8'] |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['READ_IT.txt'] |
Ransomware related to TeamXRat
Internal MISP references
UUID 77919c1f-4ef8-41cd-a635-2d3118ade1f3
which can be used as unique global reference for AiraCrop
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
extensions | ['._AiraCropEncrypted'] |
payment-method | WebSite (onion) - Email |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['How to decrypt your files.txt'] |
Internal MISP references
UUID 0040dca4-bf2e-43cb-89ae-ab1b50f1183d
which can be used as unique global reference for Al-Namrood
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
extensions | ['.unavailable', '.disappeared'] |
payment-method | |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['Read_Me.Txt'] |
ALFA Ransomware
Ransomware Made by creators of Cerber
Internal MISP references
UUID 888abc95-9e01-4cbc-a6e5-058eb9314f51
which can be used as unique global reference for ALFA Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
extensions | ['.bin'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 1 (650$) |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['README HOW TO DECRYPT YOUR FILES.HTML'] |
Alma Ransomware
"synonyms" in the meta part typically refer to alternate names or labels that are associated with a particular Alma Ransomware.
Known Synonyms |
Alma Locker |
Internal MISP references
UUID 76a08868-345f-4566-a403-5f5e575dfee5
which can be used as unique global reference for Alma Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
- https://cta-service-cms2.hubspot.com/ctas/v2/public/cs/c/?cta_guid=d4173312-989b-4721-ad00-8308fff353b3&placement_guid=22f2fe97-c748-4d6a-9e1e-ba3fb1060abe&portal_id=326665&redirect_url=APefjpGnqFjmP_xzeUZ1Y55ovglY1y1ch7CgMDLit5GTHcW9N0ztpnIE-ZReqqv8MDj687_4Joou7Cd2rSx8-De8uhFQAD_Len9QpT7Xvu8neW5drkdtTPV7hAaou0osAi2O61dizFXibewmpO60UUCd5OazCGz1V6yT_3UFMgL0x9S1VeOvoL_ucuER8g2H3f1EfbtYBw5QFWeUmrjk-9dGzOGspyn303k9XagBtF3SSX4YWSyuEs03Vq7Fxb04KkyKc4GJx-igK98Qta8iMafUam8ikg8XKPkob0FK6Pe-wRZ0QVWIIkM&hsutk=34612af1cd87864cf7162095872571d1&utm_referrer=https%3A%2F%2Finfo.phishlabs.com%2Fblog%2Falma-ransomware-analysis-of-a-new-ransomware-threat-and-a-decrypter&canon=https%3A%2F%2Finfo.phishlabs.com%2Fblog%2Falma-ransomware-analysis-of-a-new-ransomware-threat-and-a-decrypter&__hstc=61627571.34612af1cd87864cf7162095872571d1.1472135921345.1472140656779.1472593507113.3&__hssc=61627571.1.1472593507113&__hsfp=1114323283 - webarchive
- https://info.phishlabs.com/blog/alma-ransomware-analysis-of-a-new-ransomware-threat-and-a-decrypter - webarchive
- http://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/new-alma-locker-ransomware-being-distributed-via-the-rig-exploit-kit/ - webarchive
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
encryption | AES-128 |
extensions | ['random', 'random(x5)'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 1 |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['Unlock_files_randomx5.html'] |
Alpha Ransomware
"synonyms" in the meta part typically refer to alternate names or labels that are associated with a particular Alpha Ransomware.
Known Synonyms |
AlphaLocker |
Internal MISP references
UUID a27fff00-995a-4598-ba00-05921bf20e80
which can be used as unique global reference for Alpha Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
encryption | AES-256 |
extensions | ['.encrypt'] |
payment-method | Itunes Gift Cards |
price | 400$ |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['Read Me (How Decrypt) !!!!.txt'] |
Related clusters
To see the related clusters, click here.
Ransomware Websites only amba@riseup.net
Internal MISP references
UUID 8dd289d8-71bc-42b0-aafd-540dafa93343
which can be used as unique global reference for AMBA
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
extensions | ['.amba'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | Depending on the victim’s situation |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['ПРОЧТИ_МЕНЯ.txt', 'READ_ME.txt'] |
Internal MISP references
UUID e06526ac-0083-44ab-8787-dd7278746bb6
which can be used as unique global reference for AngleWare
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
extensions | ['.AngleWare'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 3 |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['READ_ME.txt'] |
Ransomware Based on HiddenTear
"synonyms" in the meta part typically refer to alternate names or labels that are associated with a particular Anony.
Known Synonyms |
ngocanh |
Internal MISP references
UUID 5b94100d-83bb-4e30-be7a-6015c00356e0
which can be used as unique global reference for Anony
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
payment-method | Write a FaceBook message |
Ransomware decryptionservice@mail.ru recoveryhelp@bk.ru ransomware.attack@list.ru esmeraldaencryption@mail.ru dr.compress@bk.ru
"synonyms" in the meta part typically refer to alternate names or labels that are associated with a particular Apocalypse.
Known Synonyms |
Fabiansomeware |
Internal MISP references
UUID e38b8876-5780-4574-9adf-304e9d659bdb
which can be used as unique global reference for Apocalypse
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
extensions | ['.encrypted', '.SecureCrypted', '.FuckYourData', '.unavailable', '.bleepYourFiles', '.Where_my_files.txt', '[filename].ID-8characters+countrycode[cryptservice@inbox.ru].[random7characters]', 'filename*.ID-[A-F0-9]{8}+countrycode[cryptcorp@inbox.ru].[a-z0-9]{13}'] |
payment-method | Email - WebSite (onion) |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['.How_To_Decrypt.txt', '.Contact_Here_To_Recover_Your_Files.txt', '.Where_my_files.txt', '.Read_Me.Txt', 'md5.txt'] |
Related clusters
To see the related clusters, click here.
Ransomware Apocalypse ransomware version which uses VMprotect
Internal MISP references
UUID 5bc9c3a5-a35f-43aa-a999-fc7cd0685994
which can be used as unique global reference for ApocalypseVM
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
extensions | ['.encrypted', '.locked'] |
payment-method | Email - WebSite (onion) |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['*.How_To_Get_Back.txt'] |
Internal MISP references
UUID 803fa9e2-8803-409a-b455-3a886c23fae4
which can be used as unique global reference for AutoLocky
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
extensions | ['.locky'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 0.5 - 1 |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['info.txt', 'info.html'] |
Internal MISP references
UUID dced0fe8-224e-47ef-92ed-5ab6c0536daa
which can be used as unique global reference for Aw3s0m3Sc0t7
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
extensions | ['.enc'] |
Internal MISP references
UUID f1a30552-21c1-46be-8b5f-64bd62b03d35
which can be used as unique global reference for BadBlock
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 2 (888,4$) |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['Help Decrypt.html'] |
Ransomware Based on my-Little-Ransomware
Internal MISP references
UUID b21997a1-212f-4bbe-a6b7-3c703cbf113e
which can be used as unique global reference for BaksoCrypt
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
extensions | ['.adr'] |
Ransomware Files might be partially encrypted
"synonyms" in the meta part typically refer to alternate names or labels that are associated with a particular Bandarchor.
Known Synonyms |
Rakhni |
Internal MISP references
UUID af50d07e-3fc5-4014-9ac5-f5466cf042bc
which can be used as unique global reference for Bandarchor
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
encryption | AES-256 |
extensions | ['.id-1235240425_help@decryptservice.info', '.id-[ID]_[EMAIL_ADDRESS]'] |
payment-method | Email - Telegram |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['HOW TO DECRYPT.txt'] |
Related clusters
To see the related clusters, click here.
Ransomware Possible affiliations with RockLoader, Locky and Dridex
"synonyms" in the meta part typically refer to alternate names or labels that are associated with a particular Bart.
Known Synonyms |
BaCrypt |
Internal MISP references
UUID 3cf2c880-e0b5-4311-9c4e-6293f2a566e7
which can be used as unique global reference for Bart
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
extensions | ['.bart.zip', '.bart', '.perl'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 3 |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['recover.txt', 'recover.bmp'] |
Related clusters
To see the related clusters, click here.
Ransomware Has a GUI. CryptoGraphic Locker family. Newer CoinVault variant.
Internal MISP references
UUID b5e9a802-cd17-4cd6-b83d-f36cce009808
which can be used as unique global reference for BitCryptor
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
extensions | ['.clf'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 1 |
Internal MISP references
UUID 33e398fa-2586-415e-9b18-6ea2ea36ff74
which can be used as unique global reference for BitStak
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
encryption | Base64 + String Replacement |
extensions | ['.bitstak'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 0.07867 (40€) |
BlackShades Crypter
"synonyms" in the meta part typically refer to alternate names or labels that are associated with a particular BlackShades Crypter.
Known Synonyms |
BlackShades |
SilentShade |
Internal MISP references
UUID bf065217-e13a-4f6d-a5b2-ba0750b5c312
which can be used as unique global reference for BlackShades Crypter
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
encryption | AES-256 |
extensions | ['.Silent'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 0.07 (30$) |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['Hacked_Read_me_to_decrypt_files.html', 'YourID.txt'] |
Ransomware Based on HiddenTear
Internal MISP references
UUID a3e1cfec-aacd-4d84-aa7d-99ed6c17f26d
which can be used as unique global reference for Blocatto
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
encryption | AES-256 |
extensions | ['.blocatto'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 5 - 10 |
Ransomware EXE was replaced to neutralize threat
"synonyms" in the meta part typically refer to alternate names or labels that are associated with a particular Booyah.
Known Synonyms |
Salami |
Internal MISP references
UUID eee75995-321f-477f-8b57-eee4eedf4ba3
which can be used as unique global reference for Booyah
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
Related clusters
To see the related clusters, click here.
Ransomware Based on EDA2
Internal MISP references
UUID f9cf4f0d-3efc-4d6d-baf2-7dcb96db1279
which can be used as unique global reference for Brazilian
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
encryption | AES-256 |
extensions | ['.lock'] |
payment-method | Reais |
price | 2000 (543$) |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['MENSAGEM.txt'] |
Brazilian Globe
Internal MISP references
UUID d2bc5ec4-1dd1-408a-a6f6-621986657dff
which can be used as unique global reference for Brazilian Globe
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
extensions | ['.id-%ID%_garryweber@protonmail.ch'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 1 |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['HOW_OPEN_FILES.html'] |
Internal MISP references
UUID 889d2296-40d2-49f6-be49-cbdfbcde2246
which can be used as unique global reference for BrLock
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
encryption | AES |
payment-method | Phone Number |
price | 1000 Rubles (15$) |
Ransomware no local encryption, browser only
Internal MISP references
UUID 9769be50-8e0b-4f52-b7f6-98aeac0aaac4
which can be used as unique global reference for Browlock
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
BTCWare Related to / new version of CryptXXX
Internal MISP references
UUID 8d60dec9-d43f-4d52-904f-40fb67e57ef7
which can be used as unique global reference for BTCWare Related to / new version of CryptXXX
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
extensions | ['.btcware'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 0.5 |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['#HOW_TO_FIX!.hta'] |
Ransomware no file name change, no extension
Internal MISP references
UUID 3510ce65-80e6-4f80-8cde-bb5ad8a271c6
which can be used as unique global reference for Bucbi
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
encryption | GOST |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 5 |
Ransomware Does not delete Shadow Copies
Internal MISP references
UUID 289624c4-1d50-4178-9371-aebd95f423f9
which can be used as unique global reference for BuyUnlockCode
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
extensions | ['(.*).encoded.([A-Z0-9]{9})'] |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['BUYUNLOCKCODE.txt'] |
Central Security Treatment Organization
Internal MISP references
UUID 8ff729d9-aee5-4b85-a59d-3f57e105be40
which can be used as unique global reference for Central Security Treatment Organization
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
extensions | ['.cry'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | Variable / 0.3 - 1.2 / Double after 4 days and 4 hours |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['!Recovery_[random_chars].html', '!Recovery_[random_chars].txt'] |
Related clusters
To see the related clusters, click here.
"synonyms" in the meta part typically refer to alternate names or labels that are associated with a particular Cerber.
Known Synonyms |
Internal MISP references
UUID 190edf95-9cd9-4e4a-a228-b716d52a751b
which can be used as unique global reference for Cerber
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
- https://blog.malwarebytes.org/threat-analysis/2016/03/cerber-ransomware-new-but-mature/ - webarchive
- https://community.rsa.com/community/products/netwitness/blog/2016/11/04/the-evolution-of-cerber-v410 - webarchive
- https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/cerber-renames-itself-as-crbr-encryptor-to-be-a-pita/ - webarchive
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
encryption | AES |
extensions | ['.cerber', '.cerber2', '.cerber3'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 1.24 / 2.48 after 7 days |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['# DECRYPT MY FILES #.html', '# DECRYPT MY FILES #.txt', '# DECRYPT MY FILES #.vbs', '# README.hta', '{RAND}_README.jpg', 'README.hta', '_HELP_DECRYPT[A-Z0-9]{4-8}.jpg', '_HELP_DECRYPT[A-Z0-9]{4-8}.hta', '_HELP_HELP_HELP%random%.jpg', 'HELP_HELP_HELP%random%.hta', 'HOW_TO_DECRYPT[A-Z0-9]{4-8}.hta', '_HOW_TO_DECRYPT[A-Z0-9]{4-8}_.jpg'] |
Related clusters
To see the related clusters, click here.
"synonyms" in the meta part typically refer to alternate names or labels that are associated with a particular Chimera.
Known Synonyms |
Pashka |
Quimera Crypter |
Internal MISP references
UUID 27b036f0-afa3-4984-95b3-47fa344b1aa7
which can be used as unique global reference for Chimera
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
encryption | AES |
extensions | ['.crypt', '4 random characters, e.g., .PzZs, .MKJL'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 0.939 |
Ransomware Does not encrypt anything
Internal MISP references
UUID af3b3bbb-b54d-49d0-8e58-e9c56762a96b
which can be used as unique global reference for Clock
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
payment-method | Paypal |
price | 20$ |
Ransomware CryptoGraphic Locker family. Has a GUI. Do not confuse with CrypVault!
Internal MISP references
UUID 15941fb1-08f0-4276-a61f-e2a306d6c6b5
which can be used as unique global reference for CoinVault
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
extensions | ['.clf'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 1 |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['wallpaper.jpg'] |
Internal MISP references
UUID 36450e8c-ff66-4ecf-9c0f-fbfb27a72d63
which can be used as unique global reference for Coverton
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
encryption | AES-256 |
extensions | ['.coverton', '.enigma', '.czvxce'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 1 |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['!!!-WARNING-!!!.html', '!!!-WARNING-!!!.txt'] |
Internal MISP references
UUID 2c11d679-1fb1-4bd7-9516-9c6f402f3c25
which can be used as unique global reference for Cryaki
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
extensions | ['.{CRYPTENDBLACKDC}'] |
Internal MISP references
UUID 93dcd241-f2d6-40f3-aee3-351420046a77
which can be used as unique global reference for Crybola
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
Internal MISP references
UUID 0d46e21d-8f1c-4355-8205-185fb7e041a7
which can be used as unique global reference for CryFile
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
- Instructionaga.txt
- https://id-ransomware.blogspot.com/2016/06/cryfile-ransomware-100.html - webarchive
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
encryption | Moves bytes |
extensions | ['.criptiko', '.criptoko', '.criptokod', '.cripttt', '.aga'] |
payment-method | |
price | 100$ |
ransomnotes-refs | ['http://virusinfo.info/showthread.php?t=185396'] |
Ransomware Identifies victim locations w/Google Maps API
"synonyms" in the meta part typically refer to alternate names or labels that are associated with a particular CryLocker.
Known Synonyms |
Central Security Treatment Organization |
Cry |
Internal MISP references
UUID 629f6986-2c1f-4d0a-b805-e4ef3e2ce634
which can be used as unique global reference for CryLocker
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
extensions | ['.cry'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | Variable / 0.3 - 1.2 / Double after 4 days and 4 hours |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['!Recovery_[random_chars].html', '!Recovery_[random_chars].txt'] |
Related clusters
To see the related clusters, click here.
Ransomware CryptXXX clone/spinoff
Internal MISP references
UUID 82cb7a40-0a78-4414-9afd-028d6b3082ea
which can be used as unique global reference for CrypMIC
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
encryption | AES-256 |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | Variable / 0.3 - 1.2 / Double after 4 days and 4 hours |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['README.TXT', 'README.HTML', 'README.BMP'] |
Internal MISP references
UUID a9f05b4e-6b03-4211-a2bd-6b4432eb3388
which can be used as unique global reference for Crypren
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
extensions | ['.ENCRYPTED'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 0.1 (45$) |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['READ_THIS_TO_DECRYPT.html'] |
Internal MISP references
UUID 12a96f43-8a8c-410e-aaa3-ba6735276555
which can be used as unique global reference for Crypt38
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
encryption | AES |
extensions | ['.crypt38'] |
payment-method | Rubles |
price | 1000 (15$) |
Ransomware Does not actually encrypt the files, but simply renames them
Internal MISP references
UUID 37edc8d7-c939-4a33-9ed5-dafbbc1e5b1e
which can be used as unique global reference for Crypter
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 1 |
"synonyms" in the meta part typically refer to alternate names or labels that are associated with a particular CryptFIle2.
Known Synonyms |
Lesli |
Internal MISP references
UUID 5b0dd136-6428-48c8-b2a6-8e926a82dfac
which can be used as unique global reference for CryptFIle2
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
encryption | RSA |
extensions | ['.scl', 'id[_ID]email_xerx@usa.com.scl'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 0.5 - 1.5 |
"synonyms" in the meta part typically refer to alternate names or labels that are associated with a particular CryptInfinite.
Known Synonyms |
DecryptorMax |
Internal MISP references
UUID 2b0d60c3-6560-49ac-baf0-5f642e8a77de
which can be used as unique global reference for CryptInfinite
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
extensions | ['.crinf'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 0.5 - 1.5 |
Ransomware sekretzbel0ngt0us.KEY - do not confuse with CryptorBit.
Internal MISP references
UUID 1903ed75-05f7-4019-b0b7-7a8f23f22194
which can be used as unique global reference for CryptoBit
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
encryption | AES + RSA |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 1 - 2 |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['OKSOWATHAPPENDTOYOURFILES.TXT'] |
Related clusters
To see the related clusters, click here.
Ransomware no extension change
Internal MISP references
UUID ad9eeff2-91b4-440a-ae74-ab84d3e2075e
which can be used as unique global reference for CryptoDefense
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
encryption | RSA |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 0.9 (500$) - 1.9 (1000$) after 4 days |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['HOW_DECRYPT.TXT', 'HOW_DECRYPT.HTML', 'HOW_DECRYPT.URL'] |
"synonyms" in the meta part typically refer to alternate names or labels that are associated with a particular CryptoFinancial.
Known Synonyms |
Ranscam |
Internal MISP references
UUID 383d7ebb-9b08-4874-b5d7-dc02b499c38f
which can be used as unique global reference for CryptoFinancial
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 0.2 |
Related clusters
To see the related clusters, click here.
Ransomware Mimics Torrentlocker. Encrypts only 50% of each file up to 5 MB
Internal MISP references
UUID 26c8b446-305c-4057-83bc-85b09630281e
which can be used as unique global reference for CryptoFortress
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
encryption | AES-256 + RSA-1024 |
extensions | ['.frtrss'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 1 |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['READ IF YOU WANT YOUR FILES BACK.html'] |
Related clusters
To see the related clusters, click here.
CryptoGraphic Locker
Ransomware Has a GUI. Subvariants: CoinVault BitCryptor
Internal MISP references
UUID 58534bc4-eb96-44f4-bdad-2cc5cfea8c6f
which can be used as unique global reference for CryptoGraphic Locker
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
extensions | ['.clf'] |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['wallpaper.jpg'] |
Ransomware RAR's victim's files has a GUI
"synonyms" in the meta part typically refer to alternate names or labels that are associated with a particular CryptoHost.
Known Synonyms |
Manamecrypt |
ROI Locker |
Telograph |
Internal MISP references
UUID dba2cf74-16a9-4ed8-8536-6542fda95999
which can be used as unique global reference for CryptoHost
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
encryption | AES-256 (RAR implementation) |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 0.33 |
Related clusters
To see the related clusters, click here.
Internal MISP references
UUID 2fb307a2-8752-4521-8973-75b68703030d
which can be used as unique global reference for CryptoJoker
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
encryption | AES-256 |
extensions | ['.crjoker'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 100€ |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['README!!!.txt', 'GetYouFiles.txt', 'crjoker.html'] |
Related clusters
To see the related clusters, click here.
Ransomware no longer relevant
Internal MISP references
UUID b35b1ca2-f99c-4495-97a5-b8f30225cb90
which can be used as unique global reference for CryptoLocker
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
extensions | ['.encrypted', '.ENC'] |
Related clusters
To see the related clusters, click here.
CryptoLocker 1.0.0
Internal MISP references
UUID 8d5e3b1f-e333-4eed-8dec-d74f19d6bcbb
which can be used as unique global reference for CryptoLocker 1.0.0
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
payment-method |
CryptoLocker 5.1
Internal MISP references
UUID e1412d2a-2a94-4c83-aed0-9e09523514a4
which can be used as unique global reference for CryptoLocker 5.1
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 250€ |
"synonyms" in the meta part typically refer to alternate names or labels that are associated with a particular CryptoMix.
Known Synonyms |
Zeta |
Internal MISP references
UUID c76110ea-15f1-4adf-a28d-c707374dbb3a
which can be used as unique global reference for CryptoMix
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
- http://www.nyxbone.com/malware/CryptoMix.html - webarchive
- https://www.cert.pl/en/news/single/technical-analysis-of-cryptomixcryptfile2-ransomware/ - webarchive
- https://twitter.com/JakubKroustek/status/804009831518572544 - webarchive
- https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/new-empty-cryptomix-ransomware-variant-released/ - webarchive
- https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/0000-cryptomix-ransomware-variant-released/ - webarchive
- https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/xzzx-cryptomix-ransomware-variant-released/ - webarchive
- https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/test-cryptomix-ransomware-variant-released/ - webarchive
- https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/work-cryptomix-ransomware-variant-released/ - webarchive
- https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/system-cryptomix-ransomware-variant-released/ - webarchive
- https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/mole66-cryptomix-ransomware-variant-released/ - webarchive
- https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/new-backup-cryptomix-ransomware-variant-actively-infecting-users/ - webarchive
- https://twitter.com/demonslay335/status/1072227523755470848 - webarchive
- https://www.coveware.com/blog/cryptomix-ransomware-exploits-cancer-crowdfunding - webarchive
- https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/cryptomix-ransomware-exploits-sick-children-to-coerce-payments/ - webarchive
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
extensions | ['.code', '.scl', '.rmd', '.lesli', '.rdmk', '.CRYPTOSHIELD', '.CRYPTOSHIEL', '.id_(ID_MACHINE)email_xoomx@dr.com.code', '.id_email_zeta@dr.com', '.id(ID_MACHINE)email_anx@dr.com.scl', '.email[supl0@post.com]id[\[[a-z0-9]{16}\]].lesli', 'filename.email[email]_id[id*].rdmk', '.EMPTY', '.0000', '.XZZX', '.TEST', '.WORK', '.SYSTEM', '.MOLE66', '.BACKUP', '[16 uppercase hex].SYS'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 5 |
ransomnotes | ['HELP_YOUR_FILES.html (CryptXXX)', 'HELP_YOUR_FILES.txt (CryptoWall 3.0, 4.0)', 'Hello!\n\nAttention! All Your data was encrypted!\n\nFor specific informartion, please send us an email with Your ID number:\n\nempty01@techmail.info\n\nempty02@yahooweb.co\n\nempty003@protonmail.com\n\nWe will help You as soon as possible!\n\nDECRYPT-ID-[id] number', 'Hello!\n\nAttention! All Your data was encrypted!\n\nFor specific informartion, please send us an email with Your ID number:\n\ny0000@tuta.io\n\ny0000@protonmail.com\n\ny0000z@yandex.com\n\ny0000s@yandex.com\n\nPlease send email to all email addresses! We will help You as soon as possible!\n\nDECRYPT-ID-[id]', 'Hello!\n\nAttention! All Your data was encrypted!\n\nFor specific informartion, please send us an email with Your ID number:\n\nxzzx@tuta.io\n\nxzzx1@protonmail.com\n\nxzzx10@yandex.com\n\nxzzx101@yandex.com\n\nPlease send email to all email addresses! We will help You as soon as possible!\n\nDECRYPT-ID-[id] number', 'Hello!\n\nAttention! All Your data was encrypted!\n\nFor specific informartion, please send us an email with Your ID number:\n\ntest757@tuta.io\n\ntest757@protonmail.com\n\ntest757xz@yandex.com\n\ntest757xy@yandex.com\n\ntest757@consultant.com\n\nPlease send email to all email addresses! We will help You as soon as possible!\n\nIMPORTANT: DO NOT USE ANY PUBLIC SOFTWARE! IT MAY DAMAGE YOUR DATA FOREVER!\n\nDECRYPT-ID-[id] number', 'Attention! All Your data was encrypted!\n\nFor specific informartion, please send us an email with Your ID number:\n\nworknow@keemail.me\n\nworknow@protonmail.com\n\nworknow8@yandex.com\n\nworknow9@yandex.com\n\nworknow@techie.com\n\nPlease send email to all email addresses! We will help You as soon as possible!\n\nIMPORTANT: DO NOT USE ANY PUBLIC SOFTWARE! IT MAY DAMAGE YOUR DATA FOREVER!\n\nDECRYPT-ID-[id] number', 'Hello!\n\nAttention! All Your data was encrypted!\n\nFor specific informartion, please send us an email with Your ID number:\n\nsystemwall@keemail.me\n\nsystemwall@protonmail.com\n\nsystemwall@yandex.com\n\nsystemwall1@yandex.com\n\nemily.w@dr.com\n\nPlease send email to all email addresses! We will help You as soon as possible!\n\nIMPORTANT: DO NOT USE ANY PUBLIC SOFTWARE! IT MAY DAMAGE YOUR DATA FOREVER!\n\nDECRYPT-ID-%s number', '!!!All your files are encrypted!!!\nWhat to decipher write on mail alpha2018a@aol.com\nDo not move or delete files!!!!\n---- Your ID: 5338f74a-3c20-4ac0-9deb-f3a91818cea7 ----\n!!! You have 3 days otherwise you will lose all your data.!!!', 'Hello!\n\nAttention! All Your data was encrypted!\n\nFor specific informartion, please send us an email with Your ID number:\n\nbackuppc@tuta.io\n\nbackuppc@protonmail.com\n\nbackuppc1@protonmail.com\n\nb4ckuppc1@yandex.com\n\nb4ckuppc2@yandex.com\n\nbackuppc1@dr.com\n\nPlease send email to all email addresses! We will help You as soon as possible!\n\nIMPORTANT: DO NOT USE ANY PUBLIC SOFTWARE! IT MAY DAMAGE YOUR DATA FOREVER!\n\n\nDECRYPT-ID-[id] number', 'Hello!\n\nAttention! All Your data was encrypted!\n\nFor specific informartion, please send us an email with Your ID number:\n\nleab@tuta.io\n\nitprocessor@protonmail.com\n\npcambulance1@protonmail.com\n\nleablossom@yandex.com\n\nblossomlea@yandex.com\n\nleablossom@dr.com\n\nPlease send email to all email addresses! We will help You as soon as possible!\n\nIMPORTANT: DO NOT USE ANY PUBLIC SOFTWARE! IT MAY DAMAGE YOUR DATA FOREVER!\n\n\nDECRYPT-ID-[redacted lowercase GUID] number'] |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['INSTRUCTION RESTORE FILE.TXT', '# HELP_DECRYPT_YOUR_FILES #.TXT', '_HELP_INSTRUCTION.TXT', 'C:\ProgramData\[random].exe'] |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DuFQ4FdWoAMy7Hg.jpg'] |
Related clusters
To see the related clusters, click here.
Internal MISP references
UUID de53f392-8794-43d1-a38b-c0b90c20a3fb
which can be used as unique global reference for CryptoRansomeware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | Some Bitcoins |
Related clusters
To see the related clusters, click here.
Internal MISP references
UUID b6fe71ba-b0f4-4cc4-b84c-d3d80a37eada
which can be used as unique global reference for CryptoRoger
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
encryption | AES |
extensions | ['.crptrgr'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 0.5 (360$) |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['!Where_are_my_files!.html'] |
Internal MISP references
UUID b11563ce-cced-4c8b-a3a1-0c4ff76aa0ef
which can be used as unique global reference for CryptoShadow
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
extensions | ['.doomed'] |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['LEER_INMEDIATAMENTE.txt'] |
Internal MISP references
UUID 545b4b25-763a-4a5c-8dda-12142c00422c
which can be used as unique global reference for CryptoShocker
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
encryption | AES |
extensions | ['.locked'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 200$ |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['ATTENTION.url'] |
Internal MISP references
UUID 06ec3640-4b93-4e79-a8ec-e24b3d349dd5
which can be used as unique global reference for CryptoTorLocker2015
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
extensions | ['.CryptoTorLocker2015!'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 0.5 (100$) |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['HOW TO DECRYPT FILES.txt', '%Temp%\ |
Internal MISP references
UUID 13fdf55f-46f7-4635-96b8-b4806c78a80c
which can be used as unique global reference for CryptoTrooper
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
encryption | AES |
CryptoWall 1
Ransomware, Infection by Phishing
Internal MISP references
UUID 5559fbc1-52c6-469c-be97-8f8344765577
which can be used as unique global reference for CryptoWall 1
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
encryption | RSA |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 1.09 (500$) |
CryptoWall 2
Internal MISP references
UUID f2780d22-4410-4a2f-a1c3-f43807ed1f19
which can be used as unique global reference for CryptoWall 2
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 1.09 (500$) |
CryptoWall 3
Internal MISP references
UUID 9d35fe47-5f8c-494c-a74f-23a7ac7f44be
which can be used as unique global reference for CryptoWall 3
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 1.09 (500$) |
CryptoWall 4
Internal MISP references
UUID f7c04ce6-dd30-4a94-acd4-9a3125bcb12e
which can be used as unique global reference for CryptoWall 4
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
extensions | [' |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 1.09 (500$) |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['HELP_YOUR_FILES.HTML', 'HELP_YOUR_FILES.PNG'] |
Ransomware Comes with Bedep
"synonyms" in the meta part typically refer to alternate names or labels that are associated with a particular CryptXXX.
Known Synonyms |
CryptProjectXXX |
Internal MISP references
UUID 255aac37-e4d2-4eeb-b8de-143f9c2321bd
which can be used as unique global reference for CryptXXX
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
extensions | ['.crypt'] |
links | ['http://apvc24autvavxuc6.onion/'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 1.2 (500$) - 2.4 |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['de_crypt_readme.bmp', 'de_crypt_readme.txt', 'de_crypt_readme.html', '[victim_id].html', '[victim_id].bmp', '!Recovery_[victim_id].bmp', '!Recovery_[victim_id].html', '!Recovery_[victim_id].txt'] |
Related clusters
To see the related clusters, click here.
CryptXXX 2.0
Ransomware Locks screen. Ransom note names are an ID. Comes with Bedep.
"synonyms" in the meta part typically refer to alternate names or labels that are associated with a particular CryptXXX 2.0.
Known Synonyms |
CryptProjectXXX |
Internal MISP references
UUID e272d0b5-cdfc-422a-bb78-9214475daec5
which can be used as unique global reference for CryptXXX 2.0
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
- https://support.kaspersky.com/viruses/disinfection/8547 - webarchive
- https://www.proofpoint.com/us/threat-insight/post/cryptxxx2-ransomware-authors-strike-back-against-free-decryption-tool - webarchive
- http://blogs.cisco.com/security/cryptxxx-technical-deep-dive - webarchive
- https://id-ransomware.blogspot.com/2016/04/cryptxxx-ransomware.html - webarchive
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
extensions | ['.crypt'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 1.2 (500$) - 2.4 |
ransomnotes-filenames | [' |
Related clusters
To see the related clusters, click here.
CryptXXX 3.0
Ransomware Comes with Bedep
"synonyms" in the meta part typically refer to alternate names or labels that are associated with a particular CryptXXX 3.0.
Known Synonyms |
UltraCrypter |
UltraDeCrypter |
Internal MISP references
UUID 60a50fe5-53ea-43f0-8a17-e7134f5fc371
which can be used as unique global reference for CryptXXX 3.0
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
- https://support.kaspersky.com/viruses/disinfection/8547 - webarchive
- http://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/cryptxxx-updated-to-version-3-0-decryptors-no-longer-work/ - webarchive
- http://blogs.cisco.com/security/cryptxxx-technical-deep-dive - webarchive
- https://id-ransomware.blogspot.com/2016/04/cryptxxx-ransomware.html - webarchive
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
extensions | ['.crypt', '.cryp1', '.crypz', '.cryptz', 'random'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 1.2 (500$) - 2.4 |
CryptXXX 3.1
Ransomware StilerX credential stealing
Internal MISP references
UUID 3f5a76ea-6b83-443e-b26f-b2b2d02d90e0
which can be used as unique global reference for CryptXXX 3.1
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
extensions | ['.cryp1'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 1.2 (500$) - 2.4 |
Internal MISP references
UUID 0b0f5f33-1871-461d-8e7e-b5e0ebc82311
which can be used as unique global reference for CryPy
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
encryption | AES |
extensions | ['.cry'] |
payment-method | |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['README_FOR_DECRYPT.txt'] |
"synonyms" in the meta part typically refer to alternate names or labels that are associated with a particular CTB-Faker.
Known Synonyms |
Citroni |
Internal MISP references
UUID 6212bf8f-07db-490a-8cef-ac42042076c1
which can be used as unique global reference for CTB-Faker
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
encryption | RSA-2048 |
extensions | ['.ctbl', '.([a-z]{6,7})'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 0.08686 (50$) |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['AllFilesAreLocked |
CTB-Locker WEB
Ransomware websites only
Internal MISP references
UUID 555b2c6f-0848-4ac1-9443-e4c20814459a
which can be used as unique global reference for CTB-Locker WEB
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 0.4 - 0.8 |
Ransomware Based on my-Little-Ransomware
"synonyms" in the meta part typically refer to alternate names or labels that are associated with a particular CuteRansomware.
Known Synonyms |
my-Little-Ransomware |
Internal MISP references
UUID 1a369bbf-6f03-454c-b507-15abe2a8bbb4
which can be used as unique global reference for CuteRansomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
encryption | AES-128 |
extensions | ['.已加密', '.encrypted'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 1 |
ransomnotes | ['Your files encrypted by our friends !!! txt'] |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['你的檔案被我們加密啦!!!.txt'] |
Cyber SpLiTTer Vbs
Ransomware Based on HiddenTear
"synonyms" in the meta part typically refer to alternate names or labels that are associated with a particular Cyber SpLiTTer Vbs.
Known Synonyms |
CyberSplitter |
Internal MISP references
UUID 587589df-ee42-43f4-9480-c65d6e1d7e0f
which can be used as unique global reference for Cyber SpLiTTer Vbs
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 1 |
Related clusters
To see the related clusters, click here.
Death Bitches
Internal MISP references
UUID 0f074c07-613d-43cb-bd5f-37c747d39fe2
which can be used as unique global reference for Death Bitches
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
extensions | ['.locked'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 1.5 |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['READ_IT.txt'] |
DeCrypt Protect
Internal MISP references
UUID c80c78ae-fc05-44cf-8b47-4d50c103ca70
which can be used as unique global reference for DeCrypt Protect
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
extensions | ['.html'] |
Ransomware Based on EDA2
Internal MISP references
UUID 496b6c3c-771a-46cd-8e41-ce7c4168ae20
which can be used as unique global reference for DEDCryptor
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
encryption | AES-256 |
extensions | ['.ded'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 2 |
Ransomware only encrypts .jpg files
"synonyms" in the meta part typically refer to alternate names or labels that are associated with a particular Demo.
Known Synonyms |
CryptoDemo |
Internal MISP references
UUID b314d86f-92bb-4be3-b32a-19d6f8eb55d4
which can be used as unique global reference for Demo
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
extensions | ['.encrypted'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 0.5 |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['HELP_YOUR_FILES.txt'] |
Ransomware - Based on Detox: Calipso, We are all Pokemons, Nullbyte
Internal MISP references
UUID be094d75-eba8-4ff3-91f1-f8cde687e5ed
which can be used as unique global reference for DetoxCrypto
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
encryption | AES |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 2 - 3 |
Internal MISP references
UUID c5b2a0bc-352f-481f-8c35-d378754793c0
which can be used as unique global reference for Digisom
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 0.05 |
ransomnotes | ['Digisom Readme0.txt (0 to 9)'] |
Internal MISP references
UUID 5ad8a530-3ab9-48b1-9a75-e1e97b3f77ec
which can be used as unique global reference for DirtyDecrypt
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
payment-method | No ransom |
Ransomware no extension change Encrypted files have prefix: Version 1: ABCXYZ11 - Version 2: !DMALOCK - Version 3: !DMALOCK3.0 - Version 4: !DMALOCK4.0
Internal MISP references
UUID 407ebc7c-5b05-488f-862f-b2bf6c562372
which can be used as unique global reference for DMALocker
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
- https://decrypter.emsisoft.com/ - webarchive
- https://github.com/hasherezade/dma_unlocker - webarchive
- https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0Bzb5kQFOXkiSMm94QzdyM3hCdDg - webarchive
- https://blog.malwarebytes.org/threat-analysis/2016/02/dma-locker-a-new-ransomware-but-no-reason-to-panic/ - webarchive
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
encryption | AES-256 in ECB mode, Version 2-4 also RSA |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 1 - 2 - 4 |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['cryptinfo.txt', 'decrypting.txt', 'start.txt'] |
DMALocker 3.0
Internal MISP references
UUID ba39be57-c138-48d5-b46b-d996ff899ffa
which can be used as unique global reference for DMALocker 3.0
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
encryption | AES-256 + XPTLOCK5.0 |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 1 - 2 (440$) |
Ransomware Code to decrypt: 83KYG9NW-3K39V-2T3HJ-93F3Q-GT
Internal MISP references
UUID 45cae006-5d14-4c95-bb5b-dcf5555d7c78
which can be used as unique global reference for DNRansomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
extensions | ['.fucked'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 0.5 (864$) |
Ransomware Based on Hidden Tear
Internal MISP references
UUID 7cb20800-2033-49a4-bdf8-a7da5a24f7f1
which can be used as unique global reference for Domino
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
encryption | AES-256 |
extensions | ['.domino'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 1 |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['README_TO_RECURE_YOUR_FILES.txt'] |
Internal MISP references
UUID 2e6f4fa6-5fdf-4d69-b764-063d88ba1dd0
which can be used as unique global reference for DoNotChange
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
encryption | AES-128 |
extensions | ['.id-7ES642406.cry', '.Do_not_change_the_filename'] |
payment-method | |
price | 250$ |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['HOW TO DECODE FILES!!!.txt', 'КАК РАСШИФРОВАТЬ ФАЙЛЫ!!!.txt'] |
Internal MISP references
UUID 55446b3a-fdc7-4c75-918a-2d9fb5cdf3ff
which can be used as unique global reference for DummyLocker
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
extensions | ['.dCrypt'] |
Internal MISP references
UUID 57108b9e-5af8-4797-9924-e424cb5e9903
which can be used as unique global reference for DXXD
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
- https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/forums/t/627831/dxxd-ransomware-dxxd-help-support-readmetxt/ - webarchive
- https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/the-dxxd-ransomware-displays-legal-notice-before-users-login/ - webarchive
- https://id-ransomware.blogspot.com/2016/09/dxxd-ransomware.html - webarchive
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
extensions | ['.dxxd'] |
payment-method | |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['ReadMe.TxT'] |
Ransomware Open sourced C#
"synonyms" in the meta part typically refer to alternate names or labels that are associated with a particular HiddenTear.
Known Synonyms |
Cryptear |
EDA2 |
Hidden Tear |
Internal MISP references
UUID 254f4f67-d850-4dc5-8ddb-2e955ddea287
which can be used as unique global reference for HiddenTear
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
encryption | AES-256 |
extensions | ['.locked'] |
payment-method | Download Decrypter |
Related clusters
To see the related clusters, click here.
Ransomware Based on Hidden Tear
"synonyms" in the meta part typically refer to alternate names or labels that are associated with a particular EduCrypt.
Known Synonyms |
EduCrypter |
Internal MISP references
UUID 826a341a-c329-4e1e-bc9f-5d44c8317557
which can be used as unique global reference for EduCrypt
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
extensions | ['.isis', '.locked'] |
payment-method | Download Decryter |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['README.txt'] |
Internal MISP references
UUID 0a24ea0d-3f8a-428a-8b77-ef5281c1ee05
which can be used as unique global reference for EiTest
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
extensions | ['.crypted'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 0.25 (320$) |
Ransomware Has a GUI
"synonyms" in the meta part typically refer to alternate names or labels that are associated with a particular El-Polocker.
Known Synonyms |
Los Pollos Hermanos |
Internal MISP references
UUID 63d9cb32-a1b9-46c3-818a-df16d8b9e46a
which can be used as unique global reference for El-Polocker
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
extensions | ['.ha3'] |
payment-method | |
price | 450$ - 1000$ |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['qwer.html', 'qwer2.html', 'locked.bmp'] |
Ransomware Coded in GO
"synonyms" in the meta part typically refer to alternate names or labels that are associated with a particular Encoder.xxxx.
Known Synonyms |
Trojan.Encoder.6491 |
Internal MISP references
UUID f855609e-b7ab-41e8-aafa-62016f8f4e1a
which can be used as unique global reference for Encoder.xxxx
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['Instructions.html'] |
Related clusters
To see the related clusters, click here.
Internal MISP references
UUID 3e5deef2-bace-40bc-beb1-5d9009233667
which can be used as unique global reference for encryptoJJS
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
extensions | ['.enc'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 1 |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['How to recover.enc'] |
Internal MISP references
UUID 1b24d240-df72-4388-946b-efa07a9447bb
which can be used as unique global reference for Enigma
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
encryption | AES-128 |
extensions | ['.enigma', '.1txt'] |
payment-method | WebSite (onion) |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['enigma.hta', 'enigma_encr.txt', 'enigma_info.txt'] |
Ransomware Based on RemindMe
Internal MISP references
UUID 198891fb-26a4-455a-9719-4130bedba103
which can be used as unique global reference for Enjey
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
payment-method | Bitcoin - Email |
Ransomware Target Linux O.S.
Internal MISP references
UUID 6771b42f-1d95-4b2e-bbb5-9ab703bbaa9d
which can be used as unique global reference for Fairware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 2 |
Ransomware Based on Hidden Tear
Internal MISP references
UUID c308346a-2746-4900-8149-464a09086b55
which can be used as unique global reference for Fakben
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
extensions | ['.locked'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 1.50520802 |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['READ ME FOR DECRYPT.txt'] |
Internal MISP references
UUID abddc01f-7d76-47d4-985d-ea6d16acccb1
which can be used as unique global reference for FakeCryptoLocker
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
extensions | ['.cryptolocker'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 0.5 |
Ransomware Based on EDA2
"synonyms" in the meta part typically refer to alternate names or labels that are associated with a particular Fantom.
Known Synonyms |
Comrad Circle |
Internal MISP references
UUID 35be87a5-b498-4693-8b8d-8b17864ac088
which can be used as unique global reference for Fantom
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
encryption | AES-128 |
extensions | ['.fantom', '.comrade'] |
payment-method | |
ransomnotes | ['RESTORE-FILES![id]'] |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['DECRYPT_YOUR_FILES.HTML'] |
Internal MISP references
UUID f9f54046-ed5d-4353-8b81-d92b51f596b4
which can be used as unique global reference for FenixLocker
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
extensions | ['.FenixIloveyou!!'] |
payment-method | |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['Help to decrypt.txt'] |
Ransomware RaaS
"synonyms" in the meta part typically refer to alternate names or labels that are associated with a particular FILE FROZR.
Known Synonyms |
FileFrozr |
Internal MISP references
UUID 2a50f476-7355-4d58-b0ce-4235b2546c90
which can be used as unique global reference for FILE FROZR
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 1 |
Internal MISP references
UUID b92bc550-7edb-4f8f-96fc-cf47d437df32
which can be used as unique global reference for FileLocker
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
extensions | ['.ENCR'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 0.09 (100$ with discount price) - 150$ |
Internal MISP references
UUID 721ba430-fd28-454c-8512-24339ef2235f
which can be used as unique global reference for FireCrypt
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
encryption | AES-256 |
extensions | ['.firecrypt'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 500$ |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['[random_chars]-READ_ME.html'] |
Related clusters
To see the related clusters, click here.
Ransomware Based on EDA2 / HiddenTear
Internal MISP references
UUID 1a110f7e-8820-4a9a-86c0-db4056f0b911
which can be used as unique global reference for Flyper
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
extensions | ['.locked'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 0.5 |
Ransomware contact email safefiles32@mail.ru also as prefix in encrypted file contents
Internal MISP references
UUID 3d75cb84-2f14-408d-95bd-f1316bf854e6
which can be used as unique global reference for Fonco
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
payment-method | |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['help-file-decrypt.enc', ' |
Internal MISP references
UUID 2db3aafb-b219-4b52-8dfe-ce41416ebeab
which can be used as unique global reference for FortuneCookie
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
Ransomware Unlock code is: adam or adamdude9
"synonyms" in the meta part typically refer to alternate names or labels that are associated with a particular Free-Freedom.
Known Synonyms |
Roga |
Internal MISP references
UUID 175ebcc0-d74f-49b2-9226-c660ca1fe2e8
which can be used as unique global reference for Free-Freedom
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
extensions | ['.madebyadam'] |
payment-method | Playstore Card (Gift) |
price | 25£ or 30$ |
Related clusters
To see the related clusters, click here.
Ransomware Based on EDA2 and RemindMe
Internal MISP references
UUID d1e7c0d9-3c96-41b7-a4a2-7eaef64d7b0f
which can be used as unique global reference for FSociety
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
- https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/forums/t/628199/fs0ciety-locker-ransomware-help-support-fs0cietyhtml/ - webarchive
- http://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/new-fsociety-ransomware-pays-homage-to-mr-robot/ - webarchive
- https://twitter.com/siri_urz/status/795969998707720193 - webarchive
- https://id-ransomware.blogspot.com/2016/08/fsociety-ransomware.html - webarchive
- https://www.ransomlook.io/group/fsociety - webarchive
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
extensions | ['.fs0ciety', '.dll'] |
links | ['http://flock4cvoeqm4c62gyohvmncx6ck2e7ugvyqgyxqtrumklhd5ptwzpqd.onion/'] |
payment-method | No Ransom - No Descrypter |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['fs0ciety.html', 'DECRYPT_YOUR_FILES.HTML'] |
Internal MISP references
UUID 291997b1-72b6-43ea-9365-b4d55eddca71
which can be used as unique global reference for Fury
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
Ransomware Based on Hidden Tear
Internal MISP references
UUID 3b681f76-b0e4-4ba7-a113-5dd87d6ee53b
which can be used as unique global reference for GhostCrypt
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
- https://download.bleepingcomputer.com/demonslay335/GhostCryptDecrypter.zip - webarchive
- http://www.bleepingcomputer.com/forums/t/614197/ghostcrypt-z81928819-help-support-topic-read-this-filetxt/ - webarchive
- https://id-ransomware.blogspot.com/2016/05/ghostcrypt-ransomware-aes-256-2-bitcoins.html - webarchive
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
encryption | AES-256 |
extensions | ['.Z81928819'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 2 |
Internal MISP references
UUID c6419971-47f8-4c80-a685-77292ff30fa7
which can be used as unique global reference for Gingerbread
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
payment-method |
Globe v1
"synonyms" in the meta part typically refer to alternate names or labels that are associated with a particular Globe v1.
Known Synonyms |
Purge |
Internal MISP references
UUID b247b6e5-f51b-4bb5-8f5a-1628843abe99
which can be used as unique global reference for Globe v1
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
encryption | Blowfish |
extensions | ['.purge'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 250$ |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['How to restore files.hta'] |
GNL Locker
Ransomware Only encrypts DE or NL country. Variants, from old to latest: Zyklon Locker, WildFire locker, Hades Locker
Internal MISP references
UUID 390abe30-8b9e-439e-a6d3-2ee978f05fba
which can be used as unique global reference for GNL Locker
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
encryption | AES-256 |
extensions | ['.locked', ' |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 0.5(190 - 250 $) |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['UNLOCK_FILES_INSTRUCTIONS.html', 'UNLOCK_FILES_INSTRUCTIONS.txt'] |
Related clusters
To see the related clusters, click here.
Internal MISP references
UUID 70b85861-f419-4ad5-9aa6-254db292e043
which can be used as unique global reference for Gomasom
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
extensions | ['.crypt', '!___[EMAILADDRESS]_.crypt'] |
payment-method |
Internal MISP references
UUID 3229a370-7a09-4b93-ad89-9555a847b1dd
which can be used as unique global reference for Goopic
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 500 $ |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['Your files have been crypted.html'] |
Ransomware OS X ransomware (PoC)
Internal MISP references
UUID ec461b8a-5390-4304-9d2a-a20c7ed6a9db
which can be used as unique global reference for Gopher
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | mars 2021 |
Ransomware Jigsaw Ransomware variant
Internal MISP references
UUID 7f2df0cd-5962-4687-90a2-a49eab2b12bc
which can be used as unique global reference for Hacked
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
extensions | ['.versiegelt', '.encrypted', '.payrmts', '.locked', '.Locked'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 0.33 - 0.5 |
Internal MISP references
UUID e71c76f3-8274-4ec5-ac11-ac8b8286d069
which can be used as unique global reference for HappyDayzz
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
encryption | 3DES, AES-128, AES-192, AES-256, DES, RC2, RC4 |
payment-method | MoneyPak |
price | 0.5 |
Internal MISP references
UUID 5cadd11c-002a-4062-bafd-aadb7d740f59
which can be used as unique global reference for Harasom
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
extensions | ['.html'] |
payment-method | MoneyPak |
price | 100 $ |
Ransomware Uses https://diskcryptor.net for full disk encryption
"synonyms" in the meta part typically refer to alternate names or labels that are associated with a particular HDDCryptor.
Known Synonyms |
Mamba |
Internal MISP references
UUID 95be4cd8-1d98-484f-a328-a5917a05e3c8
which can be used as unique global reference for HDDCryptor
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
- https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/mamba-new-full-disk-encryption-ransomware-family-member-marinho - webarchive
- blog.trendmicro.com/trendlabs-security-intelligence/bksod-by-ransomware-hddcryptor-uses-commercial-tools-to-encrypt-network-shares-and-lock-hdds/
- http://id-ransomware.blogspot.com/2016/09/hddcryptor-ransomware-mbr.html - webarchive
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
encryption | Custom (net shares), XTS-AES (disk) |
payment-method |
Related clusters
To see the related clusters, click here.
Ransomware File marker: "Heimdall---"
Internal MISP references
UUID c6d6ddf0-2afa-4cca-8982-ba2a7c0441ae
which can be used as unique global reference for Heimdall
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
encryption | AES-128-CBC |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
Internal MISP references
UUID 2fdc6daa-6b6b-41b9-9a25-1030101478c3
which can be used as unique global reference for Help_dcfile
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
extensions | ['.XXX'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 0.5 |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['help_dcfile.txt'] |
Internal MISP references
UUID 6489895b-0213-4564-9cfc-777df58d84c9
which can be used as unique global reference for Herbst
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
encryption | AES-256 |
extensions | ['.herbst'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 0.1 |
Related clusters
To see the related clusters, click here.
Hi Buddy!
Ransomware Based on HiddenTear
Internal MISP references
UUID a0d6563d-1e98-4e49-9151-39fbeb09ef76
which can be used as unique global reference for Hi Buddy!
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
encryption | AES-256 |
extensions | ['.cry'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 0.77756467 |
Ransomware Deletes files
Internal MISP references
UUID 8807752b-bd26-45a7-ba34-c8ddd8e5781d
which can be used as unique global reference for Hitler
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
extensions | ['removes extensions'] |
payment-method | Vodafone card |
price | 25 € |
Internal MISP references
UUID c71819a4-f6ce-4265-b0cd-24a98d84321c
which can be used as unique global reference for HolyCrypt
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
encryption | AES |
extensions | ['(encrypted)'] |
payment-method | Link (onion) |
Related clusters
To see the related clusters, click here.
Ransomware Includes a feature to disable the victim's windows firewall Modified in-dev HiddenTear
Internal MISP references
UUID 728aecfc-9b99-478f-a0a3-8c0fb6896353
which can be used as unique global reference for HTCryptor
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | vary |
Ransomware CrypBoss Family
Internal MISP references
UUID 335c3ab6-8f2c-458c-92a3-2f3a09a6064c
which can be used as unique global reference for HydraCrypt
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
extensions | ['hydracrypt_ID_[\w]{8}'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 1 |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['README_DECRYPT_HYRDA_ID_[ID number].txt'] |
Internal MISP references
UUID 68e90fa4-ea66-4159-b454-5f48fdae3d89
which can be used as unique global reference for iLock
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
extensions | ['.crime'] |
payment-method | Website onion |
Internal MISP references
UUID cb374ee8-76c0-4db8-9026-a57a51d9a0a1
which can be used as unique global reference for iLockLight
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
extensions | ['.crime'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 300 $ |
International Police Association
Ransomware CryptoTorLocker2015 variant
Internal MISP references
UUID a66fbb1e-ba59-48c1-aac8-8678b4a98dc1
which can be used as unique global reference for International Police Association
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
extensions | ['<6 random characters>'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 100 $ |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['%Temp%\ |
Internal MISP references
UUID 4514ecd4-850d-446f-82cb-0668d2c94ffa
which can be used as unique global reference for iRansom
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
extensions | ['.Locked'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 0.15 |
Ransomware Prepends filenames
Internal MISP references
UUID 25a086aa-e25c-4190-a848-69d9f46fd8ab
which can be used as unique global reference for JagerDecryptor
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
extensions | ['!ENC'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 50 $ |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['Important_Read_Me.html'] |
Ransomware Windows, Linux. Campaign stopped. Actor claimed he deleted the master key.
"synonyms" in the meta part typically refer to alternate names or labels that are associated with a particular Jeiphoos.
Known Synonyms |
Encryptor RaaS |
Sarento |
Internal MISP references
UUID 50014fe7-5efd-4639-82ef-30d36f4d2918
which can be used as unique global reference for Jeiphoos
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
encryption | RC6 (files), RSA 2048 (RC6 key) |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 0.046627 |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['readme_liesmich_encryptor_raas.txt'] |
Jhon Woddy
Ransomware Same codebase as DNRansomware Lock screen password is M3VZ>5BwGGVH
Internal MISP references
UUID fedd7285-d4bd-4411-985e-087954cee96d
which can be used as unique global reference for Jhon Woddy
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
extensions | ['.killedXXX'] |
payment-method | PaySafeCard |
price | 0.1 |
Ransomware Has a GUI
"synonyms" in the meta part typically refer to alternate names or labels that are associated with a particular Jigsaw.
Known Synonyms |
CryptoHitMan |
Jigsaw Original |
Internal MISP references
UUID 1e3384ae-4b48-4c96-b7c2-bc1cc1eda203
which can be used as unique global reference for Jigsaw
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
- http://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/jigsaw-ransomware-decrypted-will-delete-your-files-until-you-pay-the-ransom/ - webarchive
- https://www.helpnetsecurity.com/2016/04/20/jigsaw-crypto-ransomware/ - webarchive
- https://twitter.com/demonslay335/status/795819556166139905 - webarchive
- https://id-ransomware.blogspot.com/2016/04/jigsaw-ransomware.html - webarchive
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
encryption | AES-256 |
extensions | ['.btc', '.kkk', '.fun', '.gws', '.porno', '.payransom', '.payms', '.paymst', '.AFD', '.paybtcs', '.epic', '.xyz', '.encrypted', '.hush', '.paytounlock', '.uk-dealer@sigaint.org', '.gefickt', '.nemo-hacks.at.sigaint.org', '.LolSec'] |
payment-method | PaySafeCard |
price | 0.4 (150 $) |
Related clusters
To see the related clusters, click here.
Job Crypter
Ransomware Based on HiddenTear, but uses TripleDES, decrypter is PoC
"synonyms" in the meta part typically refer to alternate names or labels that are associated with a particular Job Crypter.
Known Synonyms |
JobCrypter |
Internal MISP references
UUID 7c9a273b-1534-4a13-b201-b7a782b6c32a
which can be used as unique global reference for Job Crypter
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
- http://www.nyxbone.com/malware/jobcrypter.html - webarchive
- http://forum.malekal.com/jobcrypter-geniesanstravaille-extension-locked-crypto-ransomware-t54381.html - webarchive
- https://twitter.com/malwrhunterteam/status/828914052973858816 - webarchive
- http://id-ransomware.blogspot.com/2016/05/jobcrypter-ransomware.html - webarchive
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
encryption | TripleDES |
extensions | ['.locked', '.css'] |
payment-method | PaySafeCard |
price | 300 € |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['Comment débloquer mes fichiers.txt', 'Readme.txt'] |
Internal MISP references
UUID 5af5be3e-549f-4485-8c2e-1459d4e5c7d7
which can be used as unique global reference for JohnyCryptor
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
payment-method |
Internal MISP references
UUID b6d0ea4d-4e55-4b42-9d60-485d605d6c49
which can be used as unique global reference for KawaiiLocker
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
payment-method | rubles |
price | 6 000 |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['How Decrypt Files.txt'] |
Ransomware OS X Ransomware
Internal MISP references
UUID 63292b32-9867-4fb2-9e59-d4983d4fd5d1
which can be used as unique global reference for KeRanger
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
encryption | AES |
extensions | ['.encrypted'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 1 |
Related clusters
To see the related clusters, click here.
Internal MISP references
UUID 3964e617-dde5-4c95-b4a0-e7c19c6e7d7f
which can be used as unique global reference for KeyBTC
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
extensions | ['keybtc@inbox_com'] |
payment-method | |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['DECRYPT_YOUR_FILES.txt', 'READ.txt', 'readme.txt'] |
Ransomware via remote attacker. tuyuljahat@hotmail.com contact address
Internal MISP references
UUID 66eda328-9408-4e98-ad27-572fd6b2acd8
which can be used as unique global reference for KEYHolder
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 1.5 (500 $) |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['how_decrypt.gif', 'how_decrypt.html'] |
Ransomware Possibly Portuguese dev
Internal MISP references
UUID ea8e7350-f243-4ef7-bc31-4648df8a4d96
which can be used as unique global reference for KillerLocker
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
extensions | ['.rip'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
Ransomware websites only
Internal MISP references
UUID 950e2514-8a7e-4fdb-a3ad-5679f6342e5d
which can be used as unique global reference for KimcilWare
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
- https://blog.fortinet.com/post/kimcilware-ransomware-how-to-decrypt-encrypted-files-and-who-is-behind-it - webarchive
- http://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/the-kimcilware-ransomware-targets-web-sites-running-the-magento-platform/ - webarchive
- http://id-ransomware.blogspot.com/2016/04/kimcilware-ransomware.html - webarchive
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
encryption | AES |
extensions | ['.kimcilware', '.locked'] |
payment-method | Dollars |
price | 140 - 415 |
Ransomware Based on HiddenTear
Internal MISP references
UUID 4febffe0-3837-41d7-b95f-e26d126275e4
which can be used as unique global reference for Korean
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
encryption | AES-256 |
extensions | ['.암호화됨'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 0.5 |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['ReadMe.txt'] |
Ransomware Potential Kit selectedkozy.jozy@yahoo.com kozy.jozy@yahoo.com unlock92@india.com
"synonyms" in the meta part typically refer to alternate names or labels that are associated with a particular Kozy.Jozy.
Known Synonyms |
QC |
Internal MISP references
UUID 47b5d261-11bd-4c7b-91f9-e5651578026a
which can be used as unique global reference for Kozy.Jozy
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
encryption | RSA-2048 |
extensions | ['.31392E30362E32303136_[ID-KEY]LSBJ1', '.([0-9A-Z]{20})([0-9]{2})_([A-Z0-9]{4,5})'] |
payment-method | |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['w.jpg'] |
Ransomware kratosdimetrici@gmail.com
Internal MISP references
UUID cc819741-830b-4859-bb7c-ccedf3356acd
which can be used as unique global reference for KratosCrypt
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
extensions | ['.kratos'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 0.03 |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['README_ALL.html'] |
Ransomware Based on HiddenTear
Internal MISP references
UUID e68d4f37-704a-4f8e-9718-b12039fbe424
which can be used as unique global reference for KryptoLocker
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
encryption | AES-256 |
payment-method | ransom |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['KryptoLocker_README.txt'] |
Ransomware Variant of open-source MyLittleRansomware
Internal MISP references
UUID 9e152871-fb16-475d-bf3b-f3b870d0237a
which can be used as unique global reference for LanRan
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 0.5 |
ransomnotes | ['@help@'] |
Ransomware Encrypts first 0x2000 and last 0x2000 bytes. Via remote attacker
Internal MISP references
UUID ea1ba874-07e6-4a6d-82f0-e4ce4210e34e
which can be used as unique global reference for LeChiffre
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
extensions | ['.LeChiffre'] |
payment-method | |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['How to decrypt LeChiffre files.html'] |
Ransomware Variant of Kirk
Internal MISP references
UUID f2e76070-0cea-4c9c-8d6b-1d847e777575
which can be used as unique global reference for Lick
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
extensions | ['.Licked'] |
payment-method | Monero |
price | 50 - 500 |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['RANSOM_NOTE.txt'] |
Ransomware Linux Ransomware
"synonyms" in the meta part typically refer to alternate names or labels that are associated with a particular Linux.Encoder.
Known Synonyms |
Linux.Encoder.{0,3} |
Internal MISP references
UUID b4992483-a693-4e73-b39e-0f45c9f645b5
which can be used as unique global reference for Linux.Encoder
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 1 (450 $) |
LK Encryption
Ransomware Based on HiddenTear
Internal MISP references
UUID af52badb-3211-42b0-a1ac-e4d35d5829d7
which can be used as unique global reference for LK Encryption
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 0.5 |
LLTP Locker
Ransomware Targeting Spanish speaking victims
Internal MISP references
UUID 0cec6928-80c7-4085-ba47-cdc52177dfd3
which can be used as unique global reference for LLTP Locker
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
encryption | AES-256 |
extensions | ['.ENCRYPTED_BY_LLTP', '.ENCRYPTED_BY_LLTPp'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 0.2 (200 $) |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['LEAME.txt'] |
Ransomware has GUI
"synonyms" in the meta part typically refer to alternate names or labels that are associated with a particular Locker.
Known Synonyms |
LockeR |
Internal MISP references
UUID abc7883c-244a-44ac-9c86-559dafa4eb63
which can be used as unique global reference for Locker
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 0.1 |
Internal MISP references
UUID 7850bf92-394b-443b-8830-12f9ddbb50dc
which can be used as unique global reference for LockLock
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
encryption | AES-256 |
extensions | ['.locklock'] |
payment-method | |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['READ_ME.TXT'] |
Ransomware Affiliations with Dridex and Necurs botnets
"synonyms" in the meta part typically refer to alternate names or labels that are associated with a particular Locky.
Known Synonyms |
Locky-Odin |
Locky-Osiris |
Locky-Osiris 2016 |
Locky-Osiris 2017 |
Internal MISP references
UUID 8d51a22e-3485-4480-af96-8ed0305a7aa6
which can be used as unique global reference for Locky
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
- http://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/new-locky-version-adds-the-zepto-extension-to-encrypted-files/ - webarchive
- http://blog.trendmicro.com/trendlabs-security-intelligence/new-locky-ransomware-spotted-in-the-brazilian-underground-market-uses-windows-script-files/ - webarchive
- https://nakedsecurity.sophos.com/2016/10/06/odin-ransomware-takes-over-from-zepto-and-locky/ - webarchive
- https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/locky-ransomware-switches-to-egyptian-mythology-with-the-osiris-extension/ - webarchive
- https://id-ransomware.blogspot.com/2016/02/locky.html - webarchive
- https://www.ransomlook.io/group/locky - webarchive
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
encryption | AES-128 |
extensions | ['.locky', '.zepto', '.odin', '.shit', '.thor', '.aesir', '.zzzzz', '.osiris', '([A-F0-9]{32}).locky', '([A-F0-9]{32}).zepto', '([A-F0-9]{32}).odin', '([A-F0-9]{32}).shit', '([A-F0-9]{32}).thor', '([A-F0-9]{32}).aesir', '([A-F0-9]{32}).zzzzz', '([A-F0-9]{32}).osiris', '.lukitus'] |
links | ['http://6dtxgqam4crv6rr6.onion/', 'http://i3ezlvkoi7fwyood.onion'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 3 - 5 - 7 |
ransomnotes | ['DesktopOSIRIS.(bmp |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['_Locky_recover_instructions.txt', '_Locky_recover_instructions.bmp', '_HELP_instructions.txt', '_HELP_instructions.bmp', '_HOWDO_text.html', '_WHAT_is.html', '_INSTRUCTION.html', 'OSIRIS-[0-9]{4}.htm', 'lukitus.htm'] |
Related clusters
To see the related clusters, click here.
Internal MISP references
UUID bc23872a-7cd3-4a66-9d25-6b4e6f90cc4e
which can be used as unique global reference for Lortok
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
extensions | ['.crime'] |
payment-method | Dollars |
price | 5 |
Ransomware Prepends filenames
Internal MISP references
UUID d4fb0463-6cd1-45ac-a7d2-6eea8be39590
which can be used as unique global reference for LowLevel04
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
extensions | ['oor.'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 4 |
Ransomware Does not encrypt Unlock code=suckmydicknigga
Internal MISP references
UUID f5d19af8-1c85-408b-818e-db50208d62b1
which can be used as unique global reference for M4N1F3STO
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 0.3 |
Ransomware OS X ransomware (PoC)
Internal MISP references
UUID f9214319-6ad4-4c4e-bc6d-fb710f61da48
which can be used as unique global reference for Mabouia
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
Ransomware Based on HiddenTear
Internal MISP references
UUID fae8bf6e-47d1-4449-a1c6-761a4970fc38
which can be used as unique global reference for MacAndChess
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 0.5 |
Ransomware Based on EDA2
Internal MISP references
UUID 31fa83fc-8247-4347-940a-e463acd66bac
which can be used as unique global reference for Magic
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
encryption | AES-256 |
extensions | ['.magic'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 1 - 2 |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['DECRYPT_ReadMe1.TXT', 'DECRYPT_ReadMe.TXT'] |
Internal MISP references
UUID ef6ceb04-243e-4783-b476-8e8e9f06e8a7
which can be used as unique global reference for MaktubLocker
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
encryption | AES-256 + RSA-2048 |
extensions | ['[a-z]{4,6}'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 1.4 - 3.9 |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['DECRYPT_INFO[extension pattern].html'] |
Internal MISP references
UUID 933bd53f-5ccf-4262-a70c-c01a6f05af3e
which can be used as unique global reference for MarsJoke
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
extensions | ['.a19', '.ap19'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 0.7 - 1.1 |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['!!! Readme For Decrypt !!!.txt', 'ReadMeFilesDecrypt!!!.txt'] |
Ransomware Targeting French victims
Internal MISP references
UUID ce5a82ef-d2a3-405c-ac08-3dca71057eb5
which can be used as unique global reference for Meister
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 0.1 |
Internal MISP references
UUID 34f292d9-cb68-4bcf-a3db-a717362aca77
which can be used as unique global reference for Meteoritan
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
payment-method | |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['where_are_your_files.txt', 'readme_your_files_have_been_encrypted.txt'] |
Ransomware Prepends files Demands 48.48 BTC
"synonyms" in the meta part typically refer to alternate names or labels that are associated with a particular MIRCOP.
Known Synonyms |
Crypt888 |
MicroCop |
Internal MISP references
UUID 7dd326a5-1168-4309-98b1-f2146d9cf8c7
which can be used as unique global reference for MIRCOP
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
- http://www.bleepingcomputer.com/forums/t/618457/microcop-ransomware-help-support-lock-mircop/ - webarchive
- https://www.avast.com/ransomware-decryption-tools#! - webarchive
- http://blog.trendmicro.com/trendlabs-security-intelligence/instruction-less-ransomware-mircop-channels-guy-fawkes/ - webarchive
- http://www.nyxbone.com/malware/Mircop.html - webarchive
- https://id-ransomware.blogspot.com/2016/06/mircop-ransomware-4848.html - webarchive
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
encryption | AES |
extensions | ['Lock.'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 48.48 |
Ransomware Based on HiddenTear
Internal MISP references
UUID 9f01ded7-99f6-4863-b3a3-9d32aabf96c3
which can be used as unique global reference for MireWare
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
encryption | AES-256 |
extensions | ['.fucked', '.fuck'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin - Email |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['READ_IT.txt'] |
Ransomware Packaged with Petya PDFBewerbungsmappe.exe
"synonyms" in the meta part typically refer to alternate names or labels that are associated with a particular Mischa.
Known Synonyms |
"Petya's little brother" |
Misha |
Petya+Mischa |
Petya-2 |
Internal MISP references
UUID a029df89-2bb1-409d-878b-a67572217a65
which can be used as unique global reference for Mischa
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
extensions | ['.([a-zA-Z0-9]{4})'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 1.9338 |
ransomnotes | ['YOUR_FILES_ARE_ENCRYPTED.TXT '] |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['YOUR_FILES_ARE_ENCRYPTED.HTML'] |
MM Locker
Ransomware Based on EDA2
"synonyms" in the meta part typically refer to alternate names or labels that are associated with a particular MM Locker.
Known Synonyms |
Booyah |
Internal MISP references
UUID b95aa3fb-9f32-450e-8058-67d94f196913
which can be used as unique global reference for MM Locker
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
encryption | AES-256 |
extensions | ['.locked'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 1.011 (400 $) |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['READ_IT.txt'] |
Related clusters
To see the related clusters, click here.
"synonyms" in the meta part typically refer to alternate names or labels that are associated with a particular Mobef.
Known Synonyms |
CryptoBit |
Yakes |
Internal MISP references
UUID 681f212a-af1b-4e40-a718-81b0dc46dc52
which can be used as unique global reference for Mobef
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
- http://nyxbone.com/malware/Mobef.html - webarchive
- http://researchcenter.paloaltonetworks.com/2016/07/unit42-cryptobit-another-ransomware-family-gets-an-update/ - webarchive
- http://nyxbone.com/images/articulos/malware/mobef/0.png - webarchive
- http://id-ransomware.blogspot.com/2016/05/mobef-yakes-ransomware-4-bitcoins-2000.html - webarchive
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
extensions | ['.KEYZ', '.KEYH0LES'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 4 |
ransomnotes | ['IMPORTANT.README'] |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['4-14-2016-INFECTION.TXT'] |
Related clusters
To see the related clusters, click here.
Ransomware Use the DarkLocker 5 porn screenlocker - Jigsaw variant
Internal MISP references
UUID 2702fb96-8118-4519-bd75-23eed40f25e9
which can be used as unique global reference for Monument
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 0.15 - 0.2 |
Ransomware Russian Koolova Variant
Internal MISP references
UUID 8ec55495-fb31-49c7-a720-40250b5e085f
which can be used as unique global reference for N-Splitter
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
extensions | ['.кибер разветвитель'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 0.5 |
Ransomware Filemaker: "333333333333"
"synonyms" in the meta part typically refer to alternate names or labels that are associated with a particular n1n1n1.
Known Synonyms |
N1N1N1 |
Internal MISP references
UUID a439b37b-e123-4b1d-9400-94aca70b223a
which can be used as unique global reference for n1n1n1
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 1.5 |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['decrypt explanations.html'] |
Ransomware no extension change, has a GUI
Internal MISP references
UUID 03a91686-c607-49a8-a4e2-2054833c0013
which can be used as unique global reference for NanoLocker
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
encryption | AES-256 + RSA |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 0.1 (43 $) |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['ATTENTION.RTF'] |
Related clusters
To see the related clusters, click here.
Ransomware 7zip (a0.exe) variant cannot be decrypted Encrypts the first 2048 Bytes
"synonyms" in the meta part typically refer to alternate names or labels that are associated with a particular Nemucod.
Known Synonyms |
Nemucod-7z |
Nemucod-AES |
Internal MISP references
UUID f1ee9ae8-b798-4e6f-8f98-874395d0fa18
which can be used as unique global reference for Nemucod
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
- https://decrypter.emsisoft.com/nemucod - webarchive
- https://github.com/Antelox/NemucodFR - webarchive
- http://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/decryptor-released-for-the-nemucod-trojans-crypted-ransomware/ - webarchive
- https://blog.cisecurity.org/malware-analysis-report-nemucod-ransomware/ - webarchive
- http://id-ransomware.blogspot.com/2016/04/nemucod-ransomware.html - webarchive
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
encryption | XOR(255) + 7zip |
extensions | ['.crypted'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 0.39983 - 4 |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['Decrypted.txt'] |
"synonyms" in the meta part typically refer to alternate names or labels that are associated with a particular Netix.
Known Synonyms |
Internal MISP references
UUID 5d3ec71e-9e0f-498a-aa33-0433799e80b4
which can be used as unique global reference for Netix
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
extensions | ['AES-256'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 0.18 (100 $) |
Ransomware Does not encrypt the files / Files are destroyed
Internal MISP references
UUID 1d8e8ca3-da2a-494c-9db3-5b1b6277c363
which can be used as unique global reference for Nhtnwcuf
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 1 |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['!RECOVERY_HELP!.txt', 'HELP_ME_PLEASE.txt'] |
"synonyms" in the meta part typically refer to alternate names or labels that are associated with a particular NMoreira.
Known Synonyms |
XPan |
XRatTeam |
Internal MISP references
UUID 51f00a39-f4b9-4ed2-ba0d-258c6bf3f71a
which can be used as unique global reference for NMoreira
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
- https://decrypter.emsisoft.com/nmoreira - webarchive
- https://twitter.com/fwosar/status/803682662481174528 - webarchive
- id-ransomware.blogspot.com/2016/11/nmoreira-ransomware.html
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
encryption | mix of RSA and AES-256 |
extensions | ['.maktub', '.__AiraCropEncrypted!'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 0.5 - 1.5 |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['Recupere seus arquivos. Leia-me!.txt'] |
Internal MISP references
UUID aeb76911-ed45-4bf2-9a60-e023386e02a4
which can be used as unique global reference for NoobCrypt
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 250 NZD (299 $) |
Internal MISP references
UUID e0bcb7d2-6032-43a0-b490-c07430d8a598
which can be used as unique global reference for Nuke
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
encryption | AES |
extensions | ['.nuclear55'] |
payment-method | |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['!!RECOVERY_instructions!!.html', '!!RECOVERY_instructions!!.txt'] |
Internal MISP references
UUID 460b700b-5d03-43f9-99e7-916ff180a036
which can be used as unique global reference for Nullbyte
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
- https://download.bleepingcomputer.com/demonslay335/NullByteDecrypter.zip - webarchive
- https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/the-nullbyte-ransomware-pretends-to-be-the-necrobot-pokemon-go-application/ - webarchive
- http://id-ransomware.blogspot.com/2016/08/nullbyte-ransomware.html - webarchive
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
extensions | ['_nullbyte'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 0.1 |
Internal MISP references
UUID f90724e4-c148-4479-ae1a-109498b4688f
which can be used as unique global reference for ODCODC
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
- http://download.bleepingcomputer.com/BloodDolly/ODCODCDecoder.zip - webarchive
- http://www.nyxbone.com/malware/odcodc.html - webarchive
- https://twitter.com/PolarToffee/status/813762510302183424 - webarchive
- http://www.nyxbone.com/images/articulos/malware/odcodc/1c.png - webarchive
- http://id-ransomware.blogspot.com/2016/05/odcodc-ransomware-rsa-2048.html - webarchive
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
encryption | XOR |
extensions | ['.odcodc', 'C-email-abennaki@india.com-(NOMBRE_ARCHIVO.ext).odcodc'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 1 |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['HOW_TO_RESTORE_FILES.txt'] |
Offline ransomware
Ransomware email addresses overlap with .777 addresses
"synonyms" in the meta part typically refer to alternate names or labels that are associated with a particular Offline ransomware.
Known Synonyms |
Cryakl |
Vipasana |
Internal MISP references
UUID 3c51fc0e-42d8-4ff0-b1bd-5c8c20271a39
which can be used as unique global reference for Offline ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
extensions | ['.cbf', 'email-[params].cbf'] |
payment-method | |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['desk.bmp', 'desk.jpg'] |
Related clusters
To see the related clusters, click here.
OMG! Ransomware
Ransomware. Infection: drive-by-download; Platform: Windows; Extorsion by Prepaid Voucher
"synonyms" in the meta part typically refer to alternate names or labels that are associated with a particular OMG! Ransomware.
Known Synonyms |
GPCode |
Internal MISP references
UUID 7914f9c9-3257-464c-b918-3754c4d018af
which can be used as unique global reference for OMG! Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
Encryption | RSA |
extensions | ['.LOL!', '.OMG!'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 100 $ |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['how to get data.txt'] |
Related clusters
To see the related clusters, click here.
Operation Global III
Ransomware Is a file infector (virus)
Internal MISP references
UUID e5800883-c663-4eb0-b05e-6034df5bc6e0
which can be used as unique global reference for Operation Global III
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
extensions | ['.EXE'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 250 $ |
"synonyms" in the meta part typically refer to alternate names or labels that are associated with a particular Owl.
Known Synonyms |
CryptoWire |
Internal MISP references
UUID 4bb11db7-17a0-4536-b817-419ae6299004
which can be used as unique global reference for Owl
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
extensions | ['dummy_file.encrypted', 'dummy_file.encrypted.[extension]'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 0.29499335 |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['log.txt'] |
Related clusters
To see the related clusters, click here.
Ransomware has a live support chat
Internal MISP references
UUID 57c5df76-e72f-41b9-be29-89395f83a77c
which can be used as unique global reference for PadCrypt
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
extensions | ['.padcrypt'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 0.8 |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['IMPORTANT READ ME.txt', 'File Decrypt Help.html'] |
Related clusters
To see the related clusters, click here.
Padlock Screenlocker
Ransomware Unlock code is: ajVr/G\ RJz0R
Internal MISP references
UUID 8f41c9ce-9bd4-4bbd-96d7-c965d1621be7
which can be used as unique global reference for Padlock Screenlocker
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
payment-method | no ransom |
Ransomware Targeting macOS users
Internal MISP references
UUID e211ea8d-5042-48ae-86c6-15186d1f8dba
which can be used as unique global reference for Patcher
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
extensions | ['.crypt'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 0.25 |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['README!.txt'] |
Related clusters
To see the related clusters, click here.
Ransomware encrypts disk partitions PDFBewerbungsmappe.exe
"synonyms" in the meta part typically refer to alternate names or labels that are associated with a particular Petya.
Known Synonyms |
Goldeneye |
Internal MISP references
UUID 7c5a1e93-7ab2-4b08-ada9-e82c4feaed0a
which can be used as unique global reference for Petya
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
- http://www.thewindowsclub.com/petya-ransomware-decrypt-tool-password-generator - webarchive
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mSqxFjZq_z4 - webarchive
- https://blog.malwarebytes.org/threat-analysis/2016/04/petya-ransomware/ - webarchive
- https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/petya-ransomware-returns-with-goldeneye-version-continuing-james-bond-theme/ - webarchive
- https://www.ransomlook.io/group/petya - webarchive
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
encryption | Modified Salsa20 |
links | ['http://petya37h5tbhyvki.onion', 'http://petya5koahtsf7sv.onion'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin - Website (onion) |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['YOUR_FILES_ARE_ENCRYPTED.TXT'] |
Related clusters
To see the related clusters, click here.
Ransomware Coded by "The_Rainmaker"
Internal MISP references
UUID 6fd25982-9cf8-4379-a126-433c91aaadf2
which can be used as unique global reference for Philadelphia
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
- https://decrypter.emsisoft.com/philadelphia - webarchive
- www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/the-philadelphia-ransomware-offers-a-mercy-button-for-compassionate-criminals/
- http://id-ransomware.blogspot.ru/2016/09/philadelphia-ransomware.html - webarchive
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
encryption | AES-256 |
extensions | ['.locked', ' |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 0.3 |
Internal MISP references
UUID 2482122b-1df6-488e-8867-215b165a4f66
which can be used as unique global reference for PizzaCrypts
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
extensions | ['.id-[victim_id]-maestro@pizzacrypts.info'] |
payment-method |
Ransomware Based on Hidden Tear
Internal MISP references
UUID 8b151275-d4c4-438a-9d06-92da2835586d
which can be used as unique global reference for PokemonGO
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
encryption | AES-256 |
extensions | ['.locked'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin - Email |
Ransomware Immitates CTB-Locker
Internal MISP references
UUID b22cafb4-ccef-4935-82f4-631a6e539b8e
which can be used as unique global reference for Polyglot
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
encryption | AES-256 |
payment-method | Website (onion) |
Related clusters
To see the related clusters, click here.
Ransomware Open-sourced PowerShell
"synonyms" in the meta part typically refer to alternate names or labels that are associated with a particular PowerWare.
Known Synonyms |
PoshCoder |
Internal MISP references
UUID 9fa93bb7-2997-4864-aa0e-0e667990dec8
which can be used as unique global reference for PowerWare
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
- https://github.com/pan-unit42/public_tools/blob/master/powerware/powerware_decrypt.py - webarchive
- https://download.bleepingcomputer.com/demonslay335/PowerLockyDecrypter.zip - webarchive
- https://www.carbonblack.com/2016/03/25/threat-alert-powerware-new-ransomware-written-in-powershell-targets-organizations-via-microsoft-word/ - webarchive
- http://researchcenter.paloaltonetworks.com/2016/07/unit42-powerware-ransomware-spoofing-locky-malware-family/ - webarchive
- http://id-ransomware.blogspot.com/2016/04/powerware-ransomware.html - webarchive
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
encryption | AES-128 |
extensions | ['.locky'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 500 $ |
Related clusters
To see the related clusters, click here.
Ransomware no decryption possible, throws key away, destroys the files
Internal MISP references
UUID b54d59d7-b604-4b01-8002-5a2930732ca6
which can be used as unique global reference for PowerWorm
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
encryption | AES |
payment-method | Website (onion) |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['DECRYPT_INSTRUCTION.html'] |
Princess Locker
Internal MISP references
UUID 7c8ff7e5-2cad-48e8-92e8-4c8226933cbc
which can be used as unique global reference for Princess Locker
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
- https://hshrzd.wordpress.com/2016/11/17/princess-locker-decryptor/ - webarchive
- https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/introducing-her-royal-highness-the-princess-locker-ransomware/ - webarchive
- https://blog.malwarebytes.com/threat-analysis/2016/11/princess-ransomware/ - webarchive
- http://id-ransomware.blogspot.com/2016/09/princess-locker-ransomware.html - webarchive
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
extensions | ['[a-z]{4,6},[0-9]'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 3 (1 800 $) |
ransomnotes | ['.id'] |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['!HOW_TO_RESTORE[extension].TXT', '!HOW_TO_RESTORE[extension].html', '!HOW_TO_RESTOREid.txt', '@_USE_TO_FIX_JJnY.txt'] |
Internal MISP references
UUID c0ebfb75-254d-4d85-9d02-a7af8e655068
which can be used as unique global reference for PRISM
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
payment-method | MoneyPak |
price | 300 $ |
Internal MISP references
UUID 1da6653c-8657-4cdc-9eaf-0df9d2ebbf10
which can be used as unique global reference for Ps2exe
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
"synonyms" in the meta part typically refer to alternate names or labels that are associated with a particular R.
Known Synonyms |
NM3 |
Internal MISP references
UUID f7cd8956-2825-4104-94b1-e9589ab1089a
which can be used as unique global reference for R
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 1 - 2 |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['Ransomware.txt'] |
Internal MISP references
UUID 6a7ebb0a-78bc-4fdc-92ae-1b02976b5499
which can be used as unique global reference for R980
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
extensions | ['.crypt'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 0.5 |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['DECRYPTION INSTRUCTIONS.txt', 'rtext.txt'] |
RAA encryptor
Ransomware Possible affiliation with Pony
"synonyms" in the meta part typically refer to alternate names or labels that are associated with a particular RAA encryptor.
Known Synonyms |
Internal MISP references
UUID b6d4faa1-6d76-42ff-8a18-238eb70cff06
which can be used as unique global reference for RAA encryptor
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
extensions | ['.locked'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 0.39 (215 $) |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['!!!README!!![id].rtf'] |
Ransomware RaaS Copy of Ranion RaaS
Internal MISP references
UUID 4a95257a-6646-492f-93eb-d15dff7ce1eb
which can be used as unique global reference for Rabion
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 0.05 |
Internal MISP references
UUID 674c3bf6-2e16-427d-ab0f-b91676a460cd
which can be used as unique global reference for Radamant
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
- https://decrypter.emsisoft.com/radamant - webarchive
- http://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/new-radamant-ransomware-kit-adds-rdm-extension-to-encrypted-files/ - webarchive
- http://www.nyxbone.com/malware/radamant.html - webarchive
- https://id-ransomware.blogspot.com/2016/04/radamant-ransomware.html - webarchive
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
encryption | AES-256 |
extensions | ['.RDM', '.RRK', '.RAD', '.RADAMANT'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 0.5 |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['YOUR_FILES.url'] |
Related clusters
To see the related clusters, click here.
Ransomware Files might be partially encrypted
"synonyms" in the meta part typically refer to alternate names or labels that are associated with a particular Rakhni.
Known Synonyms |
Agent.iih |
Aura |
Autoit |
Bandarchor |
Cryptokluchen |
Isda |
Lamer |
Pletor |
Rotor |
Internal MISP references
UUID c85a41a8-a0a1-4963-894f-84bb980e6e86
which can be used as unique global reference for Rakhni
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
extensions | ['.locked', '.kraken', '.darkness', '.nochance', '.oshit', '.oplata@qq_com', '.relock@qq_com', '.crypto', '.helpdecrypt@ukr.net', '.pizda@qq_com', '.dyatel@qq_com', '_ryp', '.nalog@qq_com', '.chifrator@qq_com', '.gruzin@qq_com', '.troyancoder@qq_com', '.encrypted', '.cry', '.AES256', '.enc', '.hb15', '.coderksu@gmail_com_id[0-9]{2,3}', '.crypt@india.com.[\w]{4,12}', '!@#$%_____%$#@.mail'] |
payment-method | |
ransomnotes-filenames | [' |
Related clusters
To see the related clusters, click here.
Ransomware Based on the DUMB ransomware
Internal MISP references
UUID 5b81ea66-9a44-43d8-bceb-22e5b0582f8d
which can be used as unique global reference for Ramsomeer
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 0.3169 |
Internal MISP references
UUID d45f089b-efc7-45f8-a681-845374349d83
which can be used as unique global reference for Rannoh
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
extensions | ['locked- |
payment-method | PaySafeCard |
price | 1000 $ |
"synonyms" in the meta part typically refer to alternate names or labels that are associated with a particular RanRan.
Known Synonyms |
Internal MISP references
UUID e01a0cfa-2c8c-4e08-963a-4fa1e8cc6a34
which can be used as unique global reference for RanRan
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
- https://github.com/pan-unit42/public_tools/tree/master/ranran_decryption - webarchive
- http://researchcenter.paloaltonetworks.com/2017/03/unit42-targeted-ransomware-attacks-middle-eastern-government-organizations-political-purposes/ - webarchive
- https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/new-ranran-ransomware-uses-encryption-tiers-political-messages/ - webarchive
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
extensions | ['.zXz'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
ransomnotes | ['VictemKey_0_5', 'VictemKey_5_30', 'VictemKey_30_100', 'VictemKey_100_300', 'VictemKey_300_700', 'VictemKey_700_2000', 'VictemKey_2000_3000', 'VictemKey_3000'] |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['zXz.html'] |
Ransomware Doesn't encrypt user files
Internal MISP references
UUID f0fcbac5-6216-4c3c-adcb-3aa06ab23340
which can be used as unique global reference for Ransoc
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 100 $ |
Related clusters
To see the related clusters, click here.
Ransomware no extension change, Javascript Ransomware
Internal MISP references
UUID d74e2fa6-6b8d-49ed-80f9-07b274eecef8
which can be used as unique global reference for Ransom32
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
encryption | AES |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 1 |
Ransomware Locks the desktop
Internal MISP references
UUID 24f98123-192c-4e31-b2ee-4c77afbdc3be
which can be used as unique global reference for RansomLock
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
encryption | Asymmetric 1024 |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 500 $ |
Internal MISP references
UUID c8ee96a3-ac22-40c7-8ed2-df67aeaca08d
which can be used as unique global reference for RarVault
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 1 - 50 |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['RarVault.htm'] |
Internal MISP references
UUID f2a38c7b-054e-49ab-aa0e-67a7aac71837
which can be used as unique global reference for Razy
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
encryption | AES-128 |
extensions | ['.razy', '.fear'] |
payment-method | Link |
Internal MISP references
UUID 08f519f4-df8f-4baf-b7ac-c7a0c66f7e74
which can be used as unique global reference for Rector
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
extensions | ['.vscrypt', '.infected', '.bloc', '.korrektor'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin Email |
Internal MISP references
UUID 5448f038-0558-45c7-bda7-76950f82846a
which can be used as unique global reference for RektLocker
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
encryption | AES-256 |
extensions | ['.rekt'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 1 |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['Readme.txt'] |
Internal MISP references
UUID 0120015c-7d37-469c-a966-7a0d42166e67
which can be used as unique global reference for RemindMe
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
extensions | ['.remind', '.crashed'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 2 |
ransomnotes | ['decypt_your_files.html '] |
Ransomware possibly related with Chimera
Internal MISP references
UUID 61184aea-e87b-467d-b36e-cfc75ccb242f
which can be used as unique global reference for Rokku
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
encryption | Curve25519 + ChaCha |
extensions | ['.rokku'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 0.2403 (100.29 $) |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['README_HOW_TO_UNLOCK.TXT', 'README_HOW_TO_UNLOCK.HTML'] |
Related clusters
To see the related clusters, click here.
Ransomware Stores your files in a password protected RAR file
Internal MISP references
UUID e88a7509-9c79-42c1-8b0c-5e63af8e25b5
which can be used as unique global reference for RoshaLock
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 0.35 |
Ransomware Based on HT/EDA2 Utilizes the Jigsaw Ransomware background
Internal MISP references
UUID 266b366b-2b4f-41af-a30f-eab1c63c9976
which can be used as unique global reference for Runsomewere
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
Ransomware Variant of the Philadelphia ransomware
Internal MISP references
UUID 1149197c-89e7-4a8f-98aa-40ac0a9c0914
which can be used as unique global reference for RussianRoulette
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 0.3 |
Ransomware Variant of CryPy
Internal MISP references
UUID 6d81cee2-6c99-41fb-8b54-6581422d85dc
which can be used as unique global reference for SADStory
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
payment-method |
Sage 2.2
Ransomware Sage 2.2 deletes volume snapshots through vssadmin.exe, disables startup repair, uses process wscript.exe to execute a VBScript, and coordinates the execution of scheduled tasks via schtasks.exe.
Internal MISP references
UUID eacf3aee-ffb1-425a-862f-874e444a218d
which can be used as unique global reference for Sage 2.2
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
extensions | ['.sage'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 0.52803 (625 $) |
Ransomware Targeted attacks -Jexboss -PSExec -Hyena
"synonyms" in the meta part typically refer to alternate names or labels that are associated with a particular Samas-Samsam.
Known Synonyms |
RikiRafael.exe |
SamSam |
SamSam Ransomware |
Samas |
Samsam |
samsam.exe |
showmehowto.exe |
Internal MISP references
UUID 731e4a5e-35f2-47b1-80ba-150b95fdc14d
which can be used as unique global reference for Samas-Samsam
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
- https://download.bleepingcomputer.com/demonslay335/SamSamStringDecrypter.zip - webarchive
- http://blog.talosintel.com/2016/03/samsam-ransomware.html - webarchive
- http://www.intelsecurity.com/advanced-threat-research/content/Analysis_SamSa_Ransomware.pdf - webarchive
- https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/new-samsam-variant-requires-special-password-before-infection/ - webarchive
- https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/samsam-ransomware-crew-made-nearly-6-million-from-ransom-payments/ - webarchive
- https://www.sophos.com/en-us/medialibrary/PDFs/technical-papers/SamSam-The-Almost-Six-Million-Dollar-Ransomware.pdf - webarchive
- https://id-ransomware.blogspot.com/2016/03/samsam.html - webarchive
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
encryption | AES(256) + RSA(2096) |
extensions | ['.encryptedAES', '.encryptedRSA', '.encedRSA', '.justbtcwillhelpyou', '.btcbtcbtc', '.btc-help-you', '.only-we_can-help_you', '.iwanthelpuuu', '.notfoundrans', '.encmywork', '.VforVendetta', '.theworldisyours', '.Whereisyourfiles', '.helpmeencedfiles', '.powerfulldecrypt', '.noproblemwedecfiles', '.weareyourfriends', '.otherinformation', '.letmetrydecfiles', '.encryptedyourfiles', '.weencedufiles', '.iaufkakfhsaraf', '.cifgksaffsfyghd', '.iloveworld', '.weapologize'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 1 |
Related clusters
To see the related clusters, click here.
Ransomware Based on HiddenTear, but heavily modified keygen
Internal MISP references
UUID e7b69fbe-26ba-49df-aa62-a64525f89343
which can be used as unique global reference for Sanction
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
encryption | AES-256 + RSA-2096 |
extensions | ['.sanction'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 3 |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['DECRYPT_YOUR_FILES.HTML'] |
"synonyms" in the meta part typically refer to alternate names or labels that are associated with a particular Sanctions.
Known Synonyms |
Sanctions 2017 |
Internal MISP references
UUID 7b517c02-9f93-44c7-b957-10346803c43c
which can be used as unique global reference for Sanctions
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
encryption | AES-256 + RSA-2048 |
extensions | ['.wallet'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 6 |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['RESTORE_ALL_DATA.html'] |
Internal MISP references
UUID 6e49ecfa-1c25-4841-ae60-3b1c3c9c7710
which can be used as unique global reference for Sardoninir
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
extensions | ['.enc'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 100 $ |
Internal MISP references
UUID a127a59e-9e4c-4c2b-b833-cabd076c3016
which can be used as unique global reference for Satana
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
extensions | ['Sarah_G@ausi.com___'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 0.5 |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['!satana!.txt'] |
Related clusters
To see the related clusters, click here.
Internal MISP references
UUID c0c685b8-a59d-4922-add9-e572d5fd48cd
which can be used as unique global reference for Scraper
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
Ransomware DetoxCrypto Variant
Internal MISP references
UUID bd4bfbab-c21d-4971-b70c-b180bcf40630
which can be used as unique global reference for Serpico
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
encryption | AES |
payment-method | Euros |
price | 50 |
Related clusters
To see the related clusters, click here.
"synonyms" in the meta part typically refer to alternate names or labels that are associated with a particular Shark.
Known Synonyms |
Atom |
Internal MISP references
UUID 503c9910-902f-4bae-8c33-ea29db8bdd7f
which can be used as unique global reference for Shark
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
encryption | AES-256 |
extensions | ['.locked'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 50 - 100 - 200 $ |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['Readme.txt'] |
Related clusters
To see the related clusters, click here.
Internal MISP references
UUID bc029327-ee34-4eba-8933-bd85f2a1e9d1
which can be used as unique global reference for ShinoLocker
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
extensions | ['.shino'] |
payment-method | no ransom |
"synonyms" in the meta part typically refer to alternate names or labels that are associated with a particular Shujin.
Known Synonyms |
KinCrypt |
Internal MISP references
UUID b9963d52-a391-4e9c-92e7-d2a147d5451f
which can be used as unique global reference for Shujin
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 1 |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['文件解密帮助.txt'] |
Related clusters
To see the related clusters, click here.
"synonyms" in the meta part typically refer to alternate names or labels that are associated with a particular Simple_Encoder.
Known Synonyms |
Tilde |
Internal MISP references
UUID 2709b2ff-a2be-49a9-b268-2576170a5dff
which can be used as unique global reference for Simple_Encoder
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
encryption | AES |
extensions | ['.~'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 0.8 |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['_RECOVER_INSTRUCTIONS.ini'] |
Ransomware Based on EDA2
"synonyms" in the meta part typically refer to alternate names or labels that are associated with a particular SkidLocker.
Known Synonyms |
Pompous |
Internal MISP references
UUID 44b6b99e-b1d9-4605-95c2-55c14c7c25be
which can be used as unique global reference for SkidLocker
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
encryption | AES-256 |
extensions | ['.locked'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 0.5 |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['READ_IT.txt'] |
Internal MISP references
UUID 27283e74-abc6-4d8a-bcb6-a60804b8e264
which can be used as unique global reference for Smash!
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
payment-method | no ransom |
Internal MISP references
UUID cd21bb2a-0c6a-463b-8c0e-16da251f69ae
which can be used as unique global reference for Smrss32
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
extensions | ['.encrypted'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 0.66 (300 $) |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['_HOW_TO_Decrypt.bmp'] |
Ransomware Based on EDA2
Internal MISP references
UUID 82658f48-6a62-4dee-bd87-382e76b84c3d
which can be used as unique global reference for SNSLocker
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
encryption | AES-256 |
extensions | ['.RSNSlocked', '.RSplited'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 0.66 (300 $) |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['READ_Me.txt'] |
Internal MISP references
UUID 9526efea-8853-42f2-89be-a04ee1ca4c7d
which can be used as unique global reference for Sport
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
extensions | ['.sport'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
Ransomware Coded by "The_Rainmaker" Randomly deletes a file every 6hrs up to 96hrs then deletes decryption key
Internal MISP references
UUID 6b8729b0-7ffc-4d07-98de-e5210928b274
which can be used as unique global reference for Stampado
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
- https://success.trendmicro.com/portal_kb_articledetail?solutionid=1114221 - webarchive
- http://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/stampado-ransomware-campaign-decrypted-before-it-started/ - webarchive
- https://decrypter.emsisoft.com/stampado - webarchive
- https://cdn.streamable.com/video/mp4/kfh3.mp4 - webarchive
- http://blog.trendmicro.com/trendlabs-security-intelligence/the-economics-behind-ransomware-prices/ - webarchive
- https://id-ransomware.blogspot.com/2016/07/stampado-ransomware-1.html - webarchive
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
encryption | AES-256 |
extensions | ['.locked'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 1 |
ransomnotes | ['Random message includes bitcoin wallet address with instructions'] |
Ransomware Based on EDA2, shows Guy Fawkes mask
Internal MISP references
UUID d75bdd85-032a-46b7-a339-257fd5656c11
which can be used as unique global reference for Strictor
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
encryption | AES-256 |
extensions | ['.locked'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 500 - 1000 $ |
Ransomware Based on EDA2
Internal MISP references
UUID 6848b77c-92c8-40ec-90ac-9c14b9f17272
which can be used as unique global reference for Surprise
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
encryption | AES-256 |
extensions | ['.surprise', '.tzu'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 0.5 - 25 |
ransomnotes | ['DECRYPTION_HOWTO.Notepad'] |
Ransomware Still in development, shows FileIce survey
Internal MISP references
UUID 11725992-3634-4715-ae17-b6f5ed13b877
which can be used as unique global reference for Survey
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
payment-method | no ransom |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['ThxForYurTyme.txt'] |
Ransomware Exploited Synology NAS firmware directly over WAN
Internal MISP references
UUID 27740d5f-30cf-4c5c-812c-15c0918ce9f0
which can be used as unique global reference for SynoLocker
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
payment-method | Website (onion) |
Internal MISP references
UUID a7845bbe-d7e6-4c7b-a9b8-dccbd93bc4b2
which can be used as unique global reference for SZFLocker
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
extensions | ['.szf'] |
payment-method |
Internal MISP references
UUID 65a31863-4f59-4c66-bc2d-31e8fb68bbe8
which can be used as unique global reference for TeamXrat
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
encryption | AES-256 |
extensions | ['.___xratteamLucked'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 1 |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['Como descriptografar os seus arquivos.txt'] |
TeslaCrypt 0.x - 2.2.0
Ransomware Factorization
"synonyms" in the meta part typically refer to alternate names or labels that are associated with a particular TeslaCrypt 0.x - 2.2.0.
Known Synonyms |
AlphaCrypt |
Internal MISP references
UUID af92c71e-935e-4486-b4e7-319bf16d622e
which can be used as unique global reference for TeslaCrypt 0.x - 2.2.0
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
extensions | ['.vvv', '.ecc', '.exx', '.ezz', '.abc', '.aaa', '.zzz', '.xyz'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['HELP_TO_SAVE_FILES.txt', 'Howto_RESTORE_FILES.html'] |
TeslaCrypt 3.0+
Ransomware 4.0+ has no extension
Internal MISP references
UUID bd19dfff-7c8d-4c94-967e-f8ffc19e7dd9
which can be used as unique global reference for TeslaCrypt 3.0+
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
- http://www.bleepingcomputer.com/forums/t/576600/tesladecoder-released-to-decrypt-exx-ezz-ecc-files-encrypted-by-teslacrypt/ - webarchive
- http://www.welivesecurity.com/2016/05/18/eset-releases-decryptor-recent-variants-teslacrypt-ransomware/ - webarchive
- https://blog.kaspersky.com/raknidecryptor-vs-teslacrypt/12169/ - webarchive
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
encryption | AES-256 + ECHD + SHA1 |
extensions | ['.micro', '.xxx', '.ttt', '.mp3'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
TeslaCrypt 4.1A
Internal MISP references
UUID ab6b8f56-cf2d-4733-8f9c-df3d52c05e66
which can be used as unique global reference for TeslaCrypt 4.1A
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
- http://www.bleepingcomputer.com/forums/t/576600/tesladecoder-released-to-decrypt-exx-ezz-ecc-files-encrypted-by-teslacrypt/ - webarchive
- http://www.welivesecurity.com/2016/05/18/eset-releases-decryptor-recent-variants-teslacrypt-ransomware/ - webarchive
- https://blog.kaspersky.com/raknidecryptor-vs-teslacrypt/12169/ - webarchive
- https://www.endgame.com/blog/your-package-has-been-successfully-encrypted-teslacrypt-41a-and-malware-attack-chain - webarchive
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
encryption | AES-256 + ECHD + SHA1 |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['RECOVER<5_chars>.html', 'RECOVER<5_chars>.png', 'RECOVER<5_chars>.txt', 'how_recover+ |
TeslaCrypt 4.2
Internal MISP references
UUID eed65c12-b179-4002-a11b-7a2e2df5f0c8
which can be used as unique global reference for TeslaCrypt 4.2
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
- http://www.bleepingcomputer.com/forums/t/576600/tesladecoder-released-to-decrypt-exx-ezz-ecc-files-encrypted-by-teslacrypt/ - webarchive
- http://www.welivesecurity.com/2016/05/18/eset-releases-decryptor-recent-variants-teslacrypt-ransomware/ - webarchive
- https://blog.kaspersky.com/raknidecryptor-vs-teslacrypt/12169/ - webarchive
- http://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/teslacrypt-4-2-released-with-quite-a-few-modifications/ - webarchive
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['RECOVER<5_chars>.html', 'RECOVER<5_chars>.png', 'RECOVER<5_chars>.txt', 'how_recover+ |
Threat Finder
Ransomware Files cannot be decrypted Has a GUI
Internal MISP references
UUID c0bce92a-63b8-4538-93dc-0911ae46596d
which can be used as unique global reference for Threat Finder
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 1.25 |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['HELP_DECRYPT.HTML'] |
Ransomware Newer variants not decryptable. Only first 2 MB are encrypted
"synonyms" in the meta part typically refer to alternate names or labels that are associated with a particular TorrentLocker.
Known Synonyms |
Crypt0L0cker |
CryptoFortress |
Teerac |
Internal MISP references
UUID b817ce63-f1c3-49de-bd8b-fd56c3f956c9
which can be used as unique global reference for TorrentLocker
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
- http://www.bleepingcomputer.com/forums/t/547708/torrentlocker-ransomware-cracked-and-decrypter-has-been-made/ - webarchive
- https://twitter.com/PolarToffee/status/804008236600934403 - webarchive
- http://blog.talosintelligence.com/2017/03/crypt0l0cker-torrentlocker-old-dog-new.html - webarchive
- http://id-ransomware.blogspot.ru/2016/05/torrentlocker-ransomware-aes-cbc-2048.html - webarchive
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
encryption | AES-256 CBC for files + RSA-1024 for AES key uses LibTomCrypt |
extensions | ['.Encrypted', '.enc'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 4.081 |
Related clusters
To see the related clusters, click here.
Internal MISP references
UUID 4d470cf8-09b6-4d0e-8e5a-2f618e48c560
which can be used as unique global reference for TowerWeb
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 100 - 150 $ |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['Payment_Instructions.jpg'] |
Internal MISP references
UUID 08fc7534-fe85-488b-92b0-630c0d91ecbe
which can be used as unique global reference for Toxcrypt
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
extensions | ['.toxcrypt'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 0.23 |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['tox.html'] |
"synonyms" in the meta part typically refer to alternate names or labels that are associated with a particular Trojan.
Known Synonyms |
BrainCrypt |
Internal MISP references
UUID 97673387-75ae-4da4-9a5f-38773f2492e7
which can be used as unique global reference for Trojan
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
extensions | ['.braincrypt'] |
payment-method | |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['!!! HOW TO DECRYPT FILES !!!.txt'] |
Troldesh orShade, XTBL
Ransomware May download additional malware after encryption
"synonyms" in the meta part typically refer to alternate names or labels that are associated with a particular Troldesh orShade, XTBL.
Known Synonyms |
Shade |
Troldesh |
Internal MISP references
UUID 6c3dd006-3501-4ebc-ab86-b06e4d555194
which can be used as unique global reference for Troldesh orShade, XTBL
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
- https://www.nomoreransom.org/uploads/ShadeDecryptor_how-to_guide.pdf - webarchive
- http://www.nyxbone.com/malware/Troldesh.html - webarchive
- https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/kelihos-botnet-delivering-shade-troldesh-ransomware-with-no-more-ransom-extension/ - webarchive
- https://id-ransomware.blogspot.com/2016/06/troldesh-ransomware-email.html - webarchive
- https://www.ransomlook.io/group/shade - webarchive
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
encryption | AES-256 |
extensions | ['.breaking_bad', '.better_call_saul', '.xtbl', '.da_vinci_code', '.windows10', '.no_more_ransom'] |
links | ['http://cryptorz76e7vuik.onion'] |
payment-method | |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['README |
Internal MISP references
UUID c46bfed8-7010-432a-8108-138f6d067000
which can be used as unique global reference for TrueCrypter
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
encryption | AES-256 |
extensions | ['.enc'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 0.2 (115 $) |
Internal MISP references
UUID 132c39fc-1364-4210-aef9-48f73afc1108
which can be used as unique global reference for Turkish
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
extensions | ['.sifreli'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 100 $ |
Turkish Ransom
Internal MISP references
UUID 174dd201-0b0b-4a76-95c7-71f8141684d0
which can be used as unique global reference for Turkish Ransom
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
encryption | AES-256 |
extensions | ['.locked'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 2 |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['DOSYALARINIZA ULAŞMAK İÇİN AÇINIZ.html'] |
Ransomware CrypBoss Family
Internal MISP references
UUID 028b3489-51da-45d7-8bd0-62044e9ea49f
which can be used as unique global reference for UmbreCrypt
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
encryption | AES |
extensions | ['umbrecrypt_ID_[VICTIMID]'] |
payment-method | |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['README_DECRYPT_UMBRE_ID_[victim_id].jpg', 'README_DECRYPT_UMBRE_ID_[victim_id].txt', 'default32643264.bmp', 'default432643264.jpg'] |
Internal MISP references
UUID 5a9f9ebe-f4c8-4985-8890-743f59d658fd
which can be used as unique global reference for UnblockUPC
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
payment-method | Website |
price | 0.18 |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['Files encrypted.txt'] |
Ransomware Ransom note instructs to use Bitmessage to get in contact with attacker - Secretishere.key - SECRETISHIDINGHEREINSIDE.KEY - secret.key
Internal MISP references
UUID bb8c6b80-91cb-4c01-b001-7b9e73228420
which can be used as unique global reference for Ungluk
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
encryption | AES |
extensions | ['.H3LL', '.0x0', '.1999'] |
payment-method | Website |
price | 2.5 |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['READTHISNOW!!!.txt', 'Hellothere.txt', 'YOUGOTHACKED.TXT'] |
Internal MISP references
UUID dfe760e5-f878-492d-91d0-05fa45a2849d
which can be used as unique global reference for Unlock92
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
extensions | ['.CRRRT', '.CCCRRRPPP'] |
payment-method | Website |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['READ_ME_!.txt'] |
Ransomware CryptoWire variant
Internal MISP references
UUID 7799247c-4e6a-4c20-b0b3-d8e6a8ab6783
which can be used as unique global reference for VapeLauncher
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 200 $ |
"synonyms" in the meta part typically refer to alternate names or labels that are associated with a particular VaultCrypt.
Known Synonyms |
CrypVault |
Zlader |
Internal MISP references
UUID 63a82b7f-9a71-47a8-9a79-14acc6595da5
which can be used as unique global reference for VaultCrypt
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
encryption | uses gpg.exe |
extensions | ['.vault', '.xort', '.trun'] |
links | ['http://restoredz4xpmuqr.onion'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 0.438 |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['VAULT.txt', 'xort.txt', 'trun.txt', ' |
Related clusters
To see the related clusters, click here.
Internal MISP references
UUID 44a56cd0-8cd8-486f-972d-4b1b416e9077
which can be used as unique global reference for VBRANSOM 7
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
extensions | ['.VBRANSOM'] |
payment-method | Website (onion) |
Ransomware Based on EDA2
Internal MISP references
UUID 7340c6d6-a16e-4a01-8bb4-8ad3edc64d28
which can be used as unique global reference for VenusLocker
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
encryption | AES-256 |
extensions | ['.Venusf', '.Venusp'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 0.15 (100 $) |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['ReadMe.txt'] |
Ransomware Polymorphism / Self-replication
"synonyms" in the meta part typically refer to alternate names or labels that are associated with a particular Virlock.
Known Synonyms |
Internal MISP references
UUID 5c736959-6c58-4bf2-b084-7197b42e500a
which can be used as unique global reference for Virlock
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
extensions | ['.exe'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 250 $ |
"synonyms" in the meta part typically refer to alternate names or labels that are associated with a particular Virus-Encoder.
Known Synonyms |
CrySiS |
Internal MISP references
UUID 15a30d84-4f5f-4b75-a162-e36107d30215
which can be used as unique global reference for Virus-Encoder
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
- http://www.welivesecurity.com/2016/11/24/new-decryption-tool-crysis-ransomware/ - webarchive
- http://media.kaspersky.com/utilities/VirusUtilities/EN/rakhnidecryptor.zip - webarchive
- http://www.nyxbone.com/malware/virus-encoder.html - webarchive
- http://blog.trendmicro.com/trendlabs-security-intelligence/crysis-targeting-businesses-in-australia-new-zealand-via-brute-forced-rdps/ - webarchive
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
encryption | AES-256 |
extensions | ['.CrySiS', '.xtbl', '.crypt', '.DHARMA', '.id-########.decryptformoney@india.com.xtbl', '.[email_address].DHARMA'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 2.5 - 3 |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['How to decrypt your data.txt'] |
WildFire Locker
Ransomware Zyklon variant
"synonyms" in the meta part typically refer to alternate names or labels that are associated with a particular WildFire Locker.
Known Synonyms |
Hades Locker |
Internal MISP references
UUID 31945e7b-a734-4333-9ea2-e52051ca015a
which can be used as unique global reference for WildFire Locker
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
extensions | ['.wflx'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 299 $ |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['HOW_TO_UNLOCK_FILES_README_( |
Related clusters
To see the related clusters, click here.
Ransomware encrypted files will still have the original non-encrypted header of 0x33 bytes length
Internal MISP references
UUID 0a15a920-9876-4985-9d3d-bb0794722258
which can be used as unique global reference for Xorist
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
encryption | XOR or TEA |
extensions | ['.EnCiPhErEd', '.73i87A', '.p5tkjw', '.PoAr2w', '.fileiscryptedhard', '.encoderpass', '.zc3791', '.antihacker2017', '....PAY_IN_MAXIM_24_HOURS_OR_ALL_YOUR_FILES_WILL_BE_PERMANENTLY_DELETED_PLEASE_BE_REZONABLE_you_have_only_1_single_chance_YOU_NEED_TO_PURCHASE_THE_DECRYPTOR_FROM_US_FAST_AND_URGENT'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 0.8 |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['HOW TO DECRYPT FILES.TXT'] |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Dfj9G_2XkAE0ZS2.jpg', 'https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Dfj9H66WkAEHazN.jpg'] |
Ransomware VaultCrypt family
Internal MISP references
UUID 22ff9f8c-f658-46cc-a404-1a54e1b74569
which can be used as unique global reference for XRTN
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
extensions | ['.xrtn'] |
You Have Been Hacked!!!
Ransomware Attempt to steal passwords
Internal MISP references
UUID 0810ea3e-1cd6-4ea3-a416-5895fb685c5b
which can be used as unique global reference for You Have Been Hacked!!!
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
extensions | ['.Locked'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 0.25 |
"synonyms" in the meta part typically refer to alternate names or labels that are associated with a particular Zcrypt.
Known Synonyms |
Zcryptor |
Internal MISP references
UUID 7eed5e96-0219-4355-9a9c-44643272894c
which can be used as unique global reference for Zcrypt
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
extensions | ['.zcrypt'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 1.2 - 5 |
Ransomware mpritsken@priest.com
Internal MISP references
UUID 07346620-a0b4-48d5-9158-5048741f5078
which can be used as unique global reference for Zimbra
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
extensions | ['.crypto'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 3 |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['how.txt'] |
Ransomware VaultCrypt family
"synonyms" in the meta part typically refer to alternate names or labels that are associated with a particular Zlader.
Known Synonyms |
CrypVault |
Russian |
VaultCrypt |
Internal MISP references
UUID 2195387d-ad9c-47e6-8f14-a49388b26eab
which can be used as unique global reference for Zlader
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
encryption | RSA |
extensions | ['.vault'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 100 - 900 $ |
Related clusters
To see the related clusters, click here.
Internal MISP references
UUID b2bd25e1-d41c-42f2-8971-ecceceb6ba08
which can be used as unique global reference for Zorro
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
extensions | ['.zorro'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 1 |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['Take_Seriously (Your saving grace).txt'] |
Ransomware Hidden Tear family, GNL Locker variant
"synonyms" in the meta part typically refer to alternate names or labels that are associated with a particular Zyklon.
Known Synonyms |
GNL Locker |
Zyklon Locker |
Internal MISP references
UUID 78ef77ac-a570-4fb9-af80-d04c09dff9ab
which can be used as unique global reference for Zyklon
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
extensions | ['.zyklon'] |
payment-method | Euro |
price | 250 |
Related clusters
To see the related clusters, click here.
Internal MISP references
UUID 37950a1c-0035-49e0-9278-e878df0a10f3
which can be used as unique global reference for vxLock
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
extensions | ['.vxLock'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 0.3 |
We recently observed several large scale email campaigns that were attempting to distribute a new variant of ransomware that has been dubbed "Jaff". Interestingly we identified several characteristics that we have previously observed being used during Dridex and Locky campaigns. In a short period of time, we observed multiple campaigns featuring high volumes of malicious spam emails being distributed, each using a PDF attachment with an embedded Microsoft Word document functioning as the initial downloader for the Jaff ransomware.
Internal MISP references
UUID 8e3d44d0-6768-4b54-88b0-2e004a7f2297
which can be used as unique global reference for Jaff
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
- http://blog.talosintelligence.com/2017/05/jaff-ransomware.html - webarchive
- https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/jaff-ransomware-distributed-via-necurs-malspam-and-asking-for-a-3-700-ransom/ - webarchive
- http://id-ransomware.blogspot.com/2017/05/jaff-ransomware.html - webarchive
- https://www.ransomlook.io/group/jaff - webarchive
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
encryption | AES |
extensions | ['.jaff'] |
links | ['http://rktazuzi7hbln7sy.onion/'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 1.82 - 2.036 |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['WallpapeR.bmp', 'ReadMe.bmp', 'ReadMe.html', 'ReadMe.txt'] |
Related clusters
To see the related clusters, click here.
Uiwix Ransomware
Using EternalBlue SMB Exploit To Infect Victims
"synonyms" in the meta part typically refer to alternate names or labels that are associated with a particular Uiwix Ransomware.
Known Synonyms |
Internal MISP references
UUID 369d6fda-0284-44aa-9e74-f6651416fec4
which can be used as unique global reference for Uiwix Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
encryption | may be a mixture of AES and RC4. |
extensions | ['._[10_digit_victim_id].UIWIX'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 0.122 |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['DECODE_FILES.txt'] |
Fileless, Code-injecting Ransomware
Internal MISP references
UUID 34cedaf0-b1f0-4b5d-b7bd-2eadfc630ea7
which can be used as unique global reference for SOREBRECT
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
extensions | ['.pr0tect'] |
payment-method | |
ransomnotes-refs | ['http://blog.trendmicro.com/trendlabs-security-intelligence/files/2017/06/SOREBRECT-3.jpg'] |
claims it detected "Children Pornsites" in your browser history
Internal MISP references
UUID f597d388-886e-46d6-a5cc-26deeb4674f2
which can be used as unique global reference for Cyron
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
extensions | ['.CYRON'] |
payment-method | PaySafeCard |
price | 50 € |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://www.bleepstatic.com/images/news/columns/week-in-ransomware/2017/august/25/DHvA8CDWAAIR5er.jpg'] |
Made with OXAR builder; decryptable
Internal MISP references
UUID 3330e226-b71a-4ee4-8612-2b06b58368fc
which can be used as unique global reference for Kappa
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
extensions | ['.OXR'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin Email |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://www.bleepstatic.com/images/news/columns/week-in-ransomware/2017/august/25/DHvDae7XoAE9usO[1].jpg'] |
Trojan Dz
CyberSplitter variant
Internal MISP references
UUID 1fe6c23b-863e-49e4-9439-aa9e999aa2e1
which can be used as unique global reference for Trojan Dz
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
extensions | ['.Isis'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 0.5 |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://www.bleepstatic.com/images/news/columns/week-in-ransomware/2017/august/25/DHvM552WsAAuDbi[1].jpg'] |
ransomware written by self proclaimed script kiddies that should really be considered trollware
Internal MISP references
UUID f2930308-2e4d-4af5-b119-746be0fe7f2c
which can be used as unique global reference for Xolzsec
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
extensions | ['.xolzsec'] |
payment-method | no ransom |
HiddenTear variant; decryptable
Internal MISP references
UUID d29341fd-f48e-4caa-8a28-b17853b779d1
which can be used as unique global reference for FlatChestWare
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
extensions | ['.flat'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 250 $ |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://www.bleepstatic.com/images/news/columns/week-in-ransomware/2017/august/25/DH5KChhXsAADOIu[1].jpg'] |
The ransomware does not use a customized desktop wallpaper to signal its presence, and the only way to discover that SynAck has infected your PC is by the ransom notes dropped on the user's desktop, named in the format: RESTORE_INFO-[id].txt. For example: RESTORE_INFO-4ABFA0EF.txt In addition, SynAck also appends its own extension at the end of all files it encrypted. This file extensions format is ten random alpha characters for each file. For example: test.jpg.XbMiJQiuoh. Experts believe the group behind SynAck uses RDP brute-force attacks to access remote computers and manually download and install the ransomware.
"synonyms" in the meta part typically refer to alternate names or labels that are associated with a particular SynAck.
Known Synonyms |
Syn Ack |
Internal MISP references
UUID 04585cd8-54ae-420f-9191-8ddb9b88a80c
which can be used as unique global reference for SynAck
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
- https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/synack-ransomware-sees-huge-spike-in-activity/ - webarchive
- https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/synack-ransomware-uses-process-doppelg-nging-technique/ - webarchive
- https://id-ransomware.blogspot.com/2017/09/synack-ransomware.html - webarchive
- https://www.zdnet.com/article/synack-ransomware-group-releases-decryption-keys-as-they-rebrand-to-el-cometa - webarchive
- https://securelist.com/synack-targeted-ransomware-uses-the-doppelganging-technique/85431/ - webarchive
- https://therecord.media/synack-ransomware-gang-releases-decryption-keys-for-old-victims/ - webarchive
- https://www.ransomlook.io/group/synack - webarchive
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | ['http://xqkz2rmrqkeqf6sjbrb47jfwnqxcd4o2zvaxxzrpbh2piknms37rw2ad.onion/'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 2 100 $ |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['RESTORE_INFO-[id].txt'] |
Related clusters
To see the related clusters, click here.
A new ransomware called SyncCrypt was discovered by Emsisoft security researcher xXToffeeXx that is being distributed by spam attachments containing WSF files. When installed these attachments will encrypt a computer and append the .kk extension to encrypted files.
Internal MISP references
UUID 83d10b83-9038-4dd6-b305-f14c21478588
which can be used as unique global reference for SyncCrypt
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
extensions | ['.kk'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 0.1 |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['readme.html', 'readme.png'] |
Related clusters
To see the related clusters, click here.
Bad Rabbit
On October 24, 2017, Cisco Talos was alerted to a widescale ransomware campaign affecting organizations across eastern Europe and Russia. As was the case in previous situations, we quickly mobilized to assess the situation and ensure that customers remain protected from this and other threats as they emerge across the threat landscape. There have been several large scale ransomware campaigns over the last several months. This appears to have some similarities to Nyetya in that it is also based on Petya ransomware. Major portions of the code appear to have been rewritten. The distribution does not appear to have the sophistication of the supply chain attacks we have seen recently.
"synonyms" in the meta part typically refer to alternate names or labels that are associated with a particular Bad Rabbit.
Known Synonyms |
Bad-Rabbit |
BadRabbit |
Internal MISP references
UUID e8af6388-6575-4812-94a8-9df1567294c5
which can be used as unique global reference for Bad Rabbit
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
- http://blog.talosintelligence.com/2017/10/bad-rabbit.html - webarchive
- https://id-ransomware.blogspot.com/2017/10/badrabbit-ransomware.html - webarchive
- https://www.welivesecurity.com/2017/10/24/bad-rabbit-not-petya-back/ - webarchive
- https://securelist.com/bad-rabbit-ransomware/82851/ - webarchive
- http://www.intezer.com/notpetya-returns-bad-rabbit/ - webarchive
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
encryption | AES+RSA |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 0.05 (300 $) |
ransomnotes | ['https://www.welivesecurity.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/mbr_cut.png'] |
Related clusters
To see the related clusters, click here.
A malware author by the name of Luc1F3R is peddling a new ransomware strain called Halloware for the lowly price of $40. Based on evidence gathered by Bleeping Computer, Luc1F3R started selling his ransomware this week, beginning Thursday.
Internal MISP references
UUID b366627d-dbc0-45ba-90bc-5f5694f45e35
which can be used as unique global reference for Halloware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
extensions | ['(Lucifer) [prepend]'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 150 $ |
Recently BleepingComputer has received a flurry of support requests for a new ransomware being named StorageCrypt that is targeting NAS devices such as the Western Digital My Cloud. Victims have been reporting that their files have been encrypted and a note left with a ransom demand of between .4 and 2 bitcoins to get their files back. User's have also reported that each share on their NAS device contains a Autorun.inf file and a Windows executable named 美女与野兽.exe, which translates to Beauty and the beast. From the samples BleepingComputer has received, this Autorun.inf is an attempt to spread the 美女与野兽.exe file to other computers that open the folders on the NAS devices.
Internal MISP references
UUID 0b920d03-971f-413c-8057-60d187192140
which can be used as unique global reference for StorageCrypt
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
extensions | ['.locked'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 0.2 - 0.4 - 2 |
ransomnotes | ["Warning\n\nYour documents, photos,databases,important files have been encrypted by RSA-4096 and AES-256!\nIf you modify any file, it may cause make you cannot decrypt!!!\n\nDon't waste your precious time to try decrypt the files.\nIf there is no key that we provide to you , NO ONE can decrypt your precious files, even Jesus.\n\nHow to decrypt your files ?\n\nYou have to pay for decryption in bitcoin\nTo decrypt your files,please following the steps below\n\n1,Pay 2.0 bitcoin to this address: [bitcoin_address]\n\nPay To : [bitcoin_address]\nAmount : 2.0\n\n2,After you have finished paying,Contact us and Send us your Decrypt-ID via email\n\n3,Once we have confimed your deal,You can use the tool we sent to you to decrypt all your files.\n\nHow to obtain bitcoin ?\n\nThe easiest way to buy bitcoin is LocalBitcoins site.\nYou have to register, click Buy bitcoins and select the seller\nby payment method and price\n\nhttps://localbitcoins.com/buy_bitcoins\n\nhttps://paxful.com/buy-bitcoin\n\nhttp://bitcointalk.org/\n\n If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us\n\nContact Email:JeanRenoAParis@protonmail.com\n\nDecrypt-ID:"] |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['_READ_ME_FOR_DECRYPT.txt'] |
A new ransomware called HC7 is infecting victims by hacking into Windows computers that are running publicly accessible Remote Desktop services. Once the developers gain access to the hacked computer, the HC7 ransomware is then installed on all accessible computers on the network. Originally released as HC6, victims began posting about it in the BleepingComputer forums towards the end of November. As this is a Python-to-exe executable, once the script was extracted ID Ransomware creator Michael Gillespie was able determine that it was decryptable and released a decryptor. Unfortunately, a few days later, the ransomware developers released a new version called HC7 that was not decryptable. Thi sis because they removed the hard coded encryption key and instead switched to inputting the key as a command line argument when the attackers run the ransomware executable. Thankfully, there may be a way to get around that as well so that victims can recover their keys.
Internal MISP references
UUID 9325e097-9fea-490c-9b89-c2d40c166101
which can be used as unique global reference for HC7
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
extensions | ['.GOTYA'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 500 - 700 $ |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['RECOVERY.txt'] |
Predecessor of HC7
Internal MISP references
UUID 909fde65-e015-40a9-9012-8d3ef62bba53
which can be used as unique global reference for HC6
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
- https://twitter.com/demonslay335/status/935622942737817601?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw - webarchive
- https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/hc7-gotya-ransomware-installed-via-remote-desktop-services-spread-with-psexec/ - webarchive
- http://id-ransomware.blogspot.com/2017/11/hc6-ransomware.html - webarchive
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
extensions | ['.fucku'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 2 500 $ |
Security researchers have discovered a new ransomware strain named qkG that targets only Office documents for encryption and infects the Word default document template to propagate to new Word documents opened through the same Office suite on the same computer.
"synonyms" in the meta part typically refer to alternate names or labels that are associated with a particular qkG.
Known Synonyms |
QkG |
Internal MISP references
UUID 1f3eab7f-da0a-4e0b-8a9f-cda2f146c819
which can be used as unique global reference for qkG
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 300 $ |
The Scarab ransomware is a relatively new ransomware strain that was first spotted by security researcher Michael Gillespie in June this year. Written in Delphi, the first version was simplistic and was recognizable via the ".scarab" extension it appended after the names of encrypted files. Malwarebytes researcher Marcelo Rivera spotted a second version in July that used the ".scorpio" extension. The version spotted with the Necurs spam today has reverted back to using the .scarab extension. The current version of Scarab encrypts files but does not change original file names as previous versions. This Scarab version appends each file's name with the ".[suupport@protonmail.com].scarab" extension. Scarab also deletes shadow volume copies and drops a ransom note named "IF YOU WANT TO GET ALL YOUR FILES BACK, PLEASE READ THIS.TXT" on users' computers, which it opens immediately.
Internal MISP references
UUID cf8fbd03-4510-41cc-bec3-712fa7609aa4
which can be used as unique global reference for Scarab
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
- https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/scarab-ransomware-pushed-via-massive-spam-campaign/ - webarchive
- https://labsblog.f-secure.com/2017/11/23/necurs-business-is-booming-in-a-new-partnership-with-scarab-ransomware/ - webarchive
- https://blogs.forcepoint.com/security-labs/massive-email-campaign-spreads-scarab-ransomware - webarchive
- https://twitter.com/malwrhunterteam/status/933643147766321152 - webarchive
- https://myonlinesecurity.co.uk/necurs-botnet-malspam-delivering-a-new-ransomware-via-fake-scanner-copier-messages/ - webarchive
- https://twitter.com/demonslay335/status/1006222754385924096 - webarchive
- https://twitter.com/demonslay335/status/1006908267862396928 - webarchive
- https://twitter.com/demonslay335/status/1007694117449682945 - webarchive
- https://twitter.com/demonslay335/status/1049316344183836672 - webarchive
- https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/the-week-in-ransomware-october-12th-2018-notpetya-gandcrab-and-more/ - webarchive
- https://twitter.com/Amigo_A_/status/1039105453735784448 - webarchive
- https://twitter.com/GrujaRS/status/1072057088019496960 - webarchive
- http://id-ransomware.blogspot.com/2017/06/scarab-ransomware.html - webarchive
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
extensions | ['.scarab', '.scorpio', '.[suupport@protonmail.com].scarab', '.fastrecovery@airmail.cc', '.files-xmail@cock.li.TXT', '.leen', '.qweuirtksd', '.mammon', '.omerta', '.bomber', '.CRYPTO', '.lolita', '.stevenseagal@airmail.cc', '.lol', '.crypted034', '.ironhead'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin Email |
ransomnotes | ['Attention: if you do not have money then you do not need to write to us!\nThe file is encrypted with the RSA-2048 algorithm, only we can decrypt the file.\n====================================================================================================\n fastrecovery@airmail.cc\n====================================================================================================\nYour files are encrypted!\nYour personal identifier:\n[redacted hex]\n====================================================================================================\nTo decrypt files, please contact us by email:\nfastrecovery@airmail.cc\n====================================================================================================\nThe file is encrypted with the RSA-2048 algorithm, only we can decrypt the file.\nAttention: if you do not have money then you do not need to write to us!', "Your files are now encrypted!\n\nYour personal identifier:\n[redacted hex]\n\nAll your files have been encrypted due to a security problem with your PC.\n\nNow you should send us email with your personal identifier.\nThis email will be as confirmation you are ready to pay for decryption key.\nYou have to pay for decryption in Bitcoins. The price depends on how fast you write to us.\nAfter payment we will send you the decryption tool that will decrypt all your files.\n\nContact us using this email address: mr.leen@protonmail.com\n\nFree decryption as guarantee!\nBefore paying you can send us up to 3 files for free decryption.\nThe total size of files must be less than 10Mb (non archived), and files should not contain\nvaluable information (databases, backups, large excel sheets, etc.).\n\nHow to obtain Bitcoins?\n * The easiest way to buy bitcoins is LocalBitcoins site. You have to register, click\n 'Buy bitcoins', and select the seller by payment method and price:\n https://localbitcoins.com/buy_bitcoins\n * Also you can find other places to buy Bitcoins and beginners guide here:\n http://www.coindesk.com/information/how-can-i-buy-bitcoins\n\nAttention! \n * Do not rename encrypted files.\n * Do not try to decrypt your data using third party software, it may cause permanent data loss.\n * Decryption of your files with the help of third parties may cause increased price\n (they add their fee to our) or you can become a victim of a scam.", "Attention, all your files are encrypted with the AES cbc-128 algorithm!\n \nIt's not a virus like WannaCry and others, I hacked your computer,\nThe encryption key and bitcoin wallet are unique to your computer,\nso you are guaranteed to be able to return your files.\n \nBut before you pay, you can make sure that I can really decrypt any of your files.\n \nTo do this, send me several encrypted files to cyrill.fedor0v@yandex.com, a maximum of 5 megabytes each, I will decrypt them\nand I will send you back. No more than 5 files. Do not forget to send in the letter bitcoin address 1BhHZxek7iUTm1mdrgax6yVrPzViqLhr9u from this file.\n \nAfter that, pay the decryption in the amount of 500$ to the bitcoin address: 1BhHZxek7iUTm1mdrgax6yVrPzViqLhr9u\nAfter payment, send me a letter to cyrill.fedor0v@yandex.com with payment notification.\nOnce payment is confirmed, I will send you a decryption program.\n \nYou can pay bitcoins online in many ways:\nhttps://buy.blockexplorer.com/ - payment by bank card\nhttps://www.buybitcoinworldwide.com/\nhttps://localbitcoins.net\n \nAbout Bitcoins:\nhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bitcoin\n\n If you have any questions, write to me at cyrill.fedor0v@yandex.com\n \nAs a bonus, I will tell you how hacked your computer is and how to protect it in the future."] |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['IF YOU WANT TO GET ALL YOUR FILES BACK, PLEASE READ THIS.TXT', 'HOW TO RECOVER ENCRYPTED FILES-fastrecovery@airmail.cc.TXT', 'HOW TO RECOVER ENCRYPTED FILES.TXT', 'INSTRUCTIONS FOR RESTORING FILES.TXT', '!!!ReadMeToDecrypt.txt', '_How to restore files.TXT', 'How to restore encrypted files.txt'] |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://www.bleepstatic.com/images/news/columns/week-in-ransomware/2018/september/14/Scarab-ransomware.jpg', 'https://www.bleepstatic.com/images/news/columns/week-in-ransomware/2018/november/23/DsnFZrGX4AE2H1c[1].jpg', 'https://www.bleepstatic.com/images/news/columns/week-in-ransomware/2018/november/30/Ds8PMFpW0AIcYuJ[1].jpg', 'https://www.bleepstatic.com/images/news/columns/week-in-ransomware/2018/december/7/DtzAAIAW0AEHC86[1].jpg', 'https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DuC07vPWkAAMekP.jpg'] |
File Spider
A new ransomware called File Spider is being distributed through spam that targets victims in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, and Croatia. These spam emails contains malicious Word documents that will download and install the File Spider ransomware onto a victims computer.File Spider is currently being distributed through malspam that appears to be targeting countries such as Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Serbia. The spam start with subjects like"Potrazivanje dugovanja", which translates to "Debt Collection" and whose message, according to Google Translate, appear to be in Serbian.
"synonyms" in the meta part typically refer to alternate names or labels that are associated with a particular File Spider.
Known Synonyms |
Spider |
Internal MISP references
UUID 3e75ce6b-b6de-4e5a-9501-8f9f847c819c
which can be used as unique global reference for File Spider
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
extensions | ['.spider'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 0.00725 |
ransomnotes | ['As you may have already noticed, all your important files are encrypted and you no longer have access to them. A unique key has been generated specifically for this PC and two very strong encryption algorithm was applied in that process. Original content of your files are wiped and overwritten with encrypted data so it cannot be recovered using any conventional data recovery tool.\n\nThe good news is that there is still a chance to recover your files, you just need to have the right key.\n\nTo obtain the key, visit our website from the menu above. You have to be fast, after 96 hours the key will be blocked and all your files will remain permanently encrypted since no one will be able to recover them without the key!\n\nRemember, do not try anything stupid, the program has several security measures to delete all your files and cause the damage to your PC.\n\nTo avoid any misunderstanding, please read Help section.'] |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['HOW TO DECRYPT FILES.url'] |
A barely functional piece of macOS ransomware, written in Swift.
"synonyms" in the meta part typically refer to alternate names or labels that are associated with a particular FileCoder.
Known Synonyms |
FindZip |
Patcher |
Internal MISP references
UUID 091c9923-5939-4bde-9db5-56abfb51f1a2
which can be used as unique global reference for FileCoder
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | Febuary 2017 |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 0.25 |
Related clusters
To see the related clusters, click here.
A basic piece of macOS ransomware, offered via a 'malware-as-a-service' model.
Internal MISP references
UUID 7574c7f1-5075-4230-aca9-d6c0956f1fac
which can be used as unique global reference for MacRansom
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | June 2017 |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 0.25 (700 $) |
Related clusters
To see the related clusters, click here.
A new ransomware called GandCrab was released towards the end of last week that is currently being distributed via exploit kits. GandCrab has some interesting features not seen before in a ransomware, such as being the first to accept the DASH currency and the first to utilize the Namecoin powered .BIT tld.
Internal MISP references
UUID 5920464b-e093-4fa0-a275-438dffef228f
which can be used as unique global reference for GandCrab
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
- https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/gandcrab-ransomware-distributed-by-exploit-kits-appends-gdcb-extension/ - webarchive
- https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/gandcrab-ransomware-being-distributed-via-malspam-disguised-as-receipts/ - webarchive
- https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/gandcrab-ransomware-version-2-released-with-new-crab-extension-and-other-changes/ - webarchive
- https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/gandcrab-version-3-released-with-autorun-feature-and-desktop-background/ - webarchive
- https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/new-fallout-exploit-kit-drops-gandcrab-ransomware-or-redirects-to-pups/ - webarchive
- https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/gandcrab-v5-ransomware-utilizing-the-alpc-task-scheduler-exploit/ - webarchive
- https://id-ransomware.blogspot.com/2018/01/gandcrab-ransomware.html - webarchive
- https://www.ransomlook.io/group/gandcrab - webarchive
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | January 2018 |
extensions | ['.Crab', '.CRAB'] |
links | ['http://gandcrabmfe6mnef.onion/'] |
payment-method | Dash |
price | 1 - 3 |
ransomnotes | ['---= GANDCRAB =---\n\nAttention!\nAll your files documents, photos, databases and other important files are encrypted and have the extension: .GDCB \nThe only method of recovering files is to purchase a private key. It is on our server and only we can recover your files.\nThe server with your key is in a closed network TOR. You can get there by the following ways:\n1. Download Tor browser - https://www.torproject.org/\n2. Install Tor browser\n3. Open Tor Browser\n4. Open link in tor browser:http://gdcbghvjyqy7jclk.onion/[id]\n5. Follow the instructions on this page\n\nIf Tor/Tor browser is locked in your country or you can not install it, open one of the following links in your regular browser:\n1. http://gdcbghvjyqy7jclk.onion.top/[id]\n2. http://gdcbghvjyqy7jclk.onion.casa/[id]\n3. http://gdcbghvjyqy7jclk.onion.guide/[id]\n4. http://gdcbghvjyqy7jclk.onion.rip/[id]\n5. http://gdcbghvjyqy7jclk.onion.plus/[id]\n\nOn our page you will see instructions on payment and get the opportunity to decrypt 1 file for free.\n\nDANGEROUS!\nDo not try to modify files or use your own private key - this will result in the loss of your data forever!', '---= GANDCRAB =---\nAttention!\nAll your files documents, photos, databases and other important files are encrypted and have the extension: .GDCB\nThe only method of recovering files is to purchase a private key. It is on our server and only we can recover your files.\nThe server with your key is in a closed network TOR. You can get there by the following ways:\n1. Download Tor browser - https://www.torproject.org/\n2. Install Tor browser\n3. Open Tor Browser\n4. Open link in tor browser: http://gdcbmuveqjsli57x.onion/[id]\n5. Follow the instructions on this page\nOn our page you will see instructions on payment and get the opportunity to decrypt 1 file for free.\nIf you can\'t download TOR and use it, or in your country TOR blocked, read it:\n1. Visit https://tox.chat/download.html\n2. Download and install qTOX on your PC.\n3. Open it, click "New Profile" and create profile.\n4. Search our contact - 6C5AD4057E594E090E0C987B3089F74335DA75F04B7403E0575663C26134956917D193B195A5\n5. In message please write your ID and wait our answer: 6361f798c4ba3647\nDANGEROUS!\nDo not try to modify files or use your own private key - this will result in the loss of your data forever!', 'ENCRYPTED BY GANDCRAB 3\n\nDEAR [user_name],\n\nYOUR FILES ARE UNDER STRONG PROTECTION BY OUR SOFTWARE. IN ORDER TO RESTORE IT YOU MUST BUY DECRYPTOR\n\nFor further steps read CRAB-DECRYPT.txt that is located in every encrypted folder.', ' ---= GANDCRAB V3 =--- \n\nAttention! \n\nAll your files documents, photos, databases and other important files are encrypted and have the extension: .CRAB \n\nThe only method of recovering files is to purchase a private key. It is on our server and only we can recover your files. \n\n\nThe server with your key is in a closed network TOR. You can get there by the following ways: \n\n0. Download Tor browser - https://www.torproject.org/ \n\n1. Install Tor browser \n\n2. Open Tor Browser \n\n3. Open link in TOR browser: http://gandcrab2pie73et.onion/[id] \n\n4. Follow the instructions on this page \n\nOn our page you will see instructions on payment and get the opportunity to decrypt 1 file for free. \n\n\nThe alternative way to contact us is to use Jabber messanger. Read how to:\n0. Download Psi-Plus Jabber Client: https://psi-im.org/download/\n1. Register new account: http://sj.ms/register.php\n0) Enter "username": [id]\n1) Enter "password": your password\n2. Add new account in Psi\n3. Add and write Jabber ID: ransomware@sj.ms any message\n4. Follow instruction bot \n\nATTENTION!\nIt is a bot! It\'s fully automated artificial system without human control!\nTo contact us use TOR links. We can provide you all required proofs of decryption availibility anytime. We are open to conversations.\nYou can read instructions how to install and use jabber here http://www.sfu.ca/jabber/Psi_Jabber_PC.pdf \n\nCAUGHTION! \n\nDo not try to modify files or use your own private key. This will result in the loss of your data forever! '] |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['GDCB-DECRYPT.txt', 'CRAB-Decrypt.txt'] |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://www.bleepstatic.com/images/news/ransomware/g/gandcrab/v3/desktop-background.jpg', 'https://www.bleepstatic.com/images/news/security/f/fallout-exploit-kit/gandcrab-fallout.jpg'] |
Related clusters
To see the related clusters, click here.
Security researchers uncovered a new ransomware named ShurL0ckr (detected by Trend Micro as RANSOM_GOSHIFR.B) that reportedly bypasses detection mechanisms of cloud platforms. Like Cerber and Satan, ShurL0ckr’s operators further monetize the ransomware by peddling it as a turnkey service to fellow cybercriminals, allowing them to earn additional income through a commission from each victim who pays the ransom.
Internal MISP references
UUID cc7f6da3-fafd-444f-b7e9-f0e650fb4d4f
which can be used as unique global reference for ShurL0ckr
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | Febuary 2018 |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 0.01 - 0.1 |
Internal MISP references
UUID 4f3e494e-0e37-4894-94b2-741a8100f07a
which can be used as unique global reference for Cryakl
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | January 2018 |
extensions | ['.fairytail'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
Related clusters
To see the related clusters, click here.
first ransomware seen to ask for payment to be made in Bitcoin Cash (BCH)
Internal MISP references
UUID 361d7a90-2fde-4fc7-91ed-fdce26eb790f
which can be used as unique global reference for Thanatos
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
extensions | ['.THANATOS'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 0.1 |
Related clusters
To see the related clusters, click here.
RSAUtil is distributed by the developer hacking into remote desktop services and uploading a package of files. This package contains a variety of tools, a config file that determines how the ransomware executes, and the ransomware itself.
"synonyms" in the meta part typically refer to alternate names or labels that are associated with a particular RSAUtil.
Known Synonyms |
Vagger |
Internal MISP references
UUID f80b0a42-21ef-11e8-8ac7-0317408794e2
which can be used as unique global reference for RSAUtil
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
- https://www.securityweek.com/rsautil-ransomware-distributed-rdp-attacks - webarchive
- https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/rsautil-ransomware-helppme-india-com-installed-via-hacked-remote-desktop-services/ - webarchive
- http://id-ransomware.blogspot.lu/2017/04/rsautil-ransomware.html - webarchive
- http://id-ransomware.blogspot.lu/2017/04/ - webarchive
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 750 $ |
ransomnotes | ['Hello... :)\nFor instructions on how to recovery the files, write to me:\njonskuper578@india.com\njonskuper578@gmx.de\njonskuper578@protonmail.com\nIn the letter, indicate your personal ID (see the file format).\nIf you have not received an answer, write to me again.', 'WARNING!!!\nYour ID 83624883\nOUR FILES ARE DECRIPTED\nYour documents, photos, database, save games and other important data was encrypted.\nData recovery the necessary interpreter. To get the interpreter, should send an email to helppme@india.com or hepl1112@aol.com.\nIn a letter to include Your personal ID (see the beginning of this document).\nIn response to the letter You will receive the address of your Bitcoin wallet to which you want to perform the transfer.\nWhen money transfer is confirmed, You will receive the decrypter file for Your computer.\nAfter starting the programm-interpreter, all Your files will be restored.\nAttention! Do not attempt to remove a program or run the anti-virus tools.', 'ПРЕДУПРЕЖДЕНИЕ!!!\nВаш ID 83624883\nOUR FILES ARE DECRIPTED\nЗашифрованы ваши документы, фотографии, база данных, сохранения игр и другие важные данные.\nВосстановить данные нужен интерпретатор. Для получения интерпретатора надо отправить email на helppme@india.com или hepl1112@aol.com.\nВ письме укажите Ваш личный ID (см. начало этого документа).\nВ ответ на письмо Вы получите адрес вашего биткойн-кошелька, на который Вы хотите сделать перевод.\nКогда денежный перевод будет подтвержден, вы получите файл-декриптер для Вашего компьютера.\nПосле запуска программы-интерпретатора все Ваши файлы будут восстановлены.\nВнимание! Не пытайтесь удалить программу или запустить антивирусные программы.', 'Hello…\nFor instructions on how to recovery the files, write to me:\nvine77725@gmx.de\nvine77725@india.com\nvine77725@protonmail.com\nIn the letter, indicate your personal ID (see the file format).\nIf you have not received an answer, write to me again.', 'Привет мой друг!\nВсе файлы на твоем ПК зашифрованы!\nМой email: helppme@india.com или\nhepl1112@aol.com', 'Hello my friend!\nAll files on your PC encryphted!\nmy email: helppme@india.com or\nhepl1112@aol.com'] |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['How_return_files.txt', 'Image.jpg'] |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-6jE-GW6wCr8/WQY1L_uHsFI/AAAAAAAAE-A/3YR0bwwBJqgp8CsApZq4F_44JkMB0m2WwCLcB/s320/image-note.jpg', 'https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-T4lvnNISc_A/WQY1SI1r1mI/AAAAAAAAE-E/tH7p02nS2LUTvXmq66poiyM1RYhHc4HbwCLcB/s200/lock-note.jpg'] |
Qwerty Ransomware
A new ransomware has been discovered that utilizes the legitimate GnuPG, or GPG, encryption program to encrypt a victim's files. Currently in the wild, this ransomware is called Qwerty Ransomware and will encrypt a victims files, overwrite the originals, and the append the .qwerty extension to an encrypted file's name.
Internal MISP references
UUID 15c370c0-2799-11e8-a959-57cdcd57e3bf
which can be used as unique global reference for Qwerty Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
ransomnotes | ['Your computer is encrypted . Mail cryz1@protonmail.com . Send your ID 5612.\nNote! You have only 72 hours for write on e-mail (see below) or all your files will be lost!'] |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['README_DECRYPT.txt'] |
Zenis Ransomware
A new ransomware was discovered this week by MalwareHunterTeam called Zenis Ransomware. While it is currently unknown how Zenis is being distributed, multiple victims have already become infected with this ransomware. What is most disturbing about Zenis is that it not encrypts your files, but also purposely deletes your backups.
Internal MISP references
UUID cbe3ee70-2d11-11e8-84bb-9b3c525a48d9
which can be used as unique global reference for Zenis Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
payment-method | Bitcoin Email (Tor) |
ransomnotes | [' All your files has been encrypted \n\nI am ZENIS. A mischievous boy who loves cryptography, hardware and programming. My world is full of unanswered questions and puzzles half and half, and I\'m coming to discover a new world. A world in digital space that you are supposed to play the role of my toys.\n\nIf you want to win in this game, you have to listen carefully to my instructions, otherwise you will be caught up in a one-step game and you will become the main loser of the story.\n\nMy instructions are simple and clear. Then follow these steps:\n\n1. Send this file (Zenis-Instructions.html) to my email with one your encrypted file less than 2 MB to trust to the game.\n\n2. I decrypt your file for free and send for you.\n\n3. If you confirm the correctness of the files, verify that the files are correct via email\n\n4. Then receive the price of decrypting files\n\n5. After you have deposited, please send me the payment details\n\n6. After i confirm deposit, i send you the "Zenis Decryptor" along with "Private Key" to recovery all your files.\n\nNow you can finish the game. You won the game. congratulations.\n\n\nPlease submit your request to both emails:\n\nTheZenis@Tutanota.com\n\nTheZenis@MailFence.com\n\nIf you did not receive an email after six hours, submit your request to the following emails:\n\nTheZenis@Protonmail.com\n\nTheZenis@Mail2Tor.com (On the TOR network)\n\n\nWarning: 3rd party and public programs, It may cause irreversible damage to your files. And your files will be lost forever.'] |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['Zenis-Instructions.html'] |
Flotera Ransomware
Internal MISP references
UUID aab356ac-396c-11e8-90c8-631229f19d7a
which can be used as unique global reference for Flotera Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
payment-method | Dollars |
price | 199 |
Black Ruby
A new ransomware was discovered this week by MalwareHunterTeam called Black Ruby. This ransomware will encrypt the files on a computer, scramble the file name, and then append the BlackRuby extension. To make matters worse, Black Ruby will also install a Monero miner on the computer that utilizes as much of the CPU as it can. Discovered on February 6, 2018. May have been distributed through unknown vectors. Will not encrypt a machine if its IP address is identified as coming from Iran; this feature enables actors to avoid a particular Iranian cybercrime law that prohibits Iran-based actors from attacking Iranian victims. Encrypts files on the infected machine, scrambles files, and appends the .BlackRuby extension to them. Installs a Monero miner on the infected computer that utilizes the machine’s maximum CPU power. Delivers a ransom note in English asking for US$650 in Bitcoins. Might be installed via Remote Desktop Services.
"synonyms" in the meta part typically refer to alternate names or labels that are associated with a particular Black Ruby.
Known Synonyms |
BlackRuby |
Internal MISP references
UUID abf3001c-396c-11e8-8da6-ef501eef12e1
which can be used as unique global reference for Black Ruby
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
extensions | ['.BlackRuby'] |
payment-method | Monero miner on the computer |
ransomnotes | [' _ __ __ __\n / __ ) / /____ _ _____ / /__ / __ \ __ __ / / __ __\n / __ |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['HOW-TO-DECRYPT-FILES.txt'] |
A new ransomware has been discovered by MalwareHunterTeam that is based off of the InfiniteTear ransomware family, of which BlackRuby and Zenis are members. When this ransomware infects a computer it will encrypt the files, scramble the filenames, and append the .WHITEROSE extension to them.
Internal MISP references
UUID abc80362-396c-11e8-bc5c-8bca89c0f797
which can be used as unique global reference for WhiteRose
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
payment-method | Website Tor |
ransomnotes | ['[Rose ASCII art]\n\n[WhiteRose written in ASCII art]\n\nThe singing of the sparrows, the breezes of the northern mountains and smell of the earth that was raining in the morning filled the entire garden space. I\'m sitting on a wooden chair next to a bush tree, I have a readable book in my hands and I am sweating my spring with a cup of bitter coffee. Today is a different day.\n\nBehind me is an empty house of dreams and in front of me, full of beautiful white roses. To my left is an empty blue pool of red fish and my right, trees full of spring white blooms.\n\n I drink coffee, I\'ll continue to read a book from William Faulkner. In the garden environment, peace and quiet. My life always goes that way. Always alone without even an intimate friend.\n\nI have neither a pet, nor a friend or an enemy; I am a normal person with fantastic wishes among the hordes of white rose flowers. Everything is natural. I\'m just a little interested in hacking and programming. My only electronic devices in this big garden are an old laptop for do projects and an iPhone for check out the news feeds for malware analytics on Twitter without likes posts.\n\nBelieve me, my only assets are the white roses of this garden. I think of days and write at night: the story, poem, code, exploit or the accumulation of the number of white roses sold and I say to myself that the wealth is having different friends of different races, languages, habits and religions, Not only being in a fairly stylish garden with full of original white roses.\n\nToday, I think deeply about the decision that has involved my mind for several weeks. A decision to freedom and at the worth of unity, intimacy, joy and love and is the decision to release white roses and to give gifts to all peoples of the world.\n\nI do not think about selling white roses again. This time, I will plant all the white roses of the garden to bring a different gift for the people of each country. No matter where is my garden and where I am from, no matter if you are a housekeeper or a big company owner, it does not matter if you are the west of the world or its east, it\'s important that the white roses are endless and infinite. You do not need to send letters or e-mails to get these roses. Just wait it tomorrow. Wait for good days with White Rose.\n\nI hope you accept this gift from me and if it reaches you, close your eyes and place yourself in a large garden on a wooden chair and feel this beautiful scene to reduce your anxiety and everyday tension.\n\nThank you for trusting me. Now open your eyes. Your system has a flower like a small garden; A white rose flower.\n\n/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n\n[Recovery Instructions]\n\n I. Download qTox on your computer from [https://tox.chat/download.html]\nII. Create new profile then enter our ID in search contacts\n Our Tox ID: "6F548F217897AA4140FB4C514C8187F2FFDBA3CAFC83795DEE2FBCA369E689006B7CED4A18E9". III. Wait for us to accept your request.\nIV. Copy \'[PersonalKey]\' in "HOW-TO-RECOVERY-FILES.TXT" file and send this key with one encrypted file less size then 2MB for trust us in our Tox chat.\n IV.I. Only if you did not receive a reply after 24 hours from us, send your message to our secure tor email address "TheWhiteRose@Torbox3uiot6wchz.onion".\n IV.II. For perform "Step IV.I" and enter the TOR network, you must download tor and register in "http://torbox3uiot6wchz.onion" Mail Service)\nV. We decrypt your two files and we will send you.\nVI. After ensuring the integrity of the files, We will send you payment info.\nVII. Now after payment, you get "WhiteRose Decryptor" Along with the private key of your system.\nVIII.Everything returns to the normal and your files will be released.\n\n/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n\nWhat is encryption?\n\n In cryptography, encryption is the process of encoding a message or information in such a way that only authorized parties can access it, and those who are not authorized cannot. Encryption does not itself prevent interference, but denies the intelligible content to a would-be interceptor. In an encryption scheme, the intended information or message, referred to as plaintext, is encrypted using an encryption algorithm – a cipher – generating ciphertext that can be read only if decrypted. For technical reasons, an encryption scheme usually uses a pseudo-random encryption key generated by an algorithm. It is in principle possible to decrypt the message without possessing the key, but, for a well-designed encryption scheme, considerable computational resources and skills are required. An authorized recipient can easily decrypt the message with the key provided by the originator to recipients but not to unauthorized users. in your case “WhiteRose Decryptor” software for safe and complete decryption of all your files and data.\n\nAny other way?\n\nIf you look through this text in the Internet and realise that something is wrong with your files but you do not have any instructions to restore your files, please contact your antivirus support.'] |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['HOW-TO-RECOVERY-FILES.TXT'] |
PUBG Ransomware
In what could only be a joke, a new ransomware has been discovered called "PUBG Ransomware" that will decrypt your files if you play the game called PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds. Discovered by MalwareHunterTeam, when the PUBG Ransomware is launched it will encrypt a user's files and folders on the user's desktop and append the .PUBG extension to them. When it has finished encrypting the files, it will display a screen giving you two methods that you can use to decrypt the encrypted files.
Internal MISP references
UUID 2239b3ca-3c9b-11e8-873e-53608d51ee71
which can be used as unique global reference for PUBG Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
extensions | ['.PUBG'] |
payment-method | Game |
price | Play to decrypt |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://www.bleepstatic.com/images/news/ransomware/p/pubg-ransomware/pubg-ransomware.jpg'] |
LockCrypt is an example of yet another simple ransomware created and used by unsophisticated attackers. Its authors ignored well-known guidelines about the proper use of cryptography. The internal structure of the application is also unprofessional. Sloppy, unprofessional code is pretty commonplace when ransomware is created for manual distribution. Authors don’t take much time preparing the attack or the payload. Instead, they’re rather focused on a fast and easy gain, rather than on creating something for the long run. Because of this, they could easily be defeated.
Internal MISP references
UUID ac070e9a-3cbe-11e8-9f9d-839e888f2340
which can be used as unique global reference for LockCrypt
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
- https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/lockcrypt-ransomware-cracked-due-to-bad-crypto/ - webarchive
- https://twitter.com/malwrhunterteam/status/1034436350748053504 - webarchive
- https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/the-week-in-ransomware-august-31st-2018-devs-on-vacation/ - webarchive
- http://id-ransomware.blogspot.com/2017/06/lockcrypt-ransomware.html - webarchive
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
extensions | ['.BadNews'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 0.5 - 1 |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['How To Decode Files.hta'] |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://www.bleepstatic.com/images/news/columns/week-in-ransomware/2018/august/31/DlsLwUjXsAA0xyY[1].jpg'] |
Magniber Ransomware
Magniber is a new ransomware being distributed by the Magnitude Exploit Kit that appears to be the successor to the Cerber Ransomware. While many aspects of the Magniber Ransomware are different than Cerber, the payment system and the files it encrypts are very similar.
Internal MISP references
UUID a0c1790a-3ee7-11e8-9774-93351d675a9e
which can be used as unique global reference for Magniber Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
- https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/decrypters-for-some-versions-of-magniber-ransomware-released/ - webarchive
- https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/goodbye-cerber-hello-magniber-ransomware/ - webarchive
- https://twitter.com/demonslay335/status/1005133410501787648 - webarchive
- http://id-ransomware.blogspot.com/2017/10/my-decryptor-ransomware.html - webarchive
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
extensions | ['.ihsdj', '.kgpvwnr', '.ndpyhss'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 0.2 |
ransomnotes | [' ALL Y0UR D0CUMENTS, PHOTOS, DATABASES AND OTHER IMP0RTANT FILES HAVE BEEN ENCRYPTED!\n ====================================================================================================\n Your files are NOT damaged! Your files are modified only. This modification is reversible.\n\n The only 1 way to decrypt your files is to receive the private key and decryption program.\n\n Any attempts to restore your files with the third-party software will be fatal for your files!\n ====================================================================================================\n To receive the private key and decryption program follow the instructions below:\n\n 1. Download "Tor Browser" from https://www.torproject.org/ and install it.\n\n 2. In the "Tor Browser" open your personal page here:\n\n\n http://[victim_id].ofotqrmsrdc6c3rz.onion/EP866p5M93wDS513\n\n\n Note! This page is available via "Tor Browser" only.\n ====================================================================================================\n Also you can use temporary addresses on your personal page without using "Tor Browser":\n\n\n http://[victim_id].bankme.date/EP866p5M93wDS513\n\n http://[victim_id].jobsnot.services/EP866p5M93wDS513\n\n http://[victim_id].carefit.agency/EP866p5M93wDS513\n\n http://[victim_id].hotdisk.world/EP866p5M93wDS513\n\n\n Note! These are temporary addresses! They will be available for a limited amount of time!'] |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['READ_ME_FOR_DECRYPT_[id].txt'] |
Internal MISP references
UUID 7666e948-3f09-11e8-b0b2-af79c067d856
which can be used as unique global reference for Vurten
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
extensions | ['.improved'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 10 000 $ |
ransomnotes | ['UNCRYPT.README'] |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://www.bleepstatic.com/images/news/columns/week-in-ransomware/2018/april/6/vurten.jpg'] |
Reveton ransomware
A ransomware family that targets users from certain countries or regions. It locks the computer and displays a location-specific webpage that covers the desktop and demands that the user pay a fine for the supposed possession of illicit material. The Reveton ransomware is one of the first screen-locking ransomware strains, and it appeared when Bitcoin was still in its infancy, and before it became the cryptocurrency of choice in all ransomware operations. Instead, Reveton operators asked victims to buy GreenDot MoneyPak vouchers, take the code on the voucher and enter it in the Reveton screen locker.
Internal MISP references
UUID 1912ec68-4145-11e8-ac06-9b6643035a71
which can be used as unique global reference for Reveton ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 200 $ |
Fusob is one of the major mobile ransomware families. Between April 2015 and March 2016, about 56 percent of accounted mobile ransomware was Fusob. Like a typical mobile ransomware, it employs scare tactics to extort people to pay a ransom. The program pretends to be an accusatory authority, demanding the victim to pay a fine from $100 to $200 USD or otherwise face a fictitious charge. Rather surprisingly, Fusob suggests using iTunes gift cards for payment. Also, a timer clicking down on the screen adds to the users’ anxiety as well. In order to infect devices, Fusob masquerades as a pornographic video player. Thus, victims, thinking it is harmless, unwittingly download Fusob. When Fusob is installed, it first checks the language used in the device. If it uses Russian or certain Eastern European languages, Fusob does nothing. Otherwise, it proceeds on to lock the device and demand ransom. Among victims, about 40% of them are in Germany with the United Kingdom and the United States following with 14.5% and 11.4% respectively. Fusob has lots in common with Small, which is another major family of mobile ransomware. They represented over 93% of mobile ransomwares between 2015 and 2016.
Internal MISP references
UUID c921d9ac-4145-11e8-965b-df5002d4cad8
which can be used as unique global reference for Fusob
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 100 - 200 $ |
Internal MISP references
UUID b0ce2b90-4171-11e8-af82-0f4431fd2726
which can be used as unique global reference for OXAR
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
extensions | ['.FUCK'] |
ransomnotes | ['What Happened to My Computer?\nYour important files are encrypted.\nMany of your documents, photos, videos, databases and other files are no longer accessible because they have been encrypted. Maybe you are busy looking for a way to recover your files, but do not waste your time. Nobody can recover your files without our decryption service.\n\nCan I Recover My Files?\nSure. We guarantee that you can recover all your files safely and easily. But you have not so enough time.\nBut if you want to decrypt all your files, you need to pay.\n\nHow Do I Pay?\nPayment is accepted in Bitcoin only.\nPlease check the current price of Bitcoin and buy some bitcoins.\nAnd send the correct amount to the address specified in this window.\n\nWe strongly recommend you to not remove this software, and disable your anti-virus for a while, until you pay and the payment gets processed. If your anti-virus gets updated and removes this software automatically, it will not be able to recover your files even if you pay!\nOnce the payment is sent, send us an e-mail to the specified address specifying your "Client ID", you will be sent your decryption key in return.\nHow to buy Bitcoins?\n\nStep 1 : Create a portfolio on the Blockchain website at the address : https://blockchain.info/fr/wallet/#/signup\nStep 2 : Sign in to your account you just created and purchase the amount shown : https://blockchain.info/wallet/#/buy-sell\n Step 3 : Send the amount to the indicated Bitcoin address, once this is done send us an email with your "Client ID" you can retreive this in the file "instruction.txt" or "Whats Appens With My File.s.txt" in order to ask us the key of decryption of your data.\n\nContact us at : spaghetih@protonmail.com\nSend 20$ to Bitcoin at 1MFA4PEuDoe2UCKgabrwm8P4KztASKtiuv if you want decrypt your files !\nYour Client ID is : [id]'] |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://pastebin.com/xkRaRytW'] |
BansomQare Manna Ransomware
Internal MISP references
UUID b95a76d8-4171-11e8-b9b3-1bf62ec3265e
which can be used as unique global reference for BansomQare Manna Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 100 $ |
Haxerboi Ransomware
Internal MISP references
UUID 60e79876-4178-11e8-8c04-63662c94ba03
which can be used as unique global reference for Haxerboi Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID b4654c94-417a-11e8-8c2c-5b5748496f92
which can be used as unique global reference for SkyFile
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
payment-method | Bitcoin Email |
MC Ransomware
Supposed joke ransomware, decrypt when running an exectable with the string "Minecraft"
Internal MISP references
UUID 443c55c6-43d1-11e8-9072-6fdcf89aa4e6
which can be used as unique global reference for MC Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
payment-method | Game |
CSGO Ransomware
Supposed joke ransomware, decrypt when running an exectable with the string "csgo"
Internal MISP references
UUID 449e18b0-43d1-11e8-847e-0fed641732a1
which can be used as unique global reference for CSGO Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
payment-method | Game |
price | Play during 5 hours |
XiaoBa ransomware
Internal MISP references
UUID ef094aa6-4465-11e8-81ce-739cce28650b
which can be used as unique global reference for XiaoBa ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
- https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/xiaoba-ransomware-retooled-as-coinminer-but-manages-to-ruin-your-files-anyway/ - webarchive
- https://twitter.com/malwrhunterteam/status/923847744137154560 - webarchive
- https://twitter.com/struppigel/status/926748937477939200 - webarchive
- https://twitter.com/demonslay335/status/968552114787151873 - webarchive
- https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/the-week-in-ransomware-june-8th-2018-crybrazil-cryptconsole-and-magniber/ - webarchive
- https://twitter.com/malwrhunterteam/status/1004048636530094081 - webarchive
- https://id-ransomware.blogspot.com/2017/10/xiaoba-ransomware.html - webarchive
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
extensions | ['.Encrypted[BaYuCheng@yeah.net].XiaBa', '.XiaoBa1', '.XiaoBa2', '.XiaoBa3', '.XiaoBa4', '.XiaoBa5', '.XiaoBa6', '.XiaoBa7', '.XiaoBa8', '.XiaoBa9', '.XiaoBa10', '.XiaoBa11', '.XiaoBa12', '.XiaoBa13', '.XiaoBa14', '.XiaoBa15', '.XiaoBa16', '.XiaoBa17', '.XiaoBa18', '.XiaoBa19', '.XiaoBa20', '.XiaoBa21', '.XiaoBa22', '.XiaoBa23', '.XiaoBa24', '.XiaoBa25', '.XiaoBa26', '.XiaoBa27', '.XiaoBa28', '.XiaoBa29', '.XiaoBa30', '.XiaoBa31', '.XiaoBa32', '.XiaoBa33', '.XiaoBa34', '.AdolfHitler'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 1 200 yuan (180,81 $) |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['@XiaoBa@.bmp', '@Explanation@.hta', 'XiaoBa_Info.hta', 'XiaoBa_Info.bmp', '# # DECRYPT MY FILE # #.bmp'] |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DNIoIFuX4AAce7J.jpg', 'https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DNx5Of-X0AASVda.jpg', 'https://www.bleepstatic.com/images/news/columns/week-in-ransomware/2018/june/8/De8WvF_X0AARtYr[1].jpg'] |
NMCRYPT Ransomware
The NMCRYPT Ransomware is a generic file encryption Trojan that was detected in the middle of April 2018. The NMCRYPT Ransomware is a file encoder Trojan that is designed to make data unreadable and convince users to pay a fee for unlocking content on the infected computers. The NMCRYPT Ransomware is nearly identical to hundreds of variants of the HiddenTear open-source ransomware and compromised users are unable to use the Shadow Volume snapshots made by Windows to recover. Unfortunately, the NMCRYPT Ransomware disables the native recovery features on Windows, and you need third-party applications to rebuild your data.
Internal MISP references
UUID bd71be69-fb8c-4b1f-9d96-993ab23d5f2b
which can be used as unique global reference for NMCRYPT Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | April 2018 |
encryption | AES+RSA |
extensions | ['.NMCRYPT'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 7000 $ |
ransomnotes | ['Encrypted files! All your files are encrypted. Using AES256-bit encryption and RSA-2048-bit encryption. Making it impossible to recover files without the correct private key. If you are interested in getting is the key and recover your files You should proceed with the following steps. The only way to decrypt your files safely is to buy the Descrypt and Private Key software. Any attempts to restore your files with the third-party software will be fatal for your files! Important use Firefox or Chrome browser To proceed with the purchase you must access one of the link below https://lylh3uqyzay3lhrd.onion.to/ https://lylh3uqyzay3lhrd.onion.link/ If neither of the links is online for a long period of time, there is another way to open it, you should install the Tor Browser...'] |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://sensorstechforum.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/stf-NMCRYPT-ransomware-virus-ransom-note-tor-onion-network-page-768x827.png'] |
It is currently unknown if Iron is indeed a new variant by the same creators of Maktub, or if it was simply inspired by the latter, by copying the design for the payment portal for example. We know the Iron ransomware has mimicked at least three ransomware families:Maktub (payment portal design) DMA Locker (Iron Unlocker, decryption tool) Satan (exclusion list)
Internal MISP references
UUID ba64d47c-46cd-11e8-87df-ff6252b4ea76
which can be used as unique global reference for Iron
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 0.2 |
ransomnotes | ['We’re very sorry that all of your personal files have been encrypted :( But there are good news – they aren’t gone, you still have the opportunity to restore them! Statistically, the lifespan of a hard-drive is anywhere from 3 to 5 years. If you don’t make copies of important information, you could lose everything! Just imagine! In order to receive the program that will decrypt all of your files, you will need to pay a certain amount. But let’s start with something else…'] |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['!HELP_YOUR_FILES.HTML'] |
Tron ransomware
Internal MISP references
UUID 94290f1c-46ff-11e8-b9c6-ef8852c58952
which can be used as unique global reference for Tron ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
extensions | ['.tron'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 0.007305 - 0.05 |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DavxIr-W4AEq3Ny.jpg'] |
Unnamed ramsomware 1
A new in-development ransomware was discovered that has an interesting characteristic. Instead of the distributed executable performing the ransomware functionality, the executables compiles an embedded encrypted C# program at runtime and launches it directly into memory.
Internal MISP references
UUID c1788ac0-4fa0-11e8-b0fd-63f5a2914926
which can be used as unique global reference for Unnamed ramsomware 1
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
extensions | ['sequre@tuta.io_[hex]'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 0.14 |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['HOW DECRIPT FILES.hta'] |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://www.bleepstatic.com/images/news/ransomware/c/compiled-ransomware/ransom-note.jpg'] |
HPE iLO 4 Ransomware
Attackers are targeting Internet accessible HPE iLO 4 remote management interfaces, supposedly encrypting the hard drives, and then demanding Bitcoins to get access to the data again. According to the victim, the attackers are demanding 2 bitcoins to gain access to the drives again. The attackers will also provide a bitcoin address to the victim that should be used for payment. These bitcoin addresses appear to be unique per victim as the victim's was different from other reported ones. An interesting part of the ransom note is that the attackers state that the ransom price is not negotiable unless the victim's are from Russia. This is common for Russian based attackers, who in many cases tries to avoid infecting Russian victims. Finally, could this be a decoy/wiper rather than an actual true ransomware attack? Ransomware attacks typically provide a unique ID to the victim in order to distinguish one victim from another. This prevents a victim from "stealing" another victim's payment and using it to unlock their computer. In a situation like this, where no unique ID is given to identify the encrypted computer and the email is publicly accessible, it could be a case where the main goal is to wipe a server or act as a decoy for another attack.
Internal MISP references
UUID 39cb0268-528b-11e8-ac30-0fa44afdc8de
which can be used as unique global reference for HPE iLO 4 Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 2 |
ransomnotes | ["Security Notice\n\nHey. Your hard disk is encrypted using RSA 2048 asymmetric encryption. To decrypt files you need to obtain the private key.\nIt means We are the only ones in the world to recover files back to you. Not even god can help you. Its all math and cryptography .\nIf you want your files back, Please send an email to 15fd9ngtetwjtdc@yopmail.com.\nWe don't know who are you, All what we need is some money and we are doing it for good cause.\nDon't panic if we don't answer you during 24 hours. It means that we didn't received your letter and write us again.\nYou can use of that bitcoin exchangers for transfering bitcoin.\nhttps://localbitcoins.com\nhttps://www.kraken.com\nPlease use english language in your letters. If you don't speak english then use https://translate.google.com to translate your letter on english language.\n\nProcess:\n1) Pay some BTC to our wallet address.(negotations almost impossible unless you are a russian citizen)\n2) We will send you private key and instructions to decrypt your hard drive\n3) Boom! You got your files back."] |
Sigrun Ransomware
When Sigrun is executed it will first check "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Keyboard Layout\Preload" to see if it is set to the Russian layout. If the computer is using a Russian layout, it will not encrypt the computer and just delete itself. Otherwise Sigrun will scan a computer for files to encrypt and skip any that match certain extensions, filenames, or are located in particular folders.
Internal MISP references
UUID 5a53eec2-6993-11e8-a4d5-67480005dcbd
which can be used as unique global reference for Sigrun Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
extensions | ['.sigrun'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin Email |
price | 2500 $ |
ransomnotes | ['SIGRUN 1.0 RANSOMWARE\n\nAll your important files are encrypted\n\nYour files has been encrypted by sigrun ransomware with unique decryption key.\n\nThere is only one way to get your files back: contact with us, pay, and get decryptor software. \n\nWe accept Bitcoin and Dash, you can find exchangers on https://www.bitcoin.com/buy-bitcoin and https://www.dash.org/exchanges/ and others.\n\nYou have unique idkey (in a yellow frame), write it in letter when contact with us.\n\nAlso you can decrypt 3 files for test, its guarantee what we can decrypt your files.\n\nIDKEY:\n>>> [id_key] <<<\nContact information:\n\nemail: sigrun_decryptor@protonmail.ch', "~~~~~~SIGRUN 1.0 RANSOMWARE~~~~~~~~~\n\nAttention! \n\nAll your files documents, photos, databases and other important files are encrypted and have the extension: .sigrun\n\nThe only method of recovering files is to purchase a private key. It is on our server and only we can recover your files. \n\nBut don't worry! You still can restore it!\n\nIn order to restore it you need to contact with us via e-mail.\n\n-----------------------------------------------\n |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['RESTORE-SIGRUN.html', 'RESTORE-SIGRUN.txt'] |
Mostly Hidden Tear with some codes from Eda2 & seems compiled w/ Italian VS. Maybe related to OpsVenezuela?
Internal MISP references
UUID 30625df6-6e3e-11e8-b0cf-a7103cb03e05
which can be used as unique global reference for CryBrazil
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
extensions | ['.crybrazil'] |
payment-method | Website |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://www.bleepstatic.com/images/news/columns/week-in-ransomware/2018/june/8/crybrazil.jpg'] |
new destrucrtive ransomware called Pedcont that claims to encrypt files because the victim has accessed illegal content on the deep web. The screen then goes blank and becomes unresponsive.
Internal MISP references
UUID b0e074fc-6e45-11e8-8366-dbfc88552a23
which can be used as unique global reference for Pedcont
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
- https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/the-week-in-ransomware-june-8th-2018-crybrazil-cryptconsole-and-magniber/
- http://id-ransomware.blogspot.com/2018/06/pedcont-ransomware.html - webarchive
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 0.0065 (50 $) |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://www.bleepstatic.com/images/news/columns/week-in-ransomware/2018/june/8/De00yEDVQAE_p9z[1].jpg'] |
new Scarab Ransomware variant called DiskDoctor that appends the .DiskDoctor extension and drops a ransom note named HOW TO RECOVER ENCRYPTED FILES.TXT
"synonyms" in the meta part typically refer to alternate names or labels that are associated with a particular DiskDoctor.
Known Synonyms |
Scarab-DiskDoctor |
Internal MISP references
UUID aa66e0c2-6fb5-11e8-851d-4722b7b3e9b9
which can be used as unique global reference for DiskDoctor
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
extensions | ['.DiskDoctor'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin Email |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['HOW TO RECOVER ENCRYPTED FILES.TXT'] |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://www.bleepstatic.com/images/news/columns/week-in-ransomware/2018/june/8/De2sj4GW0AAuQer[1].jpg'] |
Jakub Kroustek discovered the RedEye Ransomware, which appends the .RedEye extension and wipes the contents of the files. RedEye can also rewrite the MBR with a screen that gives authors contact info and YouTube channel. Bart also wrote an article on this ransomware detailing how it works and what it does on a system.The ransomware author contacted BleepingComputer and told us that this ransomware was never intended for distribution and was created just for fun.
Internal MISP references
UUID e675e8fa-7065-11e8-95e0-cfdc107099d8
which can be used as unique global reference for RedEye
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
- https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/the-week-in-ransomware-june-8th-2018-crybrazil-cryptconsole-and-magniber/ - webarchive
- https://twitter.com/JakubKroustek/status/1004463935905509376 - webarchive
- https://bartblaze.blogspot.com/2018/06/redeye-ransomware-theres-more-than.html - webarchive
- https://id-ransomware.blogspot.com/2018/06/redeye-ransomware.html - webarchive
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
extensions | ['.RedEye'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 0.1 |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://www.bleepstatic.com/images/news/columns/week-in-ransomware/2018/june/8/DfCO0T2WsAQvclJ[1].jpg'] |
Aurora Ransomware
Typical ransom software, Aurora virus plays the role of blackmailing PC operators. It encrypts files and the encryption cipher it uses is pretty strong. After encryption, the virus attaches .aurora at the end of the file names that makes it impossible to open the data. Thereafter, it dispatches the ransom note totaling 6 copies, without any change to the main objective i.e., victims must write an electronic mail addressed to anonimus.mr@yahoo.com while stay connected until the criminals reply telling the ransom amount.
"synonyms" in the meta part typically refer to alternate names or labels that are associated with a particular Aurora Ransomware.
Known Synonyms |
Zorro Ransomware |
Internal MISP references
UUID 3ee0664e-706d-11e8-800d-9f690298b437
which can be used as unique global reference for Aurora Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
- https://www.spamfighter.com/News-21588-Aurora-Ransomware-Circulating-the-Cyber-Space.htm - webarchive
- https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/the-week-in-ransomware-june-8th-2018-crybrazil-cryptconsole-and-magniber/ - webarchive
- https://twitter.com/demonslay335/status/1004435398687379456 - webarchive
- https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/aurora-zorro-ransomware-actively-being-distributed/ - webarchive
- https://id-ransomware.blogspot.com/2018/05/aurora-ransomware.html - webarchive
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
extensions | ['.aurora', '.animus', '.Aurora', '.desu', '.ONI'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 100 - 500 |
ransomnotes | ['==========================# aurora ransomware #==========================\n\nSORRY! Your files are encrypted.\nFile contents are encrypted with random key.\nWe STRONGLY RECOMMEND you NOT to use any "decryption tools".\nThese tools can damage your data, making recover IMPOSSIBLE.\nAlso we recommend you not to contact data recovery companies.\nThey will just contact us, buy the key and sell it to you at a higher price.\nIf you want to decrypt your files, you have to get RSA private key.\nIn order to get private key, write here:\nbig.fish@vfemail.net\nAnd send me your id, your id:\n[redacted]\nAnd pay 200$ on 1GSbmCoKzkHVkSUxqdSH5t8SxJQVnQCeYf wallet\nIf someone else offers you files restoring, ask him for test decryption.\n Only we can successfully decrypt your files; knowing this can protect you from fraud.\nYou will receive instructions of what to do next.\n==========================# aurora ransomware #==========================', '%UserProfile%wall.i', '==========================# zorro ransomware #==========================\nSORRY! Your files are encrypted.\nFile contents are encrypted with random key.\nRandom key is encrypted with RSA public key (2048 bit)\n.We STRONGLY RECOMMEND you NOT to use any "decryption tools".\nThese tools can damage your data, making recover IMPOSSIBLE.\nAlso we recommend you not to contact data recovery companies.\nThey will just contact us, buy the key and sell it to you at a higher price.\nIf you want to decrypt your files, you need to get the RSA-key from us.\n--\nTo obtain an RSA-key, follow these steps in order:\n1. pay this sum 500$ to this BTC-purse: 18sj1xr86c3YHK44Mj2AXAycEsT2QLUFac\n2. write on the e-mail ochennado@tutanota.com or anastacialove21@mail.com indicating in the letter this ID-[id] and BTC-purse, from which paid.\nIn the reply letter you will receive an RSA-key and instructions on what to do next.\nWe guarantee you the recovery of files, if you do it right.\n==========================# zorro ransomware #=========================='] |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['#RECOVERY-PC#.txt', '!-GET_MY_FILES-!.txt', '@RESTORE-FILES@.txt'] |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://www.bleepstatic.com/images/news/ransomware/a/aurora/ransom-note.jpg', 'https://www.bleepstatic.com/images/news/ransomware/a/aurora/wallpaper.jpg'] |
PGPSnippet Ransomware
Internal MISP references
UUID 682ff7ac-7073-11e8-8c8b-bf1271b8800b
which can be used as unique global reference for PGPSnippet Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
extensions | ['.digiworldhack@tutanota.com'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 500 $ |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://www.bleepstatic.com/images/news/columns/week-in-ransomware/2018/june/8/pgpsnippet-variant.jpg', 'http://id-ransomware.blogspot.com/2018/05/pgpsnippet-ransomware.html'] |
Spartacus Ransomware
Internal MISP references
UUID fe42c270-7077-11e8-af82-d7bf7e6ab8a9
which can be used as unique global reference for Spartacus Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
extensions | ['.SF'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin Email |
S!Ri found a new ransomware called Donut that appends the .donut extension and uses the email donutmmm@tutanota.com.
Internal MISP references
UUID e57e1f4a-72da-11e8-8c0d-af46e8f393d2
which can be used as unique global reference for Donut
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
extensions | ['.donut'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 100 $ |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://www.bleepstatic.com/images/news/columns/week-in-ransomware/2018/june/15/DfQI_lnXUAAukGK[1].jpg'] |
NemeS1S Ransomware
Ransomware as a Service
Internal MISP references
UUID 3ac0f41e-72e0-11e8-85a8-f7ae254ab629
which can be used as unique global reference for NemeS1S Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 10 |
Paradise Ransomware
MalwareHunterTeam discovered a new Paradise Ransomware variant that uses the extension _V.{paradise@all-ransomware.info}.prt and drops a ransom note named PARADISE_README_paradise@all-ransomware.info.txt.
Internal MISP references
UUID db06d2e0-72f9-11e8-9413-73999e1a9373
which can be used as unique global reference for Paradise Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
extensions | ['_V.{paradise@all-ransomware.info}.prt'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin Email |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['PARADISE_README_paradise@all-ransomware.info.txt'] |
B2DR Ransomware
uses the .reycarnasi1983@protonmail.com.gw3w amd a ransom note named ScrewYou.txt
Internal MISP references
UUID 4a341cf4-72ff-11e8-8371-b74902a1dff3
which can be used as unique global reference for B2DR Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
extensions | ['.reycarnasi1983@protonmail.com.gw3w', '.ssananunak1987@protonmail.com.b2fr'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 0.1 - 0.3 |
ransomnotes | ['Your files were encrypted with AES-256.\n\nAsk how to restore your files by email reycarnasi1983@protonmail.com\n\nUse only gmail.com, yahoo.com, protonmail.com.\nMessages written from other mail services we can not get.\n\nWe always respond to messages. If there is no answer within 24 hours, then write us with another email service.\n\n[OR]\n\nIf within 24 hours you have not received a response, you need to follow the following instructions:\n\na) Download and install TOR browser: https://www.torproject.org/download/download-easy.html.en\nb) From the TOR browser, follow the link: torbox3uiot6wchz.onion\nc) Register your e-mail (Sign Up)\nd) Write us on e-mail: reycarnasi1983@torbox3uiot6wchz.onion\nATTENTION: e-mail (reycarnasi1983@torbox3uiot6wchz.onion) accepts emails, only with e-mail registered in the TOR browser at torbox3uiot6wchz.onion\n\n################################\n\nAny actions on your part over encrypted files can damage them. Be sure to make backups!\n\n################################\n\nIn the message write us this ID:\n[redacted base64]-----END KEY-----', 'Your files were encrypted with AES-256.\n\nAsk how to restore your files by email ssananunak1987@protonmail.com\n\nUse only gmail.com, yahoo.com, protonmail.com.\nMessages written from other mail services we can not get.\n\nWe always respond to messages. If there is no answer within 24 hours, then write us with another email service.\n\n[OR]\n\nIf within 24 hours you have not received a response, you need to follow the following instructions:\n\na) Download and install TOR browser: https://www.torproject.org/download/download-easy.html.en\nb) From the TOR browser, follow the link: torbox3uiot6wchz.onion\nc) Register your e-mail (Sign Up)\nd) Write us on e-mail: ssananunak1987@torbox3uiot6wchz.onion\nATTENTION: e-mail (ssananunak1987@torbox3uiot6wchz.onion) accepts emails, only with e-mail registered in the TOR browser at torbox3uiot6wchz.onion\n\n################################\n\nAny actions on your part over encrypted files can damage them. Be sure to make backups!\n\n################################\n\nIn the message write us this ID:\n[redacted base64]'] |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['ScrewYou.txt', 'Readme.txt'] |
YYTO Ransomware
uses the extension .codyprince92@mail.com.ovgm and drops a ransom note named Readme.txt
Internal MISP references
UUID ef38d8b4-7392-11e8-ba1e-cfb37f0b9c73
which can be used as unique global reference for YYTO Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
extensions | ['.codyprince92@mail.com.ovgm'] |
payment-method | Email Tor |
ransomnotes | ['Hello. Your files have been encrypted.\n\nFor help, write to this e-mail: codyprince92@mail.com\nAttach to the letter 1-2 files (no more than 3 MB) and your personal key.\n\n\nIf within 24 hours you have not received a response, you need to follow the following instructions:\n\n\na) Download and install TOR browser: https://www.torproject.org/download/download-easy.html.en\nb) From the TOR browser, follow the link: torbox3uiot6wchz.onion\nc) Register your e-mail (Sign Up)\nd) Write us on e-mail: codyprince@torbox3uiot6wchz.onion\n\n\nATTENTION: e-mail (codyprince@torbox3uiot6wchz.onion) accepts emails, only with e-mail registered in the TOR browser at torbox3uiot6wchz.onion\n\n\n\nYour personal key:\n\n[redacted hex]'] |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['Readme.txt'] |
Unnamed ramsomware 2
Internal MISP references
UUID 53e6e068-739c-11e8-aae4-df58f7f27ee5
which can be used as unique global reference for Unnamed ramsomware 2
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
extensions | ['.qnbqw'] |
payment-method | |
ransomnotes | ['Your files was encrypted using AES-256 algorithm. Write me to e-mail: qnbqwqe@protonmail.com to get your decryption key.\nYour USERKEY: [redacted 1024 bytes in base64]'] |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['Notice.txt'] |
Everbe Ransomware
Internal MISP references
UUID 9d09ac4a-73a0-11e8-b71c-63b86eedf9a2
which can be used as unique global reference for Everbe Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
- https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/decryptor-released-for-the-everbe-ransomware/ - webarchive
- https://twitter.com/malwrhunterteam/status/1065675918000234497 - webarchive
- https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/the-week-in-ransomware-november-23rd-2018-stop-dharma-and-more/ - webarchive
- http://id-ransomware.blogspot.com/2018/03/everbe-ransomware.html - webarchive
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
extensions | ['.[everbe@airmail.cc].everbe', '.embrace', 'pain', '.[yoursalvations@protonmail.ch].neverdies@tutanota.com'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 3003 $ |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://www.bleepstatic.com/images/news/columns/week-in-ransomware/2018/november/23/DsoIB_0U0AAXgEz[1].jpg'] |
Internal MISP references
UUID cdcc59a0-955e-412d-b481-8dff4bce6fdf
which can be used as unique global reference for DirCrypt
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
Related clusters
To see the related clusters, click here.
DBGer Ransomware
The authors of the Satan ransomware have rebranded their "product" and they now go by the name of DBGer ransomware, according to security researcher MalwareHunter, who spotted this new version earlier today. The change was not only in name but also in the ransomware's modus operandi. According to the researcher, whose discovery was later confirmed by an Intezer code similarity analysis, the new (Satan) DBGer ransomware now also incorporates Mimikatz, an open-source password-dumping utility. The purpose of DBGer incorporating Mimikatz is for lateral movement inside compromised networks. This fits a recently observed trend in Satan's modus operandi.
Internal MISP references
UUID 541a479c-73a5-11e8-9d70-47736508231f
which can be used as unique global reference for DBGer Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
extensions | ['image.png -- > [dbger@protonmail.com]image.png.dbger'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 1 |
ransomnotes | ['Some files have been encrypted\nPlease send ( 1 ) bitcoins to my wallet address\nIf you paid, send the machine code to my email\nI will give you the key\nIf there is no payment within three days,\nwe will no longer support decryption\nIf you exceed the payment time, your data will be open to the public download\nWe support decrypting the test file.\nSend three small than 3 MB files to the email address\n\nBTC Wallet : [redacted]\nEmail: dbger@protonmail.com\nYour HardwareID:'] |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['_How_to_decrypt_files.txt'] |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://www.bleepstatic.com/images/news/u/986406/Ransomware/DBGer/DBGer-ransom-note.png'] |
Hidden Tear variant discovered in October 2016. After activation, provides victims with an unlimited amount of time to gather the requested ransom money and pay it. Related unlock keys and the response sent to and from a Gmail addres
Internal MISP references
UUID 884eaa14-9ba8-11e8-a6ec-7f903f720e60
which can be used as unique global reference for RASTAKHIZ
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 250 $ |
DUMB variant discovered on November 16, 2017. Disguised itself as a popular virtual private network (VPN) in Iran known as Psiphon and infected Iranian users. Included Farsi-language ransom note, decryptable in the same way as previous DUMB-based variants. Message requested only US$15 for unlock key. Advertised two local and Iran-based payment processors: exchange.ir and webmoney.ir.Shared unique and specialized indicators with RASTAKHIZ; iDefense threat intelligence analysts believe this similarity confirms that the same actor was behind the repurposing of both types of ransomware.
"synonyms" in the meta part typically refer to alternate names or labels that are associated with a particular TYRANT.
Known Synonyms |
Crypto Tyrant |
Internal MISP references
UUID 701f2a3e-9baa-11e8-a044-4b8bc49ea971
which can be used as unique global reference for TYRANT
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 15 $ |
zCrypt variant discovered on November 17, 2017, one day after the discovery of TYRANT. Used Farsi-language ransom note asking for a staggering 20 Bitcoin ransom payment. Also advertised local Iran-based payment processors and exchanges—www.exchangeing[.]ir, www.payment24[.]ir, www.farhadexchange.net, and www.digiarz.com)—through which Bitcoins could be acquired.
Internal MISP references
UUID b3f04486-9bc4-11e8-bbfe-cf096483b45e
which can be used as unique global reference for WannaSmile
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 20 |
Unnamed Android Ransomware
Uses APK Editor Pro. Picks and activates DEX>Smali from APK Editor. Utilizes LockService application and edits the “const-string v4, value” to a desired unlock key. Changes contact information within the ransom note. Once the victim has downloaded the malicious app, the only way to recover its content is to pay the ransom and receive the unlock key.
Internal MISP references
UUID b48a7d62-9bc4-11e8-a7c5-47d13fad265f
which can be used as unique global reference for Unnamed Android Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
payment-method |
A new distribution campaign is underway for a STOP Ransomware variant called KeyPass based on the amount of victims that have been seen. Unfortunately, how the ransomware is being distributed is unknown at this time.
"synonyms" in the meta part typically refer to alternate names or labels that are associated with a particular KEYPASS.
Known Synonyms |
KeyPass |
Internal MISP references
UUID 22b4070e-9efe-11e8-b617-ab269f54596c
which can be used as unique global reference for KEYPASS
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
extensions | ['.KEYPASS'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 300 $ |
ransomnotes | ['Attention!\n\nAll your files, documents, photos, databases and other important files are encrypted and have the extension: .KEYPASS\n\nThe only method of recovering files is to purchase an decrypt software and unique private key.\n\nAfter purchase you will start decrypt software, enter your unique private key and it will decrypt all your data.\n\nOnly we can give you this key and only we can recover your files.\n\nYou need to contact us by e-mail keypass@bitmessage.ch send us your personal ID and wait for further instructions.\n\nFor you to be sure, that we can decrypt your files - you can send us a 1-3 any not very big encrypted files and we will send you back it in a original form FREE.\n\nPrice for decryption $300.\n\nThis price avaliable if you contact us first 72 hours.\n\nE-mail address to contact us:\n\nkeypass@bitmessage.ch\n\n\n\nReserve e-mail address to contact us:\n\nkeypass@india.com\n\n\n\nYour personal id:\n[id]'] |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['!!!KEYPASS_DECRYPTION_INFO!!!.txt'] |
STOP Ransomware
Emmanuel_ADC-Soft found a new STOP Ransomware variant that appends the .INFOWAIT extension and drops a ransom note named !readme.txt.
Internal MISP references
UUID c76c4d24-9f99-11e8-808d-a7f1c66a53c5
which can be used as unique global reference for STOP Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
- https://twitter.com/Emm_ADC_Soft/status/1064459080016760833 - webarchive
- https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/the-week-in-ransomware-november-23rd-2018-stop-dharma-and-more/ - webarchive
- https://twitter.com/MarceloRivero/status/1065694365056679936 - webarchive
- http://id-ransomware.blogspot.com/2017/12/stop-ransomware.html - webarchive
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
extensions | ['.INFOWAIT', '-DATASTOP', '.PUMA'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 200 - 600 $ |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['!readme.txt'] |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://www.bleepstatic.com/images/news/columns/week-in-ransomware/2018/november/23/DsW33OQXgAAwJzv[1].jpg', 'https://www.bleepstatic.com/images/news/columns/week-in-ransomware/2018/november/23/DsobVENXcAAR3GC[1].jpg'] |
Barack Obama's Everlasting Blue Blackmail Virus Ransomware
A new ransomware that only encrypts .EXE files on a computer. It then displays a screen with a picture of President Obama that asks for a "tip" to decrypt the files.
"synonyms" in the meta part typically refer to alternate names or labels that are associated with a particular Barack Obama's Everlasting Blue Blackmail Virus Ransomware.
Known Synonyms |
Barack Obama's Blackmail Virus Ransomware |
Internal MISP references
UUID 1a98f5ca-b024-11e8-b828-1fb7dbd6619e
which can be used as unique global reference for Barack Obama's Everlasting Blue Blackmail Virus Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
ransomnotes | ["Hello, your computer is encrypted by me! Yeah, that means your EXE file isn't open! Because I encrypted it.\nSo you can decrypt it, but you have to tip it. This is a big thing. You can email this email: 2200287831@qq.com gets more information."] |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://www.bleepstatic.com/images/news/ransomware/b/barack-obama-ransomware/barack-obama-everlasting-blue-blackmail-virus.jpg'] |
When the CryptoNar, or Crypto Nar, Ransomware encrypts a victims files it will perform the encryption differently depending on the type of file being encrypted. If the targeted file has a .txt or .md extension, it will encrypt the entire file and append the .fully.cryptoNar extension to the encrypted file's name. All other files will only have the first 1,024 bytes encrypted and will have the .partially.cryptoNar extensions appended to the file's name.
Internal MISP references
UUID 10f92054-b028-11e8-a51f-2f82236ac72d
which can be used as unique global reference for CryptoNar
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
extensions | ['.fully.cryptoNar', '.partially.cryptoNar'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 200 $ |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['CRYPTONAR RECOVERY INFORMATION.txt'] |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://www.bleepstatic.com/images/news/columns/week-in-ransomware/2018/august/31/ransom-note.jpg'] |
Related clusters
To see the related clusters, click here.
CreamPie Ransomware
Jakub Kroustek found what appears to be an in-dev version of the CreamPie Ransomware. It does not currently display a ransom note, but does encrypt files and appends the .[backdata@cock.li].CreamPie extension to them.
Internal MISP references
UUID 1b5a756e-b034-11e8-9e7d-c3271796acab
which can be used as unique global reference for CreamPie Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
extensions | ['.[backdata@cock.li].CreamPie'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
Jeff the Ransomware
Looks to be in-development as it does not encrypt.
Internal MISP references
UUID 7854c8bc-b036-11e8-bfb0-4ff71e54bbb2
which can be used as unique global reference for Jeff the Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
Cassetto Ransomware
Michael Gillespie saw an encrypted file uploaded to ID Ransomware that appends the .cassetto extension and drops a ransom note named IMPORTANT ABOUT DECRYPT.txt.
Internal MISP references
UUID 7d3287f0-b03d-11e8-b1ef-23485f43e7f9
which can be used as unique global reference for Cassetto Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
extensions | ['.cassetto'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 0.5 |
ransomnotes | ['L!W2Be%BS4\nWARNING!! YOU ARE SO F*UCKED!!!\n\nYour Files Has Encrypted\n\nWhat happened to your files?\nAll of your files were protected by a strong encryptation\nThere is no way to decrypt your files without the key.\nIf your files not important for you just reinstall your system.\nx§If your files is important just email us to discuss the the price and how to decrypt your files.\n\nYou can email us to omg-help-me@openmailbox.org\n\nWe accept just BITCOIN if you don´t know what it is just google it.\nWe will give instructions where and how you buy bitcoin in your country.\nPrice depends on how important your files and network is.\nIt could be 0.5 bitcoin to 25 bitcoin.\nYou can send us a encrypted file for decryption.\nFell free to email us with your country, computer name and username of the infected system.'] |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['IMPORTANT ABOUT DECRYPT.txt'] |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://www.bleepstatic.com/images/news/columns/week-in-ransomware/2018/august/31/DlpDe-kXsAA2lmH[1].jpg'] |
Acroware Cryptolocker Ransomware
Leo discovered a screenlocker that calls itself Acroware Cryptolocker Ransomware. It does not encrypt.
"synonyms" in the meta part typically refer to alternate names or labels that are associated with a particular Acroware Cryptolocker Ransomware.
Known Synonyms |
Acroware Screenlocker |
Internal MISP references
UUID f1b76b66-b044-11e8-8ae7-cbe7e28dd584
which can be used as unique global reference for Acroware Cryptolocker Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 80 $ |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://www.bleepstatic.com/images/news/columns/week-in-ransomware/2018/august/31/Dlq8W3FXoAAYR1v[1].jpg'] |
Termite Ransomware
Ben Hunter discovered a new ransomware called Termite Ransomware. When encrypting a computer it will append the .aaaaaa extension to encrypted files.
Internal MISP references
UUID a8a772b4-b04d-11e8-ad94-ab9124dff412
which can be used as unique global reference for Termite Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
extensions | ['.aaaaaa'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 100 - 500 $ |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://www.bleepstatic.com/images/news/columns/week-in-ransomware/2018/august/31/DlraMbTWwAA_367[1].jpg'] |
PICO Ransomware
S!Ri found a new Thanatos Ransomware variant called PICO Ransomware. This ransomware will append the .PICO extension to encrypted files and drop a ransom note named README.txt.
"synonyms" in the meta part typically refer to alternate names or labels that are associated with a particular PICO Ransomware.
Known Synonyms |
Pico Ransomware |
Internal MISP references
UUID 5d0c28f6-b050-11e8-95a8-7b8e480b9bd2
which can be used as unique global reference for PICO Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
extensions | ['.PICO'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 100 $ |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['README.txt'] |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://www.bleepstatic.com/images/news/columns/week-in-ransomware/2018/august/31/Dl2M9kdX0AAcGbJ[1].jpg'] |
Sigma Ransomware
Today one of our volunteers, Aura, told me about a new new malspam campaign pretending to be from Craigslist that is under way and distributing the Sigma Ransomware. These spam emails contain password protected Word or RTF documents that download the Sigma Ransomware executable from a remote site and install it on a recipients computer.
Internal MISP references
UUID df025902-b29e-11e8-a2ab-739167419c52
which can be used as unique global reference for Sigma Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 400 $ |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['ReadMe.txt'] |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://www.bleepstatic.com/images/news/ransomware/s/sigma/craigslist-malspam/ransom-note-html-part_01.jpg', 'https://www.bleepstatic.com/images/news/ransomware/s/sigma/craigslist-malspam/ransom-note-html-part_02.jpg', 'https://www.bleepstatic.com/images/news/ransomware/s/sigma/craigslist-malspam/payment-portal.jpg'] |
Internal MISP references
UUID 32406292-b738-11e8-ab97-1f674b130624
which can be used as unique global reference for Crypt0saur
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Mongo Lock
An attack called Mongo Lock is targeting remotely accessible and unprotected MongoDB databases, wiping them, and then demanding a ransom in order to get the contents back. While this new campaign is using a name to identify itself, these types of attacks are not new and MongoDB databases have been targeted for a while now. These hijacks work by attackers scanning the Internet or using services such as Shodan.io to search for unprotected MongoDB servers. Once connected, the attackers may export the databases, delete them, and then create a ransom note explaining how to get the databases back.
Internal MISP references
UUID 2aa481fe-c254-11e8-ad1c-efee78419960
which can be used as unique global reference for Mongo Lock
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 0.1 |
ransomnotes | ["Your database was encrypted by 'Mongo Lock'. if you want to decrypt your database, need to be pay us 0.1 BTC (Bitcoins), also don't delete 'Unique_KEY' and save it to safe place, without that we cannot help you. Send email to us: mongodb@8chan.co for decryption service."] |
Kraken Cryptor Ransomware
The Kraken Cryptor Ransomware is a newer ransomware that was released in August 2018. A new version, called Kraken Cryptor 1.5, was recently released that is masquerading as the legitimate SuperAntiSpyware anti-malware program in order to trick users into installing it.
Internal MISP references
UUID c49f88f6-c87d-11e8-b005-d76e8162ced5
which can be used as unique global reference for Kraken Cryptor Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
- https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/fallout-exploit-kit-now-installing-the-kraken-cryptor-ransomware/ - webarchive
- https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/kraken-cryptor-ransomware-masquerading-as-superantispyware-security-program/ - webarchive
- https://twitter.com/MarceloRivero/status/1059575186117328898 - webarchive
- https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/the-week-in-ransomware-november-9th-2018-mostly-dharma-variants/ - webarchive
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
payment-method | Dollars |
price | 80 |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://www.bleepstatic.com/images/news/security/f/fallout-exploit-kit/savefiles/ransom-note-red.jpg'] |
Internal MISP references
UUID 76bfb132-cc70-11e8-8623-bb3f209be6c9
which can be used as unique global reference for SAVEfiles
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
extensions | ['.SAVEfiles.'] |
payment-method | |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['!!!SAVE__FILES__INFO!!!.txt'] |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://www.bleepstatic.com/images/news/security/f/fallout-exploit-kit/savefiles/ransom-note-red.jpg'] |
The File-Locker Ransomware is a Hidden Tear variant that is targeting victims in Korea. When victim's are infected it will leave a ransom requesting 50,000 Won, or approximately 50 USD, to get the files back. This ransomware uses AES encryption with a static password of "dnwls07193147", so it is easily decryptable.
Internal MISP references
UUID c06a1938-dcee-11e8-bc74-474b0080f0e5
which can be used as unique global reference for File-Locker
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
extensions | ['.locked'] |
payment-method | Won |
price | 50 000 (50 $) |
ransomnotes | ['한국어: 경고!!! 모든 문서, 사진, 데이테베이스 및 기타 중요한 파일이 암호화되었습니다!!\n당신은 돈을 지불해야 합니다\n비트코인 5만원을 fasfry2323@naver.com로 보내십시오 비트코인 지불코드: 1F1tAaz5x1HUXrCNLbtMDqcw6o5GNn4xqX 결제 사이트 http://www.localbitcoins.com/ \nEnglish: Warning!!! All your documents, photos, databases and other important personal files were encrypted!!\nYou have to pay for it.\nSend fifty thousand won to fasfry2323@naver.com Bitcoin payment code: 1BoatSLRHtKNngkdXEeobR76b53LETtpyT Payment site http://www.localbitcoins.com/'] |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['Warning!!!!!!.txt'] |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://www.bleepstatic.com/images/news/ransomware/f/file-locker/ransom-note%20-%20Copy.jpg'] |
A new ransomware called CommonRansom was discovered that has a very bizarre request. In order to decrypt a computer after a payment is made, they require the victim to open up Remote Desktop Services on the affected computer and send them admin credentials in order to decrypt the victim's files.
Internal MISP references
UUID c0dffb94-dcee-11e8-81b9-3791d1c6638f
which can be used as unique global reference for CommonRansom
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
extensions | ['.[old@nuke.africa].CommonRansom'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 0.1 |
ransomnotes | ["+-----------------------+\n¦----+CommonRansom+-----¦\n+-----------------------+\nHello dear friend,\nYour files were encrypted!\nYou have only 12 hours to decrypt it\nIn case of no answer our team will delete your decryption password\nWrite back to our e-mail: old@nuke.africa\n\n\nIn your message you have to write:\n1. This ID-[VICTIM_ID]\n2. [IP_ADDRESS]:PORT(rdp) of infected machine\n3. Username:Password with admin rights\n4. Time when you have paid 0.1 btc to this bitcoin wallet:\n35M1ZJhTaTi4iduUfZeNA75iByjoQ9ibgF\n\n\nAfter payment our team will decrypt your files immediatly\n\n\nFree decryption as guarantee:\n1. File must be less than 10MB\n2. Only .txt or .lnk files, no databases\n3. Only 5 files\n\n\nHow to obtain bitcoin:\nThe easiest way to buy bitcoins is LocalBitcoins site. You have to register, click 'Buy bitcoins', and select the seller by payment method and price.\nhttps://localbitcoins.com/buy_bitcoins\nAlso you can find other places to buy Bitcoins and beginners guide here:\nhttp://www.coindesk.com/information/how-can-i-buy-bitcoins/"] |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['DECRYPTING.txt'] |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://www.bleepstatic.com/images/news/ransomware/c/CommonRansom/ransom-note.jpg'] |
God Crypt Joke Ransomware
MalwareHunterTeam found a new ransomware called God Crypt that does not appear to decrypt and appears to be a joke ransomware. Has an unlock code of 29b579fb811f05c3c334a2bd2646a27a.
"synonyms" in the meta part typically refer to alternate names or labels that are associated with a particular God Crypt Joke Ransomware.
Known Synonyms |
Godsomware v1.0 |
Ransomware God Crypt |
Internal MISP references
UUID 1b74bfda-c32c-4713-8ff6-793d8e787645
which can be used as unique global reference for God Crypt Joke Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
payment-method | Bitcoin Website |
DecryptFox Ransomware
Michael Gillespie found a new ransomware uploaded to ID Ransomware that appends the .encr extension and drops a ransom note named readmy.txt.
Internal MISP references
UUID a920dea5-9f30-4fa2-9665-63f306874381
which can be used as unique global reference for DecryptFox Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
extensions | ['.encr'] |
payment-method | |
ransomnotes | ['Attention! All your files are encrypted!\nTo recover your files and access them,\nsend a message with your id to email DecryptFox@protonmail.com\n \nPlease note when installing or running antivirus will be deleted\n important file to decrypt your files and data will be lost forever!!!!\n \nYou have 5 attempts to enter the code. If you exceed this\nthe number, all the data, will be irreversibly corrupted. Be\ncareful when entering the code!\n \nyour id [redacted 32 lowercase hex]'] |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['readmy.txt'] |
Michael Gillespie found a new ransomware that appends the .garrantydecrypt extension and drops a ransom note named #RECOVERY_FILES#.txt
Internal MISP references
UUID f251740b-1594-460a-a378-371f3a2ae92c
which can be used as unique global reference for garrantydecrypt
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
extensions | ['.garrantydecrypt'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 780 $ |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['#RECOVERY_FILES#.txt'] |
MVP Ransomware
Siri discovered a new ransomware that is appending the .mvp extension to encrypted files.
Internal MISP references
UUID ea643bfd-613e-44d7-9408-4991d53e08fa
which can be used as unique global reference for MVP Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
extensions | ['.mvp'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 1 |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://www.bleepstatic.com/images/news/columns/week-in-ransomware/2018/september/14/mvp.jpg'] |
Michael Gillespie noticed numerous submissions to ID Ransomware from South Korea for the StorageCrypter ransomware. This version is using a new ransom note named read_me_for_recover_your_files.txt.
"synonyms" in the meta part typically refer to alternate names or labels that are associated with a particular StorageCrypter.
Known Synonyms |
SambaCry |
Internal MISP references
UUID 3675e50d-3f76-45f8-b3f3-4a645779e14d
which can be used as unique global reference for StorageCrypter
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 0.8 |
ransomnotes | ["All your important files on this device have been encrypted.\n\nNo one can decrypt your files except us.\n\nIf you want to recover all your files. contact us via E-mail.\nDON'T forget to send us your ID!!!\n\nTo recover your files,You have to pay 0.8 bitcoin.\n\n\n\n\nContact Email : Leviathan13@protonmail.com\n\nYour ID :\n\n[redacted 0x200 bytes in base64 form]\n\n\nFree decryption as guarantee\n\nIf you can afford the specified amount of bitcoin,\nyou can send to us up to 2 files for demonstration.\n\nPlease note that files must NOT contain valuable information\nand their total size must be less than 2Mb."] |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['read_me_for_recover_your_files.txt'] |
GrujaRS discovered a new ransomware called Rektware that appends the .CQScSFy extension
Internal MISP references
UUID e90a57b5-cd17-4dce-b83f-d007053c7b35
which can be used as unique global reference for Rektware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
extensions | ['.CQScSFy'] |
payment-method |
M@r1a ransomware
"synonyms" in the meta part typically refer to alternate names or labels that are associated with a particular M@r1a ransomware.
Known Synonyms |
BlackHeart |
M@r1a |
Internal MISP references
UUID 1009b7f3-e737-49fd-a872-1e0fd1df4c00
which can be used as unique global reference for M@r1a ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
extensions | ['.mariacbc'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 0.002 (50 $) |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://www.bleepstatic.com/images/news/columns/week-in-ransomware/2018/november/9/moira.jpg'] |
"prepending (enc) ransomware" (Not an official name)
"synonyms" in the meta part typically refer to alternate names or labels that are associated with a particular "prepending (enc) ransomware" (Not an official name).
Known Synonyms |
Aperfectday2018 |
Internal MISP references
UUID ad600737-6d5f-4771-ae80-3e434e29c749
which can be used as unique global reference for "prepending (enc) ransomware" (Not an official name)
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
extensions | ['(enc) prepend'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 25 000 sek (sweden) |
ransomnotes | ["Hi. Thank you for using my program. If you're reading this, a lot of your files have\nbeen encrypted. To decrypt them, you need my decryption program. For this, I want 25 000 sek, I want\nthem in bitcoin. Email me when you've paid with details about the transaction. I'll give you two days.\nIf you have not paid in two days(from the day you received the email), It will cost 1000 sek more per day.\n If I have not heard from you after five days (from the day you received the email), I assume your files are not that\nimportant to you. So I'll delete your decryption-key, and you will never see your files again.\n\n\nAfter the payment, email me the following information:\n the bitcoin address you sent from (important, write it down when you do the transaction)\n the ID at the bottom of this document (this is important!! Otherwise I don't know which key belongs\nto you).\nThen I will send you the decryption-program and provide you with instructions of how to remove\nthe virus if you have not already figured it out.\n\n\nEmail:\naperfectday2018@protonmail.com\n\nBitcoin adress: \n1LX3tBkW161hoF5DbGzbrm3sdXaF6XHv2D\n\nMake sure to get the bitcoin adress right, copy and paste and double check. If you send the bitcoin\nto the wrong adress, it will be lost forever. You cant stop or regret a bitcoin transaction.\n\n\nIMPORTANT: \n\nDo not loose this document. You also have a copy of it on your desktop.\nDo NOT change any filenames!!! !!!\n\n\nThank you for the money, it means a lot to me. \n\n\n\nID: [redacted 13 numbers]"] |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['aboutYourFiles.txt'] |
PyCL Ransomware
"synonyms" in the meta part typically refer to alternate names or labels that are associated with a particular PyCL Ransomware.
Known Synonyms |
Dxh26wam |
Internal MISP references
UUID f7fa6978-c932-4e62-b4fc-3fbbbc195602
which can be used as unique global reference for PyCL Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
extensions | ['.impect'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 300 $ |
ransomnotes | ['Attention MOTHERFUCKER!\n\nAll your main files were encrypted!\n\nYour personal files (documents, databases, jpeg, docx, doc,\netc.) were encrypted, their further using impossible.\nTO DECRYPT YOUR FILES YOU NEED TO BUY A SOFTWARE WITH YOUR UNIQUE PRIVATE KEY. ONLY OUR\nSOFTWARE WILL ALLOW YOU DECRYPT YOUR FILES.\nNOTE:\nYou have only 6 hours from the moment when an encryption was done to buy our software at $300, in bitcoin\nYou all files will get deleted after the lapse of 6 hours.\nAny attempts to remove this encryption will be unsuccessful. You cannot do this without our software with your key.\nDo not send any emails with threats and rudeness to us. Example of email format: Hi, I need a decryption of my files.\n\nBitcoin address = 1GstvLM6SumX3TMMgN9PvXQsEy3FR9ZqWX\n\nContact us by email only: ayaan321308@gmail.com'] |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['how to get back you files.txt'] |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DrkmCriWwAMCdqF.jpg'] |
Vapor Ransomware
MalwareHunterTeam discovered the Vapor Ransomware that appends the .Vapor extension to encrypted files. Will delete files if you do not pay in time.
Internal MISP references
UUID f53205a0-7a8f-41d1-a427-bf3ab9bd77bb
which can be used as unique global reference for Vapor Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
extensions | ['.Vapor'] |
payment-method | |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://www.bleepstatic.com/images/news/columns/week-in-ransomware/2018/november/23/vapor.jpg'] |
EnyBenyHorsuke Ransomware
GrujaRS discovered a new ransomware called EnyBenyHorsuke Ransomware that appends the .Horsuke extension to encrypted files.
Internal MISP references
UUID 677aeb47-587d-40a4-80b7-22672ba1160c
which can be used as unique global reference for EnyBenyHorsuke Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
extensions | ['.Horsuke '] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 0.00000001 |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://www.bleepstatic.com/images/news/columns/week-in-ransomware/2018/november/23/DsPVGaHXcAAtnXz[1].jpg'] |
"synonyms" in the meta part typically refer to alternate names or labels that are associated with a particular DeLpHiMoRix.
Known Synonyms |
DelphiMorix |
DelphiMorix! |
Internal MISP references
UUID 7f82fb04-1bd2-40a1-9baa-895b53c6f7d4
which can be used as unique global reference for DeLpHiMoRix
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
extensions | ['.demonslay335_you_cannot_decrypt_me!', '.malwarehunterteam'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 999999.5 |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['!=How_recovery_files=!.html'] |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://www.bleepstatic.com/images/news/columns/week-in-ransomware/2018/november/23/DsiUA0LXgAAoqkd[1].jpg', 'https://www.bleepstatic.com/images/news/columns/week-in-ransomware/2018/november/23/DsuMFrZW0AIIUXs[1].jpg'] |
EnyBeny Nuclear Ransomware
@GrujaRS discovered a new in-dev ransomware called EnyBeny Nuclear Ransomware that meant to append the extension .PERSONAL_ID:.Nuclear to encrypted files, but failed due to a bug.
Internal MISP references
UUID 950d5501-b5eb-4f53-b33d-76e789912c16
which can be used as unique global reference for EnyBeny Nuclear Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
extensions | ['.PERSONAL_ID:.Nuclear'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 0.00000001 |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://www.bleepstatic.com/images/news/columns/week-in-ransomware/2018/november/30/Ds4IYbfWsAECNuJ[1].jpg', 'https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Ds4IKL3X4AIHKrj.jpg', 'https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Ds4IYbfWsAECNuJ.jpg'] |
Lucky Ransomware
Michael Gillespie discovered a new ransomware that renamed encrypted files to "[[email]][original].[random].lucky" and drops a ransom note named How_To_Decrypt_My_File.txt.
Internal MISP references
UUID a8eb9743-dfb6-4e13-a95e-e68153df94e9
which can be used as unique global reference for Lucky Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
extensions | ['[ |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 1 |
ransomnotes | ['I am sorry to tell you.\nSome files has crypted\nif you want your files back , send 1 bitcoin to my wallet\nmy wallet address : 3HCBsZ6QQTnSsthbmVtYE4XSZtism4j7qd\nIf you have any questions, please contact us.\n\nEmail:[nmare@cock.li]'] |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['How_To_Decrypt_My_File.txt'] |
WeChat Ransom
Over 100,000 thousand computers in China have been infected in just a few days with poorly-written ransomware that encrypts local files and steals credentials for multiple Chinese online services. The crooks show a screen titled UNNAMED1989 and demand the victim a ransom of 110 yuan ($16) in exchange for decrypting the files, payable via Tencent's WeChat payment service by scanning a QR code.
"synonyms" in the meta part typically refer to alternate names or labels that are associated with a particular WeChat Ransom.
Known Synonyms |
Internal MISP references
UUID b2aa807d-98fa-48e4-927b-4e81a50736e5
which can be used as unique global reference for WeChat Ransom
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
payment-method | Yuan |
price | 110 (16 $) |
Internal MISP references
UUID 3ade75c8-6ef7-4c54-84d0-cab0161d3415
which can be used as unique global reference for IsraBye
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
extensions | ['.israbye'] |
payment-method | Politic |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://www.bleepstatic.com/images/news/columns/week-in-ransomware/2018/december/7/Dtlxf0eW4AAJCdZ[1].jpg', 'https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DtlxfFsW4AAs-Co.jpg'] |
Dablio Ransomware
Internal MISP references
UUID d3337bec-fd4e-11e8-a3ad-e799cc59c59c
which can be used as unique global reference for Dablio Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
extensions | ['prepend (encrypted)'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin Website |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://www.bleepstatic.com/images/news/columns/week-in-ransomware/2018/december/7/DtkQKCDWoAM13kD[1].jpg'] |
Related clusters
To see the related clusters, click here.
Gerber Ransomware 1.0
Internal MISP references
UUID 3bcc725f-6b89-4350-ad79-f50daa30f74e
which can be used as unique global reference for Gerber Ransomware 1.0
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
extensions | ['.XY6LR', '.gerber5', '.FJ7QvaR9VUmi'] |
payment-method | |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['DECRYPT.txt'] |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Dtz4PD2WoAIWtRv.jpg', 'https://www.bleepstatic.com/images/news/columns/week-in-ransomware/2018/december/14/Dt-APfCW0AADWV8[1].jpg'] |
Gerber Ransomware 3.0
Internal MISP references
UUID 54240144-05c2-43f0-8386-4301a85330bb
which can be used as unique global reference for Gerber Ransomware 3.0
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 9ebfa028-a9dd-46ec-a915-1045fb297824
which can be used as unique global reference for Outsider
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
extensions | ['.protected'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 900 $ |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://www.bleepstatic.com/images/news/columns/week-in-ransomware/2018/december/7/Dt1_DpMXcAMC8J_[1].jpg'] |
Uses http://ccrypt.sourceforge.net/ encryption program
Internal MISP references
UUID 23fcbbf1-93ee-4baf-9082-67ca26553643
which can be used as unique global reference for JungleSec
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 0.3 |
EQ Ransomware
GrujaRS discovered the EQ Ransomware that drops a ransom note named README_BACK_FILES.htm and uses .f**k (censored) as its extension for encrypted files. May be GlobeImposter.
Internal MISP references
UUID edd4c8d0-d971-40a6-b7c6-5c57a4b51e48
which can be used as unique global reference for EQ Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
extensions | ['.fuck'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 1 |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['README_BACK_FILES.htm'] |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Dt4xTDjWwAEBjBh.jpg'] |
Mercury Ransomware
extension ".Mercury", note "!!!READ_IT!!!.txt" with 4 different 64-char hex as ID, 3 of which have dashes. Possible filemarker, same in different victim's files.
Internal MISP references
UUID 968cf828-0653-4d86-a01d-186db598f391
which can be used as unique global reference for Mercury Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
extensions | ['.mercury'] |
payment-method | |
ransomnotes | ["!!! ATTENTION, YOUR FILES WERE ENCRYPTED !!!\n\nPlease follow few steps below:\n\n1.Send us your ID.\n2.We can decrypt 1 file what would you make sure that we have decription tool!\n3.Then you'll get payment instruction and after payment you will get your decryption tool!\n\n\n Do not try to rename files!!! Only we can decrypt all your data!\n\n Contact us:\n\ngetmydata@india.com\nmydataback@aol.com\n\n Your ID:[redacted 64 uppercase hex]:[redacted 64 uppercase hex with dashes]\n[redacted 64 uppercase hex with dashes]:[redacted 64 uppercase hex with dashes]"] |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['!!!READ_IT!!!.txt'] |
Forma Ransomware
"synonyms" in the meta part typically refer to alternate names or labels that are associated with a particular Forma Ransomware.
Known Synonyms |
Internal MISP references
UUID ea390fa7-94ac-4287-8a2d-c211330671b0
which can be used as unique global reference for Forma Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
extensions | ['.locked'] |
payment-method | |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['ODSZYFRFUJ_PLIKI_TERAZ.txt'] |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DuIsIoWXQAEGKlr.jpg'] |
Internal MISP references
UUID e37ddc9e-8ceb-4817-a17e-755aa379ed14
which can be used as unique global reference for Djvu
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
extensions | ['.djvu'] |
payment-method | |
ransomnotes | ["---------------------------------------------- ALL YOUR FILES ARE ENCRYPTED ----------------------------------------------- \n\nDon't worry, you can return all your files!\nAll your files documents, photos, databases and other important are encrypted with strongest encryption and unique key.\nThe only method of recovering files is to purchase decrypt tool and unique key for you.\nThis software will decrypt all your encrypted files.\nWhat guarantees do we give to you?\nYou can send one of your encrypted file from your PC and we decrypt it for free.\nBut we can decrypt only 1 file for free. File must not contain valuable information\nDon't try to use third-party decrypt tools because it will destroy your files.\nDiscount 50% available if you contact us first 72 hours.\n\n---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n\nTo get this software you need write on our e-mail:\nhelpshadow@india.com\n\nReserve e-mail address to contact us:\nhelpshadow@firemail.cc\n\nYour personal ID:\n[redacted 43 alphanumeric chars]"] |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['_openme.txt'] |
Ryuk ransomware
Similar to Samas and BitPaymer, Ryuk is specifically used to target enterprise environments. Code comparison between versions of Ryuk and Hermes ransomware indicates that Ryuk was derived from the Hermes source code and has been under steady development since its release. Hermes is commodity ransomware that has been observed for sale on forums and used by multiple threat actors. However, Ryuk is only used by GRIM SPIDER and, unlike Hermes, Ryuk has only been used to target enterprise environments. Since Ryuk’s appearance in August, the threat actors operating it have netted over 705.80 BTC across 52 transactions for a total current value of $3,701,893.98 USD.
Internal MISP references
UUID f9464c80-b776-4f37-8682-ffde0cf8f718
which can be used as unique global reference for Ryuk ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 13.57 |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['RyukReadMe.txt'] |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://www.crowdstrike.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/RansomeNote-fig3.png', 'https://www.crowdstrike.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/RansomeNote-fig4.png'] |
In August 2017, a new ransomware variant identified as BitPaymer was reported to have ransomed the U.K.’s National Health Service (NHS), with a high ransom demand of 53 BTC (approximately $200,000 USD). The targeting of an organization rather than individuals, and the high ransom demands, made BitPaymer stand out from other contemporary ransomware at the time. Though the encryption and ransom functionality of BitPaymer was not technically sophisticated, the malware contained multiple anti-analysis features that overlapped with Dridex. Later technical analysis of BitPaymer indicated that it had been developed by INDRIK SPIDER, suggesting the group had expanded its criminal operation to include ransomware as a monetization strategy.
"synonyms" in the meta part typically refer to alternate names or labels that are associated with a particular BitPaymer.
Known Synonyms |
FriedEx |
IEncrypt |
Internal MISP references
UUID 09fa0e0a-f0b2-46ea-8477-653e627b1c22
which can be used as unique global reference for BitPaymer
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
payment-method | Bitcoin Email |
Internal MISP references
UUID 1e19dae5-80c3-4358-abcd-2bf0ba4c76fe
which can be used as unique global reference for LockerGoga
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
extensions | ['.locked'] |
payment-method | |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['README-NOW.txt'] |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://www.bleepstatic.com/images/news/u/1100723/Ransomware/LockerGoga-ransom-note.png'] |
Related clusters
To see the related clusters, click here.
Princess Evolution
We have been observing a malvertising campaign via Rig exploit kit delivering a cryptocurrency-mining malware and the GandCrab ransomware since July 25. On August 1, we found Rig’s traffic stream dropping a then-unknown ransomware. Delving into this seemingly new ransomware, we checked its ransom payment page in the Tor network and saw it was called Princess Evolution (detected by Trend Micro as RANSOM_PRINCESSLOCKER.B), and was actually a new version of the Princess Locker ransomware that emerged in 2016. Based on its recent advertisement in underground forums, it appears that its operators are peddling Princess Evolution as a ransomware as a service (RaaS) and are looking for affiliates. The new malvertising campaign we observed since July 25 is notable in that the malvertisements included Coinhive (COINMINER_MALXMR.TIDBF). Even if users aren’t diverted to the exploit kit and infected with the ransomware, the cybercriminals can still earn illicit profit through cryptocurrency mining. Another characteristic of this new campaign is that they hosted their malvertisement page on a free web hosting service and used domain name system canonical name (DNS CNAME) to map their advertisement domain on a malicious webpage on the service.
"synonyms" in the meta part typically refer to alternate names or labels that are associated with a particular Princess Evolution.
Known Synonyms |
PrincessLocker Evolution |
Internal MISP references
UUID 53da7991-62b7-4fe2-af02-447a0734f41d
which can be used as unique global reference for Princess Evolution
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 0.12 (773 $) |
A new Ransomware-as-a-Service called Jokeroo is being promoted on underground hacking sites and via Twitter that allows affiliates to allegedly gain access to a fully functional ransomware and payment server. According to a malware researcher named Damian, the Jokeroo RaaS first started promoting itself as a GandCrab Ransomware RaaS on the underground hacking forum Exploit.in.
"synonyms" in the meta part typically refer to alternate names or labels that are associated with a particular Jokeroo.
Known Synonyms |
Fake GandCrab |
Internal MISP references
UUID 8cfa694b-3e6b-410a-828f-037d981870b2
which can be used as unique global reference for Jokeroo
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 0.0077 |
During December 2017, a new variant of the GlobeImposter Ransomware was detected for the first time and reported on malware-traffic-analysis. At first sight this ransomware looks very similar to other ransomware samples and uses common techniques such as process hollowing. However, deeper inspection showed that like LockPoS, which was analyzed by CyberBit, GlobeImposter too bypasses user-mode hooks by directly invoking system calls. Given this evasion technique is being leveraged by new malware samples may indicate that this is a beginning of a trend aiming to bypass user-mode security products.
Internal MISP references
UUID a4631cef-dc51-4bee-a51f-3f1ea75ff201
which can be used as unique global reference for GlobeImposter
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 0.35 |
BlackWorm Ransomware is a malicious computer infection that encrypts your files, and then does everything it can to prevent you from restoring them. It needs you to pay $200 for the decryption key, but there is no guarantee that the people behind this infection would really issue the decryption tool for you.
Internal MISP references
UUID 457e9a45-607e-41ef-8ad1-bf8684722445
which can be used as unique global reference for BlackWorm
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 200 $ |
Tellyouthepass is a ransomware that alters system files, registry entries and encodes personal photos, documents, and servers or archives. Army-grade encryption algorithms get used to change the original code of the file and make the data useless.
Internal MISP references
UUID c6ca9b44-d0cd-40c9-9d00-39e0f7bcae79
which can be used as unique global reference for Tellyouthepass
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 0.2 |
BigBobRoss ransomware is the cryptovirus that requires a ransom in Bitcoin to return encrypted files marked with .obfuscated appendix.
Internal MISP references
UUID 5d3fc33b-8e90-4d9d-8f45-f047264ce8cb
which can be used as unique global reference for BigBobRoss
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
First discovered by malware security analyst, Lawrence Abrams, PLANETARY is an updated variant of another high-risk ransomware called HC7.
Internal MISP references
UUID 7c742031-6b3d-4c3a-8b36-9154a6dc7b30
which can be used as unique global reference for Planetary
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
Cr1ptT0r Ransomware Targets NAS Devices with Old Firmware.
"synonyms" in the meta part typically refer to alternate names or labels that are associated with a particular Cr1ptT0r.
Known Synonyms |
Cr1pt0r |
Criptt0r |
Cripttor |
Internal MISP references
UUID e19d92d7-cf17-4b2b-8ec2-1efc6df2fa1e
which can be used as unique global reference for Cr1ptT0r
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
Attackers are actively exploiting a recently disclosed vulnerability in Oracle WebLogic to install a new variant of ransomware called "Sodinokibi." Sodinokibi attempts to encrypt data in a user's directory and delete shadow copy backups to make data recovery more difficult. Oracle first patched the issue on April 26, outside of their normal patch cycle, and assigned it CVE-2019-2725. This vulnerability is easy for attackers to exploit, as anyone with HTTP access to the WebLogic server could carry out an attack. Because of this, the bug has a CVSS score of 9.8/10. Attackers have been making use of this exploit in the wild since at least April 17. Cisco's Incident Response (IR) team, along with Cisco Talos, are actively investigating these attacks and Sodinokibi.
"synonyms" in the meta part typically refer to alternate names or labels that are associated with a particular Sodinokibi.
Known Synonyms |
REvil |
Revil |
Internal MISP references
UUID 24bd9a4b-2b66-428b-8e1c-6b280b056c00
which can be used as unique global reference for Sodinokibi
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
- https://blog.talosintelligence.com/2019/04/sodinokibi-ransomware-exploits-weblogic.html - webarchive
- https://www.zdnet.com/article/revil-ransomware-group-resurfaces-after-brief-hiatus - webarchive
- https://www.macrumors.com/2021/04/26/revil-delists-stolen-apple-schematics-threat - webarchive
- https://www.theverge.com/2021/7/22/22589643/ransomware-kaseya-vsa-decryptor-revil - webarchive
- http://www.fsb.ru/fsb/press/message/single.htm%21id%3D10439388%40fsbMessage.html - webarchive
- https://analyst1.com/file-assets/History-of-REvil.pdf - webarchive
- https://angle.ankura.com/post/102hcny/revix-linux-ransomware - webarchive
- https://blogs.vmware.com/security/2022/09/esxi-targeting-ransomware-the-threats-that-are-after-your-virtual-machines-part-1.html - webarchive
- https://cybersecurity.att.com/blogs/labs-research/revils-new-linux-version - webarchive
- https://cybleinc.com/2021/07/03/uncensored-interview-with-revil-sodinokibi-ransomware-operators/ - webarchive
- https://diicot.ro/mass-media/3341-comunicat-de-presa-2-08-11-2021 - webarchive
- https://documents.trendmicro.com/assets/rpt/rpt-navigating-new-frontiers-trend-micro-2021-annual-cybersecurity-report.pdf - webarchive
- https://github.com/f0wl/REconfig-linux - webarchive
- https://home.treasury.gov/news/press-releases/jy0471 - webarchive
- https://ke-la.com/will-the-revils-story-finally-be-over/ - webarchive
- https://krebsonsecurity.com/2021/11/revil-ransom-arrest-6m-seizure-and-10m-reward/ - webarchive
- https://malienist.medium.com/revix-linux-ransomware-d736956150d0 - webarchive
- https://otx.alienvault.com/pulse/60da2c80aa5400db8f1561d5 - webarchive
- https://query.prod.cms.rt.microsoft.com/cms/api/am/binary/RE54L7v - webarchive
- https://russian.rt.com/russia/article/926347-barnaulec-rozysk-fbr-kibermoshennichestvo - webarchive
- https://storage.courtlistener.com/recap/gov.uscourts.txnd.351760/gov.uscourts.txnd.351760.1.0_3.pdf - webarchive
- https://storage.courtlistener.com/recap/gov.uscourts.txnd.352371/gov.uscourts.txnd.352371.1.0_1.pdf - webarchive
- https://therecord.media/us-arrests-and-charges-ukrainian-man-for-kaseya-ransomware-attack/ - webarchive
- https://threatpost.com/linux-variant-ransomware-vmwares-nas/167511/ - webarchive
- https://threatpost.com/ransomware-revil-sites-disappears/167745/ - webarchive
- https://twitter.com/AdamTheAnalyst/status/1409499591452639242?s=20 - webarchive
- https://twitter.com/IntezerLabs/status/1452980772953071619 - webarchive
- https://twitter.com/VK_Intel/status/1409601311092490248 - webarchive
- https://twitter.com/VK_Intel/status/1409601311092490248?s=20 - webarchive
- https://us-cert.cisa.gov/ncas/current-activity/2021/07/04/cisa-fbi-guidance-msps-and-their-customers-affected-kaseya-vsa - webarchive
- https://www.accenture.com/us-en/blogs/cyber-defense/moving-left-ransomware-boom - webarchive
- https://www.advintel.io/post/storm-in-safe-haven-takeaways-from-russian-authorities-takedown-of-revil - webarchive
- https://www.bbc.com/news/technology-59297187 - webarchive
- https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/revil-ransomware-shuts-down-again-after-tor-sites-were-hijacked/ - webarchive
- https://www.br.de/nachrichten/deutschland-welt/mutmasslicher-ransomware-millionaer-identifiziert,Sn3iHgJ - webarchive
- https://www.crowdstrike.com/blog/big-game-hunting-on-the-rise-again-according-to-ecrime-index/ - webarchive
- https://www.crowdstrike.com/blog/how-big-game-hunting-ttps-shifted-after-darkside-pipeline-attack/ - webarchive
- https://www.crowdstrike.com/blog/hypervisor-jackpotting-ecrime-actors-increase-targeting-of-esxi-servers/ - webarchive
- https://www.darkowl.com/blog-content/page-not-found-revil-darknet-services-offline-after-attack-last-weekend - webarchive
- https://www.darktrace.com/en/blog/staying-ahead-of-r-evils-ransomware-as-a-service-business-model/ - webarchive
- https://www.digitalshadows.com/blog-and-research/revil-analysis-of-competing-hypotheses/ - webarchive
- https://www.domaintools.com/resources/blog/the-most-prolific-ransomware-families-a-defenders-guide - webarchive
- https://www.elliptic.co/blog/revil-revealed-tracking-ransomware-negotiation-and-payment - webarchive
- https://www.fbi.gov/wanted/cyber/yevgyeniy-igoryevich-polyanin - webarchive
- https://www.fincen.gov/sites/default/files/advisory/2021-11-08/FinCEN%20Ransomware%20Advisory_FINAL_508_.pdf - webarchive
- https://www.flashpoint-intel.com/blog/interview-with-revil-affiliated-ransomware-contractor/ - webarchive
- https://www.flashpoint-intel.com/blog/revil-disappears-again/ - webarchive
- https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/ukrainian-arrested-and-charged-ransomware-attack-kaseya - webarchive
- https://www.microsoft.com/security/blog/2022/05/09/ransomware-as-a-service-understanding-the-cybercrime-gig-economy-and-how-to-protect-yourself - webarchive
- https://www.reuters.com/technology/exclusive-governments-turn-tables-ransomware-gang-revil-by-pushing-it-offline-2021-10-21/ - webarchive
- https://www.secureworks.com/blog/revil-ransomware-reemerges-after-shutdown-universal-decryptor-released - webarchive
- https://www.trendmicro.com/en_in/research/21/k/global-operations-lead-to-arrests-of-alleged-members-of-gandcrab.html - webarchive
- https://www.trendmicro.com/vinfo/us/security/news/ransomware-spotlight/ransomware-spotlight-revil - webarchive
- https://www.vmware.com/content/dam/digitalmarketing/vmware/en/pdf/docs/vmw-exposing-malware-in-linux-based-multi-cloud-environments.pdf - webarchive
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mDUMpYAOMOo - webarchive
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ptbNMlWxYnE - webarchive
- http://www.secureworks.com/research/threat-profiles/gold-southfield - webarchive
- https://areteir.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/Arete_Insight_Sodino-Ransomware_June-2020.pdf - webarchive
- https://asec.ahnlab.com/ko/19640/ - webarchive
- https://asec.ahnlab.com/ko/19860/ - webarchive
- https://awakesecurity.com/blog/threat-hunting-for-revil-ransomware/ - webarchive
- https://blag.nullteilerfrei.de/2019/11/09/api-hashing-why-and-how/ - webarchive
- https://blag.nullteilerfrei.de/2020/02/02/defeating-sodinokibi-revil-string-obfuscation-in-ghidra/ - webarchive
- https://blog.amossys.fr/sodinokibi-malware-analysis.html - webarchive
- https://blog.gigamon.com/2021/07/08/observations-and-recommendations-from-the-ongoing-revil-kaseya-incident/ - webarchive
- https://blog.group-ib.com/REvil_RaaS - webarchive
- https://blog.intel471.com/2020/03/31/revil-ransomware-as-a-service-an-analysis-of-a-ransomware-affiliate-operation/ - webarchive
- https://blog.malwarebytes.com/threat-analysis/2020/11/german-users-targeted-with-gootkit-banker-or-revil-ransomware/ - webarchive
- https://blog.morphisec.com/real-time-prevention-of-the-kaseya-vsa-supply-chain-revil-ransomware-attack - webarchive
- https://blog.redteam.pl/2020/05/sodinokibi-revil-ransomware.html - webarchive
- https://blog.sensecy.com/2020/08/20/global-ransomware-attacks-in-2020-the-top-4-vulnerabilities/ - webarchive
- https://blog.talosintelligence.com/2021/03/ctir-trends-winter-2020-21.html - webarchive
- https://blog.truesec.com/2021/07/04/kaseya-supply-chain-attack-targeting-msps-to-deliver-revil-ransomware/ - webarchive
- https://blog.truesec.com/2021/07/06/kaseya-vsa-zero-day-exploit - webarchive
- https://blogs.blackberry.com/en/2021/05/threat-thursday-dr-revil-ransomware-strikes-again-employs-double-extortion-tactics - webarchive
- https://blogs.blackberry.com/en/2021/11/revil-under-the-microscope - webarchive
- https://blogs.blackberry.com/en/2022/01/kraken-the-code-on-prometheus - webarchive
- https://cisoclub.ru/doc/otchet-kompanii-group-ib-ransomware-uncovered-2020-2021/?bp-attachment=group-ib_ransomware_uncovered_2020-2021.pdf - webarchive
- https://community.riskiq.com/article/3315064b - webarchive
- https://cti-league.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/CTI-League-Darknet-Report-2021.pdf - webarchive
- https://dissectingmalwa.re/germanwipers-big-brother-gandgrabs-kid-sodinokibi.html - webarchive
- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1MI8Z2tBhmqQ5X8Wf_ozv3dVjz5sJOs-3 - webarchive
- https://doublepulsar.com/kaseya-supply-chain-attack-delivers-mass-ransomware-event-to-us-companies-76e4ec6ec64b - webarchive
- https://download.microsoft.com/download/f/8/1/f816b8b6-bee3-41e5-b6cc-e925a5688f61/Microsoft_Digital_Defense_Report_2020_September.pdf - webarchive
- https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ph1E0onZ7TiNyG87k4WjofCKNuCafMLk/view - webarchive
- https://f.hubspotusercontent10.net/hubfs/5943619/Whitepaper-Downloads/Ransomware_in_ICS_Environments_Whitepaper_10_12_20.pdf - webarchive
- https://f.hubspotusercontent10.net/hubfs/7095517/FLINT-Kaseya-Another%20Massive%20Heist%20by%20REvil.pdf - webarchive
- https://gist.githubusercontent.com/fwosar/a63e1249bfccb8395b961d3d780c0354/raw/312b2bbc566cbee2dac7b143dc143c1913ddb729/revil.json - webarchive
- https://go.crowdstrike.com/rs/281-OBQ-266/images/Report2020CrowdStrikeGlobalThreatReport.pdf - webarchive
- https://go.crowdstrike.com/rs/281-OBQ-266/images/Report2021GTR.pdf - webarchive
- https://hatching.io/blog/ransomware-part2 - webarchive
- https://i.blackhat.com/eu-20/Wednesday/eu-20-Clarke-Its-Not-FINished-The-Evolving-Maturity-In-Ransomware-Operations-wp.pdf - webarchive
- https://i.blackhat.com/eu-20/Wednesday/eu-20-Clarke-Its-Not-FINished-The-Evolving-Maturity-In-Ransomware-Operations.pdf - webarchive
- https://ibm.ent.box.com/s/hs5pcayhbbhjvj8di5sqdpbbd88tsh89 - webarchive
- https://ics-cert.kaspersky.com/media/KASPERSKY_H1_2020_ICS_REPORT_EN.pdf - webarchive
- https://intel471.com/blog/changes-in-revil-ransomware-version-2-2 - webarchive
- https://isc.sans.edu/diary/27012 - webarchive
- https://jsac.jpcert.or.jp/archive/2020/pdf/JSAC2020_1_tamada-yamazaki-nakatsuru_en.pdf - webarchive
- https://kaseya.app.box.com/s/0ysvgss7w48nxh8k1xt7fqhbcjxhas40 - webarchive
- https://ke-la.com/darknet-threat-actors-are-not-playing-games-with-the-gaming-industry/ - webarchive
- https://ke-la.com/easy-way-in-5-ransomware-victims-had-their-pulse-secure-vpn-credentials-leaked/ - webarchive
- https://ke-la.com/how-ransomware-gangs-find-new-monetization-schemes-and-evolve-in-marketing/ - webarchive
- https://ke-la.com/ransomware-gangs-are-starting-to-look-like-oceans-11/ - webarchive
- https://ke-la.com/to-attack-or-not-to-attack-targeting-the-healthcare-sector-in-the-underground-ecosystem/ - webarchive
- https://ke-la.com/zooming-into-darknet-threats-targeting-jp-orgs-kela/ - webarchive
- https://krebsonsecurity.com/2019/07/is-revil-the-new-gandcrab-ransomware/ - webarchive
- https://krebsonsecurity.com/2021/08/ransomware-gangs-and-the-name-game-distraction/ - webarchive
- https://medium.com/@underthebreach/tracking-down-revils-lalartu-by-utilizing-multiple-osint-methods-2bf3a6c65a80 - webarchive
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Phobos exploits open or poorly secured RDP ports to sneak inside networks and execute a ransomware attack, encrypting files and demanding a ransom be paid in bitcoin for returning the files, which in this case are locked with a .phobos extension.
"synonyms" in the meta part typically refer to alternate names or labels that are associated with a particular Phobos.
Known Synonyms |
Java NotDharma |
Internal MISP references
UUID d2c7fb08-293e-453b-a213-adeb79505767
which can be used as unique global reference for Phobos
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
A new ransomware is in the dark market which encrypts all the files on the device and redirects victims to the RIG exploit kit.
Internal MISP references
UUID 7c9df1bd-9212-4ce3-b407-636e41bc4eea
which can be used as unique global reference for GetCrypt
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 300 $ |
A new ransomware family dubbed “Nemty” for the extension it adds to encrypted files has recently surfaced in the wild. According to a report from Bleeping Computer, New York-based reverse engineer Vitali Kremez posits that Nemty is possibly delivered through exposed remote desktop connections.
Internal MISP references
UUID 5fb75933-1ed5-4512-a062-d39865eedab0
which can be used as unique global reference for Nemty
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
- https://www.trendmicro.com/vinfo/us/security/news/cyber-attacks/nemty-ransomware-possibly-spreads-through-exposed-remote-desktop-connections - webarchive
- http://www.secureworks.com/research/threat-profiles/gold-mansard - webarchive
- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1MI8Z2tBhmqQ5X8Wf_ozv3dVjz5sJOs-3 - webarchive
- https://github.com/albertzsigovits/malware-notes/blob/master/Nemty.md - webarchive
- https://go.crowdstrike.com/rs/281-OBQ-266/images/Report2021GTR.pdf - webarchive
- https://labs.sentinelone.com/meet-nemty-successor-nefilim-nephilim-ransomware/ - webarchive
- https://medium.com/csis-techblog/inside-view-of-brazzzersff-infrastructure-89b9188fd145 - webarchive
- https://medium.com/csis-techblog/the-nemty-affiliate-model-13f5cf7ab66b - webarchive
- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/k-vitali/Malware-Misc-RE/master/2019-08-24-nemty-ransomware-notes.vk.raw - webarchive
- https://securelist.com/evolution-of-jsworm-ransomware/102428/ - webarchive
- https://symantec-enterprise-blogs.security.com/blogs/threat-intelligence/nemty-ransomware-trik-botnet - webarchive
- https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/fake-paypal-site-spreads-nemty-ransomware/ - webarchive
- https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/nemty-ransomware-decryptor-released-recover-files-for-free/ - webarchive
- https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/nemty-ransomware-gets-distribution-from-rig-exploit-kit/ - webarchive
- https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/new-nemty-ransomware-may-spread-via-compromised-rdp-connections/ - webarchive
- https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/three-more-ransomware-families-create-sites-to-leak-stolen-data/ - webarchive
- https://www.cronup.com/post/de-ataque-con-malware-a-incidente-de-ransomware - webarchive
- https://www.cyborgsecurity.com/cyborg_labs/hunting-ransomware-inhibiting-system-backup-or-recovery/ - webarchive
- https://www.fortinet.com/blog/threat-research/nemty-ransomware-early-stage-threat.html - webarchive
- https://www.lastline.com/labsblog/nemty-ransomware-scaling-up-apac-mailboxes-swarmed-dual-downloaders/ - webarchive
- https://www.mcafee.com/blogs/other-blogs/mcafee-labs/nemty-ransomware-learning-by-doing/ - webarchive
- https://www.ptsecurity.com/ww-en/analytics/pt-esc-threat-intelligence/paas-or-how-hackers-evade-antivirus-software/ - webarchive
- https://www.sentinelone.com/labs/karma-ransomware-an-emerging-threat-with-a-hint-of-nemty-pedigree/ - webarchive
- https://www.sentinelone.com/labs/nokoyawa-ransomware-new-karma-nemty-variant-wears-thin-disguise/ - webarchive
- https://www.symantec.broadcom.com/hubfs/SED/SED_Threat_Hunter_Reports_Alerts/SED_FY22Q2_SES_Ransomware-Threat-Landscape_WP.pdf - webarchive
- https://www.tesorion.nl/en/posts/nemty-update-decryptors-for-nemty-1-5-and-1-6/ - webarchive
- https://www.tesorion.nl/nemty-update-decryptors-for-nemty-1-5-and-1-6/ - webarchive
- https://www.welivesecurity.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/ESET_Threat_Report_Q22020.pdf - webarchive
- https://www.ransomlook.io/group/nemty - webarchive
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | ['http://zjoxyw5mkacojk5ptn2iprkivg5clow72mjkyk5ttubzxprjjnwapkad.onion'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 1000 $ |
Related clusters
To see the related clusters, click here.
Buran is a new version of the Vega ransomware strain (a.k.a. Jamper, Ghost, Buhtrap) that attacked accountants from February through April 2019. The new Buran ransomware first was discovered by nao_sec in June 2019, delivered by the RIG Exploit Kit, as reported by BleepingComputer.
Internal MISP references
UUID a92b2165-29e7-463a-b3d5-c8b7d8a25f65
which can be used as unique global reference for Buran
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
The Hildacrypt ransomware encrypts the victim’s files with a strong encryption algorithm and the filename extension .hilda until the victim pays a fee to get them back.
Internal MISP references
UUID 25fcb177-7219-4414-b5de-8aeb2e6d146f
which can be used as unique global reference for Hildacrypt
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
Mr. Dec ransomware is cryptovirus that was first spotted in mid-May 2018, and since then was updated multiple times. The ransomware encrypts all personal data on the device with the help of AES encryption algorithm and appends .[ID]random 16 characters[ID] file extension, preventing from their further usage.
"synonyms" in the meta part typically refer to alternate names or labels that are associated with a particular Mr.Dec.
Known Synonyms |
MrDec |
Sherminator |
Internal MISP references
UUID 2e8aa6da-00b1-4222-b212-c48a7348893c
which can be used as unique global reference for Mr.Dec
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
encryption | AES |
Freezing crypto ransomware encrypts user data using AES, and then requires a ransom in # BTC to return the files. Original title: not indicated in the note. The file says: FreeMe.exe
"synonyms" in the meta part typically refer to alternate names or labels that are associated with a particular Freeme.
Known Synonyms |
Freezing |
Internal MISP references
UUID 9b074569-b90c-44e6-b9b2-e6e19a48118d
which can be used as unique global reference for Freeme
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
encryption | AES |
We have dubbed this new ransomware DoppelPaymer because it shares most of its code with the BitPaymer ransomware operated by INDRIK SPIDER. However, there are a number of differences between DoppelPaymer and BitPaymer, which may signify that one or more members of INDRIK SPIDER have split from the group and forked the source code of both Dridex and BitPaymer to start their own Big Game Hunting ransomware operation.
"synonyms" in the meta part typically refer to alternate names or labels that are associated with a particular DoppelPaymer.
Known Synonyms |
BitPaymer |
FriedEx |
IEncrypt |
Pay OR Grief |
Internal MISP references
UUID 3d8989dc-9a10-4cae-ab24-ff0abed487f4
which can be used as unique global reference for DoppelPaymer
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
- https://www.crowdstrike.com/blog/doppelpaymer-ransomware-and-dridex-2/ - webarchive
- https://malpedia.caad.fkie.fraunhofer.de/details/win.doppelpaymer - webarchive
- https://aithority.com/security/doppelpaymer-ransomware-attack-sinks-a-global-motor-companys-20-million - webarchive
- https://www.zscaler.com/blogs/security-research/doppelpaymer-continues-cause-grief-through-rebranding - webarchive
- http://www.secureworks.com/research/threat-profiles/gold-heron - webarchive
- https://apnews.com/article/virus-outbreak-elections-georgia-voting-2020-voting-c191f128b36d1c0334c9d0b173daa18c - webarchive
- https://blog.chainalysis.com/reports/ransomware-connections-maze-egregor-suncrypt-doppelpaymer - webarchive
- https://cisoclub.ru/doc/otchet-kompanii-group-ib-ransomware-uncovered-2020-2021/?bp-attachment=group-ib_ransomware_uncovered_2020-2021.pdf - webarchive
- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1MI8Z2tBhmqQ5X8Wf_ozv3dVjz5sJOs-3 - webarchive
- https://go.crowdstrike.com/rs/281-OBQ-266/images/Report2020CrowdStrikeGlobalThreatReport.pdf - webarchive
- https://go.crowdstrike.com/rs/281-OBQ-266/images/Report2021GTR.pdf - webarchive
- https://i.blackhat.com/eu-20/Wednesday/eu-20-Clarke-Its-Not-FINished-The-Evolving-Maturity-In-Ransomware-Operations-wp.pdf - webarchive
- https://i.blackhat.com/eu-20/Wednesday/eu-20-Clarke-Its-Not-FINished-The-Evolving-Maturity-In-Ransomware-Operations.pdf - webarchive
- https://intel471.com/blog/ransomware-attack-access-merchants-infostealer-escrow-service/ - webarchive
- https://ke-la.com/how-ransomware-gangs-find-new-monetization-schemes-and-evolve-in-marketing/ - webarchive
- https://ke-la.com/to-attack-or-not-to-attack-targeting-the-healthcare-sector-in-the-underground-ecosystem/ - webarchive
- https://ke-la.com/zooming-into-darknet-threats-targeting-jp-orgs-kela/ - webarchive
- https://killingthebear.jorgetesta.tech/actors/evil-corp - webarchive
- https://krebsonsecurity.com/2021/08/ransomware-gangs-and-the-name-game-distraction/ - webarchive
- https://lifars.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/GriefRansomware_Whitepaper-2.pdf - webarchive
- https://medium.com/s2wlab/operation-synctrek-e5013df8d167 - webarchive
- https://public.intel471.com/blog/ransomware-as-a-service-2020-ryuk-maze-revil-egregor-doppelpaymer/ - webarchive
- https://redcanary.com/blog/grief-ransomware/ - webarchive
- https://sites.temple.edu/care/ci-rw-attacks/ - webarchive
- https://symantec.broadcom.com/hubfs/The_Ransomware_Threat_September_2021.pdf - webarchive
- https://techcrunch.com/2020/03/01/visser-breach/ - webarchive
- https://twitter.com/AltShiftPrtScn/status/1385103712918642688 - webarchive
- https://twitter.com/BrettCallow/status/1453557686830727177?s=20 - webarchive
- https://twitter.com/vikas891/status/1385306823662587905 - webarchive
- https://vulnerability.ch/2021/04/ransomware-and-date-leak-site-publication-time-analysis/ - webarchive
- https://web.archive.org/web/20210305181115/https://cisoclub.ru/doc/otchet-kompanii-group-ib-ransomware-uncovered-2020-2021/?bp-attachment=group-ib_ransomware_uncovered_2020-2021.pdf - webarchive
- https://www.armor.com/resources/threat-intelligence/the-evolution-of-doppel-spider-from-bitpaymer-to-grief-ransomware/ - webarchive
- https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/doppelpaymer-ransomware-launches-site-to-post-victims-data/ - webarchive
- https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/fake-microsoft-teams-updates-lead-to-cobalt-strike-deployment/ - webarchive
- https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/foxconn-electronics-giant-hit-by-ransomware-34-million-ransom/ - webarchive
- https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/laptop-maker-compal-hit-by-ransomware-17-million-demanded/ - webarchive
- https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/ransomware-attackers-use-your-cloud-backups-against-you/ - webarchive
- https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/three-more-ransomware-families-create-sites-to-leak-stolen-data/ - webarchive
- https://www.cert.ssi.gouv.fr/cti/CERTFR-2021-CTI-009/ - webarchive
- https://www.cert.ssi.gouv.fr/uploads/CERTFR-2020-CTI-008.pdf - webarchive
- https://www.cert.ssi.gouv.fr/uploads/CERTFR-2021-CTI-009.pdf - webarchive
- https://www.crowdstrike.com/blog/double-trouble-ransomware-data-leak-extortion-part-1 - webarchive
- https://www.crowdstrike.com/blog/double-trouble-ransomware-data-leak-extortion-part-1/ - webarchive
- https://www.crowdstrike.com/blog/how-big-game-hunting-ttps-shifted-after-darkside-pipeline-attack/ - webarchive
- https://www.crowdstrike.com/blog/how-doppelpaymer-hunts-and-kills-windows-processes/ - webarchive
- https://www.fireeye.com/blog/threat-research/2020/07/financially-motivated-actors-are-expanding-access-into-ot.html - webarchive
- https://www.heise.de/news/Uniklinik-Duesseldorf-Ransomware-DoppelPaymer-soll-hinter-dem-Angriff-stecken-4908608.html - webarchive
- https://www.hornetsecurity.com/en/security-informationen-en/leakware-ransomware-hybrid-attacks/ - webarchive
- https://www.ic3.gov/Media/News/2020/201215-1.pdf - webarchive
- https://www.mandiant.com/resources/financially-motivated-actors-are-expanding-access-into-ot - webarchive
- https://www.mandiant.com/resources/unc2165-shifts-to-evade-sanctions - webarchive
- https://www.microsoft.com/security/blog/2020/03/05/human-operated-ransomware-attacks-a-preventable-disaster/ - webarchive
- https://www.paloaltonetworks.com/content/dam/pan/en_US/assets/pdf/reports/Unit_42/unit42-ransomware-threat-report-2021.pdf - webarchive
- https://www.pwc.co.uk/issues/cyber-security-services/insights/what-is-behind-ransomware-attacks-increase.html - webarchive
- https://www.secureworks.com/research/threat-profiles/gold-heron - webarchive
- https://www.symantec.broadcom.com/hubfs/SED/SED_Threat_Hunter_Reports_Alerts/SED_FY22Q2_SES_Ransomware-Threat-Landscape_WP.pdf - webarchive
- https://www.trendmicro.com/en_us/research/21/a/an-overview-of-the-doppelpaymer-ransomware.html - webarchive
- https://www.zdnet.com/article/ransomware-gang-says-it-breached-one-of-nasas-it-contractors/ - webarchive
- https://www.zdnet.com/article/the-malware-that-usually-installs-ransomware-and-you-need-to-remove-right-away/ - webarchive
- http://www.secureworks.com/research/threat-profiles/gold-drake - webarchive
- https://assets.sentinelone.com/sentinellabs/sentinellabs_EvilCorp - webarchive
- https://blog.trendmicro.com/trendlabs-security-intelligence/account-with-admin-privileges-abused-to-install-bitpaymer-ransomware-via-psexec - webarchive
- https://blog.trendmicro.com/trendlabs-security-intelligence/ursnif-emotet-dridex-and-bitpaymer-gangs-linked-by-a-similar-loader/ - webarchive
- https://jsac.jpcert.or.jp/archive/2020/pdf/JSAC2020_1_tamada-yamazaki-nakatsuru_en.pdf - webarchive
- https://nakedsecurity.sophos.com/2018/09/11/the-rise-of-targeted-ransomware/ - webarchive
- https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/new-evil-corp-ransomware-mimics-payloadbin-gang-to-evade-us-sanctions/ - webarchive
- https://www.blueliv.com/cyber-security-and-cyber-threat-intelligence-blog-blueliv/research/everis-bitpaymer-ransomware-attack-analysis-dridex/ - webarchive
- https://www.cert.ssi.gouv.fr/uploads/CERTFR-2020-CTI-001.pdf - webarchive
- https://www.cronup.com/post/de-ataque-con-malware-a-incidente-de-ransomware - webarchive
- https://www.crowdstrike.com/blog/big-game-hunting-the-evolution-of-indrik-spider-from-dridex-wire-fraud-to-bitpaymer-targeted-ransomware/ - webarchive
- https://www.crowdstrike.com/blog/hades-ransomware-successor-to-indrik-spiders-wastedlocker/ - webarchive
- https://www.mcafee.com/blogs/other-blogs/mcafee-labs/csi-evidence-indicators-for-targeted-ransomware-attacks/ - webarchive
- https://www.pwc.co.uk/cyber-security/assets/cyber-threats-2019-retrospect.pdf - webarchive
- https://www.pwc.co.uk/cyber-security/pdf/pwc-cyber-threats-2020-a-year-in-retrospect.pdf - webarchive
- https://www.secureworks.com/research/threat-profiles/gold-drake - webarchive
- https://www.sentinelone.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/S1_-SentinelLabs_SanctionsBeDamned_final_02.pdf - webarchive
- https://www.welivesecurity.com/2018/01/26/friedex-bitpaymer-ransomware-work-dridex-authors/ - webarchive
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LUxOcpIRxmg - webarchive
- https://www.ransomlook.io/group/doppelpaymer - webarchive
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
encryption | AES |
links | ['http://hpoo4dosa3x4ognfxpqcrjwnsigvslm7kv6hvmhh2yqczaxy3j6qnwad.onion/', 'http://qkbbaxiuqqcqb5nox4np4qjcniy2q6m7yeluvj7n5i5dn7pgpcwxwfid.onion/'] |
This crypto ransomware encrypts enterprise LAN data with AES (ECB mode), and then requires a ransom in # BTC to return the files.
Internal MISP references
UUID e5288fc1-ff2a-4992-a1fb-6a8ef612de51
which can be used as unique global reference for Desync
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
encryption | AES |
Maze Ransomware encrypts files and makes them inaccessible while adding a custom extension containing part of the ID of the victim. The ransom note is placed inside a text file and an htm file. There are a few different extensions appended to files which are randomly generated.
Internal MISP references
UUID c60776a6-91dd-499b-8b4c-7940479e71fc
which can be used as unique global reference for Maze
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
- https://malpedia.caad.fkie.fraunhofer.de/details/win.maze - webarchive
- https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/maze-ransomware-now-delivered-by-spelevo-exploit-kit/ - webarchive
- https://www.proofpoint.com/us/threat-insight/post/ta2101-plays-government-imposter-distribute-malware-german-italian-and-us - webarchive
- https://techcrunch.com/2020/11/02/maze-ransomware-group-shutting-down - webarchive
- https://www.fireeye.com/blog/threat-research/2020/05/tactics-techniques-procedures-associated-with-maze-ransomware-incidents.html - webarchive
- http://www.secureworks.com/research/threat-profiles/gold-village - webarchive
- https://adversary.crowdstrike.com/adversary/twisted-spider/ - webarchive
- https://analyst1.com/blog/ransom-mafia-analysis-of-the-worlds-first-ransomware-cartel - webarchive
- https://analyst1.com/file-assets/RANSOM-MAFIA-ANALYSIS-OF-THE-WORLD%E2%80%99S-FIRST-RANSOMWARE-CARTEL.pdf - webarchive
- https://blog.chainalysis.com/reports/ransomware-connections-maze-egregor-suncrypt-doppelpaymer - webarchive
- https://blog.minerva-labs.com/egregor-ransomware-an-in-depth-analysis - webarchive
- https://blog.redteam.pl/2020/05/sodinokibi-revil-ransomware.html - webarchive
- https://blog.sensecy.com/2020/08/20/global-ransomware-attacks-in-2020-the-top-4-vulnerabilities/ - webarchive
- https://blog.talosintelligence.com/2019/12/IR-Lessons-Maze.html - webarchive
- https://blog.talosintelligence.com/2020/09/CTIR-quarterly-trends-Q4-2020.html - webarchive
- https://blog.talosintelligence.com/2020/12/quarterly-ir-report-fall-2020-q4.html - webarchive
- https://blogs.quickheal.com/maze-ransomware-continues-threat-consumers/ - webarchive
- https://cisoclub.ru/doc/otchet-kompanii-group-ib-ransomware-uncovered-2020-2021/?bp-attachment=group-ib_ransomware_uncovered_2020-2021.pdf - webarchive
- https://cti-league.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/CTI-League-Darknet-Report-2021.pdf - webarchive
- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1MI8Z2tBhmqQ5X8Wf_ozv3dVjz5sJOs-3 - webarchive
- https://download.bitdefender.com/resources/files/News/CaseStudies/study/318/Bitdefender-TRR-Whitepaper-Maze-creat4351-en-EN-GenericUse.pdf - webarchive
- https://download.microsoft.com/download/f/8/1/f816b8b6-bee3-41e5-b6cc-e925a5688f61/Microsoft_Digital_Defense_Report_2020_September.pdf - webarchive
- https://github.com/albertzsigovits/malware-notes/blob/master/Maze.md - webarchive
- https://github.com/albertzsigovits/malware-notes/blob/master/Ransomware/Maze.md - webarchive
- https://go.crowdstrike.com/rs/281-OBQ-266/images/Report2020CrowdStrikeGlobalThreatReport.pdf - webarchive
- https://go.crowdstrike.com/rs/281-OBQ-266/images/Report2021GTR.pdf - webarchive
- https://id-ransomware.blogspot.com/2019/05/chacha-ransomware.html - webarchive
- https://intel471.com/blog/conti-ransomware-cooperation-maze-lockbit-ragnar-locker - webarchive
- https://ke-la.com/how-ransomware-gangs-find-new-monetization-schemes-and-evolve-in-marketing/ - webarchive
- https://ke-la.com/to-attack-or-not-to-attack-targeting-the-healthcare-sector-in-the-underground-ecosystem/ - webarchive
- https://ke-la.com/zooming-into-darknet-threats-targeting-jp-orgs-kela/ - webarchive
- https://killbit.medium.com/applying-the-diamond-model-to-cognizant-msp-and-maze-ransomware-and-a-policy-assessment-498f01bd723f - webarchive
- https://krebsonsecurity.com/2019/12/ransomware-gangs-now-outing-victim-businesses-that-dont-pay-up/ - webarchive
- https://krebsonsecurity.com/2021/08/ransomware-gangs-and-the-name-game-distraction/ - webarchive
- https://labs.sentinelone.com/case-study-catching-a-human-operated-maze-ransomware-attack-in-action/ - webarchive
- https://labs.sentinelone.com/enter-the-maze-demystifying-an-affiliate-involved-in-maze-snow/ - webarchive
- https://media-exp1.licdn.com/dms/document/C4E1FAQHyhJYCWxq5eg/feedshare-document-pdf-analyzed/0?e=1584129600&v=beta&t=9wTDR-mZPDF4ET7ABNgE2ab9g8e9wxQrhXsxI1cSX8U - webarchive
- https://nakedsecurity.sophos.com/2020/06/04/nuclear-missile-contractor-hacked-in-maze-ransomware-attack/ - webarchive
- https://news.sophos.com/en-us/2020/05/12/maze-ransomware-1-year-counting/ - webarchive
- https://news.sophos.com/en-us/2020/09/17/maze-attackers-adopt-ragnar-locker-virtual-machine-technique/ - webarchive
- https://news.sophos.com/en-us/2020/09/22/mtr-casebook-blocking-a-15-million-maze-ransomware-attack/ - webarchive
- https://news.sophos.com/en-us/2020/12/08/egregor-ransomware-mazes-heir-apparent/ - webarchive
- https://news.sophos.com/en-us/2022/03/17/the-ransomware-threat-intelligence-center/ - webarchive
- https://oag.ca.gov/system/files/Letter%204.pdf - webarchive
- https://public.intel471.com/blog/ransomware-as-a-service-2020-ryuk-maze-revil-egregor-doppelpaymer/ - webarchive
- https://research.checkpoint.com/2020/graphology-of-an-exploit-playbit/ - webarchive
- https://s3.amazonaws.com/talos-intelligence-site/production/document_files/files/000/095/543/original/CTIR_casestudy_1.pdf - webarchive
- https://securelist.com/maze-ransomware/99137/ - webarchive
- https://securelist.com/targeted-ransomware-encrypting-data/99255/ - webarchive
- https://securityaffairs.co/wordpress/127826/malware/egregor-sekhmet-decryption-keys.html - webarchive
- https://sites.temple.edu/care/ci-rw-attacks/ - webarchive
- https://statescoop.com/baltimore-ransomware-crowdstrike-extortion/ - webarchive
- https://symantec.broadcom.com/hubfs/The_Ransomware_Threat_September_2021.pdf - webarchive
- https://techcrunch.com/2020/03/26/chubb-insurance-breach-ransomware/ - webarchive
- https://therecord.media/darkside-gang-estimated-to-have-made-over-90-million-from-ransomware-attacks/ - webarchive
- https://therecord.media/ransomwhere-project-wants-to-create-a-database-of-past-ransomware-payments/ - webarchive
- https://twitter.com/certbund/status/1192756294307995655 - webarchive
- https://us-cert.cisa.gov/ncas/alerts/aa20-345a - webarchive
- https://web.archive.org/save/https://news.cognizant.com/2020-04-18-cognizant-security-update - webarchive
- https://web.archive.org/web/20210305181115/https://cisoclub.ru/doc/otchet-kompanii-group-ib-ransomware-uncovered-2020-2021/?bp-attachment=group-ib_ransomware_uncovered_2020-2021.pdf - webarchive
- https://www.accenture.com/us-en/blogs/cyber-defense/evolving-danger-ransomware-extortion - webarchive
- https://www.bitdefender.com/files/News/CaseStudies/study/377/Bitdefender-Whitepaper-WMI-creat4871-en-EN-GenericUse.pdf - webarchive
- https://www.blackberry.com/content/dam/blackberry-com/asset/enterprise/pdf/wp-spark-state-of-ransomware.pdf - webarchive
- https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/allied-universal-breached-by-maze-ransomware-stolen-data-leaked/ - webarchive
- https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/chipmaker-maxlinear-reports-data-breach-after-maze-ransomware-attack/ - webarchive
- https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/crytek-confirms-egregor-ransomware-attack-customer-data-theft/ - webarchive
- https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/darkside-ransomware-made-90-million-in-just-nine-months/ - webarchive
- https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/data-leak-marketplaces-aim-to-take-over-the-extortion-economy/ - webarchive
- https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/it-services-giant-cognizant-suffers-maze-ransomware-cyber-attack/ - webarchive
- https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/maze-ransomware-behind-pensacola-cyberattack-1m-ransom-demand/ - webarchive
- https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/maze-ransomware-is-shutting-down-its-cybercrime-operation/ - webarchive
- https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/maze-ransomware-now-encrypts-via-virtual-machines-to-evade-detection/ - webarchive
- https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/maze-ransomware-releases-files-stolen-from-city-of-pensacola/ - webarchive
- https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/ransomware-attackers-use-your-cloud-backups-against-you/ - webarchive
- https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/ransomware-dev-releases-egregor-maze-master-decryption-keys/ - webarchive
- https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/three-more-ransomware-families-create-sites-to-leak-stolen-data/ - webarchive
- https://www.blueliv.com/cyber-security-and-cyber-threat-intelligence-blog-blueliv/escape-from-the-maze/ - webarchive
- https://www.brighttalk.com/webcast/7451/408167/navigating-maze-analysis-of-a-rising-ransomware-threat - webarchive
- https://www.cert.ssi.gouv.fr/cti/CERTFR-2021-CTI-007/ - webarchive
- https://www.cert.ssi.gouv.fr/cti/CERTFR-2021-CTI-009/ - webarchive
- https://www.cert.ssi.gouv.fr/uploads/CERTFR-2020-CTI-001.pdf - webarchive
- https://www.cert.ssi.gouv.fr/uploads/CERTFR-2021-CTI-009.pdf - webarchive
- https://www.cityofpensacola.com/DocumentCenter/View/18879/Deloitte-Executive-Summary-PDF - webarchive
- https://www.crowdstrike.com/blog/double-trouble-ransomware-data-leak-extortion-part-1 - webarchive
- https://www.crowdstrike.com/blog/double-trouble-ransomware-data-leak-extortion-part-1/ - webarchive
- https://www.crowdstrike.com/blog/double-trouble-ransomware-data-leak-extortion-part-2/ - webarchive
- https://www.crowdstrike.com/blog/maze-ransomware-deobfuscation/ - webarchive
- https://www.crowdstrike.com/blog/ransomware-preparedness-a-call-to-action/ - webarchive
- https://www.cyborgsecurity.com/cyborg_labs/hunting-ransomware-inhibiting-system-backup-or-recovery/ - webarchive
- https://www.docdroid.net/dUpPY5s/maze.pdf - webarchive
- https://www.domaintools.com/resources/blog/the-most-prolific-ransomware-families-a-defenders-guide - webarchive
- https://www.fireeye.com/blog/threat-research/2020/07/financially-motivated-actors-are-expanding-access-into-ot.html - webarchive
- https://www.fireeye.com/blog/threat-research/2021/02/melting-unc2198-icedid-to-ransomware-operations.html - webarchive
- https://www.hornetsecurity.com/en/security-informationen-en/leakware-ransomware-hybrid-attacks/ - webarchive
- https://www.mandiant.com/resources/financially-motivated-actors-are-expanding-access-into-ot - webarchive
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- https://www.microsoft.com/security/blog/2022/05/09/ransomware-as-a-service-understanding-the-cybercrime-gig-economy-and-how-to-protect-yourself - webarchive
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- https://www.proofpoint.com/us/blog/threat-insight/first-step-initial-access-leads-ransomware - webarchive
- https://www.pwc.co.uk/cyber-security/pdf/pwc-cyber-threats-2020-a-year-in-retrospect.pdf - webarchive
- https://www.secureworks.com/research/threat-profiles/gold-village - webarchive
- https://www.splunk.com/en_us/blog/security/gone-in-52-seconds-and-42-minutes-a-comparative-analysis-of-ransomware-encryption-speed.html - webarchive
- https://www.splunk.com/en_us/pdfs/resources/whitepaper/an-empirically-comparative-analysis-of-ransomware-binaries.pdf - webarchive
- https://www.telsy.com/wp-content/uploads/Maze_Vaccine.pdf - webarchive
- https://www.trellix.com/en-us/about/newsroom/stories/threat-labs/conti-leaks-examining-the-panama-papers-of-ransomware.html - webarchive
- https://www.trendmicro.com/en_us/research/20/l/the-impact-of-modern-ransomware-on-manufacturing-networks.html - webarchive
- https://www.welivesecurity.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/ESET_Threat_Report_Q22020.pdf - webarchive
- https://www.zataz.com/cyber-attaque-a-lencontre-des-serveurs-de-bouygues-construction/ - webarchive
- https://www.zdnet.com/article/ransomware-gang-publishes-tens-of-gbs-of-internal-data-from-lg-and-xerox/ - webarchive
- https://www.ransomlook.io/group/maze - webarchive
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
encryption | ChaCha20 and RSA |
links | ['http://xfr3txoorcyy7tikjgj5dk3rvo3vsrpyaxnclyohkbfp3h277ap4tiad.onion', 'http://aoacugmutagkwctu.onion/', 'https://mazedecrypt.top/'] |
Related clusters
To see the related clusters, click here.
Cyborg Ransomware
Ransomware delivered using fake Windows Update spam
Internal MISP references
UUID 0a0b9311-8cbc-4d97-b337-42c9a018ebe0
which can be used as unique global reference for Cyborg Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
extensions | ['.777'] |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['Cyborg_DECRYPT.txt'] |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://npercoco.typepad.com/.a/6a0133f264aa62970b0240a4ebff1b200b-pi'] |
A targeted email campaign has been spotted distributing the JasperLoader to victims. While the JasperLoader was originally used to then install Gootkit, Certego has observed it now being used to infect victims with a new ransomware dubbed FTCODE. Using an invoice-themed email appearing to target Italian users, the attackers attempt to convince users to allow macros in a Word document. The macro is used to run PowerShell to retrieve additional PowerShell code.
Internal MISP references
UUID 6f9b7c54-45fa-422c-97f0-0f0c015e3c4e
which can be used as unique global reference for FTCode
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
- https://www.certego.net/en/news/malware-tales-ftcode/ - webarchive
- https://exchange.xforce.ibmcloud.com/collection/FTCODE-Ransomware-45dacdc2d5cf30722ced20b9d37988c2 - webarchive
- https://malpedia.caad.fkie.fraunhofer.de/details/ps1.ftcode - webarchive
- https://www.ransomlook.io/group/ftcode - webarchive
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | ['http://qvo5sd7p5yazwbrgioky7rdu4vslxrcaeruhjr7ztn3t2pihp56ewlqd.onion/'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
price | 0.06 |
Observed for the first time in Febuary 2019, variant from CryptoMix Family, itself a variation from CryptXXX and CryptoWall family
"synonyms" in the meta part typically refer to alternate names or labels that are associated with a particular Clop.
Known Synonyms |
Cl0p |
Internal MISP references
UUID 21b349c3-ede2-4e11-abda-1444eb272eff
which can be used as unique global reference for Clop
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
- https://www.cert.ssi.gouv.fr/uploads/CERTFR-2020-CTI-001.pdf - webarchive
- https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/security/blog/2022/10/27/raspberry-robin-worm-part-of-larger-ecosystem-facilitating-pre-ransomware-activity/ - webarchive
- https://blog.malwarebytes.com/malwarebytes-news/2021/02/clop-targets-execs-ransomware-tactics-get-another-new-twist - webarchive
- https://unit42.paloaltonetworks.com/clop-ransomware - webarchive
- https://actu.fr/normandie/rouen_76540/une-rancon-apres-cyberattaque-chu-rouen-ce-reclament-pirates_29475649.html - webarchive
- https://asec.ahnlab.com/en/19542/ - webarchive
- https://asec.ahnlab.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/Analysis_ReportCLOP_Ransomware.pdf - webarchive
- https://blog.fox-it.com/2020/11/16/ta505-a-brief-history-of-their-time/ - webarchive
- https://blog.sensecy.com/2020/08/20/global-ransomware-attacks-in-2020-the-top-4-vulnerabilities/ - webarchive
- https://cisoclub.ru/doc/otchet-kompanii-group-ib-ransomware-uncovered-2020-2021/?bp-attachment=group-ib_ransomware_uncovered_2020-2021.pdf - webarchive
- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1MI8Z2tBhmqQ5X8Wf_ozv3dVjz5sJOs-3 - webarchive
- https://github.com/Tera0017/TAFOF-Unpacker - webarchive
- https://github.com/albertzsigovits/malware-notes/blob/master/Clop.md - webarchive
- https://github.com/albertzsigovits/malware-notes/blob/master/Ransomware/Clop.md - webarchive
- https://go.crowdstrike.com/rs/281-OBQ-266/images/Report2020CrowdStrikeGlobalThreatReport.pdf - webarchive
- https://go.crowdstrike.com/rs/281-OBQ-266/images/Report2021GTR.pdf - webarchive
- https://ke-la.com/how-ransomware-gangs-find-new-monetization-schemes-and-evolve-in-marketing/ - webarchive
- https://krebsonsecurity.com/2021/06/ukrainian-police-nab-six-tied-to-clop-ransomware/ - webarchive
- https://labs.sentinelone.com/breaking-ta505s-crypter-with-an-smt-solver/ - webarchive
- https://media.kasperskycontenthub.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/43/2022/06/23093553/Common-TTPs-of-the-modern-ransomware_low-res.pdf - webarchive
- https://medium.com/@Sebdraven/unpacking-clop-416b83718e0f - webarchive
- https://medium.com/s2wlab/operation-synctrek-e5013df8d167 - webarchive
- https://public.intel471.com/blog/ransomware-as-a-service-2020-ryuk-maze-revil-egregor-doppelpaymer/ - webarchive
- https://securelist.com/modern-ransomware-groups-ttps/106824/ - webarchive
- https://securingtomorrow.mcafee.com/other-blogs/mcafee-labs/clop-ransomware/ - webarchive
- https://symantec.broadcom.com/hubfs/The_Ransomware_Threat_September_2021.pdf - webarchive
- https://therecord.media/ukrainian-police-arrest-clop-ransomware-members-seize-server-infrastructure/ - webarchive
- https://twitter.com/darb0ng/status/1338692764121251840 - webarchive
- https://unit42.paloaltonetworks.com/clop-ransomware/ - webarchive
- https://vulnerability.ch/2021/04/ransomware-and-date-leak-site-publication-time-analysis/ - webarchive
- https://web.archive.org/web/20210305181115/https://cisoclub.ru/doc/otchet-kompanii-group-ib-ransomware-uncovered-2020-2021/?bp-attachment=group-ib_ransomware_uncovered_2020-2021.pdf - webarchive
- https://www.advanced-intel.com/post/adversarial-perspective-advintel-breach-avoidance-through-monitoring-initial-vulnerabilities - webarchive
- https://www.binance.com/en/blog/421499824684902240/Binance-Helps-Take-Down-Cybercriminal-Ring-Laundering-%24500M-in-Ransomware-Attacks - webarchive
- https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/clop-ransomware-gang-is-back-hits-21-victims-in-a-single-month/ - webarchive
- https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/cryptomix-clop-ransomware-says-its-targeting-networks-not-computers/ - webarchive
- https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/indiabulls-group-hit-by-clop-ransomware-gets-24h-leak-deadline/ - webarchive
- https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/ransomware-gang-says-they-stole-2-million-credit-cards-from-e-land/ - webarchive
- https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/ransomware-gang-urges-victims-customers-to-demand-a-ransom-payment/ - webarchive
- https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/ta505-hackers-behind-maastricht-university-ransomware-attack/ - webarchive
- https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/three-more-ransomware-families-create-sites-to-leak-stolen-data/ - webarchive
- https://www.boho.or.kr/filedownload.do?attach_file_seq=2808&attach_file_id=EpF2808.pdf - webarchive
- https://www.bsi.bund.de/SharedDocs/Downloads/DE/BSI/Publikationen/Lageberichte/Lagebericht2020.pdf?__blob=publicationFile&v=2 - webarchive
- https://www.carbonblack.com/blog/cb-tau-threat-intelligence-notification-cryptomix-clop-ransomware-disables-startup-repair-removes-edits-shadow-volume-copies/ - webarchive
- https://www.cert.ssi.gouv.fr/cti/CERTFR-2019-CTI-009/ - webarchive
- https://www.cert.ssi.gouv.fr/uploads/CERTFR-2020-CTI-006.pdf - webarchive
- https://www.cert.ssi.gouv.fr/uploads/CERTFR-2020-CTI-009.pdf - webarchive
- https://www.coveware.com/blog/ransomware-attack-vectors-shift-as-new-software-vulnerability-exploits-abound - webarchive
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- https://www.crowdstrike.com/blog/how-big-game-hunting-ttps-shifted-after-darkside-pipeline-attack/ - webarchive
- https://www.fireeye.com/blog/threat-research/2021/02/accellion-fta-exploited-for-data-theft-and-extortion.html - webarchive
- https://www.flashpoint-intel.com/blog/cl0p-and-revil-escalate-their-ransomware-tactics/ - webarchive
- https://www.fsec.or.kr/common/proc/fsec/bbs/163/fileDownLoad/2297.do - webarchive
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- https://www.ransomlook.io/group/clop - webarchive
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
TTP | ['Data Obfuscation - T1001', 'OS Credential Dumping - T1003', 'Data from Local System - T1005', 'Exfiltration Over Other Network Medium - T1011', 'Query Registry - T1012', 'System Network Configuration Discovery - T1016', 'Remote System Discovery - T1018', 'Automated Exfiltration - T1020', 'Remote Services - T1021', 'SMB/Windows Admin Shares - T1021.002', 'Obfuscated Files or Information - T1027', 'Masquerading - T1036', 'Invalid Code Signature - T1036.001', 'Boot or Logon Initialization Scripts - T1037', 'Exfiltration Over Alternative Protocol - T1048', 'Exfiltration Over Physical Medium - T1052', 'Scheduled Task/Job - T1053', 'Process Injection - T1055', 'Dynamic-link Library Injection - T1055.001', 'Input Capture - T1056', 'Process Discovery - T1057', 'Command and Scripting Interpreter - T1059', 'Security Software Discovery - T1063', 'Exploitation for Privilege Escalation - T1068', 'Permission Groups Discovery - T1069', 'Indicator Removal - T1070', 'Clear Windows Event Logs - T1070.001', 'File Deletion - T1070.004', 'Application Layer Protocol - T1071', 'Data Staged - T1074', 'Valid Accounts - T1078', 'System Information Discovery - T1082', 'File and Directory Discovery - T1083', 'Account Discovery - T1087', 'Proxy - T1090', 'Account Manipulation - T1098', 'Web Service - T1102', 'Native API - T1106', 'Brute Force - T1110', 'Email Collection - T1114', 'Trusted Developer Utilities Proxy Execution - T1127', 'Data Encoding - T1132', 'Access Token Manipulation - T1134', 'Create Account - T1136', 'Office Application Startup - T1137', 'Deobfuscate/Decode Files or Information - T1140', 'Exploit Public-Facing Application - T1190', 'Supply Chain Compromise - T1195', 'Indirect Command Execution - T1202', 'User Execution - T1204', 'Traffic Signaling - T1205', 'Data from Information Repositories - T1213', 'System Script Proxy Execution - T1216', 'System Binary Proxy Execution - T1218', 'File and Directory Permissions Modification - T1222', 'Execution Guardrails - T1480', 'Domain or Tenant Policy Modification - T1484', 'Group Policy Modification - T1484.001', 'Data Encrypted for Impact - T1486', 'Inhibit System Recovery - T1490', 'Defacement - T1491', 'Virtualization/Sandbox Evasion - T1497', 'Network Denial of Service - T1498', 'Endpoint Denial of Service - T1499', 'Server Software Component - T1505', 'Software Discovery - T1518', 'Pre-OS Boot - T1542', 'Create or Modify System Process - T1543', 'Windows Service - T1543.003', 'Event Triggered Execution - T1546', 'Boot or Logon Autostart Execution - T1547', 'Abuse Elevation Control Mechanism - T1548', 'Use Alternate Authentication Material - T1550', 'Unsecured Credentials - T1552', 'Subvert Trust Controls - T1553', 'Credentials from Password Stores - T1555', 'Modify Authentication Process - T1556', 'Adversary-in-the-Middle - T1557', 'Steal or Forge Kerberos Tickets - T1558', 'Inter-Process Communication - T1559', 'Archive Collected Data - T1560', 'Disk Wipe - T1561', 'Impair Defenses - T1562', 'Disable or Modify Tools - T1562.001', 'Remote Service Session Hijacking - T1563', 'Hide Artifacts - T1564', 'Data Manipulation - T1565', 'Phishing - T1566', 'Spearphishing Attachment - T1566.001', 'Exfiltration Over Web Service - T1567', 'Dynamic Resolution - T1568', 'System Services - T1569', 'Lateral Tool Transfer - T1570', 'Encrypted Channel - T1573', 'Hijack Execution Flow - T1574', 'Modify Cloud Compute Infrastructure - T1578', 'Acquire Infrastructure - T1583', 'Compromise Infrastructure - T1584', 'Establish Accounts - T1585', 'Compromise Accounts - T1586', 'Develop Capabilities - T1587', 'Obtain Capabilities - T1588', 'Gather Victim Identity Information - T1589', 'Gather Victim Network Information - T1590', 'Gather Victim Org Information - T1591', 'Gather Victim Host Information - T1592', 'Search Open Websites/Domains - T1593', 'Active Scanning - T1595', 'Search Open Technical Databases - T1596', 'Search Closed Sources - T1597', 'Phishing for Information - T1598', 'Network Boundary Bridging - T1599', 'Weaken Encryption - T1600', 'Modify System Image - T1601', 'Data from Configuration Repository - T1602', 'Forge Web Credentials - T1606', 'Stage Capabilities - T1608', 'System Location Discovery - T1614'] |
extensions | ['.CIop', '.Clop', '.Ciop', '.Clop2', '.clop', '.CIIp', '.Cllp', '.C_L_O_P'] |
links | ['http://ekbgzchl6x2ias37.onion', 'http://santat7kpllt6iyvqbr7q4amdv6dzrh6paatvyrzl7ry3zm72zigf4ad.onion/', 'http://3ws3t4uo7fehnn4qpmadk3zjrxta5xlt3gsc5mx4sztrsy7ficuz5ayd.onion/', 'http://amnwxasjtjc6e42siac6t45mhbkgtycrx5krv7sf5festvqxmnchuayd.onion/', 'http://qahjimrublt35jlv4teesicrw6zhpwhkb6nhtonwxuqafmjhr7hax2id.onion/', 'http://npkoxkuygikbkpuf5yxte66um727wmdo2jtpg2djhb2e224i4r25v7ad.onion', 'http://6v4q5w7di74grj2vtmikzgx2tnq5eagyg2cubpcnqrvvee2ijpmprzqd.onion/remote0/', 'http://l4rdimrqyonulqjttebry4t6wuzgjv5m62rnpjho3q22a6maf6d5evyd.onion/', 'http://frgp3f3u2ddafv4ny7tqn6tc674m6fyymyywoaxot7xskbjmiyhhsyqd.onion/', 'http://htmxyptur5wfjrd7uvg23snupub2pbtlfelk45n37b3augl2w4eearid.onion/remote0/'] |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['ClopReadMe.txt', 'README_README.txt', 'Cl0pReadMe.txt', 'READ_ME_!!!.TXT'] |
Related clusters
To see the related clusters, click here.
A new infection is being distributed by porn sites that tries to blackmail a victim into paying a ransom by stating they will tell law enforcement that the victim is spreading child porn. This is done by collecting information about the user, including screen shots of their active desktop, in order to catch them in compromising situations.
Internal MISP references
UUID a1a730e2-f1a4-4d7b-9930-80529cd97f3c
which can be used as unique global reference for PornBlackmailer
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
ransomnotes | ['https://www.bleepstatic.com/images/news/malware/b/blackmailware/pornblackmailer/ransom-note.jpg'] |
This crypto-extortioner encrypts user data using AES, and then requires a $ 30- $ 50- $ 80 buy- back to BTC to return the files. The name is original. Written on AutoIt.
Internal MISP references
UUID 303a07bf-c990-4fbe-ac7d-57b8c3cb29b6
which can be used as unique global reference for KingOuroboros
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
ransomnotes | ['Your files has been safely encrypted\n---\nEncrypted files: 276\n*\n---\n[Buy Bitcoins] [Decrypt Files] (Decryptionkey)\n---\nThe only way you can recover your files is to buy a decryption key\nThe payment method is: Bitcoin. The price is: $50 = Bitcoins\nAfter buying the amount of bitcoins send an email\nto king.ouroboros@protonmail.com Your ID: **\nWe will provide you with payment address and your decryption key.\nYou have 72 Hours to complete the payment otherwise your key will be deleted.'] |
MAFIA Ransomware
The ransomware appears to target users in Korea, and may have been developed with at least knowledge of the Korean language.
"synonyms" in the meta part typically refer to alternate names or labels that are associated with a particular MAFIA Ransomware.
Known Synonyms |
Mafia |
Internal MISP references
UUID 9ea6333f-1437-4a57-8acc-d73019378ef2
which can be used as unique global reference for MAFIA Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
5ss5c Ransomware
The cybercrime group that brought us Satan, DBGer and Lucky ransomware and perhaps Iron ransomware, has now come up with a new version or rebranding named 5ss5c. [...] It will however only encrypt files with the following extensions: 7z, bak, cer, csv, db, dbf, dmp, docx, eps, ldf, mdb, mdf, myd, myi, ora, pdf, pem, pfx, ppt, pptx, psd, rar, rtf, sql, tar, txt, vdi, vmdk, vmx, xls, xlsx, zip
Internal MISP references
UUID 8ac9fc73-05db-4be8-8f46-33bbd6b3502b
which can be used as unique global reference for 5ss5c Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['如何解密我的文件.txt'] |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-T0B4txHlNHs/Xh4-raVFVtI/AAAAAAAACTE/R-YoW8QHFLsuD140AF9vD-_rOifULExUgCLcBGAsYHQ/s1600/note.PNG'] |
Nodera Ransomware
Nodera is a ransomware family that uses the Node.js framework and was discovered by Quick Heal researchers. The infection chain starts with a VBS script embedded with multiple JavaScript files. Upon execution, a directory is created and both the main node.exe program and several required NodeJS files are downloaded into the directory. Additionally, a malicious JavaScript payload that performs the encryption process is saved in this directory. After checking that it has admin privileges and setting applicable variables, the malicious JavaScript file enumerates the drives to create a list of targets. Processes associated with common user file types are stopped and volume shadow copies are deleted. Finally, all user-specific files on the C: drive and all files on other drives are encrypted and are appended with a .encrypted extension. The ransom note containing instructions on paying the Bitcoin ransom are provided along with a batch script to be used for decryption after obtaining the private key. Some mistakes in the ransom note identified by the researchers include the fact that it mentions a 2048-bit RSA public key instead of 4096-bit (the size that was actually used), a hard-coded private key destruction time dating back almost 2 years ago, and a lack of instructions for how the private key will be obtained after the ransom is paid. These are signs that the ransomware may be in the development phase and was likely written by an amateur. For more information, see the QuickHeal blog post in the Reference section below.
"synonyms" in the meta part typically refer to alternate names or labels that are associated with a particular Nodera Ransomware.
Known Synonyms |
Nodera |
Internal MISP references
UUID 0529c53a-afe7-4549-899e-3f8735467f96
which can be used as unique global reference for Nodera Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
extensions | ['.encrypted'] |
Discovered in May 2019. dropped throught networks compromised by trojan like Emotet or TrickBot. Tools and methods used are similar to LockerGoga
Internal MISP references
UUID f1041289-f42b-416f-b649-7bb8e543011f
which can be used as unique global reference for MegaCortex
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
Related clusters
To see the related clusters, click here.
Detected in April 2019. Known for paralyzing the cities of Baltimore and Greenville. Probably also exfiltrate data
"synonyms" in the meta part typically refer to alternate names or labels that are associated with a particular RobinHood.
Known Synonyms |
HelpYemen |
Internal MISP references
UUID 000fb0bf-8be3-4ff1-8bbd-cc0513bcdd89
which can be used as unique global reference for RobinHood
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
- https://www.cert.ssi.gouv.fr/uploads/CERTFR-2020-CTI-001.pdf - webarchive
- https://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2019/05/baltimore-city-government-hit-by-robbinhood-ransomware/ - webarchive
- https://blogs.quickheal.com/a-new-ransomware-goodwill-hacks-the-victims-for-charity-read-more-to-know-more-about-this-ransomware-and-how-it-affects-its-victims/ - webarchive
- https://download.microsoft.com/download/f/8/1/f816b8b6-bee3-41e5-b6cc-e925a5688f61/Microsoft_Digital_Defense_Report_2020_September.pdf - webarchive
- https://go.crowdstrike.com/rs/281-OBQ-266/images/Report2020CrowdStrikeGlobalThreatReport.pdf - webarchive
- https://goggleheadedhacker.com/blog/post/12 - webarchive
- https://krebsonsecurity.com/2019/06/report-no-eternal-blue-exploit-found-in-baltimore-city-ransomware/ - webarchive
- https://news.sophos.com/en-us/2020/02/06/living-off-another-land-ransomware-borrows-vulnerable-driver-to-remove-security-software/ - webarchive
- https://news.sophos.com/en-us/2022/03/17/the-ransomware-threat-intelligence-center/ - webarchive
- https://statescoop.com/baltimore-ransomware-crowdstrike-extortion/ - webarchive
- https://twitter.com/VK_Intel/status/1121440931759128576 - webarchive
- https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/a-closer-look-at-the-robbinhood-ransomware/ - webarchive
- https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/ransomware-exploits-gigabyte-driver-to-kill-av-processes/ - webarchive
- https://www.boll.ch/datasheets/WG_Threat_Report_EN.pdf - webarchive
- https://www.crowdstrike.com/blog/double-trouble-ransomware-data-leak-extortion-part-1/ - webarchive
- https://www.microsoft.com/security/blog/2020/03/05/human-operated-ransomware-attacks-a-preventable-disaster/ - webarchive
- https://www.microsoft.com/security/blog/2020/04/28/ransomware-groups-continue-to-target-healthcare-critical-services-heres-how-to-reduce-risk/ - webarchive
- https://www.sentinelone.com/blog/robinhood-ransomware-coolmaker-function-not-cool/ - webarchive
- https://www.welivesecurity.com/2022/01/11/signed-kernel-drivers-unguarded-gateway-windows-core/ - webarchive
- https://www.ransomlook.io/group/robinhood - webarchive
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | ['https://robinhoodleaks.tumblr.com'] |
Bart ransomware
Bart ransomware is distributed by the same Russian Cyber Mafia behind Dridex 220 and Locky. Bart doesn't communicate with a command and control (C&C) server, so it can encrypt files without being connected to a computer. Bart is spread to end users via phishing emails containing .zip attachments with JavaScript Code and use social engineering to trick users into opening the 'photo' attachments. The zipped files are obfuscated to make it more hard to tell what actions they are performing. See screenshot above for an example of what they look like. If opened, these attachments download and install the intermediary loader RockLoader which downloads Bart onto the machine over HTTPS. Once executed, it will first check the language on the infected computer. If the malware detects Russian, Belorussian, or Ukrainian, the ransomware will terminate and will not proceed with the infection. If it's any other language, it will start scanning the computer for certain file extensions to encrypt. Because Bart does not require communication with C&C infrastructure prior to encrypting files, Bart could possibly encrypt machines sitting behind corporate firewalls that would otherwise block such traffic. Thus, organizations need to ensure that Bart is blocked at the email gateway using rules that block zipped executables.
"synonyms" in the meta part typically refer to alternate names or labels that are associated with a particular Bart ransomware.
Known Synonyms |
Locky Bart |
Internal MISP references
UUID 05d5263f-ec23-4279-bb98-55fc233d7e89
which can be used as unique global reference for Bart ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
Razor was discovered by dnwls0719, it is a part of Garrantydecrypt ransomware family. Like many other programs of this type, Razor is designed to encrypt files (make them unusable/inaccessible), change their filenames, create a ransom note and change victim's desktop wallpaper. Razor renames files by appending the ".razor" extension to their filenames. For example, it renames "1.jpg" to "1.jpg.razor", and so on. It creates a ransom note which is a text file named "#RECOVERY#.txt", this file contains instructions on how to contact Razor's developers (cyber criminals) and other details. As stated in the "#RECOVERY#.txt" file, this ransomware encrypts all files and information about how to purchase a decryption tool can be received by contacting Razor's developers. Victims supposed to contact them via razor2020@protonmail.ch, Jabber client (razor2020@jxmpp.jp) or ICQ client (@razor2020) and wait for further instructions. It is very likely that they will name a price of a decryption tool and/or key and provide cryptocurrency wallet's address that should be used to make a transaction. However, it is never a good idea to trust (pay) any cyber criminals/ransomware developers. It is common that they do not provide decryption tools even after a payment. Another problem is that ransomware-type programs encrypt files with strong encryption algorithms and their developers are the only ones who have tools that can decrypt files encrypted by their ransomware. In most cases victims have the only free and safe option: to restore files from a backup. Also, it is worth mentioning that files remain encrypted even after uninstallation of ransomware, its removal only prevents it from causing further encryptions.
Internal MISP references
UUID ea35282c-0686-4115-a001-bc4203549418
which can be used as unique global reference for Razor
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
extensions | ['.razor'] |
ransomnotes | ['All your files have been ENCRYPTED!!!\nWrite to our email: \n razor2020@protonmail.ch\n ICQ:\n @razor2020\n Or contact us via jabber:\n razor2020@jxmpp.jp\nJabber (Pidgin) client installation instructions, you can find on youtube - hxxps://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=pidgin+jabber+install\nAttention!\nDo not rename encrypted files.\nDo not try to decrypt your data using third party software, it may cause permanent data loss.\ntell your unique ID'] |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['#RECOVERY#.txt'] |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://www.pcrisk.com/images/stories/screenshots202002/razor-ransom-note.jpg'] |
Internal MISP references
UUID 42148074-196b-4f8c-b149-12163fc385fa
which can be used as unique global reference for Wadhrama
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
Related clusters
To see the related clusters, click here.
Mespinoza ransomware is used at least since october 2018. First versions used the common extension ".locked". SInce december 2019 a new version in open sourced and documented, this new version uses the ".pyza" extension.
"synonyms" in the meta part typically refer to alternate names or labels that are associated with a particular Mespinoza.
Known Synonyms |
Pysa |
Pyza |
Internal MISP references
UUID deed3c10-93b6-41b9-b150-f4dd1b665d87
which can be used as unique global reference for Mespinoza
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
- https://www.cert.ssi.gouv.fr/cti/CERTFR-2020-CTI-002/ - webarchive
- https://www.cert.ssi.gouv.fr/uploads/CERTFR-2020-CTI-002.pdf - webarchive
- https://www.cert.ssi.gouv.fr/uploads/CERTFR-2020-CTI-003.pdf - webarchive
- https://www.ic3.gov/Media/News/2021/210316.pdf - webarchive
- https://blog.malwarebytes.com/threat-spotlight/2021/03/pysa-the-ransomware-attacking-schools - webarchive
- http://www.secureworks.com/research/threat-profiles/gold-burlap - webarchive
- https://blog.cyble.com/2021/11/29/pysa-ransomware-under-the-lens-a-deep-dive-analysis/ - webarchive
- https://blogs.blackberry.com/en/2021/06/pysa-loves-chachi-a-new-golang-rat - webarchive
- https://dissectingmalwa.re/another-one-for-the-collection-mespinoza-pysa-ransomware.html - webarchive
- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1MI8Z2tBhmqQ5X8Wf_ozv3dVjz5sJOs-3 - webarchive
- https://go.crowdstrike.com/rs/281-OBQ-266/images/Report2021GTR.pdf - webarchive
- https://id-ransomware.blogspot.com/2019/10/mespinoza-ransomware.html - webarchive
- https://ke-la.com/how-ransomware-gangs-find-new-monetization-schemes-and-evolve-in-marketing/ - webarchive
- https://media.kasperskycontenthub.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/43/2022/06/23093553/Common-TTPs-of-the-modern-ransomware_low-res.pdf - webarchive
- https://public.intel471.com/blog/ransomware-as-a-service-2020-ryuk-maze-revil-egregor-doppelpaymer/ - webarchive
- https://securelist.com/modern-ransomware-groups-ttps/106824/ - webarchive
- https://thedfirreport.com/2020/11/23/pysa-mespinoza-ransomware/ - webarchive
- https://twitter.com/campuscodi/status/1347223969984897026 - webarchive
- https://twitter.com/inversecos/status/1456486725664993287 - webarchive
- https://unit42.paloaltonetworks.com/gasket-and-magicsocks-tools-install-mespinoza-ransomware/ - webarchive
- https://vulnerability.ch/2021/04/ransomware-and-date-leak-site-publication-time-analysis/ - webarchive
- https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/ransomware-gangs-script-shows-exactly-the-files-theyre-after/ - webarchive
- https://www.cybereason.com/blog/threat-analysis-report-inside-the-destructive-pysa-ransomware - webarchive
- https://www.cyborgsecurity.com/cyborg_labs/hunting-ransomware-inhibiting-system-backup-or-recovery/ - webarchive
- https://www.hhs.gov/sites/default/files/mespinoza-goldburlap-cyborgspider-analystnote-tlpwhite.pdf - webarchive
- https://www.hornetsecurity.com/en/security-informationen-en/leakware-ransomware-hybrid-attacks/ - webarchive
- https://www.lacework.com/blog/pysa-ransomware-gang-adds-linux-support/ - webarchive
- https://www.prodaft.com/m/reports/PYSA_TLPWHITE_3.0.pdf - webarchive
- https://www.prodaft.com/resource/detail/pysa-ransomware-group-depth-analysis - webarchive
- https://www.sentinelone.com/blog/from-the-front-lines-peering-into-a-pysa-ransomware-attack/ - webarchive
- https://www.splunk.com/en_us/blog/security/gone-in-52-seconds-and-42-minutes-a-comparative-analysis-of-ransomware-encryption-speed.html - webarchive
- https://www.splunk.com/en_us/pdfs/resources/whitepaper/an-empirically-comparative-analysis-of-ransomware-binaries.pdf - webarchive
- https://www.symantec.broadcom.com/hubfs/SED/SED_Threat_Hunter_Reports_Alerts/SED_FY22Q2_SES_Ransomware-Threat-Landscape_WP.pdf - webarchive
- https://www.zdnet.com/article/france-warns-of-new-ransomware-gang-targeting-local-governments/ - webarchive
- https://www.ransomlook.io/group/pysa - webarchive
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
colt-average | 70d |
colt-median | 66d |
extensions | ['.pyza', '.locked', '.pysa'] |
links | ['http://pysa2bitc5ldeyfak4seeruqymqs4sj5wt5qkcq7aoyg4h2acqieywad.onion/partners.html'] |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['RECOVER_YOUR_DATA.txt'] |
A new ransomware called CoronaVirus has been distributed through a fake web site pretending to promote the system optimization software and utilities from WiseCleaner. With the increasing fears and anxiety of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak, an attacker has started to build a campaign to distribute a malware cocktail consisting of the CoronaVirus Ransomware and the Kpot information-stealing Trojan. This new ransomware was discovered by MalwareHunterTeam and after further digging into the source of the file, we have been able to determine how the threat actor plans on distributing the ransomware and possible clues suggesting that it may actually be a wiper.
Internal MISP references
UUID 575b2b3c-d762-4ba6-acbd-51ecdb57249f
which can be used as unique global reference for CoronaVirus
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['CoronaVirus.txt'] |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://www.bleepstatic.com/images/news/ransomware/c/coronavirus-ransomware/ransom-note.jpg', 'https://www.bleepstatic.com/images/news/ransomware/c/coronavirus-ransomware/mbr-locker.jpg', 'https://www.bleepstatic.com/images/news/ransomware/c/coronavirus-ransomware/changed-mbrlocker-screen.jpg'] |
Snake Ransomware
Snake ransomware first attracted the attention of malware analysts in January 2020 when they observed the crypto-malware family targeting entire corporate networks. Shortly after this discovery, the threat quieted down. It produced few new detected infections in the wild for the next few months. That was until May 4, when ID Ransomware registered a sudden spike in submissions for the ransomware.
Internal MISP references
UUID e390e1bb-2af1-4139-8e61-6e534d707dfb
which can be used as unique global reference for Snake Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
- https://www.cybersecurity-insiders.com/meet-the-snake-ransomware-which-encrypts-all-connected-devices/ - webarchive
- https://www.tripwire.com/state-of-security/security-data-protection/massive-spike-in-snake-ransomware-activity-attributed-to-new-campaign/ - webarchive
- https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/large-scale-snake-ransomware-campaign-targets-healthcare-more/ - webarchive
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['Decrypt-Your-Files.txt'] |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://www.bleepstatic.com/images/news/ransomware/s/SNAKE/may-2020-campaign/snake-ransom-note.jpg'] |
Anomali researchers have observed a new ransomware family, dubbed eCh0raix, targeting QNAP Network Attached Storage (NAS) devices. QNAP devices are created by the Taiwanese company QNAP Systems, Inc., and contain device storage and media player functionality, amongst others. The devices appear to be compromised by brute forcing weak credentials and exploiting known vulnerabilities in targeted attacks. The malicious payload encrypts the targeted file extensions on the NAS using AES encryption and appends .encrypt extension to the encrypted files. The ransom note created by the ransomware has the form shown below. eCh0raix was first seen in June 2019, after victims began reporting ransomware attacks in a forum topic on BleepingComputer. On June 1st, 2020, there has been a sudden surge of eCh0raix victims seeking help in our forums and submissions to the ransomware identification site ID-Ransomware.
Internal MISP references
UUID f3ded787-783e-4c6b-909a-8da01254380c
which can be used as unique global reference for eCh0raix
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
- https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/ongoing-ech0raix-ransomware-campaign-targets-qnap-nas-devices/ - webarchive
- https://www.anomali.com/blog/the-ech0raix-ransomware - webarchive
- https://blog.netlab.360.com/qnap-nas-users-make-sure-you-check-your-system/ - webarchive
- https://documents.trendmicro.com/assets/pdf/wp-backing-your-backup-defending-nas-devices-against-evolving-threats.pdf - webarchive
- https://intezer.com/blog/linux/elf-malware-analysis-101-linux-threats-no-longer-an-afterthought - webarchive
- https://unit42.paloaltonetworks.com/ech0raix-ransomware-soho/ - webarchive
- https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/qnap-warns-of-ech0raix-ransomware-attacks-roon-server-zero-day/ - webarchive
- https://www.ibm.com/downloads/cas/Z81AVOY7 - webarchive
- https://www.intezer.com/blog-russian-cybercrime-group-fullofdeep-behind-qnapcrypt-ransomware-campaigns/ - webarchive
- https://www.intezer.com/blog-seizing-15-active-ransomware-campaigns-targeting-linux-file-storage-servers/ - webarchive
- https://www.intezer.com/blog/malware-analysis/when-viruses-mutate-did-suncrypt-ransomware-evolve-from-qnapcrypt - webarchive
- https://www.qnap.com/en/security-advisory/QSA-20-02 - webarchive
- https://www.vmware.com/content/dam/digitalmarketing/vmware/en/pdf/docs/vmw-exposing-malware-in-linux-based-multi-cloud-environments.pdf - webarchive
- https://www.ransomlook.io/group/ech0raix - webarchive
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
extensions | ['.encrypt'] |
links | ['http://veqlxhq7ub5qze3qy56zx2cig2e6tzsgxdspkubwbayqije6oatma6id.onion', 'http://7zvu7njrx7q734kvk435ntuf37gfll2pu46fmrfoweczwpk2rhp444yd.onion'] |
ransomnotes | ['All your data has been locked(crypted).\n\u200bHow to unclock(decrypt) instruction located in this TOR website:\nhttp://sg3dwqfpnr4sl5hh.onion/order/[Bitcoin address]\nUse TOR browser for access .onion websites.\nhttps://duckduckgo.com/html?q=tor+browser+how+to\n\nDo NOT remove this file and NOT remove last line in this file!\n[base64 encoded encrypted data]'] |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['README_FOR_DECRYPT.txt'] |
The threat group behind this malware seems to operate by hacking into companies, stealing sensitive data, and then running Egregor to encrypt all the files. According to the ransom note, if the ransom is not paid by the company within 3 days, and aside from leaking part of the stolen data, they will distribute via mass media where the company's partners and clients will know that the company was attacked.
Internal MISP references
UUID 8bd094a7-103f-465f-8640-18dcc53042e5
which can be used as unique global reference for Egregor
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
- https://www.appgate.com/news-press/appgate-labs-analyzes-new-family-of-ransomware-egregor - webarchive
- https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/crytek-hit-by-egregor-ransomware-ubisoft-data-leaked/ - webarchive
- https://cybersecuritynews.com/egregor-ransomware/ - webarchive
- https://securityboulevard.com/2020/10/egregor-sekhmets-cousin/ - webarchive
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['RECOVER-FILES.txt'] |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://www.bleepstatic.com/images/news/columns/week-in-ransomware/2020/september/25/egregor.jpg', 'https://2kjpox12cnap3zv36440iue7-wpengine.netdna-ssl.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/egregor-ransom-demanding-message.png'] |
Related clusters
To see the related clusters, click here.
SunCrypt ransomware was discovered in October 2019 and in August 2020 it was added to Maze ransomware’s cartel. It also follows some of Maze’s tactics, techniques, and procedures. SunCrypt is launched and installed using an obfuscated PowerShell script. Infected email attachments (macros), torrent websites, malicious ads act as carriers for this ransomware.
"synonyms" in the meta part typically refer to alternate names or labels that are associated with a particular SunCrypt.
Known Synonyms |
Sun |
Suncrypt |
Internal MISP references
UUID 4fa25527-99f6-42ee-aaf2-7ca395e5fabc
which can be used as unique global reference for SunCrypt
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
- https://www.acronis.com/en-us/blog/posts/suncrypt-adopts-attacking-techniques-netwalker-and-maze-ransomware - webarchive
- https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/suncrypt-ransomware-sheds-light-on-the-maze-ransomware-cartel/ - webarchive
- https://securityboulevard.com/2020/09/the-curious-case-of-suncrypt/ - webarchive
- https://www.tetradefense.com/incident-response-services/cause-and-effect-suncrypt-ransomware-analysis - webarchive
- https://www.intezer.com/blog/malware-analysis/when-viruses-mutate-did-suncrypt-ransomware-evolve-from-qnapcrypt - webarchive
- https://analyst1.com/blog/ransom-mafia-analysis-of-the-worlds-first-ransomware-cartel - webarchive
- https://analyst1.com/file-assets/RANSOM-MAFIA-ANALYSIS-OF-THE-WORLD%E2%80%99S-FIRST-RANSOMWARE-CARTEL.pdf - webarchive
- https://blog.chainalysis.com/reports/ransomware-connections-maze-egregor-suncrypt-doppelpaymer - webarchive
- https://blog.minerva-labs.com/suncrypt-ransomware-gains-new-abilities-in-2022 - webarchive
- https://cdn.pathfactory.com/assets/10555/contents/394789/0dd521f8-aa64-4517-834e-bc852e9ab95d.pdf - webarchive
- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1MI8Z2tBhmqQ5X8Wf_ozv3dVjz5sJOs-3 - webarchive
- https://go.crowdstrike.com/rs/281-OBQ-266/images/Report2021GTR.pdf - webarchive
- https://ke-la.com/to-attack-or-not-to-attack-targeting-the-healthcare-sector-in-the-underground-ecosystem/ - webarchive
- https://medium.com/@sapphirex00/diving-into-the-sun-suncrypt-a-new-neighbour-in-the-ransomware-mafia-d89010c9df83 - webarchive
- https://medium.com/s2wlab/case-analysis-of-suncrypt-ransomware-negotiation-and-bitcoin-transaction-43a2194ac0bc - webarchive
- https://medium.com/s2wlab/w4-july-en-story-of-the-week-ransomware-on-the-darkweb-c61965d0386a - webarchive
- https://pcsxcetrasupport3.wordpress.com/2021/03/28/suncrypt-powershell-obfuscation-shellcode-and-more-yara/ - webarchive
- https://public.intel471.com/blog/ransomware-as-a-service-2020-ryuk-maze-revil-egregor-doppelpaymer/ - webarchive
- https://www.accenture.com/us-en/blogs/cyber-defense/evolving-danger-ransomware-extortion - webarchive
- https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/suncrypt-ransomware-is-still-alive-and-kicking-in-2022/ - webarchive
- https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/the-week-in-ransomware-april-1st-2022-i-can-fight-with-a-keyboard/ - webarchive
- https://www.coveware.com/blog/ransomware-attack-vectors-shift-as-new-software-vulnerability-exploits-abound - webarchive
- https://www.hornetsecurity.com/en/security-informationen-en/leakware-ransomware-hybrid-attacks/ - webarchive
- https://www.pwc.co.uk/issues/cyber-security-services/insights/what-is-behind-ransomware-attacks-increase.html - webarchive
- https://www.tesorion.nl/en/posts/shining-a-light-on-suncrypts-curious-file-encryption-mechanism/ - webarchive
- https://www.trendmicro.com/en_us/research/22/g/gootkit-loaders-updated-tactics-and-fileless-delivery-of-cobalt-strike.html - webarchive
- https://www.ransomlook.io/group/suncrypt - webarchive
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | ['http://x2miyuiwpib2imjr5ykyjngdu7v6vprkkhjltrk4qafymtawey4qzwid.onion/', 'http://nbzzb6sa6xuura2z.onion'] |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['YOUR_FILES_ARE_ENCRYPTED.HTML'] |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://www.bleepstatic.com/images/news/ransomware/s/suncrypt/maze-cartel/ransom-note.jpg'] |
LockBit operators tend to be very indiscriminate and opportunistic in their targeting. Actors behind this attack will use a variety of methods to gain initial access, up to and including basic methods such as brute force. After gaining initial access the actor follows a fairly typical escalation, lateral movement and ransomware execution playbook. LockBit operators tend to have a very brief dwell time, executing the final ransomware payload as quickly as they are able to. LockBit ransomware has the built-in lateral movement features; given adequate permissions throughout the targeted environment.
"synonyms" in the meta part typically refer to alternate names or labels that are associated with a particular LockBit.
Known Synonyms |
ABCD ransomware |
Internal MISP references
UUID 8eda8bf1-db5a-412d-8511-45e2f7621d51
which can be used as unique global reference for LockBit
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
- https://www.mcafee.com/blogs/other-blogs/mcafee-labs/tales-from-the-trenches-a-lockbit-ransomware-story/ - webarchive
- https://usa.kaspersky.com/resource-center/threats/lockbit-ransomware - webarchive
- https://blog.compass-security.com/2022/03/vpn-appliance-forensics/ - webarchive
- https://blogs.vmware.com/security/2022/09/esxi-targeting-ransomware-the-threats-that-are-after-your-virtual-machines-part-1.html - webarchive
- https://lifars.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/LockBitRansomware_Whitepaper.pdf - webarchive
- https://security.packt.com/understanding-lockbit/ - webarchive
- https://socradar.io/lockbit-3-another-upgrade-to-worlds-most-active-ransomware/ - webarchive
- https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/lockbit-victim-estimates-cost-of-ransomware-attack-to-be-42-million/ - webarchive
- https://www.crowdstrike.com/blog/better-together-global-attitude-survey-takeaways-2021/ - webarchive
- https://www.dragos.com/blog/industry-news/dragos-ics-ot-ransomware-analysis-q4-2021/ - webarchive
- https://www.fortinet.com/blog/threat-research/ransomware-roundup-new-variants - webarchive
- https://www.ic3.gov/Media/News/2022/220204.pdf - webarchive
- https://www.microsoft.com/security/blog/2022/05/09/ransomware-as-a-service-understanding-the-cybercrime-gig-economy-and-how-to-protect-yourself - webarchive
- https://www.trellix.com/en-us/about/newsroom/stories/threat-labs/conti-leaks-examining-the-panama-papers-of-ransomware.html - webarchive
- https://www.trendmicro.com/en_us/research/22/a/analysis-and-Impact-of-lockbit-ransomwares-first-linux-and-vmware-esxi-variant.html - webarchive
- https://amgedwageh.medium.com/lockbit-ransomware-analysis-notes-93a542fc8511 - webarchive
- https://analyst1.com/blog/ransom-mafia-analysis-of-the-worlds-first-ransomware-cartel - webarchive
- https://analyst1.com/file-assets/RANSOM-MAFIA-ANALYSIS-OF-THE-WORLD%E2%80%99S-FIRST-RANSOMWARE-CARTEL.pdf - webarchive
- https://asec.ahnlab.com/en/35822/ - webarchive
- https://asec.ahnlab.com/ko/39682/ - webarchive
- https://blog.cyble.com/2021/08/16/a-deep-dive-analysis-of-lockbit-2-0/ - webarchive
- https://blog.cyble.com/2022/07/05/lockbit-3-0-ransomware-group-launches-new-version/ - webarchive
- https://blog.lexfo.fr/lockbit-malware.html - webarchive
- https://blog.minerva-labs.com/lockbit-3.0-aka-lockbit-black-is-here-with-a-new-icon-new-ransom-note-new-wallpaper-but-less-evasiveness - webarchive
- https://blog.morphisec.com/the-babadeda-crypter-targeting-crypto-nft-defi-communities - webarchive
- https://blog.talosintelligence.com/2020/09/CTIR-quarterly-trends-Q4-2020.html - webarchive
- https://chuongdong.com/reverse%20engineering/2022/03/19/LockbitRansomware/ - webarchive
- https://cluster25.io/2022/07/06/lockbit-3-0-making-the-ransomware-great-again/ - webarchive
- https://cybergeeks.tech/a-technical-analysis-of-the-leaked-lockbit-3-0-builder/ - webarchive
- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1MI8Z2tBhmqQ5X8Wf_ozv3dVjz5sJOs-3 - webarchive
- https://documents.trendmicro.com/assets/pdf/datasheet-ransomware-in-Q1-2022.pdf - webarchive
- https://github.com/albertzsigovits/malware-notes/blob/master/Ransomware/Lockbit.md - webarchive
- https://go.crowdstrike.com/rs/281-OBQ-266/images/Report2021GTR.pdf - webarchive
- https://id-ransomware.blogspot.com/search?q=lockbit - webarchive
- https://intel471.com/blog/conti-ransomware-cooperation-maze-lockbit-ragnar-locker - webarchive
- https://intel471.com/blog/privateloader-malware - webarchive
- https://ke-la.com/lockbit-2-0-interview-with-russian-osint/ - webarchive
- https://ke-la.com/zooming-into-darknet-threats-targeting-jp-orgs-kela/ - webarchive
- https://media.kasperskycontenthub.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/43/2022/06/23093553/Common-TTPs-of-the-modern-ransomware_low-res.pdf - webarchive
- https://medium.com/@amgedwageh/lockbit-ransomware-analysis-notes-93a542fc8511 - webarchive
- https://medium.com/s2wlab/w4-jan-en-story-of-the-week-ransomware-on-the-darkweb-7595544363b1 - webarchive
- https://medium.com/s2wlab/w4-july-en-story-of-the-week-ransomware-on-the-darkweb-c61965d0386a - webarchive
- https://news.sophos.com/en-us/2020/04/24/lockbit-ransomware-borrows-tricks-to-keep-up-with-revil-and-maze/ - webarchive
- https://news.sophos.com/en-us/2020/10/21/lockbit-attackers-uses-automated-attack-tools-to-identify-tasty-targets - webarchive
- https://news.sophos.com/en-us/2022/03/17/the-ransomware-threat-intelligence-center/ - webarchive
- https://news.sophos.com/en-us/2022/04/12/attackers-linger-on-government-agency-computers-before-deploying-lockbit-ransomware/ - webarchive
- https://redcanary.com/blog/intelligence-insights-november-2021/ - webarchive
- https://research.nccgroup.com/2022/08/19/back-in-black-unlocking-a-lockbit-3-0-ransomware-attack - webarchive
- https://securelist.com/modern-ransomware-groups-ttps/106824/ - webarchive
- https://securelist.com/new-ransomware-trends-in-2022/106457/ - webarchive
- https://securityintelligence.com/posts/lockbit-ransomware-attacks-surge-affiliate-recruitment/ - webarchive
- https://securityscorecard.com/research/the-increase-in-ransomware-attacks-on-local-governments - webarchive
- https://seguranca-informatica.pt/malware-analysis-details-on-lockbit-ransomware/ - webarchive
- https://skyblue.team/posts/hive-recovery-from-lockbit-2.0/ - webarchive
- https://symantec-enterprise-blogs.security.com/blogs/threat-intelligence/lockbit-targets-servers - webarchive
- https://symantec.broadcom.com/hubfs/The_Ransomware_Threat_September_2021.pdf - webarchive
- https://talos-intelligence-site.s3.amazonaws.com/production/document_files/files/000/095/481/original/010421_LockBit_Interview.pdf - webarchive
- https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/security-compliance-and-identity/part-1-lockbit-2-0-ransomware-bugs-and-database-recovery/ba-p/3254354 - webarchive
- https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/security-compliance-and-identity/part-2-lockbit-2-0-ransomware-bugs-and-database-recovery/ba-p/3254421 - webarchive
- https://therecord.media/an-interview-with-blackmatter-a-new-ransomware-group-thats-learning-from-the-mistakes-of-darkside-and-revil/ - webarchive
- https://therecord.media/australian-cybersecurity-agency-warns-of-spike-in-lockbit-ransomware-attacks/ - webarchive
- https://therecord.media/conti-ransomware-gang-chats-leaked-by-pro-ukraine-member/ - webarchive
- https://therecord.media/missed-opportunity-bug-in-lockbit-ransomware-allowed-free-decryptions/ - webarchive
- https://twitter.com/MsftSecIntel/status/1522690116979855360 - webarchive
- https://umbrella.cisco.com/blog/cybersecurity-threat-spotlight-blackmatter-lockbit-thor - webarchive
- https://unit42.paloaltonetworks.com/emerging-ransomware-groups/ - webarchive
- https://unit42.paloaltonetworks.com/lockbit-2-ransomware/ - webarchive
- https://www.advanced-intel.com/post/from-russia-with-lockbit-ransomware-inside-look-preventive-solutions - webarchive
- https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/blackmatter-ransomware-moves-victims-to-lockbit-after-shutdown/ - webarchive
- https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/energy-group-erg-reports-minor-disruptions-after-ransomware-attack/ - webarchive
- https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/lockbit-ransomware-gang-claims-attack-on-bridgestone-americas/ - webarchive
- https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/lockbit-ransomware-gang-gets-aggressive-with-triple-extortion-tactic/ - webarchive
- https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/lockbit-ransomware-now-encrypts-windows-domains-using-group-policies/ - webarchive
- https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/lockbit-ransomware-recruiting-insiders-to-breach-corporate-networks/ - webarchive
- https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/popular-russian-hacking-forum-xss-bans-all-ransomware-topics/ - webarchive
- https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/ransomware-attack-hits-italys-lazio-region-affects-covid-19-site/ - webarchive
- https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/the-week-in-ransomware-april-1st-2022-i-can-fight-with-a-keyboard/ - webarchive
- https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/uk-rail-network-merseyrail-likely-hit-by-lockbit-ransomware/ - webarchive
- https://www.connectwise.com/resources/lockbit-profile - webarchive
- https://www.coveware.com/blog/2022/1/26/ransomware-as-a-service-innovation-curve - webarchive
- https://www.coveware.com/blog/ransomware-attack-vectors-shift-as-new-software-vulnerability-exploits-abound - webarchive
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- https://www.crowdstrike.com/blog/double-trouble-ransomware-data-leak-extortion-part-1 - webarchive
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- https://www.crowdstrike.com/blog/how-crowdstrike-prevents-volume-shadow-tampering-by-lockbit-ransomware/ - webarchive
- https://www.crypsisgroup.com/insights/ransomwares-new-trend-exfiltration-and-extortion - webarchive
- https://www.cybereason.com/blog/rising-threat-from-lockbit-ransomware - webarchive
- https://www.cybereason.com/blog/threat-analysis-report-inside-the-lockbit-arsenal-the-stealbit-exfiltration-tool - webarchive
- https://www.cybereason.com/blog/threat-analysis-report-lockbit-2.0-all-paths-lead-to-ransom - webarchive
- https://www.cyborgsecurity.com/cyborg_labs/hunting-ransomware-inhibiting-system-backup-or-recovery/ - webarchive
- https://www.dr.dk/nyheder/viden/teknologi/frygtede-skulle-lukke-alle-vindmoeller-nu-aabner-vestas-op-om-hacking-angreb - webarchive
- https://www.glimps.fr/lockbit3-0/ - webarchive
- https://www.intrinsec.com/alphv-ransomware-gang-analysis - webarchive
- https://www.lemagit.fr/actualites/252516821/Ransomware-LockBit-30-commence-a-etre-utilise-dans-des-cyberattaques - webarchive
- https://www.mandiant.com/resources/unc2165-shifts-to-evade-sanctions - webarchive
- https://www.mbsd.jp/2021/10/27/assets/images/MBSD_WhitePaper_A-deep-dive-analysis-of-LockBit2.0_Ransomware.pdf - webarchive
- https://www.microsoft.com/security/blog/2020/04/28/ransomware-groups-continue-to-target-healthcare-critical-services-heres-how-to-reduce-risk/ - webarchive
- https://www.microsoft.com/security/blog/2022/05/09/ransomware-as-a-service-understanding-the-cybercrime-gig-economy-and-how-to-protect-yourself/ - webarchive
- https://www.netskope.com/blog/netskope-threat-coverage-lockbit - webarchive
- https://www.prodaft.com/m/reports/LockBit_Case_Report___TLPWHITE.pdf - webarchive
- https://www.recordedfuture.com/blackmatter-ransomware-successor-darkside-revil/ - webarchive
- https://www.sentinelone.com/blog/living-off-windows-defender-lockbit-ransomware-sideloads-cobalt-strike-through-microsoft-security-tool/ - webarchive
- https://www.sentinelone.com/labs/lockbit-3-0-update-unpicking-the-ransomwares-latest-anti-analysis-and-evasion-techniques/ - webarchive
- https://www.sentinelone.com/labs/lockbit-ransomware-side-loads-cobalt-strike-beacon-with-legitimate-vmware-utility - webarchive
- https://www.sentinelone.com/labs/lockbit-ransomware-side-loads-cobalt-strike-beacon-with-legitimate-vmware-utility/ - webarchive
- https://www.splunk.com/en_us/blog/security/gone-in-52-seconds-and-42-minutes-a-comparative-analysis-of-ransomware-encryption-speed.html - webarchive
- https://www.splunk.com/en_us/pdfs/resources/whitepaper/an-empirically-comparative-analysis-of-ransomware-binaries.pdf - webarchive
- https://www.trendmicro.com/content/dam/trendmicro/global/en/research/22/d/thwarting-loaders-from-socgholish-to-blisters-lockbit-payload/iocs-thwarting-loaders-socgholish-blister.txt - webarchive
- https://www.trendmicro.com/en_no/research/22/d/Thwarting-Loaders-From-SocGholish-to-BLISTERs-LockBit-Payload.html - webarchive
- https://www.trendmicro.com/en_us/research/21/h/lockbit-resurfaces-with-version-2-0-ransomware-detections-in-chi.html - webarchive
- https://www.trendmicro.com/en_us/research/22/d/Thwarting-Loaders-From-SocGholish-to-BLISTERs-LockBit-Payload.html - webarchive
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- https://www.trendmicro.com/vinfo/us/security/news/ransomware-spotlight/ransomware-spotlight-lockbit - webarchive
- https://www.welivesecurity.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/ESET_Threat_Report_Q22020.pdf - webarchive
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C733AyPzkoc - webarchive
- https://www.zdnet.com/article/ransomware-hits-helicopter-maker-kopter/ - webarchive
- https://yoroi.company/research/hunting-the-lockbit-gangs-exfiltration-infrastructures/ - webarchive
- https://www.ransomlook.io/group/lockbit - webarchive
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
TTP | ['LSASS Memory - T1003.001', 'Remote System Discovery - T1018', 'Remote Desktop Protocol - T1021.001', 'SMB/Windows Admin Shares - T1021.002', 'Obfuscated Files or Information - T1027', 'Software Packing - T1027.002', 'Exfiltration Over C2 Channel - T1041', 'Network Service Discovery - T1046', 'Windows Management Instrumentation - T1047', 'Process Discovery - T1057', 'Windows Command Shell - T1059.003', 'Clear Windows Event Logs - T1070.001', 'File Deletion - T1070.004', 'Web Protocols - T1071.001', 'File Transfer Protocols - T1071.002', 'Software Deployment Tools - T1072', 'Valid Accounts - T1078', 'Default Accounts - T1078.001', 'System Information Discovery - T1082', 'File and Directory Discovery - T1083', 'Non-Application Layer Protocol - T1095', 'Native API - T1106', 'Brute Force - T1110', 'Peripheral Device Discovery - T1120', 'External Remote Services - T1133', 'Token Impersonation/Theft - T1134.001', 'Network Share Discovery - T1135', 'Drive-by Compromise - T1189', 'Exploit Public-Facing Application - T1190', 'Remote Access Software - T1219', 'Environmental Keying - T1480.001', 'Group Policy Modification - T1484.001', 'Data Destruction - T1485', 'Data Encrypted for Impact - T1486', 'Service Stop - T1489', 'Inhibit System Recovery - T1490', 'Internal Defacement - T1491.001', 'Boot or Logon Autostart Execution - T1547', 'Registry Run Keys / Startup Folder - T1547.001', 'Abuse Elevation Control Mechanism - T1548', 'Credentials from Web Browsers - T1555.003', 'Component Object Model - T1559.001', 'Archive via Utility - T1560.001', 'Disable or Modify Tools - T1562.001', 'Disable Windows Event Logging - T1562.002', 'Disable or Modify System Firewall - T1562.004', 'Safe Mode Boot - T1562.009', 'Phishing - T1566', 'Exfiltration Over Web Service - T1567', 'Exfiltration to Cloud Storage - T1567.002', 'Service Execution - T1569.002', 'Protocol Tunneling - T1572', 'Encrypted Channel - T1573', 'System Language Discovery - T1614.001'] |
extensions | ['.abcd', '.LockBit'] |
links | ['http://lockbitkodidilol.onion', 'http://lockbitks2tvnmwk.onion'] |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['Restore-My-Files.txt'] |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://www.mcafee.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/content-in-restore-my-files.png'] |
Related clusters
To see the related clusters, click here.
WastedLocker primarily targets corporate networks. Upon initial compromise, often using a fake browser update containing SocGholish, the actor then takes advantage of dual-use and LoLBin tools in an attempt to evade detection. Key observations include lateral movement and privilege escalation. The WastedLocker ransomware has been tied back to EvilCorp.
Internal MISP references
UUID 6955c28e-e698-4bb2-8c70-ccc6d11ba1ee
which can be used as unique global reference for WastedLocker
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
- https://blogs.cisco.com/security/talos/wastedlocker-goes-big-game-hunting-in-2020 - webarchive
- https://blog.malwarebytes.com/threat-spotlight/2020/07/threat-spotlight-wastedlocker-customized-ransomware/ - webarchive
- https://research.nccgroup.com/2020/06/23/wastedlocker-a-new-ransomware-variant-developed-by-the-evil-corp-group/ - webarchive
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
ransomnotes-filenames | [' |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://blog.malwarebytes.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/ransomnote.png'] |
Babuk Ransomsware
Since this is the first detection of this malware in the wild, it’s not surprising that Babuk is not obsfuscated at all. Overall, it’s a pretty standard ransomware that utilizes some of the new techniques we see such as multi-threading encryption as well as abusing the Windows Restart Manager similar to Conti and REvil. For encrypting scheme, Babuk uses its own implementation of SHA256 hashing, ChaCha8 encryption, and Elliptic-curve Diffie–Hellman (ECDH) key generation and exchange algorithm to protect its keys and encrypt files. Like many ransomware that came before, it also has the ability to spread its encryption through enumerating the available network resources.
Internal MISP references
UUID c52a65d5-9bea-4a09-a81b-7f789ab48ce0
which can be used as unique global reference for Babuk Ransomsware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | January 2021 |
Darkside, the latest ransomware operation to emerge has been attacking organizations beginning earlier this month. Darkside’s customized attacks on companies have already garnered them million-dollar payouts. Through their “press release”, these threat actors have claimed to be affiliated with prior ransomware operations making millions of dollars. They stated that they created this new product to match their needs, as prior products didn’t. Darkside explains that they only target companies they know that can pay the specified ransom. They have allegedly promised that they will not attack the following sectors. They include medicine, education, non-profit organizations, and the government sector.
"synonyms" in the meta part typically refer to alternate names or labels that are associated with a particular Darkside.
Known Synonyms |
BlackMatter |
Internal MISP references
UUID f514a46e-53ff-4f07-b75a-aed289cf221f
which can be used as unique global reference for Darkside
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
- https://www.digitalshadows.com/blog-and-research/darkside-the-new-ransomware-group-behind-highly-targeted-attacks/ - webarchive
- https://www.wired.com/story/ransomware-gone-corporate-darkside-where-will-it-end/ - webarchive
- https://darksidedxcftmqa.onion.foundation/ - webarchive
- https://www.tripwire.com/state-of-security/featured/blackmatter-pose-new-ransomware-threat - webarchive
- https://venturebeat.com/2021/08/23/sophoslabs-research-shows-blackmatter-ransomware-is-closely-acquainted-with-darkside - webarchive
- https://blog.group-ib.com/blackmatter# - webarchive
- https://blog.group-ib.com/blackmatter2 - webarchive
- https://blog.talosintelligence.com/2022/03/from-blackmatter-to-blackcat-analyzing.html - webarchive
- https://blogs.blackberry.com/en/2021/09/threat-thursday-blackmatter-ransomware-as-a-service - webarchive
- https://blogs.vmware.com/security/2022/09/esxi-targeting-ransomware-the-threats-that-are-after-your-virtual-machines-part-1.html - webarchive
- https://medium.com/s2wlab/blackmatter-x-babuk-using-the-same-web-server-for-sharing-leaked-files-d01c20a74751 - webarchive
- https://medium.com/s2wlab/groove-x-ramp-the-relation-between-groove-babuk-ramp-and-blackmatter-f75644f8f92d - webarchive
- https://medium.com/s2wlab/grooves-thoughts-on-blackmatter-babuk-and-interruption-in-the-supply-of-cheese-in-the-b5328bc764f2 - webarchive
- https://news.sophos.com/en-us/2021/08/09/blackmatter-ransomware-emerges-from-the-shadow-of-darkside/ - webarchive
- https://symantec.broadcom.com/hubfs/The_Ransomware_Threat_September_2021.pdf - webarchive
- https://thehackernews.com/2022/04/researchers-connect-blackcat-ransomware.html - webarchive
- https://therecord.media/darkside-ransomware-gang-moves-some-of-its-bitcoin-after-revil-got-hit-by-law-enforcement/ - webarchive
- https://twitter.com/GelosSnake/status/1451465959894667275 - webarchive
- https://twitter.com/VK_Intel/status/1423188690126266370 - webarchive
- https://umbrella.cisco.com/blog/cybersecurity-threat-spotlight-blackmatter-lockbit-thor - webarchive
- https://us-cert.cisa.gov/ncas/alerts/aa21-291a - webarchive
- https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/blackmatter-ransomware-moves-victims-to-lockbit-after-shutdown/ - webarchive
- https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/darkside-ransomware-rushes-to-cash-out-7-million-in-bitcoin/ - webarchive
- https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/linux-version-of-blackmatter-ransomware-targets-vmware-esxi-servers/ - webarchive
- https://www.crowdstrike.com/blog/big-game-hunting-on-the-rise-again-according-to-ecrime-index/ - webarchive
- https://www.crowdstrike.com/blog/carbon-spider-embraces-big-game-hunting-part-2/ - webarchive
- https://www.crowdstrike.com/blog/how-big-game-hunting-ttps-shifted-after-darkside-pipeline-attack/ - webarchive
- https://www.elliptic.co/blog/darkside-bitcoins-on-the-move-following-government-cyberattack-against-revil-ransomware-group - webarchive
- https://www.hhs.gov/sites/default/files/demystifying-blackmatter.pdf - webarchive
- https://www.mandiant.com/resources/chasing-avaddon-ransomware - webarchive
- https://www.mcafee.com/blogs/enterprise/mcafee-enterprise-atr/how-groove-gang-is-shaking-up-the-ransomware-as-a-service-market-to-empower-affiliates/ - webarchive
- https://www.microsoft.com/security/blog/2022/05/09/ransomware-as-a-service-understanding-the-cybercrime-gig-economy-and-how-to-protect-yourself - webarchive
- https://www.vmware.com/content/dam/digitalmarketing/vmware/en/pdf/docs/vmw-exposing-malware-in-linux-based-multi-cloud-environments.pdf - webarchive
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NIiEcOryLpI - webarchive
- https://assets.virustotal.com/reports/2021trends.pdf - webarchive
- https://blog.digital-investigations.info/2021-08-05-understanding-blackmatters-api-hashing.html - webarchive
- https://blog.minerva-labs.com/blackmatter - webarchive
- https://blogs.blackberry.com/en/2022/01/kraken-the-code-on-prometheus - webarchive
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- https://medium.com/s2wblog/blackcat-new-rust-based-ransomware-borrowing-blackmatters-configuration-31c8d330a809 - webarchive
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- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/antonioCoco/infosec-talks/main/InsomniHack_2022_Ransomware_Encryption_Internals.pdf - webarchive
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- https://therecord.media/blackmatter-ransomware-says-its-shutting-down-due-to-pressure-from-local-authorities/ - webarchive
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- https://www.glimps.fr/lockbit3-0/ - webarchive
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- https://zetter.substack.com/p/anatomy-of-one-of-the-first-darkside - webarchive
- https://www.ransomlook.io/group/blackmatter - webarchive
- https://blog.qualys.com/vulnerabilities-threat-research/2021/06/09/darkside-ransomware - webarchive
- https://www.varonis.com/blog/darkside-ransomware - webarchive
- https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/biden-speak-colonial-pipeline-attack-americans-face-gasoline/story?id=77666212 - webarchive
- https://cybersecurity.att.com/blogs/labs-research/darkside-raas-in-linux-version - webarchive
- https://krebsonsecurity.com/2021/05/darkside-ransomware-gang-quits-after-servers-bitcoin-stash-seized/ - webarchive
- https://otx.alienvault.com/pulse/60d0afbc395c24edefb33bb9 - webarchive
- https://pylos.co/2021/05/13/mind-the-air-gap/ - webarchive
- https://therecord.media/darkside-ransomware-gang-says-it-lost-control-of-its-servers-money-a-day-after-biden-threat/ - webarchive
- https://www.databreaches.net/a-former-darkside-listing-shows-up-on-revils-leak-site/ - webarchive
- https://www.guidepointsecurity.com/from-zloader-to-darkside-a-ransomware-story/ - webarchive
- https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/department-justice-seizes-23-million-cryptocurrency-paid-ransomware-extortionists-darkside - webarchive
- https://www.mcafee.com/blogs/other-blogs/mcafee-labs/darkside-ransomware-victims-sold-short/ - webarchive
- https://www.nytimes.com/2021/05/29/world/europe/ransomware-russia-darkside.html - webarchive
- https://www.pwc.co.uk/issues/cyber-security-services/insights/what-is-behind-ransomware-attacks-increase.html - webarchive
- https://www.secureworks.com/blog/ransomware-groups-use-tor-based-backdoor-for-persistent-access - webarchive
- https://www.trendmicro.com/en_us/research/21/e/darkside-linux-vms-targeted.html - webarchive
- https://www.ransomlook.io/group/darkside - webarchive
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
colt-average | 11d |
colt-median | 7d |
links | ['http://blackmax7su6mbwtcyo3xwtpfxpm356jjqrs34y4crcytpw7mifuedyd.onion/', 'http://darksidc3iux462n6yunevoag52ntvwp6wulaz3zirkmh4cnz6hhj7id.onion', 'http://supp24yy6a66hwszu2piygicgwzdtbwftb76htfj7vnip3getgqnzxid.onion/', 'http://supp24maprinktc7uizgfyqhisx7lkszb6ogh6lwdzpac23w3mh4tvyd.onion', 'http://dark24zz36xm4y2phwe7yvnkkkkhxionhfrwp67awpb3r3bdcneivoqd.onion/'] |
We recently discovered a new file-encrypting Trojan built as an ELF executable and intended to encrypt data on machines controlled by Linux-based operating systems. After the initial analysis we noticed similarities in the code of the Trojan, the text of the ransom notes and the general approach to extortion, which suggested that we had in fact encountered a Linux build of the previously known ransomware family RansomEXX. This malware is notorious for attacking large organizations and was most active earlier this year. RansomEXX is a highly targeted Trojan. Each sample of the malware contains a hardcoded name of the victim organization. Moreover, both the encrypted file extension and the email address for contacting the extortionists make use of the victim’s name.
"synonyms" in the meta part typically refer to alternate names or labels that are associated with a particular RansomEXX.
Known Synonyms |
Defray 2018 |
Defray-777 |
Defray777 |
Ransom X |
Internal MISP references
UUID dff71334-c173-45b6-8647-af66be0605d7
which can be used as unique global reference for RansomEXX
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
- https://malpedia.caad.fkie.fraunhofer.de/details/win.ransomexx - webarchive
- https://id-ransomware.blogspot.com/2020/06/ransomexx-ransomware.html - webarchive
- https://github.com/Bleeping/Ransom.exx - webarchive
- https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/new-ransom-x-ransomware-used-in-texas-txdot-cyberattack/ - webarchive
- https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/brazils-court-system-under-massive-ransomexx-ransomware-attack/ - webarchive
- https://unit42.paloaltonetworks.com/vatet-pyxie-defray777/4/ - webarchive
- https://securelist.com/ransomexx-trojan-attacks-linux-systems/99279/ - webarchive
- https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/computer-hardware-giant-gigabyte-hit-by-ransomexx-ransomware - webarchive
- https://www.cybereason.com/blog/cybereason-vs.-ransomexx-ransomware - webarchive
- https://www.infosecurity-magazine.com/news/aerospace-giant-embraer-hit - webarchive
- https://blogs.vmware.com/security/2022/09/esxi-targeting-ransomware-the-threats-that-are-after-your-virtual-machines-part-1.html - webarchive
- https://cisoclub.ru/doc/otchet-kompanii-group-ib-ransomware-uncovered-2020-2021/?bp-attachment=group-ib_ransomware_uncovered_2020-2021.pdf - webarchive
- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1MI8Z2tBhmqQ5X8Wf_ozv3dVjz5sJOs-3 - webarchive
- https://go.crowdstrike.com/rs/281-OBQ-266/images/Report2021GTR.pdf - webarchive
- https://gustavopalazolo.medium.com/ransomexx-an%C3%A1lise-do-ransomware-utilizado-no-ataque-ao-stj-918001ec8195 - webarchive
- https://krebsonsecurity.com/2021/08/ransomware-gangs-and-the-name-game-distraction/ - webarchive
- https://web.archive.org/web/20210305181115/https://cisoclub.ru/doc/otchet-kompanii-group-ib-ransomware-uncovered-2020-2021/?bp-attachment=group-ib_ransomware_uncovered_2020-2021.pdf - webarchive
- https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/ecuadors-state-run-cnt-telco-hit-by-ransomexx-ransomware/ - webarchive
- https://www.crowdstrike.com/blog/carbon-spider-sprite-spider-target-esxi-servers-with-ransomware/ - webarchive
- https://www.crowdstrike.com/blog/carbon-spider-sprite-spider-target-esxi-servers-with-ransomware/?utm_campaign=blog&utm_medium=soc&utm_source=twtr&utm_content=sprout - webarchive
- https://www.ctir.gov.br/arquivos/alertas/2020/alerta_2020_03_ataques_de_ransomware.pdf - webarchive
- https://www.ic3.gov/Media/News/2021/211101.pdf - webarchive
- https://www.intezer.com/blog/cloud-security/top-linux-cloud-threats-of-2020/ - webarchive
- https://www.paloaltonetworks.com/content/dam/pan/en_US/assets/pdf/reports/Unit_42/unit42-ransomware-threat-report-2021.pdf - webarchive
- https://www.vmware.com/content/dam/digitalmarketing/vmware/en/pdf/docs/vmw-exposing-malware-in-linux-based-multi-cloud-environments.pdf - webarchive
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qxPXxWMI2i4 - webarchive
- https://blog.talosintelligence.com/2020/12/quarterly-ir-report-fall-2020-q4.html - webarchive
- https://medium.com/proferosec-osm/ransomexx-fixing-corrupted-ransom-8e379bcaf701 - webarchive
- https://unit42.paloaltonetworks.com/vatet-pyxie-defray777/ - webarchive
- https://unit42.paloaltonetworks.com/vatet-pyxie-defray777/3 - webarchive
- https://unit42.paloaltonetworks.com/vatet-pyxie-defray777/4 - webarchive
- https://unit42.paloaltonetworks.com/vatet-pyxie-defray777/5/ - webarchive
- https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/ransomware-attack-hits-italys-lazio-region-affects-covid-19-site/ - webarchive
- https://www.cronup.com/post/de-ataque-con-malware-a-incidente-de-ransomware - webarchive
- https://www.cyborgsecurity.com/cyborg_labs/hunting-ransomware-inhibiting-system-backup-or-recovery/ - webarchive
- https://www.trendmicro.com/en_us/research/21/a/expanding-range-and-improving-speed-a-ransomexx-approach.html - webarchive
- https://www.trendmicro.com/vinfo/us/security/news/ransomware-spotlight/ransomware-spotlight-ransomexx - webarchive
- https://www.ransomlook.io/group/ransomexx - webarchive
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
extensions | [' |
links | ['http://rnsm777cdsjrsdlbs4v5qoeppu3px6sb2igmh53jzrx7ipcrbjz5b2ad.onion/', 'http://zubllg7o774lgc4rdxmfcfpjewfkqa7ml7gxwl5fetogc7hbkvaprhid.onion/', 'http://jbdg4buq6jd7ed3rd6cynqtq5abttuekjnxqrqyvk4xam5i7ld33jvqd.onion/', 'http://rbx2hfyej6sogivjtw2z2xkcqwgtiy653ap5jylggsrj6glbmfr7axqd.onion/'] |
ransomnotes | ['Greetings, Texas Department of Transportation!\nRead this message CAREFULLY and contact someone from IT department..\nYour files are securely ENCRYPTED.\nNo third party decryption software EXISTS.\nMODIFICATION or RENAMING encrypted files may cause decryption failure.\nYou can send us an encrypted file (not greater than 400KB) and we will decrypt it FOR FREE, so you have no doubts in possibility to restore all Files\nFrom all aFFected systems ANY TIME.\nEncrypted File SHOULD NOT contain sensitive inFormation (technical, backups, databases, large documents).\nThe rest oF data will be available aFter the PAYMENT.\ninfrastructure rebuild will cost you MUCH more.\nContact us ONLY if you officially represent the whole affected network.\nThe ONLY attachments we accept are non archived encrypted files For test decryption.\nSpeak ENGLISH when contacting us.\nMail us: ***@protonmail.com\nWe kindly ask you not to use GMAIL, YAHOO or LIVE to contact us.\nThe PRICE depends on how quickly you do it. '] |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['TXDOT_READ_ME! .Txt', ' |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-hbdqo4g6OaE/XvpFV4qbjrI/AAAAAAAAT1I/RtASzBEd_VEZIhDCCCdaxrN0iGCnnocFwCLcBGAsYHQ/s1600/note-original.png', 'https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-A0tAbQoei_Y/X1UxQkema_I/AAAAAAAAVV8/QuJY6v3n6943ZFax3ztDt9FXwkpAKMPPACLcBGAsYHQ/s1600/note2-9-20.png', 'https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-RIwIgb6n0n4/X8-l2HIf88I/AAAAAAAAXRI/oyET6d1XSnwJXDIaJlwItyTFLcp4tz5mQCLcBGAsYHQ/s882/note-8-12-20.png'] |
Mobile ransomware. The Zscaler ThreatLabZ team recently came across a URL named hxxp://coronavirusapp[.]site/mobile.html, which portrays itself as a download site for an Android app that tracks the coronavirus spread across the globe. In reality, the app is Android ransomware, which locks out the victim and asks for ransom to unlock the device. The app portrays itself as a Coronavirus Tracker. As soon as it starts running, it asks the user for several authorizations, including admin rights. In fact, this ransomware does not encrypt nor steal anything and only lock the device with an hard coded code.
Internal MISP references
UUID b5fe83e9-c5d7-4b0e-99ab-4f1d356d1749
which can be used as unique global reference for CovidLock
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://www.zscaler.com/sites/default/files/images/blogs/covid/covid_lock_screen_edited_4.png', 'https://www.zscaler.com/sites/default/files/images/blogs/covid/covid_pastebin_5.png'] |
This malware is written in Java and is named after references in the code. Tycoon has been in the wild since December 2019 and has targeted organizations in the education, SMBs, and software industries. Tycoon is a multi-platform Java ransomware that targets Windows and Linux systems. This ransomware denies access to the system administrator following an attack on the domain controller and file servers. The initial intrusion occurs through an internet-facing remote desktop protocol (RDP) jump-server.
Internal MISP references
UUID 39781a7a-cd3a-4e24-aeb8-94a767a2551b
which can be used as unique global reference for Tycoon
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | december 2019 |
Ragnar Locker
Ragnar Locker is a ransomware identified in December 2019 that targetscorporate networks inBig Game Huntingtargeted attacks. This reportpresents recent elements regarding this ransomware.
"synonyms" in the meta part typically refer to alternate names or labels that are associated with a particular Ragnar Locker.
Known Synonyms |
RagnarLocker |
Internal MISP references
UUID e69f9836-873a-43d3-92a8-97ab783a4171
which can be used as unique global reference for Ragnar Locker
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
- https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/ragnar-locker-ransomware-targets-msp-enterprise-support-tools/ - webarchive
- https://news.sophos.com/en-us/2020/05/21/ragnar-locker-ransomware-deploys-virtual-machine-to-dodge-security/ - webarchive
- https://www.cybersecurity-insiders.com/ransomware-attack-makes-cwt-pay-4-5-million-in-bitcoins-to-hackers/ - webarchive
- https://news.sophos.com/en-us/2020/05/21/ragnar-locker-ransomware-deploys-virtual-machine-to-dodge-security - webarchive
- https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/ransomware-gang-threatens-to-leak-data-if-victim-contacts-fbi-police - webarchive
- https://twitter.com/malwrhunterteam/status/1475568201673105409 - webarchive
- https://www.trellix.com/en-us/about/newsroom/stories/threat-labs/analysis-and-protections-for-ragnarlocker-ransomware.html - webarchive
- http://reversing.fun/posts/2021/04/15/unpacking_ragnarlocker_via_emulation.html - webarchive
- http://reversing.fun/reversing/2021/04/15/unpacking_ragnarlocker_via_emulation.html - webarchive
- https://analyst1.com/blog/ransom-mafia-analysis-of-the-worlds-first-ransomware-cartel - webarchive
- https://analyst1.com/file-assets/RANSOM-MAFIA-ANALYSIS-OF-THE-WORLD%E2%80%99S-FIRST-RANSOMWARE-CARTEL.pdf - webarchive
- https://blog.blazeinfosec.com/dissecting-ragnar-locker-the-case-of-edp/ - webarchive
- https://blog.bushidotoken.net/2022/05/gamer-cheater-hacker-spy.html - webarchive
- https://blog.cyble.com/2022/01/20/deep-dive-into-ragnar-locker-ransomware-gang/ - webarchive
- https://blog.reversing.xyz/docs/posts/unpacking_ragnarlocker_via_emulation/ - webarchive
- https://blog.reversing.xyz/reversing/2021/04/15/unpacking_ragnarlocker_via_emulation.html - webarchive
- https://cyware.com/news/ragnar-locker-breached-52-organizations-and-counting-fbi-warns-0588d220/ - webarchive
- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1MI8Z2tBhmqQ5X8Wf_ozv3dVjz5sJOs-3 - webarchive
- https://go.crowdstrike.com/rs/281-OBQ-266/images/Report2021GTR.pdf - webarchive
- https://ics-cert.kaspersky.com/media/KASPERSKY_H1_2020_ICS_REPORT_EN.pdf - webarchive
- https://id-ransomware.blogspot.com/2020/02/ragnarlocker-ransomware.html - webarchive
- https://intel471.com/blog/conti-ransomware-cooperation-maze-lockbit-ragnar-locker - webarchive
- https://ke-la.com/how-ransomware-gangs-find-new-monetization-schemes-and-evolve-in-marketing/ - webarchive
- https://krebsonsecurity.com/2020/11/ransomware-group-turns-to-facebook-ads/ - webarchive
- https://news.sophos.com/en-us/2021/02/03/mtr-casebook-uncovering-a-backdoor-implant-in-a-solarwinds-orion-server/ - webarchive
- https://news.sophos.com/en-us/2022/03/17/the-ransomware-threat-intelligence-center/ - webarchive
- https://public.intel471.com/blog/ransomware-as-a-service-2020-ryuk-maze-revil-egregor-doppelpaymer/ - webarchive
- https://securelist.com/modern-ransomware-groups-ttps/106824/ - webarchive
- https://securelist.com/targeted-ransomware-encrypting-data/99255/ - webarchive
- https://seguranca-informatica.pt/ragnar-locker-malware-analysis/ - webarchive
- https://symantec.broadcom.com/hubfs/The_Ransomware_Threat_September_2021.pdf - webarchive
- https://twitter.com/AltShiftPrtScn/status/1403707430765273095 - webarchive
- https://www.accenture.com/us-en/blogs/cyber-defense/evolving-danger-ransomware-extortion - webarchive
- https://www.accenture.com/us-en/blogs/cyber-defense/moving-left-ransomware-boom - webarchive
- https://www.acronis.com/en-sg/articles/ragnar-locker/ - webarchive
- https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/capcom-hit-by-ragnar-locker-ransomware-1tb-allegedly-stolen/ - webarchive
- https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/fbi-ransomware-gang-breached-52-us-critical-infrastructure-orgs/ - webarchive
- https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/japanese-game-dev-capcom-hit-by-cyberattack-business-impacted/ - webarchive
- https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/ragnarlocker-ransomware-hits-edp-energy-giant-asks-for-10m/ - webarchive
- https://www.capcom.co.jp/ir/english/news/pdf/e210413.pdf - webarchive
- https://www.crowdstrike.com/blog/double-trouble-ransomware-data-leak-extortion-part-1 - webarchive
- https://www.crowdstrike.com/blog/double-trouble-ransomware-data-leak-extortion-part-1/ - webarchive
- https://www.cyborgsecurity.com/cyborg_labs/hunting-ransomware-inhibiting-system-backup-or-recovery/ - webarchive
- https://www.hornetsecurity.com/en/security-informationen-en/leakware-ransomware-hybrid-attacks/ - webarchive
- https://www.ic3.gov/Media/News/2022/220307.pdf - webarchive
- https://www.mcafee.com/blogs/other-blogs/mcafee-labs/ragnarlocker-ransomware-threatens-to-release-confidential-information - webarchive
- https://www.microsoft.com/security/blog/2020/04/28/ransomware-groups-continue-to-target-healthcare-critical-services-heres-how-to-reduce-risk/ - webarchive
- https://www.theregister.com/2022/03/09/fbi_says_ragnar_locker_ransomware/ - webarchive
- https://www.waterisac.org/system/files/articles/FLASH-MU-000140-MW.pdf - webarchive
- https://www.zdnet.com/article/capcom-quietly-discloses-cyberattack-impacting-email-file-servers/ - webarchive
- https://www.ransomlook.io/group/ragnarlocker - webarchive
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | ['http://rgleak7op734elep.onion', 'http://rgleaktxuey67yrgspmhvtnrqtgogur35lwdrup4d3igtbm3pupc4lyd.onion/', 'http://p6o7m73ujalhgkiv.onion', 'http://2dxxyil6kur3qpht2tkklupdgacrcbfun6qf5jmk3hafmt6n6ockbzid.onion', 'http://goh2zbohdiblk23scvtae7delci5cioy73la2lnrduxutxksl7xiscqd.onion', 'http://t2w5byhtkqkaw6m543i6ax3mamfdy7jkkqsduzzfwhfcep4shqqsd5id.onion', 'http://wxbpssv4hiwlcgt4cxam3cznu4feqgf5pqfibbku3x6dwvtcakdkyeid.onion', 'http://xxbsnxdqmthgpydddmuvg7yzy6pdfnlnlepxa5my4mjiqjsee6yidhyd.onion', 'http://7twfgaqyik3xfuu4.onion', 'http://ragnarmj3hlykxstyanwtgf33eyacccleg45ctygkuw7dkgysict6xyd.onion/'] |
Related clusters
To see the related clusters, click here.
Ransom.Sekhmet not only encrypts a victims files, but also threatens to publish them.
Internal MISP references
UUID 6fb1ea9e-5389-4932-8b22-c691b74b75a8
which can be used as unique global reference for Sekhmet
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
- https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/maze-ransomware-is-shutting-down-its-cybercrime-operation/ - webarchive
- https://www.zdnet.com/article/as-maze-ransomware-group-retires-clients-turn-to-sekhmet-ransomware-spin-off-egregor/ - webarchive
- https://blog.malwarebytes.com/detections/ransom-sekhmet/ - webarchive
- https://securityboulevard.com/2020/10/egregor-sekhmets-cousin/ - webarchive
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['RECOVER-FILES.txt'] |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://blog.malwarebytes.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/Sekhmet_ransom_note.png'] |
Related clusters
To see the related clusters, click here.
Internal MISP references
UUID 79bc13e7-6e96-4974-8110-ffd8e0d12e3e
which can be used as unique global reference for $$$
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID b93d2b67-aabd-4e36-a3ca-2fdfc8f0ae3b
which can be used as unique global reference for $ucyLocker
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID f90db14d-e3fd-4f34-b8f8-ba82534732aa
which can be used as unique global reference for 10001
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID cdcf2ad5-afc3-4b7c-8d03-839e54538858
which can be used as unique global reference for 05250lock
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID b4c4f949-2537-47cb-8ccd-653cc37b9309
which can be used as unique global reference for 0kilobypt
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID a663f830-5722-4798-abcf-6c02cb5ba515
which can be used as unique global reference for 1337-Locker
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 0ec8cfbc-7f5b-45c6-9fc1-1bef0d8df161
which can be used as unique global reference for 24H
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID d76b9b9e-a265-4253-a586-3121612d5f9d
which can be used as unique global reference for 3nCRY
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID c36a66c0-1d52-4a2e-ad9c-1965cd18d8f8
which can be used as unique global reference for 4rw5w
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID a617852d-480c-4e16-8983-1ea7c2543eea
which can be used as unique global reference for 5ss5c(5ss5cCrypt)
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID a355ec31-a100-40f2-807b-27f3f0b71067
which can be used as unique global reference for 777(Legion)
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 8f63b8d3-085d-4272-88ea-bf5334f845b1
which can be used as unique global reference for 7h9r
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
7z Portuguese
Internal MISP references
UUID 66f8ad61-5959-4888-bafe-9f9d4868b3a9
which can be used as unique global reference for 7z Portuguese
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 37479546-7993-4232-9766-de19b0755bc3
which can be used as unique global reference for AAC
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 461327b8-c465-4d39-8987-dbeb9e296b08
which can be used as unique global reference for ABCLocker
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 4f7f33e7-ab6a-4643-aa51-da59732a6932
which can be used as unique global reference for Adonis
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 4d4c478d-2349-4d1c-8693-233517d226ec
which can be used as unique global reference for AepCrypt
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID c0590d85-d30d-4bf6-b245-4baeab6e6cae
which can be used as unique global reference for AES-Matrix
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
AES-NI: April Edition
Internal MISP references
UUID adbd5acc-27d5-4483-8b9d-73cbda7498fa
which can be used as unique global reference for AES-NI: April Edition
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 0c1587c6-ac37-48b5-8056-53f4fd454288
which can be used as unique global reference for Afrodita
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 417027d0-15bc-497e-98a2-a1aaa328fe44
which can be used as unique global reference for Alco
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID ef762a95-cb95-4a94-84df-2c083cbcf5a6
which can be used as unique global reference for AllCry
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 74101521-d42c-498a-9c1c-ee31672aaba5
which can be used as unique global reference for AlldataLocker
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID f8194c43-d40b-47b5-966c-99ffbafa3934
which can be used as unique global reference for Amnesia
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 0372f2e5-9585-43b7-b171-d765edeedfa0
which can be used as unique global reference for Amnesia-2
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID cbbf82f2-f614-4cd2-87ea-65262caa79c3
which can be used as unique global reference for Anatova
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 342ab9d1-70d5-460f-8870-dc6c89037d6d
which can be used as unique global reference for AnDROid
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 3d519e27-01e8-4038-9eb5-8a3155cf20a7
which can be used as unique global reference for AngryKite
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 41de97ab-964c-46af-a003-b8158add1658
which can be used as unique global reference for AnimusLocker
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 9659d9ea-7110-46ef-befe-a1f3c2d1ade2
which can be used as unique global reference for Annabelle
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Annabelle 2.1
Internal MISP references
UUID dc5e13f7-ab37-4a4f-a3e3-65a9347e3313
which can be used as unique global reference for Annabelle 2.1
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 40c30d33-3808-4b9e-a721-21cc967f7ab7
which can be used as unique global reference for AnonCrack
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 5ca1e51d-4f75-471c-b6d6-0f3ab84c5945
which can be used as unique global reference for AnonPop
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 2b5904c0-37f1-4e62-bdc4-2e3bdf9f8796
which can be used as unique global reference for AnteFrigus
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 8d435ed6-1e4e-4082-8407-de85c715a465
which can be used as unique global reference for Anti-DDos
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 2d9071ae-3e29-452a-8335-3525a5fa749e
which can be used as unique global reference for Antihacker2017
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Anubi NotBTCWare
Internal MISP references
UUID 4a03bd26-20b0-4233-b021-8e6496fc42da
which can be used as unique global reference for Anubi NotBTCWare
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID cba27bf4-1275-407f-ad81-9849ba3a6f45
which can be used as unique global reference for Apocalypse-Missing
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 63057077-494f-46af-b94d-902f5f526b76
which can be used as unique global reference for ApolloLocker
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID c7f5c709-5624-4665-ac56-154b0e4eb594
which can be used as unique global reference for Argus
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 8686cf61-5612-4e7a-8a12-cc31ee5c4daf
which can be used as unique global reference for Armage
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID d2ff3b81-3d0c-471d-8f57-cfa7eaf75e7e
which can be used as unique global reference for Armageddon
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID c83ea76e-b34b-47f3-a7c3-9ac4239a6d46
which can be used as unique global reference for ArmaLocky
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 6219e7b3-31e6-41b7-a519-9897ebc531b6
which can be used as unique global reference for Arsium
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 0065470b-3cbd-45b9-a2ea-daa688a21521
which can be used as unique global reference for Assembly
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID d39b8edb-9607-4089-82f3-3a14a05cb372
which can be used as unique global reference for Ataware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 3e5f91c2-96ca-4056-9043-39fe4327828a
which can be used as unique global reference for Atchbo
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID cb2d9643-46af-4512-be90-359bef60359f
which can be used as unique global reference for ATLAS
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID cfba4795-cd22-4c8e-8067-9600e3cc56f4
which can be used as unique global reference for Australian-AES
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID a54e8231-6665-41b4-991c-1140a5fd8d00
which can be used as unique global reference for AutoEncryptor
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 57970f54-2957-444d-a60d-5c10f129064c
which can be used as unique global reference for AutoWannaCryV2
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 5225f660-288c-4e30-829c-a61d732ff10a
which can be used as unique global reference for Auuahk-Ouuohk
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 61fc0258-6fd5-481c-b044-2b5e22185049
which can be used as unique global reference for AVCrypt
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 1ee82db5-c1f6-4b2c-96d0-e2f9519e5406
which can be used as unique global reference for AxCrypter
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 71eef963-71ad-4641-9e73-3f78a5e2891c
which can be used as unique global reference for aZaZeL
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 281091db-9517-4ac0-9315-6846f85c567f
which can be used as unique global reference for BadEncript
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 76d8ccdb-37cf-4eb7-bb64-d3b48b0dfc89
which can be used as unique global reference for Balbaz
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 3d0b5aa1-3164-4db8-8c87-ced896784ab5
which can be used as unique global reference for Baliluware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID dfce034f-30b2-4761-b55e-e88cafb4526a
which can be used as unique global reference for Bam!
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 7f156e6d-7612-4e74-a5af-a53ea6d19b01
which can be used as unique global reference for BananaCrypt
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
BancoCrypt HT
Internal MISP references
UUID ac962a32-e2d2-4e64-ab29-524d570a0dcd
which can be used as unique global reference for BancoCrypt HT
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Barack Obama's EBBV
Internal MISP references
UUID e65f4496-0560-49ba-b52a-30df8f1a0d44
which can be used as unique global reference for Barack Obama's EBBV
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Basilisque Locker
Internal MISP references
UUID 834bd641-fb8e-40b7-a310-da6aa3f67399
which can be used as unique global reference for Basilisque Locker
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 736f68d4-9a7f-488d-a8ff-7fd4988c6399
which can be used as unique global reference for BASS-FES
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID d1846b2a-6017-4c18-8e7d-edcf831ada71
which can be used as unique global reference for BB
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 0854242f-a664-43bf-b13f-d0e4b718c7b4
which can be used as unique global reference for BeethoveN
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID aecde5c7-0d8b-41a3-9772-0aba95d87fac
which can be used as unique global reference for BestChangeRu
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID dda4fb07-113a-4feb-81e5-c04c35addcd3
which can be used as unique global reference for BigBossHorse
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID abc0f12a-0414-4049-8ee7-90bc1d5d98d9
which can be used as unique global reference for Birbware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 4be6c6d2-3417-41ce-8334-c31811c161db
which can be used as unique global reference for BitCrypt
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
BitCrypt 2.0
Internal MISP references
UUID 06d438c7-81fa-4c2e-8a48-bd8e3d63a946
which can be used as unique global reference for BitCrypt 2.0
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 5b45c3e8-7d91-41d4-a7d3-a7bbb0ebdd83
which can be used as unique global reference for BitKangoroo
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID f66ac6a3-e71c-4cf8-ac5b-02ca80749252
which can be used as unique global reference for BitPyLock
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID e92e4a0e-7fdb-482a-8ff9-3fa36eb0ca95
which can be used as unique global reference for Bitshifter
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID b7f51df4-138c-47fb-8c74-419478cc8cba
which can be used as unique global reference for BKRansomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Black Feather
Internal MISP references
UUID 47fcb57a-4d58-46df-a3f1-3c621c9c5508
which can be used as unique global reference for Black Feather
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 353e2676-d8c0-4e2b-bf7b-b12aaada96cf
which can be used as unique global reference for BlackFireEye
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 85fcfa86-65bc-4c35-8584-1f0515a61df3
which can be used as unique global reference for BlackHat-Mehtihack
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 6dccf9ae-d58d-4a45-baaf-cd873a2fd7bc
which can be used as unique global reference for BlackKingdom
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID a57d5a37-c3fc-4c26-aac0-0803d4ef8adb
which can be used as unique global reference for BlackMist
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID b05ae01a-bcc4-4642-a165-40b503ad260f
which can be used as unique global reference for Blackout
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | ['http://black3gnkizshuynieigw6ejgpblb53mpasftzd6pydqpmq2vn2xf6yd.onion', 'http://4qyjonpyksc52bc3fsgfgedssqgo4a6vlfsjknqnkncbyl4layqkqjid.onion/', 'http://eleav2eq3ioyiuevbyvqaz3vruwvpislphszo4cm7n56itbpnupxngyd.onion/', 'http://2cyxmof76rxeqze5snxxooqmhzjtcploqswxoxmenfayphumdhrtrzqd.onion/', 'http://rqqn25k3hgmfkh7ykjbmakjgidwweomr7cbpy6pfecpxs57r5iwzwtyd.onion/', 'http://mu6se7h7qfwuqclr4cc6zy7qevod6gyk37aq5vwnayrtbx3qqycx2fyd.onion/', 'http://urey23jtg6z7xx3tiybmc4sgcim7dawiz2abl6crpup2lfobf7yb5wyd.onion/', 'http://ao5oo2luy6avdfomyw7hcegmfl4let2g5bzjqjzch6b5rpdshmuvccad.onion', 'http://urey23jtg6z7xx3tiybmc4sgcim7dawiz2abl6crpup2lfobf7yb5wyd.onion', 'http://mu6se7h7qfwuqclr4cc6zy7qevod6gyk37aq5vwnayrtbx3qqycx2fyd.onion', 'http://eleav2eq3ioyiuevbyvqaz3vruwvpislphszo4cm7n56itbpnupxngyd.onion', 'http://2cyxmof76rxeqze5snxxooqmhzjtcploqswxoxmenfayphumdhrtrzqd.onion', 'http://rqqn25k3hgmfkh7ykjbmakjgidwweomr7cbpy6pfecpxs57r5iwzwtyd.onion'] |
Internal MISP references
UUID 3485d93d-c6cd-4a45-85c9-6e3cda016ae6
which can be used as unique global reference for BlackPink
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 01fcca8a-a5b7-4683-b457-66a720f6e569
which can be used as unique global reference for BlackRose
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 8fba79e8-a902-4fbe-8c84-67e2b266ddb6
which can be used as unique global reference for BlackSheep
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Black Worm
Internal MISP references
UUID 14e57527-58cc-4e0a-8e14-9f00a0167610
which can be used as unique global reference for Black Worm
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 0ac4a0b6-c4db-408d-8b0d-7bd4fa7d9c5d
which can be used as unique global reference for Blank
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 1edc8d40-837b-4ec2-9be4-15c63d5dd266
which can be used as unique global reference for Blind
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 11a5a5ac-91f6-41b0-a4c9-010d7754f938
which can be used as unique global reference for Blitzkrieg
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID cda890bf-1d9e-4566-9bc7-3bb4cd3ee571
which can be used as unique global reference for BlockFile12
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID a79b56a9-50e7-42c4-b8b6-fda1fa2dc097
which can be used as unique global reference for BloodJaws
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 01ef6f02-22e4-478f-b02f-6515caf078e3
which can be used as unique global reference for Blooper
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 147e865d-90f6-4332-bdad-967ea69a4b11
which can be used as unique global reference for BlueCheeser
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 3c40df84-ef3b-4f59-86ed-a7a6acd0d902
which can be used as unique global reference for Bluerose
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 13f3e911-757c-401f-b2c9-fedf7f089d3f
which can be used as unique global reference for BOK
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 0c9f224c-2649-4aa7-bdce-fd8655b1fe92
which can be used as unique global reference for BoooamCrypt
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 88533a36-b417-4a90-888e-a4a70dab39fe
which can be used as unique global reference for BooM
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Boris HT
Internal MISP references
UUID 12007b9f-af6b-4dcd-ac50-99154b1045be
which can be used as unique global reference for Boris HT
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID c316df34-8f12-49ef-9534-b28b640047cc
which can be used as unique global reference for BrainLag
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 3e83ee9d-bfc7-49bf-9ecf-6185d887b51e
which can be used as unique global reference for BRansomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID b1298047-13af-4241-b491-305ceb5af7e7
which can be used as unique global reference for Brick
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 74284a53-0078-4819-817a-2283ff04e9d8
which can be used as unique global reference for BrickR
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 8903296a-2ebb-4ec6-97e4-2379348906ff
which can be used as unique global reference for BtcKING
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 52ce04e8-c764-4ded-8df6-f3df15a5b117
which can be used as unique global reference for BTCWare-Aleta
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID d11b8d25-7731-43e6-8880-4ed6bc4d66cd
which can be used as unique global reference for BTCWare-Gryphon
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 6416e35d-8507-4144-b1ad-323161f25217
which can be used as unique global reference for BTCWare-Master
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID a8bd5e60-954c-463d-94b6-a76c45310f6b
which can be used as unique global reference for BTCWare-Nuclear
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 670eec47-c2ae-491d-b102-328866b8a312
which can be used as unique global reference for BTCWare-Onyon
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 7c37c90b-7750-4f5f-ba64-3f058ac83788
which can be used as unique global reference for BTCWare-PayDay
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID f6246bb2-bb04-43ef-acbf-f88b5bc78440
which can be used as unique global reference for BTCWare-Wyvern
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 4f0ddce5-6f85-4f76-b93a-48e15d45f211
which can be used as unique global reference for Bud
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 80b3b6cd-9cc7-4a98-b342-c83d7a167abf
which can be used as unique global reference for BugWare
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
BulbaCrypt HT
Internal MISP references
UUID d3fdd556-cfb4-4aba-b4a9-6698a95cd17c
which can be used as unique global reference for BulbaCrypt HT
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID ce6c2b29-8195-4754-ae24-2e1321764afe
which can be used as unique global reference for BWall
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
C0hen Locker
Internal MISP references
UUID cafacee4-da55-4ec0-ae5c-f7b9d80d0ebf
which can be used as unique global reference for C0hen Locker
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID d56bd7ad-8620-407f-9429-0ff3a0b106b9
which can be used as unique global reference for CA$HOUT
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 708623d0-bbc7-4a8c-9ef8-0266fbf44196
which can be used as unique global reference for CainXPii
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 5261a5d0-a1b0-46f4-b5ae-f32e2728b1cb
which can be used as unique global reference for Cephalo
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID cabe1175-a46b-47e4-9d25-655af0411208
which can be used as unique global reference for Cerberos
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 1fc9a816-ba8d-4811-b930-e2b3c732566f
which can be used as unique global reference for Charmant
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID c9bc4999-a62e-46d5-b0a2-56de5fcde9d5
which can be used as unique global reference for Chekyshka
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID cabdc3c6-17cc-43f1-b469-2372be8d9474
which can be used as unique global reference for ChernoLocker
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID cfd553d0-385b-459a-bc24-dee116249614
which can be used as unique global reference for ChinaYunLong
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 8b644615-af51-4f46-ad09-68274e48ce2b
which can be used as unique global reference for Christmas
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID b87bf395-3e4f-4b2b-bad5-ac88a6c19741
which can be used as unique global reference for ClicoCrypter
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 5a4c04f0-0d05-4068-ba64-bd4979b58d5c
which can be used as unique global reference for ClicoCrypter-2
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 81b6aafe-7b16-4d86-94d7-23fc172d0b81
which can be used as unique global reference for Clouded
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 5f784db9-36e0-4763-aebc-474b53558cef
which can be used as unique global reference for Cmd
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 9bb10b99-a440-4dea-905c-87e95e13e1ae
which can be used as unique global reference for Codemanager
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Coin Locker
Internal MISP references
UUID 905eb47a-0494-402b-ac95-ad201627ff20
which can be used as unique global reference for Coin Locker
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Comrade HT
Internal MISP references
UUID d3b9dd33-3928-4999-8934-aff1ec1fc1a8
which can be used as unique global reference for Comrade HT
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID e0d382e1-0ad3-476e-a953-e7f53c42a703
which can be used as unique global reference for CoNFicker
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 3f3bdf79-67c9-41f5-bc26-398b11cc9551
which can be used as unique global reference for Coom
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 66f35862-3f0c-4328-a792-12e90b6baca8
which can be used as unique global reference for CorruptCrypt
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 5dc6d20f-db0c-44e9-95a3-ee4adb1aa3ad
which can be used as unique global reference for Creeper
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID a3ff8fe7-54b5-4404-b7b7-cf823027e647
which can be used as unique global reference for Creepy
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 8d927c7b-2526-4cf4-a3e6-093f929fa264
which can be used as unique global reference for Cripton
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 5470834d-dc90-492f-8ed8-666c40911515
which can be used as unique global reference for Cripton7zp
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID d4a347c9-6f9b-4578-b7d2-fdcbc0c04d1d
which can be used as unique global reference for Cry36
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 67543823-e4d9-4321-82a0-06820f6cc3e0
which can be used as unique global reference for Cry9
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
"synonyms" in the meta part typically refer to alternate names or labels that are associated with a particular CryCipher.
Known Synonyms |
PayPalGenerator2019 |
Internal MISP references
UUID 92ca663a-347a-47d7-b7da-1208b84a7217
which can be used as unique global reference for CryCipher
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
Internal MISP references
UUID 381ef192-e5ee-4d58-86a3-de853837cb9e
which can be used as unique global reference for CryForMe
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 654fdcba-0432-42e4-9ca9-8b89dd9f0d98
which can be used as unique global reference for Crying
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 4b7d257a-db3a-418a-a295-56ead7fa573c
which can be used as unique global reference for CryMore
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID b08ca08b-7561-4425-95c7-aa01589022cf
which can be used as unique global reference for Cryp70n1c
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Crypt0 HT
Internal MISP references
UUID 56cdf22e-2c02-4413-9d5f-e30d458c995c
which can be used as unique global reference for Crypt0 HT
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID be108e7d-d3d8-4e21-88d7-093d4674eb88
which can be used as unique global reference for Crypt0
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID e4f33b48-653a-4d11-94fd-16d81360e2af
which can be used as unique global reference for Crypt0L0cker
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID b4841b77-1f57-4d7a-8801-1808ca291cfc
which can be used as unique global reference for Crypt0r
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 291daba8-62d3-4bd0-bcfa-68dcba4425c5
which can be used as unique global reference for Crypt12
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 5a23ab82-e373-4429-99e9-743119000dea
which can be used as unique global reference for CryptFuck
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID d07b4335-f967-4e82-80dd-861cd3864c28
which can be used as unique global reference for CryptGh0st
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 6181604f-86e3-4aca-acd1-e715092a5f0f
which can be used as unique global reference for Crypto_Lab
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 7864b740-8f71-43f0-afa8-585a12dd7a8b
which can be used as unique global reference for CryptoApp
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID bb0e8fd4-e737-4781-860c-9f97fc7724b6
which can be used as unique global reference for Crypto-Blocker
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 5ba61618-2e80-4330-88ef-101c5c1d8432
which can be used as unique global reference for CryptoBoss
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 72be1360-a686-4f32-8179-a2a466d0898e
which can be used as unique global reference for CryptoCat
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 876c1bbb-0723-46b2-92a2-1fe0917e432a
which can be used as unique global reference for CryptoClone
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID be33ab7d-d272-4430-8e8c-7fdbd379e188
which can be used as unique global reference for CryptoDark
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
CryptoGod 2017
Internal MISP references
UUID 4a9a48f2-5aa9-4a3c-9c7a-928ee513abf2
which can be used as unique global reference for CryptoGod 2017
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
CryptoGod 2018
Internal MISP references
UUID 5360787b-68b8-4827-a38e-af04ae150943
which can be used as unique global reference for CryptoGod 2018
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 0cb45ddc-d7c7-42b8-b006-3aecff1d5ebc
which can be used as unique global reference for CryptoLite
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 97320061-1478-486c-ba54-62018fe31fdb
which can be used as unique global reference for CryptolockerEmulator
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
CryptoLockerEU 2016
Internal MISP references
UUID ca054485-d14d-45df-92ae-47b9b4dbc4c7
which can be used as unique global reference for CryptoLockerEU 2016
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 8538f7d6-9fcb-4070-bb0c-aff7bb7874f1
which can be used as unique global reference for CryptoManiac
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 20b848d1-3f21-403b-a4c8-c5d2a89faeb9
which can be used as unique global reference for CryptoMix-0000
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Related clusters
To see the related clusters, click here.
Internal MISP references
UUID 771706fa-1015-4bcd-9a74-293285fcd051
which can be used as unique global reference for CryptoMix-Arena
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Related clusters
To see the related clusters, click here.
Internal MISP references
UUID ecaef53f-a4a2-4360-b8e1-cca7b606596a
which can be used as unique global reference for CryptoMix-Azer
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Related clusters
To see the related clusters, click here.
Internal MISP references
UUID 2fec3512-9782-4b3b-a880-30fda4641858
which can be used as unique global reference for CryptoMix-Backup
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Related clusters
To see the related clusters, click here.
Internal MISP references
UUID 8c484784-308a-498f-948b-bc5df8ba4725
which can be used as unique global reference for CryptoMix-CK
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Related clusters
To see the related clusters, click here.
Internal MISP references
UUID aabd25a5-021a-49db-bda8-a922f41c678c
which can be used as unique global reference for CryptoMix-Coban
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Related clusters
To see the related clusters, click here.
Internal MISP references
UUID c1092c4f-91a1-469a-a144-c5d10a94fed6
which can be used as unique global reference for CryptoMix-DLL
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Related clusters
To see the related clusters, click here.
Internal MISP references
UUID 86d45c08-bb85-4d0f-a5d5-3d73d65bd2e5
which can be used as unique global reference for CryptoMix-Empty
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Related clusters
To see the related clusters, click here.
Internal MISP references
UUID 41d393ee-a8ee-4a9d-b510-e1b6a59054f9
which can be used as unique global reference for CryptoMix-Error
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Related clusters
To see the related clusters, click here.
Internal MISP references
UUID ea68b5a8-6f9e-441a-a308-5e4fda8dbab6
which can be used as unique global reference for CryptoMix-Exte
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Related clusters
To see the related clusters, click here.
Internal MISP references
UUID 26fa33ba-528c-49f8-94c2-db4047a37bd0
which can be used as unique global reference for Cryptomix-FILE
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Related clusters
To see the related clusters, click here.
Internal MISP references
UUID d61b7ace-ba80-4d79-9ff2-b6f80af5770b
which can be used as unique global reference for CryptoMix-MOLE66
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Related clusters
To see the related clusters, click here.
Internal MISP references
UUID ef2f721b-0bc0-4f2a-8803-263368fa467d
which can be used as unique global reference for CryptoMix-Noob
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Related clusters
To see the related clusters, click here.
Internal MISP references
UUID 3c3b5442-f81f-4011-a176-f0f63e6fcd3f
which can be used as unique global reference for CryptoMix-Ogonia
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Related clusters
To see the related clusters, click here.
Internal MISP references
UUID 312c93ae-9405-445b-be11-2d0e4aec4f84
which can be used as unique global reference for CryptoMix-Pirate
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Related clusters
To see the related clusters, click here.
Internal MISP references
UUID 6a8ed1dd-34f1-42a3-9d9a-f81d91f53f7c
which can be used as unique global reference for CryptoMix-Revenge
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Related clusters
To see the related clusters, click here.
"synonyms" in the meta part typically refer to alternate names or labels that are associated with a particular Cryptomix-SERVER.
Known Synonyms |
SERVER Cryptomix |
Internal MISP references
UUID 460e3f42-15dc-4e73-ad39-76af8d272379
which can be used as unique global reference for Cryptomix-SERVER
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
Related clusters
To see the related clusters, click here.
"synonyms" in the meta part typically refer to alternate names or labels that are associated with a particular CryptoMix-Shark.
Known Synonyms |
Shark CryptoMix |
Internal MISP references
UUID fc5ee56f-3cd1-4120-9b33-48993987d98d
which can be used as unique global reference for CryptoMix-Shark
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
Related clusters
To see the related clusters, click here.
"synonyms" in the meta part typically refer to alternate names or labels that are associated with a particular CryptoMix-System.
Known Synonyms |
System CryptoMix |
Internal MISP references
UUID 00ca9891-c7dd-44db-a374-14b92169741a
which can be used as unique global reference for CryptoMix-System
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
Related clusters
To see the related clusters, click here.
"synonyms" in the meta part typically refer to alternate names or labels that are associated with a particular CryptoMix-Tastylock.
Known Synonyms |
Tastylock CryptoMix |
Internal MISP references
UUID d8fcab2d-f80c-4165-88f5-db29f7aa1087
which can be used as unique global reference for CryptoMix-Tastylock
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
Related clusters
To see the related clusters, click here.
"synonyms" in the meta part typically refer to alternate names or labels that are associated with a particular CryptoMix-Test.
Known Synonyms |
Test CryptoMix |
Internal MISP references
UUID a4bac628-162c-4487-9bb5-c34e42dec72a
which can be used as unique global reference for CryptoMix-Test
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
Related clusters
To see the related clusters, click here.
Internal MISP references
UUID 51b0559d-547f-40c0-850a-df9f67c08baf
which can be used as unique global reference for CryptoMix-Wallet
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Related clusters
To see the related clusters, click here.
"synonyms" in the meta part typically refer to alternate names or labels that are associated with a particular Cryptomix-WORK.
Known Synonyms |
WORK CryptoMix |
Internal MISP references
UUID 99c5cbdd-9c04-4c18-bcdd-9ee9b4dba862
which can be used as unique global reference for Cryptomix-WORK
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
Related clusters
To see the related clusters, click here.
"synonyms" in the meta part typically refer to alternate names or labels that are associated with a particular CryptoMix-x1881.
Known Synonyms |
x1881 CryptoMix |
Internal MISP references
UUID b55c38f8-b369-4f91-904c-b0758927bd99
which can be used as unique global reference for CryptoMix-x1881
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
Related clusters
To see the related clusters, click here.
"synonyms" in the meta part typically refer to alternate names or labels that are associated with a particular CryptoMix-XZZX.
Known Synonyms |
XZZX CryptoMix |
Internal MISP references
UUID e1eea458-c466-48d8-a121-f5fe14a1cc75
which can be used as unique global reference for CryptoMix-XZZX
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
Related clusters
To see the related clusters, click here.
"synonyms" in the meta part typically refer to alternate names or labels that are associated with a particular CryptoMix-Zayka.
Known Synonyms |
Zayka CryptoMix |
Internal MISP references
UUID 548e3dcd-8448-4318-830a-b8fa46f34fd3
which can be used as unique global reference for CryptoMix-Zayka
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
Related clusters
To see the related clusters, click here.
Internal MISP references
UUID 19d80d86-1f3d-47b5-82f1-5c2b3ab279d8
which can be used as unique global reference for Crypton
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 02fef633-e89f-43f5-bf52-a4e18f670a2d
which can be used as unique global reference for CryptoPatronum
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 334525f2-9e02-4d7e-b866-6a950341b848
which can be used as unique global reference for CryptoPokemon
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID d5ccf284-90c3-44b6-9b90-ddc4717defac
which can be used as unique global reference for CryptorBit
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
CryptoShield 2.0
Internal MISP references
UUID b1a948b2-d072-47d3-9512-e22fe8fb9fb1
which can be used as unique global reference for CryptoShield 2.0
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID e28ac7f9-cb1e-4e28-aace-27162529e96c
which can be used as unique global reference for CryptoSpider
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 84a6d707-6163-4c05-a3a2-d5c605cb6267
which can be used as unique global reference for CryptoViki
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 6260f9a3-b4c6-4f0b-910f-c98c3a13a2de
which can be used as unique global reference for Cryptre
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 39f15885-0ef0-4f04-a837-f1da4b4813bc
which can be used as unique global reference for CrypTron
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Crysis XTBL
Internal MISP references
UUID d757c892-1d05-41f7-9aec-cb9f72316432
which can be used as unique global reference for Crysis XTBL
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID bfd0bcdc-3cc6-4d4b-bf5c-e1467e985610
which can be used as unique global reference for Crystal
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID e64a7cc3-2454-4e77-8fd9-ed12d854e2dd
which can be used as unique global reference for CrystalCrypt
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID e429df1e-ee56-48ff-801f-5648ce9b47cb
which can be used as unique global reference for CryTekk
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 76b33701-ac6e-4ef1-95b8-b7e18204b901
which can be used as unique global reference for CSP
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
CTB-Locker Original
Internal MISP references
UUID 1fda05ea-74c7-4942-ac5d-0d9b6adc4eed
which can be used as unique global reference for CTB-Locker Original
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID ce5eb940-5fd6-4d2f-bfa8-2191ae3e4239
which can be used as unique global reference for CTF
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID ed087a5a-41f7-4997-9701-ef46c984d89d
which can be used as unique global reference for Curumim
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 6cd337d7-b073-4950-afe9-8979151137ae
which can be used as unique global reference for CVLocker
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Cyber Police HT
Internal MISP references
UUID a255f8e2-5ffa-4b4e-91b7-f5620cf8a2ea
which can be used as unique global reference for Cyber Police HT
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 6b6d567b-dcaf-4ebd-b3c7-d81ecaf6e820
which can be used as unique global reference for CyberDrill2
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 59dc87a1-e66f-48a3-8eb9-9591b3c8339b
which can be used as unique global reference for CyberResearcher
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID b9a0558f-b975-4406-8381-7e93e2d96394
which can be used as unique global reference for CyberSCCP
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 3a69e0f9-ef7e-418e-87f5-821b5f7c7d3d
which can be used as unique global reference for CyberSoldier
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 67e652fe-2689-41f1-b7fe-1550ec3031ab
which can be used as unique global reference for Cyclone
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID d1ed0b02-020f-467f-9b4b-4c1c910257a2
which can be used as unique global reference for CypherPy
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID bb8b3841-4e99-4114-b640-00dfef8206cf
which can be used as unique global reference for Cyspt
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID b536d9b6-f3b6-446d-94d7-a6ac36f2ecf8
which can be used as unique global reference for Czech
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 8971edef-7b24-4682-8a6e-9aff32778ebf
which can be used as unique global reference for D00mEd
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID fcf7240e-7d1b-4b0d-84b8-7ab0919b5444
which can be used as unique global reference for D2+D
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 15d3732d-5ca8-4dc4-bf9b-8f7791706d17
which can be used as unique global reference for DarkKomet
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID a3e8d4f9-d24d-40de-9ba9-256774da6d17
which can be used as unique global reference for DarkLocker
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 27d38148-e9d4-4b4b-8b7b-514060493a40
which can be used as unique global reference for DarkoderCryptor
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 4c90d525-b24f-43b5-941e-2bc3038669ff
which can be used as unique global reference for DataKeeper
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 0f22483f-8227-4977-8097-55d5f3971a32
which can be used as unique global reference for Datebatut
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 3f550aa8-f9ec-4040-be24-1182c0f6637f
which can be used as unique global reference for DCRTR
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 3b0aa35a-b0f7-4263-b7a6-50efdb5b4c42
which can be used as unique global reference for DCRTR-WDM
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 25d55a0a-7a5c-4ce2-be3e-7fda4be4cfe6
which can be used as unique global reference for DCry
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 6bc76688-d22f-414b-8019-a4e22d76a662
which can be used as unique global reference for DDE
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 7af4bdcb-bfeb-4ad1-8b6c-eae6df8f81b0
which can be used as unique global reference for DeadSec-Crypto
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
DeathHiddenTear (Large&Small HT) >
Internal MISP references
UUID ee027575-6c9e-4803-80fa-6ff4f4d0af68
which can be used as unique global reference for DeathHiddenTear (Large&Small HT) >
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 101c648e-8c7a-4082-902f-37a536c38063
which can be used as unique global reference for DeathNote
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID b4ad80c6-1a90-4f20-a3e2-8e127a295861
which can be used as unique global reference for DeathRansom
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 8c7cd622-c0cb-4d4a-991b-99de948baf8d
which can be used as unique global reference for DecryptIomega
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Decryption Assistant
Internal MISP references
UUID b298b00f-1cc9-4b08-b2a2-8b16cafdee73
which can be used as unique global reference for Decryption Assistant
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 54a0441c-c25d-4a7a-b572-2a8fb1d91a61
which can be used as unique global reference for DecService
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 89f73121-682a-4675-815e-af3b3183c000
which can be used as unique global reference for DecYourData
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID d14aacd7-dea9-44ea-8160-ffee220fb572
which can be used as unique global reference for Defender
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Defray (Glushkov)
Internal MISP references
UUID ca4b65f9-b49e-4531-90a9-4448e0a1fbce
which can be used as unique global reference for Defray (Glushkov)
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID fac72d3c-e12e-4ec0-8006-176d2f10df56
which can be used as unique global reference for Deos
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 8fab2ebc-526e-46ce-9f32-4ae06337acd4
which can be used as unique global reference for Desktop
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID e2a2169c-73ac-4ee3-aa0d-05c00fffd9f2
which can be used as unique global reference for Diamond
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 1435b9b7-2c3d-4f0d-b651-617b67877273
which can be used as unique global reference for DilmaLocker
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID a3ea2517-9e89-4088-9433-6091f29b8a22
which can be used as unique global reference for Dishwasher
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID b28aa31f-32cf-44eb-ae6f-2d952b1e9a01
which can be used as unique global reference for District
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
DMA Locker 1.0-2.0-3.0
Internal MISP references
UUID 517622cc-b402-4791-b5cd-b793f7bcf232
which can be used as unique global reference for DMA Locker 1.0-2.0-3.0
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
DMA Locker 4.0
Internal MISP references
UUID 0a852768-faaa-4e9f-88b4-cdc8887a4518
which can be used as unique global reference for DMA Locker 4.0
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
DMALocker Imposter
Internal MISP references
UUID b7a27265-4300-401b-b8e4-82ec20cea5f9
which can be used as unique global reference for DMALocker Imposter
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 0416d649-c1e1-4e52-9b02-dd78dc4829ba
which can be used as unique global reference for Dodger
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 29d2e73b-dda0-4206-9c45-597dd2fd2c81
which can be used as unique global reference for DolphinTear
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Donald Trump
Internal MISP references
UUID dec37a2c-1f82-4a42-9ac4-1cbadcec28a7
which can be used as unique global reference for Donald Trump
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID abb380f4-1237-421f-8b34-5616acdabdfb
which can be used as unique global reference for Donation1
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 2e8f75c9-5122-4f5d-a32d-c6b500f7cd28
which can be used as unique global reference for Done
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 177d029a-4414-4300-8ef3-2dd476f006e9
which can be used as unique global reference for Dont_Worry
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID d029f838-1bf1-4a35-bd7c-43bd0a513693
which can be used as unique global reference for DotNoData
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID bbb53d99-09e9-42a9-812e-96539da0ed4b
which can be used as unique global reference for DotZeroCMD
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Dr. Fucker
Internal MISP references
UUID b544ea57-deee-4e66-91c4-b4d02a9e283e
which can be used as unique global reference for Dr. Fucker
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Dr. Jimbo
Internal MISP references
UUID 10731cae-b25b-49a7-b821-c4b655e99a38
which can be used as unique global reference for Dr. Jimbo
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 099c3512-a86b-40dc-94f9-7f2052991212
which can be used as unique global reference for Drakos
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 68b0ba66-0c9e-4ae2-856d-d43c024c5e0c
which can be used as unique global reference for DriedSister
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID c14d0a23-5394-4a51-b3d6-7602b4b8d6ac
which can be used as unique global reference for Dviide
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID bfd3bb40-5057-4774-983f-1d61ab5fd38d
which can be used as unique global reference for eBayWall
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 1222a73b-6ae7-4e21-9fd0-df2ddc2d9ef3
which can be used as unique global reference for EbolaRnsmwr
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 19638b5e-cfc9-4bbd-9f21-0efc7cd1929a
which can be used as unique global reference for ECLR
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID b166020d-baac-4424-ab13-fbdfcd52dee5
which can be used as unique global reference for EggLocker
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Ekati demo tool
Internal MISP references
UUID 1c8c31ef-0d95-4e70-baf2-7d85fa46f1fd
which can be used as unique global reference for Ekati demo tool
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 5f47e7f6-b872-443c-83d5-5993dca85e0b
which can be used as unique global reference for Enc1
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID a24aee63-5e3c-4aec-a79d-6cb3cf2ee7a5
which can be used as unique global reference for EncoderCSL
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 8856e9e4-4774-44af-a89c-00ee64af95b3
which can be used as unique global reference for EnCrypt
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 7f2f2f1c-43ec-40a4-92f3-e6b27a86fd66
which can be used as unique global reference for EncryptedBatch
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID cb1db616-8c54-46c9-9a54-c59b0f34203e
which can be used as unique global reference for EncryptServer2018
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 049a556e-143c-4ed4-a1d5-b32a5818e3f5
which can be used as unique global reference for EnybenyCrypt
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 44816458-fbf1-46f5-9189-031a4f5a9494
which can be used as unique global reference for EOEO
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 34b549c2-e28f-475c-916e-d164b7d984bf
which can be used as unique global reference for Epoblockl
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 50a03182-fb83-4d2d-a33b-13bbab4f9c94
which can be used as unique global reference for Erica2020
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 1d48b852-ddb9-4294-9502-244b2664fe0c
which can be used as unique global reference for Eris
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 35275d91-8878-45fd-aa11-d5932a4a3707
which can be used as unique global reference for Estemani
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID b1fe23d0-e3f3-4164-ab96-4e859a25e639
which can be used as unique global reference for Eternal
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 97c7c06d-e2b6-459c-92ec-bde5a4dd54ff
which can be used as unique global reference for Eternity
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 4b7906b7-1e17-4c5d-a56f-abf238e42dcf
which can be used as unique global reference for Euclid
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Evasive HT
Internal MISP references
UUID 6287e47b-7919-4be1-9ee8-c3a9a7f0feab
which can be used as unique global reference for Evasive HT
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 47554d81-a6d9-4017-ad8c-cab653e6a1b3
which can be used as unique global reference for Evolution
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 803671d5-8d84-45c9-aef0-13dbaedd2b4c
which can be used as unique global reference for Executioner
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID ed1bebe5-6bad-448c-8b92-ca7fd8563a2b
which can be used as unique global reference for ExecutionerPlus
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Exocrypt XTC
Internal MISP references
UUID 23fe7df3-ad1b-4270-b519-3d7db4d62d0b
which can be used as unique global reference for Exocrypt XTC
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 89aed7ce-b8db-4d66-91b3-cae5def39255
which can be used as unique global reference for ExoLock
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 80304c6b-de78-4db0-a0b9-7e3164f818d2
which can be used as unique global reference for ExpBoot
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 7b9fa522-8db4-4b29-adcf-7c01c21c39b4
which can be used as unique global reference for Explorer
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Extortion Scam
"synonyms" in the meta part typically refer to alternate names or labels that are associated with a particular Extortion Scam.
Known Synonyms |
Sextortion Scam |
Internal MISP references
UUID 08890a08-8ffc-49f5-b5b9-6a89002327f3
which can be used as unique global reference for Extortion Scam
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
Internal MISP references
UUID 59c28ba7-d42a-42d8-afaa-69fcbe9eaadb
which can be used as unique global reference for Extractor
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID a6ef13a1-5429-47eb-8d8b-5ffde2ebdff0
which can be used as unique global reference for EyLamo
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 919cadc1-9089-4fd4-a8d9-c83089f78391
which can be used as unique global reference for EZDZ
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 0c22c2e4-f83e-4f16-841c-534d569a1b30
which can be used as unique global reference for Fabiansomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Facebook HT
Internal MISP references
UUID 7ccbce77-7251-451f-ba92-da1439a916d0
which can be used as unique global reference for Facebook HT
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID f656c54f-d252-4441-af31-f88a9fcc6ee4
which can be used as unique global reference for Faizal
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Fake Cerber
Internal MISP references
UUID 27e5da0f-5f6c-460c-b1b7-03e78724ab07
which can be used as unique global reference for Fake Cerber
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Fake DMA
Internal MISP references
UUID bc7a4be2-1997-40ba-beb7-553120b1411b
which can be used as unique global reference for Fake DMA
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 29cd31bb-819f-4d01-9805-ba9656a2d215
which can be used as unique global reference for FartPlz
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 6d97efca-8d12-45d3-93c3-93a4d3839110
which can be used as unique global reference for FBLocker
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 3a05c407-80bc-491d-9065-97b53137694c
which can be used as unique global reference for FCP
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 42aea797-8789-43ed-aca5-0c492a3a8970
which can be used as unique global reference for FCrypt
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 010a5c7b-ec43-4540-9c67-4b4f73c82c06
which can be used as unique global reference for FCT
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 4e344305-4a3b-43b5-a2a6-5cf669e416e7
which can be used as unique global reference for Fenrir
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
File Ripper
Internal MISP references
UUID 7c698732-90bb-4a72-a8ac-f6194761c546
which can be used as unique global reference for File Ripper
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 35c968af-cee9-40bf-9d62-b8ba5d6dbc8f
which can be used as unique global reference for FileFuck
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 39a197ff-be4b-45a7-bdc8-fc17af421d63
which can be used as unique global reference for FilesL0cker
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 06db1c0f-5dcd-4dad-8fb5-cdf8afdf2ab6
which can be used as unique global reference for Final
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 02c5bf92-23e8-404c-9fe9-5e50f587d0c4
which can be used as unique global reference for FindZip
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID b9f1d220-2ef0-4b1d-84ed-ae6843e5828e
which can be used as unique global reference for Flatcher3
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 51f42a21-1963-40c5-b644-d4c1c5c3f9eb
which can be used as unique global reference for Fluffy-TAR
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 10254366-b6d0-4266-a277-6ef4eee460b3
which can be used as unique global reference for Foxy
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID a5e54d82-cb41-420e-a03d-89b762560dcc
which can be used as unique global reference for Freshdesk
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 5df125ae-9362-415d-a915-f478447eece5
which can be used as unique global reference for Frog
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 61c215e0-835b-488a-8e82-94da05871b80
which can be used as unique global reference for FrozrLock
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 8467b6f2-7132-4695-87a6-6a7400c3a7d8
which can be used as unique global reference for FRS
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID d81208be-6715-4ef5-b354-9283d7eed531
which can be used as unique global reference for FScrypt
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID db9571dc-7ebc-4f2b-a31b-944851c16346
which can be used as unique global reference for FuckTheSystem
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
FuxSocy Encryptor
Internal MISP references
UUID 6247ab38-e6dd-4020-8771-f1fdfc9e86bd
which can be used as unique global reference for FuxSocy Encryptor
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 1ef5a7de-9fe2-4cfb-a6ff-7f63bc31bf94
which can be used as unique global reference for Galacti-Crypter
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 9734c2bc-d638-4b69-9189-c6141f66bcab
which can be used as unique global reference for GameOver
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID dd9dd6b6-97c6-4cd1-bd3a-f7e95526b090
which can be used as unique global reference for Geminis3
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 0a59664f-b447-4c5e-b8e4-8842e381390b
which can be used as unique global reference for Gendarmerie
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 317eee8b-2a8b-4d2a-a17c-9fa651de2f06
which can be used as unique global reference for Genobot
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 7f94ad48-3321-4fbb-850d-a0e6cb300815
which can be used as unique global reference for GermanWiper
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 857a6d87-3fe7-426a-8679-7029134800af
which can be used as unique global reference for GhosTEncryptor
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 66c1ee94-a302-4f25-a54a-fdc2e2c3d164
which can be used as unique global reference for GhostHammer
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID abf2485a-8fc6-46a5-9400-d188711a3cb2
which can be used as unique global reference for Gibberish
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 5845d539-8c80-4957-92ea-7aa968ec784c
which can be used as unique global reference for Gibon
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID f03fb4bc-7762-4529-bce1-d851619fb0d4
which can be used as unique global reference for Giyotin
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID c18fb798-f2f8-4119-aee3-5888241d129f
which can be used as unique global reference for GoCryptoLocker
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 287f5d11-c1da-4409-8404-543c68cc968e
which can be used as unique global reference for Godra
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID df998c50-52d0-462d-9bbb-5b93a5adc7b0
which can be used as unique global reference for GoGoogle
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID e88b85ed-d20d-416a-bde9-2a2ba60f9c70
which can be used as unique global reference for GoHack
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Golden Axe
Internal MISP references
UUID c51e8939-8b5d-4b5e-a73e-92944e1392c0
which can be used as unique global reference for Golden Axe
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 61fbe157-557a-40c4-919f-d61f6f7b5f2f
which can be used as unique global reference for Gomme
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
GonnaCry Ransmware
Internal MISP references
UUID 269bae29-5955-4723-8f33-b81767f44c82
which can be used as unique global reference for GonnaCry Ransmware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Goofed HT
Internal MISP references
UUID 9325868e-bc3a-43d7-ba18-cd5d372eea06
which can be used as unique global reference for Goofed HT
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
GoRansom POC
Internal MISP references
UUID 7b8f0dea-b63a-4b70-ae4b-2a06afd9d438
which can be used as unique global reference for GoRansom POC
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 99cf422f-785c-4459-86a0-15f4204f17d2
which can be used as unique global reference for Gorgon
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID a7c78489-4545-4d5f-a280-0b919ee23c3f
which can be used as unique global reference for Gotcha
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID c694aab7-1c1c-4a36-9fa1-da8860f75ab3
which can be used as unique global reference for GottaCry
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 11684b37-3bc6-4d74-b72e-8689f5340bc2
which can be used as unique global reference for GPAA
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID c479cd06-3935-4673-abc2-fb2a69b04c23
which can be used as unique global reference for GPGQwerty
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID ae7dcbb6-044a-427a-8392-7697c4e1bef7
which can be used as unique global reference for Craftul
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 9f7c8936-96ee-4f99-a61c-8c51b4c93c9d
which can be used as unique global reference for Greystars
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID e7c56607-ad06-4b6c-881d-5076e083d5d4
which can be used as unique global reference for GrodexCrypt
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID b7025c7b-e650-4e8e-83b8-1311bd684b65
which can be used as unique global reference for GrujaRSorium
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID d980b021-485e-4515-a629-11a42a67b36c
which can be used as unique global reference for Gruxer
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID b0d5f511-7542-46e5-b95a-53c2c56a2683
which can be used as unique global reference for GusCrypter
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID e9269244-a119-4c0a-92fd-a3b3617670d8
which can be used as unique global reference for GX40
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 9cfe0adf-72e8-44c8-bdce-4c2c2a7749bf
which can be used as unique global reference for H34rtBl33d
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 1d689032-cca4-4c40-86db-1eabd2a7cd29
which can be used as unique global reference for HackdoorCrypt3r
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID c0091a62-b1cd-495d-898b-d2f3b5af601e
which can be used as unique global reference for Hades
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
- http://www.secureworks.com/research/threat-profiles/gold-winter - webarchive
- https://assets.sentinelone.com/sentinellabs/sentinellabs_EvilCorp - webarchive
- https://awakesecurity.com/blog/incident-response-hades-ransomware-gang-or-hafnium/ - webarchive
- https://blog.truesec.com/2021/05/05/are-the-notorious-cyber-criminals-evil-corp-actually-russian-spies/ - webarchive
- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1MI8Z2tBhmqQ5X8Wf_ozv3dVjz5sJOs-3 - webarchive
- https://killingthebear.jorgetesta.tech/actors/evil-corp - webarchive
- https://symantec.broadcom.com/hubfs/The_Ransomware_Threat_September_2021.pdf - webarchive
- https://twitter.com/inversecos/status/1381477874046169089?s=20 - webarchive
- https://www.accenture.com/us-en/blogs/cyber-defense/unknown-threat-group-using-hades-ransomware - webarchive
- https://www.accenture.com/us-en/blogs/security/ransomware-hades - webarchive
- https://www.advanced-intel.com/post/adversarial-perspective-advintel-breach-avoidance-through-monitoring-initial-vulnerabilities - webarchive
- https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/evil-corp-switches-to-hades-ransomware-to-evade-sanctions/ - webarchive
- https://www.crowdstrike.com/blog/how-big-game-hunting-ttps-shifted-after-darkside-pipeline-attack/ - webarchive
- https://www.huntandhackett.com/blog/advanced-ip-scanner-the-preferred-scanner-in-the-apt-toolbox - webarchive
- https://www.mandiant.com/resources/unc2165-shifts-to-evade-sanctions - webarchive
- https://www.secureworks.com/blog/hades-ransomware-operators-use-distinctive-tactics-and-infrastructure - webarchive
- https://www.sentinelone.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/S1_-SentinelLabs_SanctionsBeDamned_final_02.pdf - webarchive
- https://www.ransomlook.io/group/hades - webarchive
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | December 2020 |
links | ['http://ixltdyumdlthrtgx.onion', 'http://m6s6axasulxjkhzh.onion/'] |
Related clusters
To see the related clusters, click here.
Internal MISP references
UUID 49e5c755-510d-4eca-a45d-8561a53f6bfa
which can be used as unique global reference for Hakbit
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID a5c17b66-ee15-4a08-9eb6-348bb6adeb33
which can be used as unique global reference for HappyCrypter
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 8d551d9e-f14c-473e-a896-7cee4fc09e82
which can be used as unique global reference for Haze
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID e9863c6d-d081-4f8b-bffd-de2004f93897
which can be used as unique global reference for HCrypto
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 3347541a-772d-4b83-a7fd-b9a98569eb8e
which can be used as unique global reference for HELP@AUSI
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 526166b7-59a5-4946-9d50-d95788e4d28f
which can be used as unique global reference for HelpDCFile
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 5ad18348-acb0-430c-8439-ea2b7c6438e6
which can be used as unique global reference for HelpMe
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 718b274e-b547-42dc-ada4-b47e213cd625
which can be used as unique global reference for Hermes837
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
HermesVirus HT
Internal MISP references
UUID 2b2379e5-098e-4c62-be82-79ee4e3cc61c
which can be used as unique global reference for HermesVirus HT
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID c7e0650f-efbe-4c2e-bef7-ff824fb5a152
which can be used as unique global reference for Heropoint
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 7c2a199e-1ed6-4820-a3e2-80c45ff6f709
which can be used as unique global reference for HiddenBeer
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 38b8fb07-8545-4f79-8094-fed524e263c4
which can be used as unique global reference for Honor
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID bdd46a71-888d-4091-b55e-2fb9ff11a770
which can be used as unique global reference for Horros
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 2e4f26d6-f220-4877-be0e-45059b0f8eeb
which can be used as unique global reference for Hydra
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Related clusters
To see the related clusters, click here.
Internal MISP references
UUID 496e3fb8-666c-4dd0-a06f-af1358320f6e
which can be used as unique global reference for IGotYou
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 17e7cef2-74fb-4abc-9d83-a65a50654381
which can be used as unique global reference for iGZa4C
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID f7947cfd-dfac-437d-bc9d-3b71470d222a
which can be used as unique global reference for ILElection2020
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 03429647-cc47-49ee-b336-4fa866abf510
which can be used as unique global reference for Ims00ry
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 9c8eadbf-c1d0-4726-85ac-3d595efadf9d
which can be used as unique global reference for ImSorry
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 719a97ab-4324-433f-aee0-f42712feb00b
which can be used as unique global reference for Incanto
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID ddb76772-bfc9-4896-92ee-b7baf6f1a07e
which can be used as unique global reference for Indrik
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID de63a115-7a2b-4b0a-8898-8f3fa6768414
which can be used as unique global reference for InducVirus
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 40215dc5-5d28-4770-a85f-b6a71f1db5d9
which can be used as unique global reference for InfinityLock
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 5ec2d8cd-090d-4184-b865-53d71cbbc235
which can be used as unique global reference for InfoDot
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 6a4ac521-4731-4bc1-abf4-639b451018bc
which can be used as unique global reference for INPIVX
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 2a1ab564-52e1-4575-8184-20b68c1f23c6
which can be used as unique global reference for InsaneCrypt
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 82f52546-ed68-468d-96a1-d7064478d0de
which can be used as unique global reference for IPA
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 54c9604e-ba28-4fa7-9a39-125fe0fbf0cb
which can be used as unique global reference for IT.Books
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 159953eb-01f1-4325-9467-54a4c7bdeebb
which can be used as unique global reference for J-
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 7770c955-5d04-42c2-8421-3a38c7bebf90
which can be used as unique global reference for JabaCrypter
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID d712d488-e189-4fc1-82ce-ef6bb0ecad4e
which can be used as unique global reference for Jaffe
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 72e2f10d-9c6a-407d-9e7d-f76c1c8248f2
which can be used as unique global reference for James
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Java NotDharma
Internal MISP references
UUID 5b8990a3-0e8c-4b81-8d3c-cc8e6b5024eb
which can be used as unique global reference for Java NotDharma
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID f1486237-a5da-48aa-8681-45b389ef2fa2
which can be used as unique global reference for jCandy
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID d2f5c189-5707-4bec-88d9-0d0bd864cfae
which can be used as unique global reference for JeepersCrypt
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID cd334e6e-893b-4dc1-beeb-484f542d0d50
which can be used as unique global reference for Jemd
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 07b4eda8-d346-4218-8c4d-a553ae4f684a
which can be used as unique global reference for JesusCrypt
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 93b502df-b300-4ea6-af49-85901d9bfc6d
which can be used as unique global reference for JNEC.a
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 4bbe43a3-ca75-4f93-973b-2179770ad606
which can be used as unique global reference for JoeGo
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Jolly Roger
Internal MISP references
UUID 2e8763e0-5584-4f9a-ac60-d111a30a887c
which can be used as unique global reference for Jolly Roger
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 2e63db1d-5ce9-4cb4-a75a-86afd2d450ec
which can be used as unique global reference for JosepCrypt
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 41ae4021-d6a6-4f19-9414-ff4d78ae2f21
which can be used as unique global reference for Juwon
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID b484ef6b-ac11-4fe2-a87c-5731c280b4aa
which can be used as unique global reference for Kali
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 6352d423-003a-4545-91d6-bb66425a3edd
which can be used as unique global reference for Kamil
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 8f8e32fe-05a1-4125-a287-27ff372b9f56
which can be used as unique global reference for Kampret
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID e04a4847-38df-4f14-8b16-6b6da7d5e222
which can be used as unique global reference for Karo
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 739c4582-7471-43f3-aa21-3c181fe6713c
which can be used as unique global reference for Katafrank
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 3744333c-49b7-45cb-9059-6933725fa725
which can be used as unique global reference for Katyusha
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
KCTF Locker
Internal MISP references
UUID b17ec2bc-bcc7-4f75-9338-ee7ec64a7a49
which can be used as unique global reference for KCTF Locker
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 47e97378-20da-40d4-b6bc-99dd2aba84d2
which can be used as unique global reference for KCW
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID a307a755-a243-4b00-b1ef-11b08049ca29
which can be used as unique global reference for Kee
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID ccb50fe4-dbcf-4773-933b-0cd27b08e81b
which can be used as unique global reference for KEKW
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 389ad313-aceb-4ee1-8554-8aec78a2f7b6
which can be used as unique global reference for Kerkoporta
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 55cebdaf-adfb-4943-b169-4652af84e0da
which can be used as unique global reference for KeyMaker
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID fc59e09e-49a2-4751-a3c8-0def51fbbd61
which can be used as unique global reference for KillBot_Virus
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID d6d91cbd-4ad9-4cf4-b5fa-a468da62b421
which can be used as unique global reference for KillDisk-Dimens
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 01dc9bbb-b888-4aa5-b6a2-d216eaa95f84
which can be used as unique global reference for KillRabbit
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID f4d370e2-7d91-4bd0-9b1f-33160d4b989f
which can be used as unique global reference for KillSwitch
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 74a66fc7-bd18-4f43-a9c1-c22cfe98d101
which can be used as unique global reference for Kindest
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 7a502648-9097-41ae-a686-8f9365923daa
which can be used as unique global reference for KKK
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID c099771d-82dd-45b6-9a1b-e5590eac897a
which can be used as unique global reference for Kovter
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 6ba8bc69-bd70-4672-a167-123bfb260ecb
which can be used as unique global reference for Kriptovor
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID d93b5179-d747-4845-b4cd-61b9566aa823
which can be used as unique global reference for Krypte
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 822b3254-d715-46bc-8011-c5b647d314dc
which can be used as unique global reference for Krypton
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Kryptonite RBY
Internal MISP references
UUID 377a0893-a5f0-4b78-a410-ef814083ae27
which can be used as unique global reference for Kryptonite RBY
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Kryptonite Snake
Internal MISP references
UUID 4a3ce744-3468-4ddf-95f9-7095bdd0d65e
which can be used as unique global reference for Kryptonite Snake
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID de0bf4df-c578-41f1-b7db-20a1ae481844
which can be used as unique global reference for Kupidon
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID a613ff2c-d23c-468b-b53f-c140be5d6457
which can be used as unique global reference for Ladon
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID a4a865b8-9b7c-4ec4-b448-ad8b1524f928
which can be used as unique global reference for Lalabitch_ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID a026f575-384f-4a5a-b76d-7baa223661b2
which can be used as unique global reference for LazagneCrypt
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID a7c9904b-758f-4107-bffb-12d190e08687
which can be used as unique global reference for Light
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID cfbc0527-0301-49f5-a38b-d9d2d73c4256
which can be used as unique global reference for LightningCrypt
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 2d3d3c5e-fc6b-4afb-a81b-9b0de8e78446
which can be used as unique global reference for LIGMA
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID dd518ffc-8f62-44f0-9eba-b565137ee4c2
which can be used as unique global reference for Lime
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID c96c1d9c-9f7d-47ac-9849-6a9e4c049f55
which can be used as unique global reference for Litra
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 0ea3f9fd-9f2a-4491-9492-e655344fd5ec
which can be used as unique global reference for LittleFinger
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID f3dfd38d-9795-4c2f-92f8-683f252c7935
which can be used as unique global reference for LMAOxUS
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID eed8bf9a-cbb6-4096-9511-7a3cf47d10c4
which can be used as unique global reference for LockBox
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 07b6bb3b-e738-466e-9267-78587c3dea6b
which can be used as unique global reference for Locked_File
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 3a29a37a-528a-4fd5-b6c8-a5be64c88c15
which can be used as unique global reference for LockedByte
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID d62a826b-9d74-4e04-8e12-9cb918c0ee80
which can be used as unique global reference for Locker-Pay
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 8622375e-47c3-4542-be21-cc76969cdaa1
which can be used as unique global reference for Lockify
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID c493f2e3-7fdc-41f5-8450-1e01dd92c339
which can be used as unique global reference for LockMe
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 229959ff-de0f-46d5-9ded-5026944adc13
which can be used as unique global reference for LockOn
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 70fa1062-fdb1-424b-b29e-c4497c4f9df4
which can be used as unique global reference for Lockout
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 23ccf1d7-4f68-4c95-a8a4-eeff5720be63
which can be used as unique global reference for LongTermMemoryLoss
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 1609a28b-9da4-419f-8df9-0589d842f231
which can be used as unique global reference for LonleyCrypt
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 706d91b7-990b-486f-bf6b-33ffdc704039
which can be used as unique global reference for LooCipher
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID de60a270-8ed2-4b39-b90c-ebbd7821962d
which can be used as unique global reference for LordOfShadow
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 98c9333d-9c94-436d-9f37-3ba4354cad32
which can be used as unique global reference for Losers
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 29a65541-4638-4acc-9627-f5cfd5d719d0
which can be used as unique global reference for Losers-Dangerous
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 2c5d28fa-1ca9-45ff-9ea6-943a1fd375af
which can be used as unique global reference for Lost_Files
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 92312287-ab2b-4246-a46b-c9b41714571b
which can be used as unique global reference for LuckyJoe
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 0e372055-134e-4360-b62e-ad65ee20a2c4
which can be used as unique global reference for Luxnut
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID d44c76ea-ab96-4f95-aa51-471c779de3d1
which can be used as unique global reference for Madafakah
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 27e23341-bbcd-4eae-992e-f0a0c87e3b40
which can be used as unique global reference for MadBit
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 7fe890f7-db7f-4cef-ad9f-9e44d445ef8a
which can be used as unique global reference for Magician
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 8ee63c4b-eb0d-47f1-b867-41afb64a5686
which can be used as unique global reference for Malabu
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
MalwareTech's CTF
Internal MISP references
UUID bd2800dc-62b8-4e77-bde5-1a1b0c4d2502
which can be used as unique global reference for MalwareTech's CTF
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID c430f580-6ba9-44fa-a8c5-9ccfff339940
which can be used as unique global reference for Mancros+AI4939
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID e1b124d6-6a92-4d0a-a116-ae8f448e5dc3
which can be used as unique global reference for Maoloa
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID cf316be5-f76f-4c9a-8cc1-52214bb18896
which can be used as unique global reference for Marozka
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 3121238f-0982-4a10-92fc-047fbd658784
which can be used as unique global reference for MarraCrypt
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 20f3f441-7285-4b83-a2a1-fad2d23b1048
which can be used as unique global reference for Matroska
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 9b9f3cc7-7cb8-4431-8187-d7494703d618
which can be used as unique global reference for MauriGo
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID b219c747-81da-45c5-88a6-50a1a4642ba0
which can be used as unique global reference for MaxiCrypt
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID d5c3b64f-c9b4-4f48-9391-6f0d5ac8f5e4
which can be used as unique global reference for Maykolin
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 82b3dd0f-eb99-4866-aaa2-af4f4182d612
which can be used as unique global reference for Maysomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 2a803db3-8962-4d2f-8397-e3301b57cef7
which can be used as unique global reference for MBR-ONI
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Observed as recently as May 2022, MedusaLocker actors predominantly rely on vulnerabilities in Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) to access victims’ networks. The MedusaLocker actors encrypt the victim's data and leave a ransom note with communication instructions in every folder containing an encrypted file. The note directs victims to provide ransomware payments to a specific Bitcoin wallet address. MedusaLocker appears to operate as a Ransomware-as-a-Service (RaaS) model based on the observed split of ransom payments. Typical RaaS models involve the ransomware developer and various affiliates that deploy the ransomware on victim systems. MedusaLocker ransomware payments appear to be consistently split between the affiliate, who receives 55 to 60 percent of the ransom; and the developer, who receives the remainder.
Internal MISP references
UUID 627d603a-906f-4fbf-b922-f03eea4578fe
which can be used as unique global reference for MedusaLocker
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
extensions | ['.1btc', '.matlock20', '.marlock02', '.readinstructions', '.bec', '.mylock', '.jpz.nz', '.marlock11', '.cn', '.NET1', '.key1', '.fileslocked', '.datalock', '.NZ', '.lock', '.lockfilesUS', '.deadfilesgr', '.tyco', '.lockdata7', '.rs', '.faratak', '.uslockhh', '.lockfiles', '.fileslock', '.zoomzoom', '.perfection', '.marlock13', 'n.exe', '.Readinstruction', '.marlock08', '.marlock25', 'nt_lock20', '.READINSTRUCTION', '.marlock6', '.marlock01', '.ReadInstructions'] |
links | ['https://qd7pcafncosqfqu3ha6fcx4h6sr7tzwagzpcdcnytiw3b6varaeqv5yd.onion', 'http://qd7pcafncosqfqu3ha6fcx4h6sr7tzwagzpcdcnytiw3b6varaeqv5yd.onion/', 'http://medusaxko7jxtrojdkxo66j7ck4q5tgktf7uqsqyfry4ebnxlcbkccyd.onion'] |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['how_to_ recover_data.html', 'how_to_recover_data.html.marlock01', 'instructions.html', 'READINSTRUCTION.html', '!!!HOW_TO_DECRYPT!!!', 'How_to_recovery.txt', 'readinstructions.html', 'readme_to_recover_files', 'recovery_instructions.html', 'HOW_TO_RECOVER_DATA.html', 'recovery_instruction.html'] |
Internal MISP references
UUID 6a985c3b-8ad9-4005-b363-854f6f6f4dcd
which can be used as unique global reference for Meduza
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 60ec39c9-25d2-4d04-ad2e-4f9293159e84
which can be used as unique global reference for MegaLocker
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 1d274b68-a9c9-4418-a430-df9e4f0d4f4a
which can be used as unique global reference for Mew767
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Mike NotSTOP
Internal MISP references
UUID 08e17d21-6f58-4eef-aee5-0dd842ca6eee
which can be used as unique global reference for Mike NotSTOP
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID dce3f8d4-9381-4b91-8cf5-e33e55a1e199
which can be used as unique global reference for Mikoyan
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID ae96d561-5f2e-43ce-9b82-7a81e825758a
which can be used as unique global reference for MindLost
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 8051a21d-8967-4674-a6c3-dc794df43fe0
which can be used as unique global reference for MindSystem
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 804c576e-8679-47ff-9550-0c1abe896e46
which can be used as unique global reference for Mini
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 63f2149a-c736-4a7d-86f9-0993cb568630
which can be used as unique global reference for Minotaur
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 6c01d999-123f-4301-939d-a65bbcf00d90
which can be used as unique global reference for MMM
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
MNS CryptoLocker
Internal MISP references
UUID c4461bdf-560d-4f89-a5cb-f0960a720687
which can be used as unique global reference for MNS CryptoLocker
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 98c9ebce-d11c-41b7-9923-4e94dca22fb0
which can be used as unique global reference for MoneroPay
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 4f579928-8f50-459c-8878-df1c75437c38
which can be used as unique global reference for MongoLock
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 8e103d80-1e53-42b0-a21a-5a2bcefa7d3f
which can be used as unique global reference for MoonCryptor
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID b14d39e1-36ea-45a9-8609-95ac7ffce3cd
which can be used as unique global reference for Mordor
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 21181132-affd-464e-81cd-35ef575fc56d
which can be used as unique global reference for MorrisBatchCrypt
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID eecce3be-ba24-4cf4-b9cf-8780533dc487
which can be used as unique global reference for Moth
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
MoWare H.F.D
Internal MISP references
UUID a319539b-ccd0-4278-83fa-9419331bb1f2
which can be used as unique global reference for MoWare H.F.D
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID c21111d1-fc51-437a-9c73-1b89922bea95
which can be used as unique global reference for Mr.Locker
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 7221c504-c3a3-4020-9490-01e569aeddcb
which can be used as unique global reference for Mr403Forbidden
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 754ea5a6-6d56-482c-bb0a-c6618fca4390
which can be used as unique global reference for MuchLove
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 7f8d5860-35db-4f23-a174-514a0066e573
which can be used as unique global reference for Muhstik
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 0a68c300-6ce0-4664-9956-3abafb3e526e
which can be used as unique global reference for Mystic
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 6aa66f32-54f7-46b7-bb5b-9e953bf97ced
which can be used as unique global reference for MZP
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID eeb3c94c-1424-49a9-831b-36bbd9e81a1d
which can be used as unique global reference for N2019cov
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID c06b039c-7a68-4f35-9948-87934f287ddd
which can be used as unique global reference for Naampa
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 2fe2b576-9673-46b2-b558-811c26db3f6b
which can be used as unique global reference for NazCrypt
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
According to Vitali Kremez and Michael Gillespie, this ransomware shares much code with Nemty 2.5. A difference is removal of the RaaS component, which was switched to email communications for payments. Uses AES-128, which is then protected RSA2048.
Internal MISP references
UUID d12f369c-f776-468a-8abf-8000b1b30642
which can be used as unique global reference for Nefilim
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
- https://www.zdnet.com/article/a-deep-dive-into-nefilim-a-double-extortion-ransomware-group - webarchive
- https://www.trendmicro.com/en_nz/research/21/f/nefilim-modern-ransomware-attack-story.html - webarchive
- http://www.secureworks.com/research/threat-profiles/gold-mansard - webarchive
- https://blog.qualys.com/vulnerabilities-research/2021/05/12/nefilim-ransomware - webarchive
- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1MI8Z2tBhmqQ5X8Wf_ozv3dVjz5sJOs-3 - webarchive
- https://documents.trendmicro.com/assets/white_papers/wp-modern-ransomwares-double-extortion-tactics.pdf - webarchive
- https://id-ransomware.blogspot.com/2020/03/nefilim-ransomware.html - webarchive
- https://intel471.com/blog/how-cybercriminals-create-turbulence-for-the-transportation-industry - webarchive
- https://ke-la.com/how-ransomware-gangs-find-new-monetization-schemes-and-evolve-in-marketing/ - webarchive
- https://labs.sentinelone.com/meet-nemty-successor-nefilim-nephilim-ransomware/ - webarchive
- https://news.sophos.com/en-us/2021/01/26/nefilim-ransomware-attack-uses-ghost-credentials/ - webarchive
- https://news.sophos.com/en-us/2022/03/17/the-ransomware-threat-intelligence-center/ - webarchive
- https://securelist.com/evolution-of-jsworm-ransomware/102428/ - webarchive
- https://us-cert.cisa.gov/ncas/alerts/aa20-345a - webarchive
- https://vulnerability.ch/2021/04/ransomware-and-date-leak-site-publication-time-analysis/ - webarchive
- https://www.accenture.com/us-en/blogs/cyber-defense/evolving-danger-ransomware-extortion - webarchive
- https://www.blackberry.com/content/dam/blackberry-com/asset/enterprise/pdf/wp-spark-state-of-ransomware.pdf - webarchive
- https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/home-appliance-giant-whirlpool-hit-in-nefilim-ransomware-attack/ - webarchive
- https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/new-nefilim-ransomware-threatens-to-release-victims-data/ - webarchive
- https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/three-more-ransomware-families-create-sites-to-leak-stolen-data/ - webarchive
- https://www.cert.govt.nz/it-specialists/advisories/active-ransomware-campaign-leveraging-remote-access-technologies/ - webarchive
- https://www.fireeye.com/blog/threat-research/2020/07/financially-motivated-actors-are-expanding-access-into-ot.html - webarchive
- https://www.hornetsecurity.com/en/security-informationen-en/leakware-ransomware-hybrid-attacks/ - webarchive
- https://www.intezer.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/Intezer-2020-Go-Malware-Round-Up.pdf - webarchive
- https://www.mandiant.com/resources/financially-motivated-actors-are-expanding-access-into-ot - webarchive
- https://www.picussecurity.com/resource/blog/how-to-beat-nefilim-ransomware-attacks - webarchive
- https://www.pwc.co.uk/cyber-security/pdf/pwc-cyber-threats-2020-a-year-in-retrospect.pdf - webarchive
- https://www.trendmicro.com/en_us/research/21/b/nefilim-ransomware.html - webarchive
- https://www.trendmicro.com/en_us/research/21/f/nefilim-modern-ransomware-attack-story.html - webarchive
- https://www.trendmicro.com/vinfo/us/security/news/cybercrime-and-digital-threats/nefilim-ransomware-threatens-to-expose-stolen-data - webarchive
- https://www.trendmicro.com/vinfo/us/security/news/cybercrime-and-digital-threats/ransomware-as-a-service-enabler-of-widespread-attacks - webarchive
- https://www.ransomlook.io/group/nefilim - webarchive
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | ['http://hxt254aygrsziejn.onion'] |
Related clusters
To see the related clusters, click here.
Internal MISP references
UUID 38fbf2d7-10a2-4cb2-9d50-cb2434a55c10
which can be used as unique global reference for Negozl
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 686d157c-6c30-4ffb-b192-ca99d90770da
which can be used as unique global reference for Neitrino
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 78c192ac-7fb6-4c85-8e20-9f86f4633873
which can be used as unique global reference for NewWave
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID d6899ce2-7d67-4730-9a32-4721051d33f9
which can be used as unique global reference for NextCry
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID e361e083-de14-4ffd-80b9-f071096ab973
which can be used as unique global reference for Nightmare
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID d79ab668-4720-4875-8959-436c7fd81022
which can be used as unique global reference for NinjaLoc
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID ab9ece36-6218-4467-929f-d07192a98b6a
which can be used as unique global reference for NM4
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID fd447eea-9e79-4143-8e7d-246b022c7950
which can be used as unique global reference for Noblis
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 6db73f66-912d-43f7-ae21-7988aed2ea22
which can be used as unique global reference for Nog4yH4n
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 2a0b033f-c14c-42ec-9f10-57dc2de3639e
which can be used as unique global reference for Nomikon
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID bf54e9f3-81af-43f7-b378-0109c4adc489
which can be used as unique global reference for NotAHero
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 6fc911ca-2f9c-428e-8986-aff706edee92
which can be used as unique global reference for Nozelesn
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 619ccdda-2f40-48fe-9492-dd12c70a4029
which can be used as unique global reference for Nulltica
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Nx / OSR
Internal MISP references
UUID 8f869515-4c4e-4cd0-8b15-9dc3f9a43902
which can be used as unique global reference for Nx / OSR
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID e8bc21bf-ddfa-4245-89b4-19cfb430eb7d
which can be used as unique global reference for Nyton
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 641b511e-c974-4584-b8ab-08c1296ac73b
which can be used as unique global reference for NZMR
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 9686665e-b862-4399-84b9-407714df1677
which can be used as unique global reference for Ogre
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID c1470d12-fd35-497e-b1cf-0484e755b7a2
which can be used as unique global reference for OhNo!
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 652d3fdd-a641-4553-8695-69e0ef74bd1c
which can be used as unique global reference for Oled
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 9162c2e1-6936-4c13-a8c3-c10eab321bd5
which can be used as unique global reference for OmniSphere
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 47273227-8079-46e6-9b89-3abdd39c017f
which can be used as unique global reference for One
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 3358ae46-afcd-4685-81b6-75970f502660
which can be used as unique global reference for ONI
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
OoPS Ramenware
Internal MISP references
UUID d056b6f3-4cb0-41a8-a0f5-4fec33871697
which can be used as unique global reference for OoPS Ramenware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 3c2ce8a5-e060-4466-847a-3c2db9282bd6
which can be used as unique global reference for OopsLocker
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 88b486e5-ccb2-4f67-8967-f841fb28ea76
which can be used as unique global reference for OPdailyallowance
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 1e63a74c-a975-4997-ae2c-4ac9196412e4
which can be used as unique global reference for OpenToYou
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID c1a4ddf5-cfe6-4482-a8d4-69761eff0554
which can be used as unique global reference for Ordinal
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID c624a4b1-b4aa-4810-b860-45545c6ecb50
which can be used as unique global reference for Ordinypt
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 0ef81fda-237e-4d28-8bd7-f05c748eb0d8
which can be used as unique global reference for Pacman
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 4857ec1b-7d5f-487d-a2cd-91588158fe49
which can be used as unique global reference for PassLock
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 8acc6960-3eb9-479d-a745-7c7eddacc0f2
which can be used as unique global reference for Pay-or-Lost
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID dc5be315-4829-448a-9359-05d5b9187756
which can be used as unique global reference for PayForNature
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID ef63051e-a99e-43db-b81d-80ec95e74610
which can be used as unique global reference for Paymen45
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 7a2eeb1a-6ae3-4e1c-a4f7-af4a0be2d98e
which can be used as unique global reference for Payment
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
PClock и PClock2
Internal MISP references
UUID 2a20dd7e-242e-45ac-8245-1864320ed157
which can be used as unique global reference for PClock и PClock2
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID fc91d065-21c2-44ae-9169-241d60f1a786
which can be used as unique global reference for PPDDDP
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
PEC 2017
Internal MISP references
UUID 0df4ba53-b7c9-4e2a-979d-f8e3d7737aa9
which can be used as unique global reference for PEC 2017
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 05f9a3ce-2611-40b9-b788-c8dc7233e5a7
which can be used as unique global reference for Pendor
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 48bef862-8a8c-4eeb-b72c-a756762b52c7
which can be used as unique global reference for Pennywise
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
PewCrypt +decrypt
Internal MISP references
UUID 512d011c-81a8-4218-866c-1497f4572caf
which can be used as unique global reference for PewCrypt +decrypt
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID c37cf393-f299-4b02-864c-5e7e5f244d04
which can be used as unique global reference for PewDiePie
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID bbbfe905-6236-419a-ab21-a33202597b1c
which can be used as unique global reference for PhobosImposter
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 37a26943-99b6-40ae-984d-91e044546d1b
which can be used as unique global reference for PhoneNumber
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 70ce8986-d1c3-4e10-8096-1ee2539f11d7
which can be used as unique global reference for PHP
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 5822a3dc-64b3-4303-b0ba-d2e804a5015c
which can be used as unique global reference for Pirateware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 88c32b3b-daa1-4cec-8e05-753ee5785704
which can be used as unique global reference for PoisonFang
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID fc3984d8-b1c6-45e7-8d36-e51532c9b7fc
which can be used as unique global reference for PonyFinal
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID bd401c00-e690-4dae-80ac-c47aab227e5f
which can be used as unique global reference for PooleZoor
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID d494a2e6-17e6-435f-9bcd-ef728d18f504
which can be used as unique global reference for PopCornTime
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 3687c99c-f44e-421d-a04d-0a80d086c53a
which can be used as unique global reference for PowerHentai
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 662bf791-0a13-48e8-9f21-07dfb328d02b
which can be used as unique global reference for PowerLocky
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
PowerShell Locker 2013
Internal MISP references
UUID 5ed83975-a681-4061-8314-9ef76f319ef2
which can be used as unique global reference for PowerShell Locker 2013
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
PowerShell Locker 2015
Internal MISP references
UUID b9a6faf4-733d-44b3-889b-ec468697ba3f
which can be used as unique global reference for PowerShell Locker 2015
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 535916a2-283b-4512-bc8b-e5d98c055fab
which can be used as unique global reference for Pr0tector
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID d8da450f-5e17-4301-b1ba-5468aa69d17a
which can be used as unique global reference for Predator
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID bd351d3d-3633-4aba-a35e-82cb7a00b2d5
which can be used as unique global reference for Priapos
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 114fbac2-6d2b-46b5-bc08-ed0c94cd756e
which can be used as unique global reference for Project23
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 084f9aec-4ebc-46a2-be97-0d1d172be044
which can be used as unique global reference for Project57
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
PwndLocker is a ransomware that was observed in late 2019 and is reported to have been used to target businesses and local governments/cities. According to one source, ransom amounts demanded as part of PwndLocker activity range from $175k USD to $650k USD depending on the size of the network. PwndLocker attempts to disable a variety of Windows services so that their data can be encrypted. Various processes will also be targeted, such as web browsers and software related to security, backups, and databases. Shadow copies are cleared by the ransomware, and encryption of files occurs once the system has been prepared in this way. Executable files and those that are likely to be important for the system to continue to function appear to be skipped by the ransomware, and a large number of folders mostly related to Microsoft Windows system files are also ignored. As of March 2020, encrypted files have been observed with the added extensions of .key and .pwnd. Ransom notes are dropped in folders where encrypted files are found and also on the user's desktop.
Internal MISP references
UUID c4417bfb-717f-48d9-bd56-bc9e85d07c19
which can be used as unique global reference for ProLock
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
- https://cisoclub.ru/doc/otchet-kompanii-group-ib-ransomware-uncovered-2020-2021/?bp-attachment=group-ib_ransomware_uncovered_2020-2021.pdf - webarchive
- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1MI8Z2tBhmqQ5X8Wf_ozv3dVjz5sJOs-3 - webarchive
- https://go.crowdstrike.com/rs/281-OBQ-266/images/Report2021GTR.pdf - webarchive
- https://id-ransomware.blogspot.com/2019/10/pwndlocker-ransomware.html - webarchive
- https://medium.com/s2wlab/operation-synctrek-e5013df8d167 - webarchive
- https://news.sophos.com/en-us/2020/07/27/prolock-ransomware-gives-you-the-first-8-kilobytes-of-decryption-for-free/ - webarchive
- https://norfolkinfosec.com/tinypos-and-prolocker-an-odd-relationship/ - webarchive
- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/fboldewin/When-ransomware-hits-an-ATM-giant---The-Diebold-Nixdorf-case-dissected/main/When%20ransomware%20hits%20an%20ATM%20giant%20-%20The%20Diebold%20Nixdorf%20case%20dissected%20-%20Group-IB%20CyberCrimeCon2020.pdf - webarchive
- https://soolidsnake.github.io/2020/05/11/Prolock_ransomware.html - webarchive
- https://web.archive.org/web/20210305181115/https://cisoclub.ru/doc/otchet-kompanii-group-ib-ransomware-uncovered-2020-2021/?bp-attachment=group-ib_ransomware_uncovered_2020-2021.pdf - webarchive
- https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/new-pwndlocker-ransomware-targeting-us-cities-enterprises/ - webarchive
- https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/pwndlocker-ransomware-gets-pwned-decryption-now-available/ - webarchive
- https://www.cert-pa.it/notizie/pwndlocker-si-rinnova-in-prolock-ransomware/ - webarchive
- https://www.cert.ssi.gouv.fr/cti/CERTFR-2021-CTI-009/ - webarchive
- https://www.cert.ssi.gouv.fr/uploads/CERTFR-2021-CTI-009.pdf - webarchive
- https://www.cronup.com/post/de-ataque-con-malware-a-incidente-de-ransomware - webarchive
- https://www.cyborgsecurity.com/cyborg_labs/hunting-ransomware-inhibiting-system-backup-or-recovery/ - webarchive
- https://www.group-ib.com/blog/prolock - webarchive
- https://www.group-ib.com/blog/prolock_evolution - webarchive
- https://www.hornetsecurity.com/en/security-information/qakbot-malspam-leading-to-prolock/ - webarchive
- https://www.hornetsecurity.com/en/threat-research/qakbot-reducing-its-on-disk-artifacts/ - webarchive
- https://www.intrinsec.com/egregor-prolock/ - webarchive
- https://www.it-klinika.rs/blog/paznja-novi-opasni-ransomware-pwndlocker-i-u-srbiji - webarchive
- https://www.pwc.co.uk/issues/cyber-security-services/insights/what-is-behind-ransomware-attacks-increase.html - webarchive
- https://www.zdnet.com/article/fbi-prolock-ransomware-gains-access-to-victim-networks-via-qakbot-infections/ - webarchive
- https://www.zdnet.com/article/the-malware-that-usually-installs-ransomware-and-you-need-to-remove-right-away/ - webarchive
- https://www.ransomlook.io/group/prolock - webarchive
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | ['http://msaoyrayohnp32tcgwcanhjouetb5k54aekgnwg7dcvtgtecpumrxpqd.onion'] |
Related clusters
To see the related clusters, click here.
Internal MISP references
UUID f5390f29-d832-434d-8547-5cab7f82a93b
which can be used as unique global reference for Prometey
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID a732a730-3fb4-4642-a4c5-25edaf0a1b9f
which can be used as unique global reference for Protected
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 4274477b-65c7-4497-846b-c8beebc264a2
which can be used as unique global reference for PSCrypt
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 801d7e9f-8076-4d6f-894e-c557f3b9cfeb
which can be used as unique global reference for PshCrypt
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 7cce4912-900f-4d16-b2c5-37b9078f3d7b
which can be used as unique global reference for PTP
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 64c5896a-141c-41fb-bc58-705f008c7b8f
which can be used as unique global reference for Pulpy
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 119b0b4d-034e-4e58-a7a4-833f083848cd
which can be used as unique global reference for PureLocker
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID a8b6433c-fc01-4c77-9a89-5f0f57136aaa
which can be used as unique global reference for PwndLocker
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID bf927535-eaf2-48e4-9b38-287de9ec4a0b
which can be used as unique global reference for PyteHole
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID ee55d30a-8735-42f4-b8e9-3610959be772
which can be used as unique global reference for Python
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID b79b60a4-2b47-4bb1-b36e-602a03afc7cd
which can be used as unique global reference for PZDC
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 89cc64e1-d33c-4922-84d4-0467bdeddba6
which can be used as unique global reference for Qinynore
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 8f5b9eff-242d-4f9b-9aa6-c24f92f7f0f9
which can be used as unique global reference for QNAPCrypt
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 9bd4c0c6-e8fe-495a-99b8-b5ea741ff8ae
which can be used as unique global reference for QP
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 380c73bf-7734-44c4-9f46-063cbd20475f
which can be used as unique global reference for QuakeWay
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 60f4c416-8752-4d59-8e9e-b12f16afda83
which can be used as unique global reference for Qweuirtksd
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 2943ea4b-42e8-4e5c-9abb-d6c3e94b84ce
which can be used as unique global reference for R3store
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 8b1f7d30-1115-4ad2-a986-fd797edf2b4d
which can be used as unique global reference for RabbitFox
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID c07fd277-f133-4deb-84ef-2f651aa0d989
which can be used as unique global reference for Ramsey
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 93e70c60-6bd2-4f01-a28a-1ae287349d61
which can be used as unique global reference for RandomLocker
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID d2b23d28-c12d-422f-8558-0d79ed98d335
which can be used as unique global reference for RanRans
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID d2d0d87f-249f-4223-82b2-71c82df6c7f2
which can be used as unique global reference for Rans0mLocked
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 0c1b4371-9c6e-41f2-9410-e76a1094d0ca
which can be used as unique global reference for Ransed
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID dfdc4876-bc48-4748-822a-dcce1c4058c4
which can be used as unique global reference for Ransom102
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 493847f8-57b1-42cc-9303-6b1eb9576580
which can be used as unique global reference for RansomAES
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID b63ed281-5357-4d20-afef-3377b70fd48b
which can be used as unique global reference for RansomCuck
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 65844c85-ad66-46e9-bb44-f99e601179a2
which can be used as unique global reference for RansomMine
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 1f5c7ad1-5ec5-4e0f-b7e0-c87232693a5d
which can be used as unique global reference for Ransomnix
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Ransom Prank
Internal MISP references
UUID 1fe7d70f-8540-4f21-8675-2fe72bacce85
which can be used as unique global reference for Ransom Prank
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 7ec4a72d-12d3-46bb-a796-0296db298935
which can be used as unique global reference for RansomUserLocker
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 8af10e62-84e7-45c5-ae10-db1106cec43a
which can be used as unique global reference for RansomWarrior
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 9fd0b741-44fb-42fe-bf3d-b36b807878fe
which can be used as unique global reference for Rapid
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Rapid 2.0
Internal MISP references
UUID 8a7c32fd-9851-40c3-9fd9-a889a015db5e
which can be used as unique global reference for Rapid 2.0
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Rapid 3.0
Internal MISP references
UUID 07ef8e30-7bcd-4f14-af50-a113fdf60774
which can be used as unique global reference for Rapid 3.0
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 84160999-eebb-4f76-8253-9e09d447f472
which can be used as unique global reference for Rapid-Gillette
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 8cd93feb-4bf0-4d97-b5a2-061198652f1a
which can be used as unique global reference for Ra
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID a9d76a58-0ab3-4942-b364-27f89a1915eb
which can be used as unique global reference for RaRuCrypt
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 81e4038a-5e4d-4df1-90b7-c4aef735d757
which can be used as unique global reference for RedBoot
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID c26438bb-5aa3-4de4-a749-329d2560a350
which can be used as unique global reference for Redkeeper
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 4b2746c5-77f3-4f46-90de-4a0816dcd621
which can be used as unique global reference for RedFox
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 56351998-4871-4b7c-9c4c-201aa2ef7eaa
which can be used as unique global reference for RedRum
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 7c23a477-ea87-48d9-8c7e-d9333c28e984
which can be used as unique global reference for Redshot
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 570ba51b-3ce7-4f5b-88a9-98b9f22f8397
which can be used as unique global reference for Reetner
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID ca306262-b8e9-46a1-abcd-db5df38b47d5
which can be used as unique global reference for RekenSom
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID f5d20d2c-2624-4a0a-a136-36457d65360b
which can be used as unique global reference for Relock
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID a27e94d4-9fcb-4729-926c-b507cad09674
which can be used as unique global reference for RensenWare
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 53386169-9045-4636-b4e9-fd9405663d71
which can be used as unique global reference for Rentyr
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 11367b8d-0627-4774-894a-032fde021979
which can be used as unique global reference for RestoLocker
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID f881e6a3-2298-4e82-9d0a-75ceddf0e822
which can be used as unique global reference for Resurrection
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 19274b88-c0dc-4e91-957b-93d4a992329b
which can be used as unique global reference for Retis
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID af2011f8-b076-43cf-afb7-a348a7b00b9a
which can be used as unique global reference for RetMyData
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 7f750865-50aa-40cb-9614-d7d1c357999b
which can be used as unique global reference for Revolution
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 8cf3f181-c136-4f09-82ea-f8c5e6ca4b64
which can be used as unique global reference for Reyptson
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 39e600c4-2c5b-4798-8a0e-0fa530c2bd0a
which can be used as unique global reference for Rhino
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 8c18e32f-0b02-4551-b53b-2ac25baaccaa
which can be used as unique global reference for Rijndael
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Rogue HT
Internal MISP references
UUID 34bdd9f9-94e6-4805-b6b5-27632686070f
which can be used as unique global reference for Rogue HT
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 64c573b7-80d1-42d0-9fac-dab07f5df00f
which can be used as unique global reference for Rontok
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 0283d153-30f5-4be0-9ab7-8eee91fccd63
which can be used as unique global reference for Rozlok
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 84a5bfc2-44dc-4ddf-95d7-387ff16c7415
which can be used as unique global reference for RSA-NI
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID ce28af26-b03e-45ca-8e6d-20fbb36233db
which can be used as unique global reference for RSA2048Pro
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 224966b2-8d6a-4602-8d7d-67e7c8b2068f
which can be used as unique global reference for Ruby
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID b48f7bab-c2ba-4f80-9547-4f2bfef38959
which can be used as unique global reference for Rush
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 15d0121a-aac9-41cb-a140-69c3eb739d4a
which can be used as unique global reference for Russenger
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Russian EDA2
Internal MISP references
UUID 100741e9-1803-4be7-98a8-6e5eeb01a50d
which can be used as unique global reference for Russian EDA2
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 6c7c182b-2a7a-43be-91d8-2bc34d9273c1
which can be used as unique global reference for SAD
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID fb94c242-0b03-4338-8c5a-7e4357e5a69c
which can be used as unique global reference for SadComputer
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID a5aa9c7d-10f7-4091-9c9a-e02acdbe5ca6
which can be used as unique global reference for Sadogo
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID dd020ef8-0f84-4403-8e2a-09728582467f
which can be used as unique global reference for Salsa
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Santa Encryptor
Internal MISP references
UUID 2869ae30-4106-4080-a63b-be29caecf5b7
which can be used as unique global reference for Santa Encryptor
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 3f8ec946-b80d-45b6-ae82-bffbb0bb05d7
which can be used as unique global reference for Saramat
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 43690415-9a4f-4019-a02e-26ec3dd2961c
which can be used as unique global reference for SARansom
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Satan Cryptor 2.0
Internal MISP references
UUID 120b33e8-75e2-45bd-b7ba-6726ed2a4ad7
which can be used as unique global reference for Satan Cryptor 2.0
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Satan's Doom Crypter
Internal MISP references
UUID aefd8f3f-20c2-4b08-bd00-99c1e67152c4
which can be used as unique global reference for Satan's Doom Crypter
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
SatanCryptor Go
Internal MISP references
UUID d7a08ff9-af25-45e5-9fb7-c54defd6f62c
which can be used as unique global reference for SatanCryptor Go
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 90db5ee9-f2de-47aa-a923-2862800b473b
which can be used as unique global reference for Saturn
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 3f2ed9f6-384b-4846-97d0-8dec61b9f03a
which can be used as unique global reference for Satyr
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 4790fcdd-deab-4a9d-a8b6-dc413dee4ff8
which can be used as unique global reference for SaveTheQueen
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
ScammerLocker HT
Internal MISP references
UUID f9884cee-1105-4f39-9e42-dda43841fd56
which can be used as unique global reference for ScammerLocker HT
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
ScammerLocker Ph
Internal MISP references
UUID 9d1e1894-28d6-412b-8014-ac6c92657bc9
which can be used as unique global reference for ScammerLocker Ph
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID eaea10da-947e-42f9-99c9-6a576fda3bdc
which can be used as unique global reference for Schwerer
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 4b6bea32-12bd-4ede-8912-f9037be3b454
which can be used as unique global reference for ScorpionLocker
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 23a6b580-6df0-4193-a66f-721bacbe60fc
which can be used as unique global reference for Scrabber
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID f13796ff-a16c-4cd0-b4e1-9f4593c90d2e
which can be used as unique global reference for Scroboscope
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 1b14e605-c8ce-4281-b09f-3c2478afc4f4
which can be used as unique global reference for SecretSystem
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID e0e111d1-8499-427d-aa37-41f1e52da79d
which can be used as unique global reference for SecureCryptor
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 5142f162-d123-4eca-a428-86033d9d60e0
which can be used as unique global reference for SeginChile
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 7e9924c3-f166-40be-b1c5-85011b77a7f2
which can be used as unique global reference for SEND.ID.TO
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID db6208a6-16a6-49fa-9259-ccd7626719f9
which can be used as unique global reference for Seon
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID de8ddc1c-3e86-46e9-abc5-4409257dd174
which can be used as unique global reference for Sepsis
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 75b0d6cd-477c-415b-bf3a-fd8181ea6747
which can be used as unique global reference for SepSys
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 8e0a2826-279a-4d7f-901f-223b65d556e2
which can be used as unique global reference for Shadi
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID a6a80481-0c0b-470d-bdc4-a35f75c6ec2e
which can be used as unique global reference for ShadowCryptor
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 14162500-23ce-47e5-8375-664516f2bf3c
which can be used as unique global reference for ShinigamiLocker
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID a7b363ef-7dd6-4df4-81c0-299670c11240
which can be used as unique global reference for ShkolotaCrypt
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 0e492b45-03c8-4f87-9038-4d37c7203b18
which can be used as unique global reference for Shrug
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 95b099a1-6549-4bf7-a895-3c06259ea000
which can be used as unique global reference for Shutdown57
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 21d4caeb-96e4-4564-8d62-6d7521b0d8ec
which can be used as unique global reference for ShutUpAndDance
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Sifreli 2017
Internal MISP references
UUID 92e5861f-5b20-4401-a75f-f5120269b827
which can be used as unique global reference for Sifreli 2017
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Sifreli 2019
Internal MISP references
UUID 87372df7-0fa1-4d1e-bf76-4cfdcdced997
which can be used as unique global reference for Sifreli 2019
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 364013f9-15d2-41c0-b458-fd4085466151
which can be used as unique global reference for SifreCozucu
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 939e7780-5c6e-43f4-9710-c0c219762bc9
which can be used as unique global reference for SilentSpring
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID c3a9d2d0-d239-40af-86cc-51457ed82b46
which can be used as unique global reference for SintaLocker
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 7c36b38e-6851-402b-93cd-195e029cba84
which can be used as unique global reference for Skull
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Skull HT
Internal MISP references
UUID fe5ea390-fe3a-4ec9-b0f6-8365c525f5be
which can be used as unique global reference for Skull HT
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 0d3634a3-1766-4b49-8ceb-2274ca2048af
which can be used as unique global reference for SkyStars
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID eae70261-6efc-424f-829f-4d179c7a75ae
which can be used as unique global reference for SlankCryptor
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 787ea4ce-23ab-464e-9dd8-bb6d24b0c481
which can be used as unique global reference for Snake-Ekans
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 92d45020-2aa0-49ac-8e71-be8f3a3f79eb
which can be used as unique global reference for SnakeLocker
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 1a58eeac-26dc-40e6-8182-22cd461ba736
which can be used as unique global reference for Snatch
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
- https://t.me/snatch_news - webarchive
- https://blog.intel471.com/2020/05/21/a-brief-history-of-ta505/ - webarchive
- https://github.com/albertzsigovits/malware-notes/blob/master/Snatch.md - webarchive
- https://intel471.com/blog/a-brief-history-of-ta505 - webarchive
- https://news.sophos.com/en-us/2019/12/09/snatch-ransomware-reboots-pcs-into-safe-mode-to-bypass-protection/ - webarchive
- https://news.sophos.com/en-us/2022/03/17/the-ransomware-threat-intelligence-center/ - webarchive
- https://thedfirreport.com/2020/06/21/snatch-ransomware/ - webarchive
- https://ti.qianxin.com/uploads/2020/02/13/cb78386a082f465f259b37dae5df4884.pdf - webarchive
- https://twitter.com/VK_Intel/status/1191414501297528832 - webarchive
- https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/snatch-ransomware-reboots-to-windows-safe-mode-to-bypass-av-tools/ - webarchive
- https://www.crowdstrike.com/blog/financial-motivation-drives-golang-malware-adoption/ - webarchive
- https://www.cyborgsecurity.com/cyborg_labs/hunting-ransomware-inhibiting-system-backup-or-recovery/ - webarchive
- https://www.secureworks.com/blog/ransomware-groups-use-tor-based-backdoor-for-persistent-access - webarchive
- https://www.ransomlook.io/group/snatch - webarchive
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | ['http://hl66646wtlp2naoqnhattngigjp5palgqmbwixepcjyq5i534acgqyad.onion', 'https://snatch.press/', 'https://snatchteam.cc', 'https://snatchnews.top/'] |
Internal MISP references
UUID f0a26e38-d67c-4215-8a9d-1723ac984d62
which can be used as unique global reference for SnowPicnic
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID f2125a86-a23d-4165-a6b7-821db3b48b95
which can be used as unique global reference for SoFucked
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID e065c7cc-061d-43a8-9668-1aa187e0fd52
which can be used as unique global reference for SOLO
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 48f18fa2-7dea-4bdf-8736-253672b62140
which can be used as unique global reference for Somik1
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Sorry HT
Internal MISP references
UUID b5f99a93-0c4f-491d-a36a-617d892b5e38
which can be used as unique global reference for Sorry HT
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 2fab1ada-2e01-4704-b4d8-e3bb75e6488b
which can be used as unique global reference for SpartCrypt
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 1e968067-dd8f-4c15-a756-4f572a0ee2cf
which can be used as unique global reference for Spectre
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID dbe1f272-07c0-4189-ab91-4a6ee7d1ee9a
which can be used as unique global reference for Sphinx
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Spiteful Doubletake
Internal MISP references
UUID 9dad4770-3fd8-48e8-8dd3-bac621f9932a
which can be used as unique global reference for Spiteful Doubletake
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID a73abf3d-abda-4916-9401-8c522f87de7c
which can be used as unique global reference for SpongeBob
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 5eacbcf2-84b9-4467-a8de-4c8e9af2c840
which can be used as unique global reference for StalinLocker
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 6a9f0f9f-2033-4361-918b-fbfa1cac5e9b
which can be used as unique global reference for Stinger
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID e6b1ec39-e118-47d2-9205-468c87be86c2
which can be used as unique global reference for Storm
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID c6ab1853-d980-4eb8-b2d5-5c22d9eb882a
which can be used as unique global reference for StrawHat
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 928e5d57-8029-4300-be0a-5e6e43c220dd
which can be used as unique global reference for Streamer
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID d018d87e-4baa-45bd-880b-496c18726da3
which can be used as unique global reference for Striked
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 1ae8b4dd-eaef-4181-a699-02536aece63d
which can be used as unique global reference for Stroman
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 8371370f-8d53-4e90-95f7-e20540f5d052
which can be used as unique global reference for Stupid
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID b8826051-f533-4e70-b59e-166009946ee3
which can be used as unique global reference for StupidJapan
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 4d1c8d02-f3e2-4a95-8ca2-f3665ec6cc8d
which can be used as unique global reference for Styver
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 5039d334-c737-4d5b-941c-38a714a014c2
which can be used as unique global reference for Styx
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 41ee30d0-4c67-4445-990b-07c3c8f1aa28
which can be used as unique global reference for SuperB
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID f379af94-1826-41bb-a879-ff84a1319848
which can be used as unique global reference for SuperCrypt
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID f3673646-cfd7-4b6e-bd43-b3366d3391d9
which can be used as unique global reference for Suri
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 60561968-40ba-44b6-9ef5-5577c2422f72
which can be used as unique global reference for Symbiom
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 59863099-6ef0-4fad-87cb-adf21d22ace4
which can be used as unique global reference for SymmyWare
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID b779b4c0-f32c-4815-bcdf-b81f44a5efd0
which can be used as unique global reference for Syrk
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID a1bae9e1-2eed-4004-b289-b572936450a3
which can be used as unique global reference for SYSDOWN
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID ea3f6dc9-4afe-43c6-be84-1ba9c752c9c6
which can be used as unique global reference for SystemCrypter
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 561090ca-d8a6-43f8-acbb-c2d58d422cbd
which can be used as unique global reference for T1Happy
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Takahiro Locker
Internal MISP references
UUID dcfb11cf-bc62-4c2c-9ff8-f4c019c1141d
which can be used as unique global reference for Takahiro Locker
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 4945d7b7-33a7-4e41-94ba-f55650f336e7
which can be used as unique global reference for TBHRanso
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 02467be1-ac0d-4fcd-b2b9-0d0c7d337e06
which can be used as unique global reference for Teamo
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Tear Dr0p
Internal MISP references
UUID 12622e89-46d4-4cd5-95be-c3a2d12e8a18
which can be used as unique global reference for Tear Dr0p
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 6ee1b6e3-dac1-483b-aa8c-6afe4433e1ed
which can be used as unique global reference for Technicy
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID db9aa4f1-5f54-4bed-9f7a-a19e906f94b4
which can be used as unique global reference for TeslaWare
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID d5d35c4f-ebde-43ae-acfc-d41c06210893
which can be used as unique global reference for TFlower
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
The Brotherhood
Internal MISP references
UUID 9867ec9e-a772-4c70-81dc-1517330e58bd
which can be used as unique global reference for The Brotherhood
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
The Magic
Internal MISP references
UUID cafb301d-098f-40d3-92c7-722b2cc15172
which can be used as unique global reference for The Magic
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 8ab31008-966e-4ad5-88a2-9e820b814292
which can be used as unique global reference for TheCursedMurderer
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 3ec11602-d4df-4341-a9f0-91caf2be1cc0
which can be used as unique global reference for TheDarkEncryptor
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 3ecf7a76-9e37-4d36-9dda-be8d0a38d56a
which can be used as unique global reference for Thor
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 6c01d67f-2d59-45ae-a5ba-decef1f2cc0d
which can be used as unique global reference for THT
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 630d46fe-306d-49fa-b2e4-9f85f8b86000
which can be used as unique global reference for ThunderCrypt
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 772f6749-a753-42af-8442-e6526f8b9a2a
which can be used as unique global reference for Tk
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 904fc008-64f6-4adf-863e-f5b6b63df65c
which can be used as unique global reference for Torchwood
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID dcf0947c-15f3-438c-97e0-ec65d63b80bb
which can be used as unique global reference for TorLocker
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 483cae7f-4554-46db-8bbc-223881ae9a1c
which can be used as unique global reference for TotalWipeOut
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID abdb9c59-c07b-4701-8208-e6a0cf9efe98
which can be used as unique global reference for TPS1.0
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 95d5eba2-dbb6-4527-9dee-ba13d1c9ac00
which can be used as unique global reference for Trick-Or-Treat
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 6853449b-8b09-43be-96dc-26b16b4d421b
which can be used as unique global reference for Trojan-Syria
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 18c91134-1df6-4853-a1c2-c8424137f2e6
which can be used as unique global reference for TrumpHead
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 90c6daf8-8212-4ea8-9b59-af49b290b3b9
which can be used as unique global reference for TurkStatik
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 0407e98d-cd3e-42e1-8daf-3c51d2e4906a
which can be used as unique global reference for UCCU
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID ba4f3704-cb2d-4a12-8d81-c825063aaaca
which can be used as unique global reference for Ukash
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Ultimo HT
Internal MISP references
UUID fbbb3784-ddf9-447a-91d8-e155317edd87
which can be used as unique global reference for Ultimo HT
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 911e63bc-ab09-4da1-8db7-2ad9354eafee
which can be used as unique global reference for UltraCrypter
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID a9695d8a-9d83-4ae0-9460-f4f56c41ed90
which can be used as unique global reference for Unikey
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Unknown Crypted
Internal MISP references
UUID 5ee8d6db-8a82-40ee-9e8e-a96795b3fee0
which can be used as unique global reference for Unknown Crypted
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Unknown Lock
Internal MISP references
UUID 348fda47-e254-479e-b702-ebefda3f490d
which can be used as unique global reference for Unknown Lock
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Unknown XTBL
Internal MISP references
UUID b73d6fd8-7707-451a-a5cb-0425289b02be
which can be used as unique global reference for Unknown XTBL
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID f94e3dba-cdd6-438e-bc7e-b71af6e8e161
which can be used as unique global reference for Unlckr
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 15140e19-f09e-4543-9a4c-b0f0e96860fe
which can be used as unique global reference for UNNAM3D
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Unnamed Bin
Internal MISP references
UUID d77b1546-d37d-47ed-9a46-52892bdbd639
which can be used as unique global reference for Unnamed Bin
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 2fe11a8a-dfc3-41c3-891f-365a10a1debd
which can be used as unique global reference for Unrans
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 10666f8c-9e0a-485e-88cc-98b993321d5f
which can be used as unique global reference for UselessDisk
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID f43f4c9a-5008-477c-9105-4d444c883caa
which can be used as unique global reference for UselessFiles
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID a6a04c23-9df3-47b9-9095-4b7f9799f51a
which can be used as unique global reference for USR0
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID edcc3607-b246-44ce-8878-5af1a09976ae
which can be used as unique global reference for Vaca
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 74a8637a-ac0d-45dd-91d5-326459f09cb5
which can be used as unique global reference for VCrypt
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID d1deeb03-5084-4b50-bb19-38d7bd36a42f
which can be used as unique global reference for vCrypt1
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID d9dd94aa-a646-40b3-a2d3-5870c6be66cf
which can be used as unique global reference for VegaLocker
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 1ccd6940-4eb7-416c-a0de-1fb672d93c80
which can be used as unique global reference for Velso
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 7fd558de-1dfe-432a-834b-3e2691ee7283
which can be used as unique global reference for Vendetta
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 3d71e8a0-d823-47c0-8a0d-62e35d348514
which can be used as unique global reference for VevoLocker
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID e089f805-8cc2-41d0-b67e-eae21d78bc6c
which can be used as unique global reference for VHD
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 99edd501-76ca-4492-a0a3-8e1c988be22a
which can be used as unique global reference for ViACrypt
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 777390e2-0d15-499a-8f87-5a5851cdbd09
which can be used as unique global reference for Viagra
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 7eb414f6-11d9-4424-b486-e1e379b6840f
which can be used as unique global reference for VideoBelle
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 38c94712-deed-470a-b784-0f4665aebf39
which can be used as unique global reference for ViiperWare
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 0fecef7e-a387-497f-bc26-9560fd943afb
which can be used as unique global reference for Viro
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 3f62e429-7e6d-41c5-b716-9eb2304e60dc
which can be used as unique global reference for ViroBotnet
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID fc8cc150-c2fb-40cd-9cca-638b8a091861
which can be used as unique global reference for VisionCrypt
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID dff0c92b-953d-4fef-8b36-f36906f806d2
which can be used as unique global reference for VMola
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 823e56de-7d4c-4914-a49b-524a5bb77b02
which can be used as unique global reference for VoidCrypt
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 1da33eaf-096e-4076-8676-23da3a97ed74
which can be used as unique global reference for Vulston
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID a5d35c2d-7d06-4539-a4f7-75499663d152
which can be used as unique global reference for Waffle
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 26aec13a-eaf2-4adb-9c67-e6ae8f318a0c
which can be used as unique global reference for Waiting
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID e5b2a647-0107-4309-9695-c7bb7859cf4c
which can be used as unique global reference for Waldo
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Wanna Decryptor Portuguese
Internal MISP references
UUID a3be0f12-ece5-4bdb-bcb6-1f5732eb5735
which can be used as unique global reference for Wanna Decryptor Portuguese
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 45259e4f-7c68-4e9a-86af-078607181a84
which can be used as unique global reference for WannabeHappy
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 30a56d79-1dee-401e-ad3d-3ea939c4efde
which can be used as unique global reference for WannaCash
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 870836be-0534-437e-a25a-7f1e70f9f394
which can be used as unique global reference for WannaDie
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID b222ca29-29b1-4aaa-a709-a3730a70216a
which can be used as unique global reference for WannaPeace
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 4dd51f0f-ad6b-4117-b071-505ec4b71730
which can be used as unique global reference for WannaSpam
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Want Money
Internal MISP references
UUID 9540bd2d-638b-4e79-a231-6f06b055c916
which can be used as unique global reference for Want Money
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 0ca42fde-477c-459d-89a6-bed041a73b70
which can be used as unique global reference for Wesker
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 5e678363-c42e-4852-9a2e-90212310a522
which can be used as unique global reference for WhatAFuck
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 305b6505-1186-43c8-acd9-431322287ec6
which can be used as unique global reference for WhyCry
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID cb343570-c8a0-4bb6-ba3b-88126449593e
which can be used as unique global reference for Windows10
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 99a8b639-1b06-4e4b-9994-a6e4d0601341
which can be used as unique global reference for WininiCrypt
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 1942a99a-5c5a-49ef-8c6d-0cb6b0fb082b
which can be used as unique global reference for Winsecure
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 8ec00fe5-475b-47bc-a7fc-b470d15aaa75
which can be used as unique global reference for WinUpdatesDisabler
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID f14af77c-5a98-4840-953c-2f37af8cdcc5
which can be used as unique global reference for WTDI
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
X Locker 5.0
Internal MISP references
UUID 39bcd377-24cb-42f4-8f2a-2aa17d5171dc
which can be used as unique global reference for X Locker 5.0
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 78e05406-ce59-478a-bf1e-1b1abe22e116
which can be used as unique global reference for XCry
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 88f4f772-8c6e-4201-92aa-819c5e7af5c1
which can be used as unique global reference for XD
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 9582a86c-c20d-4e1f-a124-bf2c6d8adf33
which can be used as unique global reference for XData
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 4272cc4a-9d93-4712-b641-b7f4fc9f86bc
which can be used as unique global reference for XeroWare
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 5ecc109c-9f04-4e56-86c4-83b37181e75b
which can be used as unique global reference for Xlockr
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID a0c2b579-20f0-4357-8a01-596ce20db48a
which can be used as unique global reference for XmdXtazX
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 95d00a69-c048-48c3-bc6b-fa6a655d8ff3
which can be used as unique global reference for Xncrypt
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID d650da35-7ad7-417a-902a-16ea55bd1126
which can be used as unique global reference for XRat
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Related clusters
To see the related clusters, click here.
Internal MISP references
UUID f5c46d3f-404b-4640-9892-005f845d33a2
which can be used as unique global reference for XyuEncrypt
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID c08fd941-e54c-4ac6-b94a-fc9b5c9617da
which can be used as unique global reference for xXLecXx
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID ebfa8988-8063-4e3c-a635-7da898389aa4
which can be used as unique global reference for Yatron
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID d6791998-5c0a-4943-bda5-b378d1326a13
which can be used as unique global reference for Yoshikada
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID e32b8df2-6f03-4232-b64a-2de14b5642f3
which can be used as unique global reference for YYYYBJQOQDU
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 2f6d77c5-54df-4997-b82c-ca54d6948d6f
which can be used as unique global reference for ZariqaCrypt
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Zelta Free
Internal MISP references
UUID 463d17d4-e35e-4614-9247-47a3a50a8cda
which can be used as unique global reference for Zelta Free
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID fee8e9fa-68b9-4b69-bd62-6213971e7e10
which can be used as unique global reference for ZenCrypt
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 5e3a2958-6922-465e-bc36-3b6e59ad1bc1
which can be used as unique global reference for Zeoticus
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID bc62429c-1bf7-42c0-997d-d8c2f80355de
which can be used as unique global reference for Zeppelin
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | [] |
Internal MISP references
UUID 90ac4150-aab9-44a2-bd56-2bcfa773798b
which can be used as unique global reference for Zero-Fucks
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 9296d2bc-ec26-4724-88b4-82ab682ed11e
which can be used as unique global reference for ZeroLocker
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 03686533-7339-4401-b90d-1125eeffa07f
which can be used as unique global reference for Zeronine
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 4ff2a1ff-a35e-4d3a-a132-2dcefa2995f7
which can be used as unique global reference for ZeroRansom
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 2147b5a8-2f4a-433c-95aa-cdeb4349c542
which can be used as unique global reference for Zilla
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID ae9ec6c3-570f-41fc-ac18-5b129976727a
which can be used as unique global reference for ZimbraCryptor
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 0dfbed7c-66c5-4309-b8ba-7c7a6e659512
which can be used as unique global reference for ZipLocker
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 774e5809-2d72-4c3d-a28b-5c51f17f1981
which can be used as unique global reference for Zipper
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID a67eedaf-84c5-42ed-86fe-853c76599fe5
which can be used as unique global reference for Zoldon
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 03e34bcf-af8b-429d-ac66-aeff844e8fd6
which can be used as unique global reference for ZorgoCry
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 78541326-4aaa-4eda-8f55-bf21bb2537ab
which can be used as unique global reference for Smaug
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID e3cce543-64b0-4f7a-a176-f1ddc429da3f
which can be used as unique global reference for GammA
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID c35de33c-8f7c-41f3-9b74-6da34a0d31c6
which can be used as unique global reference for BlackMoon
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID ab33547b-2b6c-47ae-8fca-9747735b0955
which can be used as unique global reference for MilkmanVictory
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 1263f5e9-7073-443b-a884-caf9ebf47a1a
which can be used as unique global reference for Dragoncyber
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 61513ee1-4667-43eb-831a-3e01d8e1039f
which can be used as unique global reference for Solider
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID a65bde28-b74c-4ec5-ae20-01cbe101b025
which can be used as unique global reference for Biglock
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID c2880897-759e-4cbf-8d08-a3418567a33c
which can be used as unique global reference for Immuni
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Black claw
Internal MISP references
UUID d848ca6f-c935-4dba-b706-bd06be094a87
which can be used as unique global reference for Black claw
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID b6096de6-c831-4a64-9108-e3fcfc7fcc44
which can be used as unique global reference for Banks1
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 9683775c-7d36-4a5a-9580-1038ed17d9d2
which can be used as unique global reference for UnluckyWare
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 7d949282-005f-45de-96b3-5584a1114cd6
which can be used as unique global reference for Zorab
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID b56a89d1-1748-42a0-8a78-02e882a219a9
which can be used as unique global reference for FonixCrypter
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID ab0f5636-38cf-4c89-a090-df4f006bd47b
which can be used as unique global reference for LickyAgent
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID d52ba288-4bcc-4f52-be6c-0d9cfadbf194
which can be used as unique global reference for DualShot
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID e68a3736-1d87-4a77-9814-b23c65cee3c3
which can be used as unique global reference for RNS
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID b1126047-eaaa-4e2f-abc9-f64faa84d692
which can be used as unique global reference for Such_Crypt
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID c64d6b5d-44a1-461e-acc6-2b4571f6163d
which can be used as unique global reference for 20dfs
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID cfa9c2ee-6a2f-4cd4-849f-bcf8e9aa77a7
which can be used as unique global reference for CryDroid
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 6f011a57-6a70-4e2a-9a51-36d9032bef05
which can be used as unique global reference for TomNom
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID ada0a2d1-f595-4988-b87a-623c5581bbad
which can be used as unique global reference for Yogynicof
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID d160c549-3cf8-4f20-b041-8d775469a566
which can be used as unique global reference for CobraLocker
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID ca9a3c5c-ef8e-4e09-bd91-0347a6967837
which can be used as unique global reference for PL
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID ed6f4c24-a2eb-4395-ae76-4d4992b21f5b
which can be used as unique global reference for CryCryptor
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID d1c43e2b-75a5-4d75-a8b7-b46fe106ed87
which can be used as unique global reference for Blocky
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID b7d9e0c2-e772-41e0-9202-5df2bcff9022
which can be used as unique global reference for OhNo-FakePDF
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 455b864e-47c0-419f-9c0c-a75bac6d5e84
which can be used as unique global reference for Try2Cry
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 5e1df833-e4de-44a9-8728-1681a6e6afbc
which can be used as unique global reference for LolKek
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 165949bf-bc59-43c8-a9b7-d281da5688ee
which can be used as unique global reference for FlowEncrypt
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 3ae97d00-4b38-4f81-a055-a1057e3cebae
which can be used as unique global reference for WhoLocker
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID ad010794-bdac-4157-adba-e87014a29708
which can be used as unique global reference for Pojie
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Aris Locker
Internal MISP references
UUID c795358a-c462-48f0-a5ff-9bdc1dd869e5
which can be used as unique global reference for Aris Locker
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 7750a0ed-e17b-4eaf-97f1-ddf097c48858
which can be used as unique global reference for EduRansom
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID db954a2d-4602-4722-977d-3b147ebc1858
which can be used as unique global reference for Fastwind
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 51600819-3b88-43a9-b64e-d08bf5d29f7c
which can be used as unique global reference for Silvertor
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID b8b0933a-896a-45d1-8284-ebc55dff1f98
which can be used as unique global reference for Exorcist
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | ['http://7iulpt5i6whht6zo2r52f7vptxtjxs3vfcdxxazllikrtqpupn4epnqd.onion'] |
Internal MISP references
UUID df5ef12b-c0e3-4069-beaa-e84ea953befc
which can be used as unique global reference for WyvernLocker
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 58d0f5cf-5e71-44dc-b493-b0d3c0724587
which can be used as unique global reference for Ensiko
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID d667e11f-95d0-4c44-a0c6-b6ab617c307f
which can be used as unique global reference for Django
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 2c754dfc-0748-47d7-8853-652c1d6a93a7
which can be used as unique global reference for RansomBlox
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID a378ddf1-5981-4e76-8672-60dd4cb67dc1
which can be used as unique global reference for BitRansomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | ['http://mrv44idagzu47oktcipn6tlll6nzapi6pk3u7ehsucl4hpxon45dl4yd.onion/'] |
Internal MISP references
UUID e9cd52e1-b3e0-4da9-b969-4a3947f3f6bf
which can be used as unique global reference for AESMew
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 4cd34987-7b49-4a75-8668-a02498b9b1ac
which can be used as unique global reference for DeathOfShadow
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 9acc2bd8-9215-4795-bf2b-c4281a8ca697
which can be used as unique global reference for XMRLocker
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 0aada732-3b59-4410-a043-5a190d391927
which can be used as unique global reference for WinWord64
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 937d3070-7fc6-4967-98bc-17acb0c8da8e
which can be used as unique global reference for ThunderX
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 7513650c-ba09-49bf-b011-d2974c7ae023
which can be used as unique global reference for Mountlocket
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
Related clusters
To see the related clusters, click here.
Internal MISP references
UUID 09fac901-8fcf-4faa-b1e3-96407433d0f2
which can be used as unique global reference for Gladius
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 1ff34e4a-a205-493f-bdd0-2212d80fd83c
which can be used as unique global reference for Cyrat
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 705e03d1-b0c9-4c0b-9b10-fb751e09a020
which can be used as unique global reference for Crypt32
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 16ebc67f-96d2-4497-84da-a05713352aba
which can be used as unique global reference for BizHack
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 971bdbfe-d55d-410f-9b07-57ba69027eb8
which can be used as unique global reference for Geneve
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 361a35bc-c952-41ad-bd27-c32b690aa9e3
which can be used as unique global reference for Z3
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID e723285e-14ff-4d25-97c3-43e73168d606
which can be used as unique global reference for Leakthemall
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Conti ransomware is a RaaS and has been observed encrypting networks since mid-2020. Conti was developed by the “TrickBot” group, an organized Russian cybercriminal operation. Their reputation has allowed the group to create a strong brand name, attracting many affiliates which has made Conti one of the most widespread ransomware strains in the world. One of the last known “Conti” attacks was against the government of Costa Rica in April 2022 causing the country to declare a state of emergency. Shortly after this final attack, the “Conti” brand disappeared. The group behind it likely switched to a different brand to avoid sanctions and start over with a new, clean reputation.
Internal MISP references
UUID 201eff54-d41e-4f70-916c-5dfb9301730a
which can be used as unique global reference for Conti
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
- https://www.cyber.gov.au/acsc/view-all-content/advisories/2021-010-acsc-ransomware-profile-conti - webarchive
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- https://www.domaintools.com/resources/blog/the-most-prolific-ransomware-families-a-defenders-guide - webarchive
- https://www.dragos.com/blog/industry-news/dragos-ics-ot-ransomware-analysis-q4-2021/ - webarchive
- https://www.dragos.com/blog/industry-news/suspected-conti-ransomware-activity-in-the-auto-manufacturing-sector/ - webarchive
- https://www.eldiario.es/tecnologia/capos-cibercrimen-avisan-contratacaran-si-hackea-rusia_1_8795458.html - webarchive
- https://www.elliptic.co/blog/conti-ransomware-nets-at-least-25.5-million-in-four-months - webarchive
- https://www.esentire.com/blog/conti-affiliate-exposed-new-domain-names-ip-addresses-and-email-addresses-uncovered-by-esentire - webarchive
- https://www.fortinet.com/blog/threat-research/diavol-new-ransomware-used-by-wizard-spider - webarchive
- https://www.hornetsecurity.com/en/security-informationen-en/leakware-ransomware-hybrid-attacks/ - webarchive
- https://www.hse.ie/eng/services/publications/conti-cyber-attack-on-the-hse-full-report.pdf - webarchive
- https://www.huntandhackett.com/blog/advanced-ip-scanner-the-preferred-scanner-in-the-apt-toolbox - webarchive
- https://www.ic3.gov/Media/News/2021/210521.pdf - webarchive
- https://www.ironnet.com/blog/ransomware-graphic-blog - webarchive
- https://www.mbsd.jp/2022/03/08/assets/images/MBSD_Summary_of_ContiLeaks_Rev3.pdf - webarchive
- https://www.mbsd.jp/research/20210413/conti-ransomware/ - webarchive
- https://www.ncsc.gov.ie/pdfs/HSE_Conti_140521_UPDATE.pdf - webarchive
- https://www.prevailion.com/what-wicked-webs-we-unweave/ - webarchive
- https://www.prodaft.com/m/reports/Conti_TLPWHITE_v1.6_WVcSEtc.pdf - webarchive
- https://www.prodaft.com/m/reports/WizardSpider_TLPWHITE_v.1.4.pdf - webarchive
- https://www.pwc.co.uk/cyber-security/pdf/pwc-cyber-threats-2020-a-year-in-retrospect.pdf - webarchive
- https://www.pwc.co.uk/issues/cyber-security-services/insights/what-is-behind-ransomware-attacks-increase.html - webarchive
- https://www.pwc.com/gx/en/issues/cybersecurity/cyber-threat-intelligence/cyber-year-in-retrospect/yir-cyber-threats-annex-download.pdf - webarchive
- https://www.redhotcyber.com/post/il-ransomware-conti-si-schiera-a-favore-della-russia - webarchive
- https://www.secureworks.com/blog/gold-ulrick-leaks-reveal-organizational-structure-and-relationships - webarchive
- https://www.sekoia.io/en/an-insider-insights-into-conti-operations-part-one - webarchive
- https://www.sekoia.io/en/an-insider-insights-into-conti-operations-part-two/ - webarchive
- https://www.silentpush.com/blog/consequences-the-conti-leaks-and-future-problems - webarchive
- https://www.splunk.com/en_us/blog/security/gone-in-52-seconds-and-42-minutes-a-comparative-analysis-of-ransomware-encryption-speed.html - webarchive
- https://www.splunk.com/en_us/pdfs/resources/whitepaper/an-empirically-comparative-analysis-of-ransomware-binaries.pdf - webarchive
- https://www.symantec.broadcom.com/hubfs/SED/SED_Threat_Hunter_Reports_Alerts/SED_FY22Q2_SES_Ransomware-Threat-Landscape_WP.pdf - webarchive
- https://www.threatstop.com/blog/conti-ransomware-source-code-leaked - webarchive
- https://www.trellix.com/en-us/about/newsroom/stories/threat-labs/conti-leaks-examining-the-panama-papers-of-ransomware.html - webarchive
- https://www.trellix.com/en-us/about/newsroom/stories/threat-labs/the-sound-of-malware.html - webarchive
- https://www.trendmicro.com/content/dam/trendmicro/global/en/research/22/c/cyberattacks-are-prominent-in-the-russia-ukraine-conflict/IOC%20Resource%20for%20Russia-Ukraine%20Conflict-Related%20Cyberattacks-03032022.pdf - webarchive
- https://www.trendmicro.com/en_us/research/22/c/cyberattacks-are-prominent-in-the-russia-ukraine-conflict.html - webarchive
- https://www.trendmicro.com/vinfo/us/security/news/cybercrime-and-digital-threats/ransomware-as-a-service-enabler-of-widespread-attacks - webarchive
- https://www.trendmicro.com/vinfo/us/security/news/cybercrime-and-digital-threats/ransomware-double-extortion-and-beyond-revil-clop-and-conti - webarchive
- https://www.trendmicro.com/vinfo/us/security/news/ransomware-by-the-numbers/lockbit-conti-and-blackcat-lead-pack-amid-rise-in-active-raas-and-extortion-groups-ransomware-in-q1-2022 - webarchive
- https://www.trendmicro.com/vinfo/us/security/news/ransomware-spotlight/ransomware-spotlight-conti - webarchive
- https://www.trmlabs.com/post/analysis-corroborates-suspected-ties-between-conti-and-ryuk-ransomware-groups-and-wizard-spider - webarchive
- https://www.truesec.com/hub/blog/proxyshell-qbot-and-conti-ransomware-combined-in-a-series-of-cyber-attacks - webarchive
- https://www.unh4ck.com/detection-engineering-and-threat-hunting/lateral-movement/detecting-conti-cobaltstrike-lateral-movement-techniques-part-1 - webarchive
- https://www.unh4ck.com/detection-engineering-and-threat-hunting/lateral-movement/detecting-conti-cobaltstrike-lateral-movement-techniques-part-2 - webarchive
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hmaWy9QIC7c - webarchive
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uORuVVQzZ0A - webarchive
- https://www.zdnet.com/article/the-malware-that-usually-installs-ransomware-and-you-need-to-remove-right-away/ - webarchive
- https://www.zscaler.com/blogs/security-research/conti-ransomware-attacks-persist-updated-version-despite-leaks - webarchive
- https://yoroi.company/research/conti-ransomware-source-code-a-well-designed-cots-ransomware/ - webarchive
- https://www.ransomlook.io/group/conti - webarchive
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
attribution-confidence | 100 |
country | RU |
extensions | ['.conti'] |
links | ['http://continewsnv5otx5kaoje7krkto2qbu3gtqef22mnr7eaxw3y6ncz3ad.onion/', 'http://continews.click', 'http://m232fdxbfmbrcehbrj5iayknxnggf6niqfj6x4iedrgtab4qupzjlaid.onion/', 'http://contirec7nchr45rx6ympez5rjldibnqzh7lsa56lvjvaeywhvoj3wad.onion/', 'http://contirecj4hbzmyzuydyzrvm2c65blmvhoj2cvf25zqj2dwrrqcq5oad.onion/', 'http://contirecj4hbzmyzuydyzrvm2c65blmvhoj2cvf25zqj2dwrrqcq5oad.onion', 'https://contirecovery.best', 'https://contirecovery.top'] |
ransomnotes | ['All of your files are currently encrypted by CONTI ransomware.'] |
Related clusters
To see the related clusters, click here.
Internal MISP references
UUID f3d28719-fa72-42c3-b0fe-cda484abbaf9
which can be used as unique global reference for Makop
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Best Crypt
Internal MISP references
UUID b0552a9f-8820-48c3-a75b-158063f17e1b
which can be used as unique global reference for Best Crypt
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 784c93bb-4522-4988-92c0-fef89ff6086d
which can be used as unique global reference for Consciousness
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 28d7d7e6-3803-4e77-bd89-8a0921a55c17
which can be used as unique global reference for Flamingo
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 89346526-4f9d-4369-a1a2-53974a97a651
which can be used as unique global reference for PewPew
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 9684f0dc-2c9d-46e3-a12f-65ea85a678e5
which can be used as unique global reference for DogeCrypt
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 47354b68-52c9-4750-b783-97c278ddb6a2
which can be used as unique global reference for Badbeeteam
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID e6b40e6b-7c3e-453c-a250-577f4b8a1a7c
which can be used as unique global reference for Solve
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 6f7c24e3-b7e6-483c-92f0-99bf562f6397
which can be used as unique global reference for RenameX12
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID e3c82188-6f63-48e1-ace8-e93484994792
which can be used as unique global reference for Zhen
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID e5ef8579-a215-4450-8294-c887f3d62476
which can be used as unique global reference for Datacloud
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID d511beb8-69c6-4ad8-aa82-fb7b56f467a5
which can be used as unique global reference for Ironcat
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID ea521e5d-0908-4bb4-8111-b27f56b8fb8d
which can be used as unique global reference for Dusk
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 966b504a-b032-4d99-80fa-5008228b2926
which can be used as unique global reference for Cutekitty
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 3cc0e0d6-2b19-4505-8f2f-11456efeda8f
which can be used as unique global reference for Babax
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID a7219d8e-e616-4808-8d5d-6eafe423405a
which can be used as unique global reference for Eyecry
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 9f23a356-8ae8-40b2-bbde-d2f4ba62a883
which can be used as unique global reference for Osno
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 1a49c0c2-3b66-4832-bf9c-d5624e6a5aaa
which can be used as unique global reference for Loki
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID c4390e31-fdbd-44d9-babf-adc2b20a57ff
which can be used as unique global reference for WoodRat
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 6d1ba8c7-3a86-4ec5-bfdf-f647c6fe984b
which can be used as unique global reference for Curator
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 31c20516-d4ee-46fb-a020-ccc1b44177b7
which can be used as unique global reference for 32aa
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 6ac0f7e3-eebd-4112-a915-b069604c6d2b
which can be used as unique global reference for Vaggen
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID fb98368c-79fb-4d34-a7e0-c4cc9847bce0
which can be used as unique global reference for Clay
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 7b2f9d2c-d96a-4515-b57d-cc1cff35de3a
which can be used as unique global reference for Pizhon
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 8439a797-4d81-4b8c-b278-3c41c640294f
which can be used as unique global reference for InstallPay
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID ff711485-e052-4ca0-934a-748a7a5d6f4c
which can be used as unique global reference for MetadataBin
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID bd743e59-1a2a-40ad-9cd4-d1e519d3b91d
which can be used as unique global reference for TechandStrat
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID af35e406-7af3-46f1-b32d-305f9711f645
which can be used as unique global reference for Mars
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID bee837e2-8bdb-4291-a267-4211bdc2a309
which can be used as unique global reference for Scatterbrain
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 55d3f7c0-7aa8-4b0e-b0f9-86dd68c78968
which can be used as unique global reference for CCECrypt
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 5de1dec7-749e-42ad-b0bf-68d5d774d5be
which can be used as unique global reference for SZ40
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID 678bc24d-a5c3-4ddd-9292-40958afa3492
which can be used as unique global reference for Pay2Key
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
- https://research.checkpoint.com/2020/ransomware-alert-pay2key - webarchive
- https://www.twitter.com/p2ktwtacc - webarchive
- https://keybase.io/pay2key - webarchive
- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1MI8Z2tBhmqQ5X8Wf_ozv3dVjz5sJOs-3 - webarchive
- https://go.crowdstrike.com/rs/281-OBQ-266/images/Report2021GTR.pdf - webarchive
- https://research.checkpoint.com/2020/ransomware-alert-pay2key/ - webarchive
- https://twitter.com/TrendMicroRSRCH/status/1389422784808378370 - webarchive
- https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/intels-habana-labs-hacked-by-pay2key-ransomware-data-stolen/ - webarchive
- https://www.clearskysec.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/Pay2Kitten.pdf - webarchive
- https://www.pwc.co.uk/cyber-security/pdf/pwc-cyber-threats-2020-a-year-in-retrospect.pdf - webarchive
- https://www.ransomlook.io/group/pay2key - webarchive
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | November 2020 |
links | ['http://pay2key2zkg7arp3kv3cuugdaqwuesifnbofun4j6yjdw5ry7zw2asid.onion/'] |
Internal MISP references
UUID ae288b5d-062c-4a11-ba81-14794dc6127f
which can be used as unique global reference for Tripoli
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | November 2020 |
Internal MISP references
UUID dcc12d6f-d59f-4451-999d-7728bf4e95aa
which can be used as unique global reference for Devos
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | November 2020 |
Internal MISP references
UUID 63397164-fee2-4662-afac-cc651b0426cb
which can be used as unique global reference for HowAreYou
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | November 2020 |
Internal MISP references
UUID 4be906e7-b6db-453f-8f9b-a8d8d9b29f4b
which can be used as unique global reference for SifreCikis
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | November 2020 |
Internal MISP references
UUID 1bdafae9-51cd-4384-8ee7-774c9db7820f
which can be used as unique global reference for 68-Random-HEX
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | November 2020 |
Internal MISP references
UUID a536a6bd-f567-4631-bdc7-ac38fd9faf81
which can be used as unique global reference for RedRoman
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | November 2020 |
Internal MISP references
UUID ce9b4949-aa84-46fe-a532-2d8b7846d1f5
which can be used as unique global reference for MXX
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | November 2020 |
Exerwa CTF
Internal MISP references
UUID 5553296d-2fe5-490b-bb16-bc2432ede8be
which can be used as unique global reference for Exerwa CTF
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | November 2020 |
"synonyms" in the meta part typically refer to alternate names or labels that are associated with a particular HelloKitty.
Known Synonyms |
FiveHands |
Internal MISP references
UUID 022c995a-f1ba-498f-b67e-92ef01fd06a3
which can be used as unique global reference for HelloKitty
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
- https://blog.sekoia.io/vice-society-a-discreet-but-steady-double-extortion-ransomware-group - webarchive
- https://blogs.vmware.com/security/2022/09/esxi-targeting-ransomware-the-threats-that-are-after-your-virtual-machines-part-1.html - webarchive
- https://soolidsnake.github.io/2021/07/17/hellokitty_linux.html - webarchive
- https://unit42.paloaltonetworks.com/emerging-ransomware-groups/ - webarchive
- https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/linux-version-of-hellokitty-ransomware-targets-vmware-esxi-servers/ - webarchive
- https://www.crowdstrike.com/blog/hypervisor-jackpotting-ecrime-actors-increase-targeting-of-esxi-servers/ - webarchive
- https://www.esentire.com/blog/conti-affiliate-exposed-new-domain-names-ip-addresses-and-email-addresses-uncovered-by-esentire - webarchive
- https://www.govinfosecurity.com/vice-society-ransomware-gang-disrupted-spar-stores-a-18225 - webarchive
- https://www.microsoft.com/security/blog/2022/05/09/ransomware-as-a-service-understanding-the-cybercrime-gig-economy-and-how-to-protect-yourself - webarchive
- https://www.vmware.com/content/dam/digitalmarketing/vmware/en/pdf/docs/vmw-exposing-malware-in-linux-based-multi-cloud-environments.pdf - webarchive
- https://blog.bushidotoken.net/2022/05/gamer-cheater-hacker-spy.html - webarchive
- https://blog.malwarebytes.com/threat-spotlight/2021/03/hellokitty-when-cyberpunk-met-cy-purr-crime/ - webarchive
- https://blogs.vmware.com/security/2022/09/threat-report-illuminating-volume-shadow-deletion.html - webarchive
- https://id-ransomware.blogspot.com/2020/11/hellokitty-ransomware.html - webarchive
- https://labs.sentinelone.com/hellokitty-ransomware-lacks-stealth-but-still-strikes-home/ - webarchive
- https://medium.com/proferosec-osm/static-unpacker-and-decoder-for-hello-kitty-packer-91a3e8844cb7 - webarchive
- https://twitter.com/fwosar/status/1359167108727332868 - webarchive
- https://www.advintel.io/post/discontinued-the-end-of-conti-s-brand-marks-new-chapter-for-cybercrime-landscape - webarchive
- https://www.advintel.io/post/enter-karakurt-data-extortion-arm-of-prolific-ransomware-group - webarchive
- https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/hellokitty-ransomware-is-targeting-vulnerable-sonicwall-devices/ - webarchive
- https://www.cadosecurity.com/post/punk-kitty-ransom-analysing-hellokitty-ransomware-attacks - webarchive
- https://www.cisa.gov/uscert/ncas/alerts/aa22-249a - webarchive
- https://www.crowdstrike.com/blog/new-ransomware-variant-uses-golang-packer/ - webarchive
- https://www.databreaches.net/babuk-re-organizes-as-payload-bin-offers-its-first-leak/ - webarchive
- https://www.fireeye.com/blog/threat-research/2021/04/unc2447-sombrat-and-fivehands-ransomware-sophisticated-financial-threat.html - webarchive
- https://www.ic3.gov/Media/News/2021/211029.pdf - webarchive
- https://www.speartip.com/resources/fbi-hellokitty-ransomware-adds-ddos-to-extortion-arsenal/ - webarchive
- https://www.ransomlook.io/group/hellokitty - webarchive
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | November 2020 |
links | ['http://3r6n77mpe737w4sbxxxrpc5phbluv6xhtdl5ujpnlvmck5tc7blq2rqd.onion', 'http://gunyhng6pabzcurl7ipx2pbmjxpvqnu6mxf2h3vdeenam34inj4ndryd.onion/'] |
Internal MISP references
UUID 1496ec2f-76b0-425b-badc-8b7749c7e370
which can be used as unique global reference for HolidayCheer
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | November 2020 |
Joker Korean
Internal MISP references
UUID d4733b99-e1d7-4101-9653-65d8ed73bd47
which can be used as unique global reference for Joker Korean
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | November 2020 |
Internal MISP references
UUID c0222809-cffa-467b-a9b1-b7caaf238b14
which can be used as unique global reference for VenomRAT
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | November 2020 |
Internal MISP references
UUID 2a2f3d8f-83c1-490b-94d1-b56b90e81d19
which can be used as unique global reference for FileEngineering
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | November 2020 |
Internal MISP references
UUID 77714a96-6242-416a-ba6e-a1080e71cd81
which can be used as unique global reference for LandSlide
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | November 2020 |
Internal MISP references
UUID 8fa6b51a-a48d-48dc-87ec-cf0d30ad66e8
which can be used as unique global reference for Mobef-JustFun
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | November 2020 |
Related clusters
To see the related clusters, click here.
"synonyms" in the meta part typically refer to alternate names or labels that are associated with a particular Amjixius.
Known Synonyms |
Ancrypted |
Internal MISP references
UUID 1efe19b7-a8f3-455b-aefc-a41a5788bf2c
which can be used as unique global reference for Amjixius
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | December 2020 |
ransomnotes | ['All your files have been encrypted\n\nContact us to this email to decrypt your files:\nancrypted1@gmail.com\nIn case of of no answer in 24 hours contact the secondary email:\nancrypted1@gmail.com\n\nYou can unlock them by buying the special key generated for you\n\nFree decryption as guarantee\nBefore paying you can send us up to 5 files for free decryption. The total size of files must be less than 4Mb (non archived),and files should not contain valuable information. (databases,backups,large excel sheets, etc.)\n\n\nPayment is possible only with bitcoin\n\nHow to obtain bitcoins\nThe easoway to buy bitcoins is LocalBitcoins site. you have to register, click ?Buy bitcoins?, and select the seller by payment method and price.\nHttps://localbitcoins.com/buy_bitcoins\nAlso you can fund other places to buy Bitcoins and beginners guide here:\nHttp://www.coindesk.com/information/how-can-i-buy-bitcoins/\n\nAttention !!!\n1. Do not rename encrypted files.\n2. Do not try to decrypt your data using third party softwares, it may cause permanent data loss.\n3. Decryption or your files with the help of third parties may cause increased price(they add their fee to ours) or you can become a victim of a scam'] |
Internal MISP references
UUID c99e4aee-03f7-4cb6-b1ce-2394d00d1472
which can be used as unique global reference for DearCry
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | Mars 2021 |
Internal MISP references
UUID 0353ecc5-849c-44a1-9ace-bff14e358c7a
which can be used as unique global reference for JoJoCrypter
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | Mars 2021 |
Internal MISP references
UUID 3742b551-b7e8-4256-81fa-137a05693bb8
which can be used as unique global reference for RunExeMemory
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | Mars 2021 |
Internal MISP references
UUID b0b690c4-b0d3-4e5e-a855-474f312287dc
which can be used as unique global reference for Pay2Decrypt
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | Febuary 2021 |
Internal MISP references
UUID c7da6edc-dd6a-4e7b-8ce2-2f97a98f6efb
which can be used as unique global reference for Tortoise
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | Febuary 2021 |
Internal MISP references
UUID 401a8f57-7bf6-4a2a-834c-896bc29aa73f
which can be used as unique global reference for EPICALLY
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | Febuary 2021 |
Internal MISP references
UUID 52a907ab-f38b-4144-ba13-cab33adaab38
which can be used as unique global reference for Random30
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | Febuary 2021 |
Internal MISP references
UUID 419955fb-cfe6-4eba-b2ec-de53f4266e25
which can be used as unique global reference for Hog
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | Febuary 2021 |
Internal MISP references
UUID f4c25d90-fea1-4bf5-8128-108f4ed279e4
which can be used as unique global reference for Steel
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | Febuary 2021 |
Internal MISP references
UUID 8a12618d-caf0-4b97-a4d8-fb475820d6f1
which can be used as unique global reference for JohnBorn
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | January 2021 |
Internal MISP references
UUID 8018e133-c4c9-4a1b-bf39-5007c35c0a54
which can be used as unique global reference for Egalyty
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | January 2021 |
Internal MISP references
UUID b7e0a8c9-ffac-416e-8c8e-1670f3b3729f
which can be used as unique global reference for Namaste
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | January 2021 |
Internal MISP references
UUID 570382c4-7b30-4f05-a385-e0691e0abfbc
which can be used as unique global reference for HDLocker
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | Febuary 2021 |
Internal MISP references
UUID d2776f0d-29d6-45a2-be76-9072c52ce7cc
which can be used as unique global reference for Epsilon
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | January 2021 |
Internal MISP references
UUID 34865f14-c5b4-42b8-9cc1-e1325dbe0d23
which can be used as unique global reference for DeroHE
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | January 2021 |
Internal MISP references
UUID 29a61b85-4c63-46b0-bca0-32525ba1c56b
which can be used as unique global reference for Vovalex
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | January 2021 |
Internal MISP references
UUID 93e45f39-ee69-4907-b7c7-2eb406313b53
which can be used as unique global reference for Bonsoir
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | January 2021 |
Internal MISP references
UUID 91381710-823e-4eb6-a52f-28ab163638f3
which can be used as unique global reference for PulpFictionQuote
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | January 2021 |
NAS Data Compromiser
Internal MISP references
UUID 8fc25ce2-a5f7-49dc-8480-2a7a2cb60606
which can be used as unique global reference for NAS Data Compromiser
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | January 2021 |
Internal MISP references
UUID 7f3e44d7-cccb-4fc7-86c6-006d25dc3c5d
which can be used as unique global reference for CNH
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | January 2021 |
Internal MISP references
UUID 5a7d70c5-c5a2-4f00-be6d-a7499ca350f1
which can be used as unique global reference for Lucy
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | January 2021 |
"synonyms" in the meta part typically refer to alternate names or labels that are associated with a particular OCT.
Known Synonyms |
OctEncrypt |
Internal MISP references
UUID e0189c0e-8da9-4e48-9c09-9cb8d8eb2a8b
which can be used as unique global reference for OCT
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | December 2020 |
Internal MISP references
UUID 556f7792-ed79-42cf-9912-865319e10d48
which can be used as unique global reference for Pump
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | December 2020 |
Internal MISP references
UUID 33edc2a9-231d-4a41-8dd8-ea9697dd0e13
which can be used as unique global reference for LuciferCrypt
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | December 2020 |
Internal MISP references
UUID 28ca283a-221f-4e8a-bcc3-feddd67991dc
which can be used as unique global reference for Ziggy
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | December 2020 |
Internal MISP references
UUID 0aed6d0e-6ecc-4295-a5ef-90389f1f00f9
which can be used as unique global reference for CoderCrypt
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | December 2020 |
Internal MISP references
UUID 97ac3893-4331-454f-882f-1dcd9f2c6bcb
which can be used as unique global reference for BlueEagle
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | December 2020 |
Internal MISP references
UUID e8c800ce-c8e3-4176-87c9-8a0c48a9b5e4
which can be used as unique global reference for Povisomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | December 2020 |
Ransomware written in C#. Fortunately, all current versions of the MafiaWare666 ransomware are decryptable. The Threat Lab from Avast has developed a free decryption tool for this malware.
"synonyms" in the meta part typically refer to alternate names or labels that are associated with a particular JCrypt.
Known Synonyms |
Crypted |
Daddycrypt |
Foxxy |
Iam_watching |
Locked |
Mafiaware666 |
Ncovid |
NotStonks |
Omero |
Poison |
RIP lmao |
Vn_os |
Wearefriends |
Internal MISP references
UUID dd5712e1-efa8-4054-a5df-fdfdbc9c25b6
which can be used as unique global reference for JCrypt
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
- https://id-ransomware.blogspot.com/2020/12/jcrypt-ransomware.html - webarchive
- https://twitter.com/kangxiaopao/status/1342027328063295488?lang=en - webarchive
- https://twitter.com/demonslay335/status/1380610583603638277 - webarchive
- https://decoded.avast.io/threatresearch/decrypted-mafiaware666-ransomware/ - webarchive
- https://files.avast.com/files/decryptor/avast_decryptor_mafiaware666.exe - webarchive
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | December 2020 |
extensions | ['.jcrypt', '.locked', '.daddycrypt', '.omero', '.ncovid', '.NotStonks', '.crypted', '.iam_watching', '.vn_os', '.wearefriends', '.MALWAREDEVELOPER', '.MALKI', '.poison', '.foxxy', '.ZAHACKED', '.JEBAĆ_BYDGOSZCZ!!!', '.titancrypt', '.crypt', '.MafiaWare666', '.brutusptCrypt', '.bmcrypt', '.cyberone', '.l33ch'] |
payment-method | Bitcoin |
ransomenotes | ['All of your files have been encrypted.\nTo unlock them, please send 1 bitcoin(s) to BTC address: 1BtUL5dhVXHwKLqSdhjyjK9Pe64Vc6CEH1 Afterwards,\nI please email your transaction ID to: this.email.address@gmail.com\nThank you and have a nice day! Encryption Log: ...'] |
ransomenotes-refs | ['https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-OF8CopM3MUw/X-XLjUmRkYI/AAAAAAAAXpY/1mLe136SuT8DuruWJfwIVY5WnVs5B1gcgCLcBGAsYHQ/s943/txt-note.png'] |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['RECOVER_FILES.jcrypt.txt', 'RECOVER__FILES__.jcrypt.txt', '___RECOVER__FILES__.locked.txt', '___RECOVER__FILES__.daddycrypt.txt', '___RECOVER__FILES__.omero.txt', '___RECOVER__FILES__.ncovid.txt', '___RECOVER__FILES__.crypted.txt', '___RECOVER__FILES__.iam_watching.txt', '___RECOVER__FILES__.titancrypt.txt', '#ODZYSKAJ_PLIKI--.JEBAĆ_BYDGOSZCZ!!!.txt'] |
Internal MISP references
UUID 9a2ecc67-6462-4d6e-9f18-eacc097ce6c7
which can be used as unique global reference for Uh-Oh
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | December 2020 |
Internal MISP references
UUID b539d0d8-1dad-4874-b743-e07063f8907e
which can be used as unique global reference for Mijnal
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | December 2020 |
Internal MISP references
UUID 440f9a8e-9837-433a-b2f3-c6a6914146ef
which can be used as unique global reference for 16x
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | December 2020 |
Internal MISP references
UUID ac805a25-0b35-4c3e-82a5-2c8d19a53294
which can be used as unique global reference for Lockedv1
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | December 2020 |
XD Locker
Internal MISP references
UUID 658dbbb2-c596-4ca0-a085-7b41f1fcebd0
which can be used as unique global reference for XD Locker
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | JanuaryJ 2021 |
Internal MISP references
UUID c47eb2fa-9fe2-42b8-8339-49e4de7296e2
which can be used as unique global reference for Knot
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | January 2021 |
Internal MISP references
UUID 390fc4fc-9f46-480a-b114-aba898564c8a
which can be used as unique global reference for Parasite
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | January 2021 |
Internal MISP references
UUID 9d43444d-205b-4fac-81a8-2affd49b1eb6
which can be used as unique global reference for Judge
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | January 2021 |
Internal MISP references
UUID f84b92bb-d8e8-4ddd-848c-1a91df504e8e
which can be used as unique global reference for DEcovid19
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | January 2021 |
Ragnarok is is a ransomware that targetscorporate networks in Big Game Huntingtargeted attacks. The ransomware is associated with 'double-extortion' tactic, stealing and publishing files on a data leak site (DLS).
Internal MISP references
UUID fe7e4df0-97b9-4dd2-b3f8-79404fc8272d
which can be used as unique global reference for Ragnarok
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
- https://malpedia.caad.fkie.fraunhofer.de/details/win.ragnaro - webarchive
- https://borncity.com/win/2021/03/27/tu-darmstadt-opfer-der-ragnarok-ransomware/ - webarchive
- https://techcrunch.com/2021/08/30/ragnarok-ransomware-gang-shuts-down-and-releases-its-decryption-key - webarchive
- https://www.cpomagazine.com/cyber-security/ragnarok-ransomware-gang-closes-up-shop-leaves-master-decryptor-key-behind - webarchive
- https://www.sababasecurity.com/cheese-shortage-in-dutch-supermarkets-after-a-ransomware-attack - webarchive
- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1MI8Z2tBhmqQ5X8Wf_ozv3dVjz5sJOs-3 - webarchive
- https://github.com/k-vitali/Malware-Misc-RE/blob/master/2020-01-26-ragnarok-cfg-vk.notes.raw - webarchive
- https://go.crowdstrike.com/rs/281-OBQ-266/images/Report2021GTR.pdf - webarchive
- https://media.kasperskycontenthub.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/43/2022/06/23093553/Common-TTPs-of-the-modern-ransomware_low-res.pdf - webarchive
- https://news.sophos.com/en-us/2020/05/21/asnarok2/ - webarchive
- https://news.sophos.com/en-us/2022/03/17/the-ransomware-threat-intelligence-center/ - webarchive
- https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/ragnarok-ransomware-releases-master-decryptor-after-shutdown/ - webarchive
- https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/ragnarok-ransomware-targets-citrix-adc-disables-windows-defender/ - webarchive
- https://www.ransomlook.io/group/ragnarok - webarchive
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
encryption | AES |
extensions | ['.ragnarok', '.ragnarok_cry'] |
links | ['http://wobpitin77vdsdiswr43duntv6eqw4rvphedutpaxycjdie6gg3binad.onion', 'http://sushlnty2j7qdzy64qnvyb6ajkwg7resd3p6agc2widnawodtcedgjid.onion/'] |
Destructive malware deployed against targets in Ukraine in January 2022.
Internal MISP references
UUID feb5fa26-bad4-46da-921d-986d2fd81a40
which can be used as unique global reference for WhisperGate
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
- https://malpedia.caad.fkie.fraunhofer.de/details/win.whispergate - webarchive
- https://www.cadosecurity.com/resources-for-dfir-professionals-responding-to-whispergate-malware/ - webarchive
- https://www.microsoft.com/security/blog/2022/01/15/destructive-malware-targeting-ukrainian-organizations/ - webarchive
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | January 2022 |
BlackCat (ALPHV) is ransomware written in Rust. The ransomware makes heavy use of plaintext JSON configuration files to specify the ransomware functionality. BlackCat has many advanced capabilities like escalating privileges and bypassing UAC make use of AES and ChaCha20 or Salsa encryption, may use the Restart Manager, can delete volume shadow copies, can enumerate disk volumes and network shares automatically, and may kill specific processes and services. The ransomware exists for both Windows, Linux, and ESXi systems. Multiple extortion techniques are used by the BlackCat gang, such as exfiltrating victim data before the ransomware deployment, threats to release data if the ransomw is not paid, and distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks.
"synonyms" in the meta part typically refer to alternate names or labels that are associated with a particular BlackCat.
Known Synonyms |
Noberus |
Internal MISP references
UUID e6c09b63-a424-4d9e-b7f7-b752cbbca02a
which can be used as unique global reference for BlackCat
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
- https://malpedia.caad.fkie.fraunhofer.de/details/win.blackcat - webarchive
- https://1-id--ransomware-blogspot-com.translate.goog/2021/12/blackcat-ransomware.html?_x_tr_enc=1&_x_tr_sl=ru&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=ru
- https://medium.com/s2wblog/blackcat-new-rust-based-ransomware-borrowing-blackmatters-configuration-31c8d330a809 - webarchive
- https://github.com/f0wl/blackCatConf - webarchive
- https://www.sentinelone.com/labs/blackcat-ransomware-highly-configurable-rust-driven-raas-on-the-prowl-for-victims/ - webarchive
- https://www.varonis.com/blog/alphv-blackcat-ransomware - webarchive
- https://www.intrinsec.com/alphv-ransomware-gang-analysis - webarchive
- https://unit42.paloaltonetworks.com/blackcat-ransomware/ - webarchive
- https://www.cyber.gov.au/acsc/view-all-content/advisories/2022-004-acsc-ransomware-profile-alphv-aka-blackcat - webarchive
- https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/security/blog/2022/06/13/the-many-lives-of-blackcat-ransomware/ - webarchive
- https://blog.emsisoft.com/en/40931/ransomware-profile-alphv/ - webarchive
- https://blog.group-ib.com/blackcat - webarchive
- https://blog.talosintelligence.com/2022/03/from-blackmatter-to-blackcat-analyzing.html - webarchive
- https://blogs.vmware.com/security/2022/09/esxi-targeting-ransomware-the-threats-that-are-after-your-virtual-machines-part-1.html - webarchive
- https://killingthebear.jorgetesta.tech/actors/alphv - webarchive
- https://krebsonsecurity.com/2022/01/who-wrote-the-alphv-blackcat-ransomware-strain/ - webarchive
- https://news.sophos.com/en-us/2022/07/14/blackcat-ransomware-attacks-not-merely-a-byproduct-of-bad-luck/ - webarchive
- https://query.prod.cms.rt.microsoft.com/cms/api/am/binary/RE54L7v - webarchive
- https://securelist.com/a-bad-luck-blackcat/106254/ - webarchive
- https://securelist.com/new-ransomware-trends-in-2022/106457/ - webarchive
- https://securityscorecard.com/research/the-increase-in-ransomware-attacks-on-local-governments - webarchive
- https://thehackernews.com/2022/04/researchers-connect-blackcat-ransomware.html - webarchive
- https://twitter.com/sisoma2/status/1473243875158499330 - webarchive
- https://www.advintel.io/post/blackcat-in-a-shifting-threat-landscape-it-helps-to-land-on-your-feet-tech-dive - webarchive
- https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/hive-ransomware-ports-its-linux-vmware-esxi-encryptor-to-rust/ - webarchive
- https://www.forescout.com/resources/analysis-of-an-alphv-incident - webarchive
- https://www.microsoft.com/security/blog/2022/05/09/ransomware-as-a-service-understanding-the-cybercrime-gig-economy-and-how-to-protect-yourself - webarchive
- https://www.theregister.com/2022/03/22/talos-ransomware-blackcat/ - webarchive
- https://www.trellix.com/en-us/about/newsroom/stories/threat-labs/blackcat-ransomware-as-a-service.html - webarchive
- https://www.zdnet.com/article/blackcat-ransomware-implicated-in-attack-on-german-oil-companies/ - webarchive
- https://cert.ssi.gouv.fr/uploads/20220427_NP_TLPWHITE_ANSSI_FIN7.pdf - webarchive
- https://documents.trendmicro.com/assets/pdf/datasheet-ransomware-in-Q1-2022.pdf - webarchive
- https://go.kaspersky.com/rs/802-IJN-240/images/TR_BlackCat_Report.pdf - webarchive
- https://id-ransomware.blogspot.com/2021/12/blackcat-ransomware.html - webarchive
- https://media.kasperskycontenthub.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/43/2022/06/23093553/Common-TTPs-of-the-modern-ransomware_low-res.pdf - webarchive
- https://securelist.com/modern-ransomware-groups-ttps/106824/ - webarchive
- https://securityscorecard.com/blog/ttps-associated-with-new-version-of-blackcat-ransomware - webarchive
- https://securityscorecard.com/research/deep-dive-into-alphv-blackcat-ransomware - webarchive
- https://symantec-enterprise-blogs.security.com/blogs/threat-intelligence/noberus-blackcat-alphv-rust-ransomware - webarchive
- https://symantec-enterprise-blogs.security.com/blogs/threat-intelligence/noberus-blackcat-ransomware-ttps - webarchive
- https://therecord.media/german-wind-farm-operator-confirms-cybersecurity-incident-after-ransomware-group/ - webarchive
- https://www.advintel.io/post/discontinued-the-end-of-conti-s-brand-marks-new-chapter-for-cybercrime-landscape - webarchive
- https://www.advintel.io/post/enter-karakurt-data-extortion-arm-of-prolific-ransomware-group - webarchive
- https://www.crowdstrike.com/blog/falcon-overwatch-contributes-to-blackcat-protection/ - webarchive
- https://www.cybereason.com/blog/cybereason-vs.-blackcat-ransomware - webarchive
- https://www.ic3.gov/Media/News/2022/220420.pdf - webarchive
- https://www.microsoft.com/security/blog/2022/05/09/ransomware-as-a-service-understanding-the-cybercrime-gig-economy-and-how-to-protect-yourself/ - webarchive
- https://www.microsoft.com/security/blog/2022/06/13/the-many-lives-of-blackcat-ransomware/ - webarchive
- https://www.sentinelone.com/labs/crimeware-trends-ransomware-developers-turn-to-intermittent-encryption-to-evade-detection/ - webarchive
- https://www.symantec.broadcom.com/hubfs/SED/SED_Threat_Hunter_Reports_Alerts/SED_FY22Q2_SES_Ransomware-Threat-Landscape_WP.pdf - webarchive
- https://www.trendmicro.com/en_us/research/22/d/an-investigation-of-the-blackcat-ransomware.html - webarchive
- https://www.trendmicro.com/vinfo/us/security/news/ransomware-by-the-numbers/lockbit-conti-and-blackcat-lead-pack-amid-rise-in-active-raas-and-extortion-groups-ransomware-in-q1-2022 - webarchive
- https://www.ransomlook.io/group/alphv - webarchive
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | June 2021 |
encryption | AES |
links | ['http://alphvmmm27o3abo3r2mlmjrpdmzle3rykajqc5xsj7j7ejksbpsa36ad.onion', 'http://2cuqgeerjdba2rhdiviezodpu3lc4qz2sjf4qin6f7std2evleqlzjid.onion', 'http://alphvmmm27o3abo3r2mlmjrpdmzle3rykajqc5xsj7j7ejksbpsa36ad.onion/api/blog/all/0/6', 'http://vqifktlreqpudvulhbzmc5gocbeawl67uvs2pttswemdorbnhaddohyd.onion/', 'http://alphvuzxyxv6ylumd2ngp46xzq3pw6zflomrghvxeuks6kklberrbmyd.onion', 'http://d75itpgjjfe2ys2qivqplbvmw3yyx7o5e4ppt2esit2lluhngulz4hqd.onion/', 'http://sty5r4hhb5oihbq2mwevrofdiqbgesi66rvxr5sr573xgvtuvr4cs5yd.onion/', 'http://xnsbsjciylsg23zfmrv6ocuyh7ha5zexeouchlr3zsi5suda4arpeyqd.onion/', 'http://24y6h7fwi2fvlv2kuzudyiumjqz4rgqcml2wr7te6ugcgt6qatqe64yd.onion', 'http://2plv344u23ebuayurqcfbjbnxpqzqknja3ca7ulbnnwtgb6tpmqqsvid.onion', 'http://2udgodqyt6jn7s7cb7n66kaisg7i6gxo5n64tnvlk7dee4d4rguojbid.onion', 'http://3bkgnqvrdlzib4t62oyo22eqljdrjaxtwcsvgwystog6yiyx7j7b7nad.onion', 'http://3fgntkytua2jb7rarvuchns6ka7tfh3uc6ypub3ffepjq3jekb3eypyd.onion', 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'http://doh3rlqtvg24yu4r4w7bk5twm7w6nm7wqsr3d3roc7jisrdqf5catnad.onion', 'http://dr2tr76ftudjccp4zc7fks5lhk3pg3rifl3rcc36bgm46sfivkq2sfqd.onion', 'http://dx2g4nm4ouhpqd6c6ttkzbnsliw3empzrwej3ilbwo6zz4g5rcgeazid.onion', 'http://e2ejecjvrpik5bjbvdczu7bjww4epxzsyz3nl7f52oe5pi43ddcsixid.onion', 'http://elcurwunjxjhx24aud6p47htzrrkxvbispdacsatsumlunagoylbgwad.onion', 'http://eyeeabnztw7jphcloghjraqihvon5pgo3gegsgypkg3cxn6jhg4wq5yd.onion', 'http://fafuye3k6sfv4t4nkr2vje5s523q6hfego5cwlze6gdntvxgnjebqnid.onion', 'http://fbehz3443h644jrcu3djvexhplhmnijilkq54puzrxuvloc42oykgiad.onion', 'http://g5a2thsvpabyjp6prphsque7nyaauul4rryr2nulytakggkecls23bad.onion', 'http://ga6pe777wjfk6xuhkepqtfldiqjx253an7dofzmyrlwzgqipqgtwwtyd.onion', 'http://gevvr5kripac4p52ixiq3ufnkr4qasn64r5d7fsyu3kk2zmuyarbvdad.onion', 'http://gjv7s67txrkdxftyfyt2xpcqkp76bmy7eqlumhmile6z6z2y23jkpkad.onion', 'http://hdyacvmmr4x2ms5tg4w5vnqzxfnlat4iosbmf7qz5xxoumnqfrcv2wqd.onion', 'http://he5dybnt7sr6cm32xt77pazmtm65flqy6irivtflruqfc5ep7eiodiad.onion', 'http://hut4icumte4mphbzuk7cycppiubjdzfpilgsdku6vydrn7kg7y5f6oad.onion', 'http://i3jwvuhloergmbeimztm6btpjzshvvcaqj2qrweeehcjhf37tndxtoqd.onion', 'http://ieflygyfoezms2wshjpfyfz4hpyxjcdtxejntysvopd7n7cmmnucbkad.onion', 'http://ijmyrvd3ntbdu22auxpgiiblzxplfw6xqpdztoosfrbqiznymayxfsyd.onion', 'http://irn7otydieltebh3ex2rdfpspdxbcyrgp6kqczjtg4xd7ay7dfmbf7id.onion', 'http://iromfhuademn34fsfdvdrobxdj3tz7mfp2rdj4o2nmfp55fr6xgm3hyd.onion', 'http://j7gpjp46swlikocg3v7tlxc2zdrdlg5gft62bnqiqjgv4lzvaeg6h5id.onion', 'http://jrq44df5h2xysjsajuidspv7zxl7g7v7viujicudptufaozi2i65cnad.onion', 'http://khmpzqnzpya5o27lyp2vt2vw5cy7rb2mfflrhmikubhetncf2nh7ahad.onion', 'http://knt3cs4tkxqdnrjrzk3n7txyhb6c5szkgjwy74jomyvy5xuli5qcdsid.onion', 'http://kv7nxc6sg625vl4rd4fsy4asero3jqivp7zyhaohsyww2xnk7r7yenyd.onion', 'http://kx77iuzg25qlesz3zm7nvy4i6vxecc5jtksf5gllknescfktvzhyo2yd.onion', 'http://kxmbveamxzfrnxacprpbldcy3p263kvrjiblaw4p55mzrkaf3si6w4id.onion', 'http://l2gsnjel3ongbhzvuftuhkbkx5uoso7fvsfqq6oxt25ph4anxxwnl2qd.onion', 'http://ldl45mghc3vscfucdntjc2cax7z3k5fxxxfthvrxhilr4sk2a2dveqid.onion', 'http://lkwkv2pzl3rpo63pqagijqsdo5t52lqwvuu5n34ito4jjnkyfc66smyd.onion', 'http://m6hx7svbvoxhkylaey2jfqxxcychksmx7n455aavt4nan6cuztzkiiyd.onion', 'http://m75bpllrckr7gus26rd6clvvcq6my6tb2bmw6crsevft4t4sv4fsbeyd.onion', 'http://mdixxkgamwij6sy7stxy4fiqwbmfmci2fbjbbndaq2txgaz25zz23xqd.onion', 'http://o522tg3wwqzypsc5yosrhr7mji5as45p2srrzvwd762h5sparfw3j2id.onion', 'http://oylk6phjrgcjvhv5rjijwrpcqj4ig3f2evbxb6lzofw7cbgxlpetq7ad.onion', 'http://p4tn5c42tfkr257a5djzs7iadvuunb7ydowuc6s2ghifbv5buc5pvsad.onion', 'http://p5f7j74vjhcifcxjmg7dswszfsk5z73ftohjj4nlnq7k3qcy4vtxraid.onion', 'http://pmpkjv36ca5ykwmjnfnr5cadctt4ldcekaxocbwa57btujhi7mly6kid.onion', 'http://puqwe2eijzpw33p65qq4ql37dtza64ug3hpsflgxvok7kipzinzry2qd.onion', 'http://q72tfgqh6wi237u2nqxuyuiawkyac5p6qav7mo2r67mu3ufl5gbou2ad.onion', 'http://qfhgvlly3qmrp4sbpr54bc6ci2riwuac6aw72enw2xmcb5yo57jzmkad.onion', 'http://qpcdrem3wd7ihi3x2tfgy7tvh2ldck4nezaxotxqc4vrc2ek3hkmejid.onion', 'http://qrrfiv7l5gsrc7q2n6mfxrbaq33vsvum7d6plx4maslkfxk5pmxt6ayd.onion', 'http://r4aub3bfqf4jh2e6whomjt6bs6abzvtlhwuu2us4fhglnhic3rjegoyd.onion', 'http://rq4ahdxs5yjm5s66d7dkgwpwduzj6e5yckhdt2mqmc3utp47ap3fjcyd.onion', 'http://rwkwobi6dz6dxzhnjpnau77ejcq3ar4ajjal42pj7usotilyj3bbfpyd.onion', 'http://rzs7rnmp37k6g3wbmym7oi23h2cc6wcf65oxsetun6cp25sna6256xad.onion', 'http://s5hcgpxzeehnkwlpb3xkelvkv6rpi5rszmhfeywncja26bxdzexp6zqd.onion', 'http://s7isfnfsrrnogkkvzzmqpqlcehajalaht5nmel7nbxwhvqc52jj2ejid.onion', 'http://sktwn6mi53hbyylkzswtquemuuirsn5qivdz4evhgbobqqzcfbw6pyid.onion', 'http://smo3gebcr5mkff7ja5ayi2xdz2xsapdixak4eosj5ah6fgrbluoxrkqd.onion', 'http://t3zm26nipjrttk5bzbr37crc32kufsixoonf7tmyqviduogoul54vbad.onion', 'http://td4ngpvlle7udkh5svgilgph5v3f63uo3hv3coh7gpdsqozo6it46sad.onion', 'http://tfeo2er3vmcal5tltu7vpnegh2cmmjsdyldfhisdco75mysi4ta6dsqd.onion', 'http://toeaxffzwscqgb7ftetfvldqf2xkqfx4g5kpqejney2ysyirtqdwcvyd.onion', 'http://tuw6in37vku6kg3mvnwaxsldhruujpihibpxbq5ne42phqgv4ekuirqd.onion', 'http://u27qc3ar5s2pqaod5ugxwyymaay6zii5lqfeo4nrs6ykysgzznk3kmad.onion', 'http://u3cko3mc66cfvnf5luzkw5n36q34eges5raq2i3viuiewfvnkqoxztid.onion', 'http://uab4byztmlcfsqb6v7pjoe3pnrvx2uckcuegvjyqui4wzy77jppzd3id.onion', 'http://ucrh53a22g5l3swwtfvvrjjtawrubpedn4s7lws4krbyy7itpvymybad.onion', 'http://uvovouktcgmq55h5i7axt4qrms6iq6znn5cfcrmg7qjseray4dcjxxqd.onion', 'http://vgkclj5nqv53iy455dlfthg75a5cg6ndkazvizrnxrx7fshdqzw4m2yd.onion', 'http://vldmvht6s253et33ce6gcth2vikuvsi7xgkzim5frqiowq6an6tmlaad.onion', 'http://vzxulehmjar6jmkjiy6qpj5mbgma3nl7o2mncrimjwjl5j3lk5ea35ad.onion', 'http://wiuco7yxvd6ygklc5kngraftysq7sgtkpcqtstpthj3ihxdarjlojcad.onion', 'http://xqclaoqanufx6z77e3ieun4xvmrsenolxjhhvlk56yfncuke66myfsqd.onion', 'http://xvks2js3rexd7kyzitdpnwzzqt3s5xxqj2dkydep6r563u7bgfgbdead.onion', 'http://y7u6xpydaobdwz7puojmze3estmhyx4qpbpihm2qfsfdgoenns6gtcid.onion', 'http://yh4vjsv3u27zlzosrsjc5aveua3iclhifjmwdr5uujsaqz7hfkkljfid.onion', 'http://ymfmzthvho5q7jituowluckkq45dogsf3ru25ev4nlehaq65hy4w6pid.onion', 'http://yo3f4ytjbuf3j4bx3m6s523e5hue7afxaprlikjuxf57ed7pc5dnpaid.onion', 'http://zae5d3try3lmnpb6mcx2mbqgp5xawuixm4ktofscv63btekwvcpg6ryd.onion', 'http://zawzev3zlywn7dy642nokfgmkmupgsrfhhquhhqkgcwml2pk7io6fjyd.onion', 'http://zcll3muuhw3uqtgxzdojqv52fuifg5z2knk5w63mljvujs2g2wywluid.onion', 'http://zf3raijx7m6xm72uenqrql5b2qtkbvnxi7fgzqjxfcizp7lylmvzvdid.onion', 'http://zu4jfbwu4on24mvtxm3gojoaw6ltk4wlebtfvly4haykp4tusdcrv5yd.onion', 'http://nnkx3zqi3whqyxh4edu5gpydeni3rzzyxoicsvevni25a5jdoc5xceqd.onion'] |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://unit42.paloaltonetworks.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/word-image-78.png'] |
ttp | ['LLMNR/NBT-NS Poisoning and SMB Relay - T1557.001', 'Disable or Modify Tools - T1562.001', 'Exfiltration to Cloud Storage - T1567.002', 'Deobfuscate/Decode Files or Information - T1140', 'Data from Local System - T1005', 'Obfuscated Files or Information - T1027', 'File and Directory Discovery - T1083', 'System Network Connections Discovery - T1049', 'Command and Scripting Interpreter - T1059', 'Data Encrypted for Impact - T1486', 'Network Denial of Service - T1498', 'Endpoint Denial of Service - T1499', 'SMB/Windows Admin Shares - T1021.002', 'Remote Desktop Protocol - T1021.001', 'Pass the Hash - T1550.002', 'System Service Discovery - T1007', 'Ingress Tool Transfer - T1105', 'Indirect Command Execution - T1202', 'System Information Discovery - T1082', 'Windows Management Instrumentation - T1047', 'Inhibit System Recovery - T1490', 'Archive Collected Data - T1560', 'Lateral Tool Transfer - T1570', 'Account Access Removal - T1531', 'Multi-hop Proxy - T1090.003', 'LSA Secrets - T1003.004', 'Software Packing - T1027.002', 'Service Execution - T1569.002', 'Windows Service - T1543.003', 'Process Discovery - T1057', 'Valid Accounts - T1078', 'Modify Registry - T1112', 'Shared Modules - T1129', 'Unsecured Credentials - T1552', 'Data Destruction - T1485', 'Service Stop - T1489', 'Cron - T1053.003', 'CMSTP - T1218.003'] |
Related clusters
To see the related clusters, click here.
Mount Locker
"synonyms" in the meta part typically refer to alternate names or labels that are associated with a particular Mount Locker.
Known Synonyms |
Mount-Locker |
Internal MISP references
UUID 1da28691-684a-4cd2-b2f8-e80a123e150c
which can be used as unique global reference for Mount Locker
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
- https://www.cyclonis.com/mount-locker-ransomware-more-dangerous - webarchive
- https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/mount-locker-ransomware-joins-the-multi-million-dollar-ransom-game - webarchive
- https://www.securitymagazine.com/articles/94954-sophos-identifies-connection-between-mount-locker-and-astro-locker-team-ransomware - webarchive
- https://www.ransomlook.io/group/mount-locker - webarchive
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | ['http://mountnewsokhwilx.onion'] |
Astro Locker
Internal MISP references
UUID 9932a2e9-08e3-4594-ac95-78de246de811
which can be used as unique global reference for Astro Locker
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
Internal MISP references
UUID 4d37a857-fef2-496d-9992-49f6da11e3cb
which can be used as unique global reference for Pandora
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
- https://twitter.com/malwrhunterteam/status/1501857263493001217 - webarchive
- https://dissectingmalwa.re/blog/pandora - webarchive
- https://blog.cyble.com/2022/03/15/deep-dive-analysis-pandora-ransomware/ - webarchive
- https://cloudsek.com/technical-analysis-of-emerging-sophisticated-pandora-ransomware-group/ - webarchive
- https://dissectingmalwa.re/blog/pandora/ - webarchive
- https://kienmanowar.wordpress.com/2022/03/21/quicknote-analysis-of-pandora-ransomware/ - webarchive
- https://www.fortinet.com/blog/threat-research/Using-emulation-against-anti-reverse-engineering-techniques - webarchive
- https://www.fortinet.com/blog/threat-research/looking-inside-pandoras-box - webarchive
- https://www.microsoft.com/security/blog/2022/05/09/ransomware-as-a-service-understanding-the-cybercrime-gig-economy-and-how-to-protect-yourself - webarchive
- https://www.microsoft.com/security/blog/2022/05/09/ransomware-as-a-service-understanding-the-cybercrime-gig-economy-and-how-to-protect-yourself/ - webarchive
- https://www.secureworks.com/research/bronze-starlight-ransomware-operations-use-hui-loader - webarchive
- https://www.ransomlook.io/group/pandora - webarchive
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | ['http://vbfqeh5nugm6r2u2qvghsdxm3fotf5wbxb5ltv6vw77vus5frdpuaiid.onion/'] |
Internal MISP references
UUID bb6d933f-7b6d-4694-853d-1ca400f6bd8f
which can be used as unique global reference for Rook
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
- https://www.sentinelone.com/labs/new-rook-ransomware-feeds-off-the-code-of-babuk - webarchive
- https://twitter.com/techyteachme/status/1464317136944435209 - webarchive
- https://blog.cyble.com/2022/03/15/deep-dive-analysis-pandora-ransomware/ - webarchive
- https://chuongdong.com/reverse%20engineering/2022/01/06/RookRansomware/ - webarchive
- https://github.com/Dump-GUY/Malware-analysis-and-Reverse-engineering/blob/main/NightSky_Ransomware%E2%80%93just_a_Rook_RW_fork_in_VMProtect_suit/NightSky_Ransomware%E2%80%93just_a_Rook_RW_fork_in_VMProtect_suit.md - webarchive
- https://seguranca-informatica.pt/rook-ransomware-analysis/ - webarchive
- https://www.microsoft.com/security/blog/2022/05/09/ransomware-as-a-service-understanding-the-cybercrime-gig-economy-and-how-to-protect-yourself - webarchive
- https://www.microsoft.com/security/blog/2022/05/09/ransomware-as-a-service-understanding-the-cybercrime-gig-economy-and-how-to-protect-yourself/ - webarchive
- https://www.secureworks.com/research/bronze-starlight-ransomware-operations-use-hui-loader - webarchive
- https://www.sentinelone.com/labs/new-rook-ransomware-feeds-off-the-code-of-babuk/ - webarchive
- https://www.ransomlook.io/group/rook - webarchive
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | ['http://gamol6n6p2p4c3ad7gxmx3ur7wwdwlywebo2azv3vv5qlmjmole2zbyd.onion'] |
HelloXD is a ransomware family performing double extortion attacks that surfaced in November 2021. During our research we observed multiple variants impacting Windows and Linux systems. Unlike other ransomware groups, this ransomware family doesn’t have an active leak site; instead it prefers to direct the impacted victim to negotiations through TOX chat and onion-based messenger instances.
Internal MISP references
UUID 5617e6fa-4e6a-4011-9385-6b1165786563
which can be used as unique global reference for HelloXD
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
date | Nov. 30, 2021 |
extensions | ['hello'] |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['Hello.txt'] |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://unit42.paloaltonetworks.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/image13.png'] |
Maui ransomware
Maui ransomware stand out because of a lack of several key features commonly seen with tooling from RaaS providers, such as an embedded ransom note to provide recovery instructions or automated means of transmitting encryption keys to attackers. Instead, it is believed that Maui is manually operated, in which operators will specify which files to encrypt when executing it and then exfiltrate the resulting runtime artifacts. There are many aspects to Maui ransomware that are unknown, including usage context.
Internal MISP references
UUID 995c3772-dbda-4a2a-9e28-c47740d599a3
which can be used as unique global reference for Maui ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
Lorenz Ransomware
Lorenz is a ransomware group that has been active since at least February 2021 and like many ransomware groups, performs double-extortion by exfiltrating data before encrypting systems.
Internal MISP references
UUID d513199e-7f21-43fd-9610-ed708c3f6409
which can be used as unique global reference for Lorenz Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | ['http://lorenzmlwpzgxq736jzseuterytjueszsvznuibanxomlpkyxk6ksoyd.onion/'] |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://marvel-b1-cdn.bc0a.com/f00000000241276/arcticwolf.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/Screen-Shot-2022-09-12-at-11.18.04-AM-1024x246.png'] |
First observed in June 2021, Hive ransomware was originally written in GoLang but recently, new Hive variants have been seen written in Rust. Targets Healthcare sector.
Internal MISP references
UUID 8ce915d3-8c6d-4841-b509-18379d7a8999
which can be used as unique global reference for Hive
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
- https://malpedia.caad.fkie.fraunhofer.de/details/win.hive - webarchive
- https://s3.amazonaws.com/talos-intelligence-site/production/document_files/files/000/095/787/original/ransomware-chats.pdf - webarchive
- https://www.sentinelone.com/labs/hive-attacks-analysis-of-the-human-operated-ransomware-targeting-healthcare/ - webarchive
- https://www.trendmicro.com/vinfo/us/security/news/ransomware-spotlight/ransomware-spotlight-hive - webarchive
- https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/security/blog/2022/07/05/hive-ransomware-gets-upgrades-in-rust/ - webarchive
- https://yoroi.company/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/Yoroi-On-The-Footsteps-of-Hive-Ransomware.pdf - webarchive
- https://www.varonis.com/blog/hive-ransomware-analysis - webarchive
- https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/microsoft-exchange-servers-hacked-to-deploy-hive-ransomware/ - webarchive
- https://inf.news/en/tech/c28d9382ab78a5ac3d8fc802f3f0f1e0.html - webarchive
- https://www.healthcareitnews.com/news/fbi-issues-alert-about-hive-ransomware - webarchive
- https://arxiv.org/pdf/2202.08477.pdf - webarchive
- https://blog.group-ib.com/hive - webarchive
- https://blogs.vmware.com/security/2022/09/esxi-targeting-ransomware-the-threats-that-are-after-your-virtual-machines-part-1.html - webarchive
- https://github.com/rivitna/Malware/tree/main/Hive - webarchive
- https://lifars.com/2022/02/how-to-decrypt-the-files-encrypted-by-the-hive-ransomware/ - webarchive
- https://media.kasperskycontenthub.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/43/2022/06/23093553/Common-TTPs-of-the-modern-ransomware_low-res.pdf - webarchive
- https://query.prod.cms.rt.microsoft.com/cms/api/am/binary/RE54L7v - webarchive
- https://securityaffairs.co/wordpress/128232/security/recover-files-hive-ransomware.html - webarchive
- https://thehackernews.com/2022/02/master-key-for-hive-ransomware.html - webarchive
- https://therecord.media/academics-publish-method-for-recovering-data-encrypted-by-the-hive-ransomware/ - webarchive
- https://therecord.media/hive-ransomware-shuts-down-california-health-care-organization/ - webarchive
- https://twitter.com/ESETresearch/status/1454100591261667329 - webarchive
- https://twitter.com/malwrhunterteam/status/1455628865229950979 - webarchive
- https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/hive-ransomware-ports-its-linux-vmware-esxi-encryptor-to-rust/ - webarchive
- https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/the-week-in-ransomware-april-1st-2022-i-can-fight-with-a-keyboard/ - webarchive
- https://www.microsoft.com/security/blog/2022/05/09/ransomware-as-a-service-understanding-the-cybercrime-gig-economy-and-how-to-protect-yourself - webarchive
- https://www.threatstop.com/blog/first-conti-then-hive-costa-rica-gets-hit-with-ransomware-again - webarchive
- https://yoroi.company/research/on-the-footsteps-of-hive-ransomware/ - webarchive
- https://blog.talosintelligence.com/2022/05/conti-and-hive-ransomware-operations.html - webarchive
- https://labs.sentinelone.com/hive-attacks-analysis-of-the-human-operated-ransomware-targeting-healthcare/ - webarchive
- https://s3.amazonaws.com/talos-intelligence-site/production/document_files/files/000/095/787/original/ransomware-chats.pdf?1651576098 - webarchive
- https://securelist.com/modern-ransomware-groups-ttps/106824/ - webarchive
- https://symantec-enterprise-blogs.security.com/blogs/threat-intelligence/ransomware-hive-conti-avoslocker - webarchive
- https://unit42.paloaltonetworks.com/emerging-ransomware-groups/ - webarchive
- https://www.advintel.io/post/discontinued-the-end-of-conti-s-brand-marks-new-chapter-for-cybercrime-landscape - webarchive
- https://www.advintel.io/post/enter-karakurt-data-extortion-arm-of-prolific-ransomware-group - webarchive
- https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/hive-ransomware-uses-new-ipfuscation-trick-to-hide-payload/ - webarchive
- https://www.connectwise.com/resources/hive-profile - webarchive
- https://www.ic3.gov/Media/News/2021/210825.pdf - webarchive
- https://www.incibe-cert.es/sites/default/files/contenidos/estudios/doc/incibe-cert_estudio_analisis_hive_2021_v1.pdf - webarchive
- https://www.microsoft.com/security/blog/2022/07/05/hive-ransomware-gets-upgrades-in-rust/ - webarchive
- https://www.netskope.com/blog/hive-ransomware-actively-targeting-hospitals - webarchive
- https://www.scmagazine.com/brief/breach/novel-obfuscation-leveraged-by-hive-ransomware - webarchive
- https://www.sentinelone.com/blog/hive-ransomware-deploys-novel-ipfuscation-technique/ - webarchive
- https://www.sentinelone.com/labs/nokoyawa-ransomware-new-karma-nemty-variant-wears-thin-disguise/ - webarchive
- https://www.symantec.broadcom.com/hubfs/SED/SED_Threat_Hunter_Reports_Alerts/SED_FY22Q2_SES_Ransomware-Threat-Landscape_WP.pdf - webarchive
- https://www.ransomlook.io/group/hive - webarchive
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
extensions | ['.hive'] |
links | ['http://hiveleakdbtnp76ulyhi52eag6c6tyc3xw7ez7iqy6wc34gd2nekazyd.onion/', 'http://hivecust6vhekztbqgdnkks64ucehqacge3dij3gyrrpdp57zoq3ooqd.onion', 'http://hiveapi4nyabjdfz2hxdsr7otrcv6zq6m4rk5i2w7j64lrtny4b7vjad.onion/v1/companies/disclosed'] |
ransomnotes | ["Your network has been breached and all data were encrypted.\nPersonal data, financial reports and important documents are ready to disclose.\n\n To decrypt all the data and to prevent exfiltrated files to be disclosed at \nhttp://hive[REDACTED].onion/\nyou will need to purchase our decryption software.\n \nPlease contact our sales department at:v \n http://hive[REDACTED].onion/\n \n Login: [REDACTED]\n Password: [REDACTED]\n \nTo get an access to .onion websites download and install Tor Browser at:\n https://www.torproject.org/ (Tor Browser is not related to us)\n \n \nFollow the guidelines below to avoid losing your data:\n \n- Do not modify, rename or delete .key.abc12 files. Your data will be \n undecryptable.\n- Do not modify or rename encrypted files. You will lose them.\n- Do not report to the Police, FBI, etc. They don't care about your business.\n They simply won't allow you to pay. As a result you will lose everything.\n- Do not hire a recovery company. They can't decrypt without the key. \n They also don't care about your business. They believe that they are \n good negotiators, but it is not. They usually fail. So speak for yourself.\n- Do not reject to purchase. Exfiltrated files will be publicly disclosed.", "Your network has been breached and all data were encrypted.\nPersonal data, financial reports and important documents are ready to disclose.\n\n To decrypt all the data and to prevent exfiltrated files to be disclosed at \nhttp://hive[REDACTED].onion/\nyou will need to purchase our decryption software.\n \nPlease contact our sales department at:\n \n http://hive[REDACTED].onion/\n \n Login: test_hive_username\n Password: test_hive_password\n \nTo get an access to .onion websites download and install Tor Browser at:\n https://www.torproject.org/ (Tor Browser is not related to us)\n \n \nFollow the guidelines below to avoid losing your data:\n \n- Do not delete or reinstall VMs. There will be nothing to decrypt.\n- Do not modify, rename or delete .key files. Your data will be \n undecryptable.\n- Do not modify or rename encrypted files. You will lose them.\n- Do not report to the Police, FBI, etc. They don't care about your business.\n They simply won't allow you to pay. As a result you will lose everything.\n- Do not hire a recovery company. They can't decrypt without the key. \n They also don't care about your business. They believe that they are \n good negotiators, but it is not. They usually fail. So speak for yourself.\n- Do not reject to purchase. Exfiltrated files will be publicly disclosed", 'Your network has been breached and all data is encrypted.\n\nTo decrypt all the data you will need to purchase our decryption software.\nPlease contact our sales department at: http://hivecust6vhekztbqgdnkks64ucehqacge3dij3gyrrpdp57zoq3ooqd.onion\n\tLogin: EQA9oydTxwXS\n\tPassword: vNtgAgb3kMFmCooANNQr\n\nFollow the guidelines below to avoid losing your data:\n- Do not shutdown or reboot your computers, unmount external storages.\n- Do not try to decrypt data using third party software. It may cause irreversible damage.\n- Do not fool yourself. Encryption has perfect secrecy and its impossible to decrypt without knowing the key\n- Do not modify, rename or delete *.key.hive files. Your data will be undecryptable.\n- Do not modify or rename encrypted files. You will lose them.\n- Do not report to authorities. The negotiation process will be terminated immediately and the key will be erased. \n- Do not reject to purchase. Your sensitive data will be publicly disclosed at http://hiveleakdbtnp76ulyhi52eag6c6tyc3xw7ez7iqy6wc34gd2nekazyd.onion/'] |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['HOW_TO_DECRYPTO.txt'] |
"synonyms" in the meta part typically refer to alternate names or labels that are associated with a particular QuantumLocker.
Known Synonyms |
DagonLocker |
Mount Locker |
Quantum |
Internal MISP references
UUID 0ca6ac54-ad2b-4945-9580-ac90e702fd2c
which can be used as unique global reference for QuantumLocker
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
- https://malpedia.caad.fkie.fraunhofer.de/details/win.mount_locker - webarchive
- https://securityscorecard.pathfactory.com/research/quantum-ransomware - webarchive
- https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/mount-locker-ransomware-joins-the-multi-million-dollar-ransom-game/ - webarchive
- https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/mount-locker-ransomware-now-targets-your-turbotax-tax-returns/ - webarchive
- https://dissectingmalwa.re/between-a-rock-and-a-hard-place-exploring-mount-locker-ransomware.html - webarchive
- https://blogs.blackberry.com/en/2020/12/mountlocker-ransomware-as-a-service-offers-double-extortion-capabilities-to-affiliates - webarchive
- https://github.com/Finch4/Malware-Analysis-Reports/tree/master/MountLocker - webarchive
- https://chuongdong.com/reverse%20engineering/2021/05/23/MountLockerRansomware/ - webarchive
- https://symantec-enterprise-blogs.security.com/blogs/threat-intelligence/ransomware-virtual-machines - webarchive
- https://kienmanowar.wordpress.com/2021/08/04/quicknote-mountlocker-some-pseudo-code-snippets/ - webarchive
- https://www.cybereason.com/blog/cybereason-vs.-quantum-locker-ransomware - webarchive
- https://thedfirreport.com/2022/04/25/quantum-ransomware/ - webarchive
- https://www.ransomlook.io/group/quantum - webarchive
- https://www.ransomlook.io/group/dagonlocker - webarchive
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | ['http://quantum445bh3gzuyilxdzs5xdepf3b7lkcupswvkryf3n7hgzpxebid.onion/', 'http://quantum445bh3gzuyilxdzs5xdepf3b7lkcupswvkryf3n7hgzpxebid.onion', 'http://dgnh6p5uq234zry7qx7bh73hj5ht3jqisgfet6s7j7uyas5i46xfdkyd.onion/?cid=', 'http://26gzvue4vlgxuiaaotxl3bbdepuf55sdrsailywbrc7kdrcgwo62ghqd.onion', 'http://275dg33wjetp6arghjtp3d7265nsknx2heho5n6bqioy2ehl7c3i3iyd.onion', 'http://2gknqtqreqfoedfd3sey4vqgp7fhc4xyagtj6yl3pz6swkliuakfx7ad.onion', 'http://2k5qdebrbzv2uj2xz25f53bhjyqgmv2vixyy7p3vaeeb2bqz6jhnalad.onion', 'http://3uzycwcxrccpvrwx43mpr3gxwcqqgu4x72kedws6zuolp45gopjrzqyd.onion', 'http://6kkjbpmqavf2nvs33furf3hywg2z4e4zrnwnmzegcpq4atfyp3jilnid.onion', 'http://77jtf3wyb4rtsemeodl6h3hfblhgwj32ex3r7ywigg5mzfaqf7w5x7qd.onion', 'http://7qlb63hy45ijihaeal26uyoms4r33dlrg64dr7ry7blnzhhwhov6jsad.onion', 'http://7sqjgyldxtur4p3nkpdzacldqonnovklnibxhz4y6saremsrmh6vf2yd.onion', 'http://agxyd52t6tfoahsvi6mfk7nqwpoe2xj6wp75vnv7ffrfxg5vtw6guxid.onion', 'http://b2rt3dmb62jo62e2rr5rfrpyomka477tjkcni2fsamjd3wksolae5wqd.onion', 'http://bfdwhgjey6xb25e6pc6i7upnswh4znqwwnmlmgzapiwfmt7ugzcwvyyd.onion', 'http://bi7v6o5djhfji22usugjzpk26nvvwugaubrf3yypyvmkzw7su2nad5id.onion', 'http://cee77a5wsey5vohubq76en4bgsqbdrasito3zn7ziu5vouhbzxtx6syd.onion', 'http://ct7jsq3dbwcvcafnwli7tfv2pf62y2rfhos4a66gu7twqkcclkih6wqd.onion', 'http://dblgdn4manmaiewnsqa3vgm26v7ujtx75wtev5pyfmtpww4ofqrqpiid.onion', 'http://dw6sy3pt54fh6d3yo4wpb7qjtwdlyyi3qd5oabdwlmlmuyhsxvnblvqd.onion', 'http://fjlprvuqzs6h4ielcdkmof5nju3ent7c34esaptm7677xono7osvp5yd.onion', 'http://friazjtqhznoknwi5354lnkwa4lhgjti74l4asfhsjeoe5dulwitpcqd.onion', 'http://k2j6llaw66bvlgxcy67uj2prdqqzbl7aj46wab4mpdyizpmati55kfad.onion', 'http://leqg2fthiage4ockldnf7trwdx3bvehni7vjf6wbwsitnbjtotbv3nid.onion', 'http://nugus3xk456m3xhokm2q5zusujhqodirm5vfke6jmsej2jy6sgbn4oqd.onion', 'http://nxvvamxmbdn3latdplq6azgeeuieaek32h674nl6lzavcod2f2obvxyd.onion', 'http://ohmhgcrvte6aftgnm5lefq7ztannicarzo6lus2bih3zg6ugklf4tsyd.onion', 'http://oyjydoka32xa24doeymhq4thoibxqdd7i7hnngojpycd74frggkvhyyd.onion', 'http://q45frho6hatxtx7qxjytt4cswinakvc2h6iag65jlsaws32xdzz47kyd.onion', 'http://rrmywkltwjpntybqj7migd5ibdzzxulnhgndb6dnoe6unlljslqb7lid.onion', 'http://uwr2mmcqtroeyu6bzgivwwzdcpe2a4e74r2srlzveyltsi57n5bnsbqd.onion', 'http://wcmxtfzde2hmhsreqgflwvkawmyfvuyqcebuq5w5qj3rllo2jpb4l2yd.onion', 'http://wly4qu4q6abduzwm7ryai4ehysgnk5f25v6ddofcyuasbfntwnqjkcid.onion', 'http://x3djueexuhivjtdj5udkjzfsm37kiaoeqy5ywluljbfsf2wsuom5yyid.onion', 'http://xrjwgvn3sv75zrcmfdarz3futzx54uyy6o6si5pj5phhee3nlokkopyd.onion', 'http://yizydlt5rl6br3qihvjdgfsprrq2ealnoq2eg6koqs6yv47d3byucxqd.onion', 'http://zes5libwlgrfnttkpgtbimbixyb4t6k6rhuxhayzq76j7zgxqt64piad.onion'] |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://www.guidepointsecurity.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/Anonymized-Ransom-Note-1-1024x655.png'] |
Related clusters
To see the related clusters, click here.
Black Basta is a new ransomware strain discovered during April 2022 - looks in dev since at least early February 2022 - and due to their ability to quickly amass new victims and the style of their negotiations, this is likely not a new operation but rather a rebrand of a previous top-tier ransomware gang that brought along their affiliates.
Internal MISP references
UUID 9db5f425-fe49-4137-8598-840e7290ed0f
which can be used as unique global reference for BlackBasta
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
- https://malpedia.caad.fkie.fraunhofer.de/details/win.blackbasta - webarchive
- https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/american-dental-association-hit-by-new-black-basta-ransomware/ - webarchive
- https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/new-black-basta-ransomware-springs-into-action-with-a-dozen-breaches/ - webarchive
- https://www.trendmicro.com/en_us/research/22/e/examining-the-black-basta-ransomwares-infection-routine.html - webarchive
- https://www.advintel.io/post/discontinued-the-end-of-conti-s-brand-marks-new-chapter-for-cybercrime-landscape - webarchive
- https://securityintelligence.com/posts/black-basta-ransomware-group-besting-network/ - webarchive
- https://www.avertium.com/resources/threat-reports/in-depth-look-at-black-basta-ransomware - webarchive
- https://research.nccgroup.com/2022/06/06/shining-the-light-on-black-basta/ - webarchive
- https://gbhackers.com/black-basta-ransomware/ - webarchive
- https://www.trendmicro.com/en_us/research/22/f/black-basta-ransomware-operators-expand-their-attack-arsenal-wit.html - webarchive
- https://securelist.com/luna-black-basta-ransomware/106950/ - webarchive
- https://securityscorecard.com/research/a-deep-dive-into-black-basta-ransomware - webarchive
- https://unit42.paloaltonetworks.com/threat-assessment-black-basta-ransomware/ - webarchive
- https://www.trendmicro.com/vinfo/us/security/news/ransomware-spotlight/ransomware-spotlight-blackbasta - webarchive
- https://www.sentinelone.com/labs/crimeware-trends-ransomware-developers-turn-to-intermittent-encryption-to-evade-detection/ - webarchive
- https://www.sentinelone.com/labs/black-basta-ransomware-attacks-deploy-custom-edr-evasion-tools-tied-to-fin7-threat-actor/ - webarchive
- https://www.cynet.com/blog/orion-threat-alert-qakbot-ttps-arsenal-and-the-black-basta-ransomware/ - webarchive
- https://blogs.vmware.com/security/2022/09/esxi-targeting-ransomware-the-threats-that-are-after-your-virtual-machines-part-1.html - webarchive
- https://www.ransomlook.io/group/blackbasta - webarchive
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
TTP | ['Data from Local System - T1005', 'System Network Configuration Discovery - T1016', 'Remote Desktop Protocol - T1021.001', 'Masquerading - T1036', 'Windows Management Instrumentation - T1047', 'System Network Connections Discovery - T1049', 'PowerShell - T1059.001', 'Exploitation for Privilege Escalation - T1068', 'File Deletion - T1070.004', 'Application Layer Protocol - T1071', 'Valid Accounts - T1078', 'System Information Discovery - T1082', 'Domain Account - T1087.002', 'Proxy - T1090', 'Account Manipulation - T1098', 'Modify Registry - T1112', 'Create Account - T1136', 'Deobfuscate/Decode Files or Information - T1140', 'Exploit Public-Facing Application - T1190', 'Regsvr32 - T1218.010', 'Remote Access Software - T1219', 'Group Policy Modification - T1484.001', 'Data Encrypted for Impact - T1486', 'Service Stop - T1489', 'Inhibit System Recovery - T1490', 'Windows Service - T1543.003', 'Credentials from Password Stores - T1555', 'Steal or Forge Kerberos Tickets - T1558', 'Archive via Utility - T1560.001', 'Disable or Modify Tools - T1562.001', 'Phishing - T1566', 'Spearphishing Attachment - T1566.001', 'Exfiltration to Cloud Storage - T1567.002', 'Service Execution - T1569.002', 'Protocol Tunneling - T1572', 'Encrypted Channel - T1573', 'DLL Search Order Hijacking - T1574.001', 'Debugger Evasion - T1622', 'Initial Access - TA0001', 'Execution - TA0002', 'Persistence - TA0003', 'Privilege Escalation - TA0004', 'Defense Evasion - TA0005', 'Credential Access - TA0006', 'Discovery - TA0007', 'Lateral Movement - TA0008', 'Collection - TA0009', 'Command and Control - TA0011', 'Impact - TA0040'] |
extensions | ['.basta'] |
links | ['https://stniiomyjliimcgkvdszvgen3eaaoz55hreqqx6o77yvmpwt7gklffqd.onion/', 'https://bastad5huzwkepdixedg2gekg7jk22ato24zyllp6lnjx7wdtyctgvyd.onion', 'http://stniiomyjliimcgkvdszvgen3eaaoz55hreqqx6o77yvmpwt7gklffqd.onion/', 'http://6y2qjrzzt4inluxzygdfxccym5qjy2ltyae7vnxtoyeotfg3ljwqtaid.onion/', 'http://r6qkk55wxvy2ziy47oyhptesucwdqqaip23uxregdgquq5oxxlpeecad.onion/', 'http://weqv4fxkacebqrjd3lmnss6lrmoxoyihtcc6kdc6mblbv62p5q6skgid.onion/', 'http://thesiliconroad1.top/', 'http://stuffstevenpeters4.top/', 'http://greenmotors5.top/', 'http://megatron3.top/', 'http://fmzipzpirdpfelbbvnfhoehqxbqg7s7efmgce6hpr5xdcmeazdmic2id.onion/', 'http://daulpxe3epdysjozaujz4sj7rytanp4suvdnebxkwdfcuzwxlslebvyd.onion/', 'http://databasebb3.top/', 'http://l6zxfn3u2s4bl4vt3nvpve6uibqn3he3tgwdpkeeplhwlfwy3ifbt5id.onion/', 'http://onlylegalstuff6.top/', 'https://aazsbsgya565vlu2c6bzy6yfiebkcbtvvcytvolt33s77xypi7nypxyd.onion:80/', 'http://bpeln2aqs66qqfuex2cvcyjiy5ggcwbyh5nbmxzxt6daamkmpmufv4qd.onion/', 'http://ond5arqab77n6tykvi4aqp7oqegqdfgqfyf7fzyhfyhmbp7iafpzdtad.onion/'] |
ransomnotes | ['Your data are stolen and encrypted\nThe data will be published on TOR website if you do not pay the ransom\nYou can contact us and decrypt one file for free on this TOR site (you should download and install TOR browser first https://torproject.org) https://aazsbsgya565y1u2c6Lay6yfiebkcbtvvcytyolt33s77xypi7nypxyd.onion/ \n\nYour company id for log in: [REDACTED]'] |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['readme.txt'] |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://www.bleepstatic.com/images/news/ransomware/b/black-basta/wallpaper.jpg', 'https://www.bleepstatic.com/images/news/ransomware/b/black-basta/ransom-note.jpg', 'https://www.trendmicro.com/content/dam/trendmicro/global/en/research/22/e/examining-the-black-basta-ransomwares-infection-routine/blackbasta07PII.PNG', 'https://www.trendmicro.com/content/dam/trendmicro/global/en/research/22/e/examining-the-black-basta-ransomwares-infection-routine/blackbasta08PII.PNG'] |
Related clusters
To see the related clusters, click here.
BlackByte is recently discovered Ransomware with a .NET DLL core payload wrapped in JavaScript. It employs heavy obfuscation both in its JavaScript wrapper and .NET DLL core.
Once the JavaScript wrapper is executed, the malware will de-obfuscate the core payload and execute it in memory. The core .DLL is loaded and BlackByte will check the installed operating system language and terminate if an eastern European language is found.
It will proceed to check for the presence of several anti-virus and sandbox-related .DLLs, attempt to bypass AMSI, delete system shadow-copies in order to hinder system recovery, and modify several other system services (including Windows Firewall) in order to “prep” the system for encryption. Once the system is “ready” for encryption, it will download a symmetric key-file which will be used to encrypt files on the system. If this file is not found, the malware will terminate.
Unlike most Ransomware today, BlackByte uses a single symmetric encryption key, and does not generate a unique encryption key for each victim system, meaning the same key can be used to decrypt all files encrypted by the malware.
This makes for substantially easier key-management for the actors behind BlackByte at the cost of a weaker encryption scheme and easier victim system recovery (as there is only a single online point with a single key to maintain).
As with most Ransomware today, BlackByte has worming capabilities and can infect additional endpoints on the same network.
Internal MISP references
UUID 1c43524e-0f2e-4468-b6b6-8a37f1d0ea87
which can be used as unique global reference for BlackByte
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
- https://www.deepinstinct.com/blog/understanding-the-windows-javascript-threat-landscape - webarchive
- https://redcanary.com/blog/blackbyte-ransomware/ - webarchive
- https://www.ic3.gov/Media/News/2022/220211.pdf - webarchive
- https://therecord.media/san-francisco-49ers-confirm-ransomware-attack/ - webarchive
- https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/fbi-blackbyte-ransomware-breached-us-critical-infrastructure/ - webarchive
- https://www.picussecurity.com/resource/ttps-used-by-blackbyte-ransomware-targeting-critical-infrastructure - webarchive
- https://www.trellix.com/en-us/about/newsroom/stories/research/trellix-global-defenders-analysis-and-protections-for-blackbyte-ransomware.html - webarchive
- https://www.advintel.io/post/enter-karakurt-data-extortion-arm-of-prolific-ransomware-group - webarchive
- https://www.zscaler.com/blogs/security-research/analysis-blackbyte-ransomwares-go-based-variants - webarchive
- https://www.advintel.io/post/hydra-with-three-heads-blackbyte-the-future-of-ransomware-subsidiary-groups - webarchive
- https://blog.talosintelligence.com/the-blackbyte-ransomware-group-is/ - webarchive
- https://www.advintel.io/post/discontinued-the-end-of-conti-s-brand-marks-new-chapter-for-cybercrime-landscape - webarchive
- https://securelist.com/modern-ransomware-groups-ttps/106824/ - webarchive
- https://research.nccgroup.com/2022/07/13/climbing-mount-everest-black-byte-bytes-back/ - webarchive
- https://news.sophos.com/en-us/2022/10/04/blackbyte-ransomware-returns/ - webarchive
- https://blog.talosintelligence.com/2022/05/the-blackbyte-ransomware-group-is.html - webarchive
- https://de.darktrace.com/blog/detecting-the-unknown-revealing-uncategorised-ransomware-using-darktrace - webarchive
- https://media.kasperskycontenthub.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/43/2022/06/23093553/Common-TTPs-of-the-modern-ransomware_low-res.pdf - webarchive
- https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/microsoft-exchange-servers-hacked-to-deploy-hive-ransomware/ - webarchive
- https://www.trellix.com/en-us/about/newsroom/stories/threat-labs/trellix-global-defenders-analysis-and-protections-for-blackbyte-ransomware.html - webarchive
- https://www.trendmicro.com/vinfo/my/security/news/ransomware-spotlight/ransomware-spotlight-blackbyte - webarchive
- https://www.ransomlook.io/group/blackbyte - webarchive
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | ['http://6iaj3efye3q62xjgfxyegrufhewxew7yt4scxjd45tlfafyja6q4ctqd.onion', 'http://f5uzduboq4fa2xkjloprmctk7ve3dm46ff7aniis66cbekakvksxgeqd.onion', 'http://dlyo7r3n4qy5fzv4645nddjwarj7wjdd6wzckomcyc7akskkxp4glcad.onion', 'http://fl3xpz5bmgzxy4fmebhgsbycgnz24uosp3u4g33oiln627qq3gyw37ad.onion', 'http://jbeg2dct2zhku6c2vwnpxtm2psnjo2xnqvvpoiiwr5hxnc6wrp3uhnad.onion/', 'http://53d5skw4ypzku4bfq2tk2mr3xh5yqrzss25sooiubmjz67lb3gdivcad.onion/', 'http://a2dbso6dijaqsmut36r6y4nps4cwivmfog5bpzf6uojovce6f3gl36id.onion:81', 'http://vzzf6yg67cffqndnwg56e4psw45rup45f2mis7bwblg5fs7e5voagsqd.onion:81', 'http://inbukcc4xk67uzbgkzufdqq3q3ikhwtebqxza5zlfbtzwm2g6usxidqd.onion:81', 'http://p5quu5ujzzswxv4nxyuhgg3fjj2vy2a3zmtcowalkip2temdfadanlyd.onion/', 'http://tj3ty2q5jm5au3bmd2embtjscd3qjt7nfio2o7cr6moyy5kgil5pieqd.onion', 'http://kpfj3bmo77bwpy2f5zzwj4knatueuv7t3ldlpp4tlrmv2buiziw2tdyd.onion'] |
ransomnotes | ["BLACKBYTE \n\nAll your files have been encrypted, your confidential data has been stolen, in order to decrypt files and avoid leakage, you must follow our steps.\n\n1) Download and install TOR browser from this site: https://torproject.org/ \n\n2) Paste the URL in TOR browser and you will be redirected to our chat with all information that you need. \n\n3) If you won't contact with us within 4 days, your access to our chat will be removed and you wont be able to restore your system. \n\nYour URL: [LINK]\n\nYour Key: [KEY]", "BLACKBYTE\n\nAll your files have been encrypted, your confidential data has been stolen, \nin order to decrypt files and avoid leakage, you must follow our steps.\n\n\n\n1) Download and install TOR Browser from this site: https://torproject.org/\n\n2) Paste the URL in TOR Browser and you will be redirected to our chat with all information that you need.\n\n3) If you do not contact us within 3 days, your chat access key won't be valid.\nAlso, your company will be posted on our blog, darknet and hacker forums,\nwhich will attract unnecessary attention from Journalists and not only them.\nYou are given 3 days to think over the situation, and take reasonable actions on your part.\n\n\nWarning! Connurtcation with us occurs only through this link, or through our mail on our blog.\nWe also strongly DO NOT recommend using third-party tools to decrypt files,\nas this will simply kill them completely without the possibility of recovery.\nI repeat, in this case, no one can help you!\n\n\n\nYour URL: [LINK]\n\nYour Key to access the chat: [PASSW]\n\nFind our blog here (TOR Browser): http://dlyo7r3n4qy5fzv4645nddjwarj7wjdd6wzckomcyc7akskkxp4glcad.onion/"] |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/sw0iG6WGVHRRM7NQsTjmt1ut60TH-_VPe1Fo57XuYeBOMw9PrvI4lCqyCPueiEXvbAZ-ks3KHXmnS81JvGYaMf31tSL1Eejx-BZ973EctAqjb-u3R6k-9UC0GqhkLQxgMC6lqtp7', 'https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/sw0iG6WGVHRRM7NQsTjmt1ut60TH-_VPe1Fo57XuYeBOMw9PrvI4lCqyCPueiEXvbAZ-ks3KHXmnS81JvGYaMf31tSL1Eejx-BZ973EctAqjb-u3R6k-9UC0GqhkLQxgMC6lqtp7'] |
Related clusters
To see the related clusters, click here.
Internal MISP references
UUID 549c9766-b45d-4d14-86e8-e6a74d69d067
which can be used as unique global reference for RedAlert
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | ['http://blog2hkbm6gogpv2b3uytzi3bj5d5zmc4asbybumjkhuqhas355janyd.onion/', 'http://qrcxhs4x2n4a65rk3zbwm5hu6475bi4w2mdjhfmusovnjc6hc6qcv3ad.onion', 'http://ocsmkribkmoij3uhvhxlpxlpebqhzo5uingee7mvebnv57jqya745uyd.onion', 'http://ybxtfftwy2iwfqjy7fvvcrt5sd55fx3sk2yuztbx3y2dxb4dvqdhsiid.onion', 'http://gwvueqclwkz3h7u75cks2wmrwymg3qemfyoyqs7vexkx7lhlteagmsyd.onion/'] |
Internal MISP references
UUID 00638cb0-d8c5-46c2-9c57-39d93d5bfa36
which can be used as unique global reference for Cheerscrypt
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID b4d24c48-c2f7-4ae7-a708-8b321b98075a
which can be used as unique global reference for GwisinLocker
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Luna Ransomware
Internal MISP references
UUID 2950977b-59bb-464a-8dd8-21728887f72f
which can be used as unique global reference for Luna Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
In March 2022, the FBI and the U.S. Treasury Financial Crimes Enforcement Network released a joint advisory addressing AvosLocker and their activity targeting organizations across several critical infrastructure sectors. The RaaS gang deploys ransomware onto their victim’s networks and systems, then threatens to leak their files on the dark web if they don’t pay up. AvosLocker is both the name of the RaaS gang, as well as the name of the ransomware itself.
In May 2022, AvosLocker took responsibility for attacking and stealing data from the Texas-based healthcare organization, CHRISTUS Health. CHRISTUS Health runs hundreds of healthcare facilities across Mexico, the U.S., and South America. The group stole information from a cancer patient registry which included names, social security numbers, diagnoses, dates of birth, and other medical information. The nonprofit Catholic health system has more than 600 healthcare facilities in Texas, Louisiana, New Mexico, and Arkansas. There are also facilities in Columbia, Mexico, and Chile.
Fortunately, the ransomware attack was quickly identified and was limited. While other healthcare organizations have not been as fortunate with ransomware attacks, the AvosLocker attack didn’t impact CHRISTUS Health’s patient care or clinical operations. CHRISTUS Health didn’t reveal whether or not the security incident included ransomware, data exfiltration or extortion, but due to AvosLocker’s reputation, it is more than likely that the incident included at least one of the three.
"synonyms" in the meta part typically refer to alternate names or labels that are associated with a particular AvosLocker.
Known Synonyms |
Avos |
Internal MISP references
UUID 73d3d8f8-83cc-4fdc-a645-d03b9a7b5a9b
which can be used as unique global reference for AvosLocker
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
- https://www.avertium.com/resources/threat-reports/in-depth-look-at-avoslocker-ransomware - webarchive
- https://unit42.paloaltonetworks.com/atoms/avoslocker-ransomware/ - webarchive
- https://www.kroll.com/en/insights/publications/cyber/avoslocker-ransomware-update - webarchive
- https://www.picussecurity.com/resource/avos-locker-ransomware-group - webarchive
- https://brandefense.io/blog/ransomware/in-depth-analysis-of-avoslocker-ransomware/ - webarchive
- https://blog.talosintelligence.com/avoslocker-new-arsenal/ - webarchive
- https://www.techrepublic.com/article/avos-ransomware-updates-attack/ - webarchive
- https://www.tripwire.com/state-of-security/avoslocker-ransomware-what-you-need-to-know - webarchive
- https://www.trendmicro.com/vinfo/us/security/news/ransomware-spotlight/ransomware-spotlight-avoslocker - webarchive
- https://malpedia.caad.fkie.fraunhofer.de/details/elf.avoslocker - webarchive
- https://malpedia.caad.fkie.fraunhofer.de/details/win.avos_locker - webarchive
- https://blogs.vmware.com/security/2022/09/esxi-targeting-ransomware-the-threats-that-are-after-your-virtual-machines-part-1.html - webarchive
- https://blogs.blackberry.com/en/2022/04/threat-thursday-avoslocker-prompts-advisory-from-fbi-and-fincen - webarchive
- https://www.ic3.gov/Media/News/2022/220318.pdf - webarchive
- https://blog.qualys.com/vulnerabilities-threat-research/2022/03/06/avoslocker-ransomware-behavior-examined-on-windows-linux - webarchive
- https://blog.lexfo.fr/Avoslocker.html - webarchive
- https://blogs.vmware.com/security/2022/02/avoslocker-modern-linux-ransomware-threats.html - webarchive
- https://blog.cyble.com/2022/01/17/avoslocker-ransomware-linux-version-targets-vmware-esxi-servers/ - webarchive
- https://www.malwarebytes.com/blog/threat-intelligence/2021/07/avoslocker-enters-the-ransomware-scene-asks-for-partners - webarchive
- https://unit42.paloaltonetworks.com/emerging-ransomware-groups/ - webarchive
- https://news.sophos.com/en-us/2021/12/22/avos-locker-remotely-accesses-boxes-even-running-in-safe-mode/ - webarchive
- https://www.symantec.broadcom.com/hubfs/SED/SED_Threat_Hunter_Reports_Alerts/SED_FY22Q2_SES_Ransomware-Threat-Landscape_WP.pdf - webarchive
- https://news.sophos.com/en-us/2022/03/17/the-ransomware-threat-intelligence-center/ - webarchive
- https://www.advintel.io/post/enter-karakurt-data-extortion-arm-of-prolific-ransomware-group - webarchive
- https://symantec-enterprise-blogs.security.com/blogs/threat-intelligence/ransomware-hive-conti-avoslocker - webarchive
- https://cdn.pathfactory.com/assets/10555/contents/400686/13f4424c-05b4-46db-bb9c-6bf9b5436ec4.pdf - webarchive
- https://www.trendmicro.com/en_us/research/22/e/avoslocker-ransomware-variant-abuses-driver-file-to-disable-anti-Virus-scans-log4shell.html - webarchive
- https://www.advintel.io/post/discontinued-the-end-of-conti-s-brand-marks-new-chapter-for-cybercrime-landscape - webarchive
- https://blog.cyble.com/2021/07/23/deep-dive-analysis-avoslocker-ransomware - webarchive
- https://blog.malwarebytes.com/threat-intelligence/2021/07/avoslocker-enters-the-ransomware-scene-asks-for-partners - webarchive
- https://blog.malwarebytes.com/threat-analysis/2021/07/avoslocker-enters-the-ransomware-scene-asks-for-partners/ - webarchive
- https://blog.talosintelligence.com/2022/06/avoslocker-new-arsenal.html - webarchive
- https://www.ransomlook.io/group/avoslocker - webarchive
- https://www.ransomlook.io/group/avos - webarchive
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | ['http://avosqxh72b5ia23dl5fgwcpndkctuzqvh2iefk5imp3pi5gfhel5klad.onion/', 'http://avosjon4pfh3y7ew3jdwz6ofw7lljcxlbk7hcxxmnxlh5kvf2akcqjad.onion', 'http://avos2fuj6olp6x36.onion'] |
ransomnotes | ["AvosLocker\n\nAttention!\nYour systems have been encrypted, and your confidential documents were downloaded.\nIn order to restore your data, you must pay for the decryption key & application.\nYou may do so by visiting us at http://avosjon4pfh3y7ew3jdwz6ofw7lljcxlbk7hcxxmnxlh5kvf2akcqjad.onion.\nThis is an onion address that you may access using Tor Browser which you may download at https://www.torproject.org/download/\nDetails such as pricing, how long before the price increases and such will be available to you once you enter your ID presented to you below in this note in our website.\nContact us soon, because those who don't have their data leaked in our press release blog and the price they'll have to pay will go up significantly.\nThe corporations whom don't pay or fail to respond in a swift manner have their data leaked in our blog, accessible at http://avosqxh72b5ia23dl5fgwcpndkctuzqvh2iefk5imp3pi5gfhel5klad.onion"] |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['GET_YOUR_FILES_BACK.TXT'] |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://blog.talosintelligence.com/content/images/AVvXsEhKEpexiVYKoELvESd2mP0ZXLbQYgWcVJaE5VB9--yD3vS6FTVNfNbPkAHtJp3KjN1ANKVLa4zWvuEFN68QaepAj_xF3j9TrzqUMoOwvQXx_zIOH9Ar31JgWYX4mlpUIPLaLi76aWawvifF56qKZ1mgXncCRwAmu_fjqmD_PTWu_84E_uTqnW2qZIPM/s16000/image4.png'] |
PLAY Ransomware
Internal MISP references
UUID fec32bbf-c4f8-499d-8e2a-743bcdd071e7
which can be used as unique global reference for PLAY Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | ['http://mbrlkbtq5jonaqkurjwmxftytyn2ethqvbxfu4rgjbkkknndqwae6byd.onion', 'http://k7kg3jqxang3wh7hnmaiokchk7qoebupfgoik6rha6mjpzwupwtj25yd.onion'] |
Qyick Ransomware
Internal MISP references
UUID 1d8cadb9-501c-493e-b89b-b5574ed3f722
which can be used as unique global reference for Qyick Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Agenda Ransomware
Internal MISP references
UUID 9796a1a4-b2d7-4e68-bfb4-57093fd32fef
which can be used as unique global reference for Agenda Ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Internal MISP references
UUID a7623a1b-4551-4e5a-a622-2b91dea16b42
which can be used as unique global reference for Karakurt
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | ['https://3f7nxkjway3d223j27lyad7v5cgmyaifesycvmwq7i7cbs23lb6llryd.onion/', 'https://www.karanews.live', 'https://karakurt.tech', 'https://karaleaks.com', 'https://omx5iqrdbsoitf3q4xexrqw5r5tfw7vp3vl3li3lfo7saabxazshnead.onion/', 'http://53dxw3yoeirahqn263a7ihzv2hhsjzdgvwqxdcuujlsrctmqzsph6tid.onion', 'http://jo7jezin3bmprlivyleqfv7rq3j4m36hd7bf2bguabxf2rlyrvrjwhad.onion', 'http://nrulhk2lbzt7jw6tnsq6gkjrn37j7uwfu5oxbuxezgherhuhakl2tqid.onion', 'https://t5sb509msc3q4ls06o1g8e4egfxl1o7e79yvlldakfphc0nf7rwiyphv.onion'] |
0mega, a new ransomware operation, has been observed targeting organizations around the world. The ransomware operators are launching double-extortion attacks and demanding millions of dollars as ransom.
0mega ransomware operation launched in May and has already claimed multiple victims. 0mega maintains a dedicated data leak site that the attackers use to post stolen data if the demanded ransom is not paid. The leak site currently hosts 152 GB of data stolen from an electronics repair firm in an attack that happened in May. However, an additional victim has since been removed, implying that they might have paid the ransom to the 0mega group.
How does it work? Hackers add the .0mega extension to the encrypted file’s names and create ransom notes (DECRYPT-FILES[.]txt). The ransom note has a link to a Tor payment negotiation site with a support chat to reach out to the ransomware group. To log in to this site, the victims are asked to upload their ransom notes with a unique Base64-encoded blob identity.
Internal MISP references
UUID 91a085dc-9667-4dcd-9434-8cbb53e592fe
which can be used as unique global reference for 0Mega
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
extensions | ['.0mega '] |
links | ['http://omegalock5zxwbhswbisc42o2q2i54vdulyvtqqbudqousisjgc7j7yd.onion/', 'https://0mega.cc/', 'https://0mega.ws/', 'http://kbavsfyafrpsostfrkg2w2f7ttf55sz3pfqmoza3o2t3mhrdalvdu7yd.onion'] |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['DECRYPT-FILES.txt'] |
Abraham's Ax
Abraham's Ax announced their existence and mission through social media channels such as Twitter posts on November 8, 2022. Abraham's Ax use a WordPress blog as the basis for their leak sites. Abraham's Ax site is available in Hebrew, Farsi, and English. The site also provides versions available via Tor websites, although it appeared to be under construction at the time of analysis. Used domain is registered with EgenSajt.se
"synonyms" in the meta part typically refer to alternate names or labels that are associated with a particular Abraham's Ax.
Known Synonyms |
Abrahams_Ax |
Internal MISP references
UUID 72892710-57ef-4bbb-8b80-752e036797f3
which can be used as unique global reference for Abraham's Ax
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | [' http://abrahamm32umasogaqojib3ey2w2nwoafffrguq43tsyke4s3fz3w4yd.onion/ ', 'http://abrahamm32umasogaqojib3ey2w2nwoafffrguq43tsyke4s3fz3w4yd.onion/'] |
Internal MISP references
UUID 71b02418-6b06-48e3-8636-32287f8e0b1d
which can be used as unique global reference for aGl0bGVyCg
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | ['http://hitlerransomware[.]000webhostapp[.]com/', 'http://hitleransomware[.]cf/', 'http://hitleransomware.cf'] |
Related clusters
To see the related clusters, click here.
Once installed, Ako will attempt to delete Volume Shadow Copies and disable recovery services. It will then begin to encrypt all files that do not match a hard-coded list using an unknown algorithm. Whilst this is happening, Ako will scan the affected network for any connected devices or drives for it to propagate to.
"synonyms" in the meta part typically refer to alternate names or labels that are associated with a particular Ako.
Known Synonyms |
MedusaReborn |
Internal MISP references
UUID 7de070ce-4b63-4d3c-be73-1ede22565faf
which can be used as unique global reference for Ako
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
- https://digital.nhs.uk/cyber-alerts/2020/cc-3345 - webarchive
- https://www.pcrisk.com/removal-guides/16737-ako-ransomware - webarchive
- https://www.pcrisk.com/images/stories/screenshots202001/ako-ransom-note-second_variant.jpg - webarchive
- https://www.pcrisk.com/images/stories/screenshots202004/ako-ransomware-update-2020-04-09-text-file.jpg - webarchive
- https://www.pcrisk.com/images/stories/screenshots202004/ako-update-2020-04-21-text-file.jpg - webarchive
- https://www.pcrisk.com/images/stories/screenshots202004/ako-update-2020-04-21-html-file.jpg - webarchive
- https://www.pcrisk.com/images/stories/screenshots202010/ako-ransomware-update-2020-10-15-text-file.gif - webarchive
- https://www.ransomlook.io/group/ako - webarchive
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
extensions | ['.A4Wz1b', '.861C7c', '.jJNm9j'] |
links | [' http://kwvhrdibgmmpkhkidrby4mccwqpds5za6uo2thcw5gz75qncv7rbhyad.onion', 'http://kwvhrdibgmmpkhkidrby4mccwqpds5za6uo2thcw5gz75qncv7rbhyad.onion', 'http://kwvhrdibgmmpkhkidrby4mccwqpds5za6uo2thcw5gz75qncv7rbhyad.onion/'] |
ransomnotes | ['Your network have been locked.\n\nAll your files, documents, photos, databases and other important data are encrypted and have the extension: *\n\nBackups and shadow copies also encrypted or removed. Any third-party software may damage encrypted data but not recover.\nFrom this moment, it will be impossible to use files until they are decrypted.\n\nThe only method of recovering files is to purchase an unique private key.\nOnly we can give you this key and only we can recovery your files.\n\nTo get info (decrypt your files) follow this steps:\n1) Download and install Tor Browser: hxxps://www.torproject.org/download/\n2) Open our website in TOR: hxxp://kwvhrdibgmmpkhkidrby4mccwqpds5za6uo2th cw5gz75qncv7rbhyad.onion/I8VC6PIEQL8JFKHM\n3) Paste your ID in form (you can find your ID below)\n\n!! ATTENTION !!\n!! Any third - party software may damage encrypted data but not recover.\n!! DO NOT MODIFY ENCRYPTED FILES\n!! DO NOT CHANGE YOUR ID\n!! DO NOT REMOVE YOUR ID.KEY FILE\n\n --- BEGIN PERSONAL ID ---\n\n --- END PERSONAL ID ---', 'Your network have been locked.\n\nAll your files, documents, photos, databases and other important data are encrypted and have the extension: **\n\nBackups and shadow copies also encrypted or removed. Any third-party software may damage encrypted data but not recover.\nFrom this moment, it will be impossible to use files until they are decrypted.\n\nThe only method of recovering files is to purchase an unique private key.\nOnly we can give you this key and only we can recovery your files.\n\nTo get info (decrypt your files) contact us at (email)\ndavidgoldman@cock.li or portedhiggens@firemail.cc\n\nAnd send me your ID\n\n!!ATTENTION !!\n!!Any third - party software may damage encrypted data but not recover.\n!!DO NOT MODIFY ENCRYPTED FILES\n!!DO NOT CHANGE YOUR KEY\n\n--- YOUR ID ---\n-\n--- YOUR ID ---', 'Your network has been hacked and locked.\n\nAll files on each host in the network have been encrypted with a strong algorithm.\n\nBackups were either encrypted or deleted or backup disks were formatted.\nShadow copies also removed. Any 3rd party software may damage encrypted data but not recover.\n\nWe have decryption software for your situation.\nNo decryption software is available in the public.\n\nDO NOT RESET OR SHUTDOWN - files may be damaged.\nDO NOT RENAME OR MOVE the encrypted and readme files.\nDO NOT DELETE readme files.\n\nTo get info (decrypt your files) follow this instructions:\n1) [Recommended] via Tor Browser:\na) Download and install Tor Browser: hxxps://www.torproject.org/download/\nb) Open our website in TOR: hxxp://kwvhrdibgmmpkhkidrby4mccwqpds5za6uo2thcw5gz75qncv7rbhyad.onion/AXYIRRUPSQTS3AHT\n\n2) If you have any problems connecting or using TOR network:\na) Open our website: hxxps://buydecrypt.hk/AXYIRRUPSQTS3AHT\nb) Follow the instructions on the site.\n\nThe faster you get in contact - the lower price you can expect.\n\nExt: .A4Wz1b\nWhen you open our page, paste this key in form:\n\n-', 'Your network has been hacked and locked.\n\nAll files on each host in the network have been encrypted with a strong algorithm.\nDo not worry, we have decryption software for your situation.\n\nWe have also downloaded a lot of sensitive information from your network, so in case of not paying this data will be released.\nIf you dont believe we have any data you can contact us and ask a proof.\nDont forget about GDPR.\n\nWhen you pay us the data will be removed from our disks and decryptor will be given to you, so you can restore all your files.\n\nTo get info (decrypt your files) contact us at and send your key (see it below):\n\ndtddecrypt@protonmail.com or dtddesht@tutanota.com\n\nTo confirm our honest intentions, you can decrypt any file for free.\nThe faster you get in contact - the lower price you can expect.\n\nDecryption of your files with the help of third-party company may cause increased price. (they add their fee to our)\nDo not reset or shutdown - files may be damaged.\nDo not rename or move the encrypted and readme files.\nDo not delete readme files.\n\nMachine ID: .861C7c\nYour key:\n\n-', 'To get info (decrypt your files) contact us at (email) and send your key (see it below)\ndtddecrypt@protonmail.com or dtddesht@tutanota.com\n\n\nThe faster you get in contact - the lower price you can expect.\n\nMachine ID: .861C7c\nKey:\n\n-', '--- We apologize! ---\nYour network have been locked.\n\n------------------------------\n |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['ako-readme.txt'] |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://www.pcrisk.com/images/stories/screenshots202001/ako-ransom-note.jpg'] |
Arvin Club is a popular Ransomware group with a widespread Telegram presence, which includes personal group chats, and official channels. The group recently launched their official TOR/ Onion website to update their status and release details of their latest attacks and data breaches. Their latest target is Kendriya Vidyala, a chain of Schools in India. The group has exposed the Personally Identifiable Information (PII) of some students.
"synonyms" in the meta part typically refer to alternate names or labels that are associated with a particular Arvinclub.
Known Synonyms |
Arvin Club |
Internal MISP references
UUID 2dfc1668-e338-47f0-ba6c-b4bc3046881e
which can be used as unique global reference for Arvinclub
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | ['http://3kp6j22pz3zkv76yutctosa6djpj4yib2icvdqxucdaxxedumhqicpad.onion/', 'http://arvinc7prj6ln5wpd6yydfqulsyepoc7aowngpznbn3lrap2aib6teid.onion/'] |
AtomSilo is a new Ransomware recently seen in September 2021 during one of their attacks by exploiting a recently revealed vulnerability (CVE-2021-26084) in Atlassian’s Confluence Collaboration Software for initial access. The Ransomware used the double extortion method which is gaining popularity among ransomware threat actors where they first, exfiltrate the confidential information and as a second step encrypt the system files.
Internal MISP references
UUID a322f03f-4bc8-455f-b302-e8724c46f80c
which can be used as unique global reference for Atomsilo
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
- https://www.cyfirma.com/outofband/malware-research-on-atomsilo-ransomware/ - webarchive
- https://www.zscaler.com/blogs/security-research/atomsilo-ransomware-enters-league-double-extortion - webarchive
- https://twitter.com/siri_urz/status/1437664046556274694 - webarchive
- https://news.sophos.com/en-us/2021/10/04/atom-silo-ransomware-actors-use-confluence-exploit-dll-side-load-for-stealthy-attack/ - webarchive
- https://chuongdong.com/reverse%20engineering/2021/10/13/AtomSiloRansomware/ - webarchive
- https://decoded.avast.io/threatintel/decryptor-for-atomsilo-and-lockfile-ransomware/ - webarchive
- https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/security/blog/2022/05/09/ransomware-as-a-service-understanding-the-cybercrime-gig-economy-and-how-to-protect-yourself/ - webarchive
- https://news.sophos.com/en-us/2022/03/17/the-ransomware-threat-intelligence-center/ - webarchive
- https://www.secureworks.com/research/bronze-starlight-ransomware-operations-use-hui-loader - webarchive
- https://malpedia.caad.fkie.fraunhofer.de/details/win.atomsilo - webarchive
- https://chuongdong.com//reverse%20engineering/2021/10/13/AtomSiloRansomware/ - webarchive
- https://twitter.com/siri_urz/status/1437664046556274694?s=20 - webarchive
- https://www.microsoft.com/security/blog/2022/05/09/ransomware-as-a-service-understanding-the-cybercrime-gig-economy-and-how-to-protect-yourself - webarchive
- https://www.ransomlook.io/group/atomsilo - webarchive
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
extensions | ['.ATOMSILO'] |
links | ['http://mhdehvkomeabau7gsetnsrhkfign4jgnx3wajth5yb5h6kvzbd72wlqd.onion', 'http://l5cjga2ksw6rxumu5l4xxn3cmahhi2irkbwg3amx6ajroyfmfgpfllid.onion/list.html'] |
ransomenotes-files | ['README-FILE-#COMPUTER-NAME#-#CREATION-TIME#.hta'] |
ransomnotes | ['Atom Slio\nInstructions\nWARNING! YOUR FILES ARE ENCRYPTED AND LEAKED!\n\n--------------------------------------\nWe are AtomSilo.Sorry to inform you that your files has been obtained and encrypted by us.\n\nBut don’t worry, your files are safe, provided that you are willing to pay the ransom.\n\nAny forced shutdown or attempts to restore your files with the thrid-party software will be damage your files permanently!\n\nThe only way to decrypt your files safely is to buy the special decryption software from us.\n\nThe price of decryption software is 1000000 dollars.\nIf you pay within 48 hours, you only need to pay 500000 dollars. No price reduction is accepted.\n\nWe only accept Bitcoin payment,you can buy it from bitpay,coinbase,binance or others.\n\nYou have five days to decide whether to pay or not. After a week, we will no longer provide decryption tools and publish your files\n\n--------------------------------------\n\nTime starts at 0:00 on September 11\n--------------------------------------\nSurvival time: 1 Day 14 Hour 26 Min 59 Sec\n\n--------------------------------------\n\nYou can contact us with the following email:\n\nEmail:arvato@atomsilo.com\nIf this email can\'t be contacted, you can find the latest email address on the following website:\n\nhxxp://mhdehvkomeabau7gsetnsrhkfign4jgnx3wajth5yb5h6kvzbd72wlqd.onion\n\n--------------------------------------\n\nIf you don’t know how to open this dark web site, please follow the steps below to installation and use TorBrowser:\n\nrun your Internet browser\nenter or copy the address hxxps://www.torproject.org/download/download-easy.html.en into the address bar of your browser and press ENTER\nwait for the site loading\non the site you will be offered to download TorBrowser; download and run it, follow the installation instructions, wait until the installation is completed\nrun TorBrowser\nconnect with the button "Connect" (if you use the English version)\na normal Internet browser window will be opened after the initialization\ntype or copy the address in this browser address bar and press ENTER\nthe site should be loaded; if for some reason the site is not loading wait for a moment and try again.\nIf you have any problems during installation or use of TorBrowser, please, visit hxxps://www.youtube.com and type request in the search bar "Install TorBrowser Windows" and you will find a lot of training videos about TorBrowser installation and use.\n\n--------------------------------------\n\nAdditional information:\n\nYou will find the instructions ("README-FILE-#COMPUTER#-#TIME#.hta") for restoring your files in any folder with your encrypted files.\n\nThe instructions "README-FILE-#COMPUTER#-#TIME#.hta" in the folders with your encrypted files are not viruses! The instructions "README-FILE-#COMPUTER#-#TIME#.hta" will help you to decrypt your files.\n\nRemember! The worst situation already happened and now the future of your files depends on your determination and speed of your actions.'] |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://www.cyfirma.com/media/2021/10/Fig-2.png', 'https://www.cyfirma.com/media/2021/10/Fig-2-B.png', 'https://www.pcrisk.com/images/stories/screenshots202109/atomsilo-ransomware-ransom-note-in-gif-image.gif'] |
Avaddon is a ransomware malware targeting Windows systems often spread via malicious spam. The first known attack where Avaddon ransomware was distributed was in February 2020. Avaddon encrypts files using the extension .avdn and uses a TOR payment site for the ransom payment.
Internal MISP references
UUID fdfbe721-abd1-4760-8e52-f23306f6cb80
which can be used as unique global reference for Avaddon
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
- https://heimdalsecurity.com/blog/avaddon-ransomware/ - webarchive
- https://atos.net/en/lp/securitydive/avaddon-ransomware-analysis - webarchive
- https://www.acronis.com/en-us/articles/avaddon-ransomware - webarchive
- https://www.cyber.gov.au/sites/default/files/2021-05/2021-003%20Ongoing%20campaign%20using%20Avaddon%20Ransomware%20-%2020210508.pdf - webarchive
- https://arxiv.org/pdf/2102.04796.pdf - webarchive
- https://awakesecurity.com/blog/threat-hunting-for-avaddon-ransomware/ - webarchive
- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1MI8Z2tBhmqQ5X8Wf_ozv3dVjz5sJOs-3 - webarchive
- https://go.crowdstrike.com/rs/281-OBQ-266/images/Report2021GTR.pdf - webarchive
- https://ke-la.com/how-ransomware-gangs-find-new-monetization-schemes-and-evolve-in-marketing/ - webarchive
- https://labs.sentinelone.com/avaddon-raas-breaks-public-decryptor-continues-on-rampage/ - webarchive
- https://medium.com/s2wlab/quick-analysis-of-haron-ransomware-feat-avaddon-and-thanos-1ebb70f64dc4 - webarchive
- https://medium.com/s2wlab/w4-jan-en-story-of-the-week-ransomware-on-the-darkweb-7595544363b1 - webarchive
- https://news.sophos.com/en-us/2022/03/17/the-ransomware-threat-intelligence-center/ - webarchive
- https://public.intel471.com/blog/ransomware-as-a-service-2020-ryuk-maze-revil-egregor-doppelpaymer/ - webarchive
- https://symantec.broadcom.com/hubfs/The_Ransomware_Threat_September_2021.pdf - webarchive
- https://therecord.media/avaddon-ransomware-operation-shuts-down-and-releases-decryption-keys/ - webarchive
- https://therecord.media/darkside-ransomware-gang-says-it-lost-control-of-its-servers-money-a-day-after-biden-threat/ - webarchive
- https://threatconnect.com/blog/threatconnect-research-roundup-probable-sandworm-infrastructure - webarchive
- https://twitter.com/Securityinbits/status/1271065316903120902 - webarchive
- https://twitter.com/dk_samper/status/1348560784285167617 - webarchive
- https://vulnerability.ch/2021/04/ransomware-and-date-leak-site-publication-time-analysis/ - webarchive
- https://www.advanced-intel.com/post/the-rise-demise-of-multi-million-ransomware-business-empire - webarchive
- https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/another-ransomware-now-uses-ddos-attacks-to-force-victims-to-pay/ - webarchive
- https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/avaddon-ransomware-shuts-down-and-releases-decryption-keys/ - webarchive
- https://www.connectwise.com/resources/avaddon-profile - webarchive
- https://www.coveware.com/blog/ransomware-attack-vectors-shift-as-new-software-vulnerability-exploits-abound - webarchive
- https://www.cronup.com/post/de-ataque-con-malware-a-incidente-de-ransomware - webarchive
- https://www.crowdstrike.com/blog/big-game-hunting-on-the-rise-again-according-to-ecrime-index/ - webarchive
- https://www.crowdstrike.com/blog/how-big-game-hunting-ttps-shifted-after-darkside-pipeline-attack/ - webarchive
- https://www.cyborgsecurity.com/cyborg_labs/hunting-ransomware-inhibiting-system-backup-or-recovery/ - webarchive
- https://www.hornetsecurity.com/en/security-information/avaddon-from-seeking-affiliates-to-in-the-wild-in-2-days/ - webarchive
- https://www.hornetsecurity.com/en/security-informationen-en/leakware-ransomware-hybrid-attacks/ - webarchive
- https://www.mandiant.com/resources/chasing-avaddon-ransomware - webarchive
- https://www.pwc.co.uk/issues/cyber-security-services/insights/what-is-behind-ransomware-attacks-increase.html - webarchive
- https://www.splunk.com/en_us/blog/security/gone-in-52-seconds-and-42-minutes-a-comparative-analysis-of-ransomware-encryption-speed.html - webarchive
- https://www.splunk.com/en_us/pdfs/resources/whitepaper/an-empirically-comparative-analysis-of-ransomware-binaries.pdf - webarchive
- https://www.swascan.com/it/avaddon-ransomware/ - webarchive
- https://www.tgsoft.it/files/report/download.asp?id=568531345 - webarchive
- https://www.trendmicro.com/vinfo/us/security/news/cybercrime-and-digital-threats/ransomware-report-avaddon-and-new-techniques-emerge-industrial-sector-targeted - webarchive
- https://www.welivesecurity.com/la-es/2021/05/31/ransomware-avaddon-principales-caracteristicas/ - webarchive
- https://www.zdnet.com/article/the-malware-that-usually-installs-ransomware-and-you-need-to-remove-right-away/ - webarchive
- https://www.ransomlook.io/group/avaddon - webarchive
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | [' http://avaddongun7rngel.onion ', 'http://avaddongun7rngel.onion', 'http://avaddonbotrxmuyl.onion/'] |
Internal MISP references
UUID ba42ab03-9d29-40c3-b3d4-c2045e47dc07
which can be used as unique global reference for Avos
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | ['http://avos2fuj6olp6x36.onion'] |
Related clusters
To see the related clusters, click here.
Internal MISP references
UUID 9850bffb-8cc6-45c7-9e6a-4c77fd5093c3
which can be used as unique global reference for Aztroteam
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | ['http://anewset3pcya3xvk73hj7yunuamutxxsm5sohkdi32blhmql55tvgqad.onion'] |
Internal MISP references
UUID 05be1a86-92a9-48e1-8be1-9c1014dfd1cd
which can be used as unique global reference for Babuk-Locker
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
- https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/leaked-babuk-locker-ransomware-builder-used-in-new-attacks - webarchive
- https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/babuk-ransomwares-full-source-code-leaked-on-hacker-forum - webarchive
- https://blog.cyberint.com/babuk-locker - webarchive
- https://www.ransomlook.io/group/babuk-locker - webarchive
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | ['http://nq4zyac4ukl4tykmidbzgdlvaboqeqsemkp4t35bzvjeve6zm2lqcjid.onion/#section-3'] |
Related clusters
To see the related clusters, click here.
Internal MISP references
UUID 18e67723-a0de-4adf-aa28-f3e0b0d6d8ab
which can be used as unique global reference for Babyduck
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
extension | ['.babyduck'] |
links | ['http://babydovegkmhbontykziyq7qivwzy33mu4ukqefe4mqpiiwd3wibnjqd.onion'] |
ransomnotes | ["Ducky has got your flies encrypted!\n\nThis happened because you were not paying attention to your security.\n\nDucky will give you your files back if you pay him a bit of crypto.\n\nUse TOR browser (https://www.torproject.org/download/) apnd follow this link \n\n\nDon't worry, if you behave and pay - you'll get your files back;)\n\nYOUR KEY IS "] |
ransomnotes-files | ['#README.babyduck'] |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://digitalrecovery.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/Ransomware-Baby-Duck.webp'] |
BianLian used subtle techniques to exploit, enumerate, and move laterally in victim networks to remain undetected and aggressively worked to counter Endpoint Detection & Response (EDR) protections during the encryption phase of their operations. The group has displayed signs of being new to the practical business aspects of ransomware and associated logistics. Generally they seemed to be experiencing the growing pains of a group of talented hackers new to this aspect of criminal extortion.
Infrastructure associated with the BianLian group first appeared online in December 2021 and their toolset appears to have been under active development since then. Finally, we have observed the BianLian threat actor tripling their known command and control (C2) infrastructure in the month of August, suggesting a possible increase in the actor’s operational tempo.
"synonyms" in the meta part typically refer to alternate names or labels that are associated with a particular Bianlian.
Known Synonyms |
Hydra |
Internal MISP references
UUID 2019d150-6073-4e3f-b6a5-64b919a87ce9
which can be used as unique global reference for Bianlian
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
- https://blog.cyble.com/2022/08/18/bianlian-new-ransomware-variant-on-the-rise/ - webarchive
- https://blogs.blackberry.com/en/2022/10/bianlian-ransomware-encrypts-files-in-the-blink-of-an-eye - webarchive
- https://cryptax.medium.com/android-bianlian-payload-61febabed00a - webarchive
- https://cryptax.medium.com/bianlian-c-c-domain-name-4f226a29e221 - webarchive
- https://cryptax.medium.com/creating-a-safe-dummy-c-c-to-test-android-bots-ffa6e7a3dce5 - webarchive
- https://cryptax.medium.com/multidex-trick-to-unpack-android-bianlian-ed52eb791e56 - webarchive
- https://cryptax.medium.com/quick-look-into-a-new-sample-of-android-bianlian-bc5619efa726 - webarchive
- https://redacted.com/blog/bianlian-ransomware-gang-gives-it-a-go/ - webarchive
- https://rhisac.org/threat-intelligence/bianlian-ransomware-expanding-c2-infrastructure-and-operational-tempo/ - webarchive
- https://twitter.com/malwrhunterteam/status/1558548947584548865 - webarchive
- https://www.fortinet.com/blog/threat-research/new-wave-bianlian-malware - webarchive
- https://www.threatfabric.com/blogs/bianlian_from_rags_to_riches_the_malware_dropper_that_had_a_dream.html - webarchive
- https://www.virusbulletin.com/uploads/pdf/conference/vb2022/slides/VB2022-Hunting-the-Android-BianLian-botnet.pdf - webarchive
- https://www.virusbulletin.com/uploads/pdf/conference/vb2022/papers/VB2022-Hunting-the-Android-BianLian-botnet.pdf - webarchive
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DPFcvSy4OZk - webarchive
- https://www.fortinet.com/blog/threat-research/new-wave-bianlian-malware.html - webarchive
- https://www.ransomlook.io/group/bianlian - webarchive
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
TTP | ['Execution - TA0002', 'Defense Evasion - TA0005', 'Discovery - TA0007', 'Lateral Movement - TA0008', 'Impact - TA0040', 'Replication Through Removable Media - T1091', 'File and Directory Discovery - T1083', 'Command and Scripting Interpreter - T1059', 'Data Encrypted for Impact - T1486', 'Security Software Discovery - T1518.001', 'Peripheral Device Discovery - T1120', 'System Information Discovery - T1082', 'Software Packing - T1027.002', 'Virtualization/Sandbox Evasion - T1497', 'User Execution - T1204', 'Masquerading - T1036'] |
links | ['http://bianlianlbc5an4kgnay3opdemgcryg2kpfcbgczopmm3dnbz3uaunad.onion/', 'http://bianlivemqbawcco4cx4a672k2fip3guyxudzurfqvdszafam3ofqgqd.onion/', 'http://bianliaoxoeriowgqohcly4a6sbkpc3se2yvxgidxomxlpuhx5ehrpad.onion', 'http://bianlianvjr9vhy72f782342yvygfciusgfisgiygfs1bredw.i2p/'] |
ransomnotes | ['Your network systems were attacked and encrypted. Contact us in order to restore your data. Don\'t make any changes in your file structure: touch no files, don\'t try to recover by yourself, that may lead to it\'s complete loss.\n\nTo contact us you have to download "tox" messenger: https://qtox.github.io/\n\nAdd user with the following ID to get your instructions: \nA4B3B0845DA242A64BF17E0DB4278EDF85855739667D3E2AE8B89D5439015F07E81D12D767FC\n\nAlternative way: swikipedia@onionmail.org\n\nYour ID: wU1VC460GC \n\nYou should know that we have been downloading data from your network for a significant time before the attack: financial, client, business, post, technical and personal files.\nIn 10 days — it will be posted at our site http://bianlianlbc5an4kgnay3opdemgcryg2kpfcbgczopmm3dnbz3uaunad.onion with links send to your clients, partners, competitors and news agencies, that will lead to a negative impact on your company: potential financial, business and reputational loses.'] |
ransomnotes-files | ['Look at this instruction.txt'] |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://redacted.com/blog/bianlian-ransomware-gang-gives-it-a-go/v8_screenshot.png', 'https://redacted.com/blog/bianlian-ransomware-gang-gives-it-a-go/v28_screenshot.png', 'https://blogs.blackberry.com/content/dam/blogs-blackberry-com/images/blogs/2022/10/bianlian-fig05.png'] |
Related clusters
To see the related clusters, click here.
Internal MISP references
UUID d9561bfc-08a0-4e9f-9189-d079bae4f9b7
which can be used as unique global reference for Blackshadow
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | ['http://544corkfh5hwhtn4.onion', 'http://blackshadow.cc'] |
Internal MISP references
UUID 25bd46bf-b4f5-4c34-b451-90a7809fa03a
which can be used as unique global reference for Blacktor
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | ['http://bl%40ckt0r:bl%40ckt0r@bl4cktorpms2gybrcyt52aakcxt6yn37byb65uama5cimhifcscnqkid.onion/0x00/data-breach.html'] |
Internal MISP references
UUID 1f369229-a68d-4e08-aee4-f251111fa186
which can be used as unique global reference for Bluesky
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
- https://unit42.paloaltonetworks.com/bluesky-ransomware/ - webarchive
- https://www.sentinelone.com/blog/bluesky-ransomware-ad-lateral-movement-evasion-and-fast-encryption-puts-threat-on-the-radar/ - webarchive
- https://yoroi.company/research/dissecting-bluesky-ransomware-payload/ - webarchive
- https://www.ransomlook.io/group/bluesky - webarchive
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | ['http://ccpyeuptrlatb2piua4ukhnhi7lrxgerrcrj4p2b5uhbzqm2xgdjaqid.onion'] |
Internal MISP references
UUID ef47092c-d86e-4db5-b0bf-e7676e85873f
which can be used as unique global reference for Bonacigroup
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | ['http://bonacifryrxr4siz6ptvokuihdzmjzpveruklxumflz5thmkgauty2qd.onion'] |
Internal MISP references
UUID eac9a5d5-509b-421a-a2d2-d91f7b27383a
which can be used as unique global reference for Cheers
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | ['http://rwiajgajdr4kzlnrj5zwebbukpcbrjhupjmk6gufxv6tg7myx34iocad.onion/'] |
previous clearnet domain coomingproject.com
Internal MISP references
UUID 4ecf9aa9-69c8-4347-a9c6-cb4a5481ac8c
which can be used as unique global reference for Cooming
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | ['http://z6mikrtphid5fmn52nbcbg25tj57sowlm3oc25g563yvsfmygkcxqbyd.onion', 'http://teo7aj5mfgzxyeme.onion'] |
"synonyms" in the meta part typically refer to alternate names or labels that are associated with a particular Crylock.
Known Synonyms |
Cryakl |
Internal MISP references
UUID e7b3c590-78a7-4318-8607-69d53dc7dfbf
which can be used as unique global reference for Crylock
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
- https://bartblaze.blogspot.com/2016/02/vipasana-ransomware-new-ransom-on-block.html - webarchive
- https://blog.checkpoint.com/2015/11/04/offline-ransomware-encrypts-your-data-without-cc-communication/ - webarchive
- https://hackmag.com/security/ransomware-russian-style/ - webarchive
- https://ke-la.com/the-ideal-ransomware-victim-what-attackers-are-looking-for/ - webarchive
- https://securelist.com/cis-ransomware/104452/ - webarchive
- https://securelist.com/the-return-of-fantomas-or-how-we-deciphered-cryakl/86511/ - webarchive
- https://securelist.ru/shifrovalshhik-cryakl-ili-fantomas-razbushevalsya/24070/ - webarchive
- https://twitter.com/albertzsigovits/status/1217866089964679174 - webarchive
- https://twitter.com/bartblaze/status/1305197264332369920 - webarchive
- https://twitter.com/demonslay335/status/971164798376468481 - webarchive
- https://www.elastic.co/blog/ten-process-injection-techniques-technical-survey-common-and-trending-process - webarchive
- https://www.sophos.com/en-us/threat-center/threat-analyses/viruses-and-spyware/Troj~Cryakl-B/detailed-analysis.aspx - webarchive
- https://www.telekom.com/en/blog/group/article/lockdata-auction-631300 - webarchive
- https://www.ransomlook.io/group/crylock - webarchive
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | ['http://d57uremugxjrafyg.onion'] |
The Cuba Ransomware, also known as Colddraw Ransomware, was first identified in the threat landscape in 2019 and built a relatively small but selected list of victims. The group is also known as Fidel Ransomware, due to a characteristic marker placed at the beginning of all encrypted files. This file marker is used as an indicator for the ransomware and its decoder that the file has been encrypted. Despite its name and the Cuban nationalist style on its leak site, it is difficult to assert any connection or affiliation with the Republic of Cuba. The group has been linked to a Russian-language threat actor by Profero researchers due to some details of incorrect translation they discovered, as well as the discovery of a 404 page containing text in Russian on the threat actor's own leak site. According to BlackBerry, based on the analysis of the code strings used in the campaign analyzed in 2023, there were indications that the developer behind the Cuba ransomware speaks Russian. The ransomware operators use a double extortion approach, and following the USA, in August 2022, it was believed that the Cuba ransomware group had compromised 101 entities, demanding $145 million in ransom payments and receiving up to $60 million. The group used a similar set of TTPs, with only a slight change each year, as they generally consist of LOLBins (executables that are part of the operating system and can be exploited to support an attack), exploits, off-the-shelf and custom malware, as well as intrusion tools like Cobalt Strike and Metasploit. In 2022, the group allegedly developed a relationship with operators of the Industrial Spy market, using their platform as a means of data leakage.
"synonyms" in the meta part typically refer to alternate names or labels that are associated with a particular Cuba.
Known Synonyms |
Fidel |
Internal MISP references
UUID 82ed1669-89ba-4432-bc97-148a25c15fdf
which can be used as unique global reference for Cuba
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
- https://www.mcafee.com/enterprise/en-us/assets/reports/rp-cuba-ransomware.pdf - webarchive
- https://digital.nhs.uk/cyber-alerts/2021/cc-3855 - webarchive
- https://blog.group-ib.com/hancitor-cuba-ransomware - webarchive
- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1MI8Z2tBhmqQ5X8Wf_ozv3dVjz5sJOs-3 - webarchive
- https://id-ransomware.blogspot.com/2019/12/cuba-ransomware.html - webarchive
- https://lab52.io/blog/cuba-ransomware-analysis/ - webarchive
- https://shared-public-reports.s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/Cuba+Ransomware+Group+-+on+a+roll.pdf - webarchive
- https://unit42.paloaltonetworks.com/cuba-ransomware-tropical-scorpius/ - webarchive
- https://www.aon.com/cyber-solutions/aon_cyber_labs/yours-truly-signed-av-driver-weaponizing-an-antivirus-driver/ - webarchive
- https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/microsoft-exchange-servers-hacked-to-deploy-cuba-ransomware/ - webarchive
- https://www.elastic.co/security-labs/cuba-ransomware-campaign-analysis - webarchive
- https://www.elastic.co/security-labs/cuba-ransomware-malware-analysis - webarchive
- https://www.fortinet.com/blog/threat-research/ransomware-roundup-gwisin-kriptor-cuba-and-more - webarchive
- https://www.guidepointsecurity.com/blog/using-hindsight-to-close-a-cuba-cold-case/ - webarchive
- https://www.ic3.gov/Media/News/2021/211203-2.pdf - webarchive
- https://www.it-connect.fr/le-ransomware-cuba-sen-prend-aux-serveurs-exchange/ - webarchive
- https://www.mandiant.com/resources/unc2596-cuba-ransomware - webarchive
- https://www.mcafee.com/blogs/other-blogs/mcafee-labs/mcafee-atr-threat-report-a-quick-primer-on-cuba-ransomware - webarchive
- https://www.trendmicro.com/en_us/research/22/f/cuba-ransomware-group-s-new-variant-found-using-optimized-infect.html - webarchive
- https://www.ransomlook.io/group/cuba - webarchive
- https://blogs.blackberry.com/en/2023/08/cuba-ransomware-deploys-new-tools-targets-critical-infrastructure-sector-in-the-usa-and-it-integrator-in-latin-america - webarchive
- https://www.mandiant.com/resources/blog/unc2596-cuba-ransomware - webarchive
- https://www.cisa.gov/news-events/cybersecurity-advisories/aa22-335a - webarchive
- https://profero.io/posts/cubaransomware/Cuba-Ransomware-Group-on-a-roll.pdf - webarchive
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
TTP | ['LSASS Memory - T1003.001', 'PowerShell - T1059.001', 'Exploitation for Privilege Escalation - T1068', 'Software Deployment Tools - T1072', 'Valid Accounts - T1078', 'Proxy - T1090', 'External Remote Services - T1133', 'Exploit Public-Facing Application - T1190', 'Kerberoasting - T1558.003', 'Disable or Modify Tools - T1562.001', 'Phishing - T1566', 'Domains - T1584.001'] |
links | ['http://cuba4mp6ximo2zlo.onion', 'http://cuba4ikm4jakjgmkezytyawtdgr2xymvy6nvzgw5cglswg3si76icnqd.onion/', 'http://i34gbmo5rxx3bxc4yl7f4erkyo2oldwavhpdragnjjvhni6fwvptp2id.onion', 'https://kcfgfs7cclscxloy3bf2xtwnayimawtzrbfirfbvl47xt7n2brfiizyd.onion/'] |
Related clusters
To see the related clusters, click here.
Internal MISP references
UUID a1a445c4-708e-42f2-afdf-6d904328dafb
which can be used as unique global reference for Daixin
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | ['http://7ukmkdtyxdkdivtjad57klqnd3kdsmq6tp45rrsxqnu76zzv3jvitlqd.onion/', 'http://232fwh5cea3ub6qguz3pynijxfzl2uj3c73nbrayipf3gq25vtq2r4qd.onion', 'http://7ukmkdtyxdkdivtjad57klqnd3kdsmq6tp45rrsxqnu76zzv3jvitlqd.onion', 'http://htz6biyazjyzzxllx4knuvux26xa2ixyjshjtwtgq4cm3vczylikm3id.onion', 'http://kolbh6putvp6aw3vpmsppor4kyzs7ctxfbp2donetycftz5jru73ytid.onion', 'http://kyk6lixosktvbtf3g6zte7kdzid2lwrprfod55mhwunafx6jzeoui7yd.onion', 'http://pkx3r7xe42z7fgkjjbocf7okdh77bsvngwvp6arykksob7gleyswicyd.onion', 'http://qlfnwdg2fyvmzmqkk33iwku32ynsbbk6hysorsvvadr4o7gfzs4t46yd.onion', 'http://r3h2balq6aa7plwe5p5bhxzwzxusrtldbfaamfseg33a5hk77bohzxyd.onion', 'http://v66nzl27xxmrulq6c2plrzr7tryv2idflhclpoyxrrn3kfw5gkkpveid.onion'] |
Dark Power
Internal MISP references
UUID 64d155a9-8e33-4c3f-8f58-0a483475c65d
which can be used as unique global reference for Dark Power
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
- https://www.ransomlook.io/group/dark power
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | ['http://powerj7kmpzkdhjg4szvcxxgktgk36ezpjxvtosylrpey7svpmrjyuyd.onion/'] |
Internal MISP references
UUID 5276ed20-c9fa-4028-9272-3f5c0e4bc9b6
which can be used as unique global reference for Darkangel
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | ['https://wemo2ysyeq6km2nqhcrz63dkdhez3j25yw2nvn7xba2z4h7v7gyrfgid.onion/'] |
TOX: AB33BC51AFAC64D98226826E70B483593C81CB22E6A3B504F7A75348C38C862F00042F5245AC
Internal MISP references
UUID 69e2ce57-67bb-4d53-a8c4-00b3501f45a3
which can be used as unique global reference for Darkbit01
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | ['http://iw6v2p3cruy7tqfup3yl4dgt4pfibfa3ai4zgnu5df2q3hus3lm7c7ad.onion', 'http://iw6v2p3cruy7tqfup3yl4dgt4pfibfa3ai4zgnu5df2q3hus3lm7c7ad.onion/support/'] |
Internal MISP references
UUID 80a634ae-519f-46e3-8e24-8eb733dfd22f
which can be used as unique global reference for Dataleak
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | ['http://woqjumaahi662ka26jzxyx7fznbp4kg3bsjar4b52tqkxgm2pylcjlad.onion/', 'http://woqjumaahi662ka26jzxyx7fznbp4kg3bsjar4b52tqkxgm2pylcjlad.onion/atom.xml'] |
A ransomware with potential ties to Wizard Spider.
Internal MISP references
UUID 6c4b88a4-64d6-4fa2-a552-99974794de16
which can be used as unique global reference for Diavol
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
- https://arcticwolf.com/resources/blog/karakurt-web - webarchive
- https://chuongdong.com/reverse%20engineering/2021/12/17/DiavolRansomware/ - webarchive
- https://heimdalsecurity.com/blog/is-diavol-ransomware-connected-to-wizard-spider/ - webarchive
- https://medium.com/walmartglobaltech/diavol-resurfaces-91dd93c7d922 - webarchive
- https://medium.com/walmartglobaltech/diavol-the-enigma-of-ransomware-1fd78ffda648 - webarchive
- https://securityintelligence.com/posts/analysis-of-diavol-ransomware-link-trickbot-gang/ - webarchive
- https://thedfirreport.com/2021/12/13/diavol-ransomware/ - webarchive
- https://www.binarydefense.com/threat_watch/new-ransomware-diavol-being-dropped-by-trickbot/ - webarchive
- https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/diavol-ransomware-sample-shows-stronger-connection-to-trickbot-gang/ - webarchive
- https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/fbi-links-diavol-ransomware-to-the-trickbot-cybercrime-group/ - webarchive
- https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/trickbot-gang-developer-arrested-when-trying-to-leave-korea/ - webarchive
- https://www.fortinet.com/blog/threat-research/diavol-new-ransomware-used-by-wizard-spider - webarchive
- https://www.ic3.gov/Media/News/2022/220120.pdf - webarchive
- https://www.scythe.io/library/adversary-emulation-diavol-ransomware-threatthursday - webarchive
- https://www.ransomlook.io/group/diavol - webarchive
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | ['https://7ypnbv3snejqmgce4kbewwvym4cm5j6lkzf2hra2hyhtsvwjaxwipkyd.onion'] |
TOX: D3404141459BC7206CC4AFEC16A3403F262C0937A732C12644E7CA97F0615201A519F7EAB2E2
Internal MISP references
UUID 50fdc311-e6c5-4843-9b91-24d66afbdb8d
which can be used as unique global reference for Donutleaks
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | ['https://sbc2zv2qnz5vubwtx3aobfpkeao6l4igjegm3xx7tk5suqhjkp5jxtqd.onion/', 'https://doq32rjiuomfghm5a4lyf3lwwakt2774tkv4ppsos6ueo5mhx7662gid.onion', 'http://sbc2zv2qnz5vubwtx3aobfpkeao6l4igjegm3xx7tk5suqhjkp5jxtqd.onion/', 'http://dk4mkfzqai6ure62oukzgtypedmwlfq57yj2fube7j5wsoi6tuia7nyd.onion/index.php?', 'http://qkbbaxiuqqcqb5nox4np4qjcniy2q6m7yeluvj7n5i5dn7pgpcwxwfid.onion/', 'http://ieflygyfoezms2wshjpfyfz4hpyxjcdtxejntysvopd7n7cmmnucbkad.onion', 'http://5zhg2foerm66oqdpmhs52pzfkwqx5rcfhje5j5rltctq5cjs653u3rid.onion'] |
Internal MISP references
UUID 14658178-6fea-43bb-ae11-4ae5c2f14560
which can be used as unique global reference for Endurance
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | ['http://h44jyyfomcbnnw5dha7zgwgkvpzbzbdyx2onu4fxaa5smxrgbjgq7had.onion/'] |
Entropy is a ransomware first seen in 1st quarter of 2022, is being used in conjunction of Dridex infection. The ransomware uses a custom packer to pack itself which has been seen in some early dridex samples.
Internal MISP references
UUID 11a458b9-df9c-486f-8556-2ae662df2802
which can be used as unique global reference for Entropy
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
- https://killingthebear.jorgetesta.tech/actors/evil-corp - webarchive
- https://news.sophos.com/en-us/2022/02/23/dridex-bots-deliver-entropy-ransomware-in-recent-attacks/ - webarchive
- https://news.sophos.com/en-us/2022/02/23/dridex-bots-deliver-entropy-ransomware-in-recent-attacks/?cmp=30728 - webarchive
- https://news.sophos.com/en-us/2022/03/17/the-ransomware-threat-intelligence-center/ - webarchive
- https://www.ransomlook.io/group/entropy - webarchive
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | ['http://leaksv7sroztl377bbohzl42i3ddlfsxopcb6355zc7olzigedm5agad.onion/posts'] |
Internal MISP references
UUID 3a074223-6c97-48ca-b019-50a16a37e956
which can be used as unique global reference for Ep918
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | ['http://dg5fyig37abmivryrxlordrczn6d6r5wzcfe2msuo5mbbu2exnu46fid.onion'] |
Internal MISP references
UUID 3c2835b1-53de-4755-ac0f-48dff1e53745
which can be used as unique global reference for Everest
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | ['http://ransomocmou6mnbquqz44ewosbkjk3o5qjsl3orawojexfook2j7esad.onion/', 'http://ransomoefralti2zh5nrv7iqybp3d5b4a2eeecz5yjosp7ggbepj7iyd.onion', 'http://2vqamwfdpis5rkjtpkutigykp56n6hkxfurm6qukdxp6uz5uff5kkaid.onion/', 'http://bifpwatchoxp7tsb2kpes37b23ogjrb2kj4wgr7yncf4hhgsfahu7jad.onion/', 'http://aihvh6j6fbkfjyc6jqbsh2ed4s3rym2v2pu6kd3z3exdso2xc2qwcuqd.onion/'] |
Internal MISP references
UUID 34c540d5-70ad-44cc-b5a2-cd8ec7e2efd6
which can be used as unique global reference for Freecivilian
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | ['http://gcbejm2rcjftouqbxuhimj5oroouqcuxb2my4raxqa7efkz5bd5464id.onion/'] |
Internal MISP references
UUID 29408532-b5d3-47ab-9b31-1ea63a084e45
which can be used as unique global reference for Fsteam
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | ['http://hkk62og3s2tce2gipcdxg3m27z4b62mrmml6ugctzdxs25o26q3a4mid.onion/'] |
captcha prevents indexing
Internal MISP references
UUID 506716cf-7e60-46e5-a853-c8a67fe696f9
which can be used as unique global reference for Grief
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | ['http://griefcameifmv4hfr3auozmovz5yi6m3h3dwbuqw7baomfxoxz4qteid.onion/', 'http://payorgz3j6hs2gj66nk6omfw65atgmqwzxqbbxnqi3bv2mlwgcirunad.onion/'] |
Internal MISP references
UUID 267b7b61-ed82-4809-aafe-9d2487c56f19
which can be used as unique global reference for Groove
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | ['http://ws3dh6av66sjbxxkjpw5ao3wqzmtejnkzheswm4dz5rrwvular7xvkqd.onion/'] |
login page, no posts
Internal MISP references
UUID 949fe61d-6df6-4f36-996b-c58bbbc5140f
which can be used as unique global reference for Haron
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | ['http://ft4zr2jzlqoyob7yg4fcpwyt37hox3ajajqnfkdvbfrkjioyunmqnpad.onion/login.php', 'http://midasbkic5eyfox4dhnijkzc7v7e4hpmsb2qgux7diqbpna4up4rtdad.onion/blog.php'] |
Internal MISP references
UUID 3c5832ae-3961-423e-8331-218a7aa6e5db
which can be used as unique global reference for Hotarus
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | ['http://r6d636w47ncnaukrpvlhmtdbvbeltc6enfcuuow3jclpmyga7cz374qd.onion'] |
Internal MISP references
UUID deea56de-1237-46bf-9ea7-4e1a3b3acd10
which can be used as unique global reference for Icefire
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | ['http://kf6x3mjeqljqxjznaw65jixin7dpcunfxbbakwuitizytcpzn4iy5bad.onion/board/leak_list/', 'http://7kstc545azxeahkduxmefgwqkrrhq3mzohkzqvrv7aekob7z3iwkqvyd.onion/board/victim_list/', 'http://nxx3cy6aee2s53v7v5pxrfv7crfssw7hmgejbj47cv6xuak3bgncllqd.onion/'] |
Internal MISP references
UUID 71a6edfe-9764-4c9b-b528-e0ee7b73c110
which can be used as unique global reference for Justice_Blade
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | ['https://justice-blade.io'] |
Kelvin Security
Internal MISP references
UUID 3c61d677-a2a6-40fb-aadd-72974f68e62c
which can be used as unique global reference for Kelvin Security
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
- https://www.ransomlook.io/group/kelvin security
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | ['https://kelvinsecteamcyber.wixsite.com/my-site/items'] |
Internal MISP references
UUID e2e035aa-eb95-48af-98a7-f18ddfcc347b
which can be used as unique global reference for Lapsus$
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | ['https://t.me/minsaudebr'] |
Internal MISP references
UUID 7dea3669-5ec4-4bdf-898f-c3a9f796365e
which can be used as unique global reference for Lilith
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
- https://blog.cyble.com/2022/07/12/new-ransomware-groups-on-the-rise/ - webarchive
- https://blog.trendmicro.com/trendlabs-security-intelligence/operation-endtrade-finding-multi-stage-backdoors-that-tick/ - webarchive
- https://github.com/werkamsus/Lilith - webarchive
- https://s3.amazonaws.com/talos-intelligence-site/production/document_files/files/000/095/591/original/062521_SideCopy_%281%29.pdf - webarchive
- https://s3.amazonaws.com/talos-intelligence-site/production/document_files/files/000/095/591/original/062521_SideCopy_%281%29.pdf?1625657388 - webarchive
- https://s3.amazonaws.com/talos-intelligence-site/production/document_files/files/000/095/592/original/Hashes_IOCs_for_coverage.txt - webarchive
- https://s3.amazonaws.com/talos-intelligence-site/production/document_files/files/000/095/594/original/Network_IOCs_list_for_coverage.txt?1625657479 - webarchive
- https://www.trendmicro.com/en_us/research/21/l/collecting-in-the-dark-tropic-trooper-targets-transportation-and-government-organizations.html - webarchive
- https://yoroi.company/research/a-deep-dive-into-eternity-group-a-new-emerging-cyber-threat/ - webarchive
- https://www.ransomlook.io/group/lilith - webarchive
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | ['http://yeuajcizwytgmrntijhxphs6wn5txp2prs6rpndafbsapek3zd4ubcid.onion/'] |
Internal MISP references
UUID c09f73fd-c3c3-42b1-b355-b03ca4941110
which can be used as unique global reference for Lockbit3
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | ['http://lockbitapt6vx57t3eeqjofwgcglmutr3a35nygvokja5uuccip4ykyd.onion/', 'http://zqaflhty5hyziovsxgqvj2mrz5e5rs6oqxzb54zolccfnvtn5w2johad.onion', 'http://lockbitapt2yfbt7lchxejug47kmqvqqxvvjpqkmevv4l3azl3gy6pyd.onion', 'http://lockbitapt34kvrip6xojylohhxrwsvpzdffgs5z4pbbsywnzsbdguqd.onion', 'http://lockbitapt5x4zkjbcqmz6frdhecqqgadevyiwqxukksspnlidyvd7qd.onion', 'http://lockbitaptc2iq4atewz2ise62q63wfktyrl4qtwuk5qax262kgtzjqd.onion', 'http://yq43odyrmzqvyezdindg2tokgogf3pn6bcdtvgczpz5a74tdxjbtk2yd.onion', 'http://oyarbnujct53bizjguvolxou3rmuda2vr72osyexngbdkhqebwrzsnad.onion', 'http://lockbitaptstzf3er2lz6ku3xuifafq2yh5lmiqj5ncur6rtlmkteiqd.onion', 'http://lockbitapt.uz', 'http://yq43odyrmzqvyezdindg2tokgogf3pn6bcdtvgczpz5a74tdxjbtk2yd.onion', 'http://lockbitaptq7ephv2oigdncfhtwhpqgwmqojnxqdyhprxxfpcllqdxad.onion', 'http://lockbitapt2d73krlbewgv27tquljgxr33xbwwsp6rkyieto7u4ncead.onion', 'http://lockbitapt6vx57t3eeqjofwgcglmutr3a35nygvokja5uuccip4ykyd.onion', 'http://lockbitapt72iw55njgnqpymggskg5yp75ry7rirtdg4m7i42artsbqd.onion', 'http://lockbitaptawjl6udhpd323uehekiyatj6ftcxmkwe5sezs4fqgpjpid.onion', 'http://lockbitaptbdiajqtplcrigzgdjprwugkkut63nbvy2d5r4w2agyekqd.onion', 'http://lockbit7z2jwcskxpbokpemdxmltipntwlkmidcll2qirbu7ykg46eyd.onion', 'http://lockbitsup4yezcd5enk5unncx3zcy7kw6wllyqmiyhvanjj352jayid.onion', 'http://lockbit3753ekiocyo5epmpy6klmejchjtzddoekjlnt6mu3qh4de2id.onion/', 'http://lockbit3g3ohd3katajf6zaehxz4h4cnhmz5t735zpltywhwpc6oy3id.onion/', 'http://lockbit3olp7oetlc4tl5zydnoluphh7fvdt5oa6arcp2757r7xkutid.onion', 'http://lockbit435xk3ki62yun7z5nhwz6jyjdp2c64j5vge536if2eny3gtid.onion', 'http://lockbit4lahhluquhoka3t4spqym2m3dhe66d6lr337glmnlgg2nndad.onion', 'http://lockbit6knrauo3qafoksvl742vieqbujxw7rd6ofzdtapjb4rrawqad.onion', 'http://lockbit7ouvrsdgtojeoj5hvu6bljqtghitekwpdy3b6y62ixtsu5jqd.onion', 'http://ofj3oaltwaf67qtd7oafk5r44upm6wkc2jurpsdyih2c7mbrbshuwayd.onion', 'http://lockbit23xxhej7swdop24cru7ks2w66pw7zgdkydqo6f7wfyfqo7oqd.onion', 'http://lockbit7ixelt7gn3ynrs3dgqtsom6x6sd2ope4di7bu6e6exyhazeyd.onion', 'http://lockbitck6escin3p33v3f5uef3mr5fx335oyqon2uqoyxuraieuhiqd.onion', 'http://lockbitfhzimjqx2v7p2vfu57fpdm5zh2vsbfk5jkjod3k5pszbek7ad.onion', 'http://lockbiti7ss2wzyizvyr2x46krnezl4xjeianvupnvazhbqtz32auqqd.onion', 'http://lockbitkwkmhfb2zr3ngduaa6sd6munslzkbtqhn5ifmwqml4sl7znad.onion', 'http://lockbitqfj7mmhrfa7lznj47ogknqanskj7hyk2vistn2ju5ufrhbpyd.onion', 'http://lockbit7z2mmiz3ryxafn5kapbvbbiywsxwovasfkgf5dqqp5kxlajad.onion', 'http://lockbit7z2og4jlsmdy7dzty3g42eu3gh2sx2b6ywtvhrjtss7li4fyd.onion', 'http://lockbit7z355oalq4hiy5p7de64l6rsqutwlvydqje56uvevcc57r6qd.onion', 'http://lockbit7z36ynytxwjzuoao46ck7b3753gpedary3qvuizn3iczhe4id.onion', 'http://lockbit7z37ntefjdbjextn6tmdkry4j546ejnru5cejeguitiopvhad.onion', 'http://lockbit7z3azdoxdpqxzliszutufbc2fldagztdu47xyucp25p4xtqad.onion', 'http://lockbit7z3ddvg5vuez2vznt73ljqgwx5tnuqaa2ye7lns742yiv2zyd.onion', 'http://lockbit7z3hv7ev5knxbrhsvv2mmu2rddwqizdz4vwfvxt5izrq6zqqd.onion', 'http://ockbit7z3ujnkhxwahhjduh5me2updvzxewhhc5qvk2snxezoi5drad.onion', 'http://lockbit7z4bsm63m3dagp5xglyacr4z4bwytkvkkwtn6enmuo5fi5iyd.onion', 'http://lockbit7z4cgxvictidwfxpuiov4scdw34nxotmbdjyxpkvkg34mykyd.onion', 'http://lockbit7z4k5zer5fbqi2vdq5sx2vuggatwyqvoodrkhubxftyrvncid.onion', 'http://lockbit7z4ndl6thsct34yd47jrzdkpnfg3acfvpacuccb45pnars2ad.onion', 'http://lockbit7z55tuwaflw2c7torcryobdvhkcgvivhflyndyvcrexafssad.onion', 'http://lockbit7z57mkicfkuq44j6yrpu5finwvjllczkkp2uvdedsdonjztyd.onion', 'http://lockbit7z5ehshj6gzpetw5kso3onts6ty7wrnneya5u4aj3vzkeoaqd.onion', 'http://lockbit7z5hwf6ywfuzipoa42tjlmal3x5suuccngsamsgklww2xgyqd.onion', 'http://lockbit7z5ltrhzv46lsg447o3cx2637dloc3qt4ugd3gr2xdkkkeayd.onion', 'http://lockbit7z6choojah4ipvdpzzfzxxchjbecnmtn4povk6ifdvx2dpnid.onion', 'http://lockbit7z6dqziutocr43onmvpth32njp4abfocfauk2belljjpobxyd.onion', 'http://lockbit7z6f3gu6rjvrysn5gjbsqj3hk3bvsg64ns6pjldqr2xhvhsyd.onion', 'http://lockbit7z6qinyhhmibvycu5kwmcvgrbpvtztkvvmdce5zwtucaeyrqd.onion', 'http://lockbit7z6rzyojiye437jp744d4uwtff7aq7df7gh2jvwqtv525c4yd.onion', 'http://lockbit5eevg7vec4vwwtzgkl4kulap6oxbic2ye4mnmlq6njnpc47qd.onion', 'http://lockbit74beza5z3e3so7qmjnvlgoemscp7wtp33xo7xv7f7xtlqbkqd.onion', 'http://lockbit75naln4yj44rg6ez6vjmdcrt7up4kxmmmuvilcg4ak3zihxid.onion', 'http://lockbit7a2g6ve7etbcy6iyizjnuleffz4szgmxaawcbfauluavi5jqd.onion', 'http://lockbitaa46gwjck2xzmi2xops6x4x3aqn6ez7yntitero2k7ae6yoyd.onion', 'http://lockbitb42tkml3ipianjbs6e33vhcshb7oxm2stubfvdzn3y2yqgbad.onion', 'http://lockbitcuo23q7qrymbk6dsp2sadltspjvjxgcyp4elbnbr6tcnwq7qd.onion', 'http://lockbitffcjqi2wpwhjgubkjihhc7seaujqgzscvwvdiftunl6hn5oyd.onion', 'http://lockbitehorki5kh6s3n27hi3serhzr7htlshfqyg5ex32dyr5efhfyd.onion', 'http://lockbitdzjxsgyacnmfte6nfgqfcyhedkduimi4tsajvrwi4ljbos7id.onion', 'http://lockbitbtdk33k75rsl6uhn6bewd5g6z3hp42z6vb2hfk54oja55h7id.onion', 'http://lockbitb63zs7f4rdjcsn2etkqaswurk6hh55sa2ojeilxcnwf6qbkqd.onion', 'http://lockbit7xn7nqc5f5gfhv6qrf46xh65lscuzctwnmomthcigu2m3tad.onion', 'http://lockbit7bb4b6n27feok2rc7ri75udaqkfppjvtkxlwh7qldygbopmad.onion', 'http://lockbit4r3ly63w22jhkg33emtqwxw436wkftosscvdal2prdlwzknyd.onion', 'http://lockbit3hdu7e4sv3ecg6mmqmeihjcizebcxic6t4eqwar6f2e7rxpad.onion', 'http://lockbit3753ekiocyo5epmpy6klmejchjtzddoekjlnt6mu3qh4de2id.onion/pgp.txt', 'http://lbb47q2f7nzeatj6mxppuk7bhnvwu23mf6pfuywxcz57dwnzl6z3ksqd.onion/', 'http://lbb6ud2vyf23z4hw6fzskr5gru7eftbjfbd6yzra3hzuqqvjy63blqqd.onion/', 'http://lbb2llze7ab4rnq4jumsy4ihsqzpuysaofpz2e43foocwmrzsokumqid.onion/', 'http://lbb5cnqexve2wg6acbfyohkzeijflpqmgijx5ksyvu4aljv27r2lgiid.onion/', 'http://lbbchnkrhkjtltjunmqsbw32bbblsd5bd2pqywtt2bex4bjmo5ry2iqd.onion/', 'http://lbbellr6aq4kuchzy44pmimszfd4di4fslez765ux4kse3o4lxcnpgid.onion/', 'http://lbbuxq57hyskobn5xwtw26rkq4wyvttory6k7pio2lv5adeopeezv6ad.onion/', 'http://lbbvhambmct5s4rpf2b65mrnqynhpn4hksq47io2wow5cjtv3xmsypid.onion/', 'http://lbbw6uqp2te2f323ltn2fgwl5tu5cr3udoj3ik2obdtr5367skuh4cid.onion/', 'http://lbbw7j6si6k2bzxd4tzvesoijfjtr4pa6awqie63rmkpql7hmu6tqnqd.onion/', 'http://lbbxv6nlojheut6th4nqwpabr4gtksm7y7f4c52ubvvvumydpo4dmryd.onion/', 'http://lbbzlychkbilhjsw5hhuvk7zk4axdffy3nvel3zaqwnuo2d4nlqqkeyd.onion/', 'http://lbbzme4ctvcgzo5lq7jvcdy2v2cs6hrlgihsmylfddprzqptm6ywhhyd.onion/', 'http://lbbfsazjqqwvtq2ckhm53kfmvsy7c6sdci3uy6qui4lv66aeef7hhpad.onion/', 'http://lbbgv7wsi6bpguvjbu6omdgwzllqm5tvdo65do2q7vw4er7aqrnjmtad.onion/', 'http://lbbjmbkvw3yurmnazwkbj5muyvw5dd6y7hyxrus23y33qiqczclrnbyd.onion/', 'http://lbbpoq6d2jglpw7dxarr6oaakgnlxt5nmrza5ojlufsuffuzexajsuyd.onion/', 'http://lbbp2rsfcmg5durpwgs22wxrdngsa4wiwmc4xk6hgmuluy6bvbvvtlid.onion/', 'http://lbbov7weoojwnqytnjqygmglkwtim5dvyw3xvoluk5ostz75ofd6enqd.onion/', 'http://lockbitapt2d73krlbewgv27tquljgxr33xbwwsp6rkyieto7u4ncead.onion/ec_page3.php', 'http://lockbitfnszjao7hayqsd424m74k5jxc52hozvabjrut7pjfsfaaaoad.onion', 'http://lockbitsupa7e3b4pkn4mgkgojrl5iqgx24clbzc4xm7i6jeetsia3qd.onion/', 'http://lockbitsupdwon76nzykzblcplixwts4n4zoecugz2bxabtapqvmzqqd.onion/', 'http://lockbitsupn2h6be2cnqpvncyhj4rgmnwn44633hnzzmtxdvjoqlp7yd.onion/', 'http://lockbitsupo7vv5vcl3jxpsdviopwvasljqcstym6efhh6oze7c6xjad.onion/', 'http://lockbitsupq3g62dni2f36snrdb4n5qzqvovbtkt5xffw3draxk6gwqd.onion/', 'http://lockbitsupqfyacidr6upt6nhhyipujvaablubuevxj6xy3frthvr3yd.onion/', 'http://lockbitsupt7nr3fa6e7xyb73lk6bw6rcneqhoyblniiabj4uwvzapqd.onion/', 'http://lockbitsupuhswh4izvoucoxsbnotkmgq6durg7kficg6u33zfvq3oyd.onion/', 'http://lockbitsupxcjntihbmat4rrh7ktowips2qzywh6zer5r3xafhviyhqd.onion/', 'http://lockbitsap2oaqhcun3syvbqt6n5nzt7fqosc6jdlmsfleu3ka4k2did.onion/', 'http://lockbitfshjx7xrlafzhohinfu3theolrjakrlxoduwk65d755yahuqd.onion/', 'http://lockbitfsnvvv5dbubfbhb4qo23olw5n3a2pqs72p3yh2g6prkxrhvad.onion/', 'http://lockbitfsxt2gdyz72harnb7qa5qa6sf73bvy7wz65fuiw7vlxarujid.onion/', 'http://lockbitpn4nmflibn4cooh4sydie6bpoy33tbxa3rjebryxc5vblkwyd.onion/', 'http://lockbitpn7doehfdzu3r2orcibdx6njq62aavkr4hgh3p6rednr5gfad.onion/', 'http://lockbitpntsng25yxacx5jqdccvoqd5qtyzzximljfskvtk6ektjhvad.onion/', 'http:// lockbit7ixelt7gn3ynrs3dgqtsom6x6sd2ope4di7bu6e6exyhazeyd.onion/', 'http://lockbit7xn7nqc5f5gfhv6qrf46xlh65lscuzctwnmomthcigu2m3tad.onion/', 'http://lockbitbvcwegcbou4fulv3iy3bpwh2do3y243w2riwbgcdpl3hd3uyd.onion/', 'http://lockbit7z3ujnkhxwahhjduh5me2updvzxewhhc5qvk2snxezoi5drad.onion/'] |
Related clusters
To see the related clusters, click here.
Internal MISP references
UUID 9886732d-76a2-4fbb-86b7-9e6a80669fb5
which can be used as unique global reference for Lolnek
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | ['http://mmeeiix2ejdwkmseycljetmpiwebdvgjts75c63camjofn2cjdoulzqd.onion', 'http://obzuqvr5424kkc4unbq2p2i67ny3zngce3tbdr37nicjqesgqcgomfqd.onion', 'http://nclen75pwlgebpxpsqhlcnxsmdvpyrr7ogz36ehhatfmkvakeyden6ad.onion', 'http://mmcbkgua72og66w4jz3qcxkkhefax754pg6iknmtfujvkt2j65ffraad.onion/', 'http://tzw7ckhurmxgcpajx6gy57dkrysl2sigfrt6nk4a3rvedfldigtor7ad.onion'] |
parser needs to be built
Internal MISP references
UUID 46d56775-5f8c-411e-adbe-2acd07bf99ac
which can be used as unique global reference for Lv
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | ['http://rbvuetuneohce3ouxjlbxtimyyxokb4btncxjbo44fbgxqy7tskinwad.onion/', 'http://4qbxi3i2oqmyzxsjg4fwe4aly3xkped52gq5orp6efpkeskvchqe27id.onion/', 'http://l55ysq5qjpin2vq23ul3gc3h62vp4wvenl7ov6fcn65vir7kc7gb5fyd.onion/'] |
Internal MISP references
UUID 95891bae-09a4-4d02-990e-2477cb09b9c2
which can be used as unique global reference for Mallox
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | ['http://wtyafjyhwqrgo4a45wdvvwhen3cx4euie73qvlhkhvlrexljoyuklaad.onion', 'http://wtyafjyizleuw4yhepmdsrcfjwmtiysunos6ixchw3r5d7eeimw2rrid.onion', 'http://wtyafjyhwqrgo4a45wdvvwhen3cx4euie73qvlhkhvlrexljoyuklaad.onion/mallox/privateSignin'] |
Internal MISP references
UUID 7ecd6452-d521-4095-8fd7-eecdeb6c8d96
which can be used as unique global reference for Mbc
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | ['http://xembshruusobgbvxg4tcjs3jpdnks6xrr6nbokfxadcnlc53yxir22ad.onion'] |
This malware written in C# is a variant of the Thanos ransomware family and emerged in October 2021 and is obfuscated using SmartAssembly. In 2022, ThreatLabz analysed a report of Midas ransomware was slowly deployed over a two month period (ZScaler). This ransomware features also its own data leak site as part of its double extortion strategy.
Internal MISP references
UUID c0ce34c6-13b9-41ef-847c-840b090f2bfc
which can be used as unique global reference for Midas
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
- https://news.sophos.com/en-us/2022/01/25/windows-services-lay-the-groundwork-for-a-midas-ransomware-attack/ - webarchive
- https://securityboulevard.com/2022/03/midas-ransomware-tracing-the-evolution-of-thanos-ransomware-variants/ - webarchive
- https://www.zscaler.com/blogs/security-research/midas-ransomware-tracing-evolution-thanos-ransomware-variants - webarchive
- https://www.ransomlook.io/group/midas - webarchive
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | ['http://midasbkic5eyfox4dhnijkzc7v7e4hpmsb2qgux7diqbpna4up4rtdad.onion/blog.php'] |
Internal MISP references
UUID b2e44cc2-2df9-4210-a0ee-9ae913278c00
which can be used as unique global reference for Moisha
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | ['http://moishddxqnpdxpababec6exozpl2yr7idfhdldiz5525ao25bmasxhid.onion'] |
Internal MISP references
UUID 814f656d-7107-41d3-a934-1667e427ad8a
which can be used as unique global reference for Monte
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | ['http://monteoamwxlutyovf7oxeviwjlbu3vbgdmkncecl2ydteqncrmcv67yd.onion/', 'http://monteoamwxlutyovf7oxeviwjlbu3vbgdmkncecl2ydteqncrmcv67yd.onion/catalog/'] |
Internal MISP references
UUID 0ea4daa9-0b83-4acb-bc54-420635b7bfea
which can be used as unique global reference for Monti
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | ['http://4s4lnfeujzo67fy2jebz2dxskez2gsqj2jeb35m75ktufxensdicqxad.onion/', 'http://mblogci3rudehaagbryjznltdp33ojwzkq6hn2pckvjq33rycmzczpid.onion/', 'http://fzuaswymt34cbkneudijgqrzkalrgpsyfbo6uuodoeifwiqf3cwqscid.onion/', 'http://oiatmncwdk6jnavutic5zusl4sttwschx7nicvqykluyckekex3zqaad.onion/', 'http://jblxfrssnygh7bsoyict5wccgahvqp6tauncixr3y3dxypidiqy4tjyd.onion/', 'http://egtqjenfxq7g6sqnjknww3tsnlutzqlq747cf73ni3xsfxzqqz2f5qad.onion/', 'http://edaus74qljecooagcvcg67quldd2hwokkr5zqj5jtdeuidgjoesvwdad.onion/', 'http://gchf5ohuxo36metdnt3hfdz6m4up3pmv6t6m63llvldtnh57guwnp4qd.onion/', 'http://363zyixg32bdudpakmd4n4bclbprcqrkyvdssv6yamozfurodktss2qd.onion/', 'http://trqm74keteqm7jdathr2fgljf5tdhtifocoii4inmdu66ekpaotihvyd.onion/', 'http://usmrktigxirv2qvpkwjr5n3pxz5hpsucffzujuo7e6f3y6se7uiqzwyd.onion/', 'http://bvxhv3zfewf5jx4gcrsxrwbuwmjggffxjyv42vwj6b6u2clmgchxtfid.onion/', 'http://drfxoorlgu5n4c4uhnfli7saprnl2p46i36duhyehmfp7ysn44e3quid.onion/', 'http://t4h4hbkrrbrrfkbf6luhnewykjr52gkdmgfr6hbeeub5t2rcyhb4buad.onion/', 'http://yyn3h2lnr5joqebus5syb2p3fzdms7avulvsn3m3gsdvwtgu2ow5c6ad.onion/', 'http://v4httzsp6ri6xcw7lpmdduvhce5avtla3yocfru5suxpgcgo7rw7slyd.onion/', 'http://myosbja7hixkkjqihsjh6yvmqplz62gr3r4isctjjtu2vm5jg6hsv2ad.onion/chat', 'http://qkbbaxiuqqcqb5nox4np4qjcniy2q6m7yeluvj7n5i5dn7pgpcwxwfid.onion', 'http://monti5o7lvyrpyk26lqofnfvajtyqruwatlfaazgm3zskt3xiktudwid.onion', 'http://il6jcce6f5htppc3smu4olpt5pz3akdg5h7k7tb4n45jixxu2o2oxlid.onion/', 'http://cls2wzky5vxgu54fg4fqdj4q4olyvmwt6rinmtgqsq5d3vubv7bdzgqd.onion/'] |
Internal MISP references
UUID 8b726e6a-ed85-4a5b-a501-6bc06dab288d
which can be used as unique global reference for Mydecryptor
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | ['http://58b87e60649ccc808ac8mstiejnj.5s4ixqul2enwxrqv.onion'] |
Internal MISP references
UUID 815b13b2-2b94-4ea9-adc2-8193936a1c61
which can be used as unique global reference for N3Tworm
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | ['http://n3twormruynhn3oetmxvasum2miix2jgg56xskdoyihra4wthvlgyeyd.onion'] |
Internal MISP references
UUID a449e5a4-a835-419e-af3e-d223c74d0536
which can be used as unique global reference for Netwalker
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
- https://threatpost.com/netwalker-ransomware-suspect-charged/163405 - webarchive
- https://www.cybereason.com/blog/cybereason-vs.-netwalker-ransomware - webarchive
- https://www.ncsc.org/trends/monthly-trends-articles/2020/netwalker-ransomware - webarchive
- https://0x00-0x7f.github.io/Netwalker-from-Powershell-reflective-loader-to-injected-Dll/ - webarchive
- https://blog.talosintelligence.com/2020/09/CTIR-quarterly-trends-Q4-2020.html - webarchive
- https://blog.trendmicro.com/trendlabs-security-intelligence/netwalker-fileless-ransomware-injected-via-reflective-loading/ - webarchive
- https://blogs.blackberry.com/en/2021/03/zerologon-to-ransomware - webarchive
- https://cert-agid.gov.it/news/netwalker-il-ransomware-che-ha-beffato-lintera-community/ - webarchive
- https://cti-league.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/CTI-League-Darknet-Report-2021.pdf - webarchive
- https://danusminimus.github.io/Zero2Auto-Netwalker-Walkthrough/ - webarchive
- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1MI8Z2tBhmqQ5X8Wf_ozv3dVjz5sJOs-3 - webarchive
- https://download.microsoft.com/download/f/8/1/f816b8b6-bee3-41e5-b6cc-e925a5688f61/Microsoft_Digital_Defense_Report_2020_September.pdf - webarchive
- https://go.crowdstrike.com/rs/281-OBQ-266/images/Report2021GTR.pdf - webarchive
- https://go.crowdstrike.com/rs/281-OBQ-266/images/ReportCSIT-20081e.pdf - webarchive
- https://ics-cert.kaspersky.com/media/KASPERSKY_H1_2020_ICS_REPORT_EN.pdf - webarchive
- https://id-ransomware.blogspot.com/2019/09/koko-ransomware.html - webarchive
- https://ke-la.com/how-ransomware-gangs-find-new-monetization-schemes-and-evolve-in-marketing/ - webarchive
- https://ke-la.com/to-attack-or-not-to-attack-targeting-the-healthcare-sector-in-the-underground-ecosystem/ - webarchive
- https://krebsonsecurity.com/2021/01/arrest-seizures-tied-to-netwalker-ransomware - webarchive
- https://lopqto.me/posts/automated-dynamic-import-resolving - webarchive
- https://news.sophos.com/en-us/2020/05/27/netwalker-ransomware-tools-give-insight-into-threat-actor/ - webarchive
- https://news.sophos.com/en-us/2022/03/17/the-ransomware-threat-intelligence-center/ - webarchive
- https://public.intel471.com/blog/ransomware-as-a-service-2020-ryuk-maze-revil-egregor-doppelpaymer/ - webarchive
- https://s3.documentcloud.org/documents/21199896/vachon-desjardins-court-docs.pdf - webarchive
- https://seguranca-informatica.pt/netwalker-ransomware-full-analysis/ - webarchive
- https://sites.temple.edu/care/ci-rw-attacks/ - webarchive
- https://tccontre.blogspot.com/2020/05/netwalker-ransomware-api-call.html - webarchive
- https://thedfirreport.com/2020/08/31/netwalker-ransomware-in-1-hour/ - webarchive
- https://therecord.media/darkside-gang-estimated-to-have-made-over-90-million-from-ransomware-attacks/ - webarchive
- https://therecord.media/ransomwhere-project-wants-to-create-a-database-of-past-ransomware-payments/ - webarchive
- https://www.advanced-intel.com/post/netwalker-ransomware-group-enters-advanced-targeting-game - webarchive
- https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/darkside-ransomware-made-90-million-in-just-nine-months/ - webarchive
- https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/enel-group-hit-by-ransomware-again-netwalker-demands-14-million - webarchive
- https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/enel-group-hit-by-ransomware-again-netwalker-demands-14-million/ - webarchive
- https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/mailto-netwalker-ransomware-targets-enterprise-networks/ - webarchive
- https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/michigan-state-university-network-breached-in-ransomware-attack/ - webarchive
- https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/netwalker-ransomware-affiliate-sentenced-to-80-months-in-prison/ - webarchive
- https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/netwalker-ransomware-infecting-users-via-coronavirus-phishing/ - webarchive
- https://www.coveware.com/blog/ransomware-attack-vectors-shift-as-new-software-vulnerability-exploits-abound - webarchive
- https://www.crowdstrike.com/blog/analysis-of-ecrime-menu-style-toolkits/ - webarchive
- https://www.crowdstrike.com/blog/big-game-hunting-on-the-rise-again-according-to-ecrime-index/ - webarchive
- https://www.cyborgsecurity.com/cyborg_labs/hunting-ransomware-inhibiting-system-backup-or-recovery/ - webarchive
- https://www.deepinstinct.com/2021/05/26/deep-dive-packing-software-cryptone/ - webarchive
- https://www.hornetsecurity.com/en/security-informationen-en/leakware-ransomware-hybrid-attacks/ - webarchive
- https://www.ic3.gov/media/news/2020/200929-2.pdf - webarchive
- https://www.incibe-cert.es/blog/ransomware-netwalker-analisis-y-medidas-preventivas - webarchive
- https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/department-justice-launches-global-action-against-netwalker-ransomware - webarchive
- https://www.justice.gov/usao-mdfl/press-release/file/1360846/download - webarchive
- https://www.mcafee.com/blogs/other-blogs/mcafee-labs/take-a-netwalk-on-the-wild-side/ - webarchive
- https://www.microsoft.com/security/blog/2020/04/28/ransomware-groups-continue-to-target-healthcare-critical-services-heres-how-to-reduce-risk/ - webarchive
- https://www.paloaltonetworks.com/content/dam/pan/en_US/assets/pdf/reports/Unit_42/unit42-ransomware-threat-report-2021.pdf - webarchive
- https://www.ptsecurity.com/ww-en/analytics/pt-esc-threat-intelligence/paas-or-how-hackers-evade-antivirus-software/ - webarchive
- https://www.pwc.co.uk/cyber-security/pdf/pwc-cyber-threats-2020-a-year-in-retrospect.pdf - webarchive
- https://www.pwc.co.uk/issues/cyber-security-services/insights/what-is-behind-ransomware-attacks-increase.html - webarchive
- https://www.trellix.com/en-us/about/newsroom/stories/threat-labs/conti-leaks-examining-the-panama-papers-of-ransomware.html - webarchive
- https://www.trustwave.com/en-us/resources/blogs/spiderlabs-blog/an-in-depth-look-at-mailto-ransomware-part-one-of-three/ - webarchive
- https://www.trustwave.com/en-us/resources/blogs/spiderlabs-blog/an-in-depth-look-at-mailto-ransomware-part-three-of-three/ - webarchive
- https://www.trustwave.com/en-us/resources/blogs/spiderlabs-blog/an-in-depth-look-at-mailto-ransomware-part-two-of-three/ - webarchive
- https://www.ucsf.edu/news/2020/06/417911/update-it-security-incident-ucsf - webarchive
- https://www.welivesecurity.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/ESET_Threat_Report_Q22020.pdf - webarchive
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q8of74upT_g - webarchive
- https://www.zeit.de/digital/2021-06/cybercrime-extortion-internet-spyware-ransomware-police-prosecution-hackers - webarchive
- https://zengo.com/bitcoin-ransomware-detective-ucsf/ - webarchive
- https://zero2auto.com/2020/05/19/netwalker-re/ - webarchive
- https://www.ransomlook.io/group/netwalker - webarchive
Associated metadata
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Internal MISP references
UUID 9c517547-8002-4a9a-a360-8d836d2fe3e3
which can be used as unique global reference for Nevada
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | ['http://nevcorps5cvivjf6i2gm4uia7cxng5ploqny2rgrinctazjlnqr2yiyd.onion/', 'http://nevbackvzwfu5yu3gszap77bg66koadds6eln37gxdhdk4jdsbkayrid.onion/', 'http://nevaffcwswjosddmw55qhn4u4secw42wlppzvf26k5onrlxjevm6avad.onion/'] |
Internal MISP references
UUID 886a2d59-2e8d-4357-b70f-a6dd3d034dfd
which can be used as unique global reference for Nightsky
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
- https://twitter.com/cglyer/status/1480734487000453121 - webarchive
- https://twitter.com/cglyer/status/1480742363991580674 - webarchive
- https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/night-sky-is-the-latest-ransomware-targeting-corporate-networks/ - webarchive
- https://www.cynet.com/attack-techniques-hands-on/threats-looming-over-the-horizon/ - webarchive
- https://www.microsoft.com/security/blog/2021/12/11/guidance-for-preventing-detecting-and-hunting-for-cve-2021-44228-log4j-2-exploitation - webarchive
- https://www.microsoft.com/security/blog/2022/05/09/ransomware-as-a-service-understanding-the-cybercrime-gig-economy-and-how-to-protect-yourself - webarchive
- https://www.secureworks.com/research/bronze-starlight-ransomware-operations-use-hui-loader - webarchive
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yzt_zOO8pDM - webarchive
- https://www.ransomlook.io/group/nightsky - webarchive
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
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Internal MISP references
UUID 2b2f2e07-f764-4cc2-86ac-cc087a953cbb
which can be used as unique global reference for Nokoyawa
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
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Internal MISP references
UUID e9e810e3-a919-4417-85d0-fcab700e45de
which can be used as unique global reference for Onepercent
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | ['http://5mvifa3xq5m7sou3xzaajfz7h6eserp5fnkwotohns5pgbb5oxty3zad.onion'] |
Internal MISP references
UUID fd2161a9-cd88-4d12-94d9-52b93b28eb5b
which can be used as unique global reference for Payloadbin
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | ['http://vbmisqjshn4yblehk2vbnil53tlqklxsdaztgphcilto3vdj4geao5qd.onion/'] |
Ransomware written in .NET, apparently derived from the codebase of win.hakbit (Thanos) ransomware.
Internal MISP references
UUID bcf0a9da-dca3-42c0-b875-59d434564fbb
which can be used as unique global reference for Prometheus
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
- https://therecord.media/decryptor-released-for-prometheus-ransomware-victims - webarchive
- https://unit42.paloaltonetworks.com/prometheus-ransomwar - webarchive
- https://id-ransomware.blogspot.com/2021/05/prometheus-ransomware.html - webarchive
- https://medium.com/cycraft/prometheus-decryptor-6933e7bac1ea - webarchive
- https://medium.com/cycraft/the-road-to-ransomware-resilience-c1ca37036efd - webarchive
- https://medium.com/s2wlab/prometheus-x-spook-prometheus-ransomware-rebranded-spook-ransomware-6f93bd8ab5dd - webarchive
- https://securityintelligence.com/posts/ransomware-encryption-goes-wrong/ - webarchive
- https://therecord.media/decryptor-released-for-prometheus-ransomware-victims/ - webarchive
- https://twitter.com/inversecos/status/1441252744258461699?s=20 - webarchive
- https://unit42.paloaltonetworks.com/prometheus-ransomware/ - webarchive
- https://www.cybereason.com/blog/cybereason-vs.-prometheus-ransomware - webarchive
- https://www.sentinelone.com/labs/spook-ransomware-prometheus-derivative-names-those-that-pay-shames-those-that-dont/ - webarchive
- https://www.ransomlook.io/group/prometheus - webarchive
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | ['http://promethw27cbrcot.onion/blog/', 'http://promethw27cbrcot.onion/ticket.php?track='] |
Internal MISP references
UUID d5b3ce3d-59e2-4e56-a29a-42fb8b733a51
which can be used as unique global reference for Qilin
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
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login page, no posts
Internal MISP references
UUID 065110c5-574a-4466-a336-e6c5f3ef86c4
which can be used as unique global reference for Qlocker
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
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Internal MISP references
UUID 824f225c-7cd9-47e3-9f5b-c3194e4a26ea
which can be used as unique global reference for Ramp
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
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Internal MISP references
UUID 62e56597-01c8-4721-abd2-c7efa37fb566
which can be used as unique global reference for Ransomcartel
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
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Internal MISP references
UUID 00a6fc79-8a29-417b-a298-adc8e17d8aba
which can be used as unique global reference for Ransomhouse
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
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'http://tbgdp3msmgiddu7yhdo2fsuhlaggcoj3oez7wdmofznqm4dhevpekeyd.onion/', 'http://yiqfcld3loz7rh4kcmxrf4azyeqa7sonfyxqlnjjbxmmfxhzbm2vsjad.onion/', 'http://jhtym7doz6dt5xdq4dd5wuhmyaa6dtesv4lrnasb5scwofguffiewcqd.onion/', 'http://zdgj7z7dhmn5xgtrj4wh4gsf35hzst6blunfm3xf5iqpq6msiluxmmid.onion/', 'http://2yce6tllc6xin4kucqr4aynscfjsg7l7pgz3pv7rat5o3vjeruxpknid.onion/', 'http://xbpdja46coptbjt4a62lintyk547q54k7gubekbtsyqxivie4vln7syd.onion/', 'http://4hmvksa7vw5x3mytrguzcjxvj3alfbapxaekudmiigpztqxxv7dynnqd.onion/', 'http://2ynd4lgi277los7ykngk3my3rx3ehitx4agrpomrilwjic4iqisbikid.onion/', 'http://qiu5vqx2k3oyq3aeyz3pieh6g6yjzo7l5zofidxfvnahy3vgb2vuy6ad.onion/', 'http://gomf6ssy2bgsxlfbawncxdydwa4m76i4gzbwusmdwepuamx46uu6eqyd.onion/', 'http://fmrsmdsuokgzj5oujoqcod23gnvkqptg3vzbcqz6vw2ci7gonigijuyd.onion/', 'http://374ydckkglmslkqy3coatm5nn2rk3hg43lgci4wrhizhr47zfyfbdead.onion/', 'http://7izw24yz3udwtvfoq4lshv2ibow6jahx4lojoxsdt2nkqzzpr7osoxad.onion/', 'http://zz7ez3cgy6o4eehu5bc2cs7t4jvq7j7duragx3pfrgnafxui7l2ybzqd.onion/', 'http://kp5amzgfhwmpn26vnmx7h445x4xb7ofaxitonovt6mlewq5bpawkq7id.onion/', 'http://x3rx5uqoohqzfcnq3neiqwunb6eh5yc4ybu26nxwqqltclkvdvwbprad.onion/', 'http://2f7k6jhxwbpiyuomb27eywzollahlje2xph3t5wckupkoeluantatbad.onion/', 'http://tlr5h3my4jyvwgmyrvu2oadls2o3f377cz2bqnu3g7oaycofiweqjfyd.onion/', 'http://ib3ru7m66tg37w6o7zxe4upntw2p7236c63wb5n3beeapiuor535vhad.onion/', 'http://rivdgsucnasob3iiux5j4g4ybqz6flxgx2vz4h6i2wfu42hbbmwwcuqd.onion/', 'http://dfhu2iceszxurn7lf5mb5xhainmb7vulpizncjomtn4w5j5cv3pz52qd.onion/', 'http://2ntyvlixm5zzhn2zgowgbbu5s6forpttomntefg5dapivr5qwokkyvyd.onion/', 'http://uax2s63op7lboqhuxscjfiwcea4retnus6z2ph33cd44dyqdsyosj6id.onion/', 'http://w6kf2ktnbzx3hha25snxdwg57ydqdskzcs5tdrdztajb2vn7jk5hzrid.onion/', 'http://vokr3ancppaevval5hwpqpm43szyj7nysfoxqfsrc274jabs5m2227yd.onion/', 'http://mdpkohdcvgyiexi4yihiufdi2wmau5yd6wjr7rituvwntifxuh43deyd.onion/', 'http://iwtkvmhwx7g743ytqj6yiibbb33a3ycezssyn6gai2hny7b2ynez6sad.onion/', 'http://uiecrea6byqjfppofxjcku2rjs6qxeqblnc7ljveopbtd4ih635saiid.onion/', 'http://n7f7ic7islqbyw3vzans3mddgaooirbf4i75tvsfvxjvni7vxanwczad.onion/', 'http://utijlj5t2xamyekjr3ur7vpdnttaqit57fher2nzibih3nqil75jhjyd.onion/', 'http://lc6wrbsdvaayqkhj47bjkj7mfnaiyvsnufmdnkhai6de3uxhu6bssgyd.onion/', 'http://nxml7szv4m3hd6gtjjg62xejyusbbqvmb3thfwaa6wimablrzuk7p3qd.onion/', 'http://jt772jtwpfrluifvz34ti43kfgv6lz7bgiviwopl73slo6a3wetch4yd.onion/', 'http://2xipgq7vsu6d6llgg4tr4wxwdc5tbmmtx3jxfax3kx2dorkcnzsimwqd.onion/', 'http://d7akeguwmrxmrg7tgzx7a73mksq3zpcjjk2c4jibfhmvrhhd6oprsfyd.onion/', 'http://ozokx66qqmtvjbkbkudtfnrfy5euwug2gbekqm6ug42j76knmtzcrkid.onion/', 'http://yj2xh4wxcjncsgj7642jzky7uf4mrjcp6zrcdgxylxbepyvgv4meljqd.onion/', 'http://l2abuimje7jrypvv57p2ihf36rza2etoobyvsddgxqrsssn7tyb7txid.onion/', 'http://43xvcojnfpqlbjxrbuuulyh3xtqrkl3qboi67xxd4jsigmpccbhxcoid.onion/', 'http://6ibv6c5n6orfgzpt4apgqtrbr3ot2ninpbpi6hwolq2lzcgj6lzj4rid.onion/', 'http://kinkwgtp4sfj3tovixjlvsklktjul7v5o55lkf6cgmlnugqlletzsxad.onion/', 'http://k2xhcuvhwh5cyua5vwa4xjeyvyfatzkrh5yn5kc5munvglzge4cod2ad.onion/', 'http://zv7u2tclxajbgae6ba4jkisnkfkts3lk7lxlypmuqktrk42qmo2c7hqd.onion/', 'http://secxrosqawaefsio3biv2dmi2c5yunf3t7ilwf54czq3v4bi7w6mbfad.onion/', 'http://cqwdv5rxut5l3blbeg74ddfo6ya65xsxqan7vawffdng6ynd2kulfkqd.onion/', 'http://nlqnxzqixcwazwyib4bft2m6ikjrtihh4qgdtnmpmbi3meio5jj2xsad.onion/', 'http://naurcsrhvsnxotv5awcsmddlcwgv447fvolmkyo6gfgszvtofijd6oid.onion/'] |
Internal MISP references
UUID 840d5e7b-e96f-426d-8cf0-a5a10f5e4a46
which can be used as unique global reference for Ranzy
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | ['http://37rckgo66iydpvgpwve7b2el5q2zhjw4tv4lmyewufnpx4lhkekxkoqd.onion'] |
Internal MISP references
UUID f4340cdb-ed0c-411e-ae11-b14ee151886a
which can be used as unique global reference for Relic
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | ['http://relic5zqwemjnu4veilml6prgyedj6phs7de3udhicuq53z37klxm6qd.onion', 'http://chatc46k7dqtvvrgfqjs6vxrwnmudko2ptiqvlb7doqxxqtjc22tsiad.onion/?auth_id='] |
Internal MISP references
UUID 9a970739-24e3-4eb5-9154-d0ac6b2c378d
which can be used as unique global reference for Royal
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | ['http://royal2xthig3ou5hd7zsliqagy6yygk2cdelaxtni2fyad6dpmpxedid.onion', 'http://royal4ezp7xrbakkus3oofjw6gszrohpodmdnfbe5e4w3og5sm7vb3qd.onion', 'http://72u5vd67xdff354hhge6wjuvsixxwo3c6bvrdlqstgmjfptpbzwrsmad.onion', 'http://k6s24pz55gtvtzzpg4riv7zb74vts425bl42zrpmice5ud3a65itj6ad.onion/', 'http://yef4xoqj2jq554rqetf2ikmpdtewdlbnx5xrtjtjqaotvfw77ipb6pad.onion/'] |
Internal MISP references
UUID 470306b5-5a3b-4b63-9c02-0dc917584e72
which can be used as unique global reference for Rransom
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | ['http://t2tqvp4pctcr7vxhgz5yd5x4ino5tw7jzs3whbntxirhp32djhi7q3id.onion'] |
Internal MISP references
UUID efdf315c-e85c-4d87-b816-ec29dbea67b5
which can be used as unique global reference for Sabbath
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | ['http://54bb47h5qu4k7l4d7v5ix3i6ak6elysn3net4by4ihmvrhu7cvbskoqd.onion/blog', 'http://54bb47h.blog'] |
Ransomware, written in .NET.
Internal MISP references
UUID 70719914-dc82-4ab0-b925-da837b337c89
which can be used as unique global reference for Solidbit
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | ['http://solidb2jco63vbhx4sfimnqmwhtdjk4jbbgq7a24cmzzkfse4rduxgid.onion/login'] |
Internal MISP references
UUID ce4eb745-e341-4f5d-be93-2af23b9ad756
which can be used as unique global reference for Sparta
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | ['http://zj2ex44e2b2xi43m2txk4uwi3l55aglsarre7repw7rkfwpj54j46iqd.onion', 'http://z33da2c5d6t4ekkv4pxao7znpc2w2m47llzvg76g6xxgyd5wqqmfrtqd.onion'] |
Internal MISP references
UUID 0d4a8359-d607-4e5a-b85c-c8248cfa520a
which can be used as unique global reference for Spook
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | ['http://spookuhvfyxzph54ikjfwf2mwmxt572krpom7reyayrmxbkizbvkpaid.onion/blog/'] |
Internal MISP references
UUID 6e20bdd2-31ac-4429-8aa7-4ce8cb7dc7b5
which can be used as unique global reference for Stormous
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | ['http://3slz4povugieoi3tw7sblxoowxhbzxeju427cffsst5fo2tizepwatid.onion', 'http://h3reihqb2y7woqdary2g3bmk3apgtxuyhx4j2ftovbhe3l5svev7bdyd.onion', 'http://h3reihqb2y7woqdary2g3bmk3apgtxuyhx4j2ftovbhe3l5svev7bdyd.onion/stm.html', 'http://pdcizqzjitsgfcgqeyhuee5u6uki6zy5slzioinlhx6xjnsw25irdgqd.onion', 'http://6sf5xa7eso3e3vk46i5tpcqhnlayczztj7zjktzaztlotyy75zs6j7qd.onion'] |
Internal MISP references
UUID 0e2d3ead-3de9-4089-b7a3-10790b6f70f2
which can be used as unique global reference for Unknown
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | ['http://tdoe2fiiamwkiadhx2a4dfq56ztlqhzl2vckgwmjtoanfaya4kqvvvyd.onion'] |
Internal MISP references
UUID df2b1358-b3f1-4af4-8153-02f4fc018b03
which can be used as unique global reference for Unsafe
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | ['http://unsafeipw6wbkzzmj7yqp7bz6j7ivzynggmwxsm6u2wwfmfqrxqrrhyd.onion/'] |
V Is Vendetta
Internal MISP references
UUID f4b870cb-8c61-40ab-865b-b8304a120ba5
which can be used as unique global reference for V Is Vendetta
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
- https://www.ransomlook.io/group/v is vendetta
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | ['http://test.cuba4ikm4jakjgmkezytyawtdgr2xymvy6nvzgw5cglswg3si76icnqd.onion'] |
Related clusters
To see the related clusters, click here.
Internal MISP references
UUID 465828ea-6e81-4851-b02c-458d696629c1
which can be used as unique global reference for Vfokx
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | ['http://vfokxcdzjbpehgit223vzdzwte47l3zcqtafj34qrr26htjo4uf3obid.onion', 'http://746pbrxl7acvrlhzshosye3b3udk4plurpxt2pp27pojfhkkaooqiiqd.onion'] |
Internal MISP references
UUID 41979767-bfb8-4633-af1f-3946a599f922
which can be used as unique global reference for Vicesociety
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | ['http://4hzyuotli6maqa4u.onion', 'http://vsociethok6sbprvevl4dlwbqrzyhxcxaqpvcqt5belwvsuxaxsutyad.onion', 'http://ml3mjpuhnmse4kjij7ggupenw34755y4uj7t742qf7jg5impt5ulhkid.onion/', 'http://ssq4zimieeanazkzc5ld4v5hdibi2nzwzdibfh5n5w4pw5mcik76lzyd.onion/', 'http://wmp2rvrkecyx72i3x7ejhyd3yr6fn5uqo7wfus7cz7qnwr6uzhcbrwad.onion', 'http://xu66gzit6zp22qvixpenlxu2ok7vzrpqvgkuupkiukpz47va47ewbwad.onion', 'http://tahnytazh47jpikpajm2so2jdsjrkx6gfcu4p7bu7u3vfarnpvshgeyd.onion/'] |
aka Onix/Onyx
Internal MISP references
UUID 8b2e6391-05b4-439e-b318-1c3ace388c2d
which can be used as unique global reference for Vsop
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | ['http://mrdxtxy6vqeqbmb4rvbvueh2kukb3e3mhu3wdothqn7242gztxyzycid.onion/'] |
xing use a custom mountlocker exe
Internal MISP references
UUID e92d5c00-81ae-4909-9994-74bf48180f22
which can be used as unique global reference for Xinglocker
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | ['http://xingnewj6m4qytljhfwemngm7r7rogrindbq7wrfeepejgxc3bwci7qd.onion/'] |
Internal MISP references
UUID 64b7dc11-a627-43b2-91cd-38608784c53f
which can be used as unique global reference for Xinof
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | ['http://wj3b2wtj7u2bzup75tzhnso56bin6bnvsxcbwbfcuvzpc4vcixbywlid.onion'] |
Internal MISP references
UUID 476de1fe-d9b7-441a-8cb9-e6648189be3b
which can be used as unique global reference for Yanluowang
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
- https://blog.talosintelligence.com/2022/08/recent-cyber-attack.html - webarchive
- https://github.com/albertzsigovits/malware-notes/tree/master/Ransomware-Windows-Yanluowang - webarchive
- https://securelist.com/how-to-recover-files-encrypted-by-yanlouwang/106332/ - webarchive
- https://symantec-enterprise-blogs.security.com/blogs/threat-intelligence/yanluowang-targeted-ransomware - webarchive
- https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/free-decryptor-released-for-yanluowang-ransomware-victims/ - webarchive
- https://www.symantec.broadcom.com/hubfs/SED/SED_Threat_Hunter_Reports_Alerts/SED_FY22Q2_SES_Ransomware-Threat-Landscape_WP.pdf - webarchive
- https://www.ransomlook.io/group/yanluowang - webarchive
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | ['http://jukswsxbh3jsxuddvidrjdvwuohtsy4kxg2axbppiyclomt2qciyfoad.onion/'] |
"synonyms" in the meta part typically refer to alternate names or labels that are associated with a particular Akira.
Known Synonyms |
Megazord |
Internal MISP references
UUID 74f4aa81-d494-41b0-90dd-b5958fa4a822
which can be used as unique global reference for Akira
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
extensions | ['.akira', '.Powerrangers'] |
links | ['https://akiral2iz6a7qgd3ayp3l6yub7xx2uep76idk3u2kollpj5z3z636bad.onion/', 'https://akiral2iz6a7qgd3ayp3l6yub7xx2uep76idk3u2kollpj5z3z636bad.onion/n', 'https://akiralkzxzq2dsrzsrvbr2xgbbu2wgsmxryd4csgfameg52n7efvr2id.onion/', 'http://akiral2iz6a7qgd3ayp3l6yub7xx2uep76idk3u2kollpj5z3z636bad.onion/l', 'https://akiral2iz6a7qgd3ayp3l6yub7xx2uep76idk3u2kollpj5z3z636bad.onion/l'] |
ttp | ['Abuse Elevation Control Mechanism: Bypass User Account Control - T1088', 'Account Discovery - T1087', 'Archive Collected Data: Archive via Utility - T1560.001', 'Collection - TA0009', 'Command and Control - TA0011', 'Command and Scripting Interpreter - T1059', 'Command and Scripting Interpreter: PowerShell - T1059.001', 'Command and Scripting Interpreter: Windows Command Shell - T1059.003', 'Create Account: Domain Account - T1136.002', 'Create Account: Local Account - T1136.001', 'Create or Modify System Process: Windows Service - T1543.003', 'Credential Access - TA0006', 'Credential Dumping - T1003', 'Data Encrypted for Impact - T1486', 'Defense Evasion - TA0005', 'Discovery - TA0007', 'Domain Trust Discovery - T1482', 'Execution - TA0002', 'Exfiltration - TA0010', 'Exfiltration Over Alternative Protocol - T1048', 'Exfiltration Over Alternative Protocol: Exfiltration Over Unencrypted Non-C2 Protocol - T1048.003', 'Exfiltration Over Command and Control Channel - T1567', 'Exfiltration Over Other Network Medium - T1567.001', 'Exfiltration Over Web Service: Exfiltration to Cloud Storage - T1567.002', 'Exploit Public-Facing Application - T1190', 'External Remote Services - T1133', 'File and Directory Discovery - T1083', 'Impact - TA0040', 'Impair Defenses: Disable or Modify Tools - T1562.001', 'Impair Defenses: Disable Windows Event Logging - T1562.002', 'Inhibit System Recovery - T1490', 'Initial Access - TA0001', 'Lateral Movement - TA0008', 'Lateral Tool Transfer - T1570', 'Modify Registry - T1112', 'OS Credential Dumping: LSASS Memory - T1003.001', 'OS Credential Dumping: Security Account Manager - T1003.002', 'Permission Groups Discovery - T1069', 'Persistence - TA0003', 'Phishing - T1566', 'Phishing: Spearphishing Attachment - T1566.001', 'Phishing: Spearphishing Link - T1566.002', 'Privilege Escalation - TA0004', 'Process Discovery - T1057', 'Remote Access Software - T1229', 'Remote File Copy - T1105', 'Remote Services - T1021.002', 'Remote Services: Remote Desktop Protocol - T1021.001', 'Remote System Discovery - T1018', 'Service Stop - T1489', 'Steal Web Session Cookie - T1555.003', 'System Information Discovery - T1082', 'System Network Configuration Discovery - T1016', 'System Services: Service Execution - T1059.002', 'Transfer Data to Cloud Account - T1537', 'Unsecured Credentials: Credentials In Files - T1552.001', 'Unsecured Credentials: Credentials in Registry - T1552.002', 'Valid Accounts - T1078', 'Valid Accounts: Domain Accounts - T1078.002', 'Web Service - T1071.004', 'Windows Management Instrumentation - T1047'] |
Related clusters
To see the related clusters, click here.
A new ransomware group is said to have emerged in mid-April 2024, under the name "APT73." It's worth noting that the group reportedly self-proclaimed as an APT, which stands for "Advanced Persistent Threat" in the cybersecurity field. According to research, much of the available information about the aforementioned group came from another ransomware group known as LockBit. This is evident as the group, on its Data Leak Site (DLS) website, added pages such as "Contact Us," "How to buy Bitcoin," "Web Security Bug Bounty," and "Mirrors." Another relevant fact is that this group is also known as Ransomware Eraleig. This is because the group allegedly used a domain in the past to disclose information about victims. There is no information available about any Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures associated with this ransomware group, nor about the latest artifacts used for encryption purposes.
"synonyms" in the meta part typically refer to alternate names or labels that are associated with a particular Eraleign.
Known Synonyms |
Apt73 |
Internal MISP references
UUID 8855d8b5-7082-5504-aca4-24a83eca1197
which can be used as unique global reference for Eraleign
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
- https://www.ransomlook.io/group/eraleign (apt73)
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | ['http://eraleignews.com/', 'http://wn6vonooq6fggjdgyocp7bioykmfjket7sbp47cwhgubvowwd7ws5pyd.onion/', 'http://basheqtvzqwz4vp6ks5lm2ocq7i6tozqgf6vjcasj4ezmsy4bkpshhyd.onion/', 'http://bashe4aec32kr6zbifwd5x6xgjsmhg4tbowrbx4pneqhc5mqooyifpid.onion/', 'http://basheqtvzqwz4vp6ks5lm2ocq7i6tozqgf6vjcasj4ezmsy4bkpshhyd.onion', 'http://basherq53eniermxovo3bkduw5qqq5bkqcml3qictfmamgvmzovykyqd.onion', 'http://basherykagbxoaiaxkgqhmhd5gbmedwb3di4ig3ouovziagosv4n77qd.onion', 'http://bashete63b3gcijfofpw6fmn3rwnmyi5aclp55n6awcfbexivexbhyad.onion', 'http://bashex7mokreyoxl6wlswxl4foi7okgs7or7aergnuiockuoq35yt3ad.onion', 'http://7bbqrijcds5sgji3kiwo5o5qgxfgoyufykhzfdo6xl3qbdes2e7tdyad.onion', 'http://bashe4aec32kr6zbifwd5x6xgjsmhg4tbowrbx4pneqhc5mqooyifpid.onion', 'http://bashed52orwi7qoyvmcfkdnuaogta4inpojfd6cthzkp4qpsq64ux4ad.onion', 'http://bashedl53memptddxzb4kr5mnkzse4fmhpqeq7jb4srndswar46nofid.onion', 'http://bashefe5uezp2jtxpk24b2pyfnnfyguicgrgqufgu57mfluegotbeayd.onion', 'http://bashei5oy4zvmf2letnupwhgprdkjyssm3zxj2oyr6wfezkf3elehzqd.onion', 'http://qku4reiyfcs2vqq5tow2uprhyqhweo56lrgs6457svr3ej4ton5frkad.onion'] |
Zero Tolerance Gang
"synonyms" in the meta part typically refer to alternate names or labels that are associated with a particular Zero Tolerance Gang.
Known Synonyms |
Ztg |
Internal MISP references
UUID 82bd1c85-fa32-53ca-984b-9f4e5830beb9
which can be used as unique global reference for Zero Tolerance Gang
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
- https://www.ransomlook.io/group/zero tolerance gang (ztg)
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | ['http://zhuobnfsddn2myfxxdqtpxk367dqnntjf3kq7mrzdgienfxjyllq4rqd.onion/'] |
Internal MISP references
UUID 95cd32e5-4679-5871-a0ce-a0ecb361443d
which can be used as unique global reference for hellogookie
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | ['http://gookie256cvccntvenyxrvn7ht73bs6ss3oj2ocfkjt5y6vq6gfi2tad.onion/'] |
Internal MISP references
UUID 8d65309c-a3f8-514a-bc24-de3056dc3e16
which can be used as unique global reference for lambda
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | ['http://nn5ua7gc7jkllpoztymtfcu64yjm7znlsriq3a6v5kw7l6jvirnczyyd.onion', 'http://krjv3wondknwdrlvzp6ktqcqkrlvpme2xjt3fu7ojqpaqgl3sm33bdqd.onion/'] |
Internal MISP references
UUID b6aa46b3-46f5-522f-931f-b1ac57e8aadc
which can be used as unique global reference for darkrace
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | ['http://wkrlpub5k52rjigwxfm6m7ogid55kamgc5azxlq7zjgaopv33tgx2sqd.onion/'] |
ransomnotes | ['~~~ DarkRace ransomware ~~~\n\n>>>> Your data are stolen and encrypted\n\nThe data will be published on TOR website if you do not pay the ransom\n\nLinks for Tor Browser:\nhttp://wkrlpub5k52rjigwxfm6m7ogid55kamgc5azxlq7zjgaopv33tgx2sqd.onion/\n\n>>> What guarantees that we will not deceive you?\n\nWe are not a politically motivated group and we do not need anything other than your money.\n\nIf you pay, we will provide you the programs for decryption and we will delete your data.\n\nIf we do not give you decrypters, or we do not delete your data after payment. then nobody will pay us in the future.\n\nTherefore to us our reputation is very important. We attack the companies worldwide and there is no dissatisfied victim after payment.\n\n>>>> You need contact us and decrypt one file for free on these TOR sites with your personal DECRYPTION ID\n\nDownload and install TOR Browser https://www.torproject.org/\nWrite to a chat and wait for the answer, we will always answer you.\n\nYou can install qtox to contanct us online http://tox.chat/download.html\nTox ID Contact : [redacted]\n\nMail (OnionMail) Support: [redated]@onionmail.org\n\n>>>> Warning! Do not DELETE or MODIFY any files, it can lead to recovery problems!'] |
Related clusters
To see the related clusters, click here.
Internal MISP references
UUID be0414f6-efd9-5fb7-9383-8f9caf75d965
which can be used as unique global reference for metaencryptor
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | ['http://metacrptmytukkj7ajwjovdpjqzd7esg5v3sg344uzhigagpezcqlpyd.onion/'] |
clop torrents
Internal MISP references
UUID a25db83a-0467-52f8-8eee-2f871607d982
which can be used as unique global reference for clop torrents
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
- https://www.ransomlook.io/group/clop torrents
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | ['http://toznnag5o3ambca56s2yacteu7q7x2avrfherzmz4nmujrjuib4iusad.onion/'] |
"synonyms" in the meta part typically refer to alternate names or labels that are associated with a particular hunters.
Known Synonyms |
Hunters International |
Internal MISP references
UUID 97979d5f-2ab0-530a-b578-cb6b4ad381eb
which can be used as unique global reference for hunters
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
TTP | ['Obfuscated Files or Information - T1027', 'Process Discovery - T1057', 'Application Layer Protocol - T1071', 'Web Protocols - T1071.001', 'System Information Discovery - T1082', 'File and Directory Discovery - T1083', 'Native API - T1106', 'Shared Modules - T1129', 'Data Encrypted for Impact - T1486', 'Boot or Logon Autostart Execution - T1547', 'Impair Defenses - T1562'] |
links | ['https://hunters55rdxciehoqzwv7vgyv6nt37tbwax2reroyzxhou7my5ejyid.onion', 'https://hunters33mmcwww7ek7q5ndahul6nmzmrsumfs6aenicbqon6mxfiqyd.onion/login', 'https://huntersinternational.net', 'http://huntersinternational.su', 'http://hunters55wwmd25ycahnbn5xh45hvtwbmby6ly4p6qee5pughbyrajqd.onion', 'http://hunters33dootzzwybhxyh6xnmumopeoza6u4hkontdqu7awnhmix7ad.onion'] |
Related clusters
To see the related clusters, click here.
red ransomware
Internal MISP references
UUID 9fa719ee-cc7b-5565-b510-8ea31f3e113d
which can be used as unique global reference for red ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
- https://www.ransomlook.io/group/red ransomware
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | ['http://33zo6hifw4usofzdnz74fm2zmhd3zsknog5jboqdgblcbwrmpcqzzbid.onion/', 'http://ybxtfftwy2iwfqjy7fvvcrt5sd55fx3sk2yuztbx3y2dxb4dvqdhsiid.onion'] |
Internal MISP references
UUID b3162bc6-9f24-5da8-9473-e9a63448d342
which can be used as unique global reference for mydata
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | ['http://mydatae2d63il5oaxxangwnid5loq2qmtsol2ozr6vtb7yfm5ypzo6id.onion/blog', 'http://xszpovfd3q52omk5larjf4y7rziov2oee4u4amcm32wwsxc7ublmdtid.onion/', 'http://ot3vo3od2pajc7ymxdk6wimur7j7pgs2agvqlzyculowk3yoxzene2id.onion', 'http://2id7ik6lkd3jjjjlaarr3wckrxidp3bgl2jn5nhqciouk2ehuyakdiqd.onion'] |
Internal MISP references
UUID 89e5aab9-7d2d-5291-9f44-15001f97b981
which can be used as unique global reference for siegedsec
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | ['http://nv5p2mmpctvyqdyyi5zwh4gnifq2uxdx4etvnmaheqlrw6ordrjwxryd.onion/'] |
Internal MISP references
UUID b2fb8726-0274-5d51-b0eb-58a9351dc10b
which can be used as unique global reference for karma
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
- https://www.ransomlook.io/group/karma - webarchive
- https://blog.cyble.com/2021/08/24/a-deep-dive-analysis-of-karma-ransomware/ - webarchive
- https://blogs.blackberry.com/en/2021/11/threat-thursday-karma-ransomware - webarchive
- https://news.sophos.com/en-us/2022/02/28/conti-and-karma-actors-attack-healthcare-provider-at-same-time-through-proxyshell-exploits/?cmp=30728 - webarchive
- https://news.sophos.com/en-us/2022/03/17/the-ransomware-threat-intelligence-center/ - webarchive
- https://www.sentinelone.com/labs/karma-ransomware-an-emerging-threat-with-a-hint-of-nemty-pedigree/ - webarchive
- https://www.sentinelone.com/labs/nokoyawa-ransomware-new-karma-nemty-variant-wears-thin-disguise/ - webarchive
- https://www.symantec.broadcom.com/hubfs/SED/SED_Threat_Hunter_Reports_Alerts/SED_FY22Q2_SES_Ransomware-Threat-Landscape_WP.pdf - webarchive
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hgz5gZB3DxE - webarchive
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | ['http://3nvzqyo6l4wkrzumzu5aod7zbosq4ipgf7ifgj3hsvbcr5vcasordvqd.onion'] |
Internal MISP references
UUID 3e099540-9fe5-5e2e-9a48-ed0ec8b35828
which can be used as unique global reference for dan0n
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | ['http://2c7nd54guzi6xhjyqrj5kdkrq2ngm2u3e6oy4nfhn3wm3r54ul2utiqd.onion/'] |
lulzsec muslims
Internal MISP references
UUID 2492a6db-3f8c-5429-a5c0-c0dcc08aa000
which can be used as unique global reference for lulzsec muslims
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
- https://www.ransomlook.io/group/lulzsec muslims
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | ['http://dfi7ynmrugokn4fgvpbz5unt4d6k2i5abyez7wnoxxa2ifaw6s5puzqd.onion/', 'http://dfi7ynmrugokn4fgvpbz5unt4d6k2i5abyez7wnoxxa2ifaw6s5puzqd.onion/TOPDz/data/'] |
Internal MISP references
UUID c4a19468-e34d-527f-a88c-32f75419bf8f
which can be used as unique global reference for cloak
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | ['http://cloak7jpvcb73rtx2ff7kaw2kholu7bdiivxpzbhlny4ybz75dpxckqd.onion', 'http://6mw4yczxeqoiq7rgwnpi75qxsjd5jykuutpatflybodwlckoarhfdlid.onion/', 'http://7puvv4qtcrigzbxshqibkpibzbmrs6thb7s6uf3tisqfp3t2ddpp66id.onion/', 'http://jpef6snenchj3rxgugsozky3i34q66vmcoqy7neyu37xxiwxrad5doid.onion', 'http://glrw7ip5gz2fv2njbiqfvg5uiwavllw5zuixko4yrpj5hta7fjwqpjqd.onion', 'http://vicjwr6abknvcfjomocyb3koloidahc3hidwt5sq2ytwk7yepwfzlsid.onion', 'http://puzhh5aykks65qneqantprbqjt6k5bnigmwqwv6yvkxvkfu4ivva5mid.onion', 'http://piatupks5hai3oafo66xlj2eg2fbzjqy2j7gy3nyhqmnthlrwvrsolad.onion', 'http://necnstpnzuaovjocmiuv7ned7bstczit3kkvotqxl53xo5rfohndlvid.onion', 'http://ey2eak3vq5zbeu4s56m25mm4kvszy2is7gyjs6tsfzmhptbyijkzn2yd.onion', 'http://b53cqorlo7uftd3ymxguwnn7rfoz54ryoojjqxowdsaw2bahvuppntyd.onion', 'http://l3bbtg2p2gp2x43e2nngzkf7ab52k4mef3saowrl6m5notkts7p2vfyd.onion', 'http://vsdp5gqwrunytxw4f6dbxznux66aaewlwyenw3rantba4lwyzbckgfid.onion', 'http://a6gq22ngckken4xksz5ytl66sqeylh45ktke5pnbzfdksw5sfum5lvqd.onion', 'http://nbfxtlikrnicuht5yvvhlujpnh3spzjmek6eujeyck2ws34yytxjdhyd.onion', 'http://ziburuf5kh4phq5i6nmukpke7uruflhlvfexfmjwiwgghapz6ug3ajyd.onion', 'http://am3mzzguimx45wxywpukvwf3gobt3r4bidxzntjpsmqqge4s3vi2vvid.onion', 'http://occwme3xtlnzk3nlhn5ewsgodswrp6pysmmk7kcxqgj4hyiwkhoqcuyd.onion', 'http://qyywpuxysuur4exynwwwhu6nbd2f5vpj3h4tjbltfhwd4blamd4fppqd.onion', 'http://hsn2e745m36crxj2gmnrp432vbsyarhwvq3fgcyus345dp3oqlrltuad.onion', 'http://pbbeck4xcy3jzbu6lv5db3c5n3n44wngmpb5jj3yo4px32mlznziwbid.onion', 'http://hmxt5u75kj5qxqjqhckgaoda6zndgxcazleersyioat4iuq3ldgmkcid.onion', 'http://cii64fki62v2mudocjvgarzlmnpqrfp6xb7korapmdd7qmjpnccgduyd.onion', 'http://jrmayo7rvsx6sbv36djpdge6iwuem67dhccpctera2ykmqr6kplhayad.onion', 'http://ljrswxeei4isir3s5i7xmlzpx6sabmkgd7mvjrimcqwu7rqpn7bdjfad.onion', 'http://qixf7fqw237ikunw4ey22jsc4deltducf6zn4mq4ldyqab3ij3gehlyd.onion', 'http://ztqugnw4upfmd6mu3l6sdz2mfvzxzouhwgqqowyjeedgsmz733dqq2ad.onion', 'http://u66kitj46wmr5onijbbkg7cq45crcs66c563kyqy6klxm5c2nz42ujid.onion', 'http://e7gxrudyx2o733zlernyqqv623wyky5teor5xhnnx2g6dt4vf6jwn2yd.onion', 'http://qx2b2on5phkj4jczfpzfkb5cuhxn7wfqbgdu27pmxyzamoim3jqff6qd.onion', 'http://37izr5yow5d673agew22miyy3inbqncuv7gfp5372yciuzvadqef66yd.onion', 'http://d2wqt4kek62s35hjeankc75nis4zn4e5i6zdtmfkyeevr7fygpf2iiid.onion', 'http://sclj2rax5ljisew3v4msecylzo7iieqw25kcl7io4szei4qcujxixaid.onion', 'http://xyy2fymbdytltylyuicasuvw7vw3gtgm3cvvjskh4jnzfg3gp7dqgnqd.onion', 'http://heac3upmfv33scnkeek64dqdx2cblv7z256aezluyvgtwsxi2o3coiid.onion/', 'http://uss2a5zyeth7sop57zhgqcyafmnbkmoknps3i7anusze77zppp4bf5yd.onion/'] |
Internal MISP references
UUID 1cc6ada3-a632-54a4-9df1-f41287e3f566
which can be used as unique global reference for 8base
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | ['http://basemmnnqwxevlymli5bs36o5ynti55xojzvn246spahniugwkff2pad.onion/', 'http://xb6q2aggycmlcrjtbjendcnnwpmmwbosqaugxsqb4nx6cmod3emy7sad.onion', '', 'http://xfycpauc22t5jsmfjcaz2oydrrrfy75zuk6chr32664bsscq4fgyaaqd.onion/', 'http://basemmnnqwxevlymli5bs36o5ynti55xojzvn246spahniugwkff2pad.onion/contact'] |
ttp | ['Scheduled Task/Job - T1053', 'Command and Scripting Interpreter - T1059', 'Shared Modules - T1129', 'Boot or Logon Autostart Execution - T1547', 'Registry Run Keys / Startup Folder - T1547.001', 'Token Impersonation/Theft - T1134.001', 'Obfuscated Files or Information - T1027', 'Software Packing - T1027.002', 'Modify Registry - T1112', 'Indirect Command Execution - T1202', 'Masquerading - T1036', 'Hidden Files and Directories - T1564.001', 'File Deletion - T1070.004', 'Virtualization/Sandbox Evasion - T1497', 'Disable or Modify Tools - T1562.001', 'OS Credential Dumping - T1003', 'Input Capture - T1056', 'Process Discovery - T1057', 'Network Share Discovery - T1135', 'System Information Discovery - T1082', 'File and Directory Discovery - T1083', 'Virtualization/Sandbox Evasion - T1497', 'Security Software Discovery - T1518.001', 'Taint Shared Content - T1080', 'Data from Local System - T1005', 'Data Staged - T1074', 'Input Capture - T1056', 'Inhibit System Recovery - T1490', 'Data Encrypted for Impact - T1486', 'Data Destruction - T1485'] |
Related clusters
To see the related clusters, click here.
Internal MISP references
UUID 1f016089-b996-5695-81b0-4a93eacb5b6d
which can be used as unique global reference for noescape
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | ['http://noescaperjh3gg6oy7rck57fiefyuzmj7kmvojxgvlmwd5pdzizrb7ad.onion/login', 'http://noescapemsqxvizdxyl7f7rmg5cdjwp33pg2wpmiaaibilb4btwzttad.onion/', 'http://noescapemsqxvizdxyl7f7rmg5cdjwp33pg2wpmiaaibilb4btwzttad.onion/archive'] |
black suit
BlackSuit is a type of malicious software classified as ransomware. Its operation involves multifaceted extortion, encrypting and exfiltrating victim data, and hosting public data leak sites for victims who fail to meet its demands. BlackSuit’s activities first began in early May 2023. Designed to prevent access to files by encrypting them, this ransomware appends the “.blacksuit” extension to the names of all affected files. Furthermore, it changes the desktop wallpaper and creates a ransom note file named “README.BlackSuit.txt.” This threat actor targets large corporations, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), with no apparent specific discrimination regarding industry or type of victim.
Internal MISP references
UUID 300f682f-707f-590f-9202-87f0ce6c1a04
which can be used as unique global reference for black suit
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
- https://www.ransomlook.io/group/black suit
- https://www.ransomware.live/group/blacksuit - webarchive
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
TTP | ['Privilege Escalation - TA0004', 'Defense Evasion - TA0005', 'Command and Control - TA0011', 'Initial Access - TA0001', 'Impact - TA0040', 'Clear Windows Event Logs - T1070.001', 'Disable or Modify Tools - T1562.001', 'Data Encrypted for Impact - T1486', 'Exploit Public-Facing Application - T1190', 'Remote Desktop Protocol - T1021.001', 'Group Policy Modification - T1484.001', 'Ingress Tool Transfer - T1105', 'Inhibit System Recovery - T1490', 'External Remote Services - T1133', 'Domain Accounts - T1078.002', 'Spearphishing Attachment - T1566.001', 'Spearphishing Link - T1566.002', 'Valid Accounts - T1078', 'Automated Collection - T1119', 'Protocol Tunneling - T1572', 'Phishing - T1566'] |
links | ['http://weg7sdx54bevnvulapqu6bpzwztryeflq3s23tegbmnhkbpqz637f2yd.onion', 'http://c7jpc6h2ccrdwmhofuij7kz6sr2fg2ndtbvvqy4fse23cf7m2e5hvqid.onion', 'http://nz2ihtemh2zli2wc3bovzps55clanspsqx5htu2plolby45a7pk4d3qd.onion/', 'http://qjdremetxo2zpli32exwb5uct6cjljyj7v52d5thn7usmj5mlyxdojqd.onion/', 'http://yef4xoqj2jq554rqetf2ikmpdtewdlbnx5xrtjtjqaotvfw77ipb6pad.onion/', 'http://ptsfbwx5j7kyk5r6n6uz4faic43jtb55sbls7py5wztwbxkyvsikguid.onion/', 'http://ro4h37fieb6oyfrwoi5u5wpvaalnegsxzxnwzwzw43anxqmv6hjcsfyd.onion/', 'http://cyfafnmijhiqxxfhtofmn5lgk3w5ana6xzpc6gk5uvdfadqflvznpjyd.onion/', 'http://betrvom4agzebo27bt7o3hk35tvr7ppw3hrx5xx4ecvijwfsb4iufoyd.onion/', 'http://ybo3xr25btxs47nmwykoudoe23nyv6ftkcpjdo4gilfzww4djpurtgid.onion/', 'http://k6wtpxwq72gpeil5hqofae7yhbtxphbkyoe2g7rwmpx5sadc4sgsfvid.onion/', 'http://vm2rbvfkcqsx2xusltbxziwbsrunjegk6qeywf3bxpjlznq622s3iead.onion/', 'http://ng2gzceugc2df6hp6s7wtg7hpupw37vqkvamaydhagv2qbrswdqlq6ad.onion/', 'http://2yxf2ald2c67twt4663piypum2fu6yt4su453naxsdiilpd4m7pgu6qd.onion', 'http://wjdnuogx3mrnnutshrx7nbvjuwqfxnrb32rifaozygwdvs325s75keqd.onion', 'http://wxqhwn52dnzbrtqeywg35jfvzbpwkw7edlxxoil7ag44plraezw5z5id.onion'] |
Related clusters
To see the related clusters, click here.
Internal MISP references
UUID 3b35ff68-a503-54a1-9bc0-d7664340a5da
which can be used as unique global reference for werewolves
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | ['https://werewolves.pro', 'https://weerwolven.biz/en/ '] |
Internal MISP references
UUID f2eeb8ab-160c-5e4a-bf04-bc93cff90622
which can be used as unique global reference for killsec
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | ['http://kill432ltnkqvaqntbalnsgojqqs2wz4lhnamrqjg66tq6fuvcztilyd.onion/'] |
rabbit hole
Internal MISP references
UUID 10f83e56-37f2-56ec-84c7-b9c80a3dcfee
which can be used as unique global reference for rabbit hole
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
- https://www.ransomlook.io/group/rabbit hole
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | ['http://z5jixbfejdu5wtxd2baliu6hwzgcitlspnttr7c2eopl5ccfcjrhkqid.onion'] |
Internal MISP references
UUID 9f8fb586-8511-5baf-a74f-f8d224beac4c
which can be used as unique global reference for raznatovic
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | ['http://f6amq3izzsgtna4vw24rpyhy3ofwazlgex2zqdssavevvkklmtudxjad.onion/', 'http://f6amq3izzsgtna4vw24rpyhy3ofwazlgex2zqdssavevvkklmtudxjad.onion/market.html', 'https://ransomed.vc/market.html', 'https://ransomed.vc/'] |
Internal MISP references
UUID 77e2a547-8288-58f0-ba41-b3c2eb57f24a
which can be used as unique global reference for abyss-data
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | ['http://3ev4metjirohtdpshsqlkrqcmxq6zu3d7obrdhglpy5jpbr7whmlfgqd.onion', 'http://ufvi7hpcawesdklmommeeq4iokhq2km4hay3dwh4rirth5xaomle35id.onion/', 'http://t7ogwvu74a6flssns55yv7zw2xvssqbhrdbxqrwbahumyzwklnvqayid.onion/', 'http://gmxnejtsg3uiwopmnsooxbi3p2nukwemkvm7bg44tgbbnuuuyofqjfyd.onion/', 'http://jtjz6utbmabwcatyomwxaeum7ey7nxs7yooqflxhctnksjqsnammonqd.onion/', 'http://2mhkqjcw4auxop7auchz2iijcbj63qccwodtokofbb2ul5oejkkt6xyd.onion/', 'http://wka7ma7rzgmzmtn65dhv5zp5p6e3uv5sydnns7xsf6kpf7noukhchhqd.onion/', 'http://l3yeoyhnphtymqua5env7qitedmqv5ahe7waxgndwa64z2c2h3cjjhqd.onion/', 'http://2j45tydxcvm44jbyr6krhx77rzey3jtif5qdjak2gik4usoljvvhqaid.onion/', 'http://cuft7z2xlfogrtx4ddqnjqyerye2qtagksow2fip4xbb5iw7dsgtvhqd.onion/', 'http://wyz32kscr2ythqpyjwqfxcaxn5576fdurr7jag44gggnmi4cvhykhvid.onion/', 'http://3pb6cefz6hubgyb2ph7ua7yjzjpxwapbbp5zomz7xmvrjhjfykjwu6id.onion/', 'http://kn4spxunete4ddz7375i2wpnj4vvkir7wdmcg2pc5yod56lmb54nbayd.onion/', 'http://2ikvareyuw2wjnc4vb5yteq7d2tkg6k3gevnixzqtkn3cpvej6ajj4yd.onion/', 'http://wflff64dxxqvfhd7poarkvkphmibdjyyhv7h4zqo5m52ggsgncmbrbqd.onion/', 'http://frheu6drsqpehmuyrdxdrfu5bzqwxps4zlmnuxlcnxskwxcwqsyhwxyd.onion/', 'http://kceqbaoxmx2czutxty3mq35m5mv46dq66hpszrhbhduj7uwhu6ax3qad.onion/', 'http://4nsmlpz4qceow7bfrmarxdqaj7chcqobin3mzb27uhscb2yvjs6j4xqd.onion/', 'http://nka6xgyyu77ksb5xmmovp4en2hrkg53mfq2osql526oe7nybnlggfgid.onion/', 'http://mflnjnwfinorxxsgkyfel3fqanbtbbrl5k5mqqjwmrf7o3jc6a4hy3id.onion/', 'http://jtt4lqatjtrj5hxxi33dczkluouf5wivzdmy4v62dnhipk6ixk5mktad.onion/', 'http://udugclljnfcx34amtpddkjggmkfqci5xnlfef2hqtxstufulo3pvauid.onion/', 'http://vmmefm7ktazj2bwtmy46o3wxhk42tctasyyqv6ymuzlivszteyhkkyad.onion/', 'http://cfev2mvlqooohl3af2upkgu3ju4qcgqrrgh6sprfxkgh3qldh2ykxzyd.onion/', 'http://2fzahjlleflpcyecd245xe3q6tczjkwzcm4fbhd4q4bsun45y2csyayd.onion/', 'http://wpefgvpyuszr4vg444qed734big233itylqclte7usszbdbfyqvb2lqd.onion/', 'http://gvzbeu532wwxqze3v3xcxpsbhpvwusnajzahi55dqklbunzgjp5wchad.onion/', 'http://ieelfdk3qr6as2u5cx3kfo57pdu6s77lis3lafg5lx5ljqf2izial6ad.onion/', 'http://yuhflx7yjk52jedcrtb3ne235mmykqfwc6jarby7lxxgv26ep7x4qjqd.onion/', 'http://zngbsq66uwem4qzyxpqb5rjo2xebnbwdku27nhmquryx6ljnbbedhiad.onion/', 'http://ub63kcmphxbm3m64wwhuznbxfap4hlgqtauhnf4rvz23cdnrqr4towid.onion/', 'http://s5v5hvtk3oyxg3m6afgxeuwlasqku3adeosv7kwwjfvhf22vqiwotrqd.onion/', 'http://jqlcrn2fsfvxlngdq53rqyrwtwfrulup74xyle54bsvo3l2kgpeeijid.onion/', 'http://bgifgvekggqjfqx6x45e24vq7nm6in54rk36fo6jg4qf3yvy6lfisgid.onion/', 'http://yehbrr7tnzrcpcq2fglrf73ug2jqhgngxnyv3clyhrswdwmg45p7fyad.onion', 'http://46vfmzfh3uxc3ojn6z267jmiytfhxzq4x7vvnqtycu5wa6hh3jl2hjyd.onion/', 'http://tycacxbqdhohowofueufbnekscyomymoxbr4wlim5cqpfv72z6popcid.onion/', 'http://y7fupmz3lx64ilnyvxbu73xigzdtc6fl2aee2duuf546duoo4nurv2id.onion/'] |
Internal MISP references
UUID e5cc7cd8-3b03-592e-aaed-7a9807647857
which can be used as unique global reference for cryptnet
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | ['http://cryptr3fmuv4di5uiczofjuypopr63x2gltlsvhur2ump4ebru2xd3yd.onion', 'http://blog6zw62uijolee7e6aqqnqaszs3ckr5iphzdzsazgrpvtqtjwqryid.onion/'] |
Internal MISP references
UUID a494c749-5902-5aa7-b0da-16de28230b1c
which can be used as unique global reference for losttrust
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | ['http://hscr6cjzhgoybibuzn2xud7u4crehuoo4ykw3swut7m7irde74hdfzyd.onion/'] |
Rhysida is a ransomware-as-a-service (RAAS) group that emerged in May 2023. The group utilizes a namesake ransomware through phishing attacks and Cobalt Strike to breach the targets' networks and deploy their payloads.
The group threatens to publicly distribute exfiltrated data if the ransom is not paid, and it's worth mentioning that Rhysida is still in the early stages of development.
The ransomware leaves PDF notes in the affected folders, instructing victims to contact the group through its portal, and payment is made via Bitcoin.
After encryption, the ransomware appends the extension ".ryshida" to encrypted files.
For encryption purposes, Trend Micro published an analysis stating that the ransomware uses a 4096-bit RSA key and AES-CTR for encryption.
In addition to the encryption method, Trend Micro published an analysis of the Ryshida Ransomware attack chain.
Finally, the group has a website on the Tor network hosting the companies that have been breached.
Internal MISP references
UUID 00cfde20-21c2-547c-ae07-ff42da937b38
which can be used as unique global reference for rhysida
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
TTP | ['Data from Local System - T1005', 'Application Window Discovery - T1010', 'Obfuscated Files or Information - T1027', 'Masquerading - T1036', 'Exfiltration Over C2 Channel - T1041', 'Process Injection - T1055', 'Thread Execution Hijacking - T1055.003', 'Process Discovery - T1057', 'Command and Scripting Interpreter - T1059', 'Application Layer Protocol - T1071', 'Web Protocols - T1071.001', 'System Information Discovery - T1082', 'File and Directory Discovery - T1083', 'Automated Collection - T1119', 'Shared Modules - T1129', 'Data Encrypted for Impact - T1486', 'Virtualization/Sandbox Evasion - T1497', 'Security Software Discovery - T1518.001', 'Registry Run Keys / Startup Folder - T1547.001', 'Bypass User Account Control - T1548.002', 'Hide Artifacts - T1564', 'NTFS File Attributes - T1564.004', 'Phishing - T1566', 'Acquire Infrastructure - T1583', 'Develop Capabilities - T1587', 'Active Scanning - T1595', 'Phishing for Information - T1598', 'Reflective Code Loading - T1620'] |
extensions | ['.ryshida'] |
links | ['http://rhysidafohrhyy2aszi7bm32tnjat5xri65fopcxkdfxhi4tidsg7cad.onion/', 'http://rhysidafohrhyy2aszi7bm32tnjat5xri65fopcxkdfxhi4tidsg7cad.onion/archive.php', 'http://rhysidafohrhyy2aszi7bm32tnjat5xri65fopcxkdfxhi4tidsg7cad.onion/archive.php?auction', 'http://rhysidafc6lm7qa2mkiukbezh7zuth3i4wof4mh2audkymscjm6yegad.onion/', 'http://rhysidaeoxtkejwuheks3a7htk4zn3dfuynt5mqw6oawlcx6kcxjdeyd.onion', 'http://rhysidaiqemmlrvn2jvncdwhkvuiv7s2iu342xnrpeynxoe6r2dtjfyd.onion', 'http://rhysidaqho36b6i6mvpmy5di4ro5zglovtxixrirky6q3fgack7q5uyd.onion'] |
Related clusters
To see the related clusters, click here.
Internal MISP references
UUID 80e280df-1cbd-5188-a938-0777db06741d
which can be used as unique global reference for c3rb3r
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | ['http://j3qxmk6g5sk3zw62i2yhjnwmhm55rfz47fdyfkhaithlpelfjdokdxad.onion/', 'http://c3rb3rnow2alp26exjwlrs7puvftcxqywmpqedlierashbqikyxgg3qd.onion'] |
Internal MISP references
UUID 6f03f532-e311-5ef8-bb1c-fe157419ec97
which can be used as unique global reference for trigona
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | ['http://6n5tfadusp4sarzuxntz34q4ohspiaya2mc6aw6uhlusfqfsdomavyyd.onion', 'http://trigonax2zb3fw34rbaap4cqep76zofxs53zakrdgcxzq6xzt24l5lqd.onion', 'http://trigonax2zb3fw34rbaap4cqep76zofxs53zakrdgcxzq6xzt24l5lqd.onion/api', 'http://krsbhaxbki6jr4zvwblvkaqzjkircj7cxf46qt3na5o5sj2hpikbupqd.onion', 'http://krsbhaxbki6jr4zvwblvkaqzjkircj7cxf46qt3na5o5sj2hpikbupqd.onion/api', 'http://zp6la4xdki3irsenq3t7z7pu2nnaktqgob6aizlzjkdiyw6azjeuhzqd.onion', 'http://3x55o3u2b7cjs54eifja5m3ottxntlubhjzt6k6htp5nrocjmsxxh7ad.onion/', 'http://znjkde7j35jed5qqz3sfiv56v6hyfkbluke5ypi2su5vhx2nruswjcad.onion/', 'http://aeey7hxzgl6zowiwhteo5xjbf6sb36tkbn5hptykgmbsjrbiygv4c4id.onion/', 'http://znuzuy4hkjacew5y2q7mo63hufhzzjtsr2bkjetxqjibk4ctfl7jghyd.onion'] |
Internal MISP references
UUID b57a280c-73c5-5e74-b760-32a7caa3bdda
which can be used as unique global reference for malas
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | ['http://malas2urovbyyavjzaezkt5ohljvyd5lt7vv7mnsgbf2y4bwlh72doqd.onion/posts/', 'http://malas2urovbyyavjzaezkt5ohljvyd5lt7vv7mnsgbf2y4bwlh72doqd.onion/atom.xml'] |
space bears
Internal MISP references
UUID 65e46714-046c-51d9-bae8-c5aa6e967017
which can be used as unique global reference for space bears
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
- https://www.ransomlook.io/group/space bears
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | ['http://5butbkrljkaorg5maepuca25oma7eiwo6a2rlhvkblb4v6mf3ki2ovid.onion/'] |
Internal MISP references
UUID 346b5835-aae4-5093-bc4f-bdf5c63d3de7
which can be used as unique global reference for shadow
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | ['http://lc65fb3wrvox6xlyn4hklwjcojau55diqxxylqs4qsfng23ftzijnxad.onion'] |
The ransomware landscape remains active in 2024, with various ransomware groups attacking a wide range of organizations. In this context, Medusa Ransomware has emerged as a significant cyber threat, standing out for its data encryption and extortion operations.
Medusa Ransomware appeared in 2021, quickly becoming one of the most feared cyber threats. This malware encrypts critical files and demands ransoms in cryptocurrency, exploiting vulnerabilities in corporate and institutional systems. Known for its advanced phishing tactics, Medusa infiltrates networks with ease, causing significant damage.
Critical sectors such as healthcare and finance have been severely impacted, facing operational disruptions and substantial financial losses. The ransomware continuously evolves, making it difficult for security experts to neutralize it. Medusa's rapid adaptation to new security defenses underscores the urgent need for more robust cybersecurity measures, emphasizing the importance of proactive cybersecurity.
The rise of Medusa Ransomware serves as a global warning about the dangers of sophisticated cyber threats and the need for ongoing preparedness.
Internal MISP references
UUID 620c3817-320a-5772-acf1-008cc8852b0f
which can be used as unique global reference for medusa
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
- https://www.ransomlook.io/group/medusa - webarchive
- https://twitter.com/ThreatFabric/status/1285144962695340032 - webarchive
- https://www.threatfabric.com/blogs/partners-in-crime-medusa-cabassous.html - webarchive
- https://www.threatfabric.com/blogs/the-rage-of-android-banking-trojans.html - webarchive
- https://news.drweb.com/show/?i=10302&lng=en - webarchive
- https://web.archive.org/web/20200509171721/https://raw.githubusercontent.com/fdiskyou/threat-INTel/master/2015/GlobalThreatIntelReport.pdf - webarchive
- https://www.arbornetworks.com/blog/asert/medusahttp-ddos-slithers-back-spotlight/ - webarchive
- https://zerophagemalware.com/2017/10/13/rig-ek-via-malvertising-drops-a-miner/ - webarchive
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
TTP | ['Remote Services - T1021', 'Software Packing - T1045', 'Windows Management Instrumentation - T1047', 'Exfiltration Over Alternative Protocol - T1048', 'Command and Scripting Interpreter - T1059', 'Valid Accounts - T1078', 'File and Directory Discovery - T1083', 'Ingress Tool Transfer - T1105', 'Brute Force - T1110', 'External Remote Services - T1133', 'Network Share Discovery - T1135', 'Data Encrypted for Impact - T1486', 'Service Stop - T1489', 'Inhibit System Recovery - T1490', 'Impair Defenses - T1562', 'Disable or Modify Tools - T1562.001', 'Safe Mode Boot - T1562.009', 'Phishing - T1566', 'Exfiltration Over Web Service - T1567'] |
extensions | ['.MEDUSA'] |
links | ['http://medusaxko7jxtrojdkxo66j7ck4q5tgktf7uqsqyfry4ebnxlcbkccyd.onion', 'http://xfv4jzckytb4g3ckwemcny3ihv4i5p4lqzdpi624cxisu35my5fwi5qd.onion', 'http://dlmfciajg5s4vliyo5dhs5jyzhi2xr2fnkebul46lpf4xudtqiue4nid.onion/', 'http://kyfiw76eol6ph2mq7pi5e5tdvce37bicddhai62qhdc5ja6jdchz4qqd.onion/', 'http://62foekhv5humjrfwjdyd2dgextpbf5i7obguhwvfoghmu3nxpkmxlcid.onion/', 'http://cx5u7zxbvrfyoj6ughw76oa264ucuuizmmzypwum6ear7pct4yc723qd.onion', 'http://hupxs7ps7md24kpz4lwsbra64abgxjx3pcc2wuca5ibawf2g5hlpfyqd.onion', 'http://osintcorp.net', 'http://uyku4o2yg34ekvjtszg6gu7cvjzm6hyszhtu7c55iyuzhpr4k5knewyd.onion/', 'http://5ar4vuckm3k7osdlzskqkaqmqr4jjpmdikuotmlpkrbsxx7ard3xetyd.onion/', 'http://medusakxxtp3uo7vusntvubnytaph4d3amxivbggl3hnhpk2nmus34yd.onion', 'http://s7lmmhlt3iwnwirxvgjidl6omcblvw2rg75txjfduy73kx5brlmiulad.onion', 'http://medusakxxtp3uo7vusntvubnytaph4d3amxivbgg13hnhpk2nmus34yd.onion/227098164ef1fdb119ef537986bbdf24', 'http://hm2hlugduzuxiya5bgrsewfxmrzxbmslvg3t42zdzsorcn2nyfbrh6qd.onion/', 'http://7aqabivkwmpvjkyefonf3gpy5gsubopqni7kcirsrq3pflckxq5zz4id.onion/'] |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['!!!READ_ME_MEDUSA!!!.txt'] |
Related clusters
To see the related clusters, click here.
Internal MISP references
UUID 323fb0b1-b27d-5bd7-aaa0-ab31df49f3b7
which can be used as unique global reference for mogilevich
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | ['http://dkgn45pinr7nwvdaehemcrpgcjqf4fooit3c4gjw6dhzrp443ctvnoad.onion', 'http://dkgn45pinr7nwvdaehemcrpgcjqf4fooit3c4gjw6dhzrp443ctvnoad.onion/leaks.html'] |
malek team
Internal MISP references
UUID 5feb8180-266f-5971-ab50-58f3eb7c321c
which can be used as unique global reference for malek team
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
- https://www.ransomlook.io/group/malek team
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | ['https://malekteam.ac', ''] |
ra group
Internal MISP references
UUID f75e53c0-e8c9-55d0-a419-c69272a645e8
which can be used as unique global reference for ra group
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
- https://www.ransomlook.io/group/ra group
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | ['http://pa32ymaeu62yo5th5mraikgw5fcvznnsiiwti42carjliarodltmqcqd.onion', 'http://hkpomcx622gnqp2qhenv4ceyrhwvld3zwogr4mnkdeudq2txf55keoad.onion', 'http://raworldw32b2qxevn3gp63pvibgixr4v75z62etlptg3u3pmajwra4ad.onion', 'http://raworlddecssyq43oim3hxhc5oxvlbaxuj73xbz2pbbowso3l4kn27qd.onion/'] |
Internal MISP references
UUID 5045afba-9ed7-590f-8db9-c9aedb5b7a76
which can be used as unique global reference for slug
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | ['http://3ytm3d25hfzvbylkxiwyqmpvzys5of7l4pbosm7ol7czlkplgukjq6yd.onion'] |
Tesorion describes Lorenz as a ransomware with design and implementation flaws, leading to impossible decryption with tools provided by the attackers. A free decryptor for 2021 versions was made available via the NoMoreRansom initiative. A new version of the malware was discovered in March 2022, for which again was provided a free decryptor, while the ransomware operators are not able to provide tools to decrypt affected files.
Internal MISP references
UUID b87375f3-fa83-5a36-af3a-801ca589cd49
which can be used as unique global reference for lorenz
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
- https://www.ransomlook.io/group/lorenz - webarchive
- https://www.zdnet.com/article/lorenz-ransomware-attack-victims-can-now-retrieve-their-files-for-free-with-this-decryption-tool - webarchive
- https://www.cybertalk.org/the-worst-outcomes-lorenz-ransomware-a-new-double-extortion-strategy - webarchive
- https://arcticwolf.com/resources/blog/lorenz-ransomware-chiseling-in/ - webarchive
- https://therecord.media/free-decrypter-available-for-lorenz-ransomware/ - webarchive
- https://twitter.com/AltShiftPrtScn/status/1423190900516302860?s=20 - webarchive
- https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/meet-lorenz-a-new-ransomware-gang-targeting-the-enterprise/ - webarchive
- https://www.cybereason.com/blog/cybereason-vs.-lorenz-ransomware - webarchive
- https://www.tesorion.nl/en/posts/lorenz-ransomware-analysis-and-a-free-decryptor/ - webarchive
- https://www.tesorion.nl/en/posts/lorenz-ransomware-rebound-corruption-and-irrecoverable-files/ - webarchive
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | ['http://lorenzmlwpzgxq736jzseuterytjueszsvznuibanxomlpkyxk6ksoyd.onion/', 'http://woe2suafeg6ehxivgvvn4nh6ectbdhdqgc4vzph27mmyn7rjf2c52jid.onion', 'http://lorenzedzyzyjhzxvlcv347n5piltxamo755pzqpozh5l47kj7mxueid.onion/', 'http://lorenzezzwvtk3y24wfph4jpho27grrctqvf6yvld7256rnoz7yg2eid.onion/'] |
team underground
Internal MISP references
UUID 517cc412-6624-5daa-8539-1271c51d78b0
which can be used as unique global reference for team underground
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
- https://www.ransomlook.io/group/team underground
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | ['http://undgrddapc4reaunnrdrmnagvdelqfvmgycuvilgwb5uxm25sxawaoqd.onion', 'http://ehehqyhw3iev2vfso4vqs7kcrzltfebe5vbimq62p2ja7pslczs3q6qd.onion/auth/login', 'http://47glxkuxyayqrvugfumgsblrdagvrah7gttfscgzn56eyss5wg3uvmqd.onion/'] |
Internal MISP references
UUID 1c8af0c6-7b20-5878-909d-6ac14429a9ed
which can be used as unique global reference for 3am
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | ['http://threeamkelxicjsaf2czjyz2lc4q3ngqkxhhlexyfcp2o6raw4rphyad.onion', 'http://ulkvlj5sirgrbnvb4hvbjo2ex2c2ceqe2j4my57fcdozpbq5h5pyu7id.onion', 'http://threeam7fj33rv5twe5ll7gcrp3kkyyt6ez5stssixnuwh4v3csxdwqd.onion/'] |
ttp | ['Create Account - T1136', 'Bypass User Account Control - T1548.002', 'Windows Service - T1543.003', 'Service Execution - T1569.002', 'Disable or Modify System Firewall Settings - T1562.004', 'Clear Windows Event Logs - T1070.001', 'Network Share Discovery - T1135', 'Group Policy Discovery - T1615', 'Remote System Discovery - T1018', 'Exfiltration Over Alternative Protocol - T1048', 'Inhibit System Recovery - T1490', 'Data Encrypted for Impact - T1486'] |
Related clusters
To see the related clusters, click here.
Internal MISP references
UUID e203cc8c-6df9-5561-b7f3-ab65ee4a8e6b
which can be used as unique global reference for crosslock
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
TTP | ['System Service Discovery - T1007', 'SMB/Windows Admin Shares - T1021.002', 'Process Hollowing - T1055.012', 'Process Discovery - T1057', 'Windows Command Shell - T1059.003', 'Clear Windows Event Logs - T1070.001', 'File and Directory Discovery - T1420', 'Data Encrypted for Impact - T1486', 'Inhibit System Recovery - T1490', 'Bypass User Account Control - T1548.002'] |
links | ['http://crosslock5cwfljbw4v37zuzq4talxxhyavjm2lufmjwgbpfjdsh56yd.onion/'] |
Related clusters
To see the related clusters, click here.
Internal MISP references
UUID e4b7ba12-79b7-5728-a4db-1f718959c81c
which can be used as unique global reference for cyclops
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | ['http://nt3rrzq5hcyznvdkpslvqbbc2jqecqrinhi5jtwoae2x7psqtcb6dcad.onion/', 'http://wy35mxvqxff4vufq64v4rrahxltn6ry33hjoogydwti6wbqutjaxrvid.onion/clients/chat/'] |
Research on the operators of the DragonForce ransomware was conducted, and it was identified that the group emerged around mid-November 2023. They employ the same method as many other ransomware groups, using double extortion in their attacks, i.e., data encryption and extortion for the publication of the attacks.
Initially, according to research, it was identified that another hacktivist group, also named DragonForce and based in Malaysia, conducted several campaigns in 2021 and 2022 against various government organizations and agencies across the Middle East and Asia. Additionally, the hacktivist group announced in 2022 its intention to initiate ransomware attacks. However, due to the limitation and difficulty in obtaining substantial information, no direct link could be established.
The activities of the DragonForce ransomware group were identified in November 2023 through a clandestine forum, where they announced their victims via data leaks.
Some samples related to the DragonForce ransomware group were obtained, and it was concluded that the group uses a binary (ransomware) based on LockBit Black. In other words, this threat group took advantage of the previously leaked builder from another ransomware group, LockBit, and incorporated these samples into their attacks to encrypt data.
The company Cyble published an analysis indicating that the ransomware used by DragonForce has a 99% similarity to the LockBit Black ransomware, suggesting the use of the leaked builder.
It is worth noting that the ransomware performs the entire operational routine, terminating processes, encrypting specific files, and subsequently creating a ransom note for the victim.
Internal MISP references
UUID 9cd58774-1f45-52dd-9c00-0050151cb093
which can be used as unique global reference for dragonforce
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
TTP | ['File Deletion - T1070.004', 'File and Directory Discovery - T1083', 'Malicious File - T1204.002', 'Data Encrypted for Impact - T1486', 'Disable or Modify Tools - T1562.001'] |
links | ['http://z3wqggtxft7id3ibr7srivv5gjof5fwg76slewnzwwakjuf3nlhukdid.onion/blog', 'http://3pktcrcbmssvrnwe5skburdwe2h3v6ibdnn5kbjqihsg6eu6s6b7ryqd.onion/login', 'http://z3wqggtxft7id3ibr7srivv5gjof5fwg76slewnzwwakjuf3nlhukdid.onion', 'http://3pktcrcbmssvrnwe5skburdwe2h3v6ibdnn5kbjqihsg6eu6s6b7ryqd.onion', 'http://dragonforxxbp3awc7mzs5dkswrua3znqyx5roefmi4smjrsdi22xwqd.onion', 'http://zsglo7t7osxyk3vcl7zxzup7hs4ir52sntteymmw63zvoxzcqytlw7qd.onion/', 'http://6dgi54prfmpuuolutr4hl3akasxbx4o34g5y2bj4blrvzzkjemhxenad.onion/', 'http://eogeko3sdn66gb7vjpwpmlmmmzfx7umtwaugpf5l6tb5jveolfydnuad.onion/', 'http://ewrxgpvv7wsrqq7itfwg5jr7lkc6zzknndmru5su2ugrowxo3wwy5yad.onion/', 'http://3ro23rujyigqrlrwk3e4keh3a3i6ntgrm3f42tbiqtf7vke47c6a6ayd.onion/', 'http://jziu7k7uee467r2wt66ndrwymmw7tsmqgcqi7aemcaxraqmaf2hdm3yd.onion/', 'http://2yczff6zyiey3gkgl5anwejktdp73abxbzbnvwobmrwkwgf3hudpyvyd.onion/', 'http://bpoowhokr3vi32l3t4mjdtdxfrfpigwachopk5ojwmgxihnojhsawuyd.onion/', 'http://dbvczza7nhwdb5kdvkzjtkrcvwnrt5viw7mihutueprvajy7rxhwq6id.onion/', 'http://xtcwd3xmxpggtizn7kmwwqeizexflkkyqsytg2kauccau6ddsfa4gfyd.onion/', 'http://4wcrfql53ljekid3sn66z6swjot725muveddq77utxltaelw64eikfid.onion/', 'http://73h3lxn24kuayyfkn4t6ij7e67jklo24vqzqdhpts3ygmim7hu6u6aid.onion/', 'http://nwtetzmrqhxieetg5lvth7szzvg35gfrqt23ly46vku56oo7pkueswyd.onion/'] |
ransomnotes | [' Hello!\n Your files (orcl, IADeAPP, [snip] dbs) have been stolen from your network and encrypted with a strong algorithm. We work for money and are not associated with politics.\nAll you need to do is contact us and pay.\n\n--- Our communication process:\n\n\t1. You contact us.\n\t2. We send you a list of files that were stolen.\n\t3. We decrypt 1 file to confirm that our decryptor works.\n\t4. We agree on the amount, which must be paid using BTC.\n\t5. We delete your files, we give you a decryptor.\n\t6. We give you a detailed report on how we compromised your company, and recommendations on how to avoid such situations in the future.\n \n--- Client area (use this site to contact us):\n\n\tLink for Tor Browser: http://3pktcrcbmssvrnwe5skburdwe2h3v6ibdnn5kbjqihsg6eu6s6b7ryqd.onion\n\t>>> Use this ID: [snip] to begin the recovery process.\n\t\n\t* In order to access the site, you will need Tor Browser, \n\t you can download it from this link: https://www.torproject.org/\n\n--- Additional contacts:\n\n\tSupport Tox: 1C054B722BCBF41A918EF3C485712742088F5C3E81B2FDD91ADEA6BA55F4A856D90A65E99D20\n\n--- Recommendations: \n\n\tDO NOT RESET OR SHUTDOWN - files may be damaged.\n\tDO NOT RENAME OR MOVE the encrypted and readme files.\n\tDO NOT DELETE readme files.\n\n--- Important:\n\n\tIf you refuse to pay or do not get in touch with us, we start publishing your files.\n\t21/01/2024 00:00 UTC the decryptor will be destroyed and the files will be published on our blog.\n\t\n\tBlog: http://z3wqggtxft7id3ibr7srivv5gjof5fwg76slewnzwwakjuf3nlhukdid.onion\n\nSincerely, 01000100 01110010 01100001 01100111 01101111 01101110 01000110 01101111 01110010 01100011 01100101'] |
Related clusters
To see the related clusters, click here.
A new ransomware group is said to have emerged in the cyber threat landscape. This time, it is a group known as RansomHub. The group emerged in mid-February 2024 and has already listed several organizations as alleged victims of their attacks, resulting from extortion through encryption and data leaks.
Internal MISP references
UUID 9a1bfbf8-e07c-55d0-9ca5-3bcfa67f2468
which can be used as unique global reference for ransomhub
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
TTP | ['Windows Management Instrumentation - T1047', 'Windows Command Shell - T1059.003', 'Clear Windows Event Logs - T1070.001', 'Data Encrypted for Impact - T1486', 'Service Stop - T1489', 'Inhibit System Recovery - T1490', 'Impair Defenses - T1562', 'Lateral Tool Transfer - T1570'] |
links | ['http://ransomxifxwc5eteopdobynonjctkxxvap77yqifu2emfbecgbqdw6qd.onion/', 'http://mjmru3yz65o5szsp4rmkmh4adlezcpy5tqjjc4y5z6lozk3nnz2da2ad.onion/', 'http:// http://an2ce4pqpf2ipvba2djurxi5pnxxhu3uo7ackul6eafcundqtly7bhid.onion', 'http://fpwwt67hm3mkt6hdavkfyqi42oo3vkaggvjj4kxdr2ivsbzyka5yr2qd.onion', 'http://an2ce4pqpf2ipvba2djurxi5pnxxhu3uo7ackul6eafcundqtly7bhid.onion', 'http://xeuvs5poflczn5i5kbynb5rupmidb5zjuza6gaq22uqsdp3jvkjkciqd.onion/', 'https://7vy5mydtkf4hqo3g5s4v7skmyn2xdh4mxg3xgtcqnequuospqtsmutqd.onion/', 'http://crylcxzmkllsvq3qgh6gmeg3abqcyliepqza2r57o43gsfwomibq2cyd.onion/', 'http://qa5qvqhtuzlyzrrgc7dkepyj34hb4psf6hk7jmiyn6cef7fxajdleoid.onion/', 'http://ransombgegc4e2vuq45noxekkmauikzt7qu6ab2rqsthdyxdpdufbqid.onion/', 'http://ransomgxjnwmu5ceqwo2jrjssxpoicolmgismfpnslaixg3pgpe5qcad.onion/', 'http://shedjytnmsdgyey7ho7r52leod3plffhe3yjmhyxfxxivnunnmw7coid.onion/', 'http://vqcrizmr7757hjbamfcb7pei2zv462o4ypi2djj4xvy5ax7f2b3c7bad.onion', 'http://davtdavm734bl4hkr3sr4dvfzpdzuzei2zrcor4vte4a3xuok2rxcmyd.onion/', 'http://dd4djzr2ywfcox3zfvpkpyh3b657hsdwpwv5cfkmdfde2lr3fpz6spad.onion/', 'http://cki3klxqycazagx3r5prae3nmfvxmwa34beknr3il4uf76vxd76akqid.onion/', 'http://pod4gkypkd6kykwoht3kioehhpoh4k75ybdfoe6q7hqbphrd77b32jqd.onion/', 'http://445ouvbxlevrxm7phyfr4au3ritat62zl7cwvrarvonrwmququordayd.onion', 'http://nr4jw2reeta2u4n2sq4sejjudllir4yfotzf5d4p3wn2ep6ddomtxxid.onion/', 'http://m52fl4estv4lmcvqhssh7mb7nsygiwe7oybhjhny7iuzrzwulq455eqd.onion', 'http://brclvwefzszko5xrlan7pebyliqdkv5cw75xksrxp772urjytkko5fyd.onion', 'http://rmr2kgq6vzifnyoaz7jaxdx5t6gsxurbakah5bafatsqldtt2mwneyid.onion', 'http://xdg53hbpwshgtbfbm6m7nv3ckkduo3dfdwdearcsvybfb3qaf4v7suyd.onion', 'http://toq7bk6abkr6lapwj3k22ffu4ud5jpox7jbfgzetpz7lxb427katstid.onion', 'http://tjnt7x2xodhthwrfnabhloogoo66jrgohgzpta22uwbqznsvrm5tu4id.onion/', 'http://fvixrjsdk2adazfnz4mrdvr4eznm346fk33y7nos65bdrtmfvw7f5vid.onion/', 'http://vhxbjx4iaeqgna22kqt5ajlqi72vbm6qcjev3efgr5oiklgptvjvjhqd.onion/', 'http://yszafmehxkoa7hrcay7cnyogfrmjqc4grds6innadspii5oz6fneyzyd.onion/', 'http://i4xita2momkw2jitqohbqgomjxqp53pyvgv5gbogvendbx3ucnynekyd.onion/', 'http://3ysbtsnhldlijvfdv7hwkr2gl3op2d56puspeo4whs6p272sde6fq5id.onion/', 'http://bd3atkmicmcif6mliquqdxltjq6mxvagw44gealayp34awtcx3ywlxid.onion/', 'http://biurt7anlhkncf2t3dvvtlszpnnyg3oiksyapcikxostz6zfrh4csvid.onion/', 'http://bzfp6qfir7bfqjxnpgofwvfzoyca7kmcsfliot5zzfsas6oofwo7zoad.onion/', 'http://fmcrlb2t524cpiiqiudbvdjmgvaczix2o5y5uc3zvi57niiyl467qgyd.onion/', 'http://gsqxzyynjegp73imth5p3ug4etgbehd3pb72e4zmiro4st3s2nlkmgyd.onion/', 'http://hjs27fuzq4j4gzshhbakt274eewxv2qdwmeugjx5eepwoaecczdkiiyd.onion/', 'http://i2agsvbyoy3viwel7ucjqtzcq3ocsj3jqqew5wlwpxty6uxd455qkoqd.onion/', 'http://kfvsqtlnfa5iiweywpubtqk4c2omc2vu4hvy26mhanaahtvpifzuxlid.onion/', 'http://l5hzzorh57w4wp5va4ouye77x5f2apqd6rvvh3tb2a7vcenn6c5a2fad.onion/', 'http://ljxmkfr6kl3ovwgkxycdrvvdf6tk7qdhgowcjkpsiocg7j5uuhmszyyd.onion/', 'http://red46f427ed4ogc76gscsqrytpdh4gy5reh2g6dzjpbm24k3ns2t27qd.onion/', 'http://xznhtihjpaz3rwcgwqrv3jipbbivlg5ttsdqoet55xe5a3nbxi47jwqd.onion/', 'http://y2hkrrb7aba2pgyvpfzqj3vlhbw7e2wj2t2wvtlmkr54yqz7p5ghnfid.onion/', 'http://yvst24dvz66unqqes6se3p3flxyzbtohaz6faknu5ne3zzeq2jumpiid.onion', 'http://sres5y2sze7lqkk5s4ahns5lhvc7nr5hqy5lchbxcvhaty2hnivdacqd.onion'] |
Related clusters
To see the related clusters, click here.
la piovra
Internal MISP references
UUID 590734bf-3e26-5c67-8a9d-ddb1a62a0bed
which can be used as unique global reference for la piovra
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
- https://www.ransomlook.io/group/la piovra
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | ['http://et22fibzuzfyzgurm35sttm52qbzvdgzy5qhzy46a3gmkrrht3lec5ad.onion/', 'http://h3txev6jev7rcm6p2qkxn2vctybi4dvochr3inymzgif53n2j2oqviqd.onion/', 'http://wx3djgl4cacl6y4x7r4e4mbqrrub24ectue7ixyix2du25nfowtvfiyd.onion'] |
wiper leak
Internal MISP references
UUID d4362ac0-1dcc-5df4-a890-1d1d3505425e
which can be used as unique global reference for wiper leak
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
- https://www.ransomlook.io/group/wiper leak
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | ['https://discord.com/invite/jjZQdDNnG'] |
Initially observed in June 2022, the Play ransomware (a.k.a PlayCrypt) operates through double extortion, targeting numerous organizations in Latin America. Its Initial Access method is quite similar to other ransomwares, involving attacks such as Phishing, Exposed Services to the Internet, and Valid Account compromises.
On April 19, 2023, the security company Symantec published two new tools developed by the Play group. These tools allow the malicious actor to enumerate and exfiltrate data from the internal network. The post mentions the following: "Play threat actors use the .NET infostealer to enumerate software and services via WMI, WinRM, Remote Registry, and Remote Service. The malware checks for the existence of security and backup software, as well as remote administration tools and other programs, saving the information in .CSV files that are compressed into a .ZIP file for later manual exfiltration by threat actors." These tools make use of the following .NET frameworks (Costura, AlphaVSS).
Internal MISP references
UUID 353be17b-d108-55e9-a0f1-2f4829183df0
which can be used as unique global reference for play
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
- https://www.ransomlook.io/group/play - webarchive
- https://chuongdong.com/reverse%20engineering/2022/09/03/PLAYRansomware/ - webarchive
- https://www.trendmicro.com/en_us/research/22/i/play-ransomware-s-attack-playbook-unmasks-it-as-another-hive-aff.html - webarchive
- https://www.sentinelone.com/labs/crimeware-trends-ransomware-developers-turn-to-intermittent-encryption-to-evade-detection/ - webarchive
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | ['http://mbrlkbtq5jonaqkurjwmxftytyn2ethqvbxfu4rgjbkkknndqwae6byd.onion', 'http://k7kg3jqxang3wh7hnmaiokchk7qoebupfgoik6rha6mjpzwupwtj25yd.onion', 'http://k7kg3jqzffsxe2z53jjx4goybvxu3a557kpsqakpwi6mrvfgcdo55tid.onion', 'http://ipi4tiumgzjsym6pyuzrfqrtwskokxokqannmd6sa24shvr7x5kxdvqd.onion', 'http://j75o7xvvsm4lpsjhkjvb4wl2q6ajegvabe6oswthuaubbykk4xkzgpid.onion', 'http://zi34ocznt242jallttwvvhihrezjdzfgflf3uhdv6t3z23hhcn54efid.onion', 'http://37wb3ygyb3r2vf2dt5o3ca62zlduuowvkkwjrtbcgc5iri4t6rnzr7yd.onion', 'http://eppsldmcnv3ylabsx5srvf36wnk6jrowg6x4unxclv55rnu4kf5436yd.onion', 'http://slg7tnjb65swwyaebnyymyvo73xm36hxwugdsps7cwcxicizyzyt2byd.onion', 'http://x6zdxw6vt3gtpv35yqloydttvfvwyrju3opkmp4xejmlfxto7ahgnpyd.onion', 'http://jnbiz5lp44ddg4u5rsr4yebbpxa3iytcsshgbqa4m6r6po5y57h6yxid.onion', 'http://sm2gah7bjg6u2dfl3voiex6njh2kcuqqquvv7za37xokmbcivsgqcnad.onion', 'http://z7u6dkys7b2aeibvklxga7mldzrepoauiuniqwfhdadkkwwgmv6bqhad.onion', 'http://kri3lez34pbqra3xs5wxo55djldtsekol6tuqdjqecqzga6dpnjqruyd.onion', 'http://iejj6bywviuecjwi3kxanzojqroe3j3phzgplvrdzcicimtcw6xgk3yd.onion', 'http://xixkhm6inbg6t5642t2pjafsjsh3eaonpjysdcfvr3zvadlqb6nhryad.onion', 'http://giix5r763sbxmu442tmwfb4thqbz4i5ppxcqsmnnlqnm2yiezv6epxqd.onion', 'http://mokcrzbitq2gc5qcpxcbce43pawuthyaoazl6iz2xknj53ebyb4r4eid.onion', 'http://gpph6awu7hqsmzmr5sihusjoscp3itwtk3b4i2chwspmka2ikuqcwaqd.onion', 'http://v3r6g4q3b2jpqusznecxexr5aqi42vy5ts6jy6fu3strecvb5c2woead.onion', 'http://4xo3cicwo2rhpwr6vkgwt7mqg4oiqihsmoxwlmklf4sjoatkdqjtmcyd.onion', 'http://a4gbdvoorwn3tcqijoedvdeukqaqwc6t2kx4gh3gm37gv4p37evvzqad.onion', 'http://6jb5avmh6rvcb7vcux7kaivnzpqcrfg4ui4xv2co5vmspgrwll7lkkyd.onion', 'http://doz7omlqqanryonvil4iuj65shzcv3efupqwubkza6553wnekrrd4uid.onion', 'http://hbwsxlq3uzknabg2blt7d4mcbu24oriklji36zdqsz3ou3mf2d7bvoid.onion', 'http://ysknyr5m5n3pwg4jnaqsytxea2thwsbca3qipi64vlep42flywx7dgqd.onion', 'http://b3pzp6qwelgeygmzn6awkduym6s4gxh6htwxuxeydrziwzlx63zergyd.onion', 'http://p2qzf3rfvg4f74v2ambcnr6vniueucitbw6lyupkagsqejtuyak6qrid.onion', 'http://whfsjr35whjtrmmqqeqfxscfq564htdm427mjekic63737xscuayvkad.onion', 'http://22rob5wgz7e7fskszzxvsyv4kuoqen62cui4wwoyjtsp22y6oescfhid.onion', 'http://2ebzdvjkfd5j6jjgm5cnxzk5v6c5pyaaylmzluy2h6v7esatqngswjid.onion', 'http://3fyivvhqricced46pa3xg7tzp3cr7zkca4ig7jbetcw7zs5ob7i46hid.onion', 'http://6u4fttcz3utppij47uzvuwuh7twvf35c6j35zbjyaar3l5nuiqg5ocqd.onion', 'http://btdigggok4d4pz6e3gdvj4ghdnmzhwctuff2jnh4gfanaqsd4omj3oqd.onion', 'http://ceyt3r2mcygr5ep3gbjxasj2vjdcb3jxql4ywkjqz6jy3t37gvw7byqd.onion', 'http://courierccomf4pnkbr2t2a5pvpwnbzc67fbnpt6ncbhyqj5opidhpqad.onion', 'http://gyv3gai4l5z5cecfqhnff54iq4ezkd7wbivxei4dobhty5jnbbtxecqd.onion', 'http://lesg437bhmubeh4fas2mgmnllsfgj2mnxvbljv32myzmj2adfctuyaqd.onion', 'http://lolipornqyecnhtrddt54qhayeownl5g6i5yadmwpnmbpek5mo4ks2qd.onion', 'http://pastebitl7cxnftvpyczqh6e6kaeyfdl2sodgeckrsl4idkfp5mqgdid.onion', 'http://qqtncwvlhyw6doanyykioeqit25jajjr7srelr75dgpn2bo3ovdsu3yd.onion', 'http://redchanpj427pbextcjriae5ottv4cka7cdrpghauzrwdwkobxdbpqid.onion', 'http://sa5g7pzkbhkh3tthniumj7cz7ftdx7upengz4iq3mnwubiotrhn63had.onion', 'http://tahgzc6zcq4dxwsdfziwdaljmdbuqegpoh5sfng7xmux6psih3epa4yd.onion', 'http://v3zgtoh5etfeuvhtgdpiejle4mzy7gdvoygildytlxwoay6qvrkixfad.onion', 'http://v5da6357wpzzqccy46ikdwe7zfeayh7kdfbhrpas4eli4w5qx44i4tqd.onion', 'http://wannafwvcfarw5dmjfqv4trxjtut7l4cguoirpennale6offik42a2qd.onion'] |
ransomware blog
Also known as MedusaLocker
Internal MISP references
UUID 7b4a7253-b508-56c8-aec8-981e087d1b34
which can be used as unique global reference for ransomware blog
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
- https://www.ransomlook.io/group/ransomware blog
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | ['http://z6wkgghtoawog5noty5nxulmmt2zs7c3yvwr22v4czbffdoly2kl4uad.onion', 'http://qd7pcafncosqfqu3ha6fcx4h6sr7tzwagzpcdcnytiw3b6varaeqv5yd.onion/ '] |
Internal MISP references
UUID 654d3f47-e30f-593c-9581-885c8d0ef7d5
which can be used as unique global reference for trisec
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | ['http://orfc3joknhrzscdbuxajypgrvlcawtuagbj7f44ugbosuvavg3dc3zid.onion/victim.html#', 'http://orfc3joknhrzscdbuxajypgrvlcawtuagbj7f44ugbosuvavg3dc3zid.onion/', 'http://pkk4gbz7lsbgeja6s6iwsan2ce364sqioici65swwt65uhicke65uyid.onion/', 'http://5qmw6mv5ucbeskd3rv6vgn5dqgsuectmtqvz4paukmvhtlazzkuxuwqd.onion/', 'http://5qmw6mv5ucbeskd3rv6vgn5dqgsuectmtqvz4paukmvhtlazzkuxuwqd.onion/victim.html', 'http://pkk4gbz7lsbgeja6s6iwsan2ce364sqioici65swwt65uhicke65uyid.onion/victim.html'] |
Internal MISP references
UUID 2b57c176-af54-5165-afb6-845d88049b18
which can be used as unique global reference for qiulong
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | ['http://62brsjf2w77ihz5paods33cdgqnon54gjns5nmag3hmqv6fcwamtkmad.onion/'] |
The CACTUS ransomware is said to have emerged around March 2023. The group became known for exploiting vulnerabilities to gain initial access and maintain a presence within the organization's infrastructure. There is little known information about the ransomware group, except that it emerged on the mentioned date and, following encryption, a text file named 'cAcTuS.readme.txt' would be created. Additionally, encrypted files were altered to the '.cts1' extension, and data exfiltration and victim extortion were conducted through the use of the service known as Tox. As mentioned earlier, the ransomware especially exploits vulnerabilities in VPNs, also utilizing obfuscation techniques to conceal its activities, such as employing UPX and utilizing encryption algorithms like OpenSSL, AES OCB, ChaCha20_Poly1305, system reinitializations, and others.
Internal MISP references
UUID e888321e-c84a-5fa7-8761-dd2aaef691b8
which can be used as unique global reference for cactus
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
- https://www.ransomlook.io/group/cactus - webarchive
- https://www.kroll.com/en/insights/publications/cyber/cactus-ransomware-prickly-new-variant-evades-detection - webarchive
- https://socradar.io/dark-web-profile-cactus-ransomware/ - webarchive
- https://securityscorecard.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/Whitepaper-Cactus-Ransomware.pdf - webarchive
- https://thehackernews.com/2023/11/cactus-ransomware-exploits-qlik-sense.html - webarchive
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
TTP | ['Initial Access - TA0001', 'Execution - TA0002', 'Persistence - TA0003', 'Privilege Escalation - TA0004', 'Defense Evasion - TA0005', 'Credential Access - TA0006', 'Discovery - TA0007', 'Lateral Movement - TA0008', 'Collection - TA0009', 'Command and Control - TA0011', 'Exfiltration - TA0010', 'Impact - TA0040', 'Disable or Modify Tools - T1562.001', 'Exfiltration to Cloud Storage - T1567.002', 'Credentials from Web Browsers - T1555.003', 'Obfuscated Files or Information - T1027', 'System Network Connections Discovery - T1049', 'Command and Scripting Interpreter - T1059', 'Data Encrypted for Impact - T1486', 'Exploit Public-Facing Application - T1190', 'Remote Desktop Protocol - T1021.001', 'OS Credential Dumping - T1003', 'Remote System Discovery - T1018', 'Software Deployment Tools - T1072', 'Lateral Tool Transfer - T1570', 'Remote Access Software - T1219', 'Software Packing - T1027.002', 'Domain Account - T1087.002', 'Scheduled Task - T1053.005', 'Account Discovery - T1087', 'Automated Collection - T1119', 'Create Account - T1136', 'Proxy - T1090'] |
links | ['https://cactusbloguuodvqjmnzlwetjlpj6aggc6iocwhuupb47laukux7ckid.onion', 'https://cactus5dqnqkppa5ayckiyk6dttpqwczdqphv5mxh4dkk5ct544q5aad.onion/', 'https://vhfd5qagh6j7qbisjqvly7eejqbv6z5bv77v6yuhctn77wmd3hjkyvad.onion', 'https://acfckf3l6l7v2tsnedfx222a4og63zt6dmvheqbvsd72hkhaqadrrsad.onion', 'https://6wuivqgrv2g7brcwhjw5co3vligiqowpumzkcyebku7i2busrvlxnzid.onion', 'https://truysrv2txxvobngtlssbgqs3e3ekd53zl6zoxbotajyvmslp5rdxgid.onion'] |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['cAcTuS.readme.txt'] |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://socradar.io/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/cactus-ransom-note.png.webp'] |
Related clusters
To see the related clusters, click here.
Internal MISP references
UUID 4ca1395f-a6c2-5351-8c93-f746f7562e56
which can be used as unique global reference for ciphbit
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | ['http://ciphbitqyg26jor7eeo6xieyq7reouctefrompp6ogvhqjba7uo4xdid.onion/', 'http://sonarmsng5vzwqezlvtu2iiwwdn3dxkhotftikhowpfjuzg7p3ca5eid.onion/contact/CiphBit'] |
inc ransom
Internal MISP references
UUID 382c9986-8a55-5917-b04e-b0bf2e495320
which can be used as unique global reference for inc ransom
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
- https://www.ransomlook.io/group/inc ransom
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | ['http://incblog7vmuq7rktic73r4ha4j757m3ptym37tyvifzp2roedyyzzxid.onion', 'http://incapt.blog/', 'http://incapt.su/blog/leaks', 'http://incblog6qu4y4mm4zvw5nrmue6qbwtgjsxpw6b7ixzssu36tsajldoad.onion/blog/disclosures', 'http://incpaysp74dphcbjyvg2eepxnl3tkgt5mq5vd4tnjusoissz342bdnad.onion/', 'http://incpaykabjqc2mtdxq6c23nqh4x6m5dkps5fr6vgdkgzp5njssx6qkid.onion/', 'http://incbacg6bfwtrlzwdbqc55gsfl763s3twdtwhp27dzuik6s6rwdcityd.onion', 'http://incbackend.top', 'http://incbackfgm7qa7sioq7r4tdunoaqsvzjg5i7w46bhqlfonwjgiemr7qd.onion', 'http://incbackrlasjesgpfu5brktfjknbqoahe2hhmqfhasc5fb56mtukn4yd.onion'] |
arcus media
Internal MISP references
UUID 30179cca-34c6-5cec-bc66-cc4e404c7d82
which can be used as unique global reference for arcus media
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
- https://www.ransomlook.io/group/arcus media
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | ['http://arcuufpr5xxbbkin4mlidt7itmr6znlppk63jbtkeguuhszmc5g7qdyd.onion'] |
jo of satan
Internal MISP references
UUID 8f0a410b-a73f-552b-8a05-6c5725eda76d
which can be used as unique global reference for jo of satan
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
- https://www.ransomlook.io/group/jo of satan
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | ['http://jos666vxenlqp4xpnsxehovnaumi4c3q4bmvhpgdyz7bsk3ho3caokad.onion/'] |
Internal MISP references
UUID 68b2f074-abf9-5a9b-b2a2-b804129acb31
which can be used as unique global reference for rancoz
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | ['http://ze677xuzard4lx4iul2yzf5ks4gqqzoulgj5u4n5n4bbbsxjbfr7eayd.onion/'] |
Internal MISP references
UUID 5eadcdf1-b21b-5e62-867d-332cd9bfac68
which can be used as unique global reference for dunghill
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | ['http://p66slxmtum2ox4jpayco6ai3qfehd5urgrs4oximjzklxcol264driqd.onion/index.html', 'http://nsalewdnfclsowcal6kn5csm4ryqmfpijznxwictukhrgvz2vbmjjjyd.onion/', 'https://5kvv27efetbcqgem4tl7jsolvr3jxkrbmn23rcjzl7kvqycxuao3t4ad.onion/', 'http://p242scyqdujesnozehk4ecfshk6i357cjywv3vzywrera3bndko4pgyd.onion', 'http://r4znrcbthzjclilled5yyrjy35gagoyfwvekiqih7btzrchvqdmgviqd.onion', 'http://sldltcn2d6mgtp66vgmvjptdtwgqyyewsjgwkzjybq3x55plzw4tefid.onion:3452', 'http://zroxb37ghsh2xkwrkfkyz65jmuv6goaltcqxohk4syziahgjv5zou5qd.onion'] |
Internal MISP references
UUID 48fa0281-81fd-5f46-a6ea-55ae3f92f243
which can be used as unique global reference for u-bomb
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | ['http://contiuevxdgdhn3zl2kubpajtfgqq4ssj2ipv6ujw7fwhggev3rk6hqd.onion'] |
Internal MISP references
UUID caf4f04c-bbc1-56a6-993e-e1a297985cb9
which can be used as unique global reference for cryptbb
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | ['http://crypuglupv3bsqnbt5ruu5lgwrwoaojscwhuoccbmbzmcidft5kiccqd.onion', 'http://basemmnnqwxevlymli5bs36o5ynti55xojzvn246spahniugwkff2pad.onion'] |
Internal MISP references
UUID 23052672-401c-5e1e-89da-2697144ce984
which can be used as unique global reference for noname
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | ['http://noname2j6zkgnt7ftxsjju5tfd3s45s4i3egq5bqtl72kgum4ldc6qyd.onion', 'https://www.lockbitblog.info/', 'http://7tkffbh3qiumpfjfq77plcorjmfohmbj6nwq5je6herbpya6kmgoafid.onion/', 'http://lockbitvyq2uedft666b4ezxfvneq36jagpov4shitftjcoro7pjlsqd.onion', 'http://6qubpgkb7vjd6upivya4ll2xvzkx6zdj5bfwfo7qqm4jd3cuv4nwg2id.onion'] |
Internal MISP references
UUID 9de51a68-32b5-562d-9ebb-4727d910550e
which can be used as unique global reference for knight
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | ['http://knight3xppu263m7g4ag3xlit2qxpryjwueobh7vjdc3zrscqlfu3pqd.onion/', 'http://3r7zqtidvujbmfhx52sb34u4vwkh66baefmqzlbqpcnwm3krzipy37yd.onion/', 'http://uzfrntnmwojla5v4w3xvpxerjg43kuzqxmtspqhi5qclwtof5ibgonyd.onion', 'http://r6chas4skrvna72fg5ui3cqkke4fnpinsskvlo57aiolrrdb3r777mqd.onion', 'http://vdyummkrwpjg5ufzefpsqlei5jgfulgci42fjraslavxeegsodei2tyd.onion'] |
Internal MISP references
UUID 70badbdc-33fd-5849-a04d-382229713027
which can be used as unique global reference for zeon
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | ['http://zeonrefpbompx6rwdqa5hxgtp2cxgfmoymlli3azoanisze33pp3x3yd.onion'] |
insane ransomware
Internal MISP references
UUID b90acd97-b7f3-5523-9344-5fe5ebc2f05f
which can be used as unique global reference for insane ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
- https://www.ransomlook.io/group/insane ransomware
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | ['http://nv5lbsrr4rxmewzmpe25nnalowe4ga7ki6yfvit3wlpu7dfc36pyh4ad.onion/', 'http://gfksiwpsqudibondm6o2ipxymaonehq3l26qpgqr3nh4jvcyayvogcid.onion/', 'http://gfksiwpsqudibondm6o2ipxymaonehq3l26qpgqr3nh4jvcyayvogcid.onion/Insane.html', 'http://nv5lbsrr4rxmewzmpe25nnalowe4ga7ki6yfvit3wlpu7dfc36pyh4ad.onion/Insane.html', 'http://r2ad4ayrgpf7og673lhrw5oqyvqg4em2fpialk7l7gxkasvqkqow4qad.onion/', 'http://r2ad4ayrgpf7og673lhrw5oqyvqg4em2fpialk7l7gxkasvqkqow4qad.onion/Insane.html'] |
Internal MISP references
UUID 627ac5f6-55fe-5fe4-887c-d994ec9fc1c7
which can be used as unique global reference for ransomed
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | ['https://ransomed.vc/', 'http://k63fo4qmdnl4cbt54sso3g6s5ycw7gf7i6nvxl3wcf3u6la2mlawt5qd.onion', 'http://f6amq3izzsgtna4vw24rpyhy3ofwazlgex2zqdssavevvkklmtudxjad.onion/', 'http://g6ocfx3bb3pvdfawbgrbt3fqoht5t6dwc3hfmmueo76hz46qepidnxid.onion'] |
ransom corp
Internal MISP references
UUID 4e96c839-70cf-5d5b-940f-168ff6285721
which can be used as unique global reference for ransom corp
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
- https://www.ransomlook.io/group/ransom corp
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | ['http://sewo2yliwvgca3abz565nsnnx3khi6x7t5ccpbvvg6wgce4bk2jagiad.onion/'] |
The ransomware group known as DoNex was first identified in mid-March 2024. According to the data collected, the samples used by the group were compiled in mid-February, suggesting that it is a relatively new operation.
Internal MISP references
UUID bc89266b-31d5-5627-9d1d-822ff84792be
which can be used as unique global reference for donex
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
TTP | ['System Service Discovery - T1007', 'Application Window Discovery - T1010', 'System Network Configuration Discovery - T1016', 'Remote System Discovery - T1018', 'Obfuscated Files or Information - T1027', 'Indicator Removal from Tools - T1027.005', 'Embedded Payloads - T1027.009', 'Masquerading - T1036', 'Windows Management Instrumentation - T1047', 'Input Capture - T1056', 'Process Discovery - T1057', 'Command and Scripting Interpreter - T1059', 'Scripting - T1064', 'Clear Windows Event Logs - T1070.001', 'File Deletion - T1070.004', 'Data Staged - T1074', 'System Information Discovery - T1082', 'File and Directory Discovery - T1083', 'Native API - T1106', 'Automated Collection - T1119', 'Shared Modules - T1129', 'Network Share Discovery - T1135', 'Indirect Command Execution - T1202', 'File and Directory Permissions Modification - T1222', 'Data Destruction - T1485', 'Data Encrypted for Impact - T1486', 'Service Stop - T1489', 'Inhibit System Recovery - T1490', 'Security Software Discovery - T1518.001', 'Windows Service - T1543.003', 'Abuse Elevation Control Mechanism - T1548', 'Disable or Modify Tools - T1562.001', 'Hidden Window - T1564.003'] |
links | ['http://g3h3klsev3eiofxhykmtenmdpi67wzmaixredk5pjuttbx7okcfkftqd.onion'] |
ransomnotes | ['!!! DoNex ransomware warning !!!\n\n>>>> Your data are stolen and encrypted\n\nThe data will be published on TOR website if you do not pay the ransom\n\nLinks for Tor Browser: http://g3h3klsev3eiofxhykmtenmdpi67wzmaixredk5pjuttbx7okcfkftqd.onion\n\n>>>> What guarantees that we will not deceive you?\n\nWe are not a politically motivated group and we do not need anything other than your money.\n\nIf you pay, we will provide you the programs for decryption and we will delete your data. \n\nIf we do not give you decrypters, or we do not delete your data after payment. then nobody will pay us in the future.\n\nTherefore to us our reputation is very important. We attack the companies worldwide and there is no dissatisfied victim after payment.\n\n>>>> You need contact us and decrypt one file for free on these TOR sites with your personal DECRYPTION ID\n\nDownload and install TOR Browser https://www.torproject.org/\n\nWrite to a chat and wait for the answer, we will always answer you.\n\nYou can install qtox to contanct us online http://tox.chat/download.html\n\nTox ID Contact : [redacted]\n\nMail (OnionMail) Support: donex[redated]@onionmail.org\n\n>>>> Warning! Do not DELETE or MODIFY any files, it can lead to recovery problems!\n\n>>>> Warning! Id you do not pay the ransom we will attack your company repeatedly again! '] |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['Readme.ID.txt'] |
Related clusters
To see the related clusters, click here.
money message
Internal MISP references
UUID cd2de3e2-9e43-5f8d-89ec-6cd2c8bad1b8
which can be used as unique global reference for money message
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
- https://www.ransomlook.io/group/money message
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | ['http://blogvl7tjyjvsfthobttze52w36wwiz34hrfcmorgvdzb6hikucb7aqd.onion', 'http://clientcuworpelkdwecucgvfhp5uz5n7uohsnokndrlhm2zkntyg3had.onion/', 'http://6xkylzxoxpd6bnl5ymhr6hysaoe3bsxzxhxpydhv22fmnt6m5zrlpvad.onion/', 'http://l7eupjzxzfbsw7nxu7wu7lj2lzr5ulmyuyd4neyasbdmvzcedal7mmid.onion/', 'http://qyk5o7wcgocwebnymjusnc7siyetwl7po26flw4e6hhg2xiue7brvmid.onion/', 'http://bolfkdkjbdig64ieqixpyhmquuadkm6nzohutbkfwgzftd35kipy45ad.onion/', 'http://742srdwxlwiu75kr3sbf6kzwjcxjwezvpi3s76ignhes3vqacvh3e4ad.onion/', 'http://nhdmgcysxuvvmd4dqwqisxumirvcj6xfhahuds5z7qgj7qlr3i73nnqd.onion/', 'http://jioj2j5k53vrhtdgvjmeijgkdxgwadzjacywnybjvqftbkqpt3oy6cid.onion/', 'http://372bkntomuk4xmevyki2gvpzdsm77xkhp4z6sctugcogqwgpqj4xkjyd.onion/', 'http://vycmr2wn5nqhkpla62mqe4vxh4fgdbc5id4g6piy4mvbjnb4mp4t25yd.onion/', 'http://jg7qeqdbqqordr5tazw5zc7s2h4sk2pt2hx4cxycqrcwr7vtpmreshad.onion/', 'http://lhzaw2b2xn6lmtoioiswufyvjnrghlkmhtvwgsrsjnnmj2ceu56popqd.onion/', 'http://d2vda7sp7rxuizyduwvnvccs3giddkwgglj5ecgrmdpu32grp2txjeqd.onion/', 'http://26kbddrpm2xfjg4unow76xyvrffwh4usqjhsqgalf4h3diiujy75ngqd.onion/', 'http://moze6ryu3ev65tgmssb4sckagkgfzmjtsxg2d6xrjjua2dke5lagcxqd.onion/', 'http://au6l74lej2qvwrvasdyc5ta4g7jdshjwkzbi635g6uztld2n2fcacyad.onion/', 'http://wzu6yixpcohxeeunakzqf42dothwikt3gvtovamxdm6rfl3oe6smywyd.onion/', 'http://p6kxp556kkcbjdjsg24g3edmvr7v7ujecuychw4ibvqhl6wuomnrgbqd.onion/', 'http://z46mj5ihckzwf2ons46ceryjwyxt3ctrqyglmre5uhnipvoepaciulid.onion/', 'http://vkge4tbgo3kfc6n5lgjyvb7abjxp7wdnaumkh6xscyj4dceifieunkad.onion/', 'http://3w3uuz4vze6wdwxrebn3oaavft47xtvghl7qcmpqclgojr44muaigwyd.onion/', 'http://client372kkzvqpgniqp6r5rqkg22yrlhstxiaxskeowp2hrperdelad.onion', 'http://xq5t7xwptmpoxzjkns7wfbbr43zxedm6ygbfsh6bp6lipvyhzkfopjyd.onion/', 'http://pdndkkg2hu4z36yhrbgtycxf52iodlh5os4argm2ooia4ypwgnvlzgqd.onion/'] |
Internal MISP references
UUID f7e8b3a4-755e-5328-8cb3-3786d330d95a
which can be used as unique global reference for handala
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | ['https://handala.to/', 'http://handala-hack.to', 'http://vmjfieomxhnfjba57sd6jjws2ogvowjgxhhfglsikqvvrnrajbmpxqqd.onion'] |
Internal MISP references
UUID 1d275681-09a8-5c54-8736-5c0a1b8ae7eb
which can be used as unique global reference for embargo
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | ['http://embargobe3n5okxyzqphpmk3moinoap2snz5k6765mvtkk7hhi544jid.onion', 'http://5ntlvn7lmkezscee2vhatjaigkcu2rzj3bwhqaz32snmqc4jha3gcjad.onion', 'http://76yl7gfmz2kkjglcevxps4tleyeqnqhfcxh6rnstxj27oxhoxird3hyd.onion', 'http://yj3eozlkkxkcsprc2fug7tolgtnllruyavuyyar3yzsccjdgvu2bl2yd.onion/', 'http://ufjoe7fdwvml52oin7flwlqksvp3fcvfyh2kwsngt7j2yf7xou52w2qd.onion/', 'http://i2okedfryhllg6ka6aur3wnxcxdaufbuuysp4drr5xoc6gvqpcogejid.onion/', 'http://s37weqmxusvfcxkoorgkut5v7frn27zftdb6pdjsyjl5djg6oxjqjbid.onion/', 'http://oftm4u5cfl6wyadj27h3csdxfvyd7favssxcr7l7wnswdsrfedxswxqd.onion/', 'http://wg55rcy2chmbpeh6pl5pftnveac2lqfxbletrtzanfjhhmvcjnn5tcqd.onion/', 'http://sbjthwyoxfuxq75b77e2hsj7ie67m3qicfnuikhuabwo3sikvrzyaxad.onion/', 'http://zo5xog4vpvdae473doneepetidh36m5czdq2vyeiq3lvqhuel56p6nid.onion/', 'http://66ohzao6afsv2opk22r2kv6fbnf2fthe7v4ykzzc5vjezvvyf3gocwyd.onion/', 'https://2nn4b6gihz5bttzabjegune3blwktad2zmy77fwutvvrxxodbufo6qid.onion/', 'http://y6kyfs2unbfcyodzjrxadn4w5vyulhyotdi5dtiqulxbduujehupunqd.onion/', 'http://embargobe3n5okxyzqphpmk3moinoap2snz5k6765mvtkk7hhi544jid.onion/api/blog/get', 'http://3o5ewrzhqoyodfs5kll4cjxagdfrpuu474panwobm4im7ejfpaux5jyd.onion/', 'http://7watkqnnuwxvlpgy5gaosgqy67nve3jgpy37xobqngmswz3vuvde56yd.onion', 'http://4q5tsu5o3msmv4am4dfhupwhzlyg7wv3lpswbvbhcrknr4ega7xetxad.onion/', 'http://z2b75lk7xf6kme3zfvlmdmpwiaansnkcuhsojd23dgub5md24fhogcyd.onion/', 'http://7lxwbzlkpjyuahuvngwwkc4mycj2a4flh45ksqjo2ezfdbkmxmlxikad.onion/', 'http://7watkqnnuwxvlpgy5gaosgqy67nve3jgpy37xobqngmswz3vuvde56yd.onion/', 'http://5dw7bszmidrhpoltqbqmpixpz6mvgez3mr6xc7ktval2glrmbxkwopad.onion/', 'http://a3kvb22nuhfgaluy6uzufrjn3azzsu7tylszdbyne3kiextdmxz4nnyd.onion'] |
Internal MISP references
UUID 4f61f5f9-a00a-5390-8514-3510d84f0947
which can be used as unique global reference for darkvault
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | ['http://mdhby62yvvg6sd5jmx5gsyucs7ynb5j45lvvdh4dsymg43puitu7tfid.onion', 'http://kkvanuf7on5uglvdhihy627w5pxwcmhl6pxik7rwef6y7crt6wj4hjqd.onion/'] |
Internal MISP references
UUID 406205b7-bb95-5687-aea0-4e915e743f40
which can be used as unique global reference for meow
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | ['http://meow6xanhzfci2gbkn3lmbqq7xjjufskkdfocqdngt3ltvzgqpsg5mid.onion/', 'http://totos7fquprkecvcsl2jwy72v32glgkp2ejeqlnx5ynnxvbebgnletqd.onion', 'http://ikjht3url3tvx6itf2eghtrmwlmjfywz63ymnxghwwyhflcxnqffhvid.onion', 'http://mops6j3iuepvarl7ackf2itjkt4in3xkcbupnhy656byx6m6hnxkbgid.onion', 'http://meowthxcf4tm3rujk4bsjaoxd2ghmjx7vi342hz6zdu3lfyeykmc4wqd.onion'] |
Internal MISP references
UUID ee97d01c-b8b9-5c36-9c27-134f8d2ee603
which can be used as unique global reference for apos
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | ['https://apos.blog', 'http://yrz6bayqwhleymbeviter7ejccxm64sv2ppgqgderzgdhutozcbbhpqd.onion/rules', 'http://yrz6bayqwhleymbeviter7ejccxm64sv2ppgqgderzgdhutozcbbhpqd.onion/'] |
el dorado
This group is believed to be connected to Lost Trust. El Dorado rebranded to BlackLock in September 2024.
Internal MISP references
UUID 15419dc6-8183-5805-aaba-9e7943bc164f
which can be used as unique global reference for el dorado
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
- https://www.ransomlook.io/group/el dorado
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | ['http://dataleakypypu7uwblm5kttv726l3iripago6p336xjnbstkjwrlnlid.onion/', 'http://panelqbinglxczi2gqkwderfvgq6bcv5cbjwxrksjtvr5xv7ozh5wqad.onion', 'http://panelqbinglxczi2gqkwderfvgq6bcv5cbjwxrksjtvr5xv7ozh5wqad.onion/Url=4094dd92-0f91-4699-8328-fdb7070a8230', 'http://panela3eefdzfzxzxcshfnbustdprtlhlbe3x2fqomdz7t33iqtzvjyd.onion/'] |
Internal MISP references
UUID 37043fbf-a216-52ee-b8a7-3a604a87e9e2
which can be used as unique global reference for locus
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | ['http://ugn5khvt4kitlivv4ddfh3lb6mdhn2ud3ximcaypy73hxlk3arj2goad.onion/'] |
Risen, which is a fully optimized and high-speed program, is the result of our years of experience in the field of malware writing. Risen is written in C language and completely using winapi. We produced many products with different features and options, but we came to the conclusion that none of the options have the benefit and efficiency they should; So, instead of spending time on useless and inefficient options, we decided to spend all our time on the strength, speed and security of our cryptography, and that's how we created Risen. Software features in version 1:
-Encryption security, utilizing Chacha20 and RSA 2048 algorithms.
-High encryption speed and software optimization
-compatible with all versions of Windows on any hardware without any issues.
-Automatic option settings, its easy to using and default configuration set to the best mode.
-Utilization of Threadpool method and queue creation for encryption.
-A powerful file unlocker, unlock files without closing processes.
-Safe deletion of backups, shadow copies, and all windows logs.
-A blog, Leak website, and management panel on TOR for leaking data of non-paying companies.
Internal MISP references
UUID 8e3f7112-2f82-5c64-95ff-34bfad65cc0d
which can be used as unique global reference for risen
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | ['http://s2wk77h653qn54csf4gp52orhem4y72dgxsquxulf255pcymazeepbyd.onion/', 'http://o6pi3u67zyag73ligtsupin5rjkxpfrbofwoxnhimpgpfttxqu7lsuyd.onion', 'https://cqqzfmdd2fwshfyic6srf3fxjjigiipqdygosk6sdifstrbtxnm5bead.onion'] |
Internal MISP references
UUID 76f14732-0e0a-5fdd-847e-65bc41c150ea
which can be used as unique global reference for fog
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | ['https://xql562evsy7njcsngacphc2erzjfecwotdkobn3m4uxu2gtqh26newid.onion/', 'http://xbkv2qey6u3gd3qxcojynrt4h5sgrhkar6whuo74wo63hijnn677jnyd.onion', 'http://xbkv2qey6u3gd3qxcojynrt4h5sgrhkar6whuo74wo63hijnn677jnyd.onion/posts', 'http://hlbqbuy2bo3onn6h6eq7pbci24kughiaw4rkxrewidnqma3hwwgt2ead.onion', 'http://44dz7r5uduhihaks7m62vztthp5s7thokbgeida7usm4rvakriuvk3yd.onion/', 'http://nw5zrjqarckmsf22rrgo5yooelpnn5raxhesuhrpzceqibmjwanbbaad.onion/'] |
Group is connected to Qilin.
Internal MISP references
UUID 004c96b4-ce25-5593-9d50-8ada0b2b873f
which can be used as unique global reference for wikileaksv2
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | ['https://wikileaksv2.com', ''] |
Internal MISP references
UUID 678e1d98-cc54-5e7f-89be-6dd6163877a0
which can be used as unique global reference for sensayq
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | ['http://gmixcebhni6c3kcf5m7xxybomaphj7pizoqtxiqmrz5wsh6g6x5s2wqd.onion/', 'http://ppzmaodrgtg7r6zcputdlaqfliubmmjpo4u56l3ayckut3nyvw6dyayd.onion/'] |
Internal MISP references
UUID cae0824e-2c3d-5db8-9e45-0f7251e5def1
which can be used as unique global reference for trinity
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | ['http://txtggyng5euqkyzl2knbejwpm4rlq575jn2egqldu27osbqytrj6ruyd.onion/', 'http://txtggyng5euqkyzl2knbejwpm4rlq575jn2egqldu27osbqytrj6ruyd.onion/articles'] |
brain cipher
In mid-June 2024, a new ransomware operation named Brain Cipher emerged, notably targeting Indonesia's National Data Center. This attack disrupted immigration operations at airports and various other government services. The payload employed by this group is based on the leaked LockBit 3.0 builder. Comparative analyses have confirmed significant similarities between Brain Cipher and LockBit 3.0 samples. Notably, the attackers modified the ransomware to not only append a new extension to encrypted files but also to encrypt the filenames themselves. Additionally, it was identified that the group appears to be in its early stages, as evidenced by their use of the leaked LockBit 3.0 builder and their recent operations. After encrypting the data, the ransomware generates ransom notes named “added_extension.README.txt.” These notes contain a description of what occurred and a link to the attackers' website hosted on the Tor network.
Internal MISP references
UUID a48c22f1-3f1f-583c-b94c-6feb2c0c1cf1
which can be used as unique global reference for brain cipher
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
- https://www.ransomlook.io/group/brain cipher
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
TTP | ['Malicious File - T1204.002', 'Disable or Modify Tools - T1562.001', 'File Deletion - T1070.004', 'File and Directory Discovery - T1083', 'Data Encrypted for Impact - T1486', 'Execution - TA0002', 'Defense Evasion - TA0005', 'Discovery - TA0007', 'Impact - TA0040'] |
links | ['http://mybmtbgd7aprdnw2ekxht5qap5daam2wch25coqerrq2zdioanob34ad.onion/', 'http://vkvsgl7lhipjirmz6j5ubp3w3bwvxgcdbpi3fsbqngfynetqtw4w5hyd.onion/', 'http://cuuhrxbg52c5agytmtjpwfu7mrs4xtaitc4mukkiy2kqdxeqbcmuhaid.onion/', 'http://p6wmotxzvg34tdmpwm4beqgrcyp5iys43snkccsahnw74la3k3xx6pad.onion', 'http://brain4zoadgr6clxecixffvxjsw43cflyprnpfeak72nfh664kqqriyd.onion/', 'http://4ldgw2wuidqu5ef3rzx4byonf3y7rdnh43jiw2z4sbtjiwic6gkov7yd.onion/c/lgc2Yxua65agt4XMOMkQKJjsdrV2IzYk', 'http://4ldgw2wuidqu5ef3rzx4byonf3y7rdnh43jiw2z4sbtjiwic6gkov7yd.onion/'] |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['added_extension.README.txt', 'How To Restore Your Files.txt'] |
Related clusters
To see the related clusters, click here.
Internal MISP references
UUID 5403ebcb-2468-5280-8b70-b43ed33b0b46
which can be used as unique global reference for synapse
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | ['http://ugoakjk3v6hop3epjhdgn4num43ndb5glgixhraeg2xm455gxqtu2qid.onion'] |
Internal MISP references
UUID 30273fce-be34-5518-a1fa-183ec12e1474
which can be used as unique global reference for cicada3301
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | ['http://cicadabv7vicyvgz5khl7v2x5yygcgow7ryy6yppwmxii4eoobdaztqd.onion/', 'http://cicadacnft7gcgnveb7wjm6pjpjcjcsugogmlrat7u7pcel3iwb7bhyd.onion/', 'http://cicadaxousmk6nbntd3ucxefmfgt2drhtfdvh7gmdeh3ttvudam6f2ad.onion', 'http://cicadafhqpjwm2sblkfbuwn7sglbibuejr3m7fildpqpjv3hghlhb4id.onion/', 'http://zf6bl4dczp5z7uaba2lhm5wrhrpflwvzsx2nhf7zyf63tpsfzc54tbad.onion/', 'http://hgannromwuui7n2jvphpteposc3gioqkuo2ncb6fzopasgcq7ixcjeqd.onion/', 'http://osd6tsgegts2xaqo3o2hrpqatwlslqfyc3msvyksad4iucauif3oqqad.onion/', 'http://uds75egfqi7mfpxckf2un742qsj6rh3kfrydqaldwgkrqp2a37lk6fyd.onion/', 'http://wuyfbttjjzsmr5ghl5hoi75ytse3bwrqgk63c6guv3lhw7hwtxbgveid.onion/', 'http://bmfyfxl74qb6rsukgwymv7e22ua4uvhszsamqwx7jmj57qkamxwlhbid.onion/', 'http://yaoehn32c2s5pwsuzhaa4lsu2a4seycpwyvn5gfz3bn4i74t2jo3frad.onion/', 'http://5atqn4dwosjauijzj445mm7t6bqrcvzlzcylpmpnx243jxvlimyb6aid.onion/'] |
good day
Internal MISP references
UUID 025cf965-bb4b-50d6-8511-c8747e2bebee
which can be used as unique global reference for good day
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
- https://www.ransomlook.io/group/good day
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | ['http://47h4pwve4scndaneljfnxdhzoulgsyfzbgayyonbwztfz74gsdprz5qd.onion/'] |
"synonyms" in the meta part typically refer to alternate names or labels that are associated with a particular cloak.su.
Known Synonyms |
locker leak |
Internal MISP references
UUID 87a3c85c-0c98-5e8f-80c4-9e8b6e640916
which can be used as unique global reference for cloak.su
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
- https://www.ransomlook.io/group/cloak.su (locker leak)
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | ['http://cloak.su/indexo.php'] |
Internal MISP references
UUID ed692e27-c3ab-5ed8-ae4a-e436c4c5b454
which can be used as unique global reference for pyrx
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | ['http://c2mdhim6btaiyae3xqthnxsz64brvdxsnbty4tvos65zb565y4v55iid.onion', 'http://c2mdhim6btaiyae3xqthnxsz64brvdxsnbty4tvos65zb565y4v55iid.onion/b/', 'http://c2mdhim6btaiyae3xqthnxsz64brvdxsnbty4tvos65zb565y4v55iid.onion/blogs.html', 'http://pyrx.cc'] |
vanir group
Internal MISP references
UUID 2b7f6554-ac22-5b6c-85a0-65f55401c20e
which can be used as unique global reference for vanir group
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
- https://www.ransomlook.io/group/vanir group
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | ['http://6xdpj3sb5kekvq5ulym5qqmzsv6ektjgvpmajns3qrafgxtyxrhokfqd.onion', 'http://6xdpj3sb5kekvq5ulym5qqmzsv6ektjgvpmajns3qrafgxtyxrhokfqd.onion/assets/index-6d8af759.js'] |
Internal MISP references
UUID e90c181c-28e9-5c01-b84e-6d9c311039fd
which can be used as unique global reference for dispossessor
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | ['http://e27z5kd2rjsern2gpgukhcioysqlfquxgf7rxpvcwepxl4lfc736piyd.onion', 'http://cybertube.video/web/index.html#!/details?id=0c3b52f6e73709725dc6e12b30b139d9&serverId=2be5e68176ff4f8fbb930fe66321ab72', 'http://e27z5kd2rjsern2gpgukhcioysqlfquxgf7rxpvcwepxl4lfc736piyd.onion/back/getallblogs', 'http://dispossessor.com', 'http://dispossessor-cloud.com', 'http://cybernewsint.com', 'http://redhotcypher.com'] |
A hacktivist group protecting artists' rights and ensuring fair compensation for their work.
Internal MISP references
UUID fea5d0cc-2026-56c2-acf7-5eab1f23256a
which can be used as unique global reference for nullbulge
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | ['http://nullbulge.co/blog.html', 'http://nullbulge.se', 'http://nullbulge.com', 'http://goocasino.org', 'http://nullblgtk7dwzpfklgktzll27ovvnj7pvqkoprmhubnnb32qcbmcpgid.onion'] |
Internal MISP references
UUID cf9494a3-7d48-59dc-bb1a-65ecb02faf4b
which can be used as unique global reference for holyghost
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | ['http://matmq3z3hiovia3voe2tix2x54sghc3tszj74xgdy4tqtypoycszqzqd.onion'] |
Internal MISP references
UUID 005c987b-4755-59ec-b148-dad5cf26d0f1
which can be used as unique global reference for chilelocker
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | ['http://z6vidveub2ypo3d3x7omsmcxqwxkkmvn5y3paoufyd2tt4bfbkg33kid.onion', 'http://ebljej7okwfnx5hdfikqqt2uqehihqv3yns3ziij5clqpklwb3i2cxad.onion/', 'http://7wa2bi6grhbu4opt5bguga4g63jsxiy3ysfbabh7dbyk3niqxlsburad.onion/'] |
mad liberator
Group is also currently known as MADDLL32 and Metatron.
Internal MISP references
UUID ba1be64e-f807-570a-84a3-55e8e9fe5086
which can be used as unique global reference for mad liberator
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
- https://www.ransomlook.io/group/mad liberator
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | ['http://k67ivvik3dikqi4gy4ua7xa6idijl4si7k5ad5lotbaeirfcsx4sgbid.onion'] |
Internal MISP references
UUID a6e6d386-792d-5ffd-9a88-ddd865b474e6
which can be used as unique global reference for lockdata
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | ['http://wm6mbuzipviusuc42kcggzkdpbhuv45sn7olyamy6mcqqked3waslbqd.onion'] |
Internal MISP references
UUID 6e2cbcca-7086-53dc-ac90-6fb1d1157bc1
which can be used as unique global reference for adminlocker
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | ['http://adminavf4cikzbv6mbbp7ujpwhygnn2t3egiz2pswldj32krrml42wyd.onion'] |
Internal MISP references
UUID c3fbd8c2-936c-580c-9290-a07ab86fa968
which can be used as unique global reference for ransomcortex
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | ['http://gg6owuhu72muoelkt2msjrp2llwr2on5634sk5v2xefzmobvryywbhid.onion/'] |
Internal MISP references
UUID e0f85dfe-6d9f-5e64-ae8e-1cb4aa6ccc31
which can be used as unique global reference for lynx
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | ['http://lynxblog.net/', 'http://lynxbllrfr5262yvbgtqoyq76s7mpztcqkv6tjjxgpilpma7nyoeohyd.onion/leaks', 'http://lynxch2k5xi35j7hlbmwl7d6u2oz4vp2wqp6qkwol624cod3d6iqiyqd.onion/login', 'http://lynxblog.net/leaks', 'http://lynxchatly4zludmhmi75jrwhycnoqvkxb4prohxmyzf4euf5gjxroad.onion/login', 'http://lynxchatohmppv6au67lloc2vs6chy7nya7dsu2hhs55mcjxp2joglad.onion/login', 'http://lynxchatbykq2vycvyrtjqb3yuj4ze2wvdubzr2u6b632trwvdbsgmyd.onion/login', 'http://lynxchatde4spv5x6xlwxf47jdo7wtwwgikdoeroxamphu3e7xx5doqd.onion/login', 'http://lynxchatdy3tgcuijsqofhssopcepirjfq2f4pvb5qd4un4dhqyxswqd.onion/login', 'http://lynxchatdykpoelffqlvcbtry6o7gxk3rs2aiagh7ddz5yfttd6quxqd.onion/login', 'http://lynxblogxstgzsarfyk2pvhdv45igghb4zmthnzmsipzeoduruz3xwqd.onion', 'http://lynxblogco7r37jt7p5wrmfxzqze7ghxw6rihzkqc455qluacwotciyd.onion', 'http://lynxblogijy4jfoblgix2klxmkbgee4leoeuge7qt4fpfkj4zbi2sjyd.onion', 'http://lynxblogmx3rbiwg3rpj4nds25hjsnrwkpxt5gaznetfikz4gz2csyad.onion', 'http://lynxblogoxllth4b46cfwlop5pfj4s7dyv37yuy7qn2ftan6gd72hsad.onion', 'http://lynxblogtwatfsrwj3oatpejwxk5bngqcd5f7s26iskagfu7ouaomjad.onion', 'http://lynxblogxutufossaeawlij3j3uikaloll5ko6grzhkwdclrjngrfoid.onion', 'http://lynxstorage1.net/', 'http://lynxblogxstgzsarfyk2pvhdv45igghb4zmthnzmsipzeoduruz3xwqd.onion/leaks', 'http://lynxblogco7r37jt7p5wrmfxzqze7ghxw6rihzkqc455qluacwotciyd.onion/leaks', 'http://lynxblogijy4jfoblgix2klxmkbgee4leoeuge7qt4fpfkj4zbi2sjyd.onion/leaks', 'http://lynxblogmx3rbiwg3rpj4nds25hjsnrwkpxt5gaznetfikz4gz2csyad.onion/leaks', 'http://lynxblogoxllth4b46cfwlop5pfj4s7dyv37yuy7qn2ftan6gd72hsad.onion/leaks', 'http://lynxblogtwatfsrwj3oatpejwxk5bngqcd5f7s26iskagfu7ouaomjad.onion/leaks', 'http://lynxblogxutufossaeawlij3j3uikaloll5ko6grzhkwdclrjngrfoid.onion/leaks', 'http://lynxchatfw4rgsclp4567i4llkqjr2kltaumwwobxdik3qa2oorrknad.onion/', 'http://lynxba5y5juv3c4de2bftamjkbxvcuujr5c5wn4hq2fwmt66pxb7qqad.onion', 'http://lynxchat.net', 'http://lynxcdnjg43re373nltauhdqfbau25mwawsg42h4lswfe455uaznilad.onion/', 'http://lynxad2seqpyu52lr5v7il4idasv23535a46s4bj65b3v7t5y6u5daqd.onion/login', 'http://lynx2m7xz73zpmlm5nddbokk6a55fh2nzjq2r5nk2hbdbk74iddqfiqd.onion/login', 'http://lynxcwuhva6qzlnj3m3qrcl6bgvnxpixg5vsikf53vutdf3ijuv2pxyd.onion/login', 'http://lynxcyys7c2np3b3er2wo6sufwoonmh6i3nykv53pst336c3ml4ycjqd.onion/login', 'http://lynxdehvlvrrtnhtpuy6bhrxffzvl5j7y7p3zl553slzq44lcb2jzkyd.onion/login', 'http://lynxikczcyposxfz5a7hxbqxilsrtx7zdzwmhk5wcb5qoatbv2suizid.onion/login', 'http://lynxroggpujfxy7xnlrz3yknphqgk4k5dy4rhaldgz2hpxyyy3ncuvad.onion/login', 'http://lynxoifh5boac42m6xdoak6ne7q53sz7kgaaze7ush72uuetbnjg2oqd.onion/login', 'http://lynx25vsi4cxesh44chevu2qyguqcx4zrjsjd77cjrmbgn75xkv626yd.onion/login', 'http://lynxaeddweqscykez5rknrug6ui5znq4yoxof5qnusiatiyuqqlwhead.onion/login', 'http://lynxbk3nzrnph5z5tilsn3twfcgltqynaofuxgb5yt43vdu266z3vvyd.onion/login', 'http://lynxhwtifuwxs2zejofpagvzxf7p2l3nhdi3zlrap3y2wsn5hqyfeuid.onion/login', 'http://lynxjamasdeyeeiusfgfipfivewc3l3u34hyiiguhdyj776mh535l4ad.onion/login', 'http://lynxk7rmhe7luff3ed7chlziwrju34pzc5hm452xhryeaeulc3wxc3ad.onion/login'] |
rtm locker
Internal MISP references
UUID 5cc68850-aeb0-507f-a981-9457bcf37c0c
which can be used as unique global reference for rtm locker
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
- https://www.ransomlook.io/group/rtm locker
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | ['http://nv4addu4insb7x6aagdv6r5gvxzczgfje7mmecsjonnrvsq7ulevvfid.onion', 'http://3wugtklp46ufx7dnr6j5cd6ate7wnvnivsyvwuni7hqcqt7hm5r72nid.onion/'] |
Internal MISP references
UUID 0b0e39f8-1a22-58da-98ea-96f4819a68fa
which can be used as unique global reference for radar
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | ['http://radar.ltd'] |
Internal MISP references
UUID 1fe17577-91bb-581b-8189-c61f05cf35aa
which can be used as unique global reference for helldown
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | ['http://onyxcgfg4pjevvp5h34zvhaj45kbft3dg5r33j5vu3nyp7xic3vrzvad.onion/', 'http://onyxcym4mjilrsptk5uo2dhesbwntuban55mvww2olk5ygqafhu3i3yd.onion', 'http://www.helldown.org', 'http://onyxcb44xvqra35m3lp3z26kf2pxrlbn64nbzvyvzjyc3uykzrwcjdid.onion'] |
valencia leaks
Official twitter account: https://x.com/ValenciaLeaks72
Internal MISP references
UUID af5911d6-37d6-513c-a90e-1b373378f55f
which can be used as unique global reference for valencia leaks
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
- https://www.ransomlook.io/group/valencia leaks
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | ['http://6doyqxqqj36vnedtt2zwxmngx52mgyp7brbrtwkyd75jgiolocoybgid.onion/'] |
Internal MISP references
UUID c6c0200a-9c77-5285-ad47-74c7a3d53bdb
which can be used as unique global reference for soleenya
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | ['http://xzbltrroh4ocknyi7kj2ucjuw63fhyy23dh6lplydl545d33kbygw2id.onion/home'] |
Internal MISP references
UUID 2a1e103b-da5f-56d6-a0c8-5daff4c4fd87
which can be used as unique global reference for orca
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | ['http://orca66hwnpciepupe5626k2ib6dds6zizjwuuashz67usjps2wehz4id.onion'] |
osyolorz collective
Internal MISP references
UUID 99ddf1b6-7d75-58f6-b340-47545fec5e55
which can be used as unique global reference for osyolorz collective
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
- https://www.ransomlook.io/group/osyolorz collective
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | ['http://hackerosyolorz77y7vwj57zobwdeuzydhctz3kuuzr52ylzayvxuqyd.onion'] |
Internal MISP references
UUID f054ec08-9058-52ba-a90d-922a9cc1a412
which can be used as unique global reference for embrago
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | ['http://3o5ewrzhqoyodfs5kll4cjxagdfrpuu474panwobm4im7ejfpaux5jyd.onion/'] |
Internal MISP references
UUID 9d7ca9df-c219-59fc-93fb-86f4606942ba
which can be used as unique global reference for nitrogen
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | ['http://nitrogenczslprh3xyw6lh5xyjvmsz7ciljoqxxknd7uymkfetfhgvqd.onion', 'http://2u6njk55okdxvrup5feu3wbhyxvlqla7yuj2oz3xkzz27yzc66vcirqd.onion/', 'http://jzl4bylm4bng2zgmeqw3lx6bcbxzb2hulicxneuosq26sshnitrcvcad.onion/', 'http://6a5ib4udgwlkyl3zzeyenedcb7d33j2vq7egpqykr5457uiskeu6zjad.onion/', 'http://hzyp7n436ecwo73xvrgnf5wmbjewszwut4h6vz4fu6f2oqd5zfcd7sad.onion/', 'http://67hvtslok5a4cwjxfmidbgbunsvckypf2dwkpxg3y2sabar5b4jidmyd.onion/', 'http://sqnnhgqr4iiwnkaih6vspyxmebz2vvjv3uybmjdynw6sne5plilunhyd.onion/', 'http://z4tonbkjybcllsvd45smpkqkk5uaspmlnvmysrkxt37wuudijvp7k2id.onion', 'http://awrfq7pjydfp3hwbsun6ltxrrzths5ztgxj7i7ybx7twjrdvzvxkgwad.onion', 'http://vkl3xfkp2vtpdzk7ohock3w2oiwwtvgnwbwvurrqafh5nhw23h43dbid.onion/', 'http://wjwbqeuni4zslbm4cduvo7uwyo653k4gdx2x4irj4zkrwyerksdcxryd.onion/', 'http://whdoefodpz4jjpwr5imipdntkh6kdbjazhx2zvdhcbmrtuxs6f3iwnid.onion/', 'http://6stzturcvnli6ilm6f6vweiymchi6lboc62u7ive2q7hn5hbbbauvgid.onion/', 'http://6blfnoe24tfpal2kmacphkjmzph3oghjdznsgkf23lmvjqbtgrmedpid.onion/', 'http://5xmd7pwpk4flmz5o2hbyndpkles5klmwbpxbw4jitzjnbhn4wkdktvad.onion/', 'http://bf7dw4n6zne6rbgjlpcsidphpk753nkyubipkym5t4pntgfyb6clw2qd.onion/login', 'http://nxarphaf35qp2uuosaq54m3a2s5kt4svpcv56mvz6r7xy6na7uo5ypyd.onion/', 'http://bxi2cepk57dy3uhgwqd6dri6jtuqe7btay225rn6xkvvgnp2cvjvowqd.onion/', 'http://2idvzxbwvzbxhuniw7kfaimcvtqazmn7nmuw7codg65cshwwsvnpz7id.onion/', 'http://xqsdbtrtmufdyiqnkrkvosec4gqappf2egcptzqppjtqdevsoadakyqd.onion'] |
Internal MISP references
UUID dfe512ec-19ef-50c4-9ddf-56daf8c9b8d7
which can be used as unique global reference for sarcoma
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | ['http://sarcomawmawlhov7o5mdhz4eszxxlkyaoiyiy2b5iwxnds2dmb4jakad.onion', 'http://bi32pq7y3gqq3qacgvamnk2s2elnppvevqp325wtk2wo7vh2zavjcfid.onion/', 'http://54yjkjwjqbm74nchm6o6b4l775ws2hgesdopus5jvo3jx6ftj7zn7mid.onion/', 'http://ngvvafvhfgwknj63ivqjqdxc7b5fyedo67zshblipo5a2zuair5t4nid.onion/', 'http://icmghe66zl4twvbv5g4h532mogcea44hrkxtotrlx6aia5jslnnbnxad.onion/', 'http://lyz3i74psw6vkuxdjhkyxzy3226775qpzs6oage4zw6qj66ppdxma2qd.onion/', 'http://55lfxollcks2pvxbtg73vrpl3i7x4jnnrxfl6al6viamwngqlu4cxgyd.onion/', 'http://modre6n4hqm4seip2thhbjcfkcdcljhec7ekvd5qt7m7fhimpc2446qd.onion/', 'http://r3yes535gjsi2puoz2bvssl3ewygcfgwoji6wdk3grj3baexn2hha2id.onion/', 'http://pauppf2nuoqxwwqqshaehbkj54debl7bppacfm5h6z6zjoiejifezhad.onion/', 'http://iiobxrljnmjwb6l66bfvhin5zxbghbgiv6yamqpb4bezlrxd2vhetgyd.onion/', 'http://nf5b6a4b4s623wfxkveibjmwwpqjm536t5tyrbtrw7vsdqepsdoejoad.onion/', 'http://rs3icoalw6bdgedspnmt6vp2dzzuyqxtccezmta2g5mlyao64len7dyd.onion/', 'http://lpp4aze237qkkursbtesd54ofag6te5i5lzpee5a3buhq4v3uwtxnlqd.onion/', 'http://6nwhpuwtf4onxvr7el5ycc4xwefhk4w6q6rbn23oe2ghax2x7nns3iad.onion/', 'http://7usqkx3whuqipzsolnctey7xgszixv446vam7et2qas6xmuxtjm54pad.onion/', 'http://jck4dycheanyy6zrolymheurxak54o53lzg3hfcz7ao35hs7fewsaoyd.onion/', 'http://wi5q5npnch6fy5y7m4jtjznrydzyhtp6ik4j5swrdsehdwtvv3akleqd.onion/', 'http://tlntayu7wbtcqxtumbqh4x2vzurw7ybpuhtozusbxuqggcwmnisd7vid.onion/', 'http://ycgedgigkqoeabmpnpwwbqojcgldekrjraaeeo4litevj5bvp7dtmrid.onion/', 'http://tr2w7zxx2clrckh4mr6aupyennkngrz2bfuohpdzeifajgeqg6rtxxyd.onion/', 'http://tg6cr3uyeakbug6jt4oeaxbcpu4urdpm7ksk6uk7sdwg3walnqcwftqd.onion/', 'http://4b2njxftjecmzgyafn46dcyibnv3mourddcfq7qxdylkov4bisjl7xqd.onion/', 'http://fijqvpzptg2sxavr3s6vw32lx4xdfa3i2oedi4574qo3apqyhd7srwad.onion/', 'http://twm7i3mxyydc2ew5ppbmjiz6rzww7ze32t2ecmznnsywdccwatzjxead.onion/', 'http://qysbb5qdwpxsimtrsbehqc75q4b2lw6m4imtnswgmbsq2mw4ulvxevqd.onion/', 'http://fbrmzvj2c6a5soanvuw3qi4dpnt3rcgte32nae4qegd4vqpnjtrwbqid.onion/', 'http://6v3lslpnsfae4rfghnl473u4hp7j6yyu74pipyks54norp4filkzjgid.onion/', 'http://l2atrqqwpmgdr4vzae7ufgulirsklfk4xmierg4ihdxborjkpyuz5lyd.onion/', 'http://yry66r4til42vxubkqpy5wo75mshv7pcaqtbg4rzl55bs55yzav73uyd.onion/', 'http://7h422j3rpt7dxoeijbzn6xo7t43dmaisl5t44mcsf6ulbj3weg6doqyd.onion/', 'http://4x2dnydjwfpa4zgutwqaeqxd7tmdz452ttvvq5pga5eqgppi2uu5chyd.onion/', 'http://ufwlfce4qkiqsda7e2mhaibgyyi6jfjhu55j7uoq6bh3kmue7pc34iid.onion/', 'http://tfeijfoxmvqcoqjz2nvgfblxge27fyiy2k2fshiiccyrdz4kfiwaziid.onion/', 'http://cth3pse7mszuess3jeiftdawcqcm7cvwrrx7hiwi7zxzh55jvh6f42id.onion/', 'http://zyzmgujsdh4xjmxjf4j6riqn4s52jfpiurcpabk5uxfitmz4pusaueqd.onion/', 'http://lq72f4y2gbujxypmicycfpmmtv74tazt4h6szumrniuvgxwkwi4ykcyd.onion/', 'http://i44esri5nzpdcanpgflcrlxk4tmf7yfpxkcysha3gblsuiswyyxmi3qd.onion/', 'http://t3ym2cemf625rd5slz5ifp2jz2ldntmlbn74i5joebg6c74fmnpmuyqd.onion/', 'http://hh4ueveki3serlpuvt63lp557z5qhlfwlc32bclw4x53dmt3ijoewmqd.onion/', 'http://5ka4wjkv3qulsn6gtfzyhumafgupipu6rkfezf2tw2doveamaqqmxvyd.onion/', 'http://ibrdo3v56w6veyp6moi7iaadtk6o4qa6eyppc3svinph4vx5qrllpzid.onion/', 'http://rsrcywwt7b53kw2lsioilnfrrs2lixt4nttzpcli74fjvfk4kqbfh5qd.onion/', 'http://pcgkekcyyzl465rqt4mpezjkjdkoxgb7c4j6nbb6rn4gnw7zme24lrad.onion/', 'http://g7vfmyo2xvt4uwoypgb675rcgxokwdxqevmx5ie5qojqnkuvnuudemqd.onion/', 'http://zaie6jcetdtqhi5epab45wzginog4kuo4sx4nwr4ydkdby76b5ri3xqd.onion/', 'http://4eahz4i6cjqychvmiyqjducmhu3pep6l52vaw3ik3nizzpt5writuryd.onion/', 'http://herbgxwb46z3pikyy6h6wckbjebg4ytuoijqceu2wsse4nh5tyuqqxqd.onion/', 'http://63qnrvuxwl3jkzqik33ppgvktytzy5vasmp5yyhkv4mzbv5enuc5pqqd.onion/', 'http://cqjqlbmmfqanj6ctywkmgzi7iythgc6atu2xgjbkk2ccr465gizolqqd.onion/', 'http://mtd2ltbdnsudzaneia6i6xgwkpn7adxfuesqstrreyqxlgxbxejpojid.onion/', 'http://wsl6ouwdqk62yhddt2rvy6i7jzdegbufklfp6hdpgxn6vmwqlsqy23id.onion/', 'http://n4axoeoemdqamjhicytqnebburiwbmvviqyltoqtljoancodgijw32yd.onion/', 'http://lqlkfdi2ydpzibk4xpikfvae3bjdd4lsodgwtpunxfc6abkexsg5a2ad.onion/', 'http://jq6vxgpnjfs3ue2wn7ve4bnga4ewkcetpvkmz324se7mlqjtnrenkqad.onion/', 'http://qhzy4ur5atch5orjkd2h3x34kwqbswqzqnllaij4crl3v2mnrj7aouyd.onion/', 'http://tzmfdwducfvlh6ie4juo6ovgft3qwxgf5q7dxca57fqalpn6zsed3lad.onion/', 'http://jdphsfcjuyog5cgtjdfsxluarkvqy5rw75kasoj6kuihga3bs3fwgfyd.onion/', 'http://wphvg3uizhfblnuuwyz35nhfpgz254lj3iwd2jrtl2oce6qvmlwpl2id.onion/', 'http://bpcxhnyo4rvobiiapjksmzog4lr7gchwfoygqtphzfspbsxdp2lutcad.onion/', 'http://6hfobqn3vj2yyjgvgkklftppf3una73dn6am7gpieohkryzg6avr5dqd.onion/', 'http://igqsxlg2ndj7xmaepxtvkisacskrb3mbhlcgymis42h6l6qyfyjyg7id.onion/', 'http://iz62i5obz6mwixyjwxggbw7fk6wdgmmy4ancvynpbqqmgwpnghv3rdid.onion/', 'http://riuxxxbufgx5z53gww432mf5jvh2o7mfh22hvmpdw4ksutd6dflj7byd.onion/'] |
Internal MISP references
UUID 6a20c736-d83c-502f-8a9f-379a556fb4ac
which can be used as unique global reference for interlock
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | ['http://ebhmkoohccl45qesdbvrjqtyro2hmhkmh6vkyfyjjzfllm3ix72aqaid.onion/', 'http://ebhmkoohccl45qesdbvrjqtyro2hmhkmh6vkyfyjjzfllm3ix72aqaid.onion/leaks.php', 'http://zmqolc6yrdgn24w7eaaf4pfm235x65zbeggr4byk7og3crhcwn7sqeyd.onion', 'http://4awnzgndu5u3bb6vne2vixizdftkc4mdlz45lnrhjgelzm5ujywxmuqd.onion/index.php?p=', 'http://hp4fxytyky26q3kpgqlhewhrazaag5wg4jsaiwxlv3lkd7r7rmsamqyd.onion/index.php?p=', 'http://soqdfmnocwg47ixineyzlhyem5tx3fju4hadydwob7fk4oyldxhju4ad.onion/index.php?p=', 'http://sya5wcoyib7rozq6cjrdmrrunucqehkuzxs6rkrkffukkn5urq6bv7yd.onion/index.php?p=', 'http://4ep4zkhqqg3kihqlbpsppld4qvg7c7llotilezqr6evbazqbmcwu6fyd.onion/index.php?p=', 'http://hsthebgwlp6xxnhgmvmgukyzxuyaqkx5uqncg56wib7byonddo5k6myd.onion/index.php?p=', 'http://z7yjie5fejolxvscc3lralybnhynajewnqinjfdasoqa2mt2ixjnelqd.onion/index.php?p=', 'http://ebhmkoohccl45qesdbvrjqtyro2hmhkmh6vkyfyjjzfllm3ix72aqaid.onion/support/step.php', 'http://53pkw34sr5aohkkpg4w3nz4wpsqod5mxdqer3hijrz2btv2pe3vncgad.onion', 'http://74yeft3x7wvqnscbzfdljnvnmflnlib2b6mhu6a3arc3vvpi4qbrt2qd.onion', 'http://7baltffgfltbjh26fd62h2ieeomdcpro44xwkdqipbn5dtuklgkigkyd.onion', 'http://fkdhvlseh3xyeugsu54frnui62zjrfpeb2v5rm44b53iopcr3h4flxyd.onion', 'http://hmrr2zllzzxxrdqi5ktjflpga4skdnxm4wvzgkkl72apofvczmsno2ad.onion', 'http://hvhidyqcyj4dozqdxuongpcs2yffjs2ojhazrncqi5cr4hhx3ljopiqd.onion', 'http://sjd7ssbiptl62jktrwc5yffsh4llljx7hswfltnfkttq47gdjlpknxid.onion', 'http://zmdmlidqqrxbkyqkqttbsbticjbofjs5uzwecqvdxfadvsjw7mp5kjyd.onion', 'http://tyrvuuh5tvrvk4x6lfxrvgabqmzpnxehelmdqztu3vekujcknvl2ufad.onion/', 'http://k5pmfzuqwxr2uhnskktjicbnzr633zejupe54yginljj3mgoysfwe4id.onion/', 'http://65bhkrfbqnfjgcsr7456luzjauw5nikuwxradlysivy5wbttjikdhxid.onion/', 'http://k6oor2g5bfvdxhxr2g6fczu3iqldbzyavydk56lh6z7ex7n7wqg4eryd.onion/', 'http://tpwgxrocjvlonhrfjm4jx3dore2u4brxfj4ikt7iba36c23svthhf7ad.onion/'] |
Internal MISP references
UUID 4e672e18-c9e3-5b29-a500-8615a1b9c1a8
which can be used as unique global reference for playboy
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | ['http://vlofmq2u3f5amxmnblvxaghy73aedwta74fyceywr6eeguw3cn6h6uad.onion/', 'http://ovcbyl77wplz67mdcilq6yq67eg56milg3xjehoiklbxrs4mondbklyd.onion/'] |
Internal MISP references
UUID f5ffee22-b5d1-5d55-8dd2-5db26d184cde
which can be used as unique global reference for hellcat
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | ['http://hellcakbszllztlyqbjzwcbdhfrodx55wq77kmftp4bhnhsnn5r3odad.onion', 'http://r7i4vprxr2vznmhnnxj36264ofwx6extopdz535f5v357nqacifymbad.onion/', 'http://hellcat.rw', 'http://hcatxn4ppkgmakaatrq6bsbhqk5ouhviygyx57gljjt5iseul5nvpayd.onion', 'http://hellcakbszllztlyqbjzwcbdhfrodx55wq77kmftp4bhnhsnn5r3odad.onion/api2.php?action=victims'] |
Internal MISP references
UUID 455c76ae-4abe-5237-90eb-87e9530e240c
which can be used as unique global reference for killsec3
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | ['http://ks5424y3wpr5zlug5c7i6svvxweinhbdcqcfnptkfcutrncfazzgz5id.onion/posts.php', 'http://ks5424y3wpr5zlug5c7i6svvxweinhbdcqcfnptkfcutrncfazzgz5id.onion', 'http://xo4o2o2ezgydykywn6zkyqx7toio6z5rzvmjyakgtgkk22vv7223jmqd.onion/'] |
Internal MISP references
UUID 9378e2fb-9536-5168-bd2d-9f610df9ee36
which can be used as unique global reference for chort
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | ['http://hgxyonufefcglpekxma55fttev3lcfucrf7jvep2c3j6447cjroadead.onion'] |
Internal MISP references
UUID c1384254-0269-57e0-91e0-5298035bc612
which can be used as unique global reference for kairos
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | ['http://nerqnacjmdy3obvevyol7qhazkwkv57dwqvye5v46k5bcujtfa6sduad.onion', 'http://dwgxeoaqykd3zdkhol5xpgsqabp4lys4ea7qpl3f2b75b2sdsex644id.onion/files/', 'http://dngqgtcqcz5hgjvk4encs4vfyzucx3gtmov5a4eltvovux4nvazbx6ad.onion/files/'] |
Internal MISP references
UUID c80f73e8-4da4-5ec3-af7e-157f06c94086
which can be used as unique global reference for contfr
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | ['http://zprxx7sfc26rufggreanowmme5qqouqegr2efnko6erycquwvpq5egid.onion/'] |
argonauts group
Internal MISP references
UUID 01059222-4d95-5316-a6ce-044134cb6f1e
which can be used as unique global reference for argonauts group
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
- https://www.ransomlook.io/group/argonauts group
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | ['http://jbmk7h6xlkedn2gg5yi76zca6y3jgdlp5wchlsrd7735tlnrmmvqe5ad.onion/', 'http://4xi5jklauqmjfkwxhs2a6q2d26v2465zfnccacqpz75exv2kzu5aeiad.onion:18080/chat/startchat'] |
Internal MISP references
UUID 87626260-9932-5101-aa8a-496714e6e8dc
which can be used as unique global reference for termite
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | ['http://termiteuslbumdge2zmfmfcsrvmvsfe4gvyudc5j6cdnisnhtftvokid.onion', 'http://pqw3hepvky2pgyyv6dupvx47cm2gxzwop6dfei3i67dj76tdj6alplqd.onion/', 'http://4xklh64cl2lymm6n5xywinfq4wlchgugvv5a77pm3pta34svnohwl2id.onion/'] |
SafePay ransomware started in October 2024 as a new ransomware service, using some of the leaked LockBit source code. Soon after launching, the group made a big impact in the ransomware world, hacking at least 33 organizations by December 9.
The first version of SafePay was created by modifying the LockBit source code. It adds the ".safepay" extension to files that it encrypts and includes a ransom note called "readme_safepay.txt." This version uses a three-step XOR method with a random single-byte key, making it hard for security researchers to analyse.
The group's technical infrastructure includes both a dark web blog and a presence on the TON network for victim communications. Their attack methodology follows a double extortion model, combining traditional file encryption with data theft to maximise pressure on victims. SafePay operators typically move from initial access to ransomware deployment in under 24 hours, significantly faster than the industry average. . Among the Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures (TTPs) of the SafePay group, notable characteristics include the use of compromised VPN credentials as an initial access vector, extensive use of living-off-the-land binaries (LOLBins), and sophisticated privilege escalation techniques. The group frequently employs ShareFinder.ps1 for network reconnaissance and uses WinRAR for data archival before exfiltration. Post encryption, SafePay directs victims to their negotiation portal accessible through both Tor and TON networks.
The group has demonstrated sophisticated operational security measures, including a Cyrillic-language-based killswitch that prevents execution in eastern European countries.
Internal MISP references
UUID 156a6b97-c64f-5742-a530-ea8415c746e3
which can be used as unique global reference for safepay
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
TTP | ['OS Credential Dumping - T1003', 'Exfiltration Over Alternative Protocol - T1048', 'Command and Scripting Interpreter - T1059', 'Application Layer Protocol - T1071', 'Remote Desktop Protocol - T1076', 'Disabling Security Tools - T1089', 'External Remote Services - T1133', 'Network Share Discovery - T1135', 'Indirect Command Execution - T1202', 'Data Encrypted for Impact - T1486', 'Bypass User Account Control - T1548.002', 'Archive via Utility - T1560.001', 'Acquire Access - T1650'] |
extensions | ['.safepay'] |
links | ['http://nj5qix45sxnl4h4og6hcgwengg2oqloj3c2rhc6dpwiofx3jbivcs6qd.onion', 'http://nz4z6ruzcekriti5cjjiiylzvrmysyqwibxztk6voem4trtx7gstpjid.onion', 'http://qkzxzeabulbbaevqkoy2ew4nukakbi4etnnkcyo3avhwu7ih7cql4gyd.onion/', 'http://iieavvi4wtiuijas3zw4w54a5n2srnccm2fcb3jcrvbb7ap5tfphw6ad.onion/', 'http://fcde4o7iquaspdbo5yetwqn3rfueet2zfy3wjosrc5dznyccwbiz6oyd.onion/'] |
ransomnotes-filesnames | ['readme_safepay.txt'] |
Related clusters
To see the related clusters, click here.
Internal MISP references
UUID 5d02020f-fc46-5cd5-9df7-626a39cb3da5
which can be used as unique global reference for invaderx
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | [] |
Internal MISP references
UUID b2a53d9c-cd15-5bb6-a7dc-bb11e3e36fd8
which can be used as unique global reference for beast
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | [] |
Internal MISP references
UUID 24d60b07-a86b-5adc-8429-e187b52b3e04
which can be used as unique global reference for tommyleaks
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | ['http://xir242nunyist4d7ksfnfmhnjx4gvqbuzo7eax4o3abqjesbxjshh4qd.onion/'] |
Internal MISP references
UUID 179c08be-e9aa-502f-bff9-3059f05654a2
which can be used as unique global reference for gwisin
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | ['http://gwisin4yznpdtzq424i3la6oqy5evublod4zbhddzuxcnr34kgfokwad.onion/'] |
Internal MISP references
UUID e313d35e-d12a-533f-82fa-0c1ba10315c6
which can be used as unique global reference for luckbit
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | ['http://luckbit53sdne5yd5vdekadhwnbzjyqlbjkc4g33hs6faphfkvivaeid.onion/'] |
Internal MISP references
UUID 7efacd48-a8ce-5826-ab91-4c26c1c1bad8
which can be used as unique global reference for ctblocker
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | ['http://ohmva4gbywokzqso.onion/', 'http://tmc2ybfqzgkaeilm.onion'] |
Internal MISP references
UUID 6ec1ee9c-12cf-53cc-b651-a01403c3358e
which can be used as unique global reference for krypt
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | ['http://decryptjhpol6zezc72xb2mofmi6o7xlvacnrpbuiczz2sz5ljurg4id.onion/chat', 'http://decryptrrx2fojgfcof3aesrklj5obq7nmizyokq7ohzqxtwfcvtmwad.onion/chat'] |
ext : .help_restoremydata
mail : help@restoremydata.pw
md5 : b1e8b6c2b65d51893bbe61d46cbdb4af
Internal MISP references
UUID 671df985-34a7-508d-b009-f9b12ad17fc0
which can be used as unique global reference for help_restoremydata
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | ['http://gzdn6yjvmrujiqzz4wwuykrta7jtkv2fupb7aozwx7yxnxhj737v2qad.onion/'] |
Internal MISP references
UUID 74ffe164-6ccb-5f3a-8d13-380d9c8172e4
which can be used as unique global reference for bluebox
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | ['http://zu3wfrmrkl4ltqqnpt3owp3cwa33rqwod4gpe3ttb5o4vf2is2gzm6qd.onion/'] |
Internal MISP references
UUID e7460886-41f4-518d-a0b0-c3fd248ce512
which can be used as unique global reference for leakeddata
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | ['http://business-data-leaks.com', 'http://ep6pheij.com/'] |
Internal MISP references
UUID 9276c81d-4a28-5b0e-9130-989a51440465
which can be used as unique global reference for toxic
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | ['http://cwybfdfhstmmoaxmnz4os7qxdcomnp5qleslqb55vt24vh3kmyl6jmad.onion/'] |
crypt ransomware
MD5: 54EFAC23D7B524D56BEDBCE887E11849
Babuk Variant
Internal MISP references
UUID 334e8177-8c01-501d-a99a-9ab481c1ce15
which can be used as unique global reference for crypt ransomware
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
- https://www.ransomlook.io/group/crypt ransomware
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | ['https://lhwhi2kmewfas6tk47psgvqyluz5iwgdll5g6jyknq6rvxxg6soqooqd.onion/'] |
Internal MISP references
UUID 7402729e-e23f-549d-bff0-1f64ea104946
which can be used as unique global reference for weaxor
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | ['http://weaxorpemwzoxg5cdvvfd77p3qczkxqii37ww4foo2n4jcft3mytbpyd.onion/'] |
Internal MISP references
UUID a38a03d0-19bd-547b-9fd1-2a7bd1e996d5
which can be used as unique global reference for schoolboys
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | ['http://pnanlicgxkku2aonwsg2fwid3maycsso7joqnzp66wkfemzdk7ahsdid.onion/'] |
dataf locker
Internal MISP references
UUID d9b496e0-7bf1-5b50-b7fc-4ed921ea243f
which can be used as unique global reference for dataf locker
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
- https://www.ransomlook.io/group/dataf locker
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | ['http://pg3n5bteiatjf6rt7oa4xhzo4sj736rifjmk4gtowxjljuwwdv6mccyd.onion/'] |
Internal MISP references
UUID 132896fc-2758-5384-9bdf-925a7f53c5ff
which can be used as unique global reference for funksec
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | ['http://7ixfdvqb4eaju5lzj4gg76kwlrxg4ugqpuog5oqkkmgfyn33h527oyyd.onion/', 'http://pke2vht5jdeninupk7i2thcfvxegsue6oraswpka35breuj7xxz2erid.onion/', 'http://ykqjcrptcai76ru5u7jhvspkeizfsvpgovton4jmreawj4zdwe4qnlid.onion/', 'http://funknqn44slwmgwgnewne6bintbooauwkaupik4yrlgtycew3ergraid.onion/', 'http://funkxxkovrk7ctnggbjnthdajav4ggex53k6m2x3esjwlxrkb3qiztid.onion/', 'http://funkiydk7c6j3vvck5zk2giml2u746fa5irwalw2kjem6tvofji7rwid.onion/', 'http://funk4ph7igelwpgadmus4n4moyhh22cib723hllneen7g2qkklml4sqd.onion/', 'http://funkyiazgfsrxrib6rnxbhkgfqi7isisfbqnwk2ycf7tpgfhtevlamad.onion/', 'http://funksec.top/', 'http://funksec53xh7j5t6ysgwnaidj5vkh3aqajanplix533kwxdz3qrwugid.onion/', 'http://funksecsekgasgjqlzzkmcnutrrrafavpszijoilbd6z3dkbzvqu43id.onion/', 'http://funksec7vgdojepkipvhfpul3bvsxzyxn66ogp7q4pptvujxtpyjttad.onion/', 'http://funk45xqgrkrtej4743evcgv65oi3w4shwvjx3cvrdtqwul7gzkxuxqd.onion/'] |
Internal MISP references
UUID 70c952fd-486f-5eb8-b3f1-4f2317d784e1
which can be used as unique global reference for lockbit4
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | ['http://lockbitapyx2kr5b7ma7qn6ziwqgbrij2czhcbojuxmgnwpkgv2yx2yd.onion/', 'http://lockbitapyum2wks2lbcnrovcgxj7ne3ua7hhcmshh3s3ajtpookohqd.onion/', 'http://lockbitapp24bvbi43n3qmtfcasf2veaeagjxatgbwtxnsh5w32mljad.onion/', 'http://lockbitapo3wkqddx2ka7t45hejurybzzjpos4cpeliudgv35kkizrid.onion/', 'http://lockbitapiahy43zttdhslabjvx4q6k24xx7r33qtcvwqehmnnqxy3yd.onion/'] |
Internal MISP references
UUID d0e15668-b345-5509-bb12-17640cbc06f1
which can be used as unique global reference for br0k3r
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | ['http://brok3r7bhcblynwpoymgarr6zwcy4ttfbhkhcmotz4lw2gcsuojgaeqd.onion/'] |
Internal MISP references
UUID c3edddfd-f62f-504d-a0eb-2418ccb8f2d7
which can be used as unique global reference for cs-137
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | [] |
belsen group
aka Belesn Group
Internal MISP references
UUID 4e9af451-72a5-5d12-8dde-75cffe4a9627
which can be used as unique global reference for belsen group
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
- https://www.ransomlook.io/group/belsen group
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | ['http://belsenacdodoy3nsmmyjfmtgjen6ipaqkti7dm2q57vabjx2vzq6tnad.onion/'] |
Internal MISP references
UUID fac7b86a-ccf3-52d8-b23b-43b60c00519f
which can be used as unique global reference for satancd
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | ['http://mzg4llxp4kaf4qq5s4hlentf45rjda3mzev3j6hlh2endarc2k6z6oyd.onion/satancd-room'] |
Internal MISP references
UUID 334db0ba-c7d6-5ef4-85af-bfbc6c140450
which can be used as unique global reference for providence
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | [] |
Internal MISP references
UUID 5490d325-70ab-5e5b-9048-8c9449086c26
which can be used as unique global reference for balletspistol
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | [] |
Internal MISP references
UUID 813059c8-1942-5213-b182-f38ab868bab8
which can be used as unique global reference for morpheus
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | ['http://izsp6ipui4ctgxfugbgtu65kzefrucltyfpbxplmfybl5swiadpljmyd.onion'] |
Internal MISP references
UUID ab4dfcc2-a29b-5bbc-b663-98333924423e
which can be used as unique global reference for deadbydawn
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | [] |
A new ransomware variant has been identified, named DORRA. It is worth mentioning in advance that this variant is derived from the Makop ransomware family.
This variant encrypts data by adding the “.DORRA” extension to files, as well as a unique ID and the ransomware developer's email address.
After encrypting the data, the payload creates a ransom note as a text file named “README-WANING.txt,” through which victims are instructed to contact the threat actor via the provided email to decrypt the data.
Interestingly, this variant uses a simple email address hosted on Microsoft's Outlook service as the contact method.
Internal MISP references
UUID b7e9cd85-74f7-4600-850c-508dabcab92d
which can be used as unique global reference for DORRA
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
TTP | ['Query Registry - T1012', 'Obfuscated Files or Information - T1027', 'Software Packing - T1027.002', 'Process Discovery - T1057', 'Command and Scripting Interpreter - T1059', 'Windows Command Shell - T1059.003', 'Indicator Removal - T1070', 'System Information Discovery - T1082', 'File and Directory Discovery - T1083', 'Shared Modules - T1129', 'Network Share Discovery - T1135', 'Indirect Command Execution - T1202', 'File and Directory Permissions Modification - T1222', 'Data Encrypted for Impact - T1486', 'Software Discovery - T1518', 'Hidden Window - T1564.003', 'System Location Discovery - T1614'] |
extensions | ['.DORRA', '.[unique_ID].[dorradocry@outlook.com].DORRA'] |
ransomnotes | ['Your files are encrypted and an important part of your data is stolen!!! \nIf you try to decrypt the files yourself, they may be corrupted and this may lead to the loss of your files!\n\n\nYou need to contact us at this mail address: dorradocr@outlook.com\nIf we do not receive a response from you, your data will end up on the Internet.\n\n\nSeed me ID, which is indicated in the name of your files,\nand you will receive instructions on how to decrypt all files.\nDo not ignore this message, contact us as soon as possible to quickly get your files back.'] |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['README-WANING.txt'] |
Related clusters
To see the related clusters, click here.
The ransomware was identified in early April 2023 and is said to target English-speaking users and potentially other languages. The extension added to encrypted files is: ".m9SRob" (potentially random). The ransom note is named "m9SRob-README.txt". There are no further details about the mentioned group or potentially files. The fact is that it adds an ID for each victim.
Internal MISP references
UUID 0cc3f779-eeb8-4a41-8db3-3d4bb1fb5528
which can be used as unique global reference for HSHARADA
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
extensions | ['.m9SRob'] |
ransomnotes | ['All your important files are processed!\n\nYOUR SPECIAL KEY is [redacted]\n\nAny attempt to restore files using thrid-party software will be fatal to your files!\nThe ONLY POSIBLE WAY TO GET BACK YOUR DATA is buy private key from us.\n\nFollow the instructions below to get you files back:\n\n |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['m9SRob-README.txt'] |
Hunt ransomware is a variant of the Dharma/CrySIS ransomware family. This variant creates a unique ID for each victim, appends the extension '.hunt' to encrypted files, and leaves a ransom note known as info-hunt.txt.
The Dharma/CrySIS ransomware family emerged around mid-2016 as a Ransomware-as-a-Service (RaaS) program, utilizing various initial intrusion methods such as phishing, disguising as legitimate software, and exploiting open RDP connections.
This variant uses AES-256 encryption (CBC mode) or DES+RSA and demands payment to recover files. Upon execution, the ransomware generates a 256-bit AES decryption key, which is then encrypted along with random bytes using the RSA-1024 algorithm and stored at the end of the encrypted file.
The ransomware is written in C/C++ and compiled using MS Visual Studio. Regarding geographic attribution, it has been identified in use by threat actors from Russia, Ukraine, India, and other countries.
"synonyms" in the meta part typically refer to alternate names or labels that are associated with a particular Hunt.
Known Synonyms |
Hunt-Dharma-Crysis |
Internal MISP references
UUID 1b90933a-3f07-4bcf-af29-f3d880d8027e
which can be used as unique global reference for Hunt
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
TTP | ['Obfuscated Files or Information - T1027', 'Software Packing - T1027.002', 'Masquerading - T1036', 'Input Capture - T1056', 'Process Discovery - T1057', 'Command and Scripting Interpreter - T1059', 'Timestomp - T1070.006', 'System Information Discovery - T1082', 'File and Directory Discovery - T1083', 'Modify Registry - T1112', 'Shared Modules - T1129', 'Deobfuscate/Decode Files or Information - T1140', 'Data Encrypted for Impact - T1486', 'Virtualization/Sandbox Evasion - T1497', 'Security Software Discovery - T1518.001', 'Boot or Logon Autostart Execution - T1547', 'Registry Run Keys / Startup Folder - T1547.001', 'Disable or Modify Tools - T1562.001', 'Service Execution - T1569.002'] |
Related clusters
To see the related clusters, click here.
The locker is written in C/C++/ASM.
It supports all systems starting from Windows 2003, has a separate binary for ESXi, and uses a unified encrypted file format across all systems.
• Two encryption modes: patch-based and file header.
• Extensive configuration settings: from ignoring specific paths/extensions to terminating services/processes, unlocking occupied files, working with network shares, and more.
• Arguments available for shutting down Hyper-V virtual machines, deleting backups, network scanning with logged-in user tokens.
• Each build includes an obfuscated PowerShell script.
• Execution is password-protected.
• The locker itself is shellcode for x86/x64; if you have custom execution methods, we can provide the shellcode.
• Encrypts files in patches, with configurable path exclusions.
The default configuration is pre-set to avoid disrupting Windows/ESXi/Linux systems.
Our commission is 20% of payouts
Internal MISP references
UUID 3a11f2e3-5af6-5842-b730-b013ded36c6a
which can be used as unique global reference for a1project
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | [] |
On January 26th, Babuk's dedicated leak site (DLS) was "relaunched". Bjorka (Telegram: @bjorkanesiaaaa) is the current administrator. Upon launch, the DLS was populated mainly by victims previously claimed by other groups such as RansomHub, Lockbit3, and Funksec. At this current time there is no apparent connection to the original Babuk operation besides reusing the Babuk site template and logos. The groups is also known as Babuk2 by other trackers.
It is important to note that the original Babuk DLS was hosted and available up until February 26th, 2024.
Internal MISP references
UUID 468fb9b7-7c22-5db7-aa14-10f71b122f94
which can be used as unique global reference for babuk-bjorka
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | ['http://7dikawx73goypgfi4zyo5fcajxwb7agemmiwqax3p54aey4dwobcvcyd.onion', 'http://gtmx56k4hutn3ikv.onion/', 'http://xeuvs5poflczn5i5kbynb5rupmidb5zjuza6gaq22uqsdp3jvkjkciqd.onion/', 'http://fpwwt67hm3mkt6hdavkfyqi42oo3vkaggvjj4kxdr2ivsbzyka5yr2qd.onion/', 'http://57mphyfkxoj5lph2unswd23akewz3jtj7mb6wignwmyto32ghp2visid.onion/'] |
Internal MISP references
UUID ae046ad6-ee14-5ef2-8022-bb2354f5ec5e
which can be used as unique global reference for darkrypt
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | ['https://darkrypt.io'] |
gd lockersec
Our team members are from different countries and we are not interested in anything else, we are only interested in dollars.
We do not allow CIS, Cuba, North Korea and China to be targeted.
Re-attacks are not allowed for target companies that have already made payments.
We do not allow non-profit hospitals and some non-profit organizations be targeted.
Internal MISP references
UUID 35897947-d886-5e0a-abc8-f05ae92c8692
which can be used as unique global reference for gd lockersec
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
- https://www.ransomlook.io/group/gd lockersec
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | ['http://igziys7pres4644kbrtakxfbrwkyld64nxk5prpkgtcexwrrjgtfjzyd.onion'] |
Internal MISP references
UUID c70e7236-f886-5398-99aa-fc326ced789c
which can be used as unique global reference for sugar
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | ['http://chat5sqrnzqewampznybomgn4hf2m53tybkarxk4sfaktwt7oqpkcvyd.onion/'] |
Internal MISP references
UUID 5d4498ab-38a6-5096-8a44-ba33eb4b786e
which can be used as unique global reference for d0glun
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | ['http://hxxp://33333333h45xwqlf3s3eu4bkd6y6bjswva75ys7j6satex5ctf4pyfad.onion'] |
Internal MISP references
UUID e3c6eaba-854a-58a1-8d7c-da508fbf1402
which can be used as unique global reference for ymir
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | [] |
Hellcome Bjorkanism
Internal MISP references
UUID 636e0d8f-629c-57c1-ab01-6f20fef588b5
which can be used as unique global reference for bjorka
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | ['http://wki2kiikvycnowcygyz7p4svefhgwcu57ae7brd5waitbsgoi6yrfvid.onion/', 'https://bjork.ai/', 'https://netleaks.net/'] |
Internal MISP references
UUID 3ccb40ff-57e3-45d6-8b25-9a88eeb83558
which can be used as unique global reference for KageNoHitobito
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
TTP | ['Obfuscated Files or Information - T1027', 'Software Packing - T1027.002', 'Masquerading - T1036', 'Input Capture - T1056', 'Process Discovery - T1057', 'Command and Scripting Interpreter - T1059', 'Timestomp - T1070.006', 'System Information Discovery - T1082', 'File and Directory Discovery - T1083', 'Native API - T1106', 'Modify Registry - T1112', 'Shared Modules - T1129', 'Deobfuscate/Decode Files or Information - T1140', 'Data Encrypted for Impact - T1486', 'Virtualization/Sandbox Evasion - T1497', 'Security Software Discovery - T1518.001', 'Boot or Logon Autostart Execution - T1547', 'Registry Run Keys / Startup Folder - T1547.001', 'Disable or Modify Tools - T1562.001'] |
extensions | ['.hitobito'] |
ransomnotes | ["All your important files and documents have been encrypted by us.\n\nStep 1:\nOn your current desktop, open up you default browser.\nSearch for Tor Browser or visit https://www.torproject.org/\nIf you cannot accesss Tor then use a VPN to get it instead.\nThen download to the Tor Btowser and follow Step 2.\n\nStep 2:\nNavigate to the group chat and select 'Hitobito' from the username list.\nMessage with the situation and the price you are willing to pay for your files.\nhttp://[redacted].onion.chat\nIf you do not know how to private messasge, ask the chat, they are usually friendly.\nThough we advise you not to click links or follows any discussion they talk of.\n\nStep 3: This is the important part, the one where you restore your computer quickly.\nIf you negotiate correctly and pay our ransom, we will send you a decryptor.\nReminder that 'Hitobito' can be impersonated or be one of several group members."] |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['KageNoHitoboto_ReadMe.txt'] |
Related clusters
To see the related clusters, click here.
Internal MISP references
UUID ec70d27d-fc12-5ef4-9588-acb7c3a3080a
which can be used as unique global reference for malphas
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | [] |
Kraken leak blog (hellokitty)
Internal MISP references
UUID 5b60c7ec-fec9-5b80-aa37-c3b1c4c75ee4
which can be used as unique global reference for kraken
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | ['http://krakenccj3wr23452a4ibkbkuph4d6soyx2xgjoogtuamc3m7u7wemad.onion/', 'http://zq3k4odlfpbzc5y4sxqgolivelxepceaakru3xqo4ll2czmvvtek2ryd.onion/', 'http://t3uouzfvsaqurb2rzoe2mkpetp54d7lgtl45ply34v5lugsnzysmkhid.onion/', 'http://xbupelqsy7lubogl6kdtdqguxoleehbxnuuqm2dos6bbmdwablpqckad.onion/'] |
Internal MISP references
UUID 00d9915f-a986-45b6-85a3-0c2d2d94b6ff
which can be used as unique global reference for MAGASKOSH
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
TTP | ['Query Registry - T1012', 'Obfuscated Files or Information - T1027', 'Software Packing - T1027.002', 'Masquerading - T1036', 'Timestomp - T1070.006', 'System Information Discovery - T1082', 'Native API - T1106', 'Registry Run Keys / Startup Folder - T1547.001', 'Disable or Modify Tools - T1562.001'] |
extensions | ['.magaskosh'] |
ransomnotes | ["ALL OF YOUR FILES HAVE BEEN ENCRYPTED BY MAGAKOSH\n\n6 DAYS\n\nto DELETE all of your files...\n\nIf you want to restore them, please send an email to 666.accidenthappy.666@tutanota.com\n\nYou only have LIMITED time to get back your files!\n- if timer runs out and you dont pay us , all of files will be DELETED and yuor hard disk will be seriously DAMAGED.\n- you will lose some of your data on day 2 in the timer.\n- you can buy more time for pay. Just email us .\n- THIS IS NOT A JOKE! you can wait for the timer to run out ,and watch deletion of your files :)\n\nWhat is our decryption guarantee?\n\nBefore paying you can send us up to 3 test files for free decryption. The total size of files must be less than 2Mb (non archived), and files should not contain valuable information.\n(databases,backups, large excel sheets, etc.)\n\nHow to obtain Bitcoins\nThe easiest way to buy bitcoins is buy.bitcoin.com site.You have to register , click 'Buy bitcoins', and select the seller by payment method and price.\nAlso you can find other places to Bitcoin and beginners guide here: HXXPS://WWW.BITCOIN.COM/GET-STARTED/HOW-TO-BUY-BITCOIN/"] |
ransomnotes-refs | ['https://www.pcrisk.com/images/stories/screenshots202309/magaskosh-ransomware-ransom-note.jpg'] |
Related clusters
To see the related clusters, click here.
Internal MISP references
UUID 4b5b5db8-c50d-4927-ab99-47557b77ca9a
which can be used as unique global reference for Chaos
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Related clusters
To see the related clusters, click here.
Internal MISP references
UUID 262532a7-ae03-4285-9632-0ae7953cbb3c
which can be used as unique global reference for Rincrypt
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
TTP | ['Data from Local System - T1005', 'Obfuscated Files or Information - T1027', 'Masquerading - T1036', 'Command and Scripting Interpreter - T1059', 'System Information Discovery - T1082', 'File and Directory Discovery - T1083', 'Shared Modules - T1129', 'Deobfuscate/Decode Files or Information - T1140', 'Indirect Command Execution - T1202', 'Data Encrypted for Impact - T1486', 'System Checks - T1497.001', 'Security Software Discovery - T1518.001', 'Abuse Elevation Control Mechanism - T1548', 'DLL Side-Loading - T1574.002'] |
extensions | ['.[4 random characters]'] |
ransomnotes | ['RINCRYPT 2.0@\nAll of your files are have been encrypted.\ncontect to parig47317@iliken.com and buy decryptor.'] |
ransomnotes-filenames | ['READ THIS.txt.'] |
Related clusters
To see the related clusters, click here.
SHINRA ransomware is a variant of the Proton ransomware family, known for its malicious activities involving data encryption and demanding a ransom for data decryption.
After encrypting files, the ransomware renames them with a sequence of random characters and appends the ".SHINRA3" extension to the filenames.
It is worth noting that this ransomware uses AES and ECC encryption algorithms to lock files on the victim's computer. Following the encryption, it creates a ransom note named "SHINRA-Recovery.txt."
There are not many details about its operation or methods of infecting its victims, but after encryption, the victim needs to send an email regarding recovery to the addresses provided, including their ID as generated by the ransomware:
Qq.decrypt@gmail.com Qq.encrypt@gmail.com ethan@fastmsg.info
The ransomware also changes the victim's wallpaper, displaying the need to send the data and contact the threat actor.
Internal MISP references
UUID 8ed2354e-82ba-4338-a07c-8e3f073cc075
which can be used as unique global reference for Shinra
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
TTP | ['System Service Discovery - T1007', 'Application Window Discovery - T1010', 'System Network Configuration Discovery - T1016', 'Remote System Discovery - T1018', 'Obfuscated Files or Information - T1027', 'Indicator Removal from Tools - T1027.005', 'Embedded Payloads - T1027.009', 'Masquerading - T1036', 'Windows Management Instrumentation - T1047', 'Input Capture - T1056', 'Process Discovery - T1057', 'Command and Scripting Interpreter - T1059', 'Scripting - T1064', 'Clear Windows Event Logs - T1070.001', 'File Deletion - T1070.004', 'Data Staged - T1074', 'System Information Discovery - T1082', 'File and Directory Discovery - T1083', 'Automated Collection - T1119', 'Shared Modules - T1129', 'Network Share Discovery - T1135', 'Indirect Command Execution - T1202', 'File and Directory Permissions Modification - T1222', 'Data Destruction - T1485', 'Data Encrypted for Impact - T1486', 'Service Stop - T1489', 'Inhibit System Recovery - T1490', 'Security Software Discovery - T1518.001', 'Windows Service - T1543.003', 'Boot or Logon Autostart Execution - T1547', 'Registry Run Keys / Startup Folder - T1547.001', 'Abuse Elevation Control Mechanism - T1548', 'Disable or Modify Tools - T1562.001', 'Hidden Window - T1564.003'] |
extensions | ['.SHINRA3'] |
ransomnotes | ['~~~ SHINRA ~~~\n>>> What happened?\nWe encrypted and stolen all of your files.\nWe use AES and ECC algorithms.\nNobody can recover your files without our decryption service.\n>>> What guarantees?\nYou can send us an unimportant file less than 1 MG, We decrypt it as guarantee.\nIf we do not send you the decryption software or delete stolen data, no one will pay us in future so we will keep our promise.\n>>> How to contact us?\nOur email address: qq.decrypt@gmail.com\nIn case of no answer within 24 hours, contact to this email: qq.encrypt@gmail.com\nWrite your personal ID in the subject of the email.\n>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>\n>>>>>>>>>>> Your ID: - <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>\n>>> Warnings!\n- Do not go to recovery companies, they are just middlemen who will make money off you and cheat you.\nThey secretly negotiate with us, buy decryption software and will sell it to you many times more expensive or they will simply scam you.\n- Do not hesitate for a long time. The faster you pay, the lower the price.\n- Do not delete or modify encrypted files, it will lead to problems with decryption of files.', 'Email us for recovery: qq.decrypt@gmail.com\nIn case of no answer, send to this email:\nqq.encrypt@gmail.com\nYour unique ID:\nCF2BD8EED988807E19AAB4F3DCB27DC4'] |
ransomnotes-filesnames | ['SHINRA-Recovery.txt'] |
Related clusters
To see the related clusters, click here.
Cisco Talos has identified a new, previously unknown threat actor of Vietnamese origin conducting a ransomware operation that began at least on June 4, 2023.
The ongoing attack utilizes a variant of the Yashma Ransomware, likely targeting multiple geographical areas and mimicking the characteristics of WannaCry.
The threat actor uses an unusual technique to deliver the ransom note, as instead of embedding the ransom note strings in the binary, the actor downloads the ransom note from a GitHub repository controlled by ,the actor by executing an embedded batch file.
Talos stated that this threat actor targets victims in English-speaking countries, Bulgaria, China, and Vietnam, as the GitHub account of the actor "nguyenvientphat" contains ransomware notes written in the languages of these countries. The presence of the ransom note may indicate that the actor intends to expand its geographical area of operation.
The company also stated that the threat actor may have Vietnamese origin because the GitHub account name and email contact in the ransom notes fake the name of a legitimate organization. The ransom note also asks victims to contact between 19:00 and 23:00 UTC +07:00, coinciding with the Vietnam time zone.
A difference was also identified in the Vietnamese language ransom note, as it begins with "Sorry, your file is encrypted!" compared to the other notes that state "Oops, your files are encrypted!". By saying "sorry," the threat actor may intend to show greater sensitivity to victims in Vietnam, indicating that the attackers themselves are Vietnamese.
Talos further mentioned that the threat actor started the campaign around June 4, 2023, as they joined GitHub and created a public repository called "Ransomware." In the repository, the threat actor added text files of ransom notes in five languages: English, Bulgarian, Vietnamese, simplified Chinese, and traditional Chinese.
The note presents the email address "nguyenvietphat[.]n@gmail[.]com," for victims to contact them. At the time of analysis, no Bitcoin was observed in the wallet, and the ransom note did not specify an amount, indicating that the ransomware operation could still be in its early stages.
The threat actor deployed a variant of the Yashma ransomware, which they compiled on June 4, 2023. It is worth noting that Yashma is a 32-bit executable written in .NET and a renamed version of the Chaos Ransomware V5, which appeared in May 2022. In the variant, most of Yashma's features remained unchanged and were described by BlackBerry security researchers, with some notable modifications.
The ransomware stores the ransom note text as strings in the binary, but this Yashma variant executes an embedded batch file, which contains the commands to download the ransom note from the actor-controlled GitHub repository. This modification avoids endpoint detection solutions and antivirus software, which typically detect embedded ransom note strings in the binary.
Previous versions of Yashma established persistence on the victim's machine in the Run registry key and by dropping a Windows shortcut file pointing to the executable path of the ransomware in the startup folder. The identified variant also established persistence in the Run registry key. However, it was modified to create a ".url" favorites file in the startup folder pointing to the executable located in "%AppData%\Roaming\svchost.exe."
Additionally, the threat actor chose to maintain Yashma's anti-recovery capability in this variant. After encrypting a file, the ransomware wipes the content of the original unencrypted files, writes a single "?" character, and then deletes the file. This technique makes it more difficult for incident responders and forensic analysts to recover deleted files from the victim's hard drive.
Internal MISP references
UUID 5f85f61b-908b-4bd5-a8e3-466107b9cbf6
which can be used as unique global reference for Yashma
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
TTP | ['OS Credential Dumping - T1003', 'Data from Local System - T1005', 'Application Window Discovery - T1010', 'Query Registry - T1012', 'Obfuscated Files or Information - T1027', 'System Owner/User Discovery - T1033', 'Masquerading - T1036', 'Scheduled Task/Job - T1053', 'Process Discovery - T1057', 'Scripting - T1064', 'File Deletion - T1070.004', 'System Information Discovery - T1082', 'File and Directory Discovery - T1083', 'Ingress Tool Transfer - T1105', 'Clipboard Data - T1115', 'Shared Modules - T1129', 'Deobfuscate/Decode Files or Information - T1140', 'File and Directory Permissions Modification - T1222', 'Data Encrypted for Impact - T1486', 'Inhibit System Recovery - T1490', 'Virtualization/Sandbox Evasion - T1497', 'Software Discovery - T1518', 'Security Software Discovery - T1518.001', 'Registry Run Keys / Startup Folder - T1547.001', 'Disable or Modify Tools - T1562.001'] |
ransomnotes | ['Oops, your files have been encrypted!\n\nWhat Happened to My Computer?\nYour important files are encrypted.\nMany of your documents, photos, videos, databases and other files are no longer accessible because they have been encrypted. Maybe you are busy looking for a way to recover your files, but do not waste your time. Nobody can recover your files without our decryption service.\n\nCan I Recover My Files?\nSure. We guarante that you can recover all your files safely and easily. But you have not so enough time.\nIf you want to decrypt all your files, you need to pay.\nYou only have 3 days to submit the payment. After that the price will be double.\nAlso, if you don’t pay in 7 days, you won’t be able to recover your files forever.\nWe will have free events for users who are so poor that they couldn’t pay in 6 months.\n\nHow Do I Pay?\nPayment is accepted in Bitcoin only. For more goes in your browser and search ("About Bitcoin").\nPlease check the current price of Bitcoin and buy some bitcoins. For more information, goes in your browser and search ("How to buy bitcoins").\nAnd send the correct amount to this ("address Bitcoins / Bitcoin Wallet:\nbc1q6day0vumh2rdar0nkt3q9lg4mcq24j5mc7")\nAfter your payment, please email to me: nguyenvietphat.nt@gmail.com. Best time to email is\n7:00PM - 11:00PM (UTC+7) from Saturday and Sunday.\nOnce the payment is checked, you can start decrypting your files immediately.\n\nContact\nIf you need your assistance, send a message to us by send email to us: nguyenvietphat.nt@gmail.com.\n\nWe strongly recommend you to not remove this software, and disable your anti-virus for a while, until you pay and the payment gets processed. If your anti-virus gets updated and removes this software automatically, it will not be able to recovery your files even if you pay!', 'Rất tiếc, tệp của bạn đã được mã hóa!\n\nĐiều gì xảy ra với máy tính của tôi?\nCác tệp quan trọng của bạn đã được mã hóa.\nNhiều tài liệu, ảnh, video, cơ sở dữ liệu và các tệp khác của bạn không còn truy cập được vì chúng đã được mã hóa. Có thể bạn đang tìm cách khôi phục phần của mình, nhưng đừng lãng phí thời gian. Không ai có thể khôi phục tệp của bạn nếu không có dịch vụ giải mã của chúng tôi.\n\nTôi có thể khôi phục tệp của mình không?\nChắc chắn. Chúng tôi đảm bảo rằng bạn có thể khôi phục tất cả các tệp của mình một cách an toàn và dễ dàng.\nNhưng bạn không có đủ thời gian.\nNếu bạn muốn giải mã tất cả các tệp của mình, bạn cần phải trả tiền.\nBạn chỉ có 3 ngày để gửi thanh toán. Sau đó giá sẽ tăng gấp đôi.\nNgoài ra, nếu bạn không thanh toán trong 7 ngày, bạn sẽ không thể khôi phục các tệp của mình mãi mãi.\nChúng tôi sẽ tổ chức các sự kiện miễn phí cho những người nghèo không thể trả tiền trong 6 tháng.\n\nLàm thế nào để tôi trả tiền?\nThanh toán chỉ được chấp nhận bằng Bitcoin. Để biết thêm thông tin, hãy truy cập vào trình duyệt của bạn và tìm kiếm ("Giới thiệu về Bitcoin").\nHãy kiểm tra giá hiện tại của Bitcoin và mua một số bitcoin. Để biết thêm thông tin, hãy truy cập trình duyệt của bạn và tìm kiếm ("Cách mua bitcoin").\nVà gửi số tiền vào địa chỉ này ("Địa chỉ Bitcoin / Ví Bitcoin:\nbc1q6day0vumh2rdar0nkt3q9lg4mcq24j5mc7")\n\nSau khi thanh toán, vui lòng gửi email tới: nguyenvietphat.nt@gmail.com. Thời gian tốt nhất để gửi email là từ 7:00 tối - 11:00 tối (UTC+7) vào Thứ Bảy và Chủ Nhật.\nSau khi thanh toán được kiểm tra, bạn có thể bắt đầu giải mã các tệp của mình ngay lập tức.\n\nLiên hệ\nNếu bạn cần hỗ trợ của chúng tôi, hãy gửi tin nhắn cho chúng tôi bằng cách gửi email cho chúng tôi: nguyenvietphat.nt@gmail.com.\n\nChúng tôi thực sự khuyên bạn không nên gỡ bỏ phần mềm này và tắt phần mềm chống vi-rút của bạn trong một thời gian cho đến khi quá trình thanh toán được xử lý. Nếu chương trình chống vi-rút của bạn nhận được cập nhật và xóa phần mềm này, nó sẽ không thể khôi phục các tệp của bạn ngay cả khi bạn đã thanh toán.'] |
Related clusters
To see the related clusters, click here.
Internal MISP references
UUID c1b62781-0659-56c7-8395-fc5f75082be6
which can be used as unique global reference for kuiper
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | [] |
Internal MISP references
UUID 6bec7e8f-5f57-5835-b593-4656c776575d
which can be used as unique global reference for late.lol
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | ['https://late.lol'] |
Internal MISP references
UUID 1c0f2661-1355-50f1-84da-c4233dcd511c
which can be used as unique global reference for w3crypto
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | ['http://fdevb3qh24ak7wujqsf7co4z6fstm5qxvnkkgs62fayztjfjjtqqgsad.onion/'] |
Internal MISP references
UUID a88c7ffe-a9e1-5961-bbfa-22725789fd86
which can be used as unique global reference for tooda
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | ['http://tooda.sh'] |
robbing hood
Internal MISP references
UUID 0c442cbf-7466-5847-b1fa-58f9acc24aa2
which can be used as unique global reference for robbing hood
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
- https://www.ransomlook.io/group/robbing hood
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | ['http://fonektibq4fbgergrorw43yawhz3qslkonrwc74j2h2kftcidmf6g6id.onion/'] |
Internal MISP references
UUID 8141f0e6-4914-54a6-a01e-b4ee77836954
which can be used as unique global reference for darkhav0c
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | ['http://afiocd14efgh5hu8ijkl9012m.onion'] |
run some wares
Internal MISP references
UUID f4f89742-15c5-5b77-8669-06c2a1eaacd5
which can be used as unique global reference for run some wares
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
- https://www.ransomlook.io/group/run some wares
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | ['http://rnsmwareartse3m4hjsumjf222pnka6gad26cqxqmbjvevhbnym5p6ad.onion/', 'http://nidzkoszg57upoq7wcalm2xxeh4i6uumh36axsnqnj3i7lep5uhkehyd.onion/', 'http://oow7rehrxlzpy6vh3hezl2khstkpa6s7wx3iit74tr6xbjibupld5iad.onion/'] |
Internal MISP references
UUID 39d97d49-fe9d-5af3-95f4-b9f3fdf8e60a
which can be used as unique global reference for linkc
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | ['http://iywqjjaf2zioehzzauys3sktbcdmuzm2fsjkqsblnm7dt6axjfpoxwid.onion/', 'http://xs4psqhvekjle3qwyiav7dzccuo4ylw2eylvd3peuqrld74kzzjzhcyd.onion/'] |
Internal MISP references
UUID 5d268413-4eee-5d8c-b8b3-63eee4ce4531
which can be used as unique global reference for encrypthub
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | [] |
aka Cring / Ghost (Cring)
Beginning early 2021, Ghost actors began attacking victims whose internet facing services ran outdated versions of software and firmware. This indiscriminate targeting of networks containing vulnerabilities has led to the compromise of organizations across more than 70 countries, including organizations in China. Ghost actors, located in China, conduct these widespread attacks for financial gain. Affected victims include critical infrastructure, schools and universities, healthcare, government networks, religious institutions, technology and manufacturing companies, and numerous small- and medium-sized businesses.
Ghost actors rotate their ransomware executable payloads, switch file extensions for encrypted files, modify ransom note text, and use numerous ransom email addresses, which has led to variable attribution of this group over time. Names associated with this group include Ghost, Cring, Crypt3r, Phantom, Strike, Hello, Wickrme, HsHarada, and Rapture. Samples of ransomware files Ghost used during attacks are: Cring.exe, Ghost.exe, ElysiumO.exe, and Locker.exe.
Internal MISP references
UUID ef9769e4-067c-5e45-b80f-36f6d5a52a82
which can be used as unique global reference for ghost
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | [] |
ox thief
Internal MISP references
UUID 2a4b653c-f94a-5d41-b33e-b7380d07db66
which can be used as unique global reference for ox thief
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
- https://www.ransomlook.io/group/ox thief
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | ['http://oxthiefsvzp3qifmkrpwcllwscyu7jvmdxmd2coz2rxpem6ohut6x5qd.onion/'] |
Mimic v.10 Ransomware-as-a-Service (RaaS). The malware is designed to target various operating systems (Windows, ESXi, NAS, FreeBSD) and features network-wide deployment, file obfuscation, backup destruction, UAC bypass, and multithreaded encryption. The service offers additional tools like NTLM password decryption and call-based extortion. They prohibit attacks on CIS countries and require active participation, with decryption tools available for a fee currently 800USD.
Internal MISP references
UUID 65cba1a3-f165-5ff6-96c0-fe15981b92eb
which can be used as unique global reference for mimic-guram
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | [] |
Internal MISP references
UUID 99b9665b-4d05-513e-a01d-7790da1f52ee
which can be used as unique global reference for anubis
in MISP communities and other software using the MISP galaxy
External references
Associated metadata
Metadata key | Value |
links | ['http://om6q4a6cyipxvt7ioudxt24cw4oqu4yodmqzl25mqd2hgllymrgu4aqd.onion/'] |