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Lucifer - S0532 (54a73038-1937-4d71-a253-316e76d5413c)

Lucifer is a crypto miner and DDoS hybrid malware that leverages well-known exploits to spread laterally on Windows platforms.(Citation: Unit 42 Lucifer June 2020)

Cluster A Galaxy A Cluster B Galaxy B Level
Lucifer - S0532 (54a73038-1937-4d71-a253-316e76d5413c) Malware System Network Connections Discovery - T1049 (7e150503-88e7-4861-866b-ff1ac82c4475) Attack Pattern 1
Lucifer - S0532 (54a73038-1937-4d71-a253-316e76d5413c) Malware Ingress Tool Transfer - T1105 (e6919abc-99f9-4c6c-95a5-14761e7b2add) Attack Pattern 1
Application Layer Protocol - T1071 (355be19c-ffc9-46d5-8d50-d6a036c675b6) Attack Pattern Lucifer - S0532 (54a73038-1937-4d71-a253-316e76d5413c) Malware 1
Lucifer - S0532 (54a73038-1937-4d71-a253-316e76d5413c) Malware Windows Command Shell - T1059.003 (d1fcf083-a721-4223-aedf-bf8960798d62) Attack Pattern 1
Lucifer - S0532 (54a73038-1937-4d71-a253-316e76d5413c) Malware Clear Windows Event Logs - T1070.001 (6495ae23-3ab4-43c5-a94f-5638a2c31fd2) Attack Pattern 1
Deobfuscate/Decode Files or Information - T1140 (3ccef7ae-cb5e-48f6-8302-897105fbf55c) Attack Pattern Lucifer - S0532 (54a73038-1937-4d71-a253-316e76d5413c) Malware 1
SMB/Windows Admin Shares - T1021.002 (4f9ca633-15c5-463c-9724-bdcd54fde541) Attack Pattern Lucifer - S0532 (54a73038-1937-4d71-a253-316e76d5413c) Malware 1
Software Packing - T1027.002 (deb98323-e13f-4b0c-8d94-175379069062) Attack Pattern Lucifer - S0532 (54a73038-1937-4d71-a253-316e76d5413c) Malware 1
Query Registry - T1012 (c32f7008-9fea-41f7-8366-5eb9b74bd896) Attack Pattern Lucifer - S0532 (54a73038-1937-4d71-a253-316e76d5413c) Malware 1
Process Discovery - T1057 (8f4a33ec-8b1f-4b80-a2f6-642b2e479580) Attack Pattern Lucifer - S0532 (54a73038-1937-4d71-a253-316e76d5413c) Malware 1
Lucifer - S0532 (54a73038-1937-4d71-a253-316e76d5413c) Malware System Owner/User Discovery - T1033 (03d7999c-1f4c-42cc-8373-e7690d318104) Attack Pattern 1
Lucifer - S0532 (54a73038-1937-4d71-a253-316e76d5413c) Malware Registry Run Keys / Startup Folder - T1547.001 (9efb1ea7-c37b-4595-9640-b7680cd84279) Attack Pattern 1
Lucifer - S0532 (54a73038-1937-4d71-a253-316e76d5413c) Malware Exploitation of Remote Services - T1210 (9db0cf3a-a3c9-4012-8268-123b9db6fd82) Attack Pattern 1
System Information Discovery - T1082 (354a7f88-63fb-41b5-a801-ce3b377b36f1) Attack Pattern Lucifer - S0532 (54a73038-1937-4d71-a253-316e76d5413c) Malware 1
System Network Configuration Discovery - T1016 (707399d6-ab3e-4963-9315-d9d3818cd6a0) Attack Pattern Lucifer - S0532 (54a73038-1937-4d71-a253-316e76d5413c) Malware 1
Lucifer - S0532 (54a73038-1937-4d71-a253-316e76d5413c) Malware Scheduled Task - T1053.005 (005a06c6-14bf-4118-afa0-ebcd8aebb0c9) Attack Pattern 1
Network Service Discovery - T1046 (e3a12395-188d-4051-9a16-ea8e14d07b88) Attack Pattern Lucifer - S0532 (54a73038-1937-4d71-a253-316e76d5413c) Malware 1
Resource Hijacking - T1496 (cd25c1b4-935c-4f0e-ba8d-552f28bc4783) Attack Pattern Lucifer - S0532 (54a73038-1937-4d71-a253-316e76d5413c) Malware 1
Lucifer - S0532 (54a73038-1937-4d71-a253-316e76d5413c) Malware Windows Management Instrumentation - T1047 (01a5a209-b94c-450b-b7f9-946497d91055) Attack Pattern 1
Network Denial of Service - T1498 (d74c4a7e-ffbf-432f-9365-7ebf1f787cab) Attack Pattern Lucifer - S0532 (54a73038-1937-4d71-a253-316e76d5413c) Malware 1
Lucifer - S0532 (54a73038-1937-4d71-a253-316e76d5413c) Malware Symmetric Cryptography - T1573.001 (24bfaeba-cb0d-4525-b3dc-507c77ecec41) Attack Pattern 1
Password Guessing - T1110.001 (09c4c11e-4fa1-4f8c-8dad-3cf8e69ad119) Attack Pattern Lucifer - S0532 (54a73038-1937-4d71-a253-316e76d5413c) Malware 1
Lateral Tool Transfer - T1570 (bf90d72c-c00b-45e3-b3aa-68560560d4c5) Attack Pattern Lucifer - S0532 (54a73038-1937-4d71-a253-316e76d5413c) Malware 1
Lucifer - S0532 (54a73038-1937-4d71-a253-316e76d5413c) Malware System Checks - T1497.001 (29be378d-262d-4e99-b00d-852d573628e6) Attack Pattern 1
Windows Command Shell - T1059.003 (d1fcf083-a721-4223-aedf-bf8960798d62) Attack Pattern Command and Scripting Interpreter - T1059 (7385dfaf-6886-4229-9ecd-6fd678040830) Attack Pattern 2
Indicator Removal - T1070 (799ace7f-e227-4411-baa0-8868704f2a69) Attack Pattern Clear Windows Event Logs - T1070.001 (6495ae23-3ab4-43c5-a94f-5638a2c31fd2) Attack Pattern 2
SMB/Windows Admin Shares - T1021.002 (4f9ca633-15c5-463c-9724-bdcd54fde541) Attack Pattern Remote Services - T1021 (54a649ff-439a-41a4-9856-8d144a2551ba) Attack Pattern 2
Obfuscated Files or Information - T1027 (b3d682b6-98f2-4fb0-aa3b-b4df007ca70a) Attack Pattern Software Packing - T1027.002 (deb98323-e13f-4b0c-8d94-175379069062) Attack Pattern 2
Registry Run Keys / Startup Folder - T1547.001 (9efb1ea7-c37b-4595-9640-b7680cd84279) Attack Pattern Boot or Logon Autostart Execution - T1547 (1ecb2399-e8ba-4f6b-8ba7-5c27d49405cf) Attack Pattern 2
Scheduled Task/Job - T1053 (35dd844a-b219-4e2b-a6bb-efa9a75995a9) Attack Pattern Scheduled Task - T1053.005 (005a06c6-14bf-4118-afa0-ebcd8aebb0c9) Attack Pattern 2
Encrypted Channel - T1573 (b8902400-e6c5-4ba2-95aa-2d35b442b118) Attack Pattern Symmetric Cryptography - T1573.001 (24bfaeba-cb0d-4525-b3dc-507c77ecec41) Attack Pattern 2
Password Guessing - T1110.001 (09c4c11e-4fa1-4f8c-8dad-3cf8e69ad119) Attack Pattern Brute Force - T1110 (a93494bb-4b80-4ea1-8695-3236a49916fd) Attack Pattern 2
Virtualization/Sandbox Evasion - T1497 (82caa33e-d11a-433a-94ea-9b5a5fbef81d) Attack Pattern System Checks - T1497.001 (29be378d-262d-4e99-b00d-852d573628e6) Attack Pattern 2