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PowGoop - S1046 (c19d19ae-dd58-4584-8469-966bbeaa80e3)

PowGoop is a loader that consists of a DLL loader and a PowerShell-based downloader; it has been used by MuddyWater as their main loader.(Citation: DHS CISA AA22-055A MuddyWater February 2022)(Citation: CYBERCOM Iranian Intel Cyber January 2022)

Cluster A Galaxy A Cluster B Galaxy B Level
Deobfuscate/Decode Files or Information - T1140 (3ccef7ae-cb5e-48f6-8302-897105fbf55c) Attack Pattern PowGoop - S1046 (c19d19ae-dd58-4584-8469-966bbeaa80e3) Malware 1
Encrypted Channel - T1573 (b8902400-e6c5-4ba2-95aa-2d35b442b118) Attack Pattern PowGoop - S1046 (c19d19ae-dd58-4584-8469-966bbeaa80e3) Malware 1
Web Protocols - T1071.001 (df8b2a25-8bdf-4856-953c-a04372b1c161) Attack Pattern PowGoop - S1046 (c19d19ae-dd58-4584-8469-966bbeaa80e3) Malware 1
Non-Standard Encoding - T1132.002 (d467bc38-284b-4a00-96ac-125f447799fc) Attack Pattern PowGoop - S1046 (c19d19ae-dd58-4584-8469-966bbeaa80e3) Malware 1
Masquerading - T1036 (42e8de7b-37b2-4258-905a-6897815e58e0) Attack Pattern PowGoop - S1046 (c19d19ae-dd58-4584-8469-966bbeaa80e3) Malware 1
Match Legitimate Name or Location - T1036.005 (1c4e5d32-1fe9-4116-9d9d-59e3925bd6a2) Attack Pattern PowGoop - S1046 (c19d19ae-dd58-4584-8469-966bbeaa80e3) Malware 1
PowerShell - T1059.001 (970a3432-3237-47ad-bcca-7d8cbb217736) Attack Pattern PowGoop - S1046 (c19d19ae-dd58-4584-8469-966bbeaa80e3) Malware 1
DLL Side-Loading - T1574.002 (e64c62cf-9cd7-4a14-94ec-cdaac43ab44b) Attack Pattern PowGoop - S1046 (c19d19ae-dd58-4584-8469-966bbeaa80e3) Malware 1
Application Layer Protocol - T1071 (355be19c-ffc9-46d5-8d50-d6a036c675b6) Attack Pattern Web Protocols - T1071.001 (df8b2a25-8bdf-4856-953c-a04372b1c161) Attack Pattern 2
Non-Standard Encoding - T1132.002 (d467bc38-284b-4a00-96ac-125f447799fc) Attack Pattern Data Encoding - T1132 (cc7b8c4e-9be0-47ca-b0bb-83915ec3ee2f) Attack Pattern 2
Masquerading - T1036 (42e8de7b-37b2-4258-905a-6897815e58e0) Attack Pattern Match Legitimate Name or Location - T1036.005 (1c4e5d32-1fe9-4116-9d9d-59e3925bd6a2) Attack Pattern 2
Command and Scripting Interpreter - T1059 (7385dfaf-6886-4229-9ecd-6fd678040830) Attack Pattern PowerShell - T1059.001 (970a3432-3237-47ad-bcca-7d8cbb217736) Attack Pattern 2
Hijack Execution Flow - T1574 (aedfca76-3b30-4866-b2aa-0f1d7fd1e4b6) Attack Pattern DLL Side-Loading - T1574.002 (e64c62cf-9cd7-4a14-94ec-cdaac43ab44b) Attack Pattern 2