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Xbash - S0341 (6a92d80f-cc65-45f6-aa66-3cdea6786b3c)

Xbash is a malware family that has targeted Linux and Microsoft Windows servers. The malware has been tied to the Iron Group, a threat actor group known for previous ransomware attacks. Xbash was developed in Python and then converted into a self-contained Linux ELF executable by using PyInstaller.(Citation: Unit42 Xbash Sept 2018)

Cluster A Galaxy A Cluster B Galaxy B Level
Cron - T1053.003 (2acf44aa-542f-4366-b4eb-55ef5747759c) Attack Pattern Xbash - S0341 (6a92d80f-cc65-45f6-aa66-3cdea6786b3c) Malware 1
Exploitation for Client Execution - T1203 (be2dcee9-a7a7-4e38-afd6-21b31ecc3d63) Attack Pattern Xbash - S0341 (6a92d80f-cc65-45f6-aa66-3cdea6786b3c) Malware 1
Web Protocols - T1071.001 (df8b2a25-8bdf-4856-953c-a04372b1c161) Attack Pattern Xbash - S0341 (6a92d80f-cc65-45f6-aa66-3cdea6786b3c) Malware 1
Dead Drop Resolver - T1102.001 (f7827069-0bf2-4764-af4f-23fae0d181b7) Attack Pattern Xbash - S0341 (6a92d80f-cc65-45f6-aa66-3cdea6786b3c) Malware 1
JavaScript - T1059.007 (0f4a0c76-ab2d-4cb0-85d3-3f0efb8cba0d) Attack Pattern Xbash - S0341 (6a92d80f-cc65-45f6-aa66-3cdea6786b3c) Malware 1
Regsvr32 - T1218.010 (b97f1d35-4249-4486-a6b5-ee60ccf24fab) Attack Pattern Xbash - S0341 (6a92d80f-cc65-45f6-aa66-3cdea6786b3c) Malware 1
Mshta - T1218.005 (840a987a-99bd-4a80-a5c9-0cb2baa6cade) Attack Pattern Xbash - S0341 (6a92d80f-cc65-45f6-aa66-3cdea6786b3c) Malware 1
Visual Basic - T1059.005 (dfd7cc1d-e1d8-4394-a198-97c4cab8aa67) Attack Pattern Xbash - S0341 (6a92d80f-cc65-45f6-aa66-3cdea6786b3c) Malware 1
Xbash - S0341 (6a92d80f-cc65-45f6-aa66-3cdea6786b3c) Malware Ingress Tool Transfer - T1105 (e6919abc-99f9-4c6c-95a5-14761e7b2add) Attack Pattern 1
Registry Run Keys / Startup Folder - T1547.001 (9efb1ea7-c37b-4595-9640-b7680cd84279) Attack Pattern Xbash - S0341 (6a92d80f-cc65-45f6-aa66-3cdea6786b3c) Malware 1
PowerShell - T1059.001 (970a3432-3237-47ad-bcca-7d8cbb217736) Attack Pattern Xbash - S0341 (6a92d80f-cc65-45f6-aa66-3cdea6786b3c) Malware 1
Xbash - S0341 (6a92d80f-cc65-45f6-aa66-3cdea6786b3c) Malware Password Guessing - T1110.001 (09c4c11e-4fa1-4f8c-8dad-3cf8e69ad119) Attack Pattern 1
Data Encrypted for Impact - T1486 (b80d107d-fa0d-4b60-9684-b0433e8bdba0) Attack Pattern Xbash - S0341 (6a92d80f-cc65-45f6-aa66-3cdea6786b3c) Malware 1
System Network Configuration Discovery - T1016 (707399d6-ab3e-4963-9315-d9d3818cd6a0) Attack Pattern Xbash - S0341 (6a92d80f-cc65-45f6-aa66-3cdea6786b3c) Malware 1
Network Service Discovery - T1046 (e3a12395-188d-4051-9a16-ea8e14d07b88) Attack Pattern Xbash - S0341 (6a92d80f-cc65-45f6-aa66-3cdea6786b3c) Malware 1
Xbash - S0341 (6a92d80f-cc65-45f6-aa66-3cdea6786b3c) Malware Data Destruction - T1485 (d45a3d09-b3cf-48f4-9f0f-f521ee5cb05c) Attack Pattern 1
Cron - T1053.003 (2acf44aa-542f-4366-b4eb-55ef5747759c) Attack Pattern Scheduled Task/Job - T1053 (35dd844a-b219-4e2b-a6bb-efa9a75995a9) Attack Pattern 2
Web Protocols - T1071.001 (df8b2a25-8bdf-4856-953c-a04372b1c161) Attack Pattern Application Layer Protocol - T1071 (355be19c-ffc9-46d5-8d50-d6a036c675b6) Attack Pattern 2
Web Service - T1102 (830c9528-df21-472c-8c14-a036bf17d665) Attack Pattern Dead Drop Resolver - T1102.001 (f7827069-0bf2-4764-af4f-23fae0d181b7) Attack Pattern 2
Command and Scripting Interpreter - T1059 (7385dfaf-6886-4229-9ecd-6fd678040830) Attack Pattern JavaScript - T1059.007 (0f4a0c76-ab2d-4cb0-85d3-3f0efb8cba0d) Attack Pattern 2
System Binary Proxy Execution - T1218 (457c7820-d331-465a-915e-42f85500ccc4) Attack Pattern Regsvr32 - T1218.010 (b97f1d35-4249-4486-a6b5-ee60ccf24fab) Attack Pattern 2
System Binary Proxy Execution - T1218 (457c7820-d331-465a-915e-42f85500ccc4) Attack Pattern Mshta - T1218.005 (840a987a-99bd-4a80-a5c9-0cb2baa6cade) Attack Pattern 2
Command and Scripting Interpreter - T1059 (7385dfaf-6886-4229-9ecd-6fd678040830) Attack Pattern Visual Basic - T1059.005 (dfd7cc1d-e1d8-4394-a198-97c4cab8aa67) Attack Pattern 2
Registry Run Keys / Startup Folder - T1547.001 (9efb1ea7-c37b-4595-9640-b7680cd84279) Attack Pattern Boot or Logon Autostart Execution - T1547 (1ecb2399-e8ba-4f6b-8ba7-5c27d49405cf) Attack Pattern 2
Command and Scripting Interpreter - T1059 (7385dfaf-6886-4229-9ecd-6fd678040830) Attack Pattern PowerShell - T1059.001 (970a3432-3237-47ad-bcca-7d8cbb217736) Attack Pattern 2
Brute Force - T1110 (a93494bb-4b80-4ea1-8695-3236a49916fd) Attack Pattern Password Guessing - T1110.001 (09c4c11e-4fa1-4f8c-8dad-3cf8e69ad119) Attack Pattern 2