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31611 (9c78e6c4-f619-4672-96c0-1d746e6efc79)

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©2015-2025 Max Guglielmi
Cluster A Galaxy A Cluster B Galaxy B Level
316110 (2a6de13f-cc06-48a9-9915-c4053f098fed) NAICS 31611 (9c78e6c4-f619-4672-96c0-1d746e6efc79) NAICS 1
3161 (62f0cb52-df3f-4f89-8343-51970fdc3d7c) NAICS 31611 (9c78e6c4-f619-4672-96c0-1d746e6efc79) NAICS 1
316110 (2a6de13f-cc06-48a9-9915-c4053f098fed) NAICS 3161 (62f0cb52-df3f-4f89-8343-51970fdc3d7c) NAICS 2
316 (97edc125-ed21-423b-9bdb-6ae7f92e739f) NAICS 3161 (62f0cb52-df3f-4f89-8343-51970fdc3d7c) NAICS 2
316 (97edc125-ed21-423b-9bdb-6ae7f92e739f) NAICS 3162 (fe4e4e08-df2c-422e-bbfb-471afdc2f0d6) NAICS 3
316 (97edc125-ed21-423b-9bdb-6ae7f92e739f) NAICS 3169 (4eab73bb-043c-4565-889d-4672aabac991) NAICS 3
316210 (2002633d-d403-4461-a0f8-54222883f668) NAICS 3162 (fe4e4e08-df2c-422e-bbfb-471afdc2f0d6) NAICS 4
3162 (fe4e4e08-df2c-422e-bbfb-471afdc2f0d6) NAICS 31621 (ba19a71c-30df-4e08-94ba-c529f6201974) NAICS 4
316990 (807b507c-a9f8-484a-b58e-79e5d2a073e4) NAICS 3169 (4eab73bb-043c-4565-889d-4672aabac991) NAICS 4
31699 (1256f0c0-222d-42b2-a05d-4fa8ab70f718) NAICS 3169 (4eab73bb-043c-4565-889d-4672aabac991) NAICS 4
316210 (2002633d-d403-4461-a0f8-54222883f668) NAICS 31621 (ba19a71c-30df-4e08-94ba-c529f6201974) NAICS 5
31699 (1256f0c0-222d-42b2-a05d-4fa8ab70f718) NAICS 316990 (807b507c-a9f8-484a-b58e-79e5d2a073e4) NAICS 5