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CookieMiner - S0492 (eedc01d5-95e6-4d21-bcd4-1121b1df4586)

CookieMiner is mac-based malware that targets information associated with cryptocurrency exchanges as well as enabling cryptocurrency mining on the victim system itself. It was first discovered in the wild in 2019.(Citation: Unit42 CookieMiner Jan 2019)

Cluster A Galaxy A Cluster B Galaxy B Level
Credentials from Web Browsers - T1555.003 (58a3e6aa-4453-4cc8-a51f-4befe80b31a8) Attack Pattern CookieMiner - S0492 (eedc01d5-95e6-4d21-bcd4-1121b1df4586) Malware 1
Deobfuscate/Decode Files or Information - T1140 (3ccef7ae-cb5e-48f6-8302-897105fbf55c) Attack Pattern CookieMiner - S0492 (eedc01d5-95e6-4d21-bcd4-1121b1df4586) Malware 1
Unix Shell - T1059.004 (a9d4b653-6915-42af-98b2-5758c4ceee56) Attack Pattern CookieMiner - S0492 (eedc01d5-95e6-4d21-bcd4-1121b1df4586) Malware 1
File and Directory Discovery - T1083 (7bc57495-ea59-4380-be31-a64af124ef18) Attack Pattern CookieMiner - S0492 (eedc01d5-95e6-4d21-bcd4-1121b1df4586) Malware 1
Exfiltration Over Unencrypted Non-C2 Protocol - T1048.003 (fb8d023d-45be-47e9-bc51-f56bcae6435b) Attack Pattern CookieMiner - S0492 (eedc01d5-95e6-4d21-bcd4-1121b1df4586) Malware 1
CookieMiner - S0492 (eedc01d5-95e6-4d21-bcd4-1121b1df4586) Malware Python - T1059.006 (cc3502b5-30cc-4473-ad48-42d51a6ef6d1) Attack Pattern 1
CookieMiner - S0492 (eedc01d5-95e6-4d21-bcd4-1121b1df4586) Malware Launch Agent - T1543.001 (d10cbd34-42e3-45c0-84d2-535a09849584) Attack Pattern 1
CookieMiner - S0492 (eedc01d5-95e6-4d21-bcd4-1121b1df4586) Malware Steal Web Session Cookie - T1539 (10ffac09-e42d-4f56-ab20-db94c67d76ff) Attack Pattern 1
CookieMiner - S0492 (eedc01d5-95e6-4d21-bcd4-1121b1df4586) Malware Ingress Tool Transfer - T1105 (e6919abc-99f9-4c6c-95a5-14761e7b2add) Attack Pattern 1
Data from Local System - T1005 (3c4a2599-71ee-4405-ba1e-0e28414b4bc5) Attack Pattern CookieMiner - S0492 (eedc01d5-95e6-4d21-bcd4-1121b1df4586) Malware 1
Disable or Modify System Firewall - T1562.004 (5372c5fe-f424-4def-bcd5-d3a8e770f07b) Attack Pattern CookieMiner - S0492 (eedc01d5-95e6-4d21-bcd4-1121b1df4586) Malware 1
Compute Hijacking - T1496.001 (a718a0c8-5768-41a1-9958-a1cc3f995e99) Attack Pattern CookieMiner - S0492 (eedc01d5-95e6-4d21-bcd4-1121b1df4586) Malware 1
Security Software Discovery - T1518.001 (cba37adb-d6fb-4610-b069-dd04c0643384) Attack Pattern CookieMiner - S0492 (eedc01d5-95e6-4d21-bcd4-1121b1df4586) Malware 1
Command Obfuscation - T1027.010 (d511a6f6-4a33-41d5-bc95-c343875d1377) Attack Pattern CookieMiner - S0492 (eedc01d5-95e6-4d21-bcd4-1121b1df4586) Malware 1
Credentials from Web Browsers - T1555.003 (58a3e6aa-4453-4cc8-a51f-4befe80b31a8) Attack Pattern Credentials from Password Stores - T1555 (3fc9b85a-2862-4363-a64d-d692e3ffbee0) Attack Pattern 2
Command and Scripting Interpreter - T1059 (7385dfaf-6886-4229-9ecd-6fd678040830) Attack Pattern Unix Shell - T1059.004 (a9d4b653-6915-42af-98b2-5758c4ceee56) Attack Pattern 2
Exfiltration Over Unencrypted Non-C2 Protocol - T1048.003 (fb8d023d-45be-47e9-bc51-f56bcae6435b) Attack Pattern Exfiltration Over Alternative Protocol - T1048 (a19e86f8-1c0a-4fea-8407-23b73d615776) Attack Pattern 2
Command and Scripting Interpreter - T1059 (7385dfaf-6886-4229-9ecd-6fd678040830) Attack Pattern Python - T1059.006 (cc3502b5-30cc-4473-ad48-42d51a6ef6d1) Attack Pattern 2
Create or Modify System Process - T1543 (106c0cf6-bf73-4601-9aa8-0945c2715ec5) Attack Pattern Launch Agent - T1543.001 (d10cbd34-42e3-45c0-84d2-535a09849584) Attack Pattern 2
Disable or Modify System Firewall - T1562.004 (5372c5fe-f424-4def-bcd5-d3a8e770f07b) Attack Pattern Impair Defenses - T1562 (3d333250-30e4-4a82-9edc-756c68afc529) Attack Pattern 2
Resource Hijacking - T1496 (cd25c1b4-935c-4f0e-ba8d-552f28bc4783) Attack Pattern Compute Hijacking - T1496.001 (a718a0c8-5768-41a1-9958-a1cc3f995e99) Attack Pattern 2
Security Software Discovery - T1518.001 (cba37adb-d6fb-4610-b069-dd04c0643384) Attack Pattern Software Discovery - T1518 (e3b6daca-e963-4a69-aee6-ed4fd653ad58) Attack Pattern 2
Obfuscated Files or Information - T1027 (b3d682b6-98f2-4fb0-aa3b-b4df007ca70a) Attack Pattern Command Obfuscation - T1027.010 (d511a6f6-4a33-41d5-bc95-c343875d1377) Attack Pattern 2