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ROADTools - S0684 (6dbdc657-d8e0-4f2f-909b-7251b3e72c6d)

ROADTools is a framework for enumerating Azure Active Directory environments. The tool is written in Python and publicly available on GitHub.(Citation: ROADtools Github)

Cluster A Galaxy A Cluster B Galaxy B Level
ROADTools - S0684 (6dbdc657-d8e0-4f2f-909b-7251b3e72c6d) mitre-tool Cloud Groups - T1069.003 (16e94db9-b5b1-4cd0-b851-f38fbd0a70f2) Attack Pattern 1
Automated Collection - T1119 (30208d3e-0d6b-43c8-883e-44462a514619) Attack Pattern ROADTools - S0684 (6dbdc657-d8e0-4f2f-909b-7251b3e72c6d) mitre-tool 1
ROADTools - S0684 (6dbdc657-d8e0-4f2f-909b-7251b3e72c6d) mitre-tool Cloud Service Discovery - T1526 (e24fcba8-2557-4442-a139-1ee2f2e784db) Attack Pattern 1
Cloud Accounts - T1078.004 (f232fa7a-025c-4d43-abc7-318e81a73d65) Attack Pattern ROADTools - S0684 (6dbdc657-d8e0-4f2f-909b-7251b3e72c6d) mitre-tool 1
Cloud Account - T1087.004 (8f104855-e5b7-4077-b1f5-bc3103b41abe) Attack Pattern ROADTools - S0684 (6dbdc657-d8e0-4f2f-909b-7251b3e72c6d) mitre-tool 1
ROADTools - S0684 (6dbdc657-d8e0-4f2f-909b-7251b3e72c6d) mitre-tool Remote System Discovery - T1018 (e358d692-23c0-4a31-9eb6-ecc13a8d7735) Attack Pattern 1
Permission Groups Discovery - T1069 (15dbf668-795c-41e6-8219-f0447c0e64ce) Attack Pattern Cloud Groups - T1069.003 (16e94db9-b5b1-4cd0-b851-f38fbd0a70f2) Attack Pattern 2
Cloud Accounts - T1078.004 (f232fa7a-025c-4d43-abc7-318e81a73d65) Attack Pattern Valid Accounts - T1078 (b17a1a56-e99c-403c-8948-561df0cffe81) Attack Pattern 2
Cloud Account - T1087.004 (8f104855-e5b7-4077-b1f5-bc3103b41abe) Attack Pattern Account Discovery - T1087 (72b74d71-8169-42aa-92e0-e7b04b9f5a08) Attack Pattern 2