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ABK - S0469 (a0ebedca-d558-4e48-8ff7-4bf76208d90c)

ABK is a downloader that has been used by BRONZE BUTLER since at least 2019.(Citation: Trend Micro Tick November 2019)

Cluster A Galaxy A Cluster B Galaxy B Level
ABK - S0469 (a0ebedca-d558-4e48-8ff7-4bf76208d90c) Malware Windows Command Shell - T1059.003 (d1fcf083-a721-4223-aedf-bf8960798d62) Attack Pattern 1
ABK - S0469 (a0ebedca-d558-4e48-8ff7-4bf76208d90c) Malware Process Injection - T1055 (43e7dc91-05b2-474c-b9ac-2ed4fe101f4d) Attack Pattern 1
ABK - S0469 (a0ebedca-d558-4e48-8ff7-4bf76208d90c) Malware Deobfuscate/Decode Files or Information - T1140 (3ccef7ae-cb5e-48f6-8302-897105fbf55c) Attack Pattern 1
ABK - S0469 (a0ebedca-d558-4e48-8ff7-4bf76208d90c) Malware Web Protocols - T1071.001 (df8b2a25-8bdf-4856-953c-a04372b1c161) Attack Pattern 1
ABK - S0469 (a0ebedca-d558-4e48-8ff7-4bf76208d90c) Malware Ingress Tool Transfer - T1105 (e6919abc-99f9-4c6c-95a5-14761e7b2add) Attack Pattern 1
ABK - S0469 (a0ebedca-d558-4e48-8ff7-4bf76208d90c) Malware Security Software Discovery - T1518.001 (cba37adb-d6fb-4610-b069-dd04c0643384) Attack Pattern 1
ABK - S0469 (a0ebedca-d558-4e48-8ff7-4bf76208d90c) Malware Steganography - T1027.003 (c2e147a9-d1a8-4074-811a-d8789202d916) Attack Pattern 1
Windows Command Shell - T1059.003 (d1fcf083-a721-4223-aedf-bf8960798d62) Attack Pattern Command and Scripting Interpreter - T1059 (7385dfaf-6886-4229-9ecd-6fd678040830) Attack Pattern 2
Application Layer Protocol - T1071 (355be19c-ffc9-46d5-8d50-d6a036c675b6) Attack Pattern Web Protocols - T1071.001 (df8b2a25-8bdf-4856-953c-a04372b1c161) Attack Pattern 2
Software Discovery - T1518 (e3b6daca-e963-4a69-aee6-ed4fd653ad58) Attack Pattern Security Software Discovery - T1518.001 (cba37adb-d6fb-4610-b069-dd04c0643384) Attack Pattern 2
Steganography - T1027.003 (c2e147a9-d1a8-4074-811a-d8789202d916) Attack Pattern Obfuscated Files or Information - T1027 (b3d682b6-98f2-4fb0-aa3b-b4df007ca70a) Attack Pattern 2