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Daserf - S0187 (b6b3dfc7-9a81-43ff-ac04-698bad48973a)

Daserf is a backdoor that has been used to spy on and steal from Japanese, South Korean, Russian, Singaporean, and Chinese victims. Researchers have identified versions written in both Visual C and Delphi. (Citation: Trend Micro Daserf Nov 2017) (Citation: Secureworks BRONZE BUTLER Oct 2017)

Cluster A Galaxy A Cluster B Galaxy B Level
Web Protocols - T1071.001 (df8b2a25-8bdf-4856-953c-a04372b1c161) Attack Pattern Daserf - S0187 (b6b3dfc7-9a81-43ff-ac04-698bad48973a) Malware 1
Daserf - S0187 (b6b3dfc7-9a81-43ff-ac04-698bad48973a) Malware Indicator Removal from Tools - T1027.005 (b0533c6e-8fea-4788-874f-b799cacc4b92) Attack Pattern 1
Match Legitimate Name or Location - T1036.005 (1c4e5d32-1fe9-4116-9d9d-59e3925bd6a2) Attack Pattern Daserf - S0187 (b6b3dfc7-9a81-43ff-ac04-698bad48973a) Malware 1
Archive Collected Data - T1560 (53ac20cd-aca3-406e-9aa0-9fc7fdc60a5a) Attack Pattern Daserf - S0187 (b6b3dfc7-9a81-43ff-ac04-698bad48973a) Malware 1
Daserf - S0187 (b6b3dfc7-9a81-43ff-ac04-698bad48973a) Malware Keylogging - T1056.001 (09a60ea3-a8d1-4ae5-976e-5783248b72a4) Attack Pattern 1
Daserf - S0187 (b6b3dfc7-9a81-43ff-ac04-698bad48973a) Malware Archive via Utility - T1560.001 (00f90846-cbd1-4fc5-9233-df5c2bf2a662) Attack Pattern 1
Daserf - S0187 (b6b3dfc7-9a81-43ff-ac04-698bad48973a) Malware Daserf (70f6c71f-bc0c-4889-86e3-ef04e5b8415b) Malpedia 1
Daserf - S0187 (b6b3dfc7-9a81-43ff-ac04-698bad48973a) Malware Ingress Tool Transfer - T1105 (e6919abc-99f9-4c6c-95a5-14761e7b2add) Attack Pattern 1
Code Signing - T1553.002 (32901740-b42c-4fdd-bc02-345b5dc57082) Attack Pattern Daserf - S0187 (b6b3dfc7-9a81-43ff-ac04-698bad48973a) Malware 1
Obfuscated Files or Information - T1027 (b3d682b6-98f2-4fb0-aa3b-b4df007ca70a) Attack Pattern Daserf - S0187 (b6b3dfc7-9a81-43ff-ac04-698bad48973a) Malware 1
Daserf - S0187 (b6b3dfc7-9a81-43ff-ac04-698bad48973a) Malware Software Packing - T1027.002 (deb98323-e13f-4b0c-8d94-175379069062) Attack Pattern 1
Daserf - S0187 (b6b3dfc7-9a81-43ff-ac04-698bad48973a) Malware Steganography - T1001.002 (eec23884-3fa1-4d8a-ac50-6f104d51e235) Attack Pattern 1
Screen Capture - T1113 (0259baeb-9f63-4c69-bf10-eb038c390688) Attack Pattern Daserf - S0187 (b6b3dfc7-9a81-43ff-ac04-698bad48973a) Malware 1
Symmetric Cryptography - T1573.001 (24bfaeba-cb0d-4525-b3dc-507c77ecec41) Attack Pattern Daserf - S0187 (b6b3dfc7-9a81-43ff-ac04-698bad48973a) Malware 1
LSASS Memory - T1003.001 (65f2d882-3f41-4d48-8a06-29af77ec9f90) Attack Pattern Daserf - S0187 (b6b3dfc7-9a81-43ff-ac04-698bad48973a) Malware 1
Daserf - S0187 (b6b3dfc7-9a81-43ff-ac04-698bad48973a) Malware Windows Command Shell - T1059.003 (d1fcf083-a721-4223-aedf-bf8960798d62) Attack Pattern 1
Daserf - S0187 (b6b3dfc7-9a81-43ff-ac04-698bad48973a) Malware Standard Encoding - T1132.001 (04fd5427-79c7-44ea-ae13-11b24778ff1c) Attack Pattern 1
Web Protocols - T1071.001 (df8b2a25-8bdf-4856-953c-a04372b1c161) Attack Pattern Application Layer Protocol - T1071 (355be19c-ffc9-46d5-8d50-d6a036c675b6) Attack Pattern 2
Obfuscated Files or Information - T1027 (b3d682b6-98f2-4fb0-aa3b-b4df007ca70a) Attack Pattern Indicator Removal from Tools - T1027.005 (b0533c6e-8fea-4788-874f-b799cacc4b92) Attack Pattern 2
Match Legitimate Name or Location - T1036.005 (1c4e5d32-1fe9-4116-9d9d-59e3925bd6a2) Attack Pattern Masquerading - T1036 (42e8de7b-37b2-4258-905a-6897815e58e0) Attack Pattern 2
Input Capture - T1056 (bb5a00de-e086-4859-a231-fa793f6797e2) Attack Pattern Keylogging - T1056.001 (09a60ea3-a8d1-4ae5-976e-5783248b72a4) Attack Pattern 2
Archive Collected Data - T1560 (53ac20cd-aca3-406e-9aa0-9fc7fdc60a5a) Attack Pattern Archive via Utility - T1560.001 (00f90846-cbd1-4fc5-9233-df5c2bf2a662) Attack Pattern 2
Code Signing - T1553.002 (32901740-b42c-4fdd-bc02-345b5dc57082) Attack Pattern Subvert Trust Controls - T1553 (b83e166d-13d7-4b52-8677-dff90c548fd7) Attack Pattern 2
Obfuscated Files or Information - T1027 (b3d682b6-98f2-4fb0-aa3b-b4df007ca70a) Attack Pattern Software Packing - T1027.002 (deb98323-e13f-4b0c-8d94-175379069062) Attack Pattern 2
Data Obfuscation - T1001 (ad255bfe-a9e6-4b52-a258-8d3462abe842) Attack Pattern Steganography - T1001.002 (eec23884-3fa1-4d8a-ac50-6f104d51e235) Attack Pattern 2
Symmetric Cryptography - T1573.001 (24bfaeba-cb0d-4525-b3dc-507c77ecec41) Attack Pattern Encrypted Channel - T1573 (b8902400-e6c5-4ba2-95aa-2d35b442b118) Attack Pattern 2
LSASS Memory - T1003.001 (65f2d882-3f41-4d48-8a06-29af77ec9f90) Attack Pattern OS Credential Dumping - T1003 (0a3ead4e-6d47-4ccb-854c-a6a4f9d96b22) Attack Pattern 2
Command and Scripting Interpreter - T1059 (7385dfaf-6886-4229-9ecd-6fd678040830) Attack Pattern Windows Command Shell - T1059.003 (d1fcf083-a721-4223-aedf-bf8960798d62) Attack Pattern 2
Data Encoding - T1132 (cc7b8c4e-9be0-47ca-b0bb-83915ec3ee2f) Attack Pattern Standard Encoding - T1132.001 (04fd5427-79c7-44ea-ae13-11b24778ff1c) Attack Pattern 2