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ShiftyBug - S0294 (c80a6bef-b3ce-44d0-b113-946e93124898)

ShiftyBug is an auto-rooting adware family of malware for Android. The family is very similar to the other Android families known as Shedun, Shuanet, Kemoge, though it is not believed all the families were created by the same group. (Citation: Lookout-Adware)

Cluster A Galaxy A Cluster B Galaxy B Level
Compromise Client Software Binary - T1645 (4f14e30b-8b57-4a7b-9093-2c0778ea99cf) Attack Pattern ShiftyBug - S0294 (c80a6bef-b3ce-44d0-b113-946e93124898) Malware 1
Kemoge (0c769e82-df28-4f65-97f5-7f3d88488f2e) Android ShiftyBug - S0294 (c80a6bef-b3ce-44d0-b113-946e93124898) Malware 1
Exploitation for Privilege Escalation - T1404 (351c0927-2fc1-4a2c-ad84-cbbee7eb8172) Attack Pattern ShiftyBug - S0294 (c80a6bef-b3ce-44d0-b113-946e93124898) Malware 1